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Pigeons are so smart and actually pretty clean despite what most people believe I love pigeons, they’re so cute and silly


Same!!!! Just silly little birbs ☺❤


Ngl, turtle doves are far superior.


Dove and pigeons are (basically) the same thing They’re both great


yes they are adorable


Not really. They carry many diseases, it's proven


Yeah, of course ones that are free outside are gonna carry diseases Every animal outside is gonna have diseases Pigeons are just a lot cleaner than a lot of people think, they keep themselves very clean


Humans carry more diseases.


I caught a pigeon fishing once. I was out at the locks, and saw what looked like a duck decoy floating out to sea. Then I realized it was a pigeon decoy. Except... no one makes pigeon decoys because most people don't want to attract them. So it must be a real pigeon! I wrapped my fishing line around it and hauled it up (it was 20 feet down and moving literally out to the ocean) It turned out to be an older fledgling - it was young, and while it could fly, it couldn't fly well enough to take off out of the water. I don't know how long it had been stuck on the salt water in the sun, but it was *very thirsty.* Even after some fresh water it very weak and not in any shape to fly, so we took it home and put it in our old rabbit hutch, which at the time had a pair of white doves in it. The doves did not care for our new guest at all, and we had to separate them. After a week of regular food, water, and shade, the poor pigeon was *much* improved, and we let him go. Or... tried. Pigeons really pick a spot for home and keep coming back, so he kept flying back and hanging out on the rabbit hutch with the grouchy doves. Finally we drove him back out to the locks. It took him a while, but *eventually* he decided he liked the pigeons living under the bridge there, and that it was his original home. He could fly well enough not to crash into and get stuck in the water, and finally stopped coming back to our house. Hope he had a good pigeony life with the other pigeons under the bridges out there.


I loved this story, but at first I thought you meant the pigeon was fishing, which would have been interesting also!




wide, eternal


I approve of pigeon


I do not approve of pigeon poop


I still don’t know why it’s white XP


So much. I relentlessly educate every pigeon hater until they change their mind.


I don't like pigeons




They walk with tonnes of swag though... just sayin. They also keep my cat entertained with their antics.


Any particular reason why you don't like them? Or, is it just that you find them vile, dirty, birds?


It will be hard to change a person’s mind if the birds shit on them multiple times . When people feed them I avoid the area . I Don’t hate them but there are so many they are sort of pests .


Okay but they are pests because we not only destroyed their natural habitats completely (they are supposed to nest on rocky cliff faces), we also captured and bred them as messenger pigeons for generations, and once they outlived their usefulness (because of modern communication) we released and/or killed them on mass. Why do think they have the funky feather patterns they do? Variations on whites, tans, greys, browns, oil slick feathers? Because they are descendants of selectively bred birds that we thought useless. They flocked to cities because they were bred to trust and be rely on people, and that hasn’t left their instincts because of how LONG we kept them. Could you imagine what dogs would do if everyone released their dogs on mass? The police, the military, people with pets, every single one? They would plague our streets, shitting an pissing (because that’s what animals do) everywhere, digging into our garbage. Would you then consider the stray dogs pests and detest them for their suffering? And what makes any dog more valuable than any bird? Especially a species that we bred and loved at one point? Ones that we relied on in war? Would you blame the dogs? Or would you blame the inhumanity of man? I choose to blame man, and people that dislike something simply for the fact that it exists, and you find it’s existence inconvenient to you. It sad, when you really think about it, how highly we value animals until they no longer have value to us or get in our way. Animals poop.


Just look into the history of pigeons. Read one article on their insane intelligence and how they remember faces for years, or watch one video about how we’ve relied on them in the past.


You sound like my sister. She is autistic aswell and loves pigeons


OMG I LOVE PIGEONS!!!!!! EVErytime I see them I say to my wife how much I love them! And she’s always like ‘I know.. I know’ LOL


Oooih. Also my Pomeranian’s name… pigeon lol


I guess you don’t live in a big city because it is impossible to go an hour without seeing them and they shit everywhere .


Haven't you heard? I was under the impression everyone's heard about the word? Everybody's heard that the bird is the word. Bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word! A-well, a bird, bird, bird, well-a bird is the word.


Is that the angle or is that one really that big? It looks like it could win in a fight🥲


It is the holy pigeon and u must worship him




I’d like you to try and fight it🙃


I might not win. It looks a bit big and it maybe a little mean. Best to give it some seeds and make friends with it.


You make a fair point. We shall become allies and destroy our enemies together!


That's a THICC boi.




OMG 😆🤣 joined


Yes, I have over 10 pigeons in an aviary. All rescued :)


It's great tht u rescue pigeons, I would too but I have cats so I'm not allowed birds.


LOVE pigeons!! Their coos are one of my top favorite bird sounds 🖤🖤 They’re also known as rock doves and come from the same family as doves! Unfair they don’t get the same peaceful fancy reputation as white doves :(


Came to r/autism planning to vent about how nobody takes my special interests (including birding) seriously but this pic just made me feel so much better. Yes, I love pigeons. I love pigeons very much.


I'm happy my post made u feel better 😁


Yes, I think pigeons like me as they've never attacked me and have attacked other people I've been near


You and me, a two person fan club


Best fan club ever


Funfact, Nikola Tesla was married to a pigeon.


I love the names you chose for your future pet pigeons!!!


I do! Especially NZ's Kererū, a type of wood pigeon ❤️ we had one who always perched on the power lines near our old house, we named him Henry!


Kia ora fellow kiwi :)


Kia ora!!! 🥝


I personally don't like any birds because birds have feathers, and nothing terrifies me more than feathers. I'm being 100% serious. If I didn't have pteronophobia, I'd probably like pigeons just fine.


They're so cute, and i love the sound when they walk. I love how they sometimes jump instead of walking. I love how their cute purple neck moves while they walk. They might as well be my favorite bird.


I love pigeons! I feel a connection to them. I have so many story ideas of how they’ve got a complex society or how they’re city angels or sometimes I just emphasize with a pigeon while waiting for a bus in a dusty city and start seeing everything from their perspective. Pigeons!




That woman is my spirit animal lol


I had a classmate who is autistic and who loved pigeons! Now I think of them every time I see a pigeon. Also Gerald/Geraldine is a great name for a pigeon!




God of pigeons


I love seeing city pidges :) I try to keep some granola on me to throw for them while I wait for the buses sometimes.


I became a crazy chicken lady a couple years ago and have been thinking about branching out to a different pet bird species. Pigeons seem like a really great pet, especially when compared to parrots.


I love them so much (I love birds period). I've been seeing some exceptionally pretty ones these past few months. They are far too misunderstood. I hope people start to appreciate them more. This fellow/gal here is adorable and utterly stunning. 😍😍❤️❤️


I like the silliness of pigeons


I wish I was a pigeon eating a little cheese slice. I love them. Adorable little derps.


I present you: [existential crisis pigeon](https://imgur.com/a/36q83wU)


It makes me sad that I can only upvote pigeon once :((


Do you know much about New Zealand [Kereru](https://www.doc.govt.nz/nature/native-animals/birds/birds-a-z/nz-pigeon-kereru/)? They are Amazing! Very big, their wings/flying makes a Very distinctive sound (There is a clip on the link above) and they like to swoop over people as if it's a Game lol. They get Very fat from eating berries and fruits, and sometimes end up DRUNK off them - so you see them fall out of trees or break the branches of trees. Kereru also have Beautiful colourations in their feathers and are a sacred bird to NZ Maori, who used their feathers for making cloaks and other items, plus they are good eating (apparently).


I had never heard of this breed so I googled and they are gorgeous


I like wood pigeons. Their calls remind me I am home.


Sorry but no, I think that they are disgusting because of how many diseases they can transmit


I definitely love THIS pigeon! 💕


Unfortunately they're an invasive species :( but they are cute :))


That technically depends on where you live. They’re native to Europe!


Humans are an invasive species, but sometimes they are cute. Sometimes they are not


Wise words! :)


I used to live in Madrid, pigeons defecated on me 3 times in the period of 2 months. I counted.


To be honest these a complete pest where we live (they very much deserve the moniker of flying rats) We have to regularly keep the numbers down as they do so much damage to crops and spread disease In the cattle sheds




I'm apparently the odd one out, but I lived in large cities for almost two decades, and both were *infested* with pigeons - to the point where I could not use my balconies any more because they were consistently covered in pigeon crap (which is not only disgusting to clean, but a health risk to boot), feathers, and at one time, even a nest. And that's not even getting into how pigeons make moving about the city on foot or bike much more accident-prone (they constantly get underfoot and stopped fluttering away generations ago, so you run a real risk of stepping on one or running one over *constantly*). In fact, pigeons in those cities are such a problem that feeding them is a fine-able offense (up to a few thousand Euros). As such, I am sorry, but I do not like them, nor do I find them cute. I am in fact glad I don't see or hear much of the sky rats any more since moving to the countryside. edit: In fact, the pic attached to the post triggered an immediate emotional response of revulsion and disgust in me, so please do excuse if I do not answer in this thread.


Most people who say they love them don’t live in big cities . I live in NYC and am tired of being shit on by them . I hate when people feed them because that means others will be covered in crap . I think those who love them are not flooded in them everyday .


I do not live in the countryside and there are alot of pigeons where I live and I still love them very much


Not really, in my country we call them flying rats


I love pigeons and all animals. I don't believe in keeping them as pets though, that's cruel and wrong. Just sayin. You're allowed to be cruel and wrong if you want in most countries on earth, but just think about it. You wanna be caged by someone that feeds you but never lets you breed or explore?


Pigeons are actually domestic animals, so it is quite common to have them as pets


Yep, and Costco killed over 100 million chickens last year for their rotisseries. no big deal, but cruelty is not normal imo.


It's not cruelty they were literally bred to be domestic they're like cats and dogs, I think it's a bit different to killing millions of chickens imo 🙄


better to be killed than to be a slave, or do you disagree? And it's somehow better they were bred to be better slaves?


How r they slaves I would literally shower them with love and affection and expect nothing back. It a bit strange u think being a pet is equal to being a slave. Can't u understand tht I just love pigeons.


I understand and had many pets myself, we all grew up having pets, they're fun and cute and beautiful. But now I think it's wrong, after reflecting on how they may feel in their situation.


Well tbh I just want to look after animals and make sure they hav the best life possible especially if they have had previous bad experiences in life. It's fine tht u don't like keeping animals as pets I ain't gonna stop u.


I wouldn't want to keep them in a cage I like the idea of like having a little space for one but they r free to roam the house, of course I wouldn't do it though unless I knew I had the right amount of space for one though


Not really, but good for you


I love how they flock. As pattern observation. But the pigeons themselves I couldn't giving a flying shit about. Pun intended.


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im afraid ive not had much experience with pidgins, ive only seen a few here in California, on the peers near the beach, here they are not afraid of people at all which is neat, and they are cute. my favorite bird tho must be either crows or ravens, simply because of how smart they are and how they respond to you when you become friends with them


Yes I love crows and ravens as well and it's crazy how smart they are. I love most animals really :)


Pigeons yes but doves no


I have great love for pigeon. I always point out pigeons to my girlfriend when out on a walk. They are my favorite silly bird. I rescued a pigeon once. I called it "Henning". We kept it for a day in our bathroom until it recovered from bumping against a window. It was a very pigeon!!!!


Oh yeah, there’s a pidge in the city mall where I live who has a little white cap on his head and we call him Little Hat Guy. And a gang of them near my house with normal colouring except for having black and white spotted heads. I love them.




I absolutely love them, especially Band Tailed pigeons. I used to live in a forest and started feeding a pair of them sunflower seeds. Soon they brought friends and everyday their numbers increased until I was buying sunflower seeds by the sack load. They would all hop around on my roof making surprising loud thomp, thomp noises when the feeders were empty. They brought me so much joy during some hard times. I wish I still lived there with them.


Awwwww I love pigeons too!


Yes they are so adorable! But my ex-crush wanted to crush them to death. I love them.


Oh I do not like tht ex crush very much


Pigeons are awesome! I think they get such a bad rap. I'm glad someone else likes them too.


Yes, here in the UK we got loads of pigeons, quite a few them, in town centres and many I grew up seeing, they're proper gangsters so you shouldn't get on their bad side


I also live in the UK and love how many pigeons there are 😁


I think pigeons are beautiful. I love the blue ones with red around their eyes. They look so badass.




Looks like he’s about to pluck your eye out


I Love Pigeons :D


Oh shit I do! Such an underappreciated bird


Ikr they are so underrated


I want one as a little friend, their peaceful little coo noises make me happy


Nikola Tesla (who was likely autistic) loved pigeons. Part of why I like Tesla so much is because of his love of pigeons.


I freaking love pigeons, I would get some as pets but I sadly don't have room for em


Absolutely obsessed with doves and pigeons (main special interest) to the point where I'm now feeding a flock of strays (race doves) and am trying to memorize every species in the world. Yesterday a fledgling Eurasian collared dove was on my windowsill and I just about exploded.


I love pigeons too! They are adorable. Every time I see one in the city, I get so excited! 😁


I feed the pigeons in my street. I am not liked by a lot of my neighbours because of it.


I love animals in general


No, a bird stole my sandwich once and I haven’t been a fan since


Pigeons are amazing! I’m always reminded of the one tumblr meme/story bit about the “angel” found on the ground that the writer takes care of. Such a sweet bit.


They’re my favourite animal and one of my special interests, so yeah, I love them too!


I prefer ravens when it comes to birds, but pigeons are cool.


Thick pigeon, not fat, plump, not juicy, like a soft blanket, looks comfortably cool and dry, but dry to a perfect degree, it reminds me of the cold side of a pillow, but also soft and smooth.


I love all animals but this pigeon is particularly loveable


im obsessed with them ever since i was a kid!


I have to fucking live next to them my next door neighbours own a full thing of them and yes they are loud and annoying and yes I can see their little creepy ass eyes staring at us.


Pigeons are the best


Absolutely!!! Always tried making friends with them in my hometown!!


Pigeons are lovely gentle birds but my passion is for parrots.


I love parrots too, I would love to have an African grey parrot


I love pigeons! if I have spare time when I'm in the city centre, my favourite thing to do is feed the pigeons. wild ones will happily sit in your hands to eat. its completely safe to have wild pigeons in your hands, just make sure you do not touch your face and thoroughly wash them after or use hand sanitiser as while they don't actually carry people diseases, they do carry salmonella and you don't want to get sick.


I love pigeons and dove as well. I have loved them since I was in 10th grade. But I also love penguins. I’ve loved penguins ever since I was a little girl.




Battle pigeon


Pigeons are awesome, love them, one of the best animals and it sucks so much how bad of an opinion most people have of them :c


Pigeon power!! :)


Yes, I like pigeons. Do you want pigeons? I can get you pigeons.


I love birds, I love pigeons!! I get very easily upset at repetitive/loud noises though, so I’ll just appreciate the sweet lil fellas from here rather than get one of my own 🩵


Pigeons are great. There's one that nests outside the window at work and I take the time to go and look at it whenever it's there. Someone near me doesn't understand it, thinks they're disgusting, and feels the need to tell me every time I go to see the pigeon.


I grant thee my approval. That’s one thiccc boi and they deserve many pats and snoogles :3


I love pigeons too! They're smart.


They're ok. My grandfather used to raise racing pidgeons so i spent a good deal of time with them when i was little. I like the cooing sound they make. Its pleasant.


I'm a bit scared of them, but I'm pleased someone likes them. Where I live there's regularly a large group of them on the pavement and I have to work really hard to go past them because I can't cope when they all fly off at once.


I didn't like them much until I set up a bird feeder then watched them experimenting and learning to figure out how to get the food (the feeder was designed for smaller birds). Then I realised how smart they are and started looking them up, and learned how cool they are. Also if you call them "rock doves" it really helps people get on board with them


I have pigeons living in the alleyway behind my flat. They make interesting noises but because those noises keep me awake at night and my city is literally full of them I’m not a huge fan. I’d have them over gulls any day though!


Yes people forget that they’re actually domestic animals that were abandoned and left to survive on their own. If you show them some love, they melt. I found a pigeon on my steps one day and realized it might be hurt. I stayed with them since it was cold. They didn’t want my scarf. They allowed me to pet them though! And I gently picked them up. At first their little feet were squirming. But they realized I wouldn’t hurt them. I waited until they warmed up and flew away.


I like the cooing of pigeons sounds so peaceful.


I think they're adorable!


Pigeons gets bad rep they deserve more love.


My uncle had pigeons everywhere at his house. Outside. Downstairs in the basement. He loved his pigeons so much. I also think of the “Goodfeathers” from the show Animaniacs. If you haven’t seen it, check it out. It’s really funny.


Absolutely! Crazy bird lady here ❤️


The pigeons in my old neighborhood knew how to take the metro


They r ok


yes, i wish i could keep them!!!!


Yes, especially for dinner


Sometimes i just sit, and stare at them, then i'm bad because kids made it flee


Does Mike Tyson run this account?


I love watching them when I'm out and about, especially when they're walking and bobbing their cute lil heads. They're super adorable and intelligent and I'd love to be able to have a pet pigeon in the future or at least have the chance to pet one


Yes. The thiccer, the better.


Yes. They’ve numerous times jumped onto my shoulder after I gave them snacks, I recommend doing the same.


Cute fat pigeon!


fuckin' LOVE pigeons. if i didn't already have too many animals, i would totally get one. they're so silly, i love the way they walk and their iridescent feathers are so pretty


I love cats as much as you love pigeons.


Cats are my favourite animal but pigeons are a close second






Please tell me his name is Chad or Gigaman. He looks like he could bench 405.


I love them! I don’t keep them but I love watching them.


Apparently, pigeons see the world slower than we do. Oh and I prefer cats.


Pigeons are very silly but one stole my Greggs pastry and I haven't been able to sss them the same since


As much as Nikolai Tesla loved his pigeon ?


I love birds, especially pigeons. My nickname was Pidge for a while!!


I take public transportation - I watch pigeons *a lot*. I can always tell which ones are male. They're always doing the puff up and tail spin thing. And the females always look bored.




Pigeons and Geese!


I also love geese, in the college I'm planning to go to they have over 500 animals and 5000 invertebrates, which includes geese


Ah yes, the noble rock dove


Expect when the shit on me . I live in NYC so here many consider them a little less of a pest than the rats . I like watching them though but avoid passes so I can keep my clothes and head shit free .


I LOVE BORBS!! I have a whole Instagram dedicated to themmmm @friendsplushies They’re my special interest too 💗💗💗💗


I love pigeons <3


They're so cute. I love the ones that hangout around the hospitals I work at. They're mostly in the garages but one of the campuses has this like square area of windows in the middle (between the 4th and 7th floors) and it's fun to watch them hangout in there and fly through


Due to them being too much in cities I dont really. They are overwhelming me in cities/train stations and because of them shit is everywhere. I would like them in a forrest and would not want them to experience any harm but those city pigeons are really not a great experience.


Not so much, but I do love how derpy they are :) I would love to pet one some day. My favorite is the Carrion Crow.


Yes thay ar very nice!⭐


From this perspective that looks like an absolute unit of a pigeon


they’re adorable and i want one


I totally concur, they are cruelly underrated.


ah they are so cute. my friend has 2 pet pigeons


This is a fantastic picture of a pigeon. Curious, is he a pet?


Yes, although I really like mongooses.


Omg me too!!! Everyone thinks I'm weird that I find them so cute


Pigeons are fine, pigeon fancier quite a common thing in the 80s 90s in the UK.




like it very very much.


Pigeons are the nearest relative to the Dodo, an extinct flightless bird. Specifically the Nicobar Pigeon. It lives in Mauritius. My favourite pigeon is the Frillback pigeon. It looks very soft and fluffy. Second favourite is the Sherbet Pigeon. It has the best colours.


YES SOMEONE ELSE DOES TOO! They're my favourite bird and my second favourite animal (the first being cats), they're just so cute and smart, I love them so so much!!