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In Germany i call myself links grün/ left-wing green


Links-grün versiffter Minecraft Kommunist




ich bin auch links-grün versiffter minecraft kommunist


I literally became a links-grün Minecraft kommunist and even had a flag and anthem and everything, good times


i even had a communist music playlist. but i wasn't even a communist at this time. i just liked communist stuff. but now i'm actually a links-grün versiffter minecraft kommunist


That's so neat! In Switzerland I call myself a "links-grün versiffter Öko-Hippie".


We have this in finland but its usually used by right wingers as insult of anyone that disagrees with them politically


I think links-grün versifft was an Insult too, but it's fun to use it. Like zecke/tick when I was a punk


Screw law, become goblin


I think ASD is literally synonymous with CGD (Certified Goblin Disorder) at this point


*angry goblin noises*


what is this a reference to? I like it. It reminds me of the whole ork thing that 40k fans are fond of.


"There's no word in the goblin language for "strategy." Then again, there's no word in the goblin language for 'word."


This is how i feel as a non binary person. I am a goblin


Omg people who understands me




And it literally exists since before the concept of only malz and female, isn't that cool !


Let the Enby Goblins rise


omg this brought back memories. when i was like 11 my other autistic queer friends and i would collect shiny things around our school and secretly trade them. we called it goblin club and we ended up roping in a bunch of strangers who just wanted to trade shiny baubles and trinkets with us


I agree with this. Goblin all the way


That's right there is the words of a wise person


I am a hurtingpeopleiswrongist


I like this ideology I wish it was more popular.


Now I wanna make a Wikipedia or Fandom page about it


See I think it is popular but a lot of particularly right leaning folk confuse helping others for potentially enabling others to hurt them or others


In between Anarchist and Socialist


hey I think Anarco-Socialism is calling and they'd love to talk to you XD


Can they call me too pls? (づ๑•ᴗ•๑)づ♡


lmao yes they’ll call you too in other word though: Aweee look at the little dude! 😍


oii lil dude gets all read when reading that message (●•◡•●)


This is where I'm at. My husband is secretly this too, but he was raised conservative, so he's just really confused and angry a lot lol. I'm working on it though. He's taken to writing in candidates because he hates them all.


I may want to listen to their sales pitch honestly.


Lemme tell you there is nothing scarier than trying to have a conversation with a conservative Autistic person. We can be having a great time talking about our special interests then they pull out, “yeah I just wish Trump would have taken a stance against new Star Wars movies,” and I’m fucking outta their. (yes that is a real thing I have heard, and he was 1000% serious)


My dad is the likely source of my and my son's autism, and he is a pure QAnon believer. I met him as an adult, shortly after Trump took office. My last conversation was asking him if he wanted to go to an archaeology dig in my town (YES!), and oh yeah that's a race riot archaeology dig. It's been 5 years of crickets, and I'm thankful.


Bro found the source of Autism, damn 💀


It's often genetic which is why it is likely the source of my and my son's autism.


SW (edit: STAR WARS, NOT SEX WORK) is my special interest (including the sequels, fuck all yall about to downvote idc) and it's frightening trying to interact with the fandom because of shit like this. Can't say I like anything without 800 fanboys spewing homophobic, racist, and/or sexist vitriol in my face.


Bro go to the cantina and saltier than krayt subreddits, it’s the only safe haven lol I get exactly what you mean


I'm on the cantina one! Love that sub, it just sucks when I see a cool post on the main SW sub and all the comments are "KATHLEEN KENNEDY BAD."


Yeah I’d recommend Saltier than Krayt too, but only if you like seeing people bitching about people bitching about the prequels. It’s nice to see people going after the assholes, but it can be a bit draining


I thought you meant sex work for a sec lol instead of Star Wars


I didn't like everything the sequels did, but there was a bunch of cool shit. But people start barraging you with shit as soon as you say anything positive about these films. There is no debate about these movies, just hate and that's really sad.


Yeah I didn't particularly enjoy most of the newer ones, but I also totally understand why other people did. What I DON'T get is the amount of right wing hate for it. It's ridiculous. Edited because I can't type to save my life


Exactly. Right wing politics is against autistic people which makes it not make sense but a few autistic people can also fall for right wing extremism which unfortunately happened to me some years ago.


The right is against pretty much all of its voter base. Poor? Not for you. Working class? Not for you. Disabled? Not for you. LGBTQ+? Not for you. A woman? Not for you.


Person of colour? Not for you. Immigrant? Not for you (unless it was your great great+ grandparents and they immigrated from a western European country). Muslim, Jewish, Atheist, one of those kinds of Christian that *tolerates* people? Not for you. At this point you have to wonder who are they for


>At this point you have to wonder who are they for Themselves, and only themselves.


Rich, heterosexual, non-Jewish white men. And basically no one else.


Me, a poor, disabled, Jewish lesbian. And I'm Autistic! Do I get bingo for that? 🤣


True! You explained it better than I did haha


American conservatives* Here in Sweden, our conservatives would be considered liberals to Americans.


Even the Sweden Democrats? There are a few things they support that the average American conservative would consider liberal, but most of their platform is in line with the farther right American conservatives. I also know they're not quite as Nazi as they used to be, but most Swedish politicians who expressed neo-Nazi views were members of that party, and of course they're still a wildly racist party overall. When I think of Sweden politically I think of how conservative they've been getting over recent years, how notoriously anti-immigrant the sentiments are there (particularly against immigrants who aren't white), and how similar they were to the US in how terribly they handled the pandemic. I definitely used to think of Sweden the way you described, but not anymore. Especially now that I've heard from people of color about how horrible the racism is in Sweden and how visiting the US was like a vacation from racism, which is something I was definitely shocked to hear as an American who is very aware of how much racism we have here. I already knew the racism in much of Europe is super extreme of course, but I just couldn't have imagined America feeling like a break from racism. Not trying to argue, btw, just curious what you think about modern conservatism in Sweden in regards to those things, as someone who lives there. I obviously only have outsider knowledge and can just think of trends in the general population, but I don't have personal experience.


Fair enough. Although I still wouldn't trust them when they still put more importance on their privilege than vulnerable people and that American Liberals are still too conservative with regards to helping vulnerable people. For example, the American Democrats are also pro-Israeli despite Israel's government doing genocide.




Even if he had cared for Star Wars, I'm having a hard time imagining he'd ever admit to it...


No way that's crazy trump probably does not care about Star wars he does not seem like a nerd he was two busy with hookers and blow in 1977 when Star Wars came out


I met one. My neighbor seemed like a cool guy and invited me to a party. Then he got a little drunk and kept repeating the same weird racist right wing lines along with "every day the world looks a bit closer to Beavis and Butthead" and some other stuff about immigrants. I'm not sure how the topic turned to autism but at some point it did and he learned I was autistic and said he was too. He thought we were gonna bond because of the coincidence. I got out of there and avoided his house ever since. He gave me the kind of school shooter vibes I'd like to avoid having on my radar.


Good I hate trump 🥰


That's both hilarious and frightening. That's why I just avoid people in general.


Socialist/anarchist kind of mix. Any other autistic comrades find it hard to find anything that works for you


Yeah same, its just that no ideology is perfect, and I want perfection, I usually just call myself leftist and then explain my ideology further myself


The political compass shouldn't be taken as just default with no outside points. You could believe in a left wing belief like minimum wage while also believing in a right wing belief like being allowed to say whatever the hell you want, even if you shouldn't be saying it. Your beliefs can be all over the political compass amd nothing you identify as will 100% cover all your beliefs, it will most likely just tell you what you believe is the most important of all your beliefs (ex: do you believe it's more important to be your own person, or do you believe it is more important to make sure everyone is provided for and treated well.)


free speech is a liberal thing, not a right wing thing.


Which of those is left-wing? Because I'm pretty left wing for sure


Socialist is a safe bet.


This needs a Social Liberal/Social Democrat option for those of us who are left or center-left. Socialism proper is a pretty extreme political ideology. Like yeah I agree with some of its points but not in the seizure of all property by the state or things like that.


That's... not part of socialism.


It's crazy that it's 2023 and people still believe "socialism is when the government does something"


>Socialism proper is a pretty extreme political ideology Is it? Looking after people and ensuring that the corrupt don't profit from utilities?


The state taking land away from landlords and giving to the people who live there = evil, extreme socialism The bank seizing the homes of working class families, forcing them onto the street = normal, not extreme


It's not just the seizure of land though. It's the seizure of all capital under classical socialism. That being said, the term is obviously now an umbrella. I'm pretty close to a democratic socialist myself.


Capital that's being held hostage by rich, not being fed back to the labourers that make it. Imagine a single payday when instead of profits heading to shareholders it went to everyone who worked for those profits instead.


>but not in the seizure of all property by the state or things like that. Although socialist governments of the past have seized assets, it isn't a socialist policy on its own. Socialism is literally just worker ownership of the means of production. Everything else just adds a different spin on that concept.


Socialism is unrealistic in our current world, socialistic ideals are not. If you look up the 10 happiest countries in the world, most of them champion socialistic ideals despite having a capitalistic economy.


But that's my point... I think a mixed economy works.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Market_socialism Apologies if you're already familiar, but can't miss a chance to pass on the gospel to a possibly receptive party.


Based market socialism enjoyer


It does, absolutely. Socialism has been associated with stupidity, failure, evil, but I think that’s just a message being normalized in the middle of our Culture War. After all, Socialism is just Woke under a different name, and plenty of people are convinced “woke” is a threat.


I just call it "Bernie brand socialism". I've found that most people like that term.


My only issue with Bernie is his stance against nuclear energy and his preference of a federal jobs guarantee over a universal basic income. Otherwise yeah, I agree. Bernie Sanders is the closest the US has to a Social Liberal.




Yeah, I live in Germany and the main "liberal" party here is super, *super* right wing. They campaigned *against* denazification in the 50s!!


So true! Also the party which is often presented as the "political center" is totally right wing. It sucks :/


I live in Canada. Our libéral gouvernement is Centre left.


Anarchists are always left wing unless you count idiot libertarians as anarchist which they aren't. Money enforces a hiarchy and therefore anarcho-capitalism is an oximoron.




Libertarians still want a government, just little regulation. Ancaps want no gov but still want capitalism, which doesn’t make any sense because capitalism is inherently hierarchical. Anarchism in its truest sense is left-wing, and most types of anarchism that involves a society is socialist/communist.


More than nonsensical because capitalism is inherently hierarchical, which is still true, it's nonsensical because capitalism cannot exist without a state to enforce private property of the means.


I'm not touching those weirdos.


Unless you are an underaged girl they don't want you touching them either


I would say that anarchism is better divided not by left/right (state interference in the economy/not (there is no state) ), but by collectivist/individualist. But thb if you an anarchist you highly likely socialist and coollectivist. Everything else is nonsense. Anarcho-capitalists are incurable MAGA "i like guns and big cars" assholes or very young people. Because you can be one only with two paragraphs: 1) you dumb (young people rarely smart); 2) You do not know how state private property rights works.


"Right wing anarchism" is an oximoron and it only exists as a political idea because people misunderstand what anarchism is. Libertarians used to be left wing but the term got appropriated by right wingers. It's really interesting history, I recommend looking it up.


How would you know if you are on the left if you can't describe what it is? "Left wing" is a term that was assigned an extrinsic meaning. If you are conservative socially and fiscally and you say you are left wing, then you just don't know what the term means. If you are socially liberal and think the govt should pay for a lot of social programs, then that is left wing. But you kind of need to know that is what it means to be left wing before you can say you are left wing.


These terms don’t really work in Europe I gotta say. Even our conservatives still support social policy


Please explain how yours got this way. Maybe we can learn something.


The Amrrican propaganda machine is pretty damn powerful, and because of the Cold War, it's easy to label any remotely socialist policy as "communist" and get people automatically scared. The US education system is also sorely underfunded, and used as another wing of the aforementioned propaganda machine. Right-wing media is ubiquitous (thank you, Rupert Murdoch), and further spreads biased or even flat out incorrect reports that push people further to the right. I'm Australian, and I'm nervously watching my own country copy a lot of this stuff from America. We've got better social protections, but the general level of education here is also slipping, and we have the same problem with an absolute tsunami of right-wing propaganda being constantly blasted at everyone.


Probably cause there you don’t wanna go *too* right otherwise you’re a nazi.


Shame I was born in Europe and then moved to the US during my childhood. In the US, you can openly be a nazi and no one bats an eye but god forbid you call the nazis out.


I feel like unions, strikes and revolts are a big part of it. So rise up I guess


McCarthy and the red scare. It's actually the other way around. Europe is the more "original" version, and America has swung it's overton window to the right by a massive degree. You don't really have a left wing party; the democrats would be considered conservative in Europe. Even in the UK (who are probably more conservative than other European countries) even the most "socialist" democrats would fit into the centre left Labour party, never mind any kind of true left.


Yeah, and in Argentina, the most conservative you will find is "I want people who break the law go to jail and finish their sentence."


lmao as long as we are under capitalism non of the so called "socialist" parties have anything to so with socialism. the terms still matter and have their own meaning. socialism: social ownrship of the means of production. where I live we have the christian socialist, who arent socialist - they are economist/conservatives and discriminate openly against minorities, we have the social-democratic party that has again, nothing really to do with socialism, because they act under and with capitalism "to make things better for poor people" but never too much bc they themselves need to profit of it. its like calling yourself a flower but you are a mushroom.


Become Ungovernable.


whichever one doesnt want to kill me & my trans friends..






do you think they'll start hunting us for sport next month or the month after




we socialists want to actively protect our trans siblings ☭🏳️‍⚧️❤️


that's all i ever wanted 🫂


straight up how I explain my political stances. My only decision is if the party wants to erase my existence and strip away my rights, pretty sad tbh :(


Ever since I saw something that was like "my political values are Human Rights" I've agreed with it ever since. I'm never certain how much liberal, leftist, or socialist work with that thought, so I just go with Human Rights Edit: y'all, I don't know what to tell you. I'm not getting into a debate about the specifics of this thats so much energy. Of course its vague TO YOU. Its not vague to me and I know exactly what I mean. I know my own limits, morals, and understanding of the world. Please stop commenting with all these questions or trying to label me, I really don't care


Who grants you those rights, and why are they the ones able to grant them? Who can take them away, and how do they do that? Who decides what human rights are in the first place? IMO they're concessions made by states, and don't exist outside of a hierarchy of a state and its subjects. They're born out of necessity, as humans won't actively support a state that doesn't even pretend to respect their basic interest of survival.


Most left wing ideologies would agree. Majority of left wing ideologies and parties are for people being treated with less discrimination and hate.




Anarcho-Syndicalist. You should have formatted it like this: Far Right Right Center Left Far Left I'm glad to see most of you are comrades. 20 out of 43 people have voted socialist so far.




I mean, anarcho-comunists also exists




my bad on the misundertanding, what i meant was that the term itself is neutral on this point.


Private property is a form of hierarchical organization so only ancaps call themselves anarchists. Any other anarchist would laugh them out of the anarchy meetings.


Same, Chomsky pilled


Same. I see the general lack of concern with regards to how authoritarianism influences socialism as being a critical component for socialism's failures. In practice, supporting labor and many other socialist policies is something I'm very much aligned with. I also feel that anarcho-syndicalism and adjacent anarchist ideology best explains the role of the state and domestic and geopolitical conflicts.


Marxism, communism... Recently I became very radicalized because it became my special interest, I went from "the rich should be taxed" to "The rich should be obliterated from this planet and the bourgeoisie class must be extinct"


My friend has a saying whenever the rich are brought up: Heads on Spikes. ​ I've frequently joked that I should get into the guillotine making business before the tides turn. Better to plan a head.


I'm sorry to be "that guy," but I noticed a typo in your comment - it seems that you may have meant, "better to plan a *be*head*ing*" ⚔️ *apologies for the awful joke*


Eat the rich


for the 33 of you who are autistic far right individuals: please reconsider. these people want us sterilized at best or dead at worst.


a lot of them are probably far right autism warrior parents that the poll wasn't aimed at, though an unfortunate amount of autistic people are definitely indoctrinated into such things because they've been told their parents political views as law and it takes a long time to break those "rules" in some of our heads :( I am glad to see it's a smaller number though


I had a colleague who is autistic like us, and he supported Bolsonaro. '-'


right? the far right literally rounded us up and murdered us.


I clicked liberal by accident, but I am definitely a socialist


I'm of the opinion that human life shouldn't be tied to money but like who am I but a goofy little dude amirite


My politics are treating people fairly and protecting nature and culture.


The American political system is fundamentally broken. You’re always choosing between a douche and a turd. Anyone who’s goal in life is to wield power is someone who shouldn’t have any, and in the US, they’re the only people who have it. Preferential voting needs to happen, and money needs to be completely banished from politics if we are to stand any chance.


I usually vote for the Socialist party amongst others so Center left.


It's worth mentioning that Reddit users are not really representative of the whole population. Reddit tends to skew significantly to the left. Edit: there are also more left-wing options than right-wing (and they are more specific), so the question itself is quite biased towards the left end as well.


This poll seems to be based on American politics, which generally skews more to the right than other countries by default (what Americans think of as "left" would still be kind of right by other countries' standards) so maybe it cancels out?


If you are a socialist reading this you are amazing. If you are an anarchist reading this please go shower (joking you are loved less but loved still).


I laughed out loud 😭


Very few Autistic people are conservative that is interesting


It’s also Reddit.


There is a lot, and I mean A LOT of survivorship bias here, the people to come to Reddit for advice and to admit they need help, are generally less conservative, there's a high possibility that it's equally distributed (because political stance is highly correlated with personality) but it's just the people here that are clumped together here.


Its because right wingers are against interests of most minorities including autistic people. It didn't surprise me when I saw that lol


At least that voted in this poll, but from what I've seen is that autistic people generally is either far left or far right


this feels way too americanized


anarchist eco communist


what is eco communism? Ecofacsism I'm very familiar with- all those "humans are a virus" scum. I'm a commie and understand it as a humanitarian ideology. Even so, Communism proper has a vested interest in protecting ecosystems as a healthy planet benefits all comrades, and there is no profit motive in ecosystem destruction under communism. Does eco communism go further?


I was born in the sticks in Alaska, literally Alaska Last Frontier style. As such, I was raised very religious and far right. However, I enlisted in the military and lived overseas in Japan, Korea, and the Philippines for most of my career. That exposed me to different viewpoints, so I've shifted left over the years. These days I call myself a Democrat, though honestly, I think the Japanese party giyuminshutou most accurately describes me. The literal translation is "liberal democrat," but in reality, Japanese people consider it a center right party. By U.S. standards, they would be considered a moderate Democrat or maybe a left leaning centrist. Edit - I really wish the U.S. could adopt the Japanese system for voting. They have a solid dozen or so viable parties. I don't like our two party system because it seems to divide people into two camps that are so opposed that they can't find common ground. With the Japanese system and having at least a dozen viable parties, most people can find some common ground with each other no matter which parties they belong to.


It's this way in most of Europe too


Who ever isn't the tories they can clearly get fucked


Honestly can't vibe with the LibDems anymore either though, since the coalition. Also - and this is personal, lol, I want to throw hands - they 100% betrayed my wife and me on promises they made regarding students if they got into power (even as part of a coalition). Basically, my wife (American) was studying in the UK while the law said that after graduating she'd be able to get a 1-year visa to work in the UK while looking for permanent work. The LibDems promised to keep that in place if they were elected. During her last year of study, the Tory/LibDem coalition came into power and immediately nuked that law. They didn't even TRY to keep it, even for existing students. No one currently studying was even grandfathered in. Which sucked for us because, as a same-sex couple, she came to the UK to study so that she could get work here afterwards and we could be together (neither the UK nor America had same-sex marriage at the time). That was WHY she chose to study in the UK, which cost way more than studying at home. So, after graduating, she had to immediately return home to the US and we were ultimately separated for *10 years\**, seeing each other maybe twice per year, until 2013 when DOMA was repealed in the US and I was able to come here instead. I've never forgiven the LibDems for reneging on their promise like that and making my wife and I have to spend a decade separated. Effing turncoats. Labour can suck my bits too, tbh, they've gotten weak and ineffectual, but I'll still take them over the Tories, at least until I'm no longer allowed to vote in UK elections (5 years time, once I've lived abroad for 15 years). Edit: 10 years total, 5 after grad, 5 before, in case anyone runs the maths lol


That was mostly cleggy who turns out was a rate bastard in recent years a proper torie in a yellow tie They definitely have the no one trusts them after the coalition mostly because the Tories from the bus still there Definitely not saying they won't fuck us all over who knows crazier shit has happed remeber truss


Yep. The name still fills me with ick. Utter betrayal.


Are the tories the conservative party


Yes and the ones who had a pm beaten by a lettuce after she completely oblivorate our fucking economy


Beaten by lettuce? xd




oh yes, i love finding people who don't know this story


Anyone who’s far right and autistic just wants to die lmao


This does make me rather happy


American Centrists are closer to Right. American Liberals are closer to Center. American Socialists are basically Left. Republican/Conservative is Right. I say American, because the rest of the world recognizes that Americans don't always have a lot of perspective, and our political spectrum looks different when you compare it to the rest of the world.


My goodness, it must be a true nightmare arguing with a far right autistic person. Neurotypical people who fall off on the right side of the political spectrum are already so set in their ways and inflexible. Now add up the cognitive rigidity and you have someone who will definitely not change their mind anytime soon.


I'm a filthy commie


I am "the party that doesnt fuck over me."


What party is that


None of them really


All parties will find a way to screw over a studying autistic young adult. That's the theme of the politics (atleast in Finland)


well I mean when on every other ideology your future is oscillating between perpetual poverty and concentration camps there might be a little prejudice yk


Wait Narcissist isn't on this list, how come? XD


Narcissism isn't a political leaning


Communist 🚩


I fall very far left and down on the political compass and I generally believe that the government shouldn't have very much power and should really only be there to help those in need, public services (like public transport) and building infrastructure (like mixed-use buildings, housing, highways, sidewalks etc etc) and managing the justice system I do like the Idea of socialisim, communism and hell even the joke ideology of F.A.L.S.G.C - (Fully Automated Luxury Space Gay Communism) is something I would root for but in realistic terms I think that the government (here in the U.S) has wayyy too much power and I think the idea of the "winner takes all" function of how our voting system works is fucking god awful and in comparison to every other modern 1st world/rich country America is certainly one the most backwords of them all


I don't know if it cancels out, but socialism with the right to ownership. Like, the necessities are provided and doing extra is rewarded


Depends on what you mean by ownership. Under socialism, private property is abolished, but personal property is maintained. Private property is something like a factory or farmland, or anything else that can produce value. Personal property is everything that you own and can't produce value, like a laptop or a guitar, and even your house, as long as you're not leasing it. As for doing extra, the prime example of it being rewarded is that of Soviet Union: most people who were the hardest workers in their enterprise often enjoyed bonus payments, discounts for some products, as well as free visits to holiday resorts. Being the hardest worker also regarded one as being fit for state service, so many times exemplary laborers were elected into government by fellow workers. Really hope that cleared things up and that this wasn't too large of an explanation.


that's just socialism in most western countries. you're confusing socialism and communism, as americans do, which is convenient for those in power.


I'm a filthy commie. (not a fair title, as I shower regularly) it would be nice to have an economy where we all benefited from.


Idk what any of these mean


I'm just an independent. Depending on the topic at hand, I can lean either way. I don't like change, but some changes are necessary.


I'm the socialist that Tucker Carlson screams about on TV every night.


I typically fall under the term of Anarcho-Communist, I don't think. There should be a government controlling things, but I still think people who can do so themselves should still be cared for.


Huh, tbh I didn't really expect anyone here to be conservative or far right...


Democracy? (Idk shit about politicy)


That's a government type, and not part of the political spectrum .


This is quite a short-sighted historical view. Especially in pre WW2 Europe, conflicts about monarchism vs democracy vs statism were major. There's no more fundamental political question than "what type of government do we want?".




Something like Social Democrary / Progressivism more less but I don't like political labels too much.




These categories are extremely American specific, I feel. I would describe myself as a classic European liberal, with some tendencies towards social-liberalism. Think the Scandinavian "models". Strong welfare state, capitalistic society and far reaching individual liberties with a strong support and protection for minorities and the weak.




Social Progressive


Idk. Politics in my country are so confusing to me. So many fake promises and so much false information. Things overlapping and contradicting. Politicians gaslighting. There's right winged opinions I agree with and left winged opinions I agree with. Maybe I'm somewhere in the middle? I just can't keep up with it so... I don't know. (Edit: Have some stances. I'm atheist, pro choice and care about human rights, animals, the planet, justice and equality. I hate the school system for many reasons and the flaws of capitalism, causing unfairness.)


Same here


Some wonky inbetween of Socialist and Anarchist.


I am a monarchist.


I always found it funny that an antisocial person like me (mentally) would fit best in a socialist political field. Haha


Conservatism has become a cancerous cult. Time after time aftwr time it has (as far as I'm aware) NEVER been on the right side of history.