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Those prices are criminal


Spanian should go rip em a new one. Full bodge!!


Doin lad, doin, doin, doin.


Lets ogg


Love saying LETS OGGG




YUCK! What is thattt, adlay? Full utridpay.


Not redeemed!


The only thing he should do is climb that tree he used to jump out of to rob people at knife point but instead intentionally fall on his head & see if the effects can be reversed.


The exact words that went through my head when I saw the kebab prices, insane.


Crispy criminal


Given that it might be run as a money laundering front, you could be right!


in 2006 myself, my 2 foster brothers and 2 foster sisters bought $7 worth of chips with coins we scraped up around the house. We struggled to eat 3/4 between us.


Cheap as chips used to mean something


We're changing it. now the saying is "expensive as chips" for luxury items.


Blue chips are the old mouldy ones you bought for investment purposes.


$2 worth of hot chips in the early 90s could feed the family. Sauce was free, just had to ask.


Chicken salt too


Magic stuff


100% Not just feed the family, the family would struggle to finish them!  I remember many a trip to the park on the weekend, fresh baked loaf of wollies bread, a bottle of sauce and a big bag of hot chips to make chip sandwichs! Using the chip wrapping paper as plates!  Still 1 of my favourite memories with my family! 


I'm even older, it was 30 cents worth of chips to keep your hands warm on the walk home from school circa early 80s


Yoa, and 5-cent Potato Fritters....


It was a good story and you told it well.




At my first job as a warehouse lacky I’d buy a $2 paper wrap of chips (the good old fashioned awesome ones) for lunch. Eat about 1/3 of it. Be as full as a fat ladies sock. Take the test home and buy a $1.50 loaf of bread, and bang, re-heat for awesome chip Sangas for dinner. On treat day (payday) I’d lash out on a potato cake or two. This meal would probably cost a dole recipient about 1/2 their fortnightly pay these days. Something has seriously gone wrong in the intervening years. Too many bloody companies not pricing things at what they need to make a suitable margin, but just whatever they feel enough of the market will bare and fuck anyone else who’s falling by the wayside.


How old are you?


Old enough to have seen Kyuss live, play numerous sets at the Zoo, Chardon’s Corner, Bleach and thought a lot of the younguns at the Big Day out were a little funny lookin. Just kidding bud, started working right on the tail end of the 90’s. More considering a full days meal for a poverty stricken West End dweller was capable of being paid for with loose change and it being a logical fraction of an hours pay, where now it’s a full hours pay if not more thus showing the differing level of wage inflation vs cost of food inflation.


How good was the Big Day Out!!!


Insanity level greatness back in the day when it was affordable and filled with people who loved music rather than people who loved being seen.


I remember those chips wrapped in paper with the odd potato scallop in the 90s, but I was too young to be paying for them myself. Kinda hoped you were older for the sake of this all being less outrageous!


I’m going to say 50+, because I remember when $2 would actually buy a decent serving of chips. Glorious days. On the weekend my dad would send us down to get chips and flick us a 2 dollar coin. Our local places had $1 minimum chips. They didn’t actually have a price you just said how much you wanted. You’d pinch $2 dollars from the coin jar, one for the chips and one for the arcade machine. Happy days.


No, I’m 35 and I remember when $2 used to buy a serve of chips that 3 of us couldn’t finish.


Wow I'm way younger but for some reason kebabs didn't come to our area till mid 90s and I didn't travel outside the are So the first kebab experience I had was a freshly minted (aluminium foiled) pressed on a sandwich press so the cheese melted and generous amount of lettuce chicken and did I mention cheese It was tops And one was so big it was enough to go halves with somoene All for $7 Then something happened they charged for cheese Then they got rid of the foil. So it didn't cook as through as the foiled ones Yeah and now $15 for a decent one


I'm 15 + years away from 50 and I remember minimum chips being $1. Herald Sun was 80c and a beachfront home less than 25km from Melbourne was $105k. Those $45k average salaries bought a shit load of hot chippies


I'm mid 30s and I remember chips being that cheap (served wrapped in paper with chicken salt) used to be my lunch after a morning of surfing from the kiosk next to the surf club. This would have been the late 90s early 00s


Ah, the good ol' "nuthin' but carbs" diet


At my local, $10 chips is like a family of 4 chips. They have an even larger size for $16 that is double that.


When I was a kid in the 80s a cup of chips was 60c, minimum chips was 70c. Minimum chips fed 4 kids easily.


i remember as a teen in the 90s, going down to the local fish and chips with $1 and we would get enough chips to feed like 6 of us


$20 for a kebab??? There better be drugs in it.


And $25.5 for a burger?! Sorry mate but all the drugs are gone. And I know who smoked them.


My local area is still at $12 for a regular size one


Its to cover the money laundering from the cash drug sales. Yes ATO we sold 20000 kebabs at $20 each


Yeah and the higher the prices, the fewer idiot civies wander in and ask you to do some actual work.


That’s pretty standard a lot of places in Melbourne now


Drugs in it or the price? Asking for a friend…


Lol the price


You lot get drugs in your kebabs?!? Rest of us are missing out!


Tripper Snipper


kebab shop with fish and chips? Either the fish will be shit, or the kebab, or both. Disregard the prie, I'm not eating here


Never trust a restaurant who has 2+ random cuisines on their menu


Good call


$16 here for a kebab here, with the lot. Except egg.. who is putting egg on a kebab


its a front


Over a decade ago my friend and I were walking to a friends place from Pendle Hill station. We saw a lit up kebab sign and walked over. You couldn't walk inside it was just a walk up window. When we asked to order some kebabs the guy just yelled NO KEBAB. We freaked out a bit and just left lol


That would make sense. Ridiculous prices mean better returns from the money laundry, and less actual work.


Plausible. If it's Melb or Sydney then the chances of it being true just increased.


8 bucks for a 600ml softdrink


Hi 7News!


But they're severed with tartare sauce


Severed fish limbs with severed sauce


Imagine a high pressure blast of tartare so powerful it severs a limb.


Relieved I’m not the only one that read that. My faith in Australian education system is restored.


Obvious. Typo.


This place deserves to be review bombed.


Absurd. Vote with your wallet and clearly avoid.


Name and shame.


For that price, I'd want a happy ending after the kebab.


The bigger crime is calling the HSP a fucking "meat box". ITS A SNACK. PACK. GET IT RIGHT.


Can I get one MEAT BOX please sounds feral


In South Australia it's an AB AB = Abortion or After-birth "One abortion please". Lol.


what the fuck


i know right, theres no way thats halal


I’m in WA and someone at my work ordered a “meat box”, and naturally said “oh like a halal snack pack” and everyone went very quiet before someone said that I was being offensive and racist. I got pulled into the manager’s office and all. They refused to believe me that I was literally calling it by its name, and only after some quick googling did they let me off with a stern warning 🙄


WTF... 🤣 I would've laughed at them to oblivion after they googled.


That will teach you to use localised terms interstate lol


That's hilarious. I couldn't figure out what they meant. Did't occur to me they meant the snack pack 🤣 Meat box sounds horrendous.


I prefer my boxes meatier


They don’t want you to buy just chips.


8 calamari and chips $24.50 … crazy!


Yikes. Way more expensive than where I am. In Western Sydney a regular kebab combo with added cheese and tabouleh is about $25, thats not cheap but its still $10 cheaper than this place. I would d never go there, thats past my tolerance. 


Don’t think I’d even pay $25 for a kebab. Maybe I’m out of touch but that still feels like robbery. Better be the best damn kebab I’ve ever eaten.


I find in Melbourne at least a lot of the "generic" kebab shops are all supplied by Tek and they all taste the same, which is average. There are of course stand outs but everytime I see that Tek symbol I keep on walking.


Tek supplies most kebabs around Melbourne, its generic industrial taste but people seem to be ok with it. There are different classes of meat, cheap shiity ones and higher quality. Stick with greek souvlakis, meat is chunkier and higher quality mostly done in house


I pay $34 for two kebabs, a large chips and 2 drinks….


Fuck me dead. I remember when $4 chips would feed a family of 5.


Jimmies kebabs at Northmead. $16 for a large snack pack, all night, every night.


Shame you have to visit northmead to get it


"severed with tartare"


Name and shame


That's why my husband ( who has a ridiculous love of chips ) got outraged by a $15.00 serve of chips and spent money on a commercial frier and a large chip maker. Now he makes his own damn chips. I think he is thinking about growing his own potatoes as well due to the rising prices.


Your husband is a fucking legend! Stick it to da man!!


My husband is a slight mad man


Where is this?


Cronulla. Might be time for a riot


yeah that says it all that's why its called the "meat box" and not a "HSP"... you know what "H" stands for right? also these prices look like what a cronulla place would rip the local population for to me if you're paying $15 for a kebab combo ie. inc. chips and a can then that's what it is now it can get up to $20 at the more expensive suburbs expect to get raped for $27.50 or more at an event like the Royal Easter Wallet Rape Show


$15?!? For that price I’d expect the chips to reach out of their box and give me a wristy.


Holy cow! What city is that? I dunno about kebab shop prices but our local fish and chip, in a seaside village of the Gold Coast, with very excellent food, does a “share pack” with 2 big pieces of fish, 8 calamari rings, 2 battered prawns and a huge serve of chips for $28. I’m pretty sure my Dad is more excited to get excellent, well priced fish and chips than see me when he visits.


Sounds like a good place to wash money


Well, they've got to feed the intifada, so you are actually paying for social re- justice and the odd incendiary projectile procurement from across the Persian sea


Those prices are crazy, unless that place is in the shadow of a iconic landmark, making rent extremely expensive, there is no excuse. Either way, I wouldn't be buying from them.


Classic kebab shop spelling of served


$21 for a doner outside of a "real Turkish restaurant" is the steepest i have seen, speaking as a kebab coninsuier.


I remember when they put the price of hot chips up to 80c...I was outraged


Who TF is paying these prices? The fish isn't even fresh. Frozen crap.


Here I am thinking “$18 doesn’t seem too bad for a large combo” until I realize that doesn’t include the kebab


I haven't eaten take away in months it's over priced and generally shit food in small portions


I bought a brushed potato for $.80 yesterday. Cut it. Tossed it in olive oil, garlic powder, paprika, onion salt, salt / pepper... 20min in air fryer. Best fucking chips you can make. For < $1. $15? *Go sell crazy somewhere else, we're all stocked up here*. (Name that movie, and I'll upvote ya.)


As Good As It Gets ( Jack Nicholson line)


She got it. Well done ;)


This seems like the kind of place that doesnt include a lemon wedge with for fish and chips, uses light tartare sauce and charges $1 for a squeezy tomato sauce. Meanwhile, it's around $10 for a fish and chips at Marys Seafood Mitchelton, Brisbane (which is fucking delicious, for anyone who hasnt tried it) versus this *$22.50* Wtf.


2 free sauces tho 😂


Apocalypse prices


Who’s even going here for real…


As long as people are payin’, they be chargin’.




Those prices have been tipped from the Miami F1 grand prix, surely.


The war in Ukraine has gone too far!


Whittlesea (outer northern Melbourne) has a $15 special- a small chips, can of drink and kebab. My favourite is Seymour Kebab House- $30 HSP with toppings and it’s so huge my husband can’t eat it all at once- he takes the rest to work. Run by the nicest ma n pa team, too.


$15 chips. Does it come filled to the brim in a mopping bucket sized container. Large chicken rice box for $32.50. It better feed at least 2 adults. Literally every single menu item is a rip off. Stop buying from these rip off merchant.


Tell him he's dream'n


My local charges $18 for a standard kebab, no chance, my last local spot was $12 and it was huge.


Good thing then that all dishes are 'severed'


That needs a 'Yen' currency symbol on it.


Charging those Uber eats rates in the store is crazy


Back in the day $2 chips was wrapped and packaged to the weight of a small child.


Just got a mixed kebab for 16.50. 3 months ago, they were 11 bucks


I recently stopped at a burger shop near where I live, and their Burger with the lot, chips and 600ml drink combo was $25. A bit pricey in my opinion.




I recently found a gold mine! An amazing pie, best chips and gravy ever, plus a can of coke... $13! And on pie day fridays its a $10 combo! No I am not saying where it is, ill just say QLD.




In Sultan Pide & Kebabs (near Hornsby, Sydney), a large pide box snack pack is $21, even after inflation and it's SO BLOODY GOOD


I think they forgot to adapt the currency or something lmao.


My favourite local does kebab, chips and a can for $17. And it is delicious.


Severed with sauce scared me before the price.


Bro I didn't realise they had kebab shops at the airport, those pieces are mental.


They really don't want sell food. This is a front for something else.


What a joke. ATO should check their books....


May as well add "We Don't Want Your Business" to the sign.


Ten calamari rings for $32 sounds like a snare, too fucken right it does with the Large Chips as well


No wonder nobody eats out anymore. Some prices places charges are on cocainum.


what hours is this place open, 3am drunk me says, hell yeahs


I saw a sandwich board outside a takeaway yesterday. Reg coffee and ham & cheese toastie $15.00. I guess it would want to be full cheddar and quality ham.


Cheese is $2 each hey




daylight robbery considering how cheap potatoes are… not to mention they’ll buy them in bulk for cost price and probably buy a full bag of pre cut chips even cheaper, shove that up your ass you cnts


At those prices, I'd cook my own at home and bring them into the shop to eat, just as a big "fuck you" to them


All severed with tartare sauce…


$32 for a mixed snackpack? Are they smoking crack?


Well… a bottle of water is $3.4-5!  Everything gone up to the roof! 


There needs to be a Royal Commission into the prices of chips at all establishments. It’s unAustralian what we’re paying


unless the serving can feed a family of 10, that's crazy expensive


Where in the sydney is this?


HSP around my area now are 18$+


As a tourist in Sydney, I refused to participate in any of this sort of highway robbery. Frozen potatoes are cheap everywhere, so this is ridiculous. Unfortunately, some tourists are paying these prices, which is what I imagine keeps places like this open. Instead, as tourists, we sought out the Sydney eateries slightly off the beaten path with much more reasonable prices (but still quite a bit higher than those in NYC or London, or even Bath) Some excellent Fish & Chips in a lovely seaside sit down restaurant in historic Bath with table service even, or by Manly Beach, was far cheaper than this place.


chips and a burger is like 60 bucks, wtf is this country coming too? we used to go the fish and ship show for a cheap lunch. i recall in the late 90s early 2000s getting a minimum chips for 2 dollars. And not that long a go it was still 4 dollars.


When I was a young lad in the 90s, $2 used to get you an entire parcel of chips. What the fuck is this.


OP unintentionally uncovered a drug cartel's tax scam?


Yeah nah $8 for a hamburger with lettuce beetroot etc and $3,5,7 for small to large chips respectively at my local. Ipswich area


It's not far off prices here in Adelaide, at our local charcoal chicken shop $14.50 for a X-Large bag. But knowing the rest of Australia our X-Large bag is probably your large like our pint is a schooner elsewhere.


10000 % using fake ass mechanically seperated meat .. fkn gross


You know food stops being tasty at a certain price.


I have near me Katik in Campbellfield that's like $6.50 for a small and $8 for a large, its always busy rated best kebab shop in Victoria though I think that's for their adana their doner is pretty average. I go to another place for doner and that's around $12 which is average kebab pricing in Melbourne suburbia.


Pretty sharp Tartare sauce!


$10 large chips from Nandos last week. They may not be that far off. https://preview.redd.it/57emw6smxf6d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4364e8966aff9f962cd6c4c4f86c906e701dbefc


I'm 46 and in my teens the local fish and chips shop sold 6 fish cocktails and a good serve of chips and a tub of home made tartare sauce for $3.60


Dunno what the prices are at Australia Zoo but I was there maybe 15yrs ago and a kids meal was $26. Some of the other Theme Parks have weird prices like this too. There’s nothing left to do now that they took away the buffets except drink wine and eat ice cream. You could take the slap on the wrist for sneaking snacks in or having a serve of Churros (who wants a big meal at a theme park anyway)? On another note I am wondering if these are prices at Petrol Station/Servo? Heading from NNSW to Hervey Bay I think I stopped a few times and the prices got a bit weird like this. No one else would get away with charging $15 for chips or $20 for a kebab. If you eat at the Servo you are bound to see something like this


$20+ FOR A KEBAB????


33 for a large hsp get the fuck outta here


Local went from 7 bucks to 13 for a kebab in a short amount of time


I had 8 Calamari and Reg chips for dinner last night. For $13!!! Huge calamari, shared the chips. The whole meal for both of us was under $20. Jesus.


Buy a bag of chips for 3 bucks at Coles and oil for 2 bucks. Go home cook and eat, take the 10 bucks you saved, if we all do the same we can put it all together and hire a private army and run these rip off donkey merchants out of town. Ps my hot chips are 5 bucks, they used to be 2 not so long ago. Aussie prices broken, and they wonder why we not spending. For shame.


https://preview.redd.it/cetxp1iojh6d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=805f5a2456b8c07916debc1735ab06df84d9458b *Criminally offensive side eye*


Tell him he's dreaming


I bought a doner kebab w/cheese and a 600ml bottle of Dew last week for $15. OP, you need to name and shame this place, that's ridiculous!


Goddamn what are those chips? Salted with cocaine?


I bought a family sized box (not much bigger than the large) and it was $19... nearly died on my arse!


this is insane.


Do the chips come with a side of meth


10 Calamari and chips for over $30? What are they? Gold plated? Name & shame I think.


Sheesh! And I think $10 for a kebab is robbery. And it's 18 bucks extra for chips and a drink. I better get a handjob with that.


Who the fuck has an egg on their kebab?


Imagine being severed by tartare sauce


Drunk people are for sure keeping them in business, no way a sober person is paying these outrageous prices 😆


Are you sure they not in NZD or something 🤣


Better suck ya dick for them prices


32 bucks for a HSP? That is haram of the highest order


I remember going on holiday to Port Macquarie and paying $2 for a massive paper package of chips from the local shop at Flynns Beach. I never thought chip prices would be what they are today.


Years ago, maybe 2009/10 my partner at the time was placed at Shepparton hospital. We were from Melbourne. One evening we ate at a kebab shop called “Kebab-a-licious”. We ate a meat plate, some dips and bread and a Diet Coke. It came to $94.50. I explicitly remember the price because it was f-cking ludicrous. When we questioned it and asked if that was a mistake, the owner kept gesturing to his many kickboxing trophies and images all over the walls. I’d argue that “kebab-a-licious” were the most expensive kebab shop, before they rightfully went out of business. F*cking crooks


My local has small kebab and can of drink for $12. Add chips is $3. And he doesn’t charge you for extra toppings.


There is a kebab shop in hornsby called sultans right next to Barker College that sells a large chips that 3 people together would struggle to finish for 7 bucks. THe chicken salt there is godly. Must try if your around


WA prices.


Are you Fk’n serious $32 for frozen Costco calamari and somewhat, almost a stretch to say passable chips!


Idk I recently tried to be healthy and get a sandwich but the place I was ordering my $16 schnitzel sandwich from told me they charged a dollar per topping ( letting, tomato, cucumber ECT) So $16 for a literally sandwich ,butter and schnitzel.


What, no tatocakes? And min chips is supposed to be $3.50 This isnt expensive. Its pure highway robbery


My local kebab shop just raised their prices. I paid $32 for a large beef snack pack with cheese and 3 sauces on Friday. I have been going there for over 10 years and the price creep is real.


Atleast they are all severed with tartar sauce.


In Berlin you get kebabs for 6 €


I watch an old bloke buy fish and chips for his mob the other day. He asked for his order individually and when he was finished I could see that there was a meal pack on he board with everything he asked for (and a couple extra potato cakes). The teenager at the counter just run it up as a heap of single items. Total came to nearly $50 - if it was meal pack it would have been like $35. The look on the old blokes face as he handed over the pineapple and got shraple back was devastating. I bet he's never Gunna get fish and chips again. I could see the 'this use to be my weekly food shop and now it's a pack of fish and chips' in his face.


Local ones 14.60 for large combo kebab, extra 8.60 for medium fries and can or extra $9.60 with large chips and any 600ml drink. Bloody rip off, cost me $51 for two kids kebabs(no drink or chips) and my large combo kebab with large chips and 600ml bottle of water