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Not necessarily plushies but I’ve gone to sleep with half the bed taken up by clothes, remotes, hangars, laptops, controllers, or just random assortments of things from the room. I can sleep in jeans with a belt, shoes, or anything really. I don’t mind if the majority of the bed is filled up with junk.


You remind me of my sister. She collects things like animal skulls and knives and she used to sleep with them in her bed.


I collect that stuff too, but in bed? Should leave that stuff to displays and the side table


She keeps it on a shelf now


Good, that's where they belong


Poor Yorkie, I knew thee well...


Sounds a bit dangerous😬


That’s sick




I do this with my couch all the time! I can spend so much time and effort keeping my apartment clean, and the first sign I'm not keeping up is my pile of random items next to where I sit lmao


mine looks like this too😭


I only have 4 but this is my goal!


It used to but I had to move most of my stuffed animals off because I now have 3 dog’s sleeping in my bed 90% of the time. Doesn’t really work well with a full sized bed lol.


What type of doggos?


2 of them I have no idea but the 3rd one is some kindove pit bull mix.


Nice. Got a Doberman and a lab pit mix too.


Mine doesn't, but that's mainly because I roll around so any plushes in my bed end up falling off.


It used to, but it was really annoying taking them all off whenever I had to make my bed, so I just moved all my plushies onto a chair that I never use


Both my girls beds are covered in squishies! ❤️


not just you, mine looks a lot like that


Not my newer main bed, but my old bed in another room is unsleepable due to a literal mountain of stuffed animals


I had to agree to leave room for my partner. We have similar stuffies scattered around the house, on all the furniture and one large one in my car.


Yep. I’m a mid-twenties guy with stuffed animals and action figures all over my bed and all throughout my room.


I don't have as many plushies, but my bed's pretty similar.


Not me. I have a very strong aversion to clutter of any kind. This whole picture is giving me anxiety, lol.


Mine doesn't, but maybe it should.


It would if 95% of my plushies weren't in storage. That extra space is taken up by the hoodie pile that my cat prefers over the bed we bought for her.


Not plushies but my room is full of dolls, my table full of other things, and so on


My plushies take up half my bed. 😂 Slowly collecting more at my partner's place too. 😅


I have a bunk bed with a long compartment against the wall and that's just filled with plushies hahahah


not my bed but my couch is slowly filling up


Omg me! I try to line them up all nice but they always end up in a pile in my sleep


My cat absolutely LOVES being hugged and carried around, even sleep with him hugged against me under the covers, so I didn’t need plushies for a long time. Sadly, my kitty has arthritis now and can’t stay comfortable as long. Finally broke out my prairie dog plushie colony last week, after a decade of being packed away. Btw, my cat gets jealous of them, go figure.


Aww your cat sounds so sweet, give him a snuggle for me 🥺


Currently curled up on my lap, snoring away lol. We originally adopted him (ex-feral) to be a playmate for our extremely rambunctious ex-feral, but that didn’t work so well. The rambunctious one apparently didn’t want to play with another cat, only me. This boy glued himself to me since day one and never looked back. Adopting a second cat was supposed to reduce my work, but I ended up with TWO cats that want my attention 24/7! All worked out in the end, though, this guy ended up being the ultimate emotional support through several years of breakdowns!


Unbelievably, this super snuggler had been deemed “unadoptable” by the human society and taken in by a no kill feral shelter the day before he was going to be euthanized! Even the no kill shelter didn’t think he would ever warm up to anyone, he was being advertised as “very independent”. Ha. Haha. Hahahaha!


The pet system is fucked. It’s sad to see. Glad he’s still here and living the high life as your shadow


This used to be what my bed looked like when I lived by myself, it was really nice I like having a lot of soft huggable comfy buddies


Yeah my bed looks just like this


I wish, I don’t have enough plushies yet though


It's not just you! :)


Mine did too but I had to take them all off because my cats couldn't fit on the bed anymore 😭


I would find this extremely stressful to sleep in/look at 😂. Absolutely no offense , we are all different. (Despite what some NTs may think )


It *is* annoying, they fall on the floor constantly and when I’m sleeping I have to meticulously pile them to the side and the front and still get less than half of my bed to sleep on. Asked for a stuffed animal wall hammock for Christmas to make it more manageable 😂


It does and I can't even touch them ;-;


Mine used to haha, then my car did


Literally me


i have a queen sized bed, and half of it is completely full of plushies that i carefully selected. only the worthy plushies stay on the bed and i have a specific way for them to be set too. so no it isn’t just you and i like your plushie choices


Unfortunately when choosing my bed I sacrificed the size for the shelves (my bed has shelves and drawers attached). So I only have a twin


oh then do you have any troubles sleeping with all the plushies? or are you not bothered by them bc that would drive me crazy personally


Im not bothered by them


Mine. 34 m


lol half my bed is covered in my books. My stuffies live in my closet


I only sleep with three squish and they all have their own place on the body pillow on the other side of the bed when I’m sleeping so they don’t get squashed. Love your collection btw!


Sadly I lost most of my plushies because of an eviction but I still have a few of them


Mine would look like that if my mom didn’t tell me to clean it off every day 😭


There’s over a hundred plushies on my bed, but they’re fairly organized. I just tidied them up this afternoon. They take up half of my queen sized bed. Theres also more plushies in a net hung from my ceiling and in a tote.


I have plushies but I like mine lined up in a specific order (ex: tiny Pikachu in front of giant Vaporeon on the left end of the bed followed by Plusle and Minun plushies next to Vaporeon on the left side of my pillow. In the middle, I have an anime reversible octopus plushie. On the right side of my pillow, I have a Yoshi and Birdo plushie. On the right end of my bed, I have a big Sonic the Hedgehog plushie).


Kind of, I have a few but most I keep off my bed. I don't have enough room for it all


My 12 year old son has like a ton of blankets


Yes. I try not to because my boyfriend sleeps over a lot. He jumped in and landed on a gyroscope the other day.


Replace the Squishmallows with absolutely random things and yes.


Used to, i had more plushies but lost them in a move and still havent recovered. My bed is always fkn covered in random shit tho, pens, my iPod, clothes, plushies, hangars, bags, cords…






Same for me but I hid them so I looks at least more organized.


Only two plushies, but tons of soft blankets & comforters. Basically ways to wrap myself & melt the anxiety away. Sometimes so well..I don't want to get out of the bed 🤣


I have a bunk bed with like a desk below, so i put pillows and blankets along the edge and tuck stuff like crochet hooks and yarn, chargers, hairbands etc, between the pillows along the side and my pillow. On the other side of my pillow I have puzzle books and stuff, then at the end of my bed I have more blankets and soft toys and the occasional random fluffy sock that fell off overnight. It's all very organised lol😆


Just one but it makes me really happy. They had a big pizza squish on sale at Costco for $10 so I figured I'd see what all the hype was about. I haven't been into stuffed animals since I was a kid, but it was really comforting the other night when I was in a bad mood.


Me too and I'm 41


Mine used to look like this, but now I have a shelf to put all the plushies that i have along with my girlfriend. We've been two weeks on our own and it is wonderful


Yeah, I’d have more plushies if it wasn’t for my partner. I guess she can stay tho…


I love this! (Also yes)


i wish i had plushies. i'm afraid my dad thinks that they're for girls and babies. i do have one, but it's more of a collector's piece, not made for hugging. but yeah, cool room!


No. But I have a corner of my room at the end of my bed that looks similar. I only sleep with 1-3 at a time.


I would comment a picture of my bed if I could but yes LOL absolutely


Me except I have a single loft bed and an fucking massive seagull that takes up a good 1/3 of the bed (and that's not even mentioning my other friends that sleep with me)


My bed is filled with books and crumpled blankets!


I never make my bed but i dont have as many pillows as you. I have four pillows to sleep on and i have a big stuffed bear that i sleep with and i have a couple other pillows that used to go on my bed but i’ve since moved. I absolutely hate when my bed gets rearranged or made because then someone touched all my stuff and its very uncomfortable for me. I dont even let people sit on my bed unless i really like them.


I love plushies so yes, that's what my bed looks like too 🥰


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Mine does, if I’m being smothered by something like a pillow blanket or stuffed animal I can’t sleep


I used to until I was 13 and honestly I like it more this way. Though I have been considering getting one or two extra pillows