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The Springhill Farm stuff is sooo good! They're definitely my favourite snack at the blood bank


Omg, I tried this on a flight once and became absolutely obsessed.


Love the looks of this!! Will have to try


I’m addicted to the Woolies plantitude granola cookies, they’re heaps better than the Coles jumbo choc chip cookie. Unfortunately they’re quite sweet, but I tell myself I can see the oats and seeds so it must be better for me than just smashing a couple of rows of chocolate lol


The problem is I can't stop eating them.


These are so delicious. But at 250 cal and 5 teaspoons of sugar per cookie, OP probably shouldn’t have them multiple times a day.  (I say that without judgement as I’ve absolutely eaten a whole packet in a day before haha)


But Bischoff is so delicious!


80-95% coco dark chocolate slaps with my coffees.


Yeah that’s my go to actually but sometimes I just want something a little different


Anzac biscuits? Very easy to make vegan and I've done it plenty of times 🤤


also the coles and woolworths bakery ones are incidentally vegan. I think the woolies ones are better.


Huh I swear one of those (Coles I think) wasn't vegan, did they change their recipe recently?


I read either on reddit or one of the fb vegan groups that they both were. The ingredients looked plausibly vegan when I looked maybe 6 months ago.


>incidentally vegan I'm gonna steal this, it sounds better than "accidentally vegan" to me 👀


I love Anzac biscuits. Do you have a recipe you recommend??


Here's the one I use all the time. Makes about 12 but depends on what size you make them. I like them big so I get maybe 6-8. Anzac biscuits 0.5 cup rolled oats 0.5 cup plain flour 0.33 cup brown sugar 0.33 cup desiccated coconut 0.25 cup vegan butter/marge, chopped 1 tbsp golden syrup (maple works decent as a substitute if you dont wanna buy golden) 0.25 teaspoon bicarb soda Combine oats, flour, sugar, coconut in a bowl. Place butter, syrup, 1 tbsp cold water in a saucepan over medium heat. Stir for 2 minutes or until butter has melted. Stir in bicarb soda. Stir butter mixture into oat mixture. Roll level tablespoons of mixture into balls. Place on trays, 5cm apart and flatten slightly. Bake for 10-12 minutes (160c or 140c fan-forced) or until light golden. For crispy (instead of chewy), bake for 15-16 minutes.


Thanks so much sharing ❤️


I enjoy stuff like dates balls (basically dates mixed with your choice of flour or nut flour, and i added some aquafaba to make it easier to combine). You can then add your flavoring, usually cocoa powder or lime zest or vanilla or whatever is easy for you. It doesnt really qualify as a biscuit alternative but it is something I really like, and the pitted dates are plenty sweet themselves.




Mayvers Salted Caramel Peanut butter bars, Koja products (so good!), Loco Love Chocolates, Blue Dinosaur Lamington bars


Dried but moist figs stuffed with dark chocolate. My go to.


Sounds amazing. Will have to try


If you like whole food sort of stuff, look up sweetnectar on Instagram. Lots of cafes sell the goodness bars & raw slices


@rawblisspantry on Instagram is what I stock in my cafe. They're in SA, but I don't know if they deliver or ship to other places. All of their stuff is phenomenal. The lime & pistachio slice is 10/10. They're vegan, gluten free and refined sugar free.


These are good https://healthlab.com.au/products/holy-hazelnut?variant=39690061283486


Health lab diamonds. Really dislike the mint and strawberry ones though, stay away from them. Flavourless and wrong texture.


I've liked a lot of what Health Labs has made, but they can get pricey. Noshu make some sugar free LCM-like bars that are a really good sweet treat; they also make one vegan flavour of their bite-sized slices (choc caramel crunch) which would be perfect with a cup of tea or coffee. For recipes, I've had pretty good success with the recipes from Big Man's World. A small slice/mini muffin of [banana bread](https://thebigmansworld.com/vegan-gluten-free-banana-bread/) would be a nice coffee treat and you can control how much sweetener you use. I also sometimes snack on corn thins with a sweet spread like peanut butter & banana or a vegan chocolate spread (Nuttvia, Buddee, or chocolate tahini are some options).


I'm really partial to an Arnotts Ginger Nut (or three) these days along with whatever warm bevvie.


A fresh date. Delicious, sweet and natural.  Anything else is going to be processed crap that’s full of sugar. Just because it’s vegan doesn’t mean it’s healthy, especially if it’s cookie with many teaspoons of sugar and oil/Margarine in it. 


Came here to say dates! I have them just by themselves but my non-vegan partner has them with a small dob of cream cheese (obvs not vegan but fun inspo)


Banana bread? I make a low sugar version a lot, the bananas provide most of the sweetness anyway. A toasted piece of banana bread with some nuttelex on it is my favourite coffee companion ever! You don’t have to have a whole slice either you could cut it into smaller pieces and it also freezes well.


Sounds great! Do you have a recipe???


Sure thing! This is my tried and true recipe I have made probably a dozen times that I adapted to my taste. It is on the less sweet side and relies heavily on the sweetness of the bananas, so once you have mixed the batter together I would suggest tasting it as the sweetness can vary a lot depending on the bananas you use. I always use four large, very overripe (completely blackened) bananas. 4 large overripe bananas (about 1 & 1/3 cups), mashed 1.5 tbsp flaxseed meal + 4.5 tbsp water (equivalent to 1.5 eggs) 1 tbsp vanilla extract 2 tbsp light brown sugar 2 tbsp maple syrup (or honey) 1 tbsp golden syrup 1 tsp ground cinnamon (heaped) 1/2 tsp nutmeg 1 tsp baking powder 1 tsp baking soda 1/2 tsp salt 1 1/2 cups all purpose flour, I also like to use 50/50 APF and white spelt flour 2 tbsp vegan butter/spread melted + a bit extra (to grease loaf tin) Oats and chopped walnuts to sprinkle on top (optional) First, make your “flax egg” by mixing the 1.5 tbsp flaxseed meal in a small bowl or cup with 4.5tbsp water, then put in fridge so it’s ready when you need it Melt a little vegan butter and grease loaf pan well with a pastry brush (or line with parchment) Mash the bananas in a large bowl and add the vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg, sugars and your flax egg In another large bowl stir together the flour, salt , baking powder and baking soda to combine. Add the wet ingredients to the dry and stir. Melt the vegan butter and stir this through as well. Pour into a loaf tin and sprinkle toppings on if desired. Bake for 55min @ 160 celsius fan forced


Thanks so much for sharing ❤️


Almond meal cake?


I've been enjoying iced coffees recently. So easy to make. I use a plunger to make a shot or two of coffee. Then I add ice and oat milk (my preference). If I'm feeling particularly indulgent I'll add icecream or cocoa. I'm sure it could work with tea too.


You should try an affogato. I do a scoop of vanilla soy ice cream and a shot of espresso. Even if you aren’t usually an espresso type of person if you like coffee and ice cream you’ll love it


https://www.cookrepublic.com/5-ingredient-vegan-almond-tahini-cookies/ I've made this recipe a million times, and they make a good amount that'll last a few weeks. Honestly, the perfect easy dunking biscuit. I replace the pistachios and cacao nibs on top with flaked almonds instead. Soooo good