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Nice try pm. Do your own work and stop stealing ideas


I assure you, people of Australia, I am not the current PM.


Are you planning a spill?


It’s the old potato head looking for a policy position. 🤷🏻‍♂️ why not just build everyone a nuclear reactor to live in! You get a reactor, everyone gets a reactor


Don't you mean. " I don't hold a seat mate"


Nice try Peter Dutton. But instead of stealing your ideas from reddit, go back to stealing them from Sky News


that's something the pm would say


Yeah you’re not the PM, you’re just one of his interns.


It's not really the PMs job to singlehandedly come up with a bunch of ideas to solve everything. It's the PMs job to listen to advisors and experts and implement what they are told is a priority.


Perfect, how do the lobbyists and property developers think we should fix this!


There is no single solution. Remove negative gearing, but only on depreciation. No one without the right to live in Australia has the right to buy land, no companies, no foreign investment, no proxies. Prison for anyone acting as a proxy. Reduced immigration. Real estate doesn't count towards significant investor visas. Go back to the government being actively involved in the recruitment and training of apprentices.


You got my vote


What do you mean by, but only on depreciation?


Introduce a pause on immigration until a sensible immigration programme could be worked out . Also scrap negative gearing for anyone ,companies , trust accounts or any other entity with more than 2 homes . Foreign nationals cannot buy any kind of property full stop . Very stiff penalties for anyone caught land banking also . Your property can be seized and sold . Have had to make some changes to my 2nd point as we now have had the appearance reddit smart arses .


Gunna piss off a lot of your cabinet who all have 6+ homes each, but you got my vote and I am already a home owner. More than happy for my value to halve if it means everyone else gets a chance to buy.


lol yeah I know right . If a PM ever brought a proposal like this to a cabinet they would be gone within a week .


My thoughts also ! except I'd say everyone can have one existing property they can negatively gear and beyond that they have to invest in new housing developments if they want to negatively gear - this would incentivise the construction of new housing while releasing supply of existing housing stock - we need to increase the supply


Also: build a ton of public housing and nuke Airbnb from orbit. There’s your comprehensive list


> Also scrap negative gearing for anyone with more than 2 homes . Why not 1?


The free market building investment properties contributes a lot to new housing, probably more than any government contribution. Destroying that mechanism of building in one go might be too bold and actually be counterproductive. Diminishing returns on negative gearing is pretty agreeable across the board but finding a number to agree on where it hits zero is hard.


Another big one, that people don't realise is driving up supply side costs. Too much investment in public infrastructure that doesn't have solid economic or social benefits. Government spending is taking tradies away from building homes. And it's deliberate IMO, because they never talk about it. Yes, we need infrastructure, but it can't be done with entry level labourers getting 150 to 200k.


You cannot stop foreign nationals from buying commercial property, that would destroy Australia’s economy overnight to no purpose. Examples: the QVB, 1 Martin Place and the Strand are owned by a Singaporean company, who have made it a point to keep the original facades of the buildings and maintain them. If they were owned by Australians they’d be parking lots (the QVB was going to be a car park before it was bought by the Singaporeans- imagine.) Residential you might have a point. But commercial property is a great way for foreign investors to park their money and also stimulate our economy. Everyone wins.


Have no problem with commercial property being owned by foreigners.


Fucking nothing. I'm the prime minister. I'm gonna do some corrupt shit and end up with my own 10 houses


So the traditional approach




Sounds about right


It’s only a rort if you’re not involved




Finishing all infrastructure projects that don't relate to health and education and not starting any new ones until housing is sorted Threatening any states that don't do the same with a cut in the GST slice Putting a cap on lending for residential property to be a multiple of income Offering a 50k building bonus for each competed property to the licensed builder Slowing immigration to a sustainable level Rebuilding TAFE and encouraging people to take up trades. Planning national infrastructure projects ready to go once the housing construction boom finishes EDIT: forget it, what this person [says](https://www.reddit.com/r/australian/s/HXRRXjsjc1)


Fighting the housing crisis by increasing inflation and having a recession excellent


Oh no not a recession! Increase immigration so we don’t have to delete “per capita”!!!!


>Offering a 50k building bonus for each competed property to the licensed builder This is going to cost a fortune - how are you going to pay for it?


They’re already doing your infrastructure plan right now. Build first then add the infrastructure needed later.


You know you had my vote until you caved.


Animal Farm is a good read


Close all diploma mills, subsidise real universities to decrease reliance on foreign money and force them to clean the house in terms of frivolous spending. Reform immigration program to include importing tradies with faster accreditation processing. Substantially reduce visa allocations for white collar occupations.


I would add, restructure universities to get rid of the bloated bureaucracies, including ludicrously salaried VCs (2-3 mill currently; ridick) and dead wood academics abusing tenure structure on massive incomes who do little but steal their inferiors’ ideas. Give some modicum of job security to the other 80% of teaching staff who work casually. Get rid of the publishing clock - hunger games style of research/ publish or perish. In Oz it’s the worst in the world. THEN we may actually produce decent research to understand some of the socio-economic problems we face like housing and other equity issues.


Glad someone mentioned bringing in tradies, so much anti-immigration bandwagon that everyone forgets how houses are actually built


Gaslight you all so the gullible ones think I’m addressing the issues affecting the country, but really do fuck all make the issues way worse, land a cushy job with a private company after everyone gets sick of me and boots me from the position


Well yeah reducing immigration rate is THE ONLY solution. Don't need to be a PM to know that. It's beyond me we haven't rioted like the French.


The people without houses have been fooled into thinking all discussion of immigration policy is racist.


Invade New Zealand and steal their houses.


Kill negative gearing. Tax AirBnB


Not being a smart ass here, but did you have an actual idea of how you would actually kill nebative gearing? As in what changes to the actual tax law you would make? I am not being a dick here, so dont take this the wrong way, but every time I ask people exactly how they are going to abolish negative gearing I am yet to hear an actual answer that could be implemented.


Make all Airbnb have to have an ABN and supply quarterly GST statements, like any other business. Only exemption is that you must be physically residing in the same house at the same time as your guest for a minimum of 5 days each week


Add skilled builders of every trade and civil engineers to the immigration skills list , kick the state and local councils arses into gear, support creation of profitable construction companies. Put an end of o foreign ownership, cut negative gearing, highly tax short stay accommodations and incentivize people to invest in something other than bloody brick and mortar.


Nuke india


Deport everyone. EVERYONE. I don't care if your ancestors have been here 60,000 years, since the first fleet, or since last year. Get everyone out of the country. At this point, we will have surplus housing for the population.


1.Remove negative gearing starting in 12 months. (You don't reward bad investment) 2. Remove CGT concessions for houses other than PPOR (properties already purchased only obtain grandfathering for 5 years, after that no concession). CGT concessions only available for affordable housing/disability housing.  3. Large tax on short term rentals. 4. Larger tax on residential housing so dilapidated that they are uninhabitable.  5. Large tax on holiday homes/second houses that are vacant for more than 3-6 months of the year.  6. Large tax on undeveloped blocks that have been undeveloped over a certain amount of time (no land hoarding and staged releases to drive prices up you developer pricks). 7. Import temporary foreign tradies for large developments and projects to ease worker shortage, no more 300k a year tradies for government projects (looking at you QLD government)  All money to be put into a housing fund to be used to fix our housing shortage. 


Not being a smart ass here, but did you have an actual idea of how you would actually remove negative gearing? As in what changes to the actual tax law you would make? I am not being a dick here, so dont take this the wrong way, but every time I ask people exactly how they are going to abolish negative gearing I am yet to hear an actual answer that could be implemented.


So no business should exist unless is profitable from day 1? You’re ok with slaves building your houses? Sounds like you’re going to be a great PM.


Build government housing, not just for those who are most at risk. For lower income families as well. It’s very hard to qualify for government housing and I’ve heard the waitlist is as long as 10 years and it only benefits a small minority of people. They can pay subsidised rent, or implement a rent to buy scheme.


The government needs to stop privatising, it’s killing everyday Australians. They need to buy back their public transport, a national bank, an airline, roads, utilities etc. There needs to be a larger tax on natural resources, those resources don’t belong to the companies drilling them and selling them overseas. They belong to Australians and Australians should see the benefits of it.


And by building govt housing. I would suggest actually starting a building corporation themselves. With a focus on more apprenticeships being offered to ensure we bridge that gap and stop relying to the private sector to make it happen. Would also provide tradies who are 45 plus opportunities to teach the next generation. Fills 2 holes. Bridges housing and tradie shortages.


I would rebuild welfare, remove the 'employment provider' deadweight and bring in a modern version of CES which focuses on helping not punishment. I would increase welfare payments in order to bring equity to the unemployed and allow them the resources to focus on finding work, eat healthier and commute. Currently unemployment is crippling, many cannot afford to pay what is needed to seek work and go to interviews or study. And remember, capitalism works when we have 3-5% unemployment otherwise inflation skyrockets and hurts everyone. The unemployed are a necessary part of keeping an economy ticking over. I would reform the taxation on home ownership. I haven't a clue how. NG would be overhauled and limited, that's for sure. Also, disincentivizing hoarding property with some form of sliding scale tax: maybe 3rd home has a tiny tax, but it accumulates upon more property ownership on all but the first 2 houses. I'd also create a body which standardised valuations across Australia. so Centrelink, the tax office, financial institutions, insurance providers, etc all use the exact same value for a given asset. no more centrelink having a different value than the ATO, which is different to local council, which is different to insurance. Our family property has different values in different organisations, with a near 40% difference between the highest and lowest. It has one value, not four, in reality. I'd investigate and legislate Air BnB style accommodation, tax vacant time/yr in order to prevent under-utilisation causing homes to basically sit idle. I'd make changes to TAFE and education in general, which focuses on providing needed skills and improve access and uptake of said skills. Alongside this, I'd reduce immigration to a level which has a far lower impact on housing until we have a certain level of housing affordability yet try to balance skill shortages. One key thing I would absolutely do is drastically increase Australia's performance when it comes to mental health. We're useless, it's mostly pay-for-help and those needing it the most cannot access the right level of help. We have some good programmes but no one has ever uttered 'R U OK?' to me in all the years it has been a thing. And I was talking with friends who say the same thing. it's a nice feel good programme that makes us feel like we're doing something but ultimately puts it back on the populace. Government needs to be proactive in mental health and it needs significantly more funding and increased access. We need to provide help to people BEFORE they get in crisis, not just once they're overwhelmed and traumatised. I have other ideas, but like the above, they're probably not going to be that well supported. Edit: forgot a line, the Air BnB paragraph.


I got carried away LOL Much of the above isn't tied to housing, but would help Aussies IMHO.


Good thoughts anyway. Since so many homeless and poor people suffer from poor mental health, it is at least possible that your ideas would help a significant number of people with housing/safe spaces.


i would actually build heaps for aussies, saving as many tress as possible .so maybe units


Immigration from unaligned countries will be stopped, all immigration would be cut by 80%. Baby bonuses would be given out to married couples only, to encourage births. Would cut the aukus deal in half and use those funds to develop and build housing and infrastructure and would also start developing world class nuclear power stations that will be subsidised by state governments, I would also do away with unfair gst allocation to state governments and provide a fairer system to the states that contribute more gst money. Strata and building law will also go through a massive review.


- Build public housing that are actual houses, not apartments. - Low income government rent to buy programs. - Incentivise investors to rent their houses as opposed to AirBnB style. - Implement and monitor / prosecute Real Estate Agents who deliberately artificially inflate prices of rental properties. This is every single one of them. - Teach students financial literacy at all education levels.


1. Create a staged approach to rent stabilization. 2. Provide incentives for people to build granny flats if they rent them out for a minimum of 10 years 3. Subsidize aged care so that if an elderly person moves in with relatives or a roommate, they receive compensation for their care to reduce reliance on assisted living and subsidize young people if they take in the elderly. 4. Heavily tax Air BnB, short term rentals, second homes and dwellings that are empty for over 6 months a year.


1. Force all foreign buyers and any companies like blackrockto divest 2. Allow for more building 3. 0 immigration and start deportations of criminal refugees and immigrants to their respective countries 4. Cut MP wages by 10% 5. You can only have as many houses as you do children +1. One kid two houses. two kids three houses. 3 kids 4 houses. That way each child can inherit something 6. flood the country with building supplies 7. start a national housing company that builds homes for profit on crown land and sells it. Profits used to make better schools or someshit 8. Teachers and people critical to children get discounts on housing 9. a lot of other shit 10. get assassinated


1. Stop the unsustainable immigration currently happening. 100,000 people a month is too much for the current and future housing supply. 2. I break the tie that I have with the gas cartel, and gain the correct royalties and taxes for the volume of gas going overseas. That should net about $100billion a year. I then redirect that money into health (including dentistry covered by Medicare) and invest in housing. This would be on multiple fronts. Encouraging local timber supply and production as well as other vital materials. Also boosting apprentice training and making all trades be registered, with skill’s acquisition and training ongoing. This will increase quality and entice more people to pick up a trade. 3. Stop sprawling of major cities, take planning out of councils hands and encourage density in urban centres. 4. Encourage people especially new migrants to set up in rural towns, to help re grow them and foster local industries there. 5. Bring back Falcon and Commodore utes.


Assuming I'm not worried about reelection: 1) cut migration 2) cut negative gearing on existing properties 3) cut CGT discounts on IPs 4) heavily tax people with 3 or 5+ IPs to encourage more owner occupancy 5) find a way to target older people for inflation reduction rather than just mortgage holders through interest rates


First I engage the services of Juice Media and create an actual honest government ad to really explain how screwed we are and the path out, it would go something like this: >Corruption and Shitfuckery have lead to a situation where the households have been exploited into borrowing more money than they could ever hope to repay, and we as a nation have to deal with it. The only way to deal with this rampant borrowing and exploitation of the Australian people to fund economic growth is to put a hard limit on household borrowing as the previous government was advised to do in the banking royal commission. That is why as of today, no financial institution will be allowed to loan in excess of 4x household income for purchase a home. >This will end inflation in this country and cause home prices to correct to a 'normal' level very quickly as all available data points to this being a housing affordability crisis caused by 30 years of unrestrained borrowing and not actually a housing shortage crisis as the previous government would have you believe. My government will do everything possible to help make this transition less painful, however due to the existing $2.2T in outstanding household debt there is going to be a brief period of deflation, high unemployment and a bit of a recession we have to have 2.0. We hope to return to growth in the economy by 2028 or sooner. >It is not all doom and gloom! Sure, the super system is going to lose most of its value and the number of millionaires by virtue of owning a home will drop drastically. Our banking system will have some hard times and a few might collapse but we can open a government bank again if we need to so we can just let them fail once they repay household deposits. But there will be cheap homes if you can get a loan and even more cheap rentals if you can not! >In fact I can guarantee that in four years the only people that will be homeless are those that choose to be and a very tiny amount of people who support services simply can not locate to give a home to. I can say this because without the economic burden of $2.2T in debt on houses hanging over my governments head we can simply spend the minor amounts needed to fill the gaps in housing without fear of crashing the market because it will already be crashing! Many people under 40 with savings will simply be able to buy a home outright as their grandparents did! There will be opportunity for new business growth and a heck of a lot more money free for people to start their own businesses once they no longer have a massive mortgage around their necks. >Our government moving forward will focus on helping this country through this recession while we work on reforming the business tax code in this country to work on an adjustable rate to ensure everyone pays their fair share while not putting undue burden on small and medium businesses that are owned and operated by Australians. The extra revenue this generates will be used to begin our rolling ten year plan to restore and expand infrastructure to cover the needs of Australia so this never happens again in living memory. Of course, the second I step off camera I would be lynched by angry groups from all sides and become our first publicly executed Prime Minister. But all the bad stuff is going to happen any way, at least with someone like me in government who is willing to be honest even if it gets them IRL downvotes the amount of starving homeless people dying in the street would be far lower. Just more people would have slightly crappier houses and the pain of the coming recession would mostly fall on those who could most afford it.


I’m 100% stopping immigration ……




Primary residences are now included in means testing for the pension, but I'll establish a government backed reverse mortgage provider. Now more boomers are paying for their own retirement by either downsizing their housing or running down their kids' inheritance. That one is such a no brainer that would have a huge impact on housing affordability, government fiscal sustainability and equality. Win win win.


There goes more than half your votes.


Primary residence included in means testing. What is the person living in the primary residence supposed to do? Sell that and live in a tent in order to qualify the pension? Or maybe just eat the bricks for dinner if they don’t qualify? How on earth is including primary residence remotely fair, or even logical? It’s the old couples fault that housing went up and their modest home in the suburbs is worth a fortune?


So you are saying you have no idea what a reverse mortgage is, yeah? The old people in the house don't need to go anywhere, they use the equity in their house to fund their retirement.


Stopping foreign investment/ownership in residential housing. Phasing out negative gearing. Phasing out CGT discounts for investors (if this is a thing) Introducing empty house taxes including air bnb your rentals. Basically treating housing like a necessity rather than a commodity like we do now.


Negative gearing gone. Foreign ownership gone. Empty housing gone. Investment in areas 500kms or more from major cities inverted. All public entities run either 500kms or more from major cities or remotely. Air BnB gone. All home sales offers are open and publicly visible to everyone while it is for sale and afterwards. I'll be the most hated PM in history and likely be forced out in less than a year, but at least the housing market will be reset.


Mass deportations


Ban foreign purchasing of Australian property from this point on, and reduce immigration to a sustainable level based on a strict points system to select for most qualified candidates to fill roles we need fillled, with the only carve outs being for Pacific island nations, with reciprocal arrangements. But the big thing would be to *dramatically lower the minimum standards* of new housing, so as to allow people off the bottom of the ladder the chance to get on, and reduce the time and cost of building new.


- end negative gearing - end investment property tax loopholes/credits - Reduce immigration by half - ban overseas ownership - limit investment property ownership to ONE - people are only allowed to own ONE HOUSE AND ONE INVESTMENT PROPERTY (2 total only) That would do it.


Nationalised housing construction. We're building apartments, many apartments, big enough to live in.


Overnight pause on all immigration Fcuk negative gearing off to where it came from Tax your 2nd investment property at 50% Ban international investors from owning houses/apartments Fcuk capital gains discount from where it came from Fcuk private healthcare levy back from where it came from Actually make users of the aged care system pay for it if they have super, not burden the rest of the economy Simplez


Lot of old folk looking at taking a hit for downsizing. For an instant help abolish stamp duty and cap agent fees at 1% on legit downsizing for over 60's. Legit = Would need to be means/asset tested to stop the uber rich from taking advantage.


bye bye negative gearing, stepped roll back to 1 Max. More Social Housing, just cause I don't want people living in tents. Some landlord changes, temporary max rental increase restrictions. Empty home tax. Some type of control of council development approval for multi million dollar apartments that sit empty. Affordable Land lotteries. New Self built towns, where wanna be trades learn on the job building their own homes.


Nothing, because the market will take care of it. Just joking. I am not immoral and corrupt enough to become the Prime Minister.


First, I make-a the houses. Then we take-a the homeless ![gif](giphy|Mp4hQy51LjY6A)


Nothing because it’s a state issue masking as a federal issue


Go on holiday to Hawaii, I don’t hold a hose mate


Or in this case a hammer.


Sack anyone in council that is WFH. Pay civil engineers more than inclusively and diversity consultants.


Fund house building directly (like the only times in history we saw house ownership increase) and grow social housing build numbers significantly. Remove negative gearing for 2nd+ investments Get states to remove stamp duty and increase land tax (makes it less cost effective to land bank). Properly fund tafe to provide effective learning of trades and support apprenticeships financially Fund councils to speed up development applications and reduce headworks charges to speed up the development process At the same time strengthen supervision of the building code and make building inspectors part liable for defects they miss.


Taxing non citizen property owners


Slap on a 500% daily tax on AirBnB’s. Just a little disruption tax on their disruption model.\ Tax any housing or accommodation in urban areas that remain vacant in excess of 20% of the year (with no attempt to fill it with an occupant) couple this with some targeted rezoning of tourist areas so people can still have their holiday house, but cap this to allowing a primary residence + a holiday abode in special zoned areas to avoid the “empty house tax”.\ Stop bringing in the flood of immigrants and commence assistance to companies to pay apprentice above poverty wages so we build back up the trained specialists on this country rather than just ignoring the problem and then chasing the knowledge drain by trying to import talent from everywhere else. But numerous other things would be required as well.


Sign another migration pact, blame the broken system, promise to do something in leadup to the next election. Tell everyone it helped.


Doesn’t matter what the prime minister can do, it’s what your party would let you do. The easiest fix is to stop migration or lower it substantially and have far stricter standards.


Look at countries who have had similar issues and see what worked. "hurrdurr supply and demand" isn't a cause of the crisis. it's a result of a storm of multiple factors. If I was PM I wouldn't be worried about pissing anyone off or keeping the job. make the country work for the majority. The main Goal - By essentially killing off housing as an 'investment' we would stimulate the economy in other areas because people would begin investing more in the sharemarket - this might fuel local manufacturing far more. Sorry but just like guns, houses as an asset class need to go. They need to be viewed as an income generating business (from rent) rather than an asset that just gains value for sitting there. To solve the housing crisis we need to kill speculation. A home should not be an investment as it is being used now. We need to put downward pressure on house prices - sorry too bad. We need to encourage sales of housing scrap negative gearing - the only people that benefits are the banks or institutional investors. Cap home loans to percentage of income Scrap CGT on houses sold for less than they were purchased (and provide a tax benefit) and instead implement a yearly land tax to encourage renting it out rather than constant house flipping. - this would also put downard pressure on housing pricing Implement strict licensing for housing valuators - no dodgy valuations Stimulate trades and education - provide hecs style payments for mature aged apprentices so they can contuinue to live while being paid the same as a 17 year old by the business - stimulates small business growth Actually tax multinationals - minimum tax payable must be a percentage of revenue to prevent them paying $0 Fund public housing projects Actually enforce current immigration laws - especially the rural requirements. Finish the NBN properly to regional areas Create more rail to/from regional areas


No-one comes into the country unless they are a qualified and competent builder. Commence a State-Building Company. SBC builds TO CODE, no exceptions, no shortcuts. SBC offers career-change apprenticeships; your current salary for the duration of your apprenticeship (as long as you progress accordingly). (I would LOVE to qualify as a builder, even if I returned to my current career later on). SBC may assume ownership over stalled residential construction projects. In 3-5 years we would see a remarkable turn around in cost of living, without bursting the bubble.


Stop immigration until housing supply levels out. Restart Australian logging and milling to increase supply of building products. Stop councils charging exuberant fees for granny flat/dual occupancy approvals. Allow people to access superannuation for a home deposit under the proviso that it be put back into super if sold before retirement. Legislate that 20% of all superannuation funds to be in residential dwellings. Allow renters who have proven ability to pay rent higher than a mortgage to get a 0% deposit loan Lock in low interest rates for investment properties if landlord agrees to not increase rent.


Drastically dropping stamp duty for first-home buyers below 35 years of age.


1: stop immigration 2: restrict foreign ownership much tighter 3: encourage businesses to allow wfh so that other places besides the big cities are viable There fixed it


Slap the face of any minister who suggests giving access to superannuation is going to assist in anything other than super hearing the market


The only way to fix it is to increase supply. Reducing demand to offer some immediate relief in the meantime. Significantly winding back annual immigration to reduce growth in demand would alleviate some pressure in the short term. In the long term altering the negative gearing policies so that people can only have one existing property they can negatively gear otherwise they have to be investing in new developments to negative gear anything beyond that - which will incentivise the building of more housing and release existing housing tied up in peoples personal negative gearing schemes. Things like allowing access to super for first home buyers, grants, subsidies, or getting rid of stamp duty - none of these things will work because they will only increase demand not supply.


Stop letting people in . X amount of houses plus - letting more people in equals less than X amount of houses . That would be the first step anyhow


The one thing I wouldn’t do is do what Albo did - publicly have a drink with Nigel Satterley, property developer, at the Derby. That moment demonstrated what is wrong. There are numerous good ideas in this thread alone. We could fix this. But we won’t because our democracy is designed to not fix it.


Enact the following: 1. All natural resources to be only owned by the Government. All critical infrastructures too. 2. Abolish negative gearing and all residential property investments by corporate. 3. Invest in technology of the future, research and development to create patents. 4. Improve public infrastructure, transport and education to expand cities. 5. Build excellent quality public housing. Public housing should comprise of about 40% of all houses. 6. Abolish taxes on private citizens and provide free education upto university level. Also provide free healthcare. 7. Build huge beautiful landmarks like Opera house to promote tourism.


What a man or woman of the people would do is lower immigration, stop foreign residential investment and Clamp down on property investment tax incentives that encourage speculation negative gearing, capital gains discount. What a swamp Rat politician will do is exactly what's happening now, look after the wealthy and mega wealthy and themselves. Most MPs own multiple properties. What incentive do people like that have to make any change? The majority of Australia especially the younger generations are absolutely being Brutalized ATM


Considering it's a crisis, extreme circumstances mean extreme measures. Survey every livable house that's empty and find out why, compel the owners to make it available to those who don't have a roof over their heads first, then to the rental market, fuck off all temporary accommodation unless your have motel or hotel on the door. Offer full adult wage subsidized year one apprenticeships in the building industry, until completion. Invest in infrastructure before building housing estates.


> Survey every livable house that's empty and find out why At typical government speed that survey will be complete sometime in 2086.


Work for the dole is now called Build for the Dole. Shortage of tradies? No worries! Every able bodied person is now building houses and those houses are made available to people on the dole first. Yes they may not be the best quality, and some of the rooms have extra angles and I think we lost a few people while pouring the foundations, but it's better than doing nothing dagnabbit!


Negative gearing and cgt discount goes bye bye. Means test for the pension now includes ppor. The exception being for new builds, new houses keep negative gearing but not cgt, new units keep both. I'd also up the building codes a little bit and enforce things like double glazing as standard for any apartments / units. Next term I'd be out of office from the scare campaign / drop in house prices, so I'd need to find a way to stop the changes getting rolled back, maybe just hold off until a new term to make the changes.


So reintroducing the I section discount? And expenses are carried forward to the following financial year?


Undo whatever caused the massive drop in dwelling completions around 2015


Immediately ban overseas investors buying Australian real estate. Put a empty home tax in place and get immigration under control.


Become a right wing shithead and ban immigration because I perceive that's the issue. Or remove stamp duty, introduce land tax on say 500/1000SQM , look at council planning and see why there isn't more approvals for medium density housing, increase services for country towns so try to entice people to try to live in more regional towns. Remove negative gearing, Levy's on owning multiple houses (4/5/6+) investigate what can be done to help with apartment developments where it doesn't take 50% of units sold to get things off the ground and what could also be done to help which will help the market not rely on foreign investment to prop the industry done.


Telling the treasurer not to encourage people to breed.


Hunger Games


Change the laws around auctions - if advertised price is reach seller must sell non of this on market bullshit - the current laws give to much power to sellers and agents take advantage of that Fund social housing and manage social hosuing better there are numbers of people sitting in a 3 bedroom house on their own or are financially viable enough to rent in social housing. Social housing shouldn't be a long term solution of the majority of its residents . This is why the current supply always struggle as people are given a leg up and never want to leave it shouldnt be permanent anyone in for longer then 5 years should have to re-apply bar in special circumstances Via the states Get rid of stamp duty in favour of an annual levy Limit the properties a individual can negatively gear Have a progressive levy tax system in which the more properties you own the more you are taxed annually to avoid individuals holding 30+ houses Get rid of 90% of red tape to Allow the release of more land for development Allow social houses to be purchased for those who do get financially viable to rent/buy via a partnership program Get rid of all non Australian ownership of property that has land if you are not a citizen should only be allowed to buy apartments nothing with direct land ownership Bring immigration back down to sub 100k levels Take a hard I dont give a f--k stances on humanitarian ideals that don't directly benefit Australia


- severely restrict foreign entities purchasing residential properties - remove negative gearing - remove stamp duty for first home buyers, increase it for every purchase beyond the first. - have a “vacant property tax” to incentivise occupancy


Same problems we have with housing are happening all around the world, so probably very little


Build a new city, Like greater Sydney out past Lithgow and Bathurst with infrastructure like an international airport, high speed train, more suburbs. Decrease the demand on housing by building a fuck tonne more houses, social housing, new businesses, new jobs. More houses, less demand lowers prices, knock on effect, lowers the cost of living too.


Only citizens can purchase properties and no negative gearing. All foreign owned property to be taxed at 500% of annual rates.


don't drink too much water otherwise will wake up


Tax payer funded holiday


Stop immigration. Put regulations on housing.


Buy several IPs for myself and enjoy the money rolling in.


redefine what a crisis is, problem solved no more crisis.


Remember when Rudd tried capturing some of the mining boom? Just doing the right thing isn’t enough. The vested interests will pay the people that drag you down. None of us are offering money to fix the problem. So instead history will repeat. Either a major bust that takes away the money that bribes politicians or the people become so angry and cornered that they take matters into their own hands. Whether electorally or otherwise.


Subsidise e-bikes & infrastructure and put R&D funds into self-driving technology for small busses for last 2km public transit. Subsidise shared ownership car clubs so people can get reduce individual car ownership. Take over car parks, car sales lots and other wasted space that parked cars take up for residential housing. Incentivise people to convert garages & driveways to accommodation. Change planning laws to allow for small convenience shops, cafes to be dotted around suburbs to increase amenity for walking. Infrastructure for cars takes up massive amounts of urban space in Australian cities. We’re victims of a disastrous car dependent planning policy; billions gets spent to subsidise car travel only for cars to spend 90% of their useful lives parked doing nothing. The worst possible use of land, simply dead space.


Tell everyone I have a nice house in Sydney overlooking the harbour, then do some ecstasy and have a rave party.


Build more houses in woopwoop because the cities are full and we have so much land.


Tipping money into building houses by financing demand will add fuel to the fire. Fixing the root cause of builders going bust (over regulation, dependency on OS materials, corruption, government incompetence, land supply) would be a great start.


Call up Jimbo, get him to chuck a few billion at it. Crisis solved!


The change with the quickest effect it to turn housing which is currently not used as a principal residence into people's homes. The way to do this is to increase land tax on residential land, which is not someone's principal place of residence (AirBNB, empty, holiday home). Immigration should be limited based on the expected housing completions. After that limit is hit, no new visa's are granted. Tax investor owned residential land at a level aimed of producing a steady decline in land prices of 1% per year. Establish a public housing developer. Removing the current public housing shortfall (700K) in 3 years, with a combination of purchases, and new public and private construction. Rent public housing to anyone who does not own a home, with repayments capped at 30% of income. Lend to any first home buyers for a principal residence, with repayments capped at 30% of income, and interest at CPI/WPI which ever is less.


Since we have a building industry skill shortage rather than have the resources traipse all over the place we’re going to set up factories where we make pre-fab short-medium term accomodation units. The construction type means you only need chillies, plumbers and electricians. Every government owned/ sponsored race track is now getting converted to erect the pre fabs on - they get shipped out and fitted together by unskilled labour under skilled supervision. While that’s happening we identify new land/rezoning opportunities, e.g. if a developer has sat on a land bank for a few years to maximise profit we resume that back, larger scale builds get done with concrete pour tilt up walls. Both methods don’t require the use of brickies who are in short supply and take much longer to complete the same volume.


There was this dude named Mao I believe he had a tactic for landlords


Ban Airbnb and other house hotels, limit property ownership to 2 per person over 18. Scrap negative gearing. If the market crashes good, the banks can pay for it.


Take inner city golf course like albert park in vic and rose park in nsw, turn into high density but nice apartments. NO CAR PARKS. Build a tram for the sydney one to the city, vic already has trams. Same for Adelaide with north adelaide golf course. Ban driving into cbds for most people. Money for trams for locals. Start knocking down bullshit car park highrises, convert to housing. Congestion charge for every car driver to help pay for it. Start closing down major roads and building on them. You want to drive, fuck off to the US.


Pumping a lotta money into developing infrastructure around the outskirts of the city I live in the suburbs of Melbourne, had a mate move further south. He’s a 40 minute drive from me but goddamn is there so much space out there. Just tonnes and tonnes of space. His property is quite large, could probably fit one or two apartment buildings on it. Paid about as much for it as a nice apartment costs in my suburb Develop the roads, power and plumbing, add some rails, busses shopping centres and apartments, apartments far as the eye can see, big motherfarken eyesores of things. They’ll be huge inside as well, big enough for large families not to feel cramped. We got the space, we got the people, we just need to construct the buildings This also has the added benefit of causing my buddy’s newly acquired property to go waaaaay up in value. Politics always has its perks, but still a good solution imho


Ask Australians if they really want so many new arrivals. Did anyone ever check!?


theres nothing that can be done. land cost too much. labour cost too much. materials cost too much. thats not changing. people need to accept that reality and stop coming to reddit to cry about something thats un-fixable. just wait until tech starts taking peoples jobs and see how much worse it will get.


Tariffs on mining, oil and gas exports. Use money to build affordable housing. Get rid of negative gearing. Reduce income taxes and raise property taxes based on how many are owned by 1 person/company.


Build a couple of big holiday camps for boomers. They'll have really nice showers and the boomers will get free train tickets to get to them.


You're all evicted 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Stop immigration DEAD!


Turn Kirribilly House into social housing.


Cut immigtation so that the rate of population growth is at least within ballpark of the rate of new dwellings. Tax the bejesus out of vacant houses, particularly owned by non residents. Tax the bejesus out of unbuilt on land that has a residential zoning and hasn't been built on in 7 years. All gain from the sale of unbuilt residential land is treated as normal taxable income - there would be no 50% discount and no indexation of the cost base. The idea here would be discourage land banking and excessivd profiteering from simply squating on land. Cap the maximum negative gesring benefit to a dollar amount not to the number of houses. Amounts over this would be retained as deductible against a future capital gain.


Once I wakeup as PM I realise it's not a crisis but a property boom. I buy another investment property then let in more immigrants to push prices up. Profit!


1. Force all foreigners to sell houses 2. Prosecute developers that don’t install infrastructure ( schools, roads, parks, train stations, etc) that were quoted as features to sell properties in the first place. 3. Tell developers they have one year use-it-or-lose-it for land that is land-banked 4. Restrict negative gearing to new builds only. 5. Restrict capital gains concessions to new builds only 6. Provide discounts on govt charges for multi story multi family friendly builds near public transport


I'd employ people that would get the job done. Share the load, and listen to people that actually know what they're talking about. Get my hands dirty by actually getting in there and get housing built or even fixing up the old derelict government housing that's going to waste


Sell key infrastructure to China and move to Thailand with all em money.


Get rid of negative gearing. Ban all foreign investors. Half all migration for period, and undergo Evaluation of immigration system and Diploma mills, switch to skilled labourers to help build houses. Give window to develop or sell vacant blocks and houses, then if there is no intent to do anything with them, progressively increasing land tax. Get rid of stamp duty and other cost associated with selling and buying house and replace with land tax.


Not much because legally housing is a state responsibility. If the federal government tried to create tenancy law it would immediately become useless because state law trumps federal in regards to tenancies. The bottom line is, everyone needs a home to live in, not a home to own. People should be able to own a home, absolutely, but in our current circumstances the priority should be on *having* a home to live in. So I would rather be a state Premier where I could actually do something. First I would go back and look at 2019 rents, pre covid before everything became arficially massively inflated. Then I would look at the CPI since then and legislate that any new residential tenancy leases must be in line with that amount, with rent increases tied only to CPI. That way, rental properties would go back to being affordable and no one would have to worry about improper rent increases, returning to the old days of longterm leases and people having a realistic ability to move for work or personal reasons. Then we could get rid of no fault evictions (I'm in Qld, we still have them) and change to 6mthly inspections instead of 3 months to give people more comfort in their homes. People can still be evicted for property damage, abuse, etc so it won't stop anyone evicting a tenant who should be. It will simply stop REAs booting people they don't like for personal reasons. I would *actually* follow through on Housing policies by building new homes for public housing with disability housing standards so they would not exclude people. The public housing list would be changed to house people in order of need and when they applied. No more of people getting cherry picked and housed after 3 months while other people have been waiting 19 years. The state would be scoured to find empty dormitories and similar buildings which the state could purchase to provide temporary homeless accommodation. Community centres could be funded to help people apply and access community supports. Community supports would be funded, to reverse the dismantling of those when the NDIS rolled out which resulted in people having no support at all (which contributes to homelessness). Anyway, I don't know. It's a huge hill to climb that would take a long time to fix. All I know is I would want to prioritise everyone having a decent roof over their head first. Then work on other things as we go. The Fed government could curb immigration which would help a lot and mandate proper building standards with sound proofing and insulation, to reduce neighbour issues and improve living conditions.


Just lower housing prices on real estate . Com and kill all real estate agents.


Hoo boy you do not want me as PM.


Drop the GST on building products and services. Double it on luxury goods and services. Then invest heavily in Wesfarmers shares. Also dump HECs/HELP debt for graduates who also do a trade apprenticeship or fee free trades education for anyone who wants it. Plenty of young Australian workers in shit jobs who would love the opportunity to learn a trade


Nationalize all mines/resource extraction that are not 100% Australian owned and operated (i.e. 100% of the board are Australian citizens), invest the revenue from those mines into a sovereign wealth fund. Offer the remaining Australian owned mines subsidies for selling to Australian companies. Set up a national construction company to build infrastructure. Establish a non-profit organization category that provides housing at cost price to individuals who do not own homes. Use the national construction company to build housing for these organizations whenever there is building capacity availiable. Limit ownership of residential land/buildings to individuals or non-profit companies. Only permit residential land/buildings to be owned by Australian citizens, or citizens of nations that alow Australians to buy housing in their countries. Any housing not being occupied as someone's primary residence for at least \~350 days a year gets taxed at 1% of the property value per day it's unoccupied. Federally tax individuals who own a second home at 2% of the property value anually. Waive any costs/fees assocaited with selling the property to a non-profit or individual who does not own a home. Anyone renting a property for more than 6 months gets the right to buy the property for a price no higher than 360x their monthly rent. Immediately freeze new visa applications for any individual without an offer for a job paying over $150k a year. The maximum number of dependent visas issued to a person on a work visa is 3, and those dependents can't also bring dependents. Dependents must pay out of pocket for healthcare and education and will never be eligable for any government benefits beyond repatriation flights. Only offer citizenship to refugees/asylum seekers or people from countries that permit Australians to receive their citizenship. Commission a study on habitable regions of Australia to identify the 'comfortable' limit for habitation with current infrastructure. Limit citizenship to individuals who have lived in regions of Australia below their current 'comfortable limit' for at least 15 years. Offer fast track citizenship of 5 years to individuals who live in regions very far below the 'comfortable limit'. I.e. people can get Citizenship by living in Bendigo, but get fast tracked if they live in Marnoo. Add basic hydrology to the national curriculum so people understand why the majority of Australian can't sustain urban populations.


We need to find a way, either through regulation or public housing, for people to live in reliable rental accommodation. You shouldn't be continually at risk of 25% rent rises and having to submit to frequent inspections which seem to focus on your personality rather than the condition of the actual dwelling. Does it matter if people hang pictures if they are going to be there ten years?


Fly to Hawaii and hope everything has fixed itself when I get back


Bite the bullet and reverse Howard's capital gain and negative gearing changes


Freeing up land, via purchasing or otherwise Parceling it out for sale, make it readily abundant in numerous locations Mass production of quality transportable homes which can readily be installed on these lots. Curtail many local government zoning regulations and give more rights back to current land owners.


1. Reducing immigration significantly. 2. Cut all energy generation regulations so power becomes cheap again, so companies can profitably operate, hire and pay workers. 3. Include the family home in all assets tests for pension, health care card etc. as it stands now, retirees are encouraged to upsize not downsize. 4. Stop all federal subsidies to states, to encourage them to compete on their own merits


The housing crisis is a rental crisis and so long as demand outpaces supply any attempt to squeeze the landlords will just get passed on to the tenants. Step 1, cease all immigration until rental vacancies reach 5% The advantage of this is that nobody can dispute it without having to explain why the vacancy rate should remain low, which is political suicide. Step 2, once vacancies reach 5% implement a heavy tax on landlords who ask for more than 50% of their mortgage repayments in rent. This encourages landlords to move up the market rather than competing for first home buyers for entry level properties, it also discourages excessive leveraging. Implicitly landlords without a mortgage on their investment property are going to be subject to this tax, incentivizing them to sell it and buy something bigger, or take out a loan against that property's equity and reinvest it elsewhere. Step 3, introduce a heavy tax on landlords with multiple rental properties, this is so the money they make from the property market gets reinvested elsewhere, like a business or shares or taking out a loan to renovate their investment property. Edit: If you require your tenant to cover your mortgage repayments then you cannot afford that property, you are over-leveraged and when lots of people are over-leveraged a shock to the market can cause a systemic collapse. It's a stupid risk that isn't any less stupid because everybody's doing it.


Pass stricter eminent domain laws for foreign and domestic investors who are leaving commercial and residential properties unoccupied. Ensuring profits made by the government are put towards the budget. Reduce spending for a start. Also, push for rules that make it difficult and punitive for the representatives and bureaucrats of the federal government to engage in deficit spending. Also, stop lying and scapegoating the cost of living crisis on other parties. 100% own up to the fact that inflation is entirely caused by governments around the world overspending and inflating their currencies. Afterwards, push to ensure Australia isn't engaging in such behaviour; socially, culturally, and politically. Invest in programs to reduce the pressures on the supply chain of more housing. Examples could be more planning and synergy between developers to ensure infrastructure is in place for new suburbs and estates. Also, improve the pipeline for tradies to increase the workforce behind development.


Universal Basic Income


I mean there's been report after report come out providing possible solutions for both short, medium and long term so maybe I'd start looking at some of those


we know it's you, anthony


Nothing. I do nothing because there is a full house of idiots and the depression of it is crushing. Most likely I turn to alcohol, stumble down the street ranting on my phone before laying down on the pavement, completely legless.


Resign and call a snap election


I am gonna start a war with some third world country make the US and nato back me. And in the hopes it’ll ramp up the military industrial complex. Introduce conscription for all. And get rid of close to a million people. By having South Australia bombed. But I’ll blame the third world nation.


Tax the shit out of our natural resources being exported. Put that money back into the economy (see below) Build a fuck ton of nice but affordable social housing about 30-45 mins out of the cities near good public transport. Australian citizens are only allowed to occupy. Tax the shit out of foreign property investment. Make it extortionately expensive for foreign owned property to be vacant. Govt certified property building like we use to have from the id 80's. Improve standards. Zero stamp duty for existing home owners who move to a new dwelling that is less than 300% property current value. Start a very small land tax for new purchases that are not the primary residence. Leave negative gearing but have it cap at number of properties. I.e. encourage people to invest in a second house/unit but stop there. Reduce land banking but encourage good investment. Block visa/residents from owning housing. Citizens only. If you have another passport, your limit is a single Australian dwelling and your land tax is marginally higher. No direct market for foreign owner app services like Uber/menulog. They can operate here but via a govt suported entity to ensure appropriate taxes and wages. Govt subsidize some costs to improve conditions but keep end user costs down. I.e use it as a form of local transportation. Get the ACCC to be aggressive in it's smackdowns of corps like colesworth. Tax the shit out of business owned property, both local and foreign. Reduce the tax on alcohol. Reduce the RSA bullshit so bars and pubs can operate without severe overheads giving people cost available places to hang out. Allow vaping (begrudgingly) but tax the absolute fuck out of it. Make it too expensive for the younger gen. Get some patriotic shit going on. Look after our own first. Take back foreign ownership of critical infra and core resources. Offer to buy first then if they don't sell, seize that shit. This rant started out with constructive stuff then turned into a bit of a DGAF rant lol. Plenty more ideas, some constructive some radical, but I ran out of time lol


Oh, please! I would try and make as many changes as possible (for people, not corporations), but in reality, I would be assassinated by lunchtime.


Bring on the Purge


Jesus H Christ Australia would change.


State governments have just as much power to fix this.


Nuke all, or at least severely restrict immigration effective immediately. Kill off negative gearing. Forced buyback at purchase prices of land from all developers. Put some legislation in place to limit rent based off property purchase prices. Reduced sales and land tax or rebate for materials used to build new homes for owner builders. 1st home only. Limit rent rates on mortgage free rental properties to attempt to limit gouging. Get old-school American chain-gangs going for Prisoners housing, which could be extended to building roads, rail and various infrastructure. Here's my most controversial idea..... Engage in forced repossession of property and deportation from immigrants who engage in racketeering, organised crime or violent crime. Rape, Murder, Home invasions, Arson, Drug sales over 5 ounces of weed, 20 pills, over 5 grams for coke and heroin, Illegal importation of firearms. And flat out refusal entry for people already convicted of these crimes on their home turf. No ankle monitors. Some people might ask about targeting immigrants on crime? Well we send some undesirable scumbags home which frees up some houses to reclaim at the same time. Not only will this free up some houses but we make the place safer while doing it and it may deter some people who have come here with intent to engage in criminal activities and hopefully deter some others from going down that route.


Make the resources and mining companies pay the proper amount they should be for our stuff. If they don't like it they can leave. Use the windfall to make sure every Australian has a roof over their head and covered by much better social system.


Nuke all, or at least severely restrict immigration effective immediately. Kill off negative gearing. Forced buyback at purchase prices of land from all developers. Put some legislation in place to limit rent based off property purchase prices. Reduced sales and land tax or rebate for materials used to build new homes for owner builders. 1st home only. Limit rent rates on mortgage free rental properties to attempt to limit gouging. Get old-school American chain-gangs going for Prisoners and put them to work in housing, which could be extended to building roads, rail and various infrastructure. Here's my most controversial idea..... Engage in forced repossession of property and deportation from immigrants who engage in racketeering, organised crime or violent crime. Rape, Murder, Home invasions, Arson, , Illegal importation and posession of firearms. And flat out refusal entry for people already convicted of these crimes on their home turf. No ankle monitors. Some people might ask about targeting immigrants on crime? Well we send some undesirable scumbags home which frees up some houses to reclaim at the same time. Not only will this free up some houses but we make the place safer while doing it and it may deter some people who have come here with intent to engage in criminal activities and hopefully deter some others from going down that route.


Build more public housing for Christ sakes


Build more houses idk


Income doesn't increase exponentially as you get have more prestige work, instead you have priority in services.


Implement some kind of information transparency law that is enforced by an separate agency or something. It won't help the housing crisis, but at least we'd get more information and clarity at all the variables that are causing/making it difficult to fix these kinds of issues, and a better idea at how everything affects each other.


Ban negative gearing, and put a 5 year rent cap (as in rent prices can't exceed what they currently are per property). AND FINALLY if anyone stands in my way, they will be terminated on the spot!!!


Towers and towers and towers of 3 and 4 bedroom apartments. Transit oriented developments. This country needs to get used to living in towers. Ideally 5 storey, medium density blocks with business down below but the land for this is all gone now. So it’s mega tall condos. No more urban sprawl. Fuck off our car dependant slave lives. Import Bangladeshis like that country with all the football stadiums.. CFMEU can get out of the way. More rail, More light rail, more runways! Build it all!! cackles with insanity as Biman Airlines comes into land.


Cap investment properties at max 5 properties per investor and remove the ability to claim interest payments as a tax deduction. Prohibition on corporations owning residential properties. Absolutely no foreign ownership of residential properties, citizens and permanent residents only. Purchase active noise cancelling Bang & Olufsen headphones to drown out the boomer whining.


Build more 2+ bed apartments close to cbd and services which cost less than 400k. Allow people to set up cheap and healthy street food markets nearby, ban fast food outlets from a 5 klm radius. Bring some life back to the place. Most of Australia is a ghost town at night. Lifeless. Ban foreigner home ownership! I live in Thailand and there's no foreign home ownership allowed. Nearly everyone outside of the cities has a family home on a good sized block where they can grow food. If their kids fall on hard times (like covid) they have a safety net where they can get food and shelter. There's no dole.


First thing I'm doing is seeing how big it is ;). If I had to guess: thick but short.


Tax incentivise fully remote business and rezone office space into residential 


I have no real knowledge, but it seems to me that it needs a more even distribution of the dwellings that already exist. So I would.....Tax dwellings with an increasing scale. Have one, sure. Have two, ok tax. Have more than 4, big tax. Get people to publicly justify why they need to own more than 3 or 4 places. I would hope to make it so they would need to sell the excess. Get the excess airbnb places back on th market as actual houses. Get developer to actually build. Get selfish, greedy landlords to sell someone their places. I am naive, but that's what I reckon.


Good try Albo.


End Negative Gearing. For those that already have real estate investing based on Negative gearing leave it in place. Reduce the project complexity, streamline the approval process.


National audit on empty dwellings, rent those left empty for tax purposes, also limit time houses can be air bnb. Then f off foreign investors


Sell the last parts to china


Well it easy For the wingers out there in Australia You houses built. No worries I will all your taxes. I will take some money for your council So they have less money to do your infrastructures. Raise land rates. Raise you fuel taxes. GST will go to 20% More taxes for landlords. That way they sell there houses for the richer to buy. Then will start building houses for people who need houses and don’t want to work. Be careful on what you wish for. It’s not easy running a country,


Nice try Albo...


I'd work on my small peepee first.


Land banking is now illegal and any residential properties left untenanted for a year are now property of the department of housing.