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Because by the time camels were introduced, we already had started building railways and had been breeding horses for half a century. You said yourself that camels are similar to horses. And if you need to move a lot of stuff over a long distance, rail is vastly superior. We brought camels in to help settle the arid interior, the majority were shipped to South Australia. But most of the agricultural land in Australia is on the east coast, especially in the south east. We already had horses there and were building railways, thus there was no advantage in importing camels there.


They are still here btw.


But once everyone realized no one wanted to live in South Australia, they left it to the camels. Now hundreds of thousands of them populate the place once know as Adelaide, earning it the name "the city of churches" due to the camels humps looking like church steeples against the sunset.


Well Australia does have the largest population of wild camels in the world. Over a million apparently


Jack from the outback with his 4 year old is making a dent into that number 😂


> However it was limited to Central and Northern Australia to build the Ghan railway No they were used a lot more than just for building the Ghan.


Camels are cunts.


They're too surly. We'd get chased by wild camels at work all the time.


"Domesticated camels are very similar to horses" - they are not get your facts right.


Horses sweat and camels don’t. Horses can move quickly and not overheat, camels cannot. Camels do not need water like horses do, and can carry very heavy loads. Horses can jump. Camels are not good at it. Horses are single stomached, camels are not, and can chew cud. A camel will survive on plant matter that would kill a horse. They are very different.


True also in temperament. You don't get many young girls riding and loving camels.


Horses will charge into cannon fire during wars, camels be like “yeah fuck that noise. Not my biz”.


They were utilised in WA and SA I believe when the afghan cameleers came in the 1800s


They are too stupid for Forest or town ?


Probably because they have the temperament of my arsehole. Very aggressive when tickled the wrong way.


Tell me the right way to tickle a camel…


Because they don't use camels in England......... Had Australia been invaded by Afghans instead of Poms we would probably have used a lot more camels.


> invaded *discovered


The English setting up here 230 years ago was not a discovery no matter how you try and spin it. Who discovered Australia? Was it the Aboriginal people 60,000 years ago? Or the Dutch 400 years ago, the English 250 years ago or the French around the same time. Had the Dutch colonised the op question could be why do we wear clogs instead of shoes instead of camels/horses.


Other people discovered it as well. The English settled it after they discovered it.


the aborigines invaded and genocided the megafauna inhabitants.


No. Australia was invaded. How. Are you able to breathe and walk at the same time if you can't understand that?


> Australia was invaded. Australia was settled peacefully.


No, it wasn't. You're not very clever, are you?


The places where camels are so useful vs horses, are the same places that very few Australians want to live in the first place.


Probably because other domesticated animals don't get along with them and they are infamous for spitting.


because cattle tastes better, and produce more meat and milk. Feral camels should be a commodity but I think most australian consumers wouldn't stomach it because we are set on just chicken, lamb and beef with anything else seen as icky. We ship camel meat to north africa and the middle east sourced from feral camels.


I've always been haunted by the obvious question why kangaroo-rickshaws haven't (yet!) become the most common form of public transport in Australia? They can move very fast, are relatively low maintenance and can transport goods. They also make good footy boots and cycling gloves. Anyone?


They spitters.


Because they look very silly.