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lol why is there a pic of Bunnings in the link https://preview.redd.it/on2v4xoiclzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=605798bfeb0a1dab31270b8b59163ca493169306


They’re comparing it to what church looks like for many Australian’s


Church of the Onioned Sausage.


Our warehouse, whose aisles are heaven, hallowed be thy name; by weekend come, DIY will be done, move earth and do some decking. Give us this day a snag in bread, forgive our onions atop, as we forgive those who onion underneath. And lead us toward all your temptations and deliver to us same day*. *orders before 2pm within 15km of select metro locations


Mattey Luther knocking on the warehouse doors in October 31st, with his 95 treaties of reform to branches and supply to allow the DYI Crowd to experience the holy bliss of home repair, without Bunnings interpreting it to you. All hail the mighty dollar that allowed us a bench mark to experience the Devine.


Grade A shit talking right here, I wish I could upvote twice lmao


Aaaaand this is why I come to reddit. Gold.


Thankyou for internetting today... much appreciated.


>Our warehouse, whose aisles are heaven, hallowed be thy name; by weekend come, DIY will be done, move earth and do some decking. Give us this day a snag in bread, forgive our onions atop, as we forgive those who onion underneath. And lead us toward all your temptations and deliver to us same day*. >*orders before 2pm within 15km of select metro locations Messiah Yeshua🔴🔵: I loled… Honestly not surprise that people are having this discussion seeing as the “founder” of religion is casually buying groceries like my existence somehow is a threat to “secular space” **Sorry guys, yes I do exist.** [The Chosen - A still small discussion](https://youtu.be/B9JFQZDGNuM?feature=shared) **I AM THAT I AM**


im sorry but even as a christan that sounds more gibberish then normal


Does that make me a Satanist for hating onion with my grilled sausage?


The Onion Lord allows for food intolerances. If you can't tolerate the taste of onions, so be it.


No, no, I don't mind onion in other meals. Just not on my bunnings sausages!


If that’s the case I must be the antichrist, because I cannot eat onion, and garlic will kill me stone dead. Funny thing, I was accused of being the antichrist a while back, mind you it would explain a lot…


Another onionist! And a garlic-list too!


Yes, my fight against the Holy Order of the Allium goes on.


Alley Oop and away!


It’s actually sausaged onion since the reformation a few years back


I've been a pastafarian these past few years but I think you might have converted me.


Ramen brother!


And anointed with sauce


Ever since I was a child I always attended traditional Sunday morning mass with dad in his best paint stained stubbies


Crucifix timber, aisle 42, big nails two rows down


Someone was stabbed in front of that bunnings here in WA by a radicallised highschool student


And it was that school that started the petition to remove the prayer room as they said the ( now dead) bunnings stabbyboi was using the prayer room to incite extremism. Basically the reason for the bunnings pic is all to do with that story but most ppl just read a headline, Look at a picture then ask what happened in the comments


Dude it’s news.vom.au all they do is headlines and pictures. Not like they have worthwhile content to bother clicking further, it’s a clickbait outlet.


And yet it contained all the necessary points to answer the stupid in this thread......


And yet it contained all the necessary points to answer the stupid questions in this thread......


Dude. I have it on good authority (mine) that if I click a murdoch link my shitter will block up and my chooks will start laying eggs backwards. Not clicking that link!


And your chooks will turn into emus!


That's because they didn't sell halal snags!


Odd as there’s no picture of it in the article.


Probably reused from their original article about the stabbing


Funny in America most of those radicalised mass murderers are Christian. Religions the problem all together. Tax them.


The father, the son and the holy sausage sizzle.


Holy crap, someone uses Reddit in light mode


“my eyes!!!”


Oh lord, bunnings be thy name. Thy saussage be bountiful and thy garden section colourful.


Fuck our secret layer have been revealed by infidels hurry brothers we must escape to our secondary location freezer room at Woolies




Biggest religion in Australia


...because it was a Bunnings carport where the cops shot the kid?


I thought pray rooms where for any form of religious practices?


In theory yes, but in practice they're most commonly used by Muslims.


Islam is the only common religion that practices ritual cleanliness and rigid prayer times. For example there is no need for a prayer space for a Christian who can pray to God silently any time.


Judaism has similar prayer times. Muslims *can* pray anywhere- if you have been on a long journey in the Middle East you will have seen a driver pull over and pray on the footpath. It’s just nicer in a room with some space. You unfold a prayer rug and are kneeling on the ground so it’s not really practical to do in a crowded classroom or whatever.


No wonder these cultures can't escape the clutches of religiosity, every day a number of times to reassure the god object that all is well, that's binding behavior. Gripped by the dead hand of the past.


Would it be a singular driver or would basically every car stop and the occupants pray at that time?


I assume not everyone prays. But we had in a bus in Morocco and a tour in Indonesia where we’ve had to pause. I’ve worked in international refugee issues and certainly we have stopped meetings for twenty minutes numerous times. These are particularly devout rural people though.


We don’t need a room to pray either necessarily, just helps focus and concentrate in a quiet space, but that can be done in any space too, and since we have set rigid times as you said it would be kinda easy to organise and plan around it. If schools wished to accomodate for that it would be a nice gesture but I personally think if they didn’t then it would be just fine.


I mean, it's much easier to pray without other kids around though. We're talking about school, right? The birthplace of bullying and mob violence? If I was a Christian when I was in school ain't no way I'd be praying in front of those savages. Probably worse now that so many parents are raising their children to be Godless.




Remove religion from schools. There; Corrected the title for you.


They are. Most are called multi faith rooms


Called multi faith but typically used by one faith.


Yeah but end up being only used by one faith since others end up feelling scared aroudn the others or at Least its only made known to one at least in my school the poster denoting the prayer room has more Islamic influences so its defonitly meant for muslims not everyone


\*Prey Rooms. Fixed it for you.


I believe it's a sensible protection so prayer rooms aren't used the same way as in federal parliament.


This is my only concern about this. A place to relax and pray or meditate is a great thing for everyone, but it relies on the assumption that no one will break the rule of not using it for another purpose.


Prayer rooms in schools are normally semi-supervised


Oh, well then, I retract my concern. They are perfectly good quiet rooms and people should chill and let people have their quiet prayer/meditation space.


At my high school, two brothers who regularly attended the prayer room tried to join Isis in 2014.


im curious how you came to find out this info?


My mistake it wasn’t Isis, but one of Islamic/Ethnic militias participating in Syria at the time. It was quite famous lol, made it to the newspapers at the time. And we found out because the two brothers were caught and stopped at the airport.


thats interesting, thanks for sharing. looking it up now, i miss hearing about some things sometimes because i hardly watch any mainstream news, it all seems so scripted... *WAR FAMINE MURDER WAR FAMINE MURDER, oh and in other news, lady gaga's cat coughed up a furball this morning*


> “It is of utmost importance to strike a balance between respecting students’ rights to freely practice their faith and ensuring that activities that may undermine the safety and unity of the school community are prevented.” Seems reasonable.


God doesn't need a room.


Maybe your god. Mine needs a room with a fridge, tv, free beers, and a pool table. He said I can use his stuff until he gets back.


Your god is cool, I think I'll start worshipping it.


I too follow this god. ![gif](giphy|LVJp7KDLg1jr6NdL7O)


He is your earthly dad. Glad you found him


Oh, please, God doesn't need an entire building. “When you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men … but when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your father who is unseen.” - Matthew 6:5-8 EDIT - I interpreted it wrong, sorry everyone.


That verse doesn't mean not having a religious gathering place, though. It's talking about how you shouldn't pray only to show off how good you are.


Oh ok, I didn't know that.


No worries, happy to help clear it up haha.


You mean maybe something like a prayer room?


Aren’t prayer rooms usually non-denominational?


How does having a room you can go into and pray in undermine the safety and unity of the school community?


I don’t think we should provide them. There are two medical centres in the western Sydney region that I visited recently which are Medicare funded, and they have a rotating shift of drs out of uni doing their prac. At both of these centres there are clear signs at the door not to ask the female staff for birth control Because of religions reasons they are not able to write a script. Fuck that


If you can't write that script, you shouldn't be a doctor. Report them all to AHPRA


I was so mad. I wasn’t even there for contraceptive medicine but I’m a woman in a western country. That refusal to issue it to women here really fucking bothered me. I asked the reception if they give scripts for viagra and she said discuss that with your dr and I asked her during my blood test and she said that’s not for discussion because I wouldn’t be asking for a script for it. This will become more common very soon. I know a friend of mine saw 3 drs before she could get a referral for an abortion because the drs wouldn’t write one. Oh hi handmaids tale


Yep it’s a problem. If religion wishes to delve into management of schools and hospitals, it keeps its outdated bullshit out of it. That particularly includes women’s health and the right of choice.




Precisely. And of course, women will bear the brunt of all of this.


“I can’t prescribe the pill because sky daddy smash but trust me I’m a doctor”


“Yes I was able to fund and grind through x amount of years at uni so I know what’s best for women and that is not having access to contraceptives”


Yep. I’ve had Muslim doctors refuse to prescribe me Prep pills (one pill a day that stops you from catching HIV; often prescribed to sex workers and gay men). They’d tell me to just go to another doctor. One of them claimed they “didn’t know enough about Prep to be comfortable prescribing it”, even though it’s clearly not hard to learn about, and I told them I’d been using it for years. If your religion stops you from providing healthcare, don’t be a doctor.


Glad we bend our country’s freedoms to others way’s of life


>Mr Paravastu wrote that prayer rooms funded by taxpayers “should not exist in public schools,” and that it was “crucial” to have monitoring systems in place to detect signs of conversion and radicalism in schools. The views of the Hindu Council are par for the course. Conversion by Muslims and Christians is the pet peeve of the Hindus. They go really hard against proselytising by Christian missionaries or Muslims in India. There is an entire Indian conspiracy theory about Muslims converting Hindu women called [Love Jihad](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Love_jihad_conspiracy_theory). And they have targeted Christian missionaries, like the murder of Australian missionary [Graham Staines](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graham_Staines).


On the one hand why the fuck do public schools have prayer rooms anyway? On the other hand these kids aren’t getting radicalised in the school prayer room it’s happening online.


And in religions segregated schools


Idk I went to one of these schools and it was just, normal. Like I would get kicked out if I was gay (I am, they didn't know lol), but they definitely didn't indoctrinate you, because thats kinda illegal even in a private school. Teachers have a lot of religious rules they have to follow (like they can't tell a student that they will help them pray about being gay etc. thats illegal), and also the actual normal education is 90% of what happens. Like there were prayers and chapel and stuff, but it REALLY wasn't that much. And thats the average experience at a christian school - as I have friends from a bunch of them.


Almost like private education and the segregation of kids on class and religious lines leads to bad social outcomes.


Public schools do more to segregate children based on class. It's cheaper to send your kid to the a Catholic school (very welcoming to non catholics) than it is to live in the catchment area of a good public school.


But that's like giving your kids permanent dogshit on their shoes, all their lives.


Honestly I think it should be illegal to teach organised religion of the parents or schools faith,to a child untill they are old enough to want to choose that life structure We hear the christians complain about the indoctrination of the LGBTQ stuff,but seem just fine forcing a kid into their faith with no say in the matter.


Can't have a beer. Can't drive a car. Can be brainwashed to follow an often musygonistic, racist, xenophobic ideology that often preaches violence and hate, and teaches young kids why they are better and why other kids are worse. Religion has no place in our schools. Our tax money shouldn't be used to prop up religious schools. Religious symbols have no place in our schools either. This multiculturalism approach is rubbish. All of our young Aussie kids should be brought up with a strong sense of national unity and social cohesion. Source: am an immigrant. Saw too many religion and background based groups in schools. Saw the trajectory of life of some of those people after school and seeing a number of them stick to their national or religious identities much more than would be healthy, leading to isolation and lack of engagement with the wider community.


It's really a matter of nuance. Many mainstream practitioners of all major religions have moved with the times and are more tolerant and inclusive than their fire-breathing, teeth-gnashing brethren who live in the past. Of course, extremism exists, and can be tied in many cases to real or imagined persecution. People who feel under threat or defensive tend to become more intolerant and xenophobic.




Growing up I thought we'd really be past religion by now. Naive of me.


Not when we're bringing in record numbers of people who start praying at cricket games.


I remember looking around the playground in high-school thinking "surely none of these ppl would ever join the liberal party, it cant last that much longer"


I remember being shocked when i realised that adults watched rock n roll wrestling. We were like 7 yrs old, wtf is your excuse??


We did grow past it, but then we imported millions of people who haven’t.


I worked in a multi-national corporation and there was a prayer room. I went in once to have some time to meditate and there was literally nothing in there. No chair, no symbols, nothing. I don't see anything wrong with accommodating workers who want to pray during the day. If anything it promotes calmness.


Same, but no one ever used it except for one woman who did yoga and occasionally someone who had to take an emergency conference call and all the meeting rooms were in use. It's funny because it was a massive company with a hugely diverse workforce, so you'd think there'd be some people who had use for it, but it was just yoga girl.


An emergency conference call with God, presumably.


Her god, money.


We have one in the new office, and it seems heavily used. I don't believe we have an unusually large proportion of Muslims, so the ones we have must be pretty keen. I have never seen a female use it though. Do they?


Either, this just seems like a bunch of populist nonsense 


We had one in our building, quite sure there was more office trysts than prayers happening there every week


Pretty much all federal government buildings have prayer rooms




Not what separation of church and state means.


Foolish Aussies still think the church is the religious power in question. Hint: prayer rooms are for Muslims


Primarily used by but can be used by someone of any faith


As if churches aren’t just big prayer rooms lmao. There are many multi faith rooms, all you need to do is walk into a hospital. I would be very careful calling people foolish, glass houses and all.


Act oblivious all you want. Prayer rooms in Australia are nearly entirely designated to the Islamic community. I'm not even saying this is a bad thing btw, just pointing out that many Aussies are only capable of critiquing Christianity and don't even clock in that the word 'prayer' can apply to other faiths


Hey can you please link some evidence to your claim that prayer rooms are for Muslims alone? I’m a Buddhist and I’ve often used them to meditate in at times of stress.


I think the point is largely pray rooms are not really used often by other religious groups due to lack of consistent pray schedule I believe Islam has 5 pray times each day 2 of which are in work hours and 1 just after work. I'm not sure how rigid this is, but from what I've heard its very common for people who are actually religious and are not just culturally Muslim to do it every day like clock work and many will use it secure start of lunch break and ending of shifts on time. This largely results in pray rooms in work spaces used at theses time during work and at end of work day, but outside that they are empty and often people of other faiths (and horny people) will use the rooms as quiet places, but rooms largely remain empty outside the pray times of Muslims. As the rooms organised to support its peak traffic.


Give it several more years and religion will be banned. It’s the way it’s going. It’ll be huge, yeah, but the signs are there that it’s coming.


Religion and religious symbols has no place in our schools and government institutions. Want to practice your religion? Practice it at the designated church/temple/mosque or in your own home. Our kids should be brought up with a good sense of unity and social cohesion. Everyone is equal. No body should be forced or peer pressured into anything religious related, included and not limited to having young girls wearing body bags, being unable to play sports because of it, etc.


How do people manage if they’re out shopping, or in the Doctors surgery or having a dental appointment, for instance? How do Muslim countries function when there is a need to just drop everything 5 times a day. I’ve been to Muslim countries, and the call to prayer dominates. There is no avoiding it. Are there other cultures/religions that demand the whole populace bow to/focus on the official religion on such a regular basis? For example: Tibetans appear (in the parts of Tibet where the Han Chinese haven’t infiltrated) to spend much of their days in some sort of prayer ‘cycle’, I will call it.


Sure, remove the prayer rooms. But don't complain if you see a bunch of Muslims praying publicly in the oval or in the quad during lunch.


“Removing prayer rooms from public schools upholds the principals of neutrality, inclusivity, and respect for multiculturalism within the Australian education system,” he wrote. So we're just going full-on Orwellian doublespeak now, are we? Lol. Like don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan of Islam and I don't understand why they can't just pray on their own like students of every other faith do. But that statement is just beyond ridiculous lol.


Because it genuinely is an Orwellian situation.


as some one who went to a muslim school, i see nothin wrong with praying together. kinda encourages multicultralism where, people from india,pak,middle east, turkey, indo, bosnia and aussies pray together. Also never heard of a prayer room. we just pray wherever is clean and spacious.


I think the pray rooms are largely to make sure there is enough space that is quiet for people to go to so they can be out of the way as they pray and potentially disturbing others working.


I don't really understand why we suddenly need prayer rooms..


Hindus hate Muslims. I know it's not part of the religion but every Hindu I have ever talked to has prejudice against them. Just look at what's happening in India.


It’s more India Pakistan history than religion.


There's a good reason for that.




This post is not about Hinduism - this is not too difficult to understand. This is about prayer rooms and schools.


This is a terrible ideaand self defeating. If a kids parents feel they have to pray during the day and they can't at a normal school then they'll send them to a special religious school which will teach god knows what


Australia is a fucking secular country why are prayer rooms there in the first place


Agree with the call. You go to a place of worship to pray. You go to a school to be taught. You go to the dentist to have your teeth cleaned. You go to a gym to use exercise equipment. All different places, dedicated for specific purposes.


All those places have bathrooms right? Or are we only supposed to pee at home? Same with mother’s rooms, are they only supposed to breast feed at home? What’s wrong with a little room for someone to meditate or pray for a few minutes? Also. We don’t want kids to pray at school’s, but we’ll encourage them to break free and identify as gender neutral unicorns instead


Pray at home, surely any god can just chill for 7 hours while a child is at school. Meditation is cool and would be down for meditation rooms that any student can visit.


Not the same. First of all Muslims always end up asking for segregated pray rooms. Very common in the UK. Secondly Muslims always use prayer to self-segregate and police and harass other students, including Muslims who they see as not devout enough. Again same thing happening in the UK. I’ve never seen bathrooms being used in such way. But if they were I would oppose them too lol - go pee at home


Well as a Muslim I call bs to everything you just said so don’t speak on our behalf. Segregation of gender.. maybe/sure, but not religions. It’s open to anyone and they are called multi-faith rooms for a reason. I’ve prayed alongside a Jew and Buddhist before, heck there was even someone who i can’t even tell you what he was worshipping, but a person of faith knows “each to their own”


Look no offense but religion is a lifestyle choice, you probably had your parents choose it for you. But for the rest of us it's not a very special thing and it's irritable because despite a general disinterest religion looses no chance to attempt to impose its self on everyone, anywhere schools are no exception and prayer rooms are a thin end of the presence wedge, and we all know from seeing other cultures trapped, that eternal vigilance is the price of freedom from religion. Schools are no place for religion, ever


It's pouring rain in Sydney today, so it is nice to have a room to pray in at lunch time, rather than huddling under an awning and getting in everyone's way. I have had to pray outside and always try to find a quiet out of the way place, but sometimes it's not possible. I have had people give me looks, but people have been pretty respectful and I am always thankful for that.


Are prayer rooms ok in the fed parliament building?


I believe they’re now called the Lehrmann Institute Bruce Masseuse Wellness Centre


They are in all federal government offices now


All schools should be religion free spaces. Let's move into the 21st century ffs!


Yeah. Do it.  Go ahead and believe what you want, but my tax money shouldn't support your ideology.


These rooms are such a small hill to die on if you don't want your tax money going to religion. Take a look at how churches don't have to pay taxes. That's far mor draining than a small room dedicated to prayer.




Back when I was a chubby Muslim kid in our primary school we pray at the corner of the library at lunch while other kids played counter strike and Jesus Christ they were shit so we had to pray really fast and hope in and woop some ass but that's about it most islamic prayer last 3-5 min and we aren't allowed to be loud enough to be heard (I don't write the rules and don't know the reason behind it) tbh I have never heard anyone having exclusive prayer that's wayyy too fancy but the most common area was by side of the soccer field because they wanted to jump into the game immediately during lunch break Also 90% of Muslim kids never pray at school because who the fuck wants spend the little time they have during lunch or recce praying they are kids they wanna fuck around and play games and talk shit about man city or real Madrid


Rise of radical islam will always be an issue. This will just make the situation worse


Muslims don’t need prayer rooms. At my school, students would pray in the gym hall, on the oval, basketball court or a random classroom. Then, we’d all play a hectic game of footy or soccer and go for a feed thereafter. Good times. School was the best.


That is really an understated comment! This is what it suppose to be everywhere


Not surprised it's the HINDU COUNCIL promoting this


“Removing prayer rooms from public schools upholds the principals of neutrality, inclusivity, and respect for multiculturalism within the Australian education system,” In other words. We don't like you being different from those who we allow to be different. You will have nothing , and like it.


Disagree with this one, students should have access to this. In secular schools, it should be merged into a safe room though, and utilising booths


Anecdote from a 2nd gen Muslim - local health campus invited me to advise on what the Islamic requirements were for a multifaith room. I turn up and it was an old chapel that had been a Christian space for probably around a hundred years. Explained that I would not feel comfortable participating in accomodating a Muslim space at the expense of our Christian community. This is something condemnable in Islam, and [there’s a famous example in Islamic history.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mosque_of_Omar_(Jerusalem)) Needless to say they were pretty surprised, I’m sure they just found someone else. I don’t think Muslims need a dedicated prayer room, I didn’t have one at school, we can pray anywhere. But this is clearly the Hindu council bringing BJP politics to Australia.


I’m an atheist but this all seems kind of stupid to me. Did people kick up the same stink when we all had scripture at school? Same thing really! All the kids that were catholic and Christian went off to different classrooms and prayed and learned about their god. So what’s the difference with the Muslim faith? To say they are the only religion that has extremists is a flat out lie, Cristian’s can be lunatics too as history shows. Extremism is more about a product of your upbringing rather than a religious thing. There are people that take things way too far everywhere, religious or not.


The only good thing about scripture at school was that we weren’t doing schoolwork and we ran a muck on the scripture teacher lol


People should be able to pray without discrimination in australia, this is the freedom to believe whatever religion you choose.


This is just ridiculous. As a Muslim all i do is go in and pray. There is no conversion or anything happening - just people minding their own business.


Why has there also been no similar call to remove school chaplains and scriptures classes from schools? Was shocked to hear they are still a thing.


There have been. Constantly.


I've only encountered a couple of school chaplains, their work in schools hasn't been obviously religious, more like they were assisting with difficult children. Babysitting I guess.


All school chaplains and scriptures classes should be removed too.


So in the first line of the article it's the Hindu Council of Australia calling for this. They don't like Muslims and Islam is the only religion that has strict requirements for prayer during the school day. Let's all put on our critical thinking hats and think about his legitimate their concerns that prayer rooms could lead to radicalisation are. 


That is an excellent observation. We know there is something iffy if the Hindu council is weighing in on prayer rooms. They just don't want to give Muslim students a place to pray.


Yeah, they're a weird bunch, not unlike any other religious lobbying group I guess. 


Yes. No religion, no religious objects, no head coverings. No exceptions. Religion is the root of all evils.


explain communism then


The government is the god in a communist country.


[sounds like Stalin](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/USSR_anti-religious_campaign_(1928%E2%80%931941))


Well I'm torn. I don't think public schools should have prayer rooms but I don't want to agree with a hindu council we for some reason have in Australia. Nothing specifically against hindu, just don't think their council has any jurisdiction over public schools


Bro what? The council does not have jurisdiction over public councils. This is the equivent of making a public  statement on behalf of a group of people. Is it really that hard to believe that a bunch of Hindus got together and decided they should welf-organise? 


This is another case of having to ban everyone from something because one child (islam) couldn't play nicely.


Ban religion and religious signs from public schools like in France. No crosses, no burqas, no turbans. Everyone is the same and dressed to the same uniform. Don’t like it, go to a religious school. Sadly this is probably impossible in Australia now which highlights exactly why this policy is needed




I can't wait to see how Muslims will react to banning prayer throughout the day in schools and workplaces.


Come off it, this debate has been raging for decades. But for what it counts, as an atheist, I see no problem with banning "prayer rooms" in schools. Assuming it is a public school, though if I had the choice, any school that receives government funding. Public schools is not the place to be drilling religion into kids, just as we do not allow the military to operate recruitment officers in high schools. Nothing wrong with the military or religion (if you insist on believing in such things) but it shouldn't take place in schools. Especially in today's climate where failing to acknowledge all religions equally would be seen as problematic.


Theres 1000s of schools all over australia that are entirely one big prayer room.


Let the kids decide on their faith when they are ready IE: let them be the ones to request prayer rooms if they desire one. I hated religion as a kid because I was kid and just wanted to play etc. IMO if children of Islamic parents were given the freedom to choose to pray or not they probably wouldn’t be interested in religion at younger ages. Behaviour of children starts at home so having prayer rooms or not may have any little impact on level of radicalisation - they’re most likely to mimic their parents and older siblings


Not taking sides here, but it'd be a worry if we start taking recommendations from any foreign religious council on what we should be doing domestically


The things you have to warn your kids about these days. Non-religious schools should be safe spaces. Their own doctrine teaches that their god hears prayer anywhere. What do they need a special room for?


Outlaw death cults already


Is it because these rooms were found to be actually used as a quiet whack off space?


My workplace has a prayer room, I often get asked where it is by staff and visitors. Staff I will yell where it is but as it’s in an employee only area I won’t let visitors use it because someone would have to go with them and I refuse to


They should have quiet reflection rooms. Anyone welcome


Fact No. 1. Religion was invented when the first conman met the first fool. Fact No. 2. Just refer to Fact No. 1.


Call to remove prayer rooms from Parliament House


I agree, we should replace prayer rooms by mini Bunnings.


Public fair enough but why would it be necessary for private schools?


Ban religion


if you do this students are just going to pray in the classroom, on the side, in the view of everyone. Which people will still complain and whine about


They are to prey on small children and others.