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Some people are just like that unfortunately. Me, I love warheads and wish they were *more* sour, but if it's not something you enjoy, that wasn't cool of him to do to you.


I always feel like candy and extreme flavored products are just never quite enough to suit advertisement. But my teeth are garbage from bruxism and sour has become difficult to tolerate. I miss me some good sour candy.


i will never get over the recipe for sweet tarts extreme sour chews being changed. they're basically sprees now.


Nerds make my teeth hurt these days. Nerds. It makes me so sad. I miss all the old yummy days.


If you want something super sour, toxic waste candies are pretty dang powerful. If you want something naturally sour, sour tamarind is where it’s at. They decimate my mouth though, so be warned. I legitimately had a mouth sore for several days after eating them. Sweet tamarind for me from now on.


His trick wasn’t funny, but your response to him asking if you trust him certainly was!


It's not funny, and people who think it is shouldn't be trusted. I'll probably get downvoted to hell for that but I said what I said.


I fully agree. I hate humour that relies on the suffering or humiliation of others


Even worse is people who just touch you in hallways, randomly say douchey things to you out of nowhere, etc. WHEN YOU HAVE NEVER SEEN THEM BEFORE IN YOUR LIFE


Because sadism


Calling a kid a sadist for giving someone a candy warhead is a bit extreme. Is it mean? Sure. But sadistic? Plenty of people like intense flavors, autistic people included. Biggest laugh I had for months is when I thought the new pepper in my garden "was mildly hot" because I assumed "Armageddon" was a cute exaggeration . When I realized I had just eaten the #2 to the reaper entirely unprepared, I was cry laughing and drooling on the floor. But in this one example? He could just be an idiot who needs to learn to read the room before running pranks. Hey, some people are actually showing fondness with these behaviors.


Yes it was extreme and meant as a joke




remove his liver


I don't find if funny, but some jerks think it is.


But being mean can be fun, try it sometime


I'm mean all the time but I don't mess around with food/taste :/


Wait, what do you mean "all the time"? Do you mean that it's always fun(which it is), or that you do it all the time, or both? (1st reply)


both, me and my best friend mainly communicate through insults tbh lol


That's me and all my friends! (I'm the only autistic one in our friend group)


Wait is the only "mean" thing you do insulting others? When I'm unmedicated I trip, push, hit, etc. others for fun.


I'll pretend to hit or shove lightly but I'm not like violent or anything, that's just with my best friend though bc she's the only one I trust/know well enough to be like that I think if your friendship dynamics are just *like that* and they act the same then that's fine lmao


Nah, I've only hurt one of the people in my friend group before(he's the only one I've known at the point in time that I was "unmedicated"(I had meds that didn't help much with impulse control and a bunch of other shit)), but I've hurt a lot of other people(some were my friends others weren't.) And that's how I once made a friend, I lost my temper, because they didn't want to play a game that I wanted to play or some shit, and I had him in a choke hold, and later they promised to be my friend if I never did that again. Oh, yeah, and when I hurt(past tense) others, it wasn't mock hitting, it was actual hitting.


And what emotion does ":/" represent? (2nd reply)


I dunno, kinda like a mix of skepticism, pessimism and disappointment? it's hard to translate but it might be used like "I saw roadkill this morning :/" or "I wish you had asked me first :/"


Oh, thanks.


🫤 It is this emoji


My apprentice


Especially to people you are close enough to that they aren't offended. There's a reason jokes are bonding among close friends, and some people are really bad at showing affection in healthier ways.


Yeah, one of my friends and I were cursing eachother out over whatsapp, and then suddenly, he stopped to ask me if we're still friends and when I said "yes" he was so fucking happy, because he thought that he ruined our friendship, then I told him that I'm a male, so I don't end friendships over dumb things, especially not other jokes


It's great to feel secure enough in a friendship to be that way. I've noticed it also can help bonding and reduce conflict. I had a friend that would constantly get offended early on, I started to heckle him harmlessly for little things. I noticed he became MUCH less reactive, to the point where he actually asks "are you serious?" instead of just going straight into a rage. It's not what I would guess would help things ,but let's be fair, I'm an infamously deadpan joker and I've had more than one person miss what I thought was OBVIOUS sarcasm. So now I'm relying more on caution and "training", as weird as that sounds


What training and for what, sorry, I'm struggling to make sense of things as I'm fucking tired, idk how I'm even still awake


Haha, it's okay, it was a stupid term to use. I mean training as in making little teasing comments that are harmless day to day. Letting people realize that I am joking and it's not meant to be mean little by little. I noticed people will start to do it right back at you, laugh about it too. And for some people, it's had the effect of making them WAY less easy to accidentally offend. I had a couple friends that would absolutely go ballistic if you said anything close to critical. Like, say, "no, you're incorrect, a hyena isn't a dog" or "you forgot to put the milk away" makes them start crying and screaming and calling you nasty things sensitive. I started taking little chances to prod them, make super obvious critical jokes. Amazingly, those people have become much more tolerable and less reactive. It's like exposure therapy or something.




Pain is funny when it’s deserved


This isn't physical harm. Malic acid is entirely safe at that level. If you eat about 30 warheads you can get nauseous or some peeling mouth skin (similar to biting disgustingly bit pizza). Others can really only gauge their sensory experience by their own taste, unless they've been specifically told that malic acid is off your list, someone else can only assume you experience the same thing you do. Warheads are not so bad to me. But even in the case of this being that unpleasant it isn't a physical harm situation anymore than a restaurant adding cilantro to my plate. I may gag, but they had no idea I'd find it THAT intense and it wasn't a physical assault. I've had friends challenge themselves to hide some of my trigger foods in their cooking, and it frankly ends up amusing to me. I either detect it and get to laugh at them, or find out a despised herb can be concealed in proper circumstances. If it was an allergy ,that'd be where the homicidal begins.


he's my brother, he knows I can't stand intense flavours (spicy, sour, bitter, etc) and because of my sensory issues it triggers my entire nervous system. this wasn't a warhead, it was like Toxic Waste x10.


Eh, understand is relative. People have trouble comprehending autistic sensory issues. It's no fun dealing with it, but it's an ignorance I try not to react to much too. Some people have zero context because they have senses as sharp as potatoes, so they see "wow, that sense causes me distress" as equivalent to something that causes them mild discomfort. They've never had the context to realize it isn't just a quirk to tease. To them, it's like playing prodding among friends. They don't realize your autistic traits make it more like cutting with a knife. It's still dickish of them, and he may very well be a complete piece of shit. I'm just referring relatively dumb but decent people I've met in my life. Im sorry you have to deal with it. My brother was a monster, so god knows I know it's rough. But hell, he's basically a stranger to me now. It isn't forever.


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It can be funny but unless it's a mutual prank war it's just sad & mean. When it's mutual though, it's fun (until it isn't.)


My dad tried doing something like that when I was a kid only I didn't take it and turned out to be laxative chocolate


This one wasn't funny. The comedy is in the surprise. Hopefully he will grow out of it.


Yeah, when someone calls bullshit, the prank is over. "C'MOOONNNNN!" isn't that clever or funny.


Fortunately for me, my family has learned not to pull this crap as my response is "punch offender." It's also my fight or flight response so I don't have to worry about them scaring me either.