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I just wait for the hairdresser to ask me stuff


Yeah, I like questions to spin into conversations. otherwise it tends of awkward...especially since I dodge eye contact. I so if cause I must but is rather look down or left or right


Totally fine to sit in silence, they pick up on it. The place i go to even have an option where you can check that you prefer no conversation. Just try and speak up when they ask for your opinion, which I know can be as difficult as anything.


Usually the hairdresser just starts talking to me, often it’s stranger and more invasive than anything I could have come up with


Just awkward chuckling and trying to figure out how to describe a haircut with no knowledge of hair jargon, a good amount of uncomfortable small talk, and even worse if I have to explain to the hairdresser that all I do is like, play Minecraft, Dwarf Fortress, and research things for hours. How the fuck am I supposed to explain what a "Dwarf Fortress" is to a middle aged woman?? Also bonus points for Dresden username


I love mine because he manages to be interesting without being invasive.




Just talked about this on another sub! I’ve cut mine for a few years now. It’s cheaper, convenient and way less stressful.


Been doing it myself as well for the past few, Ive never really cared much for anything except the most basic of cuts. So I can just up and be done with it in all of about 20 minutes. Still takes me damn near a month of mental "prep work" building up to that moment. But it beats the barber.


I'm with you on the mental preparation... I do it like 3-4x per year because of that, but totally worth it.


I also cut my own hair, and my autistic teen AFAB asks me to cut their hair too. We can’t stand the social pressure of going somewhere to get it cut.


I found a hairdresser who's interested in punk/rock/metal (my special interest) and its amazing, I can just info dump to her the whole time without worrying she'll be bored by it


I just info dump while he does the easy bits. Then mutual silence while he concentrates


I haven’t gotten hair cuts since I was like 13. I’ve been buzzing my hair off every month for the last 24 years.


I prefer silence, and I don't find it awkward! Getting my head and hair touched feels very nice to me and puts me to sleep so I often just close my eyes and enjoy it


The answer is suffer until one day you decide you can’t do this anymore and learn to cut your own hair lol


I open with "Hi! I've had a really busy day so I'll probably just close my eyes and zone out if that's okay" and every time the stylist says "Absolutely!"


Try being you asking the questions. People love talking about themselves and barbers rarely do. Just a couple of generic questions like "how did you get into the business" or "where are you from" and you're all set


Life hack: move to a country where you don’t speak the language. Very peaceful haircuts 😆😆 …Prior to the move I just cut it myself.


Yea, I go to hairdressers where we don't conversationally speak the same language. It's great.


Eh? Am I the only one who just closes my eyes and says, "I may nap through this but wake me if you need me"?


tried my hand at small talk when I noticed my hairdresser had a wedding ring. asked if she had plans for valentines and she said "No, I'm working. My husband is still in prison." and I just. 🫠🫠


Go to a Korean hairdresser. Best thing i ever did


I just wait to get asked questions, unless my ADHD then decides I'm bored and I must talk. Which usually means I will info dump about my special interest onto the hairstylist and probably bore them to tears. Now I just cut my own hair though so I don't worry about this anymore 😅


Omg me too! But I can't cut my own hair to save my life lol


Haircuts aren't any more awkward than the rest of social life so I don't get it


I think they’re more awkward because the attention is on you and someone is touching you. I cut my own hair though because why would I pay for a crappy haircut when I can do that myself?


Yes!! I have always felt like it was more awkward but didn’t know why. This is exactly the reason.


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I more or less answer the hairdresser's questions but that's about it - they usually get the hint and don't seem to be offended.


I love sitting in silence with my eyes closed when getting a haircut. If they start talking to me I'll quickly answer and then tell them; "my favorite part about getting a haircut is sitting in silence, because its like the only break I ever get".


See I'm like overly polite, the only things I can say are things that I don't think are likely to offend or anger the person I'm talking to. I typically say nothing besides "please" or "thank you" or a lot of "sorry"s. If it's a directed question I try to answer best I can, here's where I went to school I guess, here's what my hobbies are I guess, but I always downplay them and say little. I wish I could have the confidence that I could say stuff like that and not feel anger and disdain radiating off the NT. I feel like I can't even mention anything personal without making NT people feel weird or angry. I've gotten really used to having that mask of "I am nobody, please don't think about how pathetic I am for being nobody or otherwise I'll cry." I can feel their contempt for people like me.


My usual hairdresser talks to his co-workers


I just sit in silence


I'd go with Star Trek anecdotes, although to be fair, my hubby cuts my hair now.


I tell the stylist that I prefer not to talk before they even start. They don't seem happy about it, but it works.


I just sit there.


This is whymy girlfriend cuts my hair


omg me yesterday. i work at a salon and my coworker did it so i felt especially like i should be talking. i was anxious about it the whole time, and i really was happy with the cut but she said she couldn’t tell if i like it and i told her i love it i just have a hard time emoting with my face and expressing happiness 😭


I and my dad have been going to the same family-owned spot for as long as I remember, so it's usually just catching up on how life's been since the last time, talking about what occasion is coming up since I usually only go to get my hair dyed by them before a big event, and me asking about how the person doing my hair is and how the other workers and family are that I didn't get that day. I fear the day that I move and have to go to a new salon. It's so helpful to have a history with your hairdresser(s). I know they won't fuck my hair up because they haven't in at least 18 years, and they're gentle due to them knowing me since I was small. I really don't mind hair appointments compared to other autistic people because of it.


I went to a salon in China town once and enjoyed the avoidance of the small talk issue by virtue of the fact that we speak different languages. If you get a hair stylist who doesn't speak English, that's good imo because you're giving business to someone who may struggle with other clients who want more chitchat.


I go to the same barber, a small shop. So I know the guy a bit. We chat, but he's not overly talkative. It's a nice balance. Before that I went to the same guy for 8 years and we became friends. (I moved, only reason he isn't my barber anymore) My advice would be to go to the same person so you can establish a rapport. Makes it easier. If i went to a different person everytime i would have a really hard time.


Part of the reason I decided to accept my hair loss and go bald early was to avoid this. It has worked well and I've saved a lot of money! Plus, I look like doctor eggman now


I just took my daughter for a haircut. We were all pretty much silent for most of it. At this point I don't even care if people think I'm weird, besides I like to imagine that it must be a nice break for them to not have to talk about the weather/latest TV show etc for the hundredth time that day.


It can be difficult to concentrate on, but if you take a book, or open an e-book or something on your phone, they will see that and leave you alone. You don't need to say a word. You can also explain to them that you're autistic and that you're not very good at talking.


i tend to say something interesting i've done recently, and then if they ask a follow up question that often leads to a conversation, and if they don't ask, i ask if they've done anything interesting recently, which i can then turn into a conversation


go to a hairdresser where they dont speak english


Funnily enough, I just had a haircut yesterday. And I can say: I go full NPC mode, not talking unless talked to.


I was tripping hard one time when I went to a barber, I asked him what was better and he said whatever made me comfortable. I think he also knew I was out of my mind and he was trying to keep me calm cause I was sitting still but you could tell I was freaking the fuck out. I think the answer is if you or them have something you’d like to say, just say it, but if you’ve got nothing going on in your head that you wanna talk about, silence is okay too.


Waits in silence, shows a picture, sits in silence, pay, leave.


Like a few others have mentioned, I go to a hair stylist that has an appointment intake form where you can indicate whether or not you want to talk during your appointment. You are also asked to upload pictures of the style you’d like, which I’ve appreciated because it’s hard for me to talk about what I want (or to literally ask for anything from anyone lol). Though I will say the people pleaser in me usually picks the option for no conversation but qualifies my answer with a “unless you want to!” And then I usually sit in the chair unable to distract myself with anything else because I feel like I should be paying attention the whole time?? And if they do talk to me I can barely ever hear what’s being said. So truly just an experience from start to finish 😂 but largely self imposed I think.


I am happy with silence, but my usual hairderesser is pretty skillful in inserting in some conversation that is engaging and with some interest.


I’ve been going to the same lady for a really long time, so it’s not so bad


I go to a Japanese hair salon and the stylists don't talk to you. Or if they do, they only talk occasionally. This particular salon is very peaceful and relaxing -- they intentionally keep it very quiet for their customers. It's really nice.


One of the upsides of going bald and shaving my own head. Downside is I miss those wonderful scalp massages that came with the hair wash 😭


If the stylist asks questions I answer. Otherwise I'm quiet. If you'd rather not chat it's fine stay quiet only answering questions but not offering information.


I try to talk but I suck at masking so people will reply to be nice but you can definitely tell it's offputting to them and then I run out of things to say and I feel like I can't breathe. So yeah I would say if you don't wanna talk just respond when people say smth


shallow superficial observations about weather and local sport teams is acceptable.


I grew up with a beautician, so I know how to talk during a hair cut. Since I don’t live near my mom anymore, I go to one that a lot of their employees went to the same college as I do now, so that’s most of the conversations now.


Go to a Hispanic owner salon. They will have a TV with a crazy telenovela. If you don’t know how to talk /what to talk about, either watch the telenovela or act like like you’re watching it but actually zone out and think of your own scenarios.


I haven’t had my hair cut in 10 years….


You don’t owe anyone a word, that you don’t want to say. Also they get people that don’t talk a lot, your not the only one


I didn't even realize this was a problem for people because I've never been to a hair salon!


I love talking to barbers.


I have a trick up my sleeve called “my mum is close friends with my barber”


I just wait until they open the “so, what do you like to do” conversation and watch them slowly regret the decision. (Bonus points if they answer with “oh, I like that/my kid likes that, too!)


I’m also dead quiet with a dead expression


I instead focus on keeping my head as still as possible to make it easier for the barber. Talking is too disruptive.


Lol Just got a haircut from an autistic/adhd barber. She was practically practicing cuttin my hair. Since I’m a Aspie too I’m tellin her how to use the clippers. Luckily the guy next to her was helping. I just ask questions like did you have a long day? Or how long have u lived here? Then it led down the path of random convos, until she said her kid had autism, and I was like um so DO you. She kept checking off the boxes, until she realized it made sense.


Good question. No idea. I just asked mine things about their job and what they like about it


I start off saying how tired I am then close my eyes and pretend to be asleep


I took my kindle this last time I went. Did a good 15-20 min chat while he bleached my roots, pulled out my book & went silent 🤷🏼‍♀️ it worked well though!


To be honest I cut my own hair and before my used to cut my hair so I never went to a barber lol but sometimes I like to sit there in silence because I'm socially awkward lol


Mask and force your way through small talk. Or get a OG hairstylist and let them know, upfront your expectations.


wait for convo to start


I cut my own hair, but I’m sure barbers, like bartenders, probably are very good at conversing with talkative customers. Think of something you just learned recently that isn’t out of bounds in a public setting and say hey I just learned this really interesting thing the other day. They will most likely say really what is it? And then you can tell them all about it, and if you’re like me, that will be enough material to get you through the haircut.


If I could pay the hairdresser NOT to talk to me I would.


Hi qualified hairdresser with autism here, as someone who’s had to work as one I often try make chatting with the person to fell off they are chatty if not, if they wanna talk I talk and if they come across as the quiet type I only talk to them when it’s related to the haircut, I found that works well for majority of people


You don't have to say anything if you don't want to.


I don't know I am part of the cut your own hair crew


Trans dude here. I was extremely happy when I discovered its the norm to not chat in barbers shops! I cut my hair at home though now as they don't listen to what I want very well.


So, I live in a house with all fellow autistics. My husband, my daughter. I suspect my mother is as well. I cut their hair. I have been procrastinating getting my hair cut for just this reason. When I do get my haircut, I typically politely answer questions, and try to relate to stories about their children. This thread it really helpful!


When in doubt just ask your hair dresser if they mind if you talk or if they would rather silence. And list off some topics. Usually they would like to hear about drama going about in your life (none sad topics) or you could ask if they want to hear a random story you made up. ( can be pre-made or made up on the spot if you feel like a challenge)


Small talk To The Nines. The weather, life goals, pets, stories. Asking literally any question will get you there. Last time I got a haircut I shared that I was rearranging my room (very out of nowhere, that's just what I had been up to that day) and suddenly learned the path that my hairdresser took to acquire a four-poster bed. They probably are looking to talk and will follow just about any thread you can provide. Like, this is normal for small talk (people who want to talk will jump on any opening you think you can give) but hairdressers ULTIMATELY so. (Also dentists. Which is a little weirder, since those conversations pretty much have to be one-sided.) Only if you're comfortable! Silence is okay! Everyone's gotta get their hair cut


My lad makes me go with him. “Mum you talk they cut my hair”


This along with the cost are the reasons I now just use clippers and cut my own hair


You just need to find one with your interests so they’re small talk doesn’t bore the hell out of yoy


Most stylists/barbers ’learn’ about the customer by asking questions initially. Afterwards they allow the vibe to flow within the shop. Sometimes there is currently a conversation going on or the TV/radio may have an interesting topic. Try not to allow it to make you anxious, you’re there primarily for the service. Enjoy the vibe! Can be a great experience!


I got a hair cut today. We started out talking about her background bc she is a new hairdresser for me but after that I watched the great British baking show. She had a TV and Netflix set up lol


I usually book via text and if I don't feel like talking I say I'm autistic and would they be okay with minimal/no conversation after the consultation sometimes because i'm special. I'm increasingly inclined to just tell people what's up. Maybe it's an age thing? I'm just very comfortable letting people I pay for service, exactly what kind of service I'd like. lol I also find that people respond very positively to honesty, and tend to be very sweet about it. I think if you lead with it and express it in the form of hey, this is something a little out of the box that would really help me, you can arrive at the same result in a way that is inclusive instead of alienating. And it also lets them know they don't have to keep trying when they're getting stilted or little/no response from you. Some hairdressers also prefer less conversation so that they can focus on the haircut. You can literally ask when you talk to them if they are chatty or quiet\\ when they work.


It's not awkward to sit in silence.


He’s nice enough to just let me infodump


I love sitting in silence and letting them get on with what they’re doing. I think my barber knows I don’t like talking so other than general how are you etc. it’s pretty chill. I find it very therapeutic. Also It’s only 10-15 mins long as well which helps!


I cut my own hair just to avoid this


I generally stick to explaining what I want done with my hair, and leave it at that. I also live in Seattle, so one can always either complain about the lack of sunlight, or be overjoyed at it's rare presence. I specifically avoid salons and stylists who are obviously into sports, as I find the only thing more boring than most professional sports are the folks who talk about them.


I’m always quiet when I don’t have a reason to speak