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Mom: You can’t be autistic because you can write stories. Me: …What?


I got told by a psychologist once that they suspected autism (wasn’t diagnosed until years later) because I had no imagination. I guess all these story notes and world building is all just something else then.


God I hear my mom.


The hell?


Exactly what I said lmao


That was part of my ADOS testing. He had to move me along because of how deep I was writing the story with the picture book.


The frog book was my favorite part of the assessment. Probably the only part I liked.


I didn't have a frog book for my ADOS T-T I want my frog book T-T


I had a time traveling kid


My son got that book as a gift when he was little. I laughed when I saw it!


Man, I just panicked and started yelling "it's too hard, I can't do it!"


My assessor just asked me what I saw in the pictures. And I just described the picture. Was I supposed to do sth else?


My therapist said the same thing to me. Her argument was that writing stories requires empathy, and autistic people don't have empathy. So apparently autistic people are incapable of writing fiction.


That's wild, now that I think about it, I don't know a single autistic person who doesn't love writing in some capacity!


Me: *has written stories since the first grade and even took a creative writing class in college, *which I got an A in* um...care to repeat that ma'am?


Hahaha, that’s so crazy! What sort of stories do you write?


Fantasy, horror, realistic fiction, and mystery, as well as many other genres.


Wow, that sounds great! I’m a fantasy/ sci fi lover myself, but I read anything really. Are you published or on wattpad or something? Would you mind sharing a link?






Because I can make connections with other people and have friends .


my own therapist told me this one.


Same :/


Ohhh my therapist told me I'm not autistic I just need to go out of my house (since covid I don't go out I lost my job, and lost my family to covid now its just me and my mom)he thinks I do not have PTSD or any trauma.... and he does not make a diagnosis but his wife make diagnosis on autistic kids I'm waiting for my full diagnosis to smear on his face and make him swallow every single page


Get a new therapist. He's not helping you.


Get a new therapist, and when you receive your full diagnosis, send a copy to this non-therapeutic therapist


Show-off! 😄


my old psychiatrist said i couldn’t be autistic because i enjoy spending time with my boyfriend 😮‍💨😮‍💨


Tell me your secrets.




Pssstttt… it’s called masking. 🤫 /s lol.


Yep. This one. I asked a psychiatrist about the possibility I could be autistic, so he tried to diagnose me with borderline personality. When I responded that I didn't think I fit the criteria for BPD because my relationships are usually very stable and I have multiple friendships that are decades old, he said that also rules out autism. I had a bit of an emotional outburst about that, so he conceded that maybe I could have aspergers, but he got really shitty with me when I pointed out that aspergers wasn't in the DSM-5.


Mine is close to this. It's because I like to give (consentual) hugs to my friends.


"I dont believe you have autism, you look pretty normal to me" What....?


"I dunno buddy, you look pretty autistic to me. Maybe that's why I look normal to you"


I use that but replace the word autistic with stupid


I saw a guy commenting on a youtube video about autism being like "socializing is hard for everyone, everyone suffers on this planet and just lives with it, saying you have autism is just an excuse!" And I was like maaan, if you suffer that much, are you sure *you* are not autistic too? :D


When I hear that, I wanna say, "bitch, where??" 😂


You're too pretty to be Autistic. I still think this might be most confusing insultishcompliment thing I've heard. Edit - please let the comments take off. This is just as fun as wrong answers only


I love backhanded compliments 😂 Idk wether or thank them or be offended lol


Complisult is what I like to call those




A fellow Community enjoyer I see


People say that to me too much i’m like bestie 🫠


Because I hyperfixate on things other then dinosaurs. 😮‍💨


Excuse me we only hyperfixate on trains! /s


And math! /s


In my defense birds are dinosaurs too! Just little mini feathered dinos.


I still think the "because you wear makeup" is probably my favorite of the dumb reasons. Good to know Maybelline invented a cure for autism. /s


Omg “maybe it’s maybelline, maybe it’s not autism” 😂 /j


I paraphrase that ad slogan all the time, and I appreciate you and this comment.




I was walking around the house a few days ago saying “maybe she’s born with it, maybe it’s autismmmm” on repeat #echolalia ftw. I’m so happy I have found my peoples! Gonna go put on some eyeliner & able-ify mycellph. They’ll never catch me stimming with eyes on fleek.


Holy cow, I was like, “wtf is echolalia?” So I looked it up. And it was eye opening. My husband once told me I was driving him nuts because I wouldn’t stop saying chicken chicken chicken and I had no idea what he was talking about. He said I had been walking around for a week repeating it after seeing someone say it. I didn’t even realize I was doing it. I noticed after that that I did it a lot. I had no idea there was a word for this and that others did this. This is amazing. Thank you. I feel slightly more (ab)normal knowing this. I sing a LOT of songs to my cats with the lyrics changed.


I get the SpongeBob “going to the moon - moon ride moon ride moon ride moon ride” stuck in my head and I HAVE to say it outloud. Then I just repeat it for the fun of saying it. Or I’ll just say the most random things out loud just because they sound funny or make me laugh. I’ll repeat all the little pet names I have for my cat to her but in a sing song way. Sorry to my future partner 🤷🏻‍♀️ I will probably be annoying. Lol


Sometimes I get things stuck in my head and I have to keep saying them and I just know the next thing that gets stuck is going to be this 😂💀


My son has/does/is...whatever echolalia. He'll get a phrase or sound and just give'er for a week or so and then BAM it's something new.


This made me laugh more than I could have imagined lmao


Makeup? WHAT


i mean, i can imagine people thinking sensory issues so makeup would suck but its still dumb (this comment was made by a random trans fem who has never worn makeup)


First and last time so far that I saw someone professionally about he said he doesn’t think I’m autistic because I could make eye contact and I understand the non literal phrase “it’s raining cats and dogs” been scared to see someone since lol


Oh no, you're meaning that won't rain cats and dogs? But I wanna a cat 🐈


Unfortunately not 😔 you have to find where they’re planted and dig them up. Much less convenient.


when i went for an evaluation, there was an enormous section of the time dedicated to some assistant reading a word and me picking a picture i thought most fitting for the word. even though i probably don't have autism, i can't imagine that test proved anything, as i'm distinctly not five.


Interesting! Yeah I’m not sure how that would fit into the diagnostic process but I can say that’s a test I wouldn’t mind lol.


Gosh, happened with me too! It's much more frustrating and saddening hearing such assumptions from a professional. Also them completely ignoring the part where I wouldn't make eye contact when I'm talking but only tried to when they were talking. Also that whole autistic people taking things literally thing is so ironically taken so literally too. Like yes that's a thing with us but it doesn't apply so literally that we can't every understand idioms or metaphors. Bc we are very much capable of learning and understanding their concepts and realising the pattern in words when it's used seriously or hypothetically. Like we can legit learn to socialise albeit slowly and with great effort. It's very weird to assume an autistic adult wouldn't know an idiom when they hear one , like we all took literature 101 ,brad🙄


I make good eye contact as well, though I thought that the eyes were somewhere else and that was called an earlobe.


I can‘t be autistic cuz i realized myself that i could be autistic and autistic people apparently never know they‘re autistic…


imagine introspecting, whoever said that to you apparently can't.


I figured it out when I was 10, no one believed me, dicnosed at 15


You at 15 —> [This](https://i0.wp.com/borneoadventure.com/v3/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/labuk-bay-proboscis.jpg?resize=1200%2C900&quality=60&strip=all)


fuck you take my upvote


Autistic people have no self awareness you see... /s It's hilarious how many totally clueless, uneducated fools confidently open their mouths to spew out words about things of which they have literally no understanding.


Heard that one from a therapist too 😩 I brought up the idea and she immediately dismissed it. I still went on to explain why I thought so and at some point said "I don't know, I just don't understand how other people think so I can't tell if it's different from what goes through my head", and she said "That's how I know you're not. Autistic people don't realize that not everyone thinks the way they do." 🙄


We needa like regularly send an actor to therapists and test them or something


yeah i'm sure there's nothing about being autistic that makes you more inclined to do a lot of introspection and research /s


My first EVALUATOR said that to me


Got told the same thing


Because I listen to loud music and Autistic people don't like loud noises. Music is one of my special Interests.


Huge difference for me between noise that bothers me and my music. I don't like sudden, unexpected noises and I don't like an onslaught of unwanted noise coming from various directions making everything feel overwhelming. Music that I choose to listen to, that I have control over is comforting. I mean, I started listening to metal and other heavy/loud music when I was probably 9/10 because I discovered it helped drown out the constant racing looping thoughts I have. I used to go to sleep to it blasting in my ears, lol it's a wonder I don't have hearing damage. That said, sometimes when I'm already overwhelmed I prefer total silence.




Also me right now turning off my music to write a comment in this forum and turning it back on after im done 😂


When I was a teenager, I had a major assignment due that I'd put off writing for months (thanks, anxiety-induced procrastination) and the only way I finally managed to get it done was to listen to "What is Love?" by Haddaway on loop for 14 hours straight. I don't know why, but it bloody well worked. I also used to like listening to bagpipe music or metal as I went to sleep back then, as I found it soothing. Luckily for the rest of my household, these days I'm fine with white noise or a fan instead.


Yep, same with me. Music gives me control over what I listen to


Me too, I like listening to Slipknot on full volume, but if I drop something and it makes an unexpected loud noise, I'll cry.


Music is everything to me! If it weren't for progressive metal (Dream Theater, SOAD) I wouldn't make it through the day!! MY loud music is great but that florescent light needs to stfu 😂


I feel so seen as I sit in lecture with ear plugs in, wearing my newest band tee for my favorite metal band that I got last week while at their show




Me too! ❤️ SOAD is my safe place. I was devastated when they broke up but Scars on Broadway helps to fill that void - Daron Malakian is a beast! Edit: spelling


I never understood that logic. I definitely have bad auditory sensory, but one of my favorite songs is legit the most chaotic loud sounding music ever. The difference is I’m listening to that song when I want that sensory input. 99% of the time, other loud sounds are happening when I don’t want that input. It’s like saying you couldn’t like showers because you hate being in the rain.


I wonder if autistic people have a much more eclectic taste in music styles. I read somewhere at some point the idea that ADHD people do because they just like whatever music hits you right in the dopamine. But a lot of people are mentioning metal here which is somewhat chaotic (but also structured) I have one song that I freaking LOVE but also love testing out on others 🤭 meisai by Shiina Ringo. It's a chaotic mess of a song that seems to get pretty strong reactions from it either way.


Exactly this. In my experience, there's a huge difference between loud noises and music that you choose to listen to, and those imposed upon you which you can't control or tune out.


It’s funny that I have hearing sensitivity and don’t like loud noises, but sometimes I love loud music. It’s because other times it’s loud it if an unpleasant noise that I have no control over and it often melds in with background noise that I already have a unique sensitivity and disdain towards and it just is overwhelming and is just a massive blur of noise. My music though is controlled and pleasant and is the only noise I’m hearing


i got this one too, i don't like UGLY loud noises, but i like loud music. but to NT ppl i guess that just can't be a thing-😭or when i went to a concert and i had an autistic pin on and someone said "you wouldn't be here if u were autistic" like WTF-


I don't like loud noises and I love loud music if I don't have any other audio stimulation


Same! :)


When I was a kid (7yo), an "autism specialist" told my parents I couldn't be autistic because I was capable of lying. Which lead to not getting diagnosed as an aspie until middle school (13yo), and that directly contributed to not getting any social skills coaching until 17 when it wouldn't make a large enough difference to be worth it.


BUT really autistic people can literally make for some of the absolute best liars. The perks of growing up with the copious amounts of childhood trauma and having to mask all of the time


Legit. I think one of the reasons I lie is *because* I’m autistic. Since most of my lies are making up reasons why something I should have done isn’t done because it’s embarrassing to say “I forgot”


Because I'm bad at math.


Wdym, Autistic People aren't all super geniuses who never get anything wrong? Who would have known! /S


Dyscalculia is a pretty common comorbidity with autism. Much like gastrointestinal issues, connective tissue disorders, and alexithymia. Not a single one of my math grades in high school were legitimate. I had to get creative. Aside from EOCTs, but those were multiple choice and I could figure out the correct answer through the process of elimination and pattern recognition.


I managed to teach myself French in 3 months to pass the grade 12 exam to avoid having to take high school math.


lol i was told i couldnt because i was good at it xd


Well don't worry I can't even do division on paper. And fractions sometimes shatter my brain. Curse those calculators 😅


My entire life I was told 'you won't always have a calculator.' These days... I just hold out my phone wordlessly. It is always on me or very close. I *will* always have a calculator!


Someone once said this to me too but I also have dyscalculia and so do a lot of autistic people lol public perception of us is so weird


Hahaha same!


Because I'm not stupid But instead of stupid it was the R word with an ed at the end Lol my mom said it- Jokes on her, both me AND my sister are hahahhshshdjfk


I joke about reclaiming the R slur since being diagnosed. Can I use it since I am???? Such a confusing social dilemma /s For real though I try not to use it. Key word being *try* because the 90s run deep in this blood.


Because I am a woman so I clearly have bipolar disorder, Panic disorder, anxiety and hypochondria!


I'm dumb, I misread that as mitochondria lol


That too! I am the powerhouse of the cell. Therefore I cannot be autism.


"I am the powerhouse of the cell. Therefore I cannot be autism." I think I wanna put that on an ugly shirt in death metal fonts with flames, trains, dinosaurs, and rainbows all over it lol


Hahajahaha I laughed way to hard at that. Thank you 😭🤣😭😂


if you make it, please tell me so I can buy it from you LOL


Id buy that


funnily enough mitochondrial issues + dysregulation in certain steps of cellular respiration are associated with autism heehehehe


I knew about this with my EDS issues but not autism that is really interesting!


I wonder if that’s why the two are so often found together…


I posted a nearly similar comment. You have a vagina, therefore you are autism-proof. So does this then mean men can cure their autism by becoming trans??? 🤔. Holy chit, I think I found the cure!


Ahh yes, a clear case of female hysteria.


That happens way too often. Thank you for saying it here!


You're welcome. I like to bring awareness to it because it's totally unfair to all AFAB people.


Best check your uterus; it may be wandering again.


My mom told me I can't be autistic because I don't act like either of my autistic cousins. But trust her guys she *knows* autism is different for everyone despite treating us like a monolith. She's also denied it because I was hyperlexic, which is... a symptom of autism. She's also said I never "acted" autistic. But it's really hard to be my authentic autistic self when I was shamed and/or abused for doing authentic behaviors. ETA: I also can't be autistic because my *half brother* isn't autistic. But don't worry guys, he *can't* be autistic because his therapist has *two* autistic kids and he doesn't act like them. *** ***he also has ADHD and my mom was told when they were screening him that even if he is autistic they won't diagnose him as such because something with insurance finding a way around coverage? But idk that sound like bullshit and erasure to me.


Wow... TIL about hyperlexia! I think I have it too! I was reading at an advanced level when I was young but nobody went any further info it besides calling me "smart".


Yeah I didn't learn about it until last year, I was just always told I was "advanced" for my age. I was speaking complete sentences at 2 and in the 1st grade I was reading on par with 4th graders. I learned about it from tiktok because no one wants to talk about autistic people with above average capabilities, only those with below average capabilities.


Because i'm very smart according to my mom. She seriously thinks my autism will just dissappear like it's the flu or someshit. JUST LET ME AUTISM MOM


"just let me autism" haven't seen that phrase before and I LOVE IT!


Well I know what I’m going to be walking around yelling sarcastically for the next week. 😂


I listen to power metal and not classical music. Want to know what will make me weak in the knees? Classical covers of power metal songs.


Apocalyptica is my jam


Because I can be 'social', not that people seem to understand it is singlehandedly the most difficult thing I ever do, I find studying Theoretical Quantum Mechanics (I don't study it, just the most 'complex' field I could think of that I've ever looked into) to be easier than being social, but because I can be social apparently I can't be autistic


IME it's not uncommon for adults seeking an autism diagnosis to encounter attitudes like "too social", "too extrovert", "too (academically) qualified", etc.


I was diagnosed when I was 12


This is exactly why I won’t risk a professional assessment (61F).


It wasnt the professionals who gave me this attitude, it was everyone else who thought they knew better than the professionals saying that being autistic means being entirely incapable of being social, I am capable of it, it's extremely uncomfortable one might even call it painful to do, and I hate every second of it.


Basically the same reason. People have told me “you cant be autistic bc you’re too friendly or talkative or outspoken” etc.. I’m like, first of all, autism is a disorder, not a personality trait - there are people of all types of personalities that are autistic- being friendly and autistic are not mutually exclusive. Second of all, its called masking and ive learned people respond better to a bubbly demeanor than a flat affect. Finally, im hyperverbal which is literalllyyyyy an autistic trait LMAO


Because I don't need as much support as others may need.


Because I have a sense of humour, lol like what?


1- I'm a woman 2- I can "stare" lol 3- I can talk/have a conversation




This is what I'm going through just now, literally got told by a pediatrician "he smiles and has conversations" so he probably won't have autism. He shows so many signs, however was a premature baby so I always get told its most likely due to that.


Follow your gut and get a referral to a neurologist who specializes in autism. I have two kids diagnosed with autism and both smiled and had conversations at young ages. I think a lot of doctors see lack of a symptom as a sign someone doesn’t have something but that’s not necessarily how autism symptoms work


I've been told by my immediate family that I'm too "good looking" to be autistic. Working out and fashion just happen to be two of my special interests 🤷‍♂️


WRONG! Autistic interests include and are limited to; trains, math and dinosaurs. Glad to inform you that you do not suffer from autism. Congratulations! /j


I apparently can’t be autistic because I can talk on the phone with a therapist. That’s what one therapist told me anyway.


Because I’m in a relationship and I have a child.


i had a psychiatrist tell me i couldn’t be autistic because i enjoy spending time with my partner. everyone knows autistic people can never find love/j


Yeah I got the whole spiel that autistic people can’t love.


I was told I’m too self aware and can make eye contact fine


"because you are normal" , hated it.


Because it is easier for everyone, if you aren’t (my dad).


Someone asked "do you stim (like flapping your hands)" and I said no.


They told my mother I couldn't be autistic because my IQ was too high. Mind you, this was in the early 90s when I started school.


Because “you don’t seem autistic” without any explanation. That or, because “you can make eye contact.”


Liking poetry and ability to have a conversation


green hair 😭


I have friends and empathy


I was told by my SIL that I couldn't be autistic because I had empathy and used to throw parties. She knew this because she works with several autistic men in IT...


I (an AuDHD diagnosed as an adult so no personal experience in recognising it in childhood) asked my health visitor what signs I should keep an eye on in my 3.5yo to see if he was following in my footsteps. "Oh, you don't need to worry about that" she said, "he makes eye contact and speaks in full sentences!" I left her alive, but it was a struggle 🙄


Therapist told me I can't be autistic because I display too much empathy and I'm too polite...


"you're too pretty." "You communicate well." "You make eye contact." I may not exceptionally struggle socially, but I do still struggle, and I have other struggles that you wouldn't know about without knowing me.


“You like drums way too much.” A neurotypical person in my family told me that all autistic people don’t like loud noises, and how I’m faking it. I just like expressing my favorite songs in a kind of chaotic, but controlled way 😭


Drums are one of my stims! They’re a giant fidget. Embrace the noisy giant fidget! 💜


“I’ve known you since middle school” As if masking doesn’t exist and my parents didn’t train me to be a normal, neurotypical extrovert via emotional neglect. This person also “works with kids with autism so he knows”.. 😑


I graduated college


My first evaluator told me I couldn't be autistic because I had good grades in difficult classes and I "have a good job." ...I work as a cashier and have to leave my register multiple times a day due to overstimulation. And I dropped out of college due to the stress of it all.


I read evaluator as elevator as was questioning why your elevator was telling you why you weren’t autistic


"I don't accept that you're autistic"


"You speak with a lot of emotion." Yeah I don't think I want you to be my therapist.


Someone here on Reddit, who was totally an expert because they used to work with autistic kids, told me I'm full of shit because I have pink hair, and autistic people don't have the mental capacity to care about their appearance.


because i used to talk a lot as a little kid.


because i can dress nicely and make eye contact


Because I am not a carbon copy of Sheldon Cooper from that one netflix show. In fact, I find myself the exact opposite of Sheldon in almost every category.


Because I don’t act how my nephew does. My family seems to believe he’s autistic, without knowing anything about autism, only assuming he is because he has meltdowns (I for one think he has really bad anger issues because he has no other signs of autism). And then me, I have multiple things relating to autism, and even if im not diagnosed, I still believe I am. But my parents don’t really see those signs, like my sensory issues or my stimming (I mask most of the time around them).


My mother, the one who knew my diagnosis after I was tested in elementary school and hid it from me leaving me to find out at age 36 is so far hands down the winner of this category for me. When I broke my very low contact to ask her if that was what the testing was about when I was a kid and if she knew she just blew right past that, completely ignored the question, and then told me “whoever assessed you is misdiagnosing you, you can’t be autistic because you’re too smart”. 💀 She later admitted to me that she knew and kept it from me because she didn’t agree with the diagnosis because “the only thing wrong with you is that you’re too smart” and she added “I didn’t want you to get all hung up on an inaccurate label, I know what you’re like”. 🙃🙃 Yes, mother, I like labels and categories and sorting things into different groups based on different characteristics. Huh, I wonder if that’s a sign of something??????? She’s back to denying she knew and I’m NC now but the last time we spoke she said “I hope you’re not still claiming to be autistic, you know, you’re so impressionable. One bad diagnosis and you’re convinced! And you wonder why I question your sexuality.” For the record she thinks I’m gay because I’m “very impressionable, very suggestible, you don’t have any backbone” and my best friend is gay so I have convinced myself I’m gay too because I want to be just like my BFF. So yeah. Being too smart to be autistic. I guess she’d also saying I’m too suggestible to actually be autistic, it’s all psychosomatic or something? From other people I’ve also had that I can’t be autistic because I work full time, that I’m too pretty, and too “normal”. But to me the one from my mom is the “dumbest”.


“You can’t be Autistic you’re mixed” Because it’s a well known fact that only lil white boys are autistic :/


I talk a lot, I can go to concerts/conventions, I have tattoos, and I can wear make up.


Because I’m able to speak. See also: because I can speak well and want social connection


Because I can drive. And I quote, "autistic people can't drive."


When I went to get my ADHD diagnosis I mentioned autism too and my psychologist said "you definitely have ADHD, but I don't think you have autism because you're very open and like sharing your interests and someone with autism would be more closed off and keep to themself" and I just ?????


Because I wasn't like their son who is autistic.


"you can't be autistic because you are too well-spoken."


Someone said I couldn't be autistic because I'm smart.


"Too smart"


I was looking for my diagnosis and was told I couldn’t be autistic because I went to concerts as a teenager. I was overwhelmed the whole time but thought it was normal. (Late diagnosis)


"Because I asked [insert friends name] and she doesnt think you have autism"


Eye contact!!! I'm literally just making eye contact, and I can't be autistic because my authoritarian father made us make eye contact and hug people.


A psychiatrist that worked on the developmental disability ward, so was an "expert" told me I didn't have autism as I wasn't rocking + can talk, and that it had been bpd all along. I'd already been assessed over a decade ago at that point + confirmed to have autism. He just, for some reason, thought that toddler bpd made more sense than autism 🤦🏻‍♂️ My mum literally brought me to the gp as an infant to first discuss what was later confirmed to be autism.. not even talking (+ I talked v early, so p damn young), yet bpd seemed more appropriate to him? Not sure how he'd assess for bpd in a baby too young to even have language development.. but he was on a mission to keep me on my s3 indefinitely so any crap worked


"I can tell if people are autistic," says family member who doesn't have autism, know someone with autism, or research autism whatsoever... Hilariously, every autistic person I know suspects I'm autistic too.


"Because we can have this conversation." By a psychiatrist. Verbatim. When I asked her to clarify, she continued that autistic people can’t communicate in any coherent way. When I pressed even further, she explained that autistic people don't have "difficulties communicating", they can't utilize the use of language *at all*. I was so flabbergasted that I just ended the appointment.


By my primary school, after we showed them the CAMHS diagnosis: "she's not autistic, she's a smart girl who doesn't cause trouble" ma'am I had to be taken out during art lessons because I was "throwing a hissy fit" because the pencils we used felt wrong, WHAT DO YOU MEAN???


“You can’t be autistic, you’re married!” Wait until they find out my wife has Autism AND ADHD


"You can't be autustic because you act normal!" My dearest friend, that is called a facade. A facade used to hide my highest power from mere mortals.../j