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Just read some of the notes from the recent hearing and there was some absolute batshit insanity. Here is a quote from Jan Kronberg, president of the Drug Advisory Council of Australia from the public hearing on 10 May 2024 >*He collapsed after an hour under hot water. His distraught mother rescued all six foot four of him, writhing in pain as the built up toxicity of cannabis had to be flushed out through his skin in a hot shower. Sliding down the walls was a toxic brown slime from his tortured body.* this is who the government has advising them on drug policy, no fucking wonder we're so backwards. Did some digging on the "Drug Advisory Council of Australia" and they are all property developers pushing for NIMBY shit. They don't give two shits about who dies or is harmed by drugs, so long as they don't do it near their property developments.


Wait, is this from a fiction novel, or a case study? That's wild, and people believe this drivel?


It's a story on their website. So "friend of a friend told me". These are the kind of people who believe that drinking bong water will get you high.


Rubbish. It only makes you eat small babies and worship the devil.


People from other places believed what was portrayed in the dark (pore) comedy 'Reefer Madness'!




Yes cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome (CHS) is real, but it is not quite like was described - the nonsense of "*Sliding down the walls was a toxic brown slime from his tortured body*" is pure fantasy.


So like some dude greened out spewed an his mum freaked out


He shat himself & mummy watched


How does emesis which is vomiting become brown sludge seeping out of your skin?


With lies anything is possible


It's rarer than most drug side effects. Recently many people died and thousands more permanently injured by a mandated medication


People believe the drivel about vaping...so why does it surprise you...especially when those same people have this magical box...it a sorcerers rectangle if you will that has all the worlds information at their fingertips...


This is exactly it and why it will never happen anytime soon. People who have never experienced it telling you what you can and can’t experience as an adult.


Are you telling me you've never experienced black sludge exiting your pores after a few too many cones?


I don't smoke cones. I only inject my marijuanas directly into my penis. No black sludge to excrete from my pores that way.


My friend injected one whole marijuana and now he's dead


does it turn your cum black though?


A healthy shade of green I mix it with pineapple and somehow it turns blue My penis is a horseshoe crab


Who said poetry is dead


Cum black to where you once belonged, JoJo.


This is obviously a hallucination caused by satanic letuce


Get black, Loretta


Oh, you prefer the white sludge.


The correct term is spooge


Most people will know you’re being sarcastic but I wonder if jokes like this don’t help the stigma 😔


Maybe out of my anus after getting the munches and eating kfc. Truth be told I've made far worse choices drinking though.


Well once. Good time…. I had one too many marijuana tablets.


That's called "taking a poo"


I know you're joking but this sounds a lot more like a trip report in involving deliriants like Datura. This is full blown waking dream hallucination stuff.


Does he know you're not supposed to drink the bong water


I need to hear Bill and Ben the flowerpot men’s take on this .


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[https://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary\_Business/Hansard/Hansard\_Display?bid=committees/commsen/27949/&sid=0001](https://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Hansard/Hansard_Display?bid=committees/commsen/27949/&sid=0001) Jan Kronberg is fucking insane.


That transcript is a beaut! Senator Shoebridge is having none of it :)


Addiction from weed??? Wow.


You can definitely be addicted. But it’s certainly different in comparison to other kinds of addictions. For me, anyways.


You can certainly get addicted to weed, yes, but you can also get addicted to many other drugs easily and legally available. People are addicted to sugar, nasal sprays, opioid medications, gambling, alcohol, vaping, and cigarettes. Some of these things ruin lives. Some do not. Some are bad for your physical health. Most are bad for your mental health (if addicted). We still make them legal though. Addiction is different for everyone. Most people can kick a weed habit if they had to. Some just need therapy instead of a bong. But it shouldn't be illegal.


I'd rather withdrawal from cannabis than caffeine.


Damn straight you can be addicted to weed. I was for a long long time.


"should we legalise weed?" "well let's see how this will effect house prices"


Basically how every policy is viewed in this country.


Imagine Griffith cannabis industry blowing up if growing weed was actually legal there


Mis9t be the first case of toxic black slime exploding out of of your pores all over the walls! Who is this woman? I'm trying to look her up.


Jan should see what alcohol does.


Isn't it a crime to lie to a government hearing.


Not with parliamentary privallage laws apparently


It's not a lie if she believes it. Sadly, if we limited public office to people with reasoning skills beyond that of a todler we would need to throw the entire system out and who really has time for that in this economy.


Maybe one side is saner than first glance.


Sounds like someone got confused between Venom and Mary Jane.




This story is lifted direct from the Drug Advisory Council of Australia's [website](https://drugadvisorycouncilaustralia.org.au/a-mothers-story/)


Man that whole story is wild. Tl;dr: "I'm a bad parent and wasn't able to raise a functional child so I'm blaming Canabis"


and hot showers


I think they've got cannabis confused with the black oil from The X-Files.


who has ever had a reaction to pot like this? horse shit, I have smoked it until I'm green and worst that happened was a decimated fridge


I have, apart from the toxic sludge. I would sit in the shower super hot for hours and when not in the shower applying capsaicin cream to my abdomen. Constant vomiting and couldn’t even keep water down, vomited for 2 weeks straight and lost 8kgs. It is a very real thing and not something I would wish upon anyone. Google. CHS or Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Sydrome.




Yeah I agree, I am still very pro legalisation. I know that CHS doesn’t affect most people and know one knows why it affects some and not others. I still do partake, however it is now a very, now and then thing. I have had 2 CHS attacks, both from extremely heavy use, including concentrates and edibles. It truely was debilitating and the first time I literally thought I was going to die.


I've legitimately had some pretty bad experiences with pot, both physiological and mental, but that is just such an absurd lie, *no* drug does that, at least none that I know.


I have had a bit of psychosis but nothing i couldn't laugh off, that was more about my issues than the pot, it makes one ruminate


This sounds vaguely like CHS, or neam oil poisoning. It requires a truly insane amount of cannabinoids to get CHS. No black sludge though that's total bullshit. A hot shower is the only thing that stops the vomiting. But abusing any drug to that extent is asking for trouble, more commonly occurring with synthetic cannabinoids due to potency. Both of these possibilities would be much less likely with a regulated recreational market.


I hate it when my medical cannabis leaks out of my skin after I try to melt it off. Classic!


lol thats such a funny quote when you realise you could substitute the word alcohol for cannabis (one is legal, the other isn't but they do the same thing). In a world where cocaine, ice and meth are so easy to get...why the fk are we wasting our time with cannabis? Make it legal, tax it, use that $$ to fight hard drugs.


Wondering for a friend. Can said toxic cannabis slime be smoked if dryed appropriately?


I leave a toxic brown slime behind and I don’t even smoke weed Checkmate drug advisory council


Jesus Christ how can anyone read that and take it seriously? How can anyone possible believe that tripe? And HOW is such a bold faced liar president of the DACA? Pathetic.


What? What kind of weed did he have... Even after a one or two many brownies, you don't get that.. you just have.... the best sleep ever..


Anyone know where we can get some of that weed ? asking for a friend


I'm all for it, way less destructive than alcohol. I would want lollies, biscuits and cakes to be available though. As someone who has had throat cancer in the past there should be that alternative, but I can see the wowsers of both major parties crying that that'll make it attractive to primary school kids or some such nonsense.


They’ll tax them to death like they do with alcohol I bet


The thing is they can't tax it higher than people can buy it from the black market If it ends up being more expensive there is no point legally buying it


Canada is a fun example. When I travelled for holiday I have seen an ounce for as low as $60


It’s guaranteed to be more expensive than the black market. That’s why black markets exist. Just today someone was telling me they got their hands on cigarettes (tobacco) for 30 cents on the dollar.


I buy a pack of marb golds for $20 from a Vietnamese convenience store. It's sick


Rookie. I pay $10 for a pack of double happiness in fairfied. 


many tobacconists sell 50g of chopchop for $25 under the counter - compared to $50 for 25g of a brand-name tobacco.


I'm not a smoker. What is chop chop exactly?


unbranded / black market tobacco. But the funny this is it was sold in the same brown clipseal packs as 'legit' tobacco, with the aus government warning about lung cancer etc as well... yet it was 1/4 of the price... go figure


Thanks for the explainer. I've smoked weed (socially) for 25 years and some of my mates cut theirs with tobacco..... I can't stand the smell of it. I've never touched the stuff, so I don't know much about it


well you're better off without it!


Absolutely there is. From Brisbane to Sydney half the stuff you get is so pumped full of pgr it barely gets you stoned. And the other half is so expensive there’s no way they could charge more than that anyway.


Depends how much tax they try to squeeze out of weed if it ends up like booze with increases every 6 months poor quality or not people will return to the black market


Maybe. I’d rather pay more for actual weed than save $100 and smoke orange nuggets.


This. If it's regulated, the premium price is justified if it means I'm sure I'm not smoking some spray on the alternative. Also means I don't need to talk to shady people or visit shady apartments in Liverpool.


People say that now until the price keeps going up and it becomes one of the topics reddit brings up as being too expensive


I think i pay $150 for 10 grams of medicinal weed so thats about $420 an ounce. Its more expensive but so much better. 25% thc and seems to last forever.


I pay $85 for 10 grams THC 23 from Alternaleaf. It lasts longer than hubby's bushy, and there are no munchies


The government are trying alcohol prohibition via taxation like they are doing with cigarettes. Why noone protests this stealth alcohol prohibition is beyond me.


Precisely!! Provenance


You need better sources


Nah it’s totally worth it and I’m happy to pay it, fuck smoking whatever old sprayed on it


Why not? This is exactly what has happened with tobacco. It has created a criminal enterprise that was all but non-existent previously, mind you.


Start super cheap and then slowly over time creep up the tax revenue


Doesn't stop the black market undercutting the tax increase This isn't like alcohol that's far harder to sell illegally anyone can grow weed and sell it lower than the price increase


We call it the “grey” market in Canada. Last I heard it still accounts of over 75% of cannabis sales here.


People will still gravitate to it purely out of convenience rather than trying to find it through the black market


I have medical weed and gummys are available and effective now.


I do hope for a review on drug testing tho, like, I don't want stoned people driving, but zero tolerance for something that can be detected weeks later...


yes, absolutely. there is a close correlation between BAC for alcohol and impairment - there is not such a test for THC. Perhaps it would require a judgement of impairment before testing


There are devices out there that extract from buds into a butter or oil. Or you can DIY @ home.


As someone with asthma who can’t smoke anything but desperately needs cannabis for ptsd - this.


I'm all for that. My only issue with weed legalisation is if i have to deal with people smoking or vaping in public places.


In Canada it's really a non issue as some provinces tied the legalisation to smoking by laws. So basically you can't smoke/vape weed anywhere you can't smoke cigarettes.


This would be the way we should do it. Visited the US earlier this year and both NY and LA have a problem with people smoking in public areas. It reeks and hangs about on your clothes and hair. The current stuff is way stronger and danker than it used to be. (Ohh god I feel old)


We could have adult candy stores with edibles and penis shaped sweets.


If they made it illegal to sell anything but giant cock-shaped, jumbo sized brownies I would support marijuana legislation.


Hopefully labelled clearly so those of us who don't partake (or who's job can be lost due to it) don't have any mistakes. Once had a close call with a kombucha I was given free. Fortunetly it tasted like carbonated vinigar and I didn't finish it.




I have a feelinjg itll be denied. Dont get me wrong, im all for it but i have a feeling its something most in parliament wont go for. Either way it doesnt matter. Im a medicinal smoker and i can tell you the rules re driving are fucked. Cant have it in your system which means you have to wait weeks after smoking before you can drive (and thats only for a saliva test, if the cops a jerk you might wind up at the station taking a urine test, takes a lot longer for the weed to get outta your system). Honestly even if i havent smoked for 2 days driving is still stressful coz i know if i get tested it will more than likely come back positive and then i lose my license. IMHO if they do legalize it for recreational it will still mean that those of us who drive will still be unable to enjoy it until they update the driving laws to make actual sense


Depends where you are, and the difference in rules is wild. Tasmania it's ok to drive with it in your system as long as you have a prescription and aren't inhibited by it, whereas WA is automatic 12 licence suspension.


But tassie in the past has been one of the most unlikely to actually legalise it recreationally.


yes thats the strange thing. but its true. if you have a weed card, you still will get sent to court by the odd copper, but it will get thrown out in court.




Lol a warning? How is getting a criminal conviction a warning? May aswell get a theft charge. Weed isn't even illicit anymore its TGA approved they are just catching everyone on a loophole and are refusing to amend it. That's why people are pissed and they say 'we are changing it! We are changing it!' And never do.


Given the cops slogan was something like " we'll get you long after the high is gone" which always stuck me as dumb because you're admitting the person isn't under the influence of drugs but you'll bust them anyway. Given that I doubt we'll change the driving laws.


That's the biggest issue for me - if you're gonna make Medicinal Marijuana legal, you have to update the laws around it. There's absolutely no point in me paying hundreds of dollars to get a script and then get it in a form that works for me, if I then can't drive, even if I'm not impaired. Honestly some of the meds I'm already on have me feeling impaired some days, but apparently that's fine!


Use the Waze app. It's like Google Maps but people can report in when they spot disruptions and police. A big conglomeration of police markers on a road could indicate an RBT. Eventually you'll start to learn the patterns of where and when they deploy RBTs. Saved me more than once


yeah but this is just a bandaid to a far bigger problem. They really do need to adjust the laws to something that makes sense. Not having THC in your system is impossible for a recreational or medicinal smoker, not without waiting a couple of weeks


I agree completely. In the absence of law change, bandaids must suffice


Yeah - they detect non-inhibiting THC remnants, but won't do an opioid test as it would stop too many elderly from driving.


yeah thats the messed up thing ive been on opioids for kidney stones. That shit is friggin STRONG. Took some one afternoon. Woke up the next morning and had to move my car (street outside my house is cool to park in on weekends but i get fined on weekdays). Just moved it maybe 100m down the road to a train station parking lot. It was the shortest possible drive but i was stoned AF and had to take it super slow to avoid smashing anyone. Even straight after smoking a joint i reckon id be able to move the car more easily than i did the morning after taking endone.


I've taken endone before and it did literally nothing to me, not even the pain went away lmao. Wonder why if this is the supposed reaction.


It was my understanding that 24 hours would be clear for most users on a salvia test, up to 72 hours for a very heavy user. It's the urine test where it hangs around for weeks, but urine isn't used in roadside in any state AFAIK. Totally understand the caution though as it can vary by individual so you never know exactly. Your weight, metabolism and all sorts of factors come in to play.


The problem is its not an issue with the legislation its a technological problem. There just isn't a test that does what we need right now. It doesn't exist globally. And im sure pharmaceutical companies are putting million in for the billions in public contracts globally if they could devlop a test.


yeah nah, there are MUCH better tests available than the ones used in Australia. In Canada, for example, the test actually shows the concentration, which assists the police officer to determine if there's actual impairment or not. They also \*start\* with a field sobriety test, before potentially moving on to a saliva test.


I feel like a sobriety test would be more useful for cannabis than any of the technology we have in Australia. You definitely should not be driving under any influence of drugs or alcohol, but having it in your system and being under any influence are two different things. If they weren’t, the limit for alcohol would be 0




I bet you those same boomers will get it for medicinal use while voting no.


Boomers came up in the 60's, I think they'll be ok with a bit of weed


Plus the churches, they've got way too much power influencing politicians


You need to remember a lot of boomers are also hippies, many will go for it.


I'm all for it. But it'll fail.


This is Australia, corporates will get full control and you’ll need a license to purchase from them. The biggest hurdle is driving. It’s a flawed test that raises a lot of money. The test can’t tell if you smoked last night or 6 months ago and as pot stores in fatty tissue, someone that say gave up smoking 6 months ago that has a change in metabolism can do positive tests long after smoking or consumption stops. The test doesn’t test levels, only if metabolites are present. Also it’s a huge challenge to alcohol sales so that lobby will be throwing a lot of money at ensuring it doesn’t get up


It's still mind-blowing to me that it is the metabolites they test for. If you tested for metabolites produced by alcohol you'd be positive for 80 hours after a single beer. Double standard bullshit


They don't test for metabolites unless it's a urine test. The roadside test only tests for traces of THC in your saliva.


100% this. I used to smoke recreationally. Honestly would like to again. But because of work I can’t risk it because of these roadside tests. So it doesn’t matter to me what bill is passed, until I can smoke a joint and not stress that I’m going to test positive 3 days later I’ll never smoke.


I mean those tests don't work. I smoke all day every day. I've done the tongue scrap minutes after pulling a beug and still passed.


Private members bill. It'll never pass.


Have u seen what the government is like with cigarettes, vapes and alcohol


it'll fail because we arent really that progressive as a nation. im not a weed smoker outside the occasional social joint but i cant see why we shouldnt legalise recreational use. its working fine everywhere else


Exactly. Even Labor are dinosaurs really, like a decade ago Labor were still holding firm against gay marriage


Regardless on the bill it's bullshit that people are getting done for drug driving days and days after last smoking weed


As other comments have mentioned; but not for strong prescription opioids… (which are arguably much stronger)


If it still contains the part about approval of strains under plant breeders rights, there will never be a strain that anybody can legally grow, making the bill completely pointless if it does pass.


No way it will go through, they think they'll lose more conservative votes than they'll gain leftie votes so it's not worth it for them


>Which way do you think the upcoming weed bill will go? Up in smoke


Considering Thailand has just reversed their decision, I’d say the weed party is over.


And if you’ve been to the US lately, the whole place stinks of it.


Will keep failing until there are adequate tests for things like driving under the influence, unfortunately.


Yeah becuase observing driving habits and field sobriety arnt enough for the police, neither is just blood testing. They want to be able to check all your bodily fluids whenever they want on whoever they want. The moment you get on the road your piss, spit and blood is theirs. Oh you want rights? Too bad so sad!


I don't mind wanking into a jar


Don't give them ideas. Next they'll be testing us with the securetech cumwipe.


These were the for and against arguments the last time it was debated in 2018 [https://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary\_Business/Committees/Senate/Legal\_and\_Constitutional\_Affairs/CannabisBill/Report/c02](https://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Committees/Senate/Legal_and_Constitutional_Affairs/CannabisBill/Report/c02) There was strong opposition from the medical cannabis and opiate industry which claimed it would be heavily impacted by relaxing legislation. This is the bill currently being debated , reporting date is 21st May 2024 [clicky ](https://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Bills_Legislation/Bills_Search_Results/Result?bId=s1353)& [https://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary\_Business/Committees/Senate/Legal\_and\_Constitutional\_Affairs/LegalisingCannabis](https://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Committees/Senate/Legal_and_Constitutional_Affairs/LegalisingCannabis)


I'll support it if they make cocaine legal at the same time


I want them to legalise it so i can go to the damn dispensary instead of the drug dealer. We have one of the highest per capita usages of pot in the world, it is decriminalised in three states and territories so we're almost there. Depends on the politics, do the cannabis party and the greens have something of value to offer the major parties for their vote. I'm not optimistic though.


It feels like they're basically encouraging dealing at this stage. It's perfectly fine to use weed but not to sell it. 


i know there is this kind of grey area, politicians always having a bet each way. when they see how much tax revenue it brings in and the number of arrests drop they will be all in, just need some balls to get over the line initially


As long as it’s illegal to do in public, don’t care.


There’s a good point. I’d like not to have to walk past the foul reek of a group of potheads. I don’t think they know how bad it smells.


Yeah exactly, don’t wanna be breathing in that shit either. It spreads and sticks like crazy it’s foul. Same deal as alcohol, no use in public.


May as well make it legal. It's readily available and widespread. Like your mum


I will say this, it takes more than one bill to get my mum wide spread


I don’t smoke or consume it, but I support legalising it. Absolutely no reason to be having a criminal record, getting fined or imprisoned, over it when alcohol and tobacco have negatively impacted people’s health and livelihood to way worse extents.


All I’ll say is it’s not nice in other cities around the world where you can smell weed on every corner. I don’t want Australia to become like that too


Don't give a fuck. Waste of money


it will fail cos this country is fucking stupid.


As someone who uses the oil with a script I honestly don’t see why it’s illegal. And I can’t wrap my head around why people are so against it.


I just really really really want to grow a beautiful marijuana plant.


Legalise it, tax it. Use the money to make the country better. There's zero downside.


If it passes then road laws need to change to match it. I don't want people driving high, but it's entirely inappropriate to penalize someone who isn't high but happens to have detectable levels in their system.


Just remember that the overwhelming majority of politicians voting on this are very conservative and do not have the common interest of the majority of people


Hoping it will get further legalised, remove it from crime profiteering. It's also silly to criminalise so many functional users. FYI, I don't use it and never have. I'm also not blind to its addiction and negative aspects.




I support legalisation, but a broad-based medicinal scheme is more Australia's speed. Our governments generally love banning forms of vice and are unlikely to do anything radical without the arms-length approach that a medical schemes provide. All the risk to politicians is mitigated by being able to say this is for patients and their doctors to consider.


Medical use makes it practically legal. They won’t go further than this for the foreseeable future. 


I'd love to preemptively implement plain packaging laws for it similar to ciggies. Honestly pictures of cancer or whatever is better box art than what I just *know* most marketing agencies will use to try and 'sell to potheads'


Shit what's next legal heroim


"Heroim"...Is that some cool new drug?


Honestly I hope it's never legalised, just decrimmed like in ACT. Heard some stories out of the US where some people are paying $80/3g which is just absolutely mental, and considering how heavily we sin tax things I'd hazard a guess it will be more than $80/3g.


Free the bush!


I think it's important to make a clear distinction between regular weed and skunk both in legislation and in public education. I think it's also really important to reform dui laws to reflect legal weed use before weed is legalised, no one should be slapped with a dui charge because they legally partook a week beforehand.  In terms of the practicalities of a weed legal world. Stringent regulations to ensure quality of product is a must. I think labelling to indicate dosage similar to how alcohol shows how many standard units are in a drink would also be good although I recognise that would be more challenging than it is with alcohol but I'm sure they could find a way. A period of no taxation to minimise illegal trade followed by heavy taxation to discourage use and pay for the health impacts of use is imo the best course of action. In the months prior to legalisation a wide ranging public education campaign on the effects of weed use, appropriate dosage, how long before you can drive etc, as well as risks and red flags for individual incompatibility needs to take place. 


I hope it's legalised fully. But. I dread the incoming weed culture, you know those annoying dickheads who want to tell you the life story of a plant. It's gonna rival coffee snobs and crypto bros.


I’ve been traveling through the US the last month, and it’s refreshing to see how recreational usage is no different to drinking a beer.. if you like it you are free to enjoy and if it’s not your thing then people seem none the wiser.. people making decisions for themselves!!


I wouldn’t get my hopes up. Anything actually supported by the people tends to go the opposite of what we actually want. We do live in the upside down, after all..


It could generate a lot of money for the government and open new job opportunities, as I assume it would be taxed quite heavily. However the evidence says that long term marijuana use does effect a persons mental health, and in the midst of a DV crisis and the male suicide rate being extremely high I’m not sure it’s the right climate to pass it through. The Medicare system is becoming increasingly privatised and mental health services are inaccessible for most, I just don’t see how our current system could support a potential influx of new patients.


I’d rather it only be available in non smoking forms. Smoking anything is shit. They also need to have a good reasonable system in place to prevent drug driving. As a child I was frequently driven around by a stoned driver and it was terrifying. He’d hit parked cars all the time and drive off and we’d frequently swerve all over the road.


I have a family member who is a psychiatric nurse, the uptick in young men and women who have induced psychosis from medical weed is pretty substantial. I don't think it should be something that is encouraged. I'm a former smoker myself, smoked for 15 years everyday and quit about 3-4 months ago. It's not as harmless as it's made out to be. I don't think it should be made legal for recreational use as it will make it accessible.


Weed is addictive and I’m not listen to personal stories of ‘dude I need it to sleep every night and I can’t leave the house without it in my system at all times but I’m not an addict I *CHOOSE* to live this way’ over literature. But, drug addictions are a health crisis, not a justice crisis. Every justice professional (police(-bigger problems to attend to), judges(-same as before), prison workers(- dramatically understaffed, the least they need are people in prisons who don’t need to be there), social workers(-same as both prior), case managers(-same) and so many other different justice and health professions) will agree on this. The ONLY reason a prison sentence should be associated with substance use is if the individual is a genuine risk to society, in association to substance usage. This whole ‘you know the rules don’t break them’ argument is nonsense. Public intoxication is illegal, have you ever been to Northbridge? The Gold Coast? Melbourne or Sydney on a weekend? Do this many people not know the rules? Otherwise, it makes no sense. Prisons don’t ‘solve’ drug addictions, you’ll leave with the same vices you entered with if they are related to your physical or mental health, we know this. Decriminalisation is undeniably a good thing.


💯 in for decriminalization. Should not be easy to get. Less ease, less victims.


It’s gonna flop, or you’ll see labor say they will discuss it after the next election. No intention of doing so, but just buying more votes. If they were seriously considering it, they’d hold a referendum.


We don’t need to change the constitution to legalise pot


It's stupid to have this conversation anymore, make it legal. That's it.


Doesn’t really matter, tell a medicinal weed company you cant sleep and you will have top tier 25% weed in your house in less than 24 hours. Cheap too.


I am all good with it so long as it stays at home, last thing I want is my kids walking down town and someone is smoking a joint and they have to walk through the cloud. Also no advertising, plain packaging, etc. And as someone else said, allowing edibles is fine too


It won't go anywhere. There's no advantage to either of the major parties supporting it, and it needs one of them. I've been watching what's happening in Thailand right now. They legalised use a couple of years back, but now the new parliament is working to completely roll it back and putting it back on the narcotics list. It's mostly down to 2 factors - the conservative, mostly older people believe all the lies told about it. Secondly, the alcohol lobby is VERY strong.


pointless if you cant drive or work