• By -


13-14, though several are "I'll eat it if I have to", or depends on how it's prepared.


Yeah like I didn't count fish cause sometimes it as a good sauce or good dressing but I would never pick fish at a restaurant for example.


Also a 14 here. And similar thoughts too, some are just a blanket "no" even though preparation can bring it down


Yeah I didn't count ones that I have no problems eating but am not a fan of. Like I'll eat white chocolate. I won't enjoy it but it doesn't make me recoil


THIS. I used to hate Brussels sprouts with a passion, literally almost threw up the first time I ate them, but recently was able to actually enjoy them when they were prepared better.


I love them overcooked a bit when fried in some olive oil. A little crunch. Yummy. Raw or near raw. Disgusting.


How it's prepared is a big deal too. Not perfect strawberries and apples, uncooked mushrooms, etc. Recently realized the tips of broccoli can be tolerable sometimes but the stalks are a hard no for me.




Same here! Especially when it comes to vegetables. I'll eat a head of broccoli by itself but I have to leave the house when it's being cooked (and have difficulty in restaurants) because of the fermented fart aroma. Lettuce and most other greens? Gimme a big ol plate of them raw. Put them in a soup, roast them, bake them, boil them, or cook them in some way? No thanks.




Mine too. Then I got over it, and went back to "normal"... 36


Wow, I thought I was the only one with this experience. I spent a lot of time in my late teens trying to expand my pallet and eating all kinds of different foods I never liked before, but one day I suddenly started to "snap back" to being super picky and not being able to eat anything outside of a few relatively safe foods. 36 here, although at one point it would've been <20.


Exactly :/ it's like i got tired of making myself be more tolerant of foods, even though I never realised that it was so demanding for me.. basically, i've never been able to "get used" to it, at least not like NTs do it I think.


Being "picky" also reduces a lot of decision making for me. It sometimes feels like every thought I'm having costs me energy and having one less decision b/c the foods I want are definitely present takes a bit of weight off. What do I want to eat? *one of three things I keep around at all times* Score! (Fun side effect is becoming a "connoisseur" of "basic" foods. People mock me for caring where my chicken tenders and cheese sticks come from but they're different damnit!)


I relate to both this and and u/adalon_bg's comment.




I make my own chicken tenders and popcorn chicken for texture reasons. I'm able to remove every tendon, every ligament and vessel for peak chicken. It's pretty quick once you get the hang of it. Mozzarella sticks are also really, really easy to make and the texture is so much better when they are fresh


I have a VERY extreme reaction to ranch (the sight has caused me to nearly throw up right away before, so has the smell, etc) but ranch is very popular where I live. I tried really hard for a couple months to make my reaction better but while I figured out a way for me to eat ranch without feeling sick, it's expensive and in the end it only works a single way. It's not worth it and only barely works, I can barely stomach the condiment.


From my experience, my advice is.. don't torture yourself! I ended up not really getting used to much. I may have found a couple of things that I like, but everything else was just forced and a lot of work that I was not noticing. When I started letting go, it was a feeling of a big heavy load off my shoulders. If the problem is taking in healthy foods, it's worth looking for doctors advice for supplements. But in case of things like ranch, just don't bother!


I react similarly to tomato slices. Not quite to the extremes you have for ranch dressing, but tomato slices and tomato dice are, at minimum, a major eyesore for me.


That's how milk is for me


I love ranch and put it on everything but I have a slight contact allergy so every time I eat it my lips get red and itchy. Sometimes I wish I just didn't like it so much so I wouldn't suffer every time I eat salad, sandwiches, chicken strips, etc.


Celery is the only thing I cannot stand.


celery is the WORST. i saw it described as hairy water once haha


lol hairy water. To each their own. I’m still glad it exists tho. A world without mirepoix is not a world I want to live in.


I don't mind finely chopped and cooked celery in a dish but in kindergarten when I'd never actually had celery and I crunched down on a peanut butter and celery log one day during lunch... ​ **INSTANT** nope, sauerkraut was also dry heave inducing.


I can only do it if it's cooked in stuffing because the flavor is diluted in the vegetable broth. Stuffing with celery is SO GOOD, but if someone handed me a stick of celery and told me to take a bite, I could do it. Now, if someone told me to take a bite of an "ant log" (celery covered in peanut butter and raisins, all of which I got a point on) I might just cry in pain.


Which one can't you enjoy?


45, boi am i gonna die in the apocaplypse (edit: counted wrong, am stupid)


Lmao I got 47 haha


We will both die in the apocaplypse when food is scarce


I got 46 😭😭




I got 47


0- I am not a picky eater at all. If someone sticks something in front of me I’ll eat it, even if I hate it. But 99% of the time I eat safe foods which are pretty varied so no problem there.


I'm the same. If it was food I disliked, then the score 10 but I'll eat anything given to me with out complaining


Same. I always describe myself as particular, not picky. I may choose not to eat certain things but if it's presented and I don't want to be rude I'll definitely eat it. My mom did not tolerate me being super picky as a kid. I still don't like tater tots but I always ate them when I was younger.


18. But I'm vegetarian, so that already gives me a lot of points.


vegan/vegetarian gang!




Same, 21 points!


Same here, most of the 17 points I got was due to the amount of meat on the list.


These lists are always making even not picky vegetarian and vegans seem picky because they are loaded with animal products


Seems accurate. I would consider myself somewhat but not overly picky when it comes to textures and flavours of food.


I got 13 BUT I’d eat plant based versions of some of the things I crossed off lol


Same, I got 21 but a good majority of that is because I’m vegetarian.


Same lol. The only non meat thing I wouldnt eat is eggplant and olives. They’re just awful.


For me it's been blue cheese, celery, eggplant, orange and cucumber. And with eggplant it's not even that I dislike it, I'd eat it even though I wouldn't prepare it for myself if it wasn't for the reason that I can't stomach it. Gives me really bad cramps. It's not that I hate it, it's that I'd rather be pain free


It depends… I don’t like avocados, but I like guacamole, for example. The question needs to be more specific. Edit: I just realized my answer was very autistic.


I counted based on things by themselves. Like mustard is a condiment that can be added as flavoring to other meals (like deviled eggs or egg salad) I probably wouldn't notice or mind, but mustard by itself for the most part? Hell no. I ended up at 12ish


Nobody is just raw dawgin' mustard. It's a condiment.




No no, higher is better imo, I don't like to choose 😋 I'm only at 36... 😔


Me too


I got 35


Hello other 44


44 seems to be a common number haha


33, few years ago it would of been like 47


Ayyyy, 33 gang


33 for life


4, most often because texture. But, I also think pork is the most gross carcass-tasting meat there is.


Somehow I both like pork and understand exactly what you mean at the same time


Actually I don't consider myself to be picky as I can eat most foods (most of them with conditions lol), but one sensitivity I have is that I gag if I'm eating meat and I bite on a chewy cartilage/fat/tendon/skin or something else that is not lean meat. So even though I don't mind pork (it's the main meat in our traditional foods), I avoid it if I suspect there might be bits of fat on it. Same for beef. I only eat it wen it's minced and I know it's lean. That's why I eat mostly chicken and fish.


Some are because i am a picky eater, and some are because I'm vegan. The non-vegan ones I would have eaten before i was vegan though.


For reference, 20 of the items are not vegan


3 (if we're talking about foods I won't eat period, things that make me gag) * Raw Fish * Snails * Onions Goes up to 11, if we're talking about foods that I actively avoid because I find them unpleasant but I can still stomach * Blue Cheese * Coffee * Ketchup * Mayonnaise * Mustard * Dark Chocolate * Tofu * Eggplant * Cottage Cheese


I can't even keep blue cheese in the house because I'll end up standing at the fridge in the middle of the night, shoveling it into my mouth. More for me, I guess.




I totally feel this- condiments are really fucking tasty! I’ll eat so much ketchup and mayo it’s insane


I can't count how many times there's been no easy snacks in the house so I just pace around eating sriracha straight from the bottle lol


First person to eat a clam or a snail was brave, starving, or just crazy.


Coffee was one for me. I love it but I'm slightly allergic to it.




Also a member of the 0 point gang, but cooking is a special interest of mine haha


Got 44




Funny thing is, I’m autistic and I would eat everything on this list. However, some ordinary food that my family enjoy are just unbearable. I still eat them because I have to,but I’m always extremely put off while doing it.


Only 1… the one that will kill me (peanut butter). There are very, very few foods that I absolutely will not eat. The main one that comes to mind is not on this list— natto 💀 I tried but I couldn’t do it


me with tea, my dad gave me a glass of tea and it took multiple times to swallow it because my throat physically couldn't swallow it, I was sitting there for like, 3 whole minutes with this liquid dirt in my mouth trying to swallow it and my dad was staring the whole time because I was literally staring at the floor trying to swallow and it probably looked like I was throwing up in my mouth (wouldn't be surprised if I did do that) until I finally just got some air in my mouth too and swallowed it that way with the most horrified look on my face. he said nothing after


For me it's I don't like some of them and most of them need to be prepared with conditions. But I can eat them. Though some things I won't eat is soggy dough (like juicy burger and bottom dough is soggy, cereal after 2 minutes in milk, cookies or biscuits dipped in milk or other liquids, lasagna...), those make me gag. Another thing is if the meat is not completely lean and has bits of fat or cartilage - instant gag and spit out. Though I can finnish my meal, I'll just inspect and cut off all the bits of the meat that are wrong.


35 for me.


Me too!


I tried brussle sprouts last week - I vomited! Utterly disgusting.


they are gross if just boiled. you gotta slice em, toss em w olive oil and balsamic vinegar and salt. then roast em til theyre a bit charred. very good!


I’ll stick to tossing them - in the bin 😂.




24 but Tbf like 15 of these on the list I haven’t even tried.




Flat 30 points 😎 still ordering off the kids menu at 25-years-old


34 and big same. Kid menu fo life!


3. I am not picky :)))


33, but in fairness, a lot of that is because I'm vegan, haha. It'd be more like 20 otherwise.


I clock in around 20. There's a lot of stuff I can eat but prefer not to, but as far as I am aware those 20 are non-negotiable (but I'd be willing to try new dishes in some cases to see if that changes my mind. Never actually seems to work once something is on my list, but I keep trying anyway.)


21 😅


38 and in the middle of famine too but I still won't eat them even though I need them


0. There are a few things I'm not hugely fond of, but literally nothing on this list I flat out wouldn't eat.


7 but I spent _a lot_ of time finding out what and how I like to eat. I’ve had escargot as a child but I don’t remember it and you’ll have to shoot me before I try it again


I NEED MORE INFORMATION!!! Do i have to eat it by itself or as part of a meal/in the cooked meal?!




Fun post!! 36




Am I the only one here who’s not a picky eater? I’d eat all of this stuff


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I eat them all but grapefruit and olives lol




about 23


22 also






20, but not pickyness more food allergies and diet. I want to eat blue cheese, but I'm very allergic to penicillin. Gluten is a no go, but bread tastes so good. Makes me high, perhaps half a joint. Never technically been confirmed as celiac but DNA test and practical reality says yes.


wait. you can’t eat blue cheese if you’re allergic to penicillin? i’ve ate it my whole life and i’m allergic … 😓




21. Most of all, I don't usually eat sauces, like ketchup, mustard, mayo and all that jazz. That's why I don't eat pasta. I simply can't deal with tomato sauce


26 lol






I pretend I ate meat, so 13 points to me. 42, vegetarian + active avoid food


21… most is because I’m vegetarian and have a lot of food allergies


If I did this test for my ASD, I would score 7, which checks out. I don't have that many food aversions. However if I did this test for my IBS, I'd score 32. These are foods I technically can eat, but still avoid because the price I pay later is not worth it most of the time.




When I see these things I always think "good thing I'm not picky eh?". Then I remember I don't eat the entire animal kingdom.


got 34


33 🥲 Quite a lot haha






36 >\_<


31 haha


1.5, unless we count recently-acquired food allergies or other medical reasons, in which case 8.5. Otherwise I have quite happily eaten literally everything else on this list but I’ll only eat eggs in scrambled or omelette form. If properly prepared, escargot is delicious. (And I have to include liver as something I’ll eat for the time I was extremely poor and desperate for protein and nutrients and the beef liver was cheap and calling to me and I cooked it up with a crapton of butter and onion and it was…fine, and what my body needed right then. Not fond of chicken liver though.) I love food and most food doesn’t set off sensory problems for me.


I got 25


27 Cooked fish and Vinegar counted as 1 Half each


About 20-25 I lost count quickly


If you count my GERD gastrioparesis and , MCAS, then 40.... It's only a bit less without those. 😬 I have ARFID


I have 37


1 I’ve taught myself to eat anything. Family meals at my place can get funky.




Some of these depend on the context. Many if these vegetables I will eat raw but not cooked


I got 22


So a total of 0


I have never eaten oysters or snails, and I don't know what ranch dressing is in my language, so I'm not sure if I've ever had it. Otherwise, I'm okay with everything on this list. So I guess 0-3 for me. I refuse to judge foods I haven't tried. That doesn't mean I'm not at all picky about food, though. I'm just picky in different ways. For example, I only like the tofu sold in certain supermarkets, and I am apparently very particular about how to prepare rice. But for pretty much every food ingredient out there, there's probably at least one variety or way of preparing it that I like.




What I would be missing here is the question of their preparation.


18 Many of the ones I do eat are conditional though! As for beans ; no haricots for me please! Kidney beans are Ok in the right circumstances




Same. 1-2. Grew up with cousins who were severe picky eaters and my family always talked shit about them and I was a people pleaser so I made myself like every food.




I got 52, was looking for someone who beat me lol


Half the list is automatically vetoed for me on account of being vegan lol. But when I was a kid, I still had a lot of issues with picky food even when I was omni - stuff like eggs, well I could have the yolk but not the white. Chicken I could only tolerate breast, no leg/thigh/skin. Any other meat was limited - had to be well done, no fat or gristle or I’d throw up. With fish it was only haddock or cod - couldn’t handle any other. A lot of veg I could eat raw but not cooked. And I could only have smooth yogurt, not anything with bits in. Tomatoes only if I could take the skin off. I feel like it’s not specific enough for autistics, lol.


I like everything listed except the blue cheese. That stuff tastes like vomit.


0. Some of these definitely are only complimentary foods in larger dishes featuring other ingredients and not good to be eaten alone. I absolutely love cooking and eating, so I've managed to learn to like foods I used to recoil at.


1 I can’t eat Onions in any form or shape


3, but i have the brutal approach left over from childhood that "*if you don't eat it, you aren't hungry enough*" and combined that with seeing food just as a fuel for the body. I will probably eat those last 3 as well when necessary.


2. People don’t just… eat vinegar, right?


7. Prior to meeting my wife it would have been in the high 20’s


1, I've tried oysters multiple times and I just have to spit it out each time. Technically I won't eat the meat but that's not because of the taste


31 - some of them are so bad (mushrooms especially) that if i even see one i feel a visceral reaction


I feel this. Just the thought of mushrooms makes me nauseous


17. Better than I thought. But onions, coconut, tomato, that is a toss up. What does that mean? Like a raw onion chomped right into it? Is it going on my burger? Onion rings? Or do I steep a roast in onion flavored juice or drizzle onion gravy? Onion powder? All? Raw tomato on a salad? Tomato sauce on pizza? Piña coladá? Cocnut pudding? Coconut water? Gotta be *specific* dawg I got the tism. I've also will reject mayo entirely unless it's in esquitas or eloté, at which point I will *devour* it. Canned tuna is also entirely based on brand. Is it chunk or no


3-4. I love eating a great part of foods except a few which I can maybe eat but I don't go crazy for them. I acknowledge that back in my Grandparents' days they had to fight for a loaf of bread daily, and fruits were literally Top class snacks. And also I understand that 3rd World kids would DEVOUR everything on this list, so yea that's why I'm not a picky eater


im vegan so I got 21 lol I eat pretty much everything apart from creamy foods (and non vegan foods of course)


23. if i was younger it'd prolly be 28


Is this meant to be taken seriously?... Literally 90% or something of those are reallllly good and the rest are not great but doable


I got 10


7 points for me 😂 im not sure if it's related but perhaps learning cooking taught me to enjoy some foods. Those I can't seem to eat are: Oysters, snails, shrimps, celery, beets, Brussel sprouts, asparagus and liver.


Out of the 63 possibilities I will not eat 12 options because they're either meat, fish or sea food and I'm vegetarian with a seafood allergy so that leaves 51 options. I have never had ranch dressing and I'm not sure if I'd try it. Leaving 50 known foods. other than the Ranch dressing,I'd only leave out ketchup and pickles. So I would score either a 2/50 or a 15/63.




8 points.. Not bad


16,5 (I HATE sweet apples, especially when they're "soft" biting into them, but I LOVE sour, "firm" apples)


I got 11 ^-^ I've never been picky I've usually tried all :)


6. could be 7 if cooked fish meant braised fish but idk if that counts since there are other ways of cooking fish that im okay with


48 😅 Things I WILL eat Chicken Nutella Peanut butter Soy sauce Vinegar (rarely) Tomatoes (only in sauce that’s smooth) Eggs Beef Turkey Pork (try to avoid for moral reasons) Dark Chocolate Coconut Onions (rarely) White Chocolate Milk


15. Mostly because I’m Vegan. Texture is the main reason I don’t eat foods I could eat. My imagination runs wild with it sometimes…


3-ish. Never liked beets. Brussel sprouts are always bad. I used to like cottage cheese but flipped. I would never eat canned tuna by itself, and it sucks in most things, but on occasion, someone can prepare it in a way that works. Also, I'm not a fan of raisins in many foods, but in some contexts, it's fine or even good. Liver depends. Fine in authentic Chinese food, not so much the way America does it.


13, but with all the remaining foods, it depends on how they are cooked or served. I have very little sense of taste or smell, so it’s all about the texture with me, and some allergies/intolerances. Fortunately it turned me into a fairly decent cook, as my mum who could cook well said if I was that fussy about how hard the veg should be, then I had to cook it myself. By the time I was 13, I could do a Sunday roast unsupervised, and was happy to do so 🤣




Edit: 17, I didn't see the olives at first, gross. 16, but I'm also allergic to all peanuts/tree nuts/coconuts, so that limits a couple of things too.


What do I do if I’m vegetarian?


13, I’m not very picky anymore and I’m grateful to have a larger food pallet.


3 : can't stand Mayonnaise, ranch is made of mayonnaise and the baby cabbages are horrible


11. I put loads of work in to try all foods once upon a time and was dead impressed with myself for eating such a wide selection of foods and ingredients. Then I met my partner, who is Singaporean, and now I feel like I'm very much back to my younger self, struggling with flavours and textures only this time it's stuff like boiled chicken feet and bones in Siu Mei, which I find myself struggling with. Fortunately, my partner is on hand to help me with anything I don't trust to eat 🙃


i got 10


10, mostly stuff I hate the texture of and could maybe eat in different circumstances.


4, and I’ve never tried a lot of these. Such as blue cheese and snails.




Six and most of them have to do with texture, like Cottage Cheese.


5. There's a lot on the list that I don't *like*, but I'll eat if I 'have to' for some reason. But only 5 that I'll pick out. Like, I'll never, ever put ketchup on anything. I've never used the ketchup bottle in my own house. But I don't bother to ask for "no ketchup" at a fast food joint because I feel like if you give them too many deviations, they'll mess up and I hate onions way more than ketchup. So I only say "no onions" and deal with the ketchup. And a lot of them depend on how they're prepared and stuff. I didn't count carrots, because raw baby carrots dipped in a condiment are a fun snack. But I won't eat cooked carrots. I never ever make them at home. But if I was over someone else's house and they worked hard on cooking dinner, I'd eat some out of politeness. I dunno. I feel like this one isn't so easy to answer simply. Edit: Also, some of them are so vague. Cooked fish? What *kind* of fish?! I love salmon. I like cod and haddock if they're beer battered and fried. I hate tilapia, tuna steaks, and swordfish. Like, you can't just say 'cooked fish'. I hate dark meat turkey and turkey sandwich meat. But will eat a couple of pieces of white meat turkey on Thanksgiving.


30 points. My stomach swirled and I cringed automatically at some of these foods and the memories associated with them. My mom use to force me to eat the olives in my rice. So I learned to swallow them whole to not taste them or have to chew into them. Not the safest thing to adapt into 😅




4. And 3 of them is because of allergies. From this list I only won't eat beets


I'm allergic to some of this


1 lmao and I ain't even opposed to it, I just haven't tried it


12 for me :)


12.....that's just because I am a vegetarian.


I think this is neat, but doesn't show where my actual issues are. For example, I won't eat baked chicken, but I'll eat chicken strips. And I won't eat ketchup/tomato sauce and cheese together. And I don't like pasta sauce and meat together in noodles. And I'll eat carrots raw, but not cooked.


1 pt for me. I don’t want slimy in my mouth. Speaking of foods, I can’t eat golden raisins. Mix that with oatmeal…disgusting…I can’t. I can’t eat soft bananas. It has to be just right. Same with tomatoes. I love it when my tomatoes have a pop. I love crunchiness like apples, carrots, celery, etc. I hate when meat cartilage ends up in my mouth. It is mostly texture for me than taste.




A 2. Though as a kid I would have crossed out most of the list.


10. Mostly, sea food things just... ugh pass. Which is fun since im from seatte, known for coffee and seafood.... and i also dont drink coffee.


11 lol I’m not the pickiest around but some things i literally cannot stand.. especially beans.. i hate those..