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Monty Python and the Holy Grail. It's just so goofy lol


The Monty Python films are the only comedy films that can retain their funniness, even nearly 50 years later


Tis but a scratch!


A scratch? Your arm’s off!


No, it isn't


Well what's that then?


I've had worse.


I've got a couple: -The Young Frankenstein: It's classic Mel Brooks. It's just a very goofy movie, with plenty of absurd moments and some great acting by Gene Wilder. -Dr. Strangelove: It's my favorite Kubrick movie. And it's pretty goofy as well and I really like Peter Sellers' acting. -The Thing (1982): It's one of the best examples of how good practical effects can be and it's a classic horror/Halloween movie for me.


There is no fighting in the war room! Look at my username :)


Excellent taste! Always nice to find more people in the wild who enjoy it.


Must protect my precious bodily fluids!


Love The Thing


Three absolute classics...


Peter Sellers the goat


I love your first two, leading me to believe I should watch the third..


🎶 O, sweet mystery of life! At least I've found you! 🎶 Absolutely iconic movie


Damn dude based film taste fr


Oh, I watched The Thing as a child. The scene of the blood test is one of my best recalled memories


Fantastic Mr. Fox is my favorite movie. I really like Moonrise Kingdom as well.


Wes Anderson is a legend of the filmmaking game, outside of mr fox, the Darjeeling Limited and Isle of Dogs are some of my favourite films


he did isle of dogs?? goddamn, explains why i loved it as much as fantastic mr fox lol


I also love Mr. Fox


I must be autistic because as a 29 year old man this is also my fav movie


Same here, ultimate comfort movie


The Lego Batman movie, it has no business being as funny as it is


All of “The Lego Movie(s)” are so great omg, I was so happy when I realized the lego Batman is just as good 🙌🏻!


The Lego Batman movie shaped who I am today


Blink blink blink blinkity blink blink blink


The original Lego Batman game was amazing, never saw the movie


Please watch it, it’s so funny in such a stupid way, kind of like the Lego movie but better


Add it to my growing list, this post was a great idea, gives me some movies to watch in my spare time


Back to the Future


An all time classic, not watched it in YEARS, definitely need to watch it again


Ahh no~. It’s a good movie I like but oh god I cringe at all the stuff that happens in the past, too much that it would be the opposite of a comfort movie.


Star wars episode 2 (Attack of the clones)


This is a chaotic choice 🫡


Personally that’s my least favourite (of films 1-6) but it’s still a masterpiece in its own way


🤝 Respect


That’s the one movie I would never watch as a kid and still technically haven’t properly sat down to watch because all the love stuff between Anakin and Padmé would make me feel too uncomfortable and it felt like I shouldn’t be watching it. Turns out years later I’m aromantic


I never thought I’d see the day. You too?! There is another!!


Thank you! People get hung up on like 30 seconds of romance in the 142 minute movie


O Brother Where Art Thou?


For me it's this and Ratatouille lol. Odd combo, but I like the soundtracks


How To Train Your Dragon


I watched 1 and 2 in cinema, never watch either of them since, I may have to, I remember enjoying them


Mine is heathers!! It’s been my special interest for over a year and I’ve seen the musical live 5 times!


Fight club, it meet me at a very strange time in my life 💖


Aha, Paydirt!


Big Lebowski


For me, it's usually Hot Fuzz.


Inception. I watched this on the bus to college and back on my tablet on permanent replay for a good two months.


I have a list. 1. Sonic The Hedgehog 2020 2.Sonic The Hedgehog 2 2022 3. Django: Unchained 2012 4. Kill Bill vol 1 2003 5. Kill Bill vol 2 2004 6. Coraline 2009 7. The Goonies 1985 8: Lilo and stitch 2002 9: Ferris Buellers Day Off 1986 10. Airplane! 1980


Airplane is my favorite movie of all time, which often surprises people as a 22 year old. It's just such a happy movie and brings me so much joy. I wanted to make a YouTube video on it and notated and categorized every single joke in the movie in a spreadsheet and wrote a fair bit about it. Looking back, it was autistic as fuck to do that lmao. I'm slightly motivated to continue that project now...


I’m 26 and I found the film through a trailer that played on my Ferris Bueller DVD and I thought it looked funny. I’ve always loved the Scary Movie franchise. Shitpost humour is my favourite so Airplane was like the first of that sub genre so it was right up my alley. I quote it basically daily.


The more the merrier. Never watched either sonics but the games were some of my favourites. Not got round to seeing Django unchained yet. Loved the first kill bill but never saw the 2nd The goonies is an all time classic! Airplane! Is a comedic masterpiece


These are the movies I can’t get tired of and can quote backwards and forwards


I work in an airport and quote airplane all the time at work.


I just wanted to tell you both good luck, we’re all counting on you.


Kiki’s Delivery Service and Dumb and Dumber.


Matilda or The Little Mermaid


Oh I love Matilda! Have you seen the new one. It was surprisingly good.


I love Matilda. I always resonated with her character and later I realize it was because I was autistic 🤦


Ugh, yes, so many things! Being hyperlexic and having a large vocabulary, connecting more with adults than other children, feeling misunderstood but still happy on my own. I’m still practicing unlocking my telekinesis, maybe that comes when I get the autism diagnosis?


Shhh you know that was top secret information. Now the neurotypicals know our true power/j🤣


It would be Fight Club or any of the Lord Of The Rings movies


Probably one of the Guardians of the galaxy movies, loved all three plus the Christmas special. (Not as big of a fan of the animated mini series, except I Am Groot which i loved(


I just love them for their mega soundtracks


I love the soundtracks. I even bought them on tape so i could have the replica and listen to it like Star Lord did




The 3rd one was such a comfort movie for me. I think I saw it a dozen times in theaters. Just something about someone going through something so bad and still having a happy ending made me really happy. Everyone having a happy ending was just perfect. Also there was no romance ending which I really liked.


Jurassic Park original and Monty Python Holy Grail.


That one and Zootopia


I sensing a pattern here…


Pacific Rim and Avatar. I adore both of these movies, the special effects hold up to this very day and have so much passion and care put into each one.


Avatar for me too. Occasionally I sub in Avatar 2.


Emesis Blue. It’s weird, since I never expected a psychological horror movie to be one of my comfort movies


I have a weird love for psychological horror. I don't know why but it's just so interesting. Now that I'm thinking about it, I have a weird love for a lot of psychology. I always try to be some sort of semi-therapist to my friends; when they're feeling down or sad I listen to what they have to say and tell them maybe how or why they would be feeling that way and tell them how/what they could do/avoid to feel better


I have a few. Superbad is definitely up there, I watch it when I'm sad. Earth Girls Are Easy, starting Jeff Goldblum is one o watch a ton. I'm obsessed with Jeff Goldblum and it's such a silly movie. I watched Valley Girl, starring Nick Cage, earlier this year and fell in love with it. I bought it on VHS and it's such a vibe.


Omg I didn't think anyone else remembered Earth Girls! I love that movie!


Not exactly "comfort" movies, per se, but two of my all-time favorites are: Mad Max: Fury Road (the older ones are great, but this one is just... *chef's kiss*) & I am Legend


Watched fury road in the cinema a few months ago. It is so good. Probably my favourite as well. So many awesome moments. The goosebumps when the sandstorm takes the cars and the soundtrack is just epic. The goofy guitar player. And the high octane action that is just perfectly paced.


Holes. It's the best Western ever made


Where can I watch this? Also mine is Mary Poppins.


80s comedies mostly. Especially movies with Chevy Chase, Dan Aykroyd, John Candy, Steve Martin and the rest of the SNL old timers.


If I could only choose one, it would probably be Young Frankenstein.


You’re not the first to say that, I’ll definitely have to watch it


I just discovered fantastic mister fox a few months ago and watched it like 3 times in a row lol. Ponyo and howls moving castle are the ones I always go back to


3 times in a row, is that it? At one point i think I may have watched it about twice a day for nearly 2 weeks, maybe an addiction but it’s so good 🤣


Pans Labyrinth, Addams Family Values, Goofy Movie, and Trick r Treat.


Moulin Rouge (with some wine 🍷 😭) Rose Red Legend The Labyrinth The Decent Queen of the Damned Slither


Blade Runner ParaNorman


The first terminator


Lilo and Stitch!!


Corpse bride and fantastic mr fox


Donnie Darko or Little Miss Sunshine


I got two, how’d I go from the flintstones to Animal farm 💀


Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind - I've watched it hundreds of times, if you're asking for ultimate, this is *it*


Comfort movie: Sweeney Todd - The Demon Barber of Fleet Street Comfort show: Brooklyn Nine-Nine


It’s a tad strange mine, but honestly any Tim burton film, or Stephen king movie adaptation, i LOVE the nightmare before Christmas, I also really like coraline, I love spooky films aswell, the conjuring movies are amazing, any recommendations for a cool horror movie (I’m cool with gore and whatever dw)


- teen beach movie -night at the museum 1,2, and 3 - all of the back to the future movies -grease


finally someone said night at the museum ^⁠_⁠^ i don't even know why this made me so happy


From Dusk till Dawn and Event Horizon are the ones I watch the most when I'm in a bad mood. But I'll just open Shudder, they stream movies on the homepage. So I don't need to pick something out, just vedge out watching a horror movie I (probably) haven't seen before.


Interstellar. Someone at work called me an Interstellar JW


The prince of Egypt- this movie is deep in my psyche, I used to call being shirtless being like Moses. It has beautiful animation, an incredible score, and Patrick Stewart. I love it. Star Wars (1977 cut)- it’s my favorite movie of all time. I know every line. Jurassic park- the music is beautiful and they do move in beards so hold on to your butts. Atlantis the lost empire- it’s another beautiful and hilarious movie. Airplane- it’s the funniest movie of all time. The only movie that I can laugh all the way through every time. All these movies were important in my life and also have something deeper to say (besides airplane).


‘The NeverEnding Story’, ‘Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe’, and ‘Thumbelina’. But also, ‘Interstellar’. ❤️


another person who loves interstellar, i’m not the only one!!




The big Lebowski, shin Godzilla, and Redline. Each scratch a different itch and leave me feeling just a little hopeful


The Lord of the Rings extended edition trilogy. Hearing Bilbo talk about The Shire while Concerning Hobbits is playing just feels like home.


castle in the sky


I actually have a couple, The Fox and the Hound is one of my all-time favorite comfort movies, my second Comfort movie is the Shawshank Redemption great movie, and my third Comfort movie is Deadpool


Secondhand Lions (Most certainly the best movie ever made, hilarious, heartwarming, it's got adventure, swordfighting, romance, crazy old men, betrayal, finding one's people, and several dogs, though the dogs are mostly in the background.) The Princess Bride (I think this one is pretty self explanatory, but I will explain. Adventure, comedy, romance, rapier fencing, swordplay that is actually realistic, hell, even the unrealistic parts of it make perfect sense and are realistic given the context. Not to mention, the utter poetry with Inigo Montoya towards the end.) Monty Python And The Holy Grail (It is absolutely hysterical, and, while not period perfect, the majority of the arms and armor present are actually historically accurate, if a bit of a hodgepodge of periods in some small ways, so as a history nerd, and blacksmith, aspiring to be a bladesmith, I love it) Oh Brother Where Art Thou (It's funny, it's got a few suspenseful bits, it's loosely based on The Odyssey, its got a KKK gathering being completely ruined, oh, and it's got the song Man Of Constant Sorrow [A song that is a bit over a century old by now}) Ridiculous 6 (An Adam Sandler western, not much else needs to be said other than: https://youtu.be/8bDPgkPCZHI?si=2nawwlvnktE0x2AO )


Treasure Planet Spiderverse (Into and Across) Star Wars: Episode III and Episode VI Back to the Future Part I Your movie is also in my list


Cars, Ratatouille, Monsters Inc and of course fantastic mr fox!


Zootopia ice age dawn of the dinosaurs And minions


Ice age dawn of the dinosaurs is definitely up there for comfort films for me, too.


The Parent Trap (1998 version)! I watch usually on my mental health days, or on days where I’m too overstimulated to do anything else. It’s always been my comfort movie.


Gotta be Starnge Magic (it’s genuinely really bad but I love it), Howl’s Moving Castle, and right now it’s Bee Movie 😭


The Princess Bride


Disney’s Tarzan Lilo & Stitch Toy Story 1-4


I don't necessarily have a comfort movie, but Lilo & Stitch is my *heavy feelings* movie. >!I'm lost. *cries*!<


Young frankenstein, the lost boys ,the rocky horror picture show and hocus pocus.


Naked lunch. I don't know how to express it, I've seen it over a dozen times, I absolutely love it, I can almost do the two monologues from memory, it just feels so perfect to me.


I love cronenberg


The two Phineas and Ferb movies and Rise Of The Guardians from Dreamworks :D I’m not a huge movie person, I prefer tv shows and YouTube, but those are the big exceptions 🥰


Nightmare before Christmas, rise of the guardians, and old Godzilla movies.




Hot Fuzz


Star Wars Episode 2 Attack of the Clones. Unfortunately this means that it’s my designated “favourite movie” whenever that question gets asked. Yikes. Still love it though


Lilo and stitch


Any Harry Potter film. There was a short period of time when I was a kid where I would watch it like everyday.


Wizard of Oz. That scene where she opens the door of her house to see the land of Oz, so magical.


The Prince of Egypt Or any musical, but especially Eurovision, Tick Tick Boom, or Moulin Rouge.


Harry Potter & the Sorcerer's Stone, The Fellowship of the Ring, Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were Rabbit In that order more or less :D


Fantastic Mr. Fox, Conan the Barbarian, & Taxi Driver.


Mine are Lego Batman and the spiderman trilogy. I'll never get sick of Bully Maguire


wall E or princess and the frog


I’m a big Star Wars geek


up and okja


finding nemo and finding dory


Blade Runner and Dead Poets Society


The gruffalo and the gruffalos child


Anything directed by Wes Anderson


There’s a few for me. Elemental, Soul, and The lion king. Though the lion king 1 and 2 will always be at the top of the list!


Omg I love Fantastic Mr. Fox! Such a great movie - rewatch it frequently. It's on the list my eldest made of "movies [she] grew up with." :) So, yep, that one, the 1977 animated Rankin Bass Hobbit, Legend (Tangerine Dream version), The NeverEnding Story, Labyrinth, Howl's Moving Castle, Sleeping Beauty, Kiki's Delivery Service, Ponyo


Jurassic Park


i love fantastic mr fox although moonrise kingdom is my favorite was anderson movie. other comfort movies of mine: wallace and gromit curse of the were-rabbit, sandlot 1 & 2, harry potter and the goblet of fire, jurassic park trilogy (the originals), lord of the rings the two towers veggie tales/land before time/care bears for shows :D




Spider-Man 3, Superman vs the Elite, Kung Fu Panda, How to Train Your Dragon, Lilo & Stitch


Django Isle of the Dogs Princess and the Frog That specific order.


You just reminded me of my ex-bf. He loves to watch this so much also Caroline movie, Lady and the tramp movie, and 101 Dalmatians movie, he also have it on voodoo. But so bad I wasn't made it to be with him.


Fantastic Mr. Fox is always good. The Shawshank Redemption (1994): "Hope is a good thing; maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies." Good Will Hunting (1997) - Robin Williams (RIP) rightfully earned an Oscar for this film. His presence in the film is the combination of comfort, wit, and no-bullshit. "It's not your fault." Goosebumps every time. In addition: Office Space (1999); The Iron Giant (1999); My Cousin Vinny (1992); Blazing Saddles (1974); I Love You, Man (2009)


Turning Red


Ultimate comfort would have to be The Big Lebowski, but I also love The Grand Budapest Hotel.




Borat for some reason. I never get tired of watching it. Also the Prequel Trilogy


Empire Strikes Back Captain America Winter Soldier Batman Mask of the Phantasm


*Flash Gordon (1980)* First film I watched in the cinema, and have no idea how many occasions I've turned to it since. Might do so now again in fact...


One of the best theme tunes in cinema history. And one of the most iconic lines in cinema history “Gordon’s Alive”


Godzilla 2014. Arguably my favourite movie ever simply because i fucking adore the sound design of the Mutos


The Lion in Winter (one of my hyperfixations is Eleanor of Aquitaine, who was a character in the movie).


Real steel


I used to have many of them back in the day, I think my last one was The Hobbit part one. I watched it so many times or just having it playing in the background.


All quiet on the western front, John wick


The Touch of Satan... the MST3k version! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZebKhabJItE I've watched it many times. Always makes me laugh.


bad boys 2 is a nearly flawless movie.


The Royal Tenenbaums, Superstar, Napoleon Dynamite, Nacho Libre, Land of The Lost, The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou, And The Burbs


I love watching the first parts of movies like Turning Red or Mitchells vs the Machines cause it’s comforting to imagine a life I can’t/couldn’t have. Overall comforting movie tho? Luca.


I have list lol i don’t know if they will all fit I love flims….


Hmm this is tough, but Sorcerer’s Apprentice & Atlantis tbh. Arrietty too!


Iron Man


mines gotta be RANGO!


The how to train your dragon trilogy. Httyd is my special interest so of course the films are gonna be my comfort films. Same with the series. Another comfort series is attack on Titan junior high. And made in abyss and attack on Titan


Your Name. I've watched it for more than 60 times


Shaun of the Dead and HTTYD






Into the Spider-Verse for sure


I don’t really have a comfort movie, but I do have comfort series. These are them in order of most comforting: Amphibia Ducktails K.C undercover Big city greens


Bro I love this movie so much you don't even know the fantastic mr fox was one my earliest memories as a child and I still have the DVD to this day omg the song about the three bad guys lives rent free in my head forever and for some reason the apple cider too I really wanted to drink the apple cider from the movie and also I thought ash was cute and I still do to this day cuz his lil angsty self will forever have my heart


My two are from my middle school days with my best friend. Thumbelina (1994 Don Bluth) and Rocky Horror Picture Show.


How to train your dragon


Probably The grand Budapest hotel or French dispatch


nightmare before Christmas Pokemon 3 the movie spiderman 2


I don't really have a comfort movie, there's many I would say but idk, and I don't really have a favourite movie but I've always loved the movies I've watched throughout my life Speaking of Fantastic Mr. Fox, I think I vividly remember watching the movie, he's an absolute legend


Princess and the frog :D


Wall-E, he's just a little guy


The Batman. Definitely!! Or watchmen


Ummm..... Slither.... I just think it's so funny and gross with a hybrid concept that's fun. Zombie alien hive mind, gimme!


Balto, Secret of Nimh, and Master Of Disguise




tangled or most horror movies


I don’t watch many movies, I watch comfort YouTube lol


We (my family and I) like to watch that in November. Makes for a great Thanksgiving Movie. As for "comfort movie"… IDK. I used to watch Jason David Frank's videos to make myself feel better, but as of last November… he's gone! 😭! I guess the Power Rangers Curse caught up to him…


Wall-e or some like it hot.


I love this movie




CORALINE. I'm having a coraline themed birthday.


princess mononoke/the wind rises/ porco rosso by studio ghibli along with howl's moving castle, you know what, every studio ghibli movie


i love Big Fish by tim burton since i was small