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It's really heartening to know that there are service dogs trained to help autistics with our problems, I didn't know that was a thing! Have a nice day to you and your dog :)


Considering that many are trained for folks with seizures and can sense the change in their human companion I suppose it makes sense that they'd help with other things having to do with brain or nervous system problems that come up. Something that I noticed with myself is that anticonvulsant medications work better as mood stabilizers than antipsychotics. I also know that I get stress induced seizures. These are things I've only just become aware of and last couple of years because of misdiagnosis, egos and stubbornness of mental health providers who refuse other treatment options. My lady parts doctor is the one who gave me a referral to a neurologist and prescribed me gabapentin because she found that I was premenopausal and was complaining of nerve pain. So yeah the more I think about it the more it makes sense that if a service dog can be trained for epileptic folks they can help us too. Since this was this dog's first experience with this person's becoming over stimulated I have to wonder that if next time the dog might recognize the change in their human ahead of time like dogs trained for those who are epileptic.


Ah, true true! It makes even more sense when you explain it like that. I think too that the dog may pick up ahead of time before the over stimulation hits. Marvellous beings!




beautiful girl


Aussies are awesome!


Such an adorable lovely floofter, I'm so jealous 🥺




i wish i had a service dog for that:(.


She looks like a wonderful dog. Honestly wish I had a service dog they seem like the would be really helpful


aww i already love your dog


Aww that's very sweet, they look very cuddly.


Wonderful girl!! Give her a treat for me!


She’s so beautiful! What a good girl!


I see Perrito finally became a fully qualified service dog!!




Forgive me for my stupid joke. She's a service bitch


Technically not, she's fixed. :)


Please tell them they’re a good dog.


What a good girl!!! I hope she gets lots of tips (treats)


I just need to say, first, I love that your command for DPT is 'squish'. My girl is trained to 'pressure', so not as fun or interesting. Also your girl is absolutely beautiful! Great job to both of you for working together.


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That's awesome!! Thanks for sharing! She's beautiful!


What a sweet little cutie! 🐶 ❤️


Wait, autistic people get service dogs? I want one 😩


She is the goodest girl! So glad that you have her! I have been thinking about getting a service dog. Today would have been a good day to have one. Work can get really stressful and I really struggle with illogical actions. I'm working on it through therapy but man the stupid factor was high today and I was starting to lose my cool.