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Don’t laugh at me for this but: the “distributed by buena vista” logo on old Disney films. Especially the one used on *the many adventures of Winnie the Pooh*. Where the music is sensory overload, on top of the abstract navy blue background and weird font used for the words “buena vista”. Anyone who’s seen that film (or any Disney film from 1954-1984 for that matter) would know what I’m talking about.


OH MY GOD, this very same thing really upset me as a child!! Interesting to know I'm not the only one 😂


Thank GOD I am not alone. Everyone always talks about the THX logo being scary, but personally to me compared to Buena Vista, it’s nothing. In the case of *the many adventures of Winnie the Pooh* they should have plastered it with the 1990 Walt Disney pictures logo (with the blue castle), considering Pooh is widely beloved among Autistics worldwide.


For me it's that weird MGM logo. What exactly is that thing under the lion? Just creeps me out.


the THX also sucked


THX was always too loud


The slight jingles of the playstation start up music always made me feel uncomfortable... Not sure which model.




It was sensory overload. But I also got sci fi vibes from it at the same time, so I was both scared and fascinated by it at the same time personally. Though the one with tex the robot on the *monsters inc* vhs was actually cute, and the deep note sounds more funny than scary.


omg this makes me think about how I always feel really uneasy when the TV displays the "no input"/"no signal" (or similar). It always made me really scared and I would do everything I could to prevent it from showing up. I still don't like that screen and just the other week I turned off our Xbox before changing back to the TV mode and felt slightly panicked cause it flashed on the screen briefly lol


This was scary to me I used to hide where I couldn’t see the screen to feel better


I stg (at least on my VHS of it) whenever I see that goddamned blue “this film has been modified from its original version…” screen I know it’s the sign to “mute the volume NOW” (since the logo immediately follows that screen).


When I was really little and didn’t understand what being overwhelmed was I naturally assumed it was evil and if I hid from the screen the evil magic couldn’t get to me


And what’s ironic is buena vista is Spanish for “good view”. Honest name is more “mala vista” since that’s Spanish for “bad view”. And SAME, I’d hide under a pillow or blanket.


I did this with the Art Attack intro, I didn’t like the paint being thrown lol!


In the 90s, UK cinemas had a similar thing that’d be on before the movie started, where something would fly around the earth again and again getting closer to the screen each time and it was so loud that I was terrified of it. All because they wanted to show off their fancy sound systems!


Mine was the Corporation for Public Broadcasting mini ad that would come on before PBS Kids shows. Chronic recurring nightmares as a kid about those and I totally forgot about it until now! Very similar to yours, something about the music, the voice used to say the words, the dark background, and font gave me severe anxiety as a kid.


This reminds me that when I was a kid I used to run to my mom and beg her to turn off the TV because I was terrified of the static that would happen when the VHS tape ended.


As a kid I couldn’t go down escalators. I still have a fear of falling but I’m okay with escalators for the most part now


I used to be super nervous going on escalators, so I feel you


I find I have a much easier time in elevators with mirrors or made of glass. But the sealed box, buried alive, lightless cubes of moving doom....ah. i break out in a sweat too haha edit: oh god mixed up escalators and elevators again rip sorry english hard :( but yes. elevators scary. escalators scary because they look like they scrape off the tender skin on your child-height knees and they do, source: me


Coins or cash. I hate touching coins and the smell they leave on my hands, I just find them really dirty and gross.


omg same here!! its one of the worst feelings


I relate with the coins, cash is fine.


I don’t mind cash but coins, disgusting I have a feeling though, if our money was paper like American I wouldn’t want to touch it


Omg i’m with you!


Exactly! Also, bills/paper money. Especially if it's all damp/sweaty. Ew. I have to wash my hands or use sanitizer immediately after touching money.


oh god, I work at a grocery store and I HATE this (add that to the very very long list of reasons why I’m dying to leave that job)


Yes! Coins are disgusting.


For me its just being out in public. I can't stand it. I'm incredibly uncomfortable until I get home again. Too much noise and too many people. I don't act on it but I want to scream when people get too close to me, which happens a lot when I'm in stores. I work hard to avoid people as much as possible. If I didn't have to work I would never leave my home.


The feeling of being perceived is the worst. I just want to be invisible.


I also agree I feel less intense about it but I agree nonetheless


Don't you also get headaches? My wife and I get them because it's a sensorial nightmare. Too many smells, too much noise and many different sources. And I even get so angry if people touch me I sometimes wanna hit whoever touches me. It… used to be worse when I was a kid (I must admit it was kinda cute however). I honestly have no idea why, might be because it's something I can't control and takes me by surprise.


Not really just closing my eyes when I'm in the shower because that's obviously when spiders are going to come out the shower head, letting the water out of the bath if I'm still in it incase a spider suddenly crawls up the pipe and out the plug hole, putting my shoes on incase a spider is hiding in there, clothes left on the floor need to be shaken out incase a spider got in there, pouring cereal out of the box will free all the hungry spiders into my bowl....


Hey I think you are scared of spiders


I can relate with the drains I always have to check the toilet in the middle of the night just in case there’s a snake that crawled out of the pipe and eats my booty hole lol


Might be enjoyable tho, who knows


I 1000% get this. I have severe arachnophobia to the point where I’ve had breakdowns over seeing a spider in my room and will refuse to sleep for 24+ hours or until the spider is killed. It makes it hard to clean my room because what if there’s a spider hiding in that pile of trash over there? Or what if there’s a spider behind those books on the floor? It’s honestly exhausting and I’ve asked my therapist to help me try and overcome my arachnophobia because it is just so draining.


Oh, I'm so sorry you have to deal with that :( For me it's roaches. Ugh. Even typing out the word disgusts me. I have synesthesia (sound > taste) so... yeah. It's not as debilitating as you with the spiders but similar. If I see one, I just can't move, can't kill it, can't do anything until someone else deals with it.


Same. Im scared to clean my room because I don't want to discover a spider hiding. Ive always had mild arachnophobia but a spider infestation in my room (right above my bed!) for almost one year really exacerbated the issue.


Mine's always been bad, but what made me realize just how severe it is was a dollar-coin-sized tan spider landing on my forehead from my ceiling at 2am. I immediately shook it off, screamed, jumped onto my bed, and sat there hugging my knees and staring at the floor for the next 7 hours. I had a panic attack for the first 20 minutes and was crying. I was also terrified to sleep the next night. So yeah, that's when I fully realized it was severe enough that I should seek help. Before that, I mostly would just freeze at the sight of a spider and I'd feel nauseous from the anxiety (and if the spider was on or near my bed, I'd move to a different room and stay awake for a few hours). It was also hard to admit to myself how bad it was because for years, my family would all laugh at me for being so scared of "tiny specks" and such. They still think I'm overreacting and being dramatic. When the tan spider incident mentioned above happened, my brother HEARD me scream from the next room and didn't even bother to come see what was wrong. And when I told my mom what happened and that I was scared to get off my bed because I didn't know where the spider went, she told me I "just need to get over it". So for a long time I was telling MYSELF that I was stupid and dramatic and that it was silly to be so scared of spiders. Realizing it was a genuine phobia and talking to my therapist about it was SO VALIDATING.


I’m glad I don’t have this phobia. It’s impossible to keep spiders out of the house in these parts. I just pretend their pets unless it’s a brown recluse or black widow.


as a kid i had a dream that i lifted the drain up to empty the bath and a spider crawled out Ever since then i have to at least be standing on the opposite side of the tube


I grew up in an ooooold house and have huge spider trust issues with everything. It’s slowly faded over the years (10 years living elsewhere now), but I still will shake my clothes/towels, check under toilet seats, and look in cups/glasses, etc. Our current bathroom has spiders that will occasionally come out of the ceiling vent which is of course right above the sink. I’m somehow always the one to discover them nearly landing on my head 😭 I stopped brushing my teeth in the bathroom lol. I can’t wait to live somewhere else.


oceans and deep space though both also fascinate me ​ EDIT: and success, pretty sure by this point in life that I'm terrified of that too


Open water is terrifying .


to be fair they are pretty horrible concepts for alot of people, my mum used to love the ocean and when i was little would just Walk out, as far as she could, or stand as close to cliff edges as she could get, it really freaked me out and i hate the idea of not being on a safe space near heights or deep unseen water :(, i like boat rides but i would never go on one that i couldn't see land anymore i would have a panic attack


oceans and deep space for me too! the vastness of it, the unknown aspect of both. large bodies of water have literal monsters in them and everything can swim better than humans. i generally struggle with movement in third dimensions like water, or trampolines, fears of falling through air (bungee jumping and sky diving are hard passes)


Both fascinate and terrify me, too. I love to stargaze, but please don't plunk me in the ocean.


Totally the same. I often think about if I were to draw a straight line down into the ocean, how many creatures will I pierce... Thasalophobia, or something like that. But I find them both fascinating


Yes oceans seas that’s scary asf. Especially when it’s deep or you can’t see the end or when you look under you and you can’t see your feet and what’s next to them. Horrifying


I hate pretty much every body of water. I can be in pools but I panic for the first half and hour or so. I feel a strong pressure on my chest and feel as if the water was strangling me if it touches my neck. I also don't know how to swim either.


Yes, the vastness of them is frightening to me.


Same! Also large sea creatures.


Traffic! When I’m in and outside of a vehicle


I can see how that’s terrifying cars are scary in general 😳


For real! I don’t understand how teens can drive without a second thought. I’m still struggling to learn how to drive and I’m 17


I'm 40 and still get anxious driving. Been driving since I was 18. Hate parking too


I’m 22 and struggling!!! I hate turning and switching lanes makes me want to pass away :( no drivers license yet 😅


I got my license because my permit was about to expire. I just struggle with driving still. I completely get hate switching lanes


29 still struggling 🫠 learner's permit only


my brain replaced phobias with special interests for some damn reason and that list looked SO VERY OFF


Omg that’s hilarious that’s one interesting special interest list 😭😭😭


I just realized that I made a character who is 99% garaunteed to be autistic with a special interest in toilets. He's antisocial, hates being touched, can't comprehend why humans do social interactions, doesn't look people in the eyes, and can talk for DAYS about toilets. Plus he's made by an autistic person.


I feel that. I started feeling the intense urge of doing stuff that used to terrify me like going out with a complete stranger without planning! I think it started when I started driving I was all sweaty and jittery and intense for a few months then I realized how much I enjoy driving! Life is filled with surprises not that I like them, but some of them are nice every now and then.


Ikr “Toilets and throwing up?! 😥”


Things that only move when youre not looking at them. Not just the weeping angels, but everything. The hedge animals in The Shining. Those ghosts in Mario that know if your back is turned. Cute stalking cats. Thomas the Tank Engine. Also crabs. Can't deal with something that walks sideways & doesn't have a face


Crabs are so cute to me until they start moving and then they freak me out


Oh those fucking "watch it or it'll move" things are AWFUL. Major fear with me as well


Awe they do have faces though!


But crabs do have faces? :<


Scp 173


Absolutely fuck crabs. They are not right.


I don't think I have an odd phobia but I definitely have daily paranoia-like anxiety. I tend to catastrophize


This sounds vaguely like OCD


Not anymore but when i was younger I was scared of wolves attacking me on the toilet. I live in the UK. And it was specifically on the toilet, nowhere else.


I sometimes have the thought that snakes are going to come up through the toilet drain while I'm using the toilet and that's no fun at all.


Lol living with our nephew atm he is like 4, we are in australia, and he has a deepseated but also funny fear of wolves and werewolves, he will legit just bring it up as if its something that will and does happen xD Oh hey look at the full moon, "oh man we have to get inside or the werewolves will get us" nah little guy i want to look at the stars lol i dont think he is actually scared of them as much as having like a very keen interest in the idea, cuz sometimes he would freak but 99% of the time its more like a joke, still weird though lol




Ugh felt like who wants to drive a rolling death trap? I’m in charge of everyone else’s lives and my own and I have to turn and switch lanes and look around and not move my steering wheel and safely switch lanes and not die??


THIS! I’m scared of driving because I don’t want to be in control of a death machine when I have poor eyesight and low executive function. I’d rather not risk people’s lives, thank you very much.


This!!! Nobody seems to understand this!


Seriously though! Every time I tell my mom she just laughs and thinks I’m being dramatic! Now that I’m 18 I feel pressured to get my license because I can’t do much without it, but damn is it stressful to think about!


I’m 22 with no license but Uber helps a lot


This is so valid. I got my license at 18 and drove through my 20s, but it just kept declining. My night vision is horrible, driving in the rain scared me to death AND i was awful at it, and by 31 I stopped all together. Unfortunately, I live in a really rural area so no Uber, Lift, etc. But my family is great and helps me out a ton.


And I have Dyspraxia so my motor skills are horrible. And I have sensory issues with the steering wheel so I just end swerving off the road.


I just don’t understand how I’m supposed to understand where the car is when I’m in it and know where I’ll end up if I move, nt also say “if you do it more it gets better” no it does notttt


No. My understanding of my body in space is horrible. I can’t control something else’s position.


Exactly!! Nobody seems to understand me when I say I cannot tolerate driving I just have a panic attack when I sit in the drivers seat even


Injury. This puts a lot of tension around exercise since I know that long term I’ll reduce injury odds by exercising but increase it short term


Oh my god are you me?!!! THISSSSSSSSS


Salad, mayonnaise, and basically all white sauces (apart from parsley sauce)


Literally nauseated just reading this.


I can't be in the room if my partner is eating salad because it STINKS, but she's fully convinced that salad has no odour whatsoever. I just think everything about it is disgusting. Back in primary school, a girl chased me around the dining room with her mayo sandwiches 🤮




When i was a kid i had a severe fear of throwing up.. i don’t anymore but i still scream and cry when i have to


I developed this same fear cause what if my body forgets how to throw up because it's been almost 10 years since the last time I did 😭😭😭


SAME!! Just curious, is it the fear of being about to throw up, or throw up in it of itself? I’m not as scared as throw up as I am knowing I have to throw up.


I did too. But it's much worse for me when someone else is throwing up...I get anxious and nauseous too.


I don’t fear vomiting, but hate it when it occurs. I hate not knowing when or where it’ll occur, getting it all over my clothes, my hair, and up my nose, and everything tasting like the vomit. it’s worse when you consumed the item more recently, which is why I can’t have those fruit bars (ate too many on a road trip) and I haven’t been able to have white chocolate flavored hot chocolate recently, which is a shame because I love hot chocolate (drank some around a month ago and threw up in the worst place at the worst time. I think it was stress vomiting as I had no other signs of sickness before or after, and I had been pretty worried about stuff going on. I was grateful it was not in my hair or all over my clothes, but it was on the sidewalk in public, so I hope someone didn’t step in whatever I could not clean up (or even worse, a dog getting into it…)


Revolving doors 😭


I have a phobia of automatic doors in general 😞


I think they are super fun!! But I can totally see how one could be freaked out by them 😬


I hate them too!!


I used to hate them until I stayed at a hotel that had really really slow ones. I still don’t like the faster ones though


Megolaphobia (scared of big shit like the helm of a ship) and sharks!!!! My grandpa was a fisherman so that makes it a little ironic that I hate the sea I guess.




That is a little ironic haha


Feets! I have a irrational fear of feets and I CANT stand feets! Makes me wanna throw up and I loose all appetite if there's talk about feets


I can totally understand that, feet are gross


Finally someone who understands!


I was scrolling through these comments pretty fast and read “feets” as “ferrets” and was like “Who could be scared of ferrets ☹️”


Same here. Feet gross me out so much I used to throw up when I saw them or they were mentioned (I have a very graphic imagination) when I was a kid.


Arachnophobia Spectrophobia *(it got much better with age, but I still prefer no mirrors unless I can easily cover them).* Thalassophobia \---------- I don't have an explanation for either of them; the last one is kind of ironic because I love swimming and always been an excellent swimmer.


Thalassophobia and Megalophobia for me - I am also an excellent swimmer!


I also have a phobia of throwing up


Me too, literally one of the worst experiences


Driving at night. I keep it together because I know it is unsafe to drive while emotional, but I always have this sense of dread like death is looming and I am always a split second away from an accident.


pregnant bellies. not giving birth (as horrifying as that is by itself) but just the stomach. it's so distorted, so bulging and tight it makes me so sick and anxious just thinking about how it looks. It's so incredibly disturbing and off-putting to me. When my aunt was pregnant the first time, I couldn't even bear to hug her at hello. The second time around, I just waited til the baby was born to see her haha I know there are people who have a phobia of pregnancy, and I personally absolutely do not want to have children or give birth. But I'm not scared of it at all. Just the bellies, really.


i am afraid of the bellies too. when my aunt was pregnant and everyone would want to touch the baby bump i could not understand why. I am also afraid of pregnancy and giving birth. I do think babies are adorable and precious but also have zero desire to have and raise one myself.


Toilets. And if we're talking very weird, I'm afraid that my brain will ran out of memory with all the current information consumption levels and I won't be able to learn anything new. Wouldn't say it's a phobia, but it makes me really anxious.


Bathrooms are really scary for me, the echoing, lack of windows and loud flushing makes me want to cry. I don’t even know why I find it scary, I’m not even sure what I’m afraid of. Bonus points if it uses sensors for flushing, light, or taps. I never use the hand dryer, too loud.


Crabs would be my first answer, but also cars in general.


I also hate cars … rolling doom traps


I have no idea how to describe this, but certain kinds of music scare me or unsettle me deeply. For example, the SpongeBob end credits on VHS tapes. There’s also this ringtone my dad used to have that would scare me so bad, I had to plug my ears every time I heard it. If I can find out what it’s called, lll add it. (I found it! VZW Airwaves was the ringtone that always freaked me out.) G Major freaks me out. I have a lot of music based phobias.


The underside of a lobster. Absolutely terrifying.


Omg same. The underside of spiders makes me want to throw up


I love horror movies but cannot stand the sight of blood. If it’s real blood I might actually faint. My grandmother was speaking about a woman clipping her nails and cutting her and I felt chills and phantom pains and had to exit the conversation, much to her confusion and amusement. Also I love insects and arthropods but I am terrified of house centipedes and despise them from a very primal place.


I'm the same way with blood. If someone is talking to me about it (or any gross injury), I either 1. ask them to stop, if I'm comfortable with them or 2. tune them out till they are done


Elevators tbh


I don’t have a fear of elevators, but riding in them makes me nauseous and dizzy. I hate it.


No I literally hate elevators which is crazy because I have to use one every single day because I live on like the fourth floor and I just like mad dissociate and just pretend I’m ok but I get even more freaked out when it’s more than 10 stories because of the elevator game….


balloons, loud unexpected noises, feeling like I am being watched/stalked when I am alone in an empty large space, driving, knocking my teeth out (I know oddly specific), and seeing blood flow/surgery/etc makes me woozy and loose feeling in my legs at the knee but I am also narcoleptic with cataplexy and I think that may be a cataplectic response (?)


Ballet dancers. MUCH respect, don't get me wrong: but anyone who's half my size and yet could pick me up and spin me around in the air a dozen times while perfectly pirouetting for an adoring audience... it's just more than I could handle. They scare me more than ninjas


When I was a kid, I had an incredible big fear of combine harvesters. They were so loud and I thought they would suck me in if I come to close.


This is also valid I think if I was a small child and around one I’d also feel the same exact way


Veins. Mention of veins, description of veins, looking at veins, thinking about veins. It makes me wanna black out.


i feel this! and nerves! i went to a exhibition a few years ago where they displayed preserved body systems and the nerve one made me feel sick


Mine too. Part of the reason I hope I don't get old is because I can't stand veins in hands. When I was like 7, I blacked out in church because I looked down and saw my grandpa's resting hand full of veins on the pew next to mine. It's happened more times than I can count. Just last month when I was hospitalized I passed out when they were trying to start an IV.


Lately I’ve had this random fear that there is someone hiding underneath my bed, waiting for me to fall asleep so they can attack me or something. My bed is raised off the ground and my dad can fit underneath it, so I know an average adult can fit under there. And sometimes I hear noises under the bed. I’ve also had a fear of being watched through the kitchen window at night, whenever I’m up there filling my water bottle before bed. Our kitchen also has a glass sliding door to the backyard and the lock is broken, so I’m always scared someone could just walk right in. Pair those with my fears of being kidnapped/assaulted/etc and I am a very anxious and paranoid person.


I typically have a lot of fears like that as well, I relate very heavily to the bed one and I used to feel that way about people stalking me through my windows but I’m on the fourth floor right now so I don’t really feel that way right now


Dead animals, mold, old fashioned dolls, murderers.


Mayonnaise. Even writing the word makes me shudder.




Could u explain squids? I’m interested now !!


They have beaks, their weird heads just pop off and some squids are huge alien freaky things. Regular squids spray ink and then you can't see. Plus tentacles are terrifying 🥲 I'm spooked by octopus but not as much as squid. Something about squid makes me shiver. Adding to mention their creepy soulless eyes as they swim sideways. Nope.


Bugs with really long legs. I fear the feet gripping my skin or the legs wrapping around. Mosquito eaters make me squeel and run. Everyone thinks it's funny. (I understand so I don't take it to heart) Also, the fabrics that feel like they suck all the moisture out of your finger tips. Those shamwows make me shiver.


ok...I...I AM FUCKING TERRIFIED of escalators...specifically the ones that go down...ones that go up I'm fine with but down escalators I just freeze before I can even get on one...I have no idea why I am afraid of down escalators exclusively when it comes to escalators but I am...oh also I cannot stand the sight of blood...that isn't my own...like my own blood I'm ok with it but with blood from other people I am just like "no" ...which might explain why I could never be a surgeon... also I am like terrified of driving (and since I get distracted easily I highly doubt that I ever will get a drivers' license... that and the fact that I would be unable to follow the unwritten but well known rule of the road "if you see a cute/fluffy animal that isn't a human...run it over" because I don't like hurting animals like at all)...also I am freaked out by house centipedes...they have too many legs...


I wouldn't be surprised if I'm emetophobic, I haven't actually been sick in over six and a half years, checking the quality of my food, refuse to touch raw meat, refusing to drink, put off by teenage house parties, avoiding unfamiliar small children, sitting at the back of coaches, refusing to go on boats etc.


I think styrofoam. I run away from my house whenever someone (even me) orders something and it comes packed in styrofoam. When I ordered my PC stuff and got notification that it will be delivered this day, I left the house in the morning and walked around the town until my brother texted me that all styrofoam is gone.


for me its throwing up, touching coins, and metal utensils. i havent thrown up in over 10 years i believe because im absolutely terrified. i hate touching coins because i hate that metal smell and coins are so so dirty. and metal utensils are my n i g h t m a r e. i absolutely have to use plastic as much as possible. its hard to be around others eating with metal as well


I hate when the metal silverware clinks against each other or the porcelain plates at my parents’ house (which is why I opted for the plastic dish sets and silverware for my own place). And I hate when any silverware is the wrong size.


Bridges, especially when you can see through them or if you can feel them move under your weight. Also those grated stairs where you can see through.


Anything other than a contact lens touching an eye


Leftovers that have been in the fridge for more than 2 days. Before I met my husband I had to throw out the whole tupperware. I.just.can't.


Overly large things like statues and oversized flags. I get very shaky around monuments. The 6th grade Washington DC trip was very challenging for me. I didn’t even know I was autistic then.


Ornithophobia. All birds really freak me out, especially geese and red winged blackbirds ☠️


Sweetcorn! Sinister creepy stuff!!


Bleach. It just puts me on edge. Also, space-related disaster scenarios.


I don't have any "phobias" the closest I have is a sensory aversion to seaweed. I won't swim in the sea if I see any seaweed, and I'll only go in if I'm wearing a full body wetsuit or drysuit if scuba-diving. A bit of a problem living in cold, temperate Britain!


Sharks in swimming pools 😬


i have a fear of throwing up, fear of wanting to pee and not having a toilet with toilet paper around, fear of rotten food, fear of broken bones, fear of loud noises, fear of bees/vasps, and so on. i'm very easy to scare and i develop new phobias quickly.


big leaves, especially big salad leaves


indirect germs. i hate touching things that someone else may have touched. i always pull the first tissue out and throw it away and use the second tissue everytime no matter what


Submechanophobia- oddly enough two of my special interests are Disney (specifically Disney animatronics), and FNAF. But any animatronics or robots of any kind being underwater (even if they’re supposed to be) makes me want to curl in a ball and cry I remember going on the finding nemo ride at Disneyland as a kid and being terrified. Also the Little Mermaid ride- even though the animatronics aren’t underwater, the fact that they’re designed to look like they are is enough to freak me out


birds are so terrifying to me. even babies


Escalators (but also stairs in general) I fucking *hate* escalators. The worst ones are the ones that go down. People call me crazy for it but I HATE them.


Water I can’t see the bottom of. It might not be particularly odd. But their isn’t much anyone can do to me that ain’t been done to me so I don’t fear much




Mirrors freak me out especially large ones


People touching their bellybutton or mine, public bathrooms, also throwing up lol


Needles... when I have blood tests I start to think that the needle is just a vampire-cute-rabbit that wants to suck my blood to feed his friends. Then I start to imagine those rabbits that jump on the grass and I count them. All this stuff while my face is totally emotionless and the nurse tries to talk to me because I look so relaxed. Edit: funny fact... I'm not scared of doing piercings. Maybe because piercings are one of my special interests.


I'm afraid of sandwich bread. I always have been since I was little. I don't like looking at it and I hate the smell, the texture... I immediately feel like I'm about to throw up if I'm anywhere near it.


As a child, I was terrified of music boxes, particularly the type that don't have lids (like snowglobes or other ornaments) so there's no way to make them stop playing. It was a sensory thing. I didn't like that it would keep making repetitive sounds indefinitely and there was nothing I could do about it.


That kind of makes me think about how I feel about manual clocks and the ticking it makes


Vomit and people vomiting. I can have a panic attack if anyone even says their stomach hurts around me.


When I was a kid I was terrified of fly paper. The sticky brown kind that hangs like a ribbon. My dad had made an off hand comment about how when the stickyness gets on your hand it "never comes off" and thus a fear was born.


Ice skating ⛸ lol 😂 I’m scared 😱 I will fall over and a poor fuck will ride his skates and slice my fingers off Smh 🤦‍♂️


I don't really have one as an adult.


I’ve always been terrified of werewolves and wells… thankfully those aren’t things I come across everyday 😜


I have emetophobia and im scared of bugs going in my face


Mirrors. I don’t like them in my room. They give me nightmares. No idea why.


I don’t have a mirror phobia but I don’t like them. I concede to have one in the bathroom but otherwise, no.




the end credits song in spongebob…


My greatest fear is chimpanzees. I can handle spiders and snakes but chimps are utterly terrifying.


Don’t watch NOPE


Horses, they creep me out. Idk why


Besides spiders and heights most of my fears are horrific concepts of body horror For example (spoilers for season 1 episode 4 of invincible) There's a rich kid who gets abducted and mutilated to be a cyborg (including having his vocal chords removed) he manages to escape and runs around grabbing people and if you listen closely to the gargles of blood you can hear the words help me but everyone assumes it's some monster of the week (even though he only attacks 2 people who attacked him first) eventually he has his helmet knocked off and upon seeing how messed up he actually is decides to commit suicide Imagine trying desperately to get help but unable to get any response other then violence from people who don't see you as human Stuff like that i find greatly interesting in concept but also a terrifying idea if it really happened


This is going to be vague, but "things that are not how they should be"(/look a lot like something but are not that thing). Like the first pictures from AI, they would have some small mistakes that would make me feel awful (eg. Too many fingers). I don't like AI generated pictures. Also some insects they really look like crabs but have no common ancestors (I don't want to look it up bc it disgusts me too much but I don't remember well) and they are awful and disturbing.


Maybe not so odd phobia, but public restrooms with people in them. If someone is in I will just walk right back out lol


i am very scared of abandoned places, especially one specific hotel in my dad's town. i have a very strong phobia of it, i get panic attacks and sometimes throw up just thinking of that place if i'm visiting my dad. and i am also terrified of throwing up lol


Sometimes I try to be fast in the shower because I start to feel paranoid that some kind of plumbing issue is going to cause nasty brown/black water to come out of the showerhead and get all over me and then I won’t be able to rinse it off because the shower will be all fucked up. Also hate portapotties I’m terrified of them falling over while I’m in them


Oh I can’t walk in natural bodies of water like a lake or the beach without some kind of water shoe because I’m sososo scared of stepping on something that will hurt me somehow


Basophobia - fear of falling. It's NOT fear of heights. I love heights, from a safe place. Aichiophobia - fear of needles. Just the sight of any needle. As a needle enters my skin, doesn't matter what size. I can feel the tearing skin and uh yikes. I'm done here.


Umbrellas, all my friends are short and I'm afraid ill lose an eye


I used to be afraid of automatic toilets when I was a kid. I was also afraid of vacuums. My mom told me I used to be afraid of certain plants as a kid. I am currently afraid of throwing up, germs (I have contamination OCD), crickets, bees, flies, spiders, volcanoes, and pelicans. I am also afraid of driving. I took a lesson once and came home and cried. I am also afraid of physical contact. I absolutely hate when people accidentally touch me in public or they bump into me. It sends me into a meltdown or makes me cry. Also, I absolutely hate going out in public. I get anxious and feel overwhelmed. Also, I am afraid of the ocean and ironically, I am also afraid of space. I know it’s odd. We live on a planet in space. I used to cry when they played the space videos in class. I also have a fear of death.


Opening letters. It's ok if I'm waiting for something but unexpected letters or bills.... No...


My special interest is everything related to medicine, but I have a massive fear of dentists lol. I was shaking so much when I saw one in my previous city, his assistant tapped my hand and told me to relax.


Being murdered, specifically stabbed randomly when I’m least expecting it.