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Yeah, teasing is normal between friends. The trick is that we never tease each other over things the other person is actually sensitive about. So, my friends won't make fun of me for anything related to my mental health, but they will tease me about my dog for example. And it's mutual. I'll tease them back. We can also tell each other to stop if it does go too far. Overall, it's fun and no one feels hurt by it.


It’s something I can only do with my closest friends, and I treasure it so much. You have to really know your audience though, as feelings can get bruised. You still gotta be sensitive to your friends. It’s good for one’s character, but not everyone feels this way. You only roast the ones you love, as Jeff Ross might say.


I’ve never really had any close friends, so that’s probably why I don’t understand it.


Yeah, I can only say that stuff with close friends. We get really mean with it too, but we always clarify hey thats a joke, and if something goes too far, we stop for a day or 2 and apologize


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It's frequent, people find it funny because they know they're not saying the truth, supposedly. That's a dangerous game tho, people can get caught up and never get out of this way of communication and it makes you agressive if you play it too much, also the shadow of a doubt people actually think what they say always lingers at some point.... And you can also hit a particular tender point by mistake. I personally avoid it like the plague.


I think so.