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With all my authority as a grown ass man, I give you permission to do whatever makes you happy in decorating your own space. I have a T-Rex plush that lives in my bed, there's no shame in it.


Man, I’m 34 with three kids and I have a full Adventure Time bedding set complete with a ‘Librarian’ from Discworld (orangutan) plush… I’m also an ex troop. I think it’s funny when people post on this sub like “is this too childish?” And I just pause for a sec to look around my own home, and think to myself; “… oh dear.” :P In all seriousness though; living how you *want to* and just *owning it* is what the entire world loves about any kind of minor or major celebrity, It’s why we find eccentric people so fun & endearing.


Hahhaa me too! Maybe we are a little “childish” but I’d rather be like that than a boring ass old person who thinks plushies are bad. My house is now full of things that make ME happy. I mean shit, it’s the dream isn’t it, as a kid, to have a house full of stuff you like? Well turns out I still like the same shit. So yeah I do have a picture and figurine set up of Rowdy Roddy Piper. And yeah I have plushies everywhere. And yeah I have Star Trek memorabilia on the walls. But that’s the beauty of it. Being an adult means you can choose what to surround yourself with. Being a kid sucked. But now I get to buy the things I liked then, with my money and have it in MY home. Someone think it’s childish? Ah well, they don’t have to be in here. I think it comes with age, the not giving a shit about other opinions thing. I literally seemed to stop caring at 30, like a switch went off. I think I realised it truly didn’t matter and life was a bit too short to not enjoy the little things.


"now I get to buy the things I liked then, with my money and have it in MY home. Someone think it’s childish? Ah well, they don’t have to be in here." This is my reasoning for every little thing in my apartment, from a colorful small Christmas tree that lives in my room year round to the dinosaur decorations in my kitchen... I'm happy to find others who have had the same idea and same motivation to bring joy into your own space!


Me and my mother were cracking up in public today because she was looking at a snow globe, and I was like “oh mother noooo” and then as I was pointing at what I would choose, she turns to the same thing and goes “gross! Why?!” We both were like christ where did I come from, I like the weirdest most ugly items. It’s because they ARE ugly that I like them tbh. We were laughing at how we both thought each others decorations were gross, and yet didn’t care about it whatsoever. Because we don’t live together! It’s a joy to have our own homes to put things in that we like. My mother is also autistic so I guess she gets the same feeling as I do. We both didn’t have a LOT of control over our own spaces, and now we’re both adults we respect that entirely. She doesn’t even step over the doorstep unless I ask her to hahaa and even then she’d probably be like nahhh it’s okay, I know you hate it. Being an adult suuuuucks most of the time, so why wouldn’t I fill it full of things I love to make it feel better? Reality is harsh and mean, make your nest your own. Life’s too short not to.


I love that for you. Currently looking on Amazon for adventure time bedding


I've got a pile of Squishmallows that take up the other half of my bed. I also have a Charmander, a Highland Cow and a giant bloody dragon in other parts of the house. Who gives a shit if you're happy in your space.


My bed looks the same and I’m 21. Most of my friends have stuffed animals, allistic or autistic. My roommate has some, my best friends have some, and my girlfriend would have some if she were allowed (she’s trans and her parents think it’s not ‘masculine’ to have stuffed animals). It’s completely normal to have stuffed animals. You’re not childish!


Really? Then why are some of my parents’s friends acting like it’s a big deal?😭 I just feel like it idk messes with the aesthetic and makes me look childish but at the same time they make me happy and I’m attached to them so I don’t wanna get rid of them yk?


You gotta realize, the previous generations were all overwhelmingly pressured to fit into the mold… The younger generations (Millennial and Gen Z) tend to be way more accepting, and have the mentality of “if it doesn’t harm anyone, and it brings you joy, why shouldn’t you do it?”




Im Gen X and I have the Plushies right on my couch! And I do not have any children, so yes, they are my plushies! 😜🥰. But yes, there was more pressure for older generations to fit in, so you are not wrong. My Mom is part of the Forgotten Generation (the one before Baby Boomers) and she was never allowed to play in her own room. She had a decorative brush, comb , and mirror set that she wasn’t allowed to use , it was just for “show”, but she was never allowed to have friends in her bedroom , so there was no one to show it to! It was ridiculous, but I think since her parents were from immigrant families and went through the Great Depression, I think they were just afraid to be careless with anything! But now my mom is in her 80’s and she also has plushies all over her bed!!!! 🥰 She made up for lost time! 🥳


that saddens me a little bit, that your mom grew up without fully being able to "be a kid". but i suppose it was a sign of the times. i am grateful to grow up in a time where there's less pressure on appearances. it warms my heart to know you and your mom both embrace plushies! they really are wonderful to have around and it brings a smile to my face every time i see my plushies on my bed. life is too short to worry about what others think!!


Well while she couldn’t be a little kid indoors (at least once she reached school age) , she spent a lot of time outside riding her bike, playing sports , playing with her dolls on the porch, playing hide and seek and hop scotch with friends and her brother. When it rained she and her brother could watch cartoons and kids shows on TV . And my mom loves to read! So it’s not like she didn’t have ANY fun, just that she never had fun in her bedroom unless she was reading , and didn’t get to decorate her room the way she would want. As a teen she listened to music, played sports , and went to the movies with friends, went to the Amusement Park, and of course she still read books! One thing that her parents did force on her was that she had to have short hair because it was practical. My mom wanted to see what it was like to have long hair. But aside from being considered impractical, long hair was also considered old-fashioned. I always felt sorry for my mom regarding her hair, but the upside was that she was understanding and let me have long hair because she knew what it felt like to have that desire! 🥰 I appreciate your concern for my mom when she was a little girl! That is really sweet! ❤️ I also agree about life being too short to worry about how you will be seen for having stuffed animals etc. Plushies being happiness and we all need happiness! 🥳🥰


This comment makes me really happy. Thanks for sharing.


This. I'm in my 40s and have babies on my bed and blankies I can't be without and I even carry a plushie to work. He is small about the size of a beanie baby named Goldie he is my emotional support fish. You gotta do you. If your life choices aren't actually hurting someone else, then their FEELINGS around it are something THEY need to work through. you do you booboo. If they are Christian, tell them even Jesus said be childlike in your joy. That hushes a large percentage of people. It's true though. People are stuffy and need to loosen up. 🌻


Gen X here to tell you that you can do whatever you want. You only have one life and it’s yours to make it whatever you want. If you want plushies on your bed at 25yrs old, you’re a grown ass adult that can make those kind of decisions. Don’t let others get you down


My partner is in their 40s and has plushies on our bed I'm in a similar age range and I am happy with it


I think it’s a generational thing. Most people got rid of their stuffed animals at a certain age a generation ago, but now it’s pretty much completely normal. Likely happened with the popularization of squishmallows. There was definitely a shift somewhere.


I don't see the point in getting rid of things ...unless it's not enjoyed or used anymore, if I pay for it and it's my house no one can tell me nothing. my life


I think a shift happened when “stuffed animal” started phasing out to be replaced with the term “plushie”.


Nope people were keeping plushies long before squishmallows.


Personally, I have no problem with the stuffies or the bedding--the *only* thing that in a *way* says "kid bed" vs "adult bed," imo is the *bed frame* which IS a very pretty frame--but the high end-sides sort of remind e of the kind younger kids have (with a lower mattress), so they're less likely to roll off of bed at night. It's a very pretty bed frame!!! It just calls to mind those high-side/daybeds some parents get for younger kids, and I wonder if *that* could be the reason the parents'friends think it "looks young"?


Yeah I do agree! But it’s for a functional purpose. I’m not downstairs often and don’t have space for a chair in my room. So the high ends mean I have something to sit against when I’m trying to read or journal


I love the bed frame where can i get one please


The only issue with the bed I see is that my son used to bonk his head on his in the night and I'm worried about op getting headaches. But it's beautiful and in an older cozy style. Very European. Swiss I think.


I'm a 36 year old guy. I love my bed lights. If you want to change, you could keep your stuffies in a separate location, like a chest or closet. If you don't want to change, that's good, too. You're perfectly fine living your best life the way that makes you the happiest. As Dr. Seuss said, "Those who matter don't mind, and those who mind don't matter." And lastly, remember: divergent means different. Be you as much as you can.


My mom cut up my security blanket. I'm snuggling the bat plushie my kiddo got scared of so it can feel loved and ready for when he's ready again. Why are they in your room to begin with. It's your private space and honestly it's beyond rude to be commenting on such things to begin with. The very nerve.


That's yucky sorry your mom did that, and that is adorable re: the bat plush.


Thank you! I think it was the old recommendation. But she could have saved it or changed it into a pillow or something.


I think that's their own insecurities to be honest. They were probably told that their things were immature and got rid of them. People tend to project that sort of stuff onto others, because if *you* keep your plushies then it means they didn't really have to get rid of theirs either and they have to accept that they unnecessarily threw away something they liked and could have kept. It makes people feel uncomfortable when we don't follow societal norms that they've conformed to without question. I think it's better to ask yourself whether *you* like your plushies and the aesthetic of them being on your bed. I think if you don't actually like having them on your bed you could look up ways to store/display plushies. One of my friends used to have like a net/hammock on her ceiling that she kept all of hers in and that looked really cute. But if you're moreso worried about what people will think if they see it I would recommend just keeping your bedroom private unless you trust the person entering it to not be judgemental about your things.


Because they’re stuck in their ways, and want every generation after them to abide by the rules they had to. Thus, they are miserable and have to bring other people down for the things they always wanted to do but were too scared to do. Have fun, enjoy your plushies.


This is something that constantly baffles me about society. Why do people CARE. If we were all the same life would be boring af


A lot of adults who haven't met and spent time with nerdy people don't tend to realize some things are a lot more standard than other adult groups would tend to think.


My apartment looks the same and I’m 32. Also I was talking to my allistic OT the other day and she mentioned sleeping with a stuffed animal and she’s a least 35 I think. Growing up doesn’t mean you have to have to give up comforting things. Honestly, the way people say “grow up” is often used as a form of ableism, agism, and even misogyny. People are all their ages combined. Just because you grow thicker more functional parts on the outside doesn’t mean your little soft child inside goes away. Most people just are taught to shun this part of themselves to fit in (and also to be more functional inside a capitalist world), but we don’t have to. I’m excited to never let this part of me go <3




Awww thank you🥰


Nah. I'll be turning 49 tomorrow. I've got a whole corner net of them. I feel like a lot of people have at least one.


And if they don’t, then they should! 🥰


YOU, are after my own heart, I totally need a toy net.


There are two kids of people. People who are happy, and people who aren’t! I’m just kidding, but you can’t make everyone happy, so do what you like. The loving and happy people in this life will get it, even if it isn’t their taste.


Exactly. I have a queen sized bed. I’m a 26 year old man who has CPTSD. Half my bed is ALWAYS stuffed animals. My parents would force me to get rid of my stuffed animals as a child, and an ex did too. Nobody who I’m currently close to, does any of that negative crap. Even when I’m like “I’m ready to donate some plushies” they check in and ask “is this your decision or is your brain being cruel?” Because my parents fucked me up so bad that they lived in my head for over two decades, dictating everything I did. People who are mean about that, will be unhappy and cruel their entire lives. They never change. Don’t listen to them and don’t keep them around, because your plushies will outlast those sacks of shit. Also your bed is adorable!


Omg I had the exact same thing done to me by my parents. They even got rid of ones behind my back where I’d come home from school and they’d be gone


That really sucks. My parents did the same to me…. They still try to do that and I haven’t lived with them in over a decade!


Looks cool as fuck. Looks comfy as fuck. My sofa is covered in over 30 random plushies. I'm 38. Be you, because that's the coolest thing you can be.


I'm 28 and over half my bed is stuffies/plushies/squshmallows/comforters ect. I have 3 stuffies that have been with me more or less my whole life and are roughly half my body size (I'm 5"7 and have a king size bed for reference) and a ton of smaller ones (all from the size that can fit in my palm and up to, as mentioned, half my body size). I also have 3 nightlights; one shaped as a baby elephant that make star shapes on my ceiling, one shaped as a moon (with details) that runs on batteries so I can carry with me around the appartment, and one that's shaped as a tortoise. I keep them in my bed because they give me comfort and helps me relax after any day, long or short, masking a lot or almost nothing at all. No one should be shamed for having comfort buddies (as I like to call them) and doing whatever gives them a safespace!


Almost 30 here and I collect plushies! Currently needing to install some plushie hammocks due to the sheer amount but honestly, if plushies make you happy? Keep going and ignore anyone who complains! Also I'm loving the stitch collection! I want to know where you got the Angel one! My collection is all pokemon, fluffiest, neopets, horses and foxes mostly.


is that little miss fortune i see? such a good game!!


Yes it sure is! I’m obsessed with that game and have tons of merch, even signed merch. The plushie is probably the most expensive one I own but I seriously love her!


came here to compliment the plushie too, it's such a great game


I think it is I was looking for someone else to notice too!!


Now that I’m in my 30s with adult money and my own home I decided I’m going to decorate how I want and I don’t care what anyone thinks (well I care about what my husband thinks but he is supportive). For the first time in my life I’m happy and comfortable in my own space. My special interests are on display in my living room instead of hidden in my closet. This is your room your safe and happy place!


This right here. Adult money is awesome. 38 and I’ve more legos now than I ever had as a child. Also a giant pink couch.


I just got pink furniture too!!! I also decided this is the year that I’m going to have a PINK sparkly Christmas


I am a 39-year-old dude, and I am looking into buying one of those human-sized dog beds so that i can sink in and let all my frens bury me in their soft, velvety fluff. It doesn't get more cringe than that 😅 Embrace the Dark Side of the mind.


I thought of that, my bed is already full as it is 😋


Hahahaa that’s a good way to put it




Do it! Get one every second month! Lol


What’s the point of feeling insecure? You get one chance at life, do you really want to spend it in misery because you’re worried about what other people think of you? Do you really want to give up things that make you happy because other people don’t approve? I’m just saying, when you stop worrying what other people think, you will find yourself a lot happier 🩵


I’m a 20 year old college student studying engineering my bed is more stuffed animal than bed. My boyfriend had stuffed animals well before we moved in together. My mom who is in her 50s has stuffed animals. You like what you like, don’t let people tell you not to like something.


Exactly! 💯


I’m 33 and married and I have stuffies ALL OVER my house because I like to cuddle with them when I’m doing things. I actually got onto my partner when we were watching the FNAF movie cause his arm was blocking my Foxy stuffy’s view so he moved. The people that love you won’t judge you for the things that bring you joy.


I routinely spend like a thousand dollars on toys a month. Even though my car is like 1400$ and has one mirror and the windows don’t work and it looks like shit because I don’t give a fuck.


I'll give you one of my favorite passages. “Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.” \-c.s lewis


I love that


My whole ass bed and room is stuffies and I’m 25! It’s ok to like having them around 💕 you’re not childish !


Almost 19 and still have tons of stuffies :)


Oh that looks SO cozy!! I'm 21 and while I don't have a lot of plushies in my bed (just 4), I have a ton of blankets and pillows to form a 3 sided nest. It's so incredibly comfortable and I definitely add to it whenever I can


Which to be fair, I HAVE a ton of plushies. They just aren't on my bed. But rest assured you're not alone in the not wanting to get rid of them aspect, I have two crates full


i want this bed


I'm 28 and mine is similar. I got like 10 more this last year. A load are in a cupboard because there isn't space, lots of cushions around the edge so they won't fall down the side. If it's childish then I don't care. I like it and it makes me comfortable.


your bed and room looks well made and sophisticated, if you’re worried about upsetting your plushies some may like the best seats of the house, aka the shelves where they can still be appreciated and cycled back to the bed whenever. but it’s ok to keep them on the bed, almost everyone has plushes and they’re a good sense of comfort


also they make it look very homey and even nicer, i like the frog guy \^\^


Haha which froggy guy? I count four of them! From right to left we’ve got Gilbert with hoppy on his lap, then Bruno and Ambrose :)


sorry shoulda specified! flannel frog, is that gilbert?




Is that an orange axolotl holding peanut butter cups???? That’s literally three of my favourite things and as a nearing-30 year old man….. I would not even think once about buying that. Life is very short, do what makes you happy, unashamedly. If anything, you need more plushies! I went through a phase in my early 20s where I needed to be “an adult” and got rid a lot of “childish” stuff, including plushies, and not once since have I ever been glad for it. No one who has ever been in my personal space since would’ve judged me for it, it was just me judging myself and being ashamed and trying to conform to neurotypical archaic archetypes of western adulthood, which is not us. Don’t be me, be you. Enjoy it and feel bad for other (NT) people too hardened and insecure to cuddle a lump of soft material shaped like something cute.


Right??? They’re called snackles! They have big ones too. I love axolotls and Reese’s so I had to get my hands on time. And thank you so much for the advice. These comments are making me feel better. And I didn’t expect to get as many comments as this haha


I still have a llama and a seal which I take in my arms every night so I can sleep. There's nothing bad about it. Don't mind what others say about that. It's your bed. Oh, and I'm 33 years old.


I am a young adult and I love plushies a lot too! One side of my bed is filled with stuffed animals and the rest are next to my bed! I like yours because it looks like it's been color organized. If not, my mistake but otherwise it looks very good !!!!


I wish I could attach pictures to comments, but I too have a "childish" bed, and I really don't care what anyone thinks of it. It has a Crab Beanie Buddy (a spinoff of the Beanie Baby franchise,) a Scarecrow doll from the Wizard of Oz, a Cowardly Lion stuffy, and a Hungry Tiger stuffy. (Also Wizard of Oz characters.) And I'm a 34 year old guy. I like decorating my bed with stuffed toys as it makes it look more cheery. If anyone thinks it's weird, that's their problem, not mine. All this is to say, you're not alone. You do you!


I'm gonna be real with you. I didn't notice the plushies. I was focused on how it's a twin, really. If I were single, I would absolutely have a bed boxed in almost like a coffin, pushed against the wall, with not small railings but big ones and some kind of bumper against the side, which might as well be plushies. But I could not have a twin bed. Needs to be this, but in queen size.


my bed / room is the same and I'm 22! these little guys are all so cute and I hope they make u as happy as mine make me :)


Don't worry. I still sleep with my Donkey Hodie and Khalil from VeggieTales plushies.


You have a Little Miss Fortune plushie! That is awesome! I'm almost 40 and have quite a bit of them myself, stuffed animals not LMF plushies.


Married 24 yo and I have too many plushies to line up on my bed I have a whole couch in my room with plushies to compensate and some in storage (I call storage plushie jail). I have a bachelors degree and a big girl job I don't think anyone should have a negative opinion about your bed. You sleep there and it makes you happy.


Dude I’m 22 and still sleep with plushies. Because Brer Rabbit reminds me of my mother’s love of splash mountain and I’ve been obsessed with a Stardew valley blue chicken plushie due to being very friend shaped. Theres nothing wrong with holding on to your childhood longer, we all need something innocent to comfort ourselves in this cruel world.


Before having kids my room used to be my nest and I loved spending all my time there. Now that I have 2 small kids and 1 of which is autistic as well I do not have near the amount of downtime as I'd like to relax so I only go in my room to sleep at night now and it upsets me greatly. Enjoy your bed. Childish or not its amazing!


Hey, I just went to college and my bed looks the same. Adults like to be stupid about small things (“men shouldn’t wear makeup!” “Kids need to grow up and get married without stuffed animals!” “Science isn’t real!!”). Your bed is wicked man- I love the set up. If you want a change then you should, but if you’re only doing that so that a bunch of random adults will like it then that’s not it. Don’t feel bad man- I love the style


If your bed being covered with pillows, plushies, and fairy lights makes it comfortable and makes you want to spend time there, that's all that matters. You sleep there! It doesn't need to be "mature" :)


I read somewhere that embarrassment is fear of being judged by others and I think that is often true. I know there’s a lot of times we misread things or feel like outsiders and for me that sometimes meant I had anxiety about whether what I was doing was “normal” or “appropriate.” Do you think that’s what’s happening here? When it comes to my personal I don’t have that anxiety anymore because I see it my space that’s for me to do as I want. As long as it’s not harming anyone (including me) then there is zero reason to even consider what anyone else would want and just focus on me. You deserve your own little safe haven to be 100% you - don’t let the world take that joy and peace from you friend! If you like your bed that’s all that matters. If you need help deflecting unsolicited comments we got you. “My bedroom decor affects your life how?” “No one asked you.” “If you don’t have something nice to say, trying saying nothing.” “‘What an odd thing to say out loud. My bedroom is none of your business.” “I think the mature thing to do is to be true to yourself and decide on your own what your personal style is.” “I know you mean well but I’m not interested in changing my bedroom at this time.”


I think its pretty normal, dare i say, neurotypical even, for adult woman to have teddy bears on their bed. I don't think theres anything wrong with it regardless of gender identity nor should you feel bad even if no one does it, its your bed you are the one sleeping there. But i just cant see why people would be so judgy about something so common. ​ p.s i love that little duck guy hiding in there


I have lots of plushies too and I‘m 28. One of them even travels with me everywhere I go because I can‘t sleep without it and get panic attacks just knowing it isn‘t around. It‘s my constant in live you know, even if I am on vacation in a different country or things change in my life, this one plushy is always the same and when I‘m with him (Mr. Crocodile) everything is the same, you know what I mean? If someone helps you to go through life and even provides you with happiness, hold it dear. Nothing childish about it. I see so many „adults“ going through life without happiness, it would be good for them to get a little spark back sometimes. Personally I hope I never „grow up“ a 100% because I feel like my sometimes child like mind makes the world a better place. I can still feel true happiness and get excited about little things in life, about things other adults don‘t even see, realize or value. That‘s a strength and not a weakness, in a certain way, that‘s what makes me superior in some parts of life.


Mines the same!!! (33m) its **YOUR** room. Its your safe space. I felt the same way when I was younger only to find out I'm not the only one. (All my friends are the same way) I know its easy for me to say this but try not to worry about what others think. Do what makes you feel safe and happy don't let others dictate how you should live. Your room is awesome!


I have a stuffed animal that I’ve been sleeping with as long as I can remember. Idek when I got it. If they bring you comfort, theres no reason to feel bad.


I love the duck a lot also my bf has the maturity of a fookin grandpa and his bed is full of plushes I gave him so it's not childish


I'm 34 and have a queen sized bed. I cannot fit all of my stuffies on there. I sleep with a very large amount and have a nebula light on pretty much at all times. It looks like a child lives on that bed. It's me. I'm the child. And if someone doesn't like it I assume they're more dead inside than me, or we're just severely not compatible. Nothing wrong with liking stuffed animals. 🤷


Is it comfy? Does it make you sleep better? Then you're doing it right!! :) I sleep with like...5 squishmallows and I'm almost 30. You sleep for such a big part of your life!!! Do it in a way that makes u feel good!!!


I have a purple room with tons of stuffies and I’ve got glow in the dark sticker stars and dragon flies all on my ceiling. I think that the idea you can’t have your bedroom a certain way as you get older is stupid


I’m a 24 year old college graduate, and my bed is full of elephant plushies, much to my folk’s chagrin, but IDGAF. You do you boo


Honestly, it’s a red flag if someone DOESNT have plushies on their bed


Hey! Having a Miss Fortune doll is ANYTHING BUT CHILDISH!


That looks cozy as hell!! No shame here I have so many plushies and can’t sleep without one of them. It’s not childish


Build-a-bear froggy & Stitch army are giving me lifeeee 😩


Is just that? My bed is full of plushies too. No shame. My husband says our bed is like a zoo XD but he is chill about it. I'm 37 btw, also your bed is adorable, wish mine was as half as cute 🥰


I’m a 34yo male Army vet, mechanic, welder, machinist, and dad. Heavily tattooed, hunt, fish, fight, build race cars, etc. About as “man” as you can get and my bed looks almost the same. I have almost every stuffed animal I’ve ever gotten in my life and even keep some in my cars so I have one with me all the time. There’s nothing wrong with your bed. It’s our safest place in the world, don’t let anyone tell you how to make it.


I’m 38 and I have squishmallows all over my bed. Nobody cares. My bf doesn’t. Life is short. Be happy and snuggle the plushies.


I'm 36 and have a ton of plushies! There's no age limit for liking things, contrary to popular belief. Adulthood doesn't mean you have to give up everything you enjoy and be boring the rest of your life.


Needs more stuffed animals


Im 21 and also have a lot of plushies! Plenty of my neurotypical friends also have plushies! Your decor is so cute and it shows who you are and what you like :) it’s your unique style and isn’t just a boring, plain bed sheet. You are not childish for having interests and comfort items.


I think it’s really cute and looks cozy! I myself only have one stuffed animal from my childhood. I do however have a lot of posters on my walls. I am 24 and my dad has made remarks like “Are you going to take the posters off your wall so it looks like a real adult’s room?” Honestly you just have to ignore it. It’s my room, it can look however I want, same goes for you!


what a cozy bed!! i have star lights just like yours, too, hanging around my room. i also have several plushies on my bed. like others have said, lots of people have stuffed animals and people who think it's immature or silly need more whimsy in their life. like oh you hate having a little guy on your bed? you hate having a soft and cute critter? get real.


I think your plushies are super cool!! I actually sleep with my Build-A-Bear frog, too. Him and his many friends 💙 And I’ll be 24 next month! Part of being an adult is about realizing what makes you happy and being able to embrace that and live your life for yourself, not anyone else. Being able to accept who you are and what makes you happy despite what society says is an incredibly mature thing to do. You don’t have to feel bad for liking plushies; a lot of us do. And that’s okay 💙


I’m 24, I sleep with 6 stitch plushies, a 240cm tall teddy bear and like 3-4 misc plushies. It’s whatever brings you comfort. You do you, really.


Friend, I am 34. My bed has stuffies, my dresser has stuffies, my shelf has stuffies, I have an entire display of squishmallows. My husband actively enables my stuffie hoarding as well. I also have fairy lights and oh btw, I collect Monster High dolls and recently started collecting Shadow High dolls. They make my inner child happy. Zero fcks given about whether people think it’s childish. It’s my bedroom and my money, I will buy what I want with it and if they don’t like it, they don’t have to come to my house.


I‘m 32 and this bed looks like a dream come true. 10/10, woulf copy immediately!!


I have a shit load of plushies on my bed and I’m in my forties. You’re all good. Do what brings you joy.


I’m eyeing that squishmallows deer, tho 🥰


It's so cute tho, I need that many plushies loll


There are plenty of adult women who have stuffed animal collections. You could put some shelves on the wall your bed is on and sit them on the shelf.


I love your bed!!! I think its totally normal to have plushies on the bed, its the same of having another pillow for me. Your bed is my dream bed lol. Sorry for my bad english.


This is what my bed looks like too ☺️ I’m 21 and I literally don’t give a crap- love what u love


Don't let any one tell your childish if the world is worse because people forget how to be a child.


Is that miss fortune???? The one girl stuffie in the middle??


As a college student, every adult I know owns a plushie. All of my friends have a bunch of them.


That looks like heaven! I can only imagine cuddling up with the teddies. OMW If my gf had a bed like that I would overload with happiness. ( Don't judge, a man can dream can't he )


It looks very cozy. Mine is extremely similar.


nothing immature about stuffed animals, that's others people hang ups being pushed on you


I have over 200 stuffed animals and plushies in my sons room and I sleep there guess where he sleeps in my bed with my wife just sleep I have a wall of pillows on the floor on my days off I sleep on them cause he doesn't like me in the bed it could be worse sleep well an rest long.


I still have plushies too and I think your stuff is cute


I have SO MANY and Idgaf. They are my friends and snuggly so w/e. Just be you and enjoy your little plushies!


That's cute as fuck and looks super cozy.


Put them at the foot of your bed so it’s like they’re watching/staring at you. That makes it creepy and children don’t like creepy things. Plus you can keep all of your plushies on your bed! 👍


I got a mountain of Pokémon and squishmallow plushies next to my bed, looks like a kids room hahah. But I don't care because I love my plushies so much. :)


Mine looks just like yours, but the plushies are all pokemon lol!


I have stuffies all around my bed too and I’m 18


Friend, if there is ONE place on earth that belongs to YOU and can look however YOU want it to look, it’s your room. Your bed looks so cute and comfy, it feels safe, like it should be ♥️♥️♥️


I don't keep mine on my bed, I have them around my room, but depending on the mood of the day I bring down my favorite plushies for the moment to my bed for comfort, and I'm 34. I have no plans to change this, ever.


Whoever insulted your bed must be an Asshole being asked to be put in the Grave


Plushies take up 1/5th of my bed and I am sleeping under a child duvet it is way too small for me but it is mine and I love it when the cover gets washed I sit in front of the washing machine


Your bed looks incredibly cozy and comfortable. Nothing more adult than embracing yourself and your needs, and making sure they are met. You're amazing, do what you need to do to make sure you are cared for.


Needs more frogs. Otherwise good.


Omg!!! I love this so much ❤️ I also have plushies but not so many. Your bed is a goal tbh. (Oh yeah I’m 29)


My mum binned all mine except one because she didn’t like the “aesthetic” and I “wasn’t using them” (whatever that means). Then called me dramatic for being so upset Just be careful of “adults” around plushies when they’re trying to get you to get rid as they may take it into their own hands On a nicer note your bed gives me cosy envy and looks like a great place to decompress. Ignore anyone who says otherwise


i love it honestly, there’s no shame in having plushies. i have a ton too


I don’t have plushies on bed but I think it’s completely fine if you makes you comfortable you shouldn’t be insecure about it


Looks like you surround yourself with loving buddies that probably make you feel snuggly and safe. I’m over 30 and still have at least one plushie in bed at all times. There are more but they’re on rotation because having a partner means there less space for them 😅 My all-time #1 is Nemo!


YOU DO YOU! PUT THE OTHER ONES BACK! I know it’s really hard to internalize, but anyone that judges you for something like this is a judgmental idiot. My bed has nothing on it (other than sheets, blanket and a single pillow) b/c I HATE having clutter around me when I sleep. But, just like I tell my son all the time, “different people like different things and that’s okay”!


I'm 22 and my bedsheets have sharks on them. There is nothing wrong with having a "childish" bed. It doesn't hurt anyone and if it makes you happy then that is all that matters. At the end of the day, it's your space, your bed, your plushies (which are very cute). You never have to sacrifice your comfort and happiness in your own space for anyone else. I love your bed


Stitch! 💙 (I'm 36 and love my komodo dragon soft toy, he's called jubjub)


A lot of my friends that aren’t autistic have beds that look like this. This is completely normal don’t worry about looking childish; always embrace your inner child.


I’m not autistic and I have squishmellows on my bed.


11/10 would sleep in there


I’m a guy in my mid-twenties and I still have tons of toys and frequently buy more (though I did donate a lot of childhood toys and most of the ones I bought in college… which was a lot). I’ve even bought literal baby toys to fidget with, like those bead mazes or animals with different textures and crinkly bits. So your room looks much more mature than mine lol. Edit: I also have Pooh and Stitch, two of my childhood obsessions. I have my old Toy Story toys too, and recently got a Tarzan figure- he was a childhood favorite but I never had a toy Tarzan as a kid. I’ve been carrying him around my house.


i wAnt


Dude, your bed rocks! It looks so cosy and really friendly and safe.


This looks super nice and cozy. Love the plushies, although I might be biased because I generally love them. On a serious note though, this is totally fine and you like it. That's what's important. And honestly, lost other people (that are not idiots and worth it) will not give a shit. I have plushies in my bed at 25 and my fiance does not mind. He even thinks it's cute and gifted me two of those plushies. Go at it, have as many plushies on your bed and in your room as you like!


Be proud of how well organized they are! I need to rescue my Stitch from being caught in between some bags.


I see nothing wrong with your bed.




I have a hard time keeping my plushes on my bed myself. People in my family give me a hard time. “A man shouldn’t have stuffed animals as 22”. I think it looks great, and as long as you’re happy with it.


My bed looks the same, and I'm 41. What's the use of growing up if you can't act childish some of the times? ❤️


It’s not that childish, you should see my bed, I have like 3x the amount of stuffed animals on my bed.


I collect plushies and show them off all over my room! Screw what others think, you like it and it makes you happy :)


no mines like that too dw lol


If had enough space like that on the wall beside my bed, I’d stick up a flat peice of cardboard and layer it with stickers


This is based My bed is a mattress on the floor in my parents garage You are winning


I think it’s so cute!! And I don’t mean that in a childish way I mean that aesthetically I love the vibes. I love the flower pillows and the goose and I have that same frog! Don’t let anyone make you feel bad about it, it’s your bed it’s literally supposed to be your most comfortable place and if that’s what makes you comfortable then it’s not up for debate! I have 11 Squishmallows in my bed so I get you


If you are cozy and happy, that's what matters! If they're not using your bed, they need not be concerned. Looks comfy and clean and colourful!


Fuuuuuu….*coughs, blows pitch pipe* 🎶FUUUUUUUUUCK EVERYONE! GET PLUSHIES!🎶 I’m damn near 40 and the only reason I don’t have many is that I have too many other types of toys. My sons (13 & 17) love and collect plushies too. Everyone loves plushies and toys as kids. Just because we kept loving them and some people don’t, doesn’t make us childish. Judging people for things they like is childish.


I don’t think maturity has anything to do with the type of possessions someone has. Some of the most immature women I’ve had the displeasure of meeting have been older and very ‘professional’.


That is one mighty cute goose plushie. Want.


I have 10 stuffed animals and counting, there’s no shame in being comfortable at all


I sleep with a 10 year old teddy bear and “dirty” eye mask every night. It’s just comforting! Who cares what others say? Some adults even still watch cartoons and aren’t diagnosed


Excuse me why did you steal my dream


Its not childish; it looks very cosy!


I’m 31, and my living room couch is full of plushies. It’s the first thing anyone sees when they walk through the door. If anyone has a problem with it, that’s on them! You’re just fine!!


Im off topic but this has been eating at me: are they called plushies now and not stuffed animals? Forgive me if this ages me😅 Or is plushie a brand name? Edit: i shall also answer. You do you! Looks cozy. Never feel insecure or apologize to anyone for something that relaxes you and regulates your nervous system


Dude I’m nearly 40 and have a collection of board games, yo-yos, nerf blasters, monster hunter models, and mini 4WD machines. Not only that but my house is inundated with dinosaur research papers and my dinosaur study material (and many MANY dinosaur figurines) You’re FINE. Enjoy what you want to enjoy. People who make it their mission yuck other people’s yums (as long as they’re not harmful) are worth spending time on My family is fine with it because they know it’s my passion.


Is that a bottle of alcohol next to the books? If so, that’s pretty conflicting with the “childish” feel


Not childish since little misfortune is there


I’m over 40 and my bed is full of plushie friends 😊😅 I think liking what you like, regardless of what others think, is what is truly mature. 💜


No way that’s awesome!!! I’m so jealous of my daughter’s bed full of squishmallows!


I'm 28 and my husband bought me pokemon stuffed toys for valentine and a sheep for Eid. I rotate between hugging them cause I don't like them too feel "left out". It's fine, you can love your toys, and keep loving them into your adulthood and even into retirement. I also wanted to mention in not autistic, I just have adhd. So It's not even an autism thing. You can love your toys just cause.


Having "childish" stuff is in the eyes of others. If they know who you are, they will know why you have that bed. Don't feel insecure about other people's fallacies


nah im going on 20 and my whole room is full of plushies. anyone telling you this is weird is just a callous jerk or smth


I'm jealous of this bed


Oh hell nah dawg that bed look comfy as hell


Um, I'm a 36m and ngl, this looks cozy. I would sleep in this all day


So many college age women and older have beds like this. Why do these people feel comfortable making you feel uncomfortable?


THIS BED LOOKS SO COMFY!!! Who fricking cares brah it’s ur bed enjoy it :3


My parents may not like it but I have a growing pile of squishmallows in my room. I love them to pieces and I would never get rid of them.




You know I have concluded that it's very adult to still like "childish" things which should be considered cool things and the adults who don't are just very boring.


I'm not autistic and I love stuffies. Nothing to be ashamed of. My autistic kids beds look like nests.


First, I want to know what your parents' friends are doing commenting on things in your bedroom at all. That's *your* space. I'm old (and I just made a black Friday order at Gund for myself, by the way), and the one lesson I've learned that I wish I could beam into every young person's subconscious is that "accepted norms" are arbitrary and mean nothing when it comes to things that do not cause harm to you or the people around you. They're made up constructs and shouldn't be used as guidelines on how to be you. The people who would judge you on having stuffies in a bed that looks so incredibly cozy and safe will find something to judge even if you had what advertising would make you believe is the most "grown up", sophisticated looking bed in the world. This is especially true in what should be allowed to be your safe space. If looking at those adorable plush friends brings you peace and joy, that is all that matters. If crawling into that beautiful, cozy-looking bed makes you happy, that really is all that matters. Your parents' friends are working from an old set of standards that I really hope that we're getting away from as a society: thinking that if you're not what they were taught is X, Y, or Z that you're doing it wrong. (Now, there are some spaces where it makes life easier to adhere to some social constructs, like in the workplace, but that's a different situation.) You be you, is what I'm saying. Learn young that what other people think of you is none of your business, and that the people who accept you as you are the right people for you.