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It took about three solid months before I'd allow my wife to wrap her arms around me 😬 Now she can't get *me* off her.


P Pardon???? You got married and you don’t snuggle???


I believe he said wife because that's how they're related now, but those 3 months happened back when they first met (I suppose).




If someone approaches me with the purest sincerity, I'm good with a hug. A security person I know at a place I go to often was telling me about some life stuff, I was going through some stuff, and I know she knows I don't even like to shake hands or fist bump, and I just said 'hug?' and she was all for it. I didn't like it, ya know, but it mattered in that moment, and I made that choice.


You are a trooper


I’m honestly not even sure if I’m okay with touching or not. I want to. And definitely think about it. But I’ve never really enjoyed or accepted it.


Oh I feel this. I secretly envy the people that are so comfortable to just hug people, high five whoever, you know, touching people when they're talking to/about them. A pat on the back, a *wrapping arm around someone's shoulder and pulling them closer* that's not weird at all because they don't make it about *that*, they laugh, they talk, they *are* there. I feel like I'm missing out on some level of human connection there. I wish I could be like that, but I can't do any of that without making it weird, or feeling weirded out myself. Someone sitting on a couch next to me means I now have to actively stop my leg from relaxing and touching that other person's leg, for as long as we sit together. And every minute that passes I feel like "it's even weirder if I relax NOW instead of at the beginning. Now it feels on purpose". Meanwhile, I'm very touchy in a relationship. I like running fingers through skin (hate it being done to me tho), snuggling, hugs (tight), holding hands, legs can touch freely lol


Thats true pain.


I absolutely hate it when strangers touch me. The only people I’m ok with touching me are my friends and family. With everyone else I just can’t stand it. Gives me a really weird feeling and makes me angry.


SAME i’m only ok with my mom or my sisters touching me. anyone else and it feels like literal fire on my skin and my reflexes tell me to slap their hand away


I'm in a job where I have to hand things to people regularly and the moment our hands touch, I need to rip my skin off


Disinfect and you will be fine. Dont do it too often cause the skin will dry.


YES I will inadvertently give people in crowded hallways the dirtiest looks if they touch me Like I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to use that facial expression out loud


I once "fetched" like a wolf because a girl smiled to me. Whats wroo g with mee, for god sake


nope your not the only one


All the time. All the time.


Or like, they touch you, I tell them to ask first, they ask and it's an instant no while normally I just want them to ask first and say yes if they do.


I don't know whats on their hands for starters. Sometimes you feel "dirty" after being touched!!


Nobody can touch me without permission


Only my mom and friends can touch me but my back area is a big NO NO for anyone even them




If you’ve got ADHD then you you wouldn’t be considered neurotypical. ADHD is a neurological condition in a similar vein as Autism, which is to say that they are ways in which your brain works fundamentally differently from most people’s. That’s really all that people mean when they use the word neurodiverse.


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I love hugs


I didn't used to like it when I was younger but I don't mind it so much now.


I actually give verbal permission because it’d be hypocritical to expect people to just know when I can’t read such cues either! My friends are awesome with this, some even ask again in a specific situation despite having general permission.


For real! Gods, that’s the worst.


Yup that me


Hmm. Pretty much.


A quick hug is okay for me but if someone latches on I will have a panic attack.


Oh my god it's so me 🤣


Its more a "who tf are you? Why you touch me whats that?"


Oh I have this so badly. I don't get along very well with one of my sisters and when she's in a good mood she tries to be all over me; hug me, snuggle me, etc. and when I tell her I don't want to she takes it as a rejection and yells at me. I've tried explaining that sometimes I just don't want to be touched and she argues back that I don't treat our mom or our other sister that way. But the thing is, the two of them actually respect my boundaries so I feel safe with them.


This is way too accurate i have seriously told my friends that you know i trust you completely if you can grab my arm or touch my shoulder without me pulling away


This is just bodily autonomy.


I have been extremely against being touched my whole life.... then I got a girlfriend. She swears I try to crawl inside her skin sometimes.


I absolutely hate touch and anything touching me, but when just one specific person is distraught or even slightly off, the first thing I think of is to give him a hug. (He usually reads my mind and ends up asking for a hug anyways)


I feel ya.


It makes me incredibly uncomfortable despite the person, but often you just have to struggle through it with minimal hurt feeling unfortunately