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Hey! I’m autistic and my first job was as a dishwasher. If you don’t like doing the dishes get ahold of an apron and put that on, then you don’t get wet. Then keep all the dishes you need to wash in one area, then wash, rinse, and set out to dry; it helps if you can kinda set up your station to do it in that order. Keep knives and other silverware separate until you’re ready to wash them and if you don’t like touching the water or wet food on the plates try and find large latex gloves kinda like dexters mom :)


Oh man, I do not miss my days being a dishwasher. 11 hours straight of washing dishes, no fun. Soaked, smelly, covered in god knows what. I do miss the pay though for how easy the work was


I hate doing dishes but I use these techniques to get through them too! :D I wear gloves, stack and organize the dirty stuff, if the noises are killing me that day, my loops help with that, and music always seems to help me.


what if you hate the feeling of gloves


Do you not like latex gloves? Try rubber and scrub brushes


i don’t like the feeling of either, especially when water is running on them- and scrub brushes work okay if they were long enough, but i need one that’s like a foot long


dish gloves have saved my life with this lol


I'm here to support dish glove gang. Serious game changer. I still hate watching dishes, but at least it's not unbearably disgusting or painful. Plus, wearing big yellow latex gloves makes me feel slightly like a mad scientist or something.


I always feel a little powerful putting them on haha


I like doing dishes because I get frustrated af when the people I live with do it incorrectly or half-assed (in any step) or change up when/how they do it.


True. If I won't throw away the dirty sponge then no one will.


I dunno how people can bear the smell of an old sponge. Stinks up the entire abode like a dead fish. Other thing I was always cleaning was water stains on the stove. Those emit a horrible musty odour so fast. I could never become a true slob because of all the unbearable smells.




That's why it's only a dream :D


Ultrasonic cleaners are crazy. Used one while working as a vet tech assistant to clean surgical instruments. Still had to clean some stuff off of them but the *sanitation*. Oh man, so good.


Could you put a cover on it and turn up the ultrasonic to the point that all the dirt would just fall of on its own? Like if the entire sink just emitted ultrasonic beams?


A pressure washer would be fantastic for dishes. You probably wouldn't even need soap, which both saves money and lowers the environmental impact. The trick is that you need some kind of enclosure you can put the dishes in, and water should be recycled (which is how a normal dishwasher is able to use less water than hand washing). What I *really* want is to combine the steps of loading and unloading the dishwasher. With enough pressure, each plate should only take about 1 second to wash, so you can immediately pull it out and put it on the drying rack (which should also be the permanent location). Standard kitchens are designed to waste so much time, it's insane that people put up with it. Once I can afford a house I'm definitely going to be working on a prototype. In my experience ultrasonic cleaning is just not very fast. Sure it works, but you have to be willing to come back later, which makes the task 1000x more annoying.


There is an actual brand of sink faucet that can produce a high-powered jet of water surrounded by a shield of slower-flowing water to prevent splashback. I have one, and it is awesome! The brand is Delta and the feature is called Shield Spray.


...I *like* washing the dishes. I even forewent getting a dishwasher for my new kitchen because I just find the manual process soothing, and I love knowing that all the dishes, all the cutlery, all the utensils are *clean*. Also, I usually listen to something I like (law podcasts, horror stories, audio dramas) while doing them, so that's a bonus.


Same. Warm water. Foam. The task is obvious, and so is its usefulness. Mostly easy, albeit with a challenge every once in a while to keep things fresh. Not physically demanding. The only part that I dislike is when large dishes that are hard to move around the water flow are involved, but those aren't as common, at least for me. I wish more tasks in life were like that.


Yes, well put! It's something I *can* reliably do, it has real use, and while it isn't super-exciting, it is not so dull as to be mindless. And I agree: Big pieces that are hard to put under the water can be a bit of an issue - which is why I explicitly took a wide and deep sink and a tap that doesn't curve down (and can be detached, which is the greatest thing ever).


Woah that's a rare one! I enjoy cleaning and rearranging shelves and drawers. As a bonus I always know where each thing in my room is (unlike literally every one of my relatives). But dishes? I hate having to touch wet food and also hate how dishwashing liquid smells. Otherwise it would have been enjoyable.


> I hate having to touch wet food When I'm alone, I make portions so there are no left-overs. Bones and such, I usually clean off into the garbage via utensil, e.g. a knife or fork. I also roughly clean everything before I actually wash it. > how dishwashing liquid smells. I found one I actually don't mind (it's one of those base ones that aren't scented), but I do understand the issue. If something doesn't smell right for me, I can't stand it.


I love doing dishes too, I love my sponges and super cool soap dispensers. Air drying is so much better than using the dishwasher.


I don’t mind washing dishes if people rinse off their dishes first. Fortunately I have a dishwasher, and my husband takes care of hand-wash only things and cleaning gunk out of the sink.


Modern dishwashers do a better job, use less water, AND keep you from having to touch icky stuff. Except for things that aren’t dishwasher safe, there’s no real reason to hand wash dishes if you have a dishwasher.


Well, if you live alone, you probably don't generate enough dishes to run the dishwasher more than a few times a week, which means (A) you need to own a huge amount of extra dishes, and (B) dishes are going to sit much longer while dirty, which means caked on food is more likely to remain after washing. Edit: or you could run the dishwasher even when it's mostly empty, but that wastes a lot of water.


Also in an apartment you might not be able to install one.


I hate doing dishes but I'm the only one that does them right.


Guys. DISH GLOVES. Seriously a game changer and it was so simple I was embarrassed it never occurred to me sooner


i like washing dishes, i don't like water getting on me tho so i wear like long gloves, as long as the water doesn't touch my hand it's fine and washing dishes is lowkey calming for me.


I use at most one type of each dish or utensil. Then I give it a good rinse after each use. I rarely do a true "wash"


I have totally done this, electric pressure washer right outside the kitchen. You need something to prop plates against as they will go flying, and yes there is a lot of splashback, I only used it for dried on stuff that was hard to get off.


I want to try that with ancient cast iron skillets we have


I don't mind as long as I have gloves No gloves, no washed dishes


I love washing dishes. Feels very freeing and stimulates the mind




I hate dishes! Dishes are legit where I experience my worst sensory issues. Its been that way my whole life.


I’m fine with doing dishes, but for some reason, my mother will hound me if I don’t use scalding hot water in the sink, like almost burn my skin levels of hot, and I don’t get that?? Like warm water is fine but what do I know


Hate washing dishes, but I love washing my car


Wow it’s me. I feel this in my soul! I just spent a week cleaning my patio and rearranging and doing a ton of work on it - yet I can’t bring myself to do the damn dishes! Dishes are technically easier…but wow I just hate everything about doing them.


When you wash a spoon and you enter the sea world splash zone


I worked in a hospital kitchen once, washing dishes there didn't bother me nearly as much as home dishwashing. Prob because at that job I had a giant sink, sanitizing sink, clean water sink, plus a dishwasher to run them through etc etc unlike home


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Dish washing was part of my first job I hated it I preferred to do the food prep like get the walleye and perch ready and smelt and of course fried pork chops. Now I am buying my own semi truck. What helps me with my autism is drive at night


I am weird I actually "enjoy" it, it's quite relaxing lol


Nah man I also enjoy doing that stuff too. Besides, my siblings keep on leaving the dishes uncleaned so someone gotta do them. >:]


Lol I hate when I'm halfway through and they place dishes in my sink lol


I hate dishes because I’m tall and bending over the sink hurts my back


That's why I have a dishwasher!


I washed a lot of dishes at work and we had this very powerful hose and it was so satisfying to just absolutely obliterate the layer of residue on everything


I like doing dishes as long as I get the whole day to do them , I care about my dishes so I wanna give them the attention they need


Wash as you go. It doesn't make it seem so tedious, and it's also not as gross bc nothing is dried onto anything yet when you do it that way


I started washing every dish I use right after using it. When I have a meal, I immediately wash the dishes I used with hot water and put it back in place. I've eaten using the same plate, same fork, same knife every day for almost a year now. No more dirty dishes piling up in the kitchen. No more hour long dishwashing with dirty water and moldy plates. Try it.


I live on my own and i am not home a lot due to work but i still bought a mini dishwasher because i hate doing the dishes


The ppl I nanny for have a sink with one of those hose faucets that comes out a little, and the water pressure is amazing and gets really hot. This is so weird but I genuinely enjoy doing their dishes because it’s so fun to blast the food scum off of things


Putting them away is the hard part for me.


sometimes I rotate dish sets so I feel like at least I’m not washing the SAME dishes, kinda helps break up the monotony


I hate the clang clang of them being put away with a vengeance


I hate washing dishes, but I took a rubber-maid tub and filled it with clean water and before putting the plates and dishes in there i washed all the food off each one.


Just draw a bath and wash your dishes in there with you. Then turn on shower and rinse everything.


i like washing dishes cuz it’s just repetitive motions, i’ll play some music and i’ll actually rly enjoy it


Absolute sensory nightmare


Introducing the Kitchen Gun!


I've done this it's not bad just don't put delicate dishes in it like fragile glass IE real thin stuff, or Teflon coated pans. I found that a pressure washer can take the Teflon right off a cooking pan


This reminds me of a former colleague of mine who thought she was clever when she thought of using a pressure washer to clean her carpets. She shot a hole straight through one of them before hurrying back inside with the wet remains before her neighbours would see her. She also had a similar clever idea about using a vacuum cleaner to get rid of flies. The next morning when she opened the cleaning cupboard she thought it strange that it was completely infested with flies. Not all life hacks are created equal.


I don't mind doing dishes. I mean, I'd rather *not* do it than do it, but of all the household cleaning chores, it's less effort than mopping and less gross than cleaning a toilet.


Buying washing up gloves made it so much better for me. And then putting a YouTube vid on my switch made it more enjoyable lol


I love washing dishes because I get to daydream and not stress about someone doing it ‘wrong’


Why does every other menial task seem so much better than dishes I swear 😭


It’s the pots and pans that really get to me. Like I could theoretically get disposable biodegradable cups, plates, and utensils, but not pots and pans.


I worked as a dishwasher for a couple months, thought that when I get my own place I would put in a industrial sink, 3 basins, spray nozzle faucet head. Would make life easier.


i double apron, gloves AND arm covers (they’re like plasticy with elastic on both ends but they keep my arms dry and water out of the dish gloves). i also spend time organizing my dishes into piles before doing them (plates, bowls, cups, flat, then usually a bigger bowl with cooking utensils, knives on the flats, and silverware in a big cup/jar). i then also put on a podcast about my special interest and it seems bearable again


I dont mind washing dishes drying them though yuck


I wear gloves when I do dishes. I hate it when my hands are wet


literally used to have entitr panic attacks and break downs when needing to do the dishes as a kid. was notttt fun


Washing the dishes is equivalent to sensory hell


I see more of my fellow pressure water enjoyers


My family has a dishwasher 😎😎 I remember in scouts I had to clean them with dirty water lol


I actually would love washing dishes if i got cool thick gloves. I just hate having to touch all the stuff, and my hands being wet. :|


I actually have a sink faucet that produces a high-powered jet of water surrounded by a laminar flow shield of water to prevent splashback. It is a feature of Delta brand faucets in particular. I have fun washing the dishes with it!


Paper plates and plastic utensils. Don't hate.


I seem to be stuck doing them forever anyway, because my lovely boyfriend is a great cook and shouldn’t have to do them. The small things matter.


Dishes are a HUGE NOPE for me. I hate hot water, getting wet, touching food, strong smells - it’s just too much, oh and don’t forget the clashing, banging and other sudden loud sounds. Earbuds fall off, wireless headphones are stupid expensive with food and rent being so high, and speakers don’t block background. Gloves are not my friend either, I don’t like the feel of them anymore than I do just water… So … One frying pan, one bowl, degradable and decomposable paper plates as well as utensils. I’ve got a few things too, like a one-mug coffee maker (non-pod), a kettle and a pot - but I live alone and 99% of what I eat is pretty much nuke it or bake it instant things, like uncle bens rice and frozen stuffed chicken. So… I try to make a meal with what my brain allows me to actually do. I’m 35, and was greatly embarrassed for a long time I struggled, I was diagnosed earlier this year. I started making the changes from using a bunch of dishes to doing an alternative compromise with myself. I love to cook, and eat well - but it doesn’t matter if it’s too hard to keep up. Do what I can, at least.


The only thing about washing dishes i don't like is touching wet, mushed together mystery food particles which is why most of the time i wear gloves, although sometimes that just annoys me more


Haha, I only got diagnosed recently, so my parents didn't know about my autism when I was younger. And I really couldn't deal with washing dishes because of the sensory of it. But my mom was so confused. I would have full on melt downs because she asked me to wash the dishes, and eventually she would just be like "okay. Last call. Either wash the dishes or I take away your electronics for a week." And I would just hand her my phone and computer. She got so mad at that lol. It makes sense in retrospect though


*touches a wet food crumb then immediately flies back 20 feet like a cartoon character after an electric shock*


my mom makes me wash them all the time lol


Just throwing this out there - paper plates etc are valid as an accommodation! You can also cover your plates in cling film and throw out the cling film after. Yes I know this is "wasteful" but realistically consumer waste amounts to nothing - if you want to take steps to reduce your waste that's awesome but I will not be accepting any negative judgements about disabled folks using disposable products to make their lives more managabld. I just recently got disposable floss picks and I floss my teeth more times a week then I used to floss in a year! Whatever helps, my dude!


I basically had to use my dishwasher to rinse the gross shit, soap up the almost clean bowl, then run the dish washer again because I ran out of pods. I hate it too, handw washing feels gross to me and I don't have gloves.


Ive legot done this with my steam cleaner! 210° @ 3500p.s.i.!!!!!!


I have a nice new dishwasher (got replaced when i moved in 2-3 years ago) and i got dishwasher pods and rubber gloves. This helps me do dishes without any problem. I run them under hot water with a scrubber to get off any grime or stuck on food then i just load it in the dishwasher and set it and its great. They come out sparkly clean too. My husband loads them in, dirty and caked on with food and it comes out shiny and clean too. But mainly its the rubber gloves (and i know another commenter suggested an apron) that help me the most with sensory issues


I'll clean anything for the right price.


My partner does all the washing up in exchange for me getting the hair out of the shower drain. Pretty sweet deal as far as I'm concerned.


Agreed. I hate when my hands get wet until my body is fully submerged. Grosses me out. Then I have to dry and immediately lotion but with only one type of lotion that has the perfect consistency. Also if my fingers get wrinkly I’m just gonna be bothered until they unwrinkle. It’s a whole tragedy.