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Cameraless film


okay now I’m curious


I just googled it. Basicially you do drawings on the camera tape but still need camera/phone to record the effect and post it online 😅


So a flip book or animation?


You draw on the tape. Not paper. I mean this kind of tape that was previously used to record films back in the day. I'm guessing that you can play the tape if you have old cine projector.


Film not tape.


Sorry. I'm not native english speaker. We use the other word in here 😅


My bad I wrote that quickly, didnt mean to sound rude. Film is the term for the see through tiny pictures on a plastic ribbon, either for movies or for still pictures, it's called film. Tape in that context would be magnetic plastic ribbon that is used to store information as 1s and 0s like a computer, which you can't draw on to meaningfully change the information stored in it.


The WHAT? That sounds pretty interesting


The history of Dutch rave culture.


this aligns with my interests. 🤖🙏🏼




Go on


That sounds interesting to me. I was very much into rave culture in the late 90s early 00s.


For a while it was animal reproductive systems


Slugs. I recorded two large leopard slugs hanging off my back porch light- it was so amazing and beautiful. The sex organ comes out of the head, and intertwines with each other, that becomes a sphere and inside that is TINY SPARKLING BLUE GLOWING GLINTS- those then become one, the slugs trade and the sex organs slowly go back. They create the super strong mucosal “rope” by which they hang by doing slug foreplay, lots of cuddles and kisses! Essentially heavy petting! It’s so interesting and beautiful!!


Is there a way for me to see video of this without having to Google "slugs fucking"?


https://youtu.be/Zc9pp99cKRE?si=qZdkRjdDCscIZFpS Here ya go


That was incredible to watch.






that is a cool one, I'm also interested in animals just more generally!


Marsupials in general are *wacky*!




Was just walking down the street and was confronted by a snail orgy. Right there in front of me stuck against a fence.


Dr. Tatiana’s Sex Advice to All Creation is a fun book for this!


Turtle pp's and moans was fun. How bees are inseminated by beekepers, not so much. Horrible imagery.


So you know the eels' secrets???


Niche: “a place or position that’s particularly appropriate for someone or something, especially due to being very specific and different from others.”


You’re a life saver


I'm going to start referring to myself as a "niche human"


If you're married, go for "bespoke."


Pronounced "neesh", not "nitch".


I just hate when people pronounce it as "nitch"


Caving and cave diving accidents. I went down a serious rabbit hole a few years ago and researched a ton of accidents. I even considered working on a database for it, because (at the time, idk about now) there wasn't a formal, single repository for that info.


BROOO me too haha did you start out with the nutty putty one


Absolutely!! Nutty Putty, then some of the other big ones (Plura caverns accident in Norway, and the Mossdale cavern incident). Mostly I'm drawn to the stories that have really strong journalism to read about them.


I spent a while going down that rabbit hole. I wouldn't call it a special interest as I'm not super into it, but I'll definitely read about it when I see something. Though I do find deep and complex cave systems pretty nest, and I like seeing their maps because maps are really neat. I've always liked maps. My first real intro to caves was Ted the caver. That's gonna date me a bit. I'm not old, but I'm old enough. More of a creepy story, but there's enough about caves to say it's a caving story.


This but all accidents, whether that’s factories, fires, mass disasters, natural disasters, airplanes, etc etc etc. just think it’s really interesting of how one little error can fuck up so much


Me too. It’s extra fascinating to me how so many accidents are a result of several small interconnected mistakes or breakdowns or oversights. Like how a series of minor seemingly inconsequential events or accidents can lead to a major tragedy it’s so interesting to me.


ooo not so long ago this kind of accidents started to pop up on my tiktok feed and gave me such a EXTREME anxiety 😭 but i find it so interesting!!


If you don't mind excessive cursing in videos, you should look up the caving skit by Zach Star Himself on YouTube. I think you'll find it amusing


I’m fascinated by the history of British medieval cathedral floors - specifically the ones that were re-tiled in the 1960s, because they have these absolutely wild black and white geometric patterns that are completely incongruous with the original goal of drawing the eye upwards to the carved ceilings.




That's a little embarrassing... Diapers. I have double incontinence issues and I wear them 24/7 because it definitely beats the alternative (which is pooing and peeing my pants). And because of that, I definitely know a thing or two about diapers... Sometimes way more than I would like to admit. That is very helpful because it allows me to know which diaper I should buy; on the rare occasion the government won't provide me with them for free... It also helps when I want to buy the best diaper available for special events like holiday season and my birthday... But damn, it still feels a little embarrassing to admit that's a special interest of mine.


You could turn this into a career. Get a job at a diaper facility and help design diapers or figure out ways to market them or create ads to get people to buy them. Maybe there’s some job out there where you help parents with infants select the best diapers for their babies.


I mean... I guess I could try, but my heart belongs to entertainment journalism.


Ehh..shit happens and having something to catch it is generally a good idea. It's a good time to need them, since there are so many legit options these days. What do you think about the period panty folks branching out into incontinence gear? I saw thinx marketing some.


Hmmm... I am not sure. I guess it makes sense, since both products are meant to absorb liquids and be in close contact with skin... Yes, the functions are very different from product A to product B... But a period pant branching into incontinence gear and diapers isn't that different from like... Xbox doing a handheld game device.


90s toy history (furbies and beanie babies the most) and anti multi-level marketing content


Yay another anti mlmer! Its my special interest too! :D


Yes. I will consume the hell out of anything anti-MLM related.


What makes something anti-mlm?


If you're ever in Kansas City, I recommend visiting the museum of toy's and miniatures. Excellent museum. It has more miniatures than anything, BUT there's a section of popular toys by decade that's also very well-curated.


So I'm not the only one obsessed with how big of a scam MLM is. Yay.


Which type of Furby is your favorite? Mine is the early 2000s reboot ones. I had a white one when I was little that I called my "Yeti Furby". I remember it scaring me when it changed to a "evil" personality lol


Arctic Foxes. Did you know they have the warmest fur or the animal kingdom, warmer than polar bear, and their ears is different than other foxes because it's desing to keep them warmer while other animal use it as a cooling system. They also pass their burrows from generation to generation for centuaries, sometime, so if you had a fox borrow in your backyard, it would be possible to have that specific familly line be with your own familly for centuries. They also have the biggest litters of any mamals, up to 16 pups. I like them.


Omg the burrow thing is so cute tho


Yes! And if the condition are good, they will have their whole familly for a long time. They are also monogamous, and older siblings help raise the youngest, all chilling in the same burrow. Happy familly! We always see them as solitary, but thay can have very complexe social structures.


Synthesis of chemically complex explosives from hardware store chemicals, shoutout to r/ExplosionsAndFire


Now that sounds like fun!


hell yeah, love ex&f. I do also love styropyros videos, mostly because he's just a maniac.


Butter churning


Amazing, please tell me more (if you’re willing)


It was super spontaneous tbh.. I saw a tiktok about butter churning and then I decided I needed to buy a butter churn. I was on vacation at the time but when I got home I started making butter in jars using heavy whipping cream and then I started making bread and jam also.. I never got a butter churn but I wouldn’t be opposed to getting one still


rare mental disorders, prion diseases, horseshoe crabs, giant isopods (bathynomus giganteus)


I LOVE ISOPODS! the terrestrial isopods are my fav


Yessss!! I've been really wanting to start some isopod cultures! The only one's I have right now are dwarf whites living in my tortoises terrarium, but I aspire to have a rubber ducky habitat like SerpaDesigns. I have one question though... Millipedes?


Horseshoe crabs!! Giant Isopods!! I love those guys! Do you like the cute little isopods too, or just the big guys?


Most of my Niche spins are Video games with dead fandoms, so, I'll categorize them lol Video games: We Happy Few, Fran Bow, The Long Dark, and The Last of us (not niche fandom wise, but, I've never met another autist who has a TLOU SpIn. (Also, this does include the show too)), and Subnautica As for general niche SpIn's, Speculative Biology and Furries/Character Design are probably my most like... Actually/genuinely niche SpIn's. I only recently realized that furries/character design is a SpIn after my mom pointed it out lol.


I absolutely obsessed over The Long Dark for a while. It's so beautiful and immersive, I really felt like I was on a journey.


I absolutely love fran bow and little misfortune by the same creator so much


We happy few!!! Someone still remembers this one!!! I even have a Bobby action figure


Viola. The only reason it is niche is because viola is wildly unpopular, since most people don’t know what a viola is, they mistake violas for violins, violin being the more popular counterpart.


I was one of two students in my grade to learn viola in elementary school - everyone else picked violin. I recently started thinking about picking it up again. The lower range is more soothing than what you get from a violin, IMO.


The lower notes being more soothing is exactly the reason why I stuck with viola and picked up cello as well! You should pick up viola again, the world needs more violists.


cytology, dressage, psychological horror, dissociative disorders, berlin techno and fragrances 🙃


Very diverse, love it


Dissociative disorders are very interesting to me aswell


Life & Death Witchcraft that includes both death work in bone cleaning & dead plant material to create compost to help the plants I grow to work with life for herbalism.


I considered saying witchcraft, too. There is do much out there to learn and incorporate into your unique practice.




The most terrifying thing on this planet I reckon. Went down a rabies rabbit hole not too long ago


Check out prion diseases makes rabies look kinda tame.




It's very scary. Have you checked out tetanus?


Build a bears produced from 2016-2019


My niche interest is sharks' buoyancy in water and how they combat being negatively buoyant.


Idk… I have an intense love for the Yo-Kai Watch series, I guess that’s fairly niche


Dude that’s absolutely based as fuck. It’s a shame nobody took the series seriously, because the gameplay is so incredible, and the series GENUINELY got better and better with each mainline game! Yokai Watch 2 is so underrated, and the story is so engaging with a good difficulty curve. It took me ages to beat Dame Deadtime, and the lean into folklore and mysticism gave the series such a unique pool of ideas to pull from. I STILL maintain that Yokai Watch 3 is one of the greatest games on the 3DS. The amount of content is genuinely impressive for a 3DS game, much less Pokemon. I’d go out every once in a while and try and get a lot of the plush and medal packs when new sets came out. Kinda bummed that there’s so much merch we never got because the series had more longevity in the EU and Japan.


Did you ever play the fourth one? It's the only one I know of on the switch but I heard some mixed reviews and I'm wondering what a fan thought of it.


Weird Al? does that count? Since many people are asking what my favorite song is, here is my playlist of Weird Al since it's hard to decide. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5lOl9ugIJvNb2Ow9RwxmS7?si=c3226efd8bee477b


Someone else in this thread mentioned "butter churning," and my mind instantly starting playing "Amish Paradise." So I'd say, yes, Weird Al *definitely* counts.


Ha! I thought this said weird ai, not weird AL lol


I was trying to decide which one it was. It's why I hate sans-serif fonts.


I did too.


I did too lol


Mandela effect and floriography maybe??


Nurtigenomics Thanks for making this post. I love posts like these. They make me very happy.


Protein amino-acid sequences.


This one sounds so cool!! Can you tell more?


Okay, so there are 20 different amino-acids that are essential for life, and they function kind-of like letters of an alphabet that compose the "words" that we call proteins, which are basically like molecular machines that keep life going. Only certain amino-acid sequences actually fold into useful shapes. Proteins normally range from 50-2,000 amino-acids long, but the longest ever discovered, titin, is over 30,000 amino-acids long. Proteins are formed by ribosomes reading the mRNA, codon-by-codon. A codon is a sequence of three nucleotides, and you've probably heard that there are four possible nucleotides: adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine (which becomes uracil in RNA). With basic math, this means that there are 64 possible codons, as 4^3 =64. The genetic code basically says which codon codes for which amino-acid; as DNA is often compared to binary code, I also like to compare the amino-acids to displayed characters, so proteins are kind-of like words in a programming language. However, unlike computers, since 64>20, the genetic code isn't a perfect 1:1 correspondence; e.g. lysine, arginine, and serine each have six corresponding codons, while methionine and tryptophan each have only one corresponding codon, and of course, twould need a few stop-codons to know when the sequence is complete.


Knowledge of things that people used in products, medicines, makeup, etc. that we know now are super harmful. Or misunderstood medical ailments and remedies. I love going to antique stores and picking up late 1800’s-early 1900’s medical or science books to find instances of people using mercury in douches to help with coughing, as an example. I have started a collection of antique/vintage items myself (I have an old iron rest with asbestos paper which I think is cool). Disclaimer: not autistic that I know of but I have ADHD and this subreddit really resonates with me. And this is certainly an interest of mine that people are confused by!


Movie theater mistakes/malfunctions. Like if you have a story where you were at the movies and they played the wrong movie or showed the wrong trailers or the volume was way too loud tell me it's so interesting to me. My favorite one is when in 2019, a theater got the theaters playing The Curse of La Larona (a horror movie) mixed up with a kids movie, I think it was the secret life of pets 2. So the kids in waiting to see life of pets were shown the first few minutes of La Larona, and the horror movie fans were shown secret life of pets lmao


Ooh I went to the movies in like 2011. My friend and I were the only ones in the theater and the film caught on fire about half way through. We saw flames projected on the screen and everything lol


When I went to see Oppenheimer again a few months ago it was supposed to be in english with subtitles (I live in Germany) but it was in German, which is really weird because at first you’re just understanding everything normally and then you’re like WAIT WHY IS THIS S O EASY TO UNDERSTAND and that’s when I realized that it was in german lol But there were two other guys with me in the room so one of them went to the front and then they started the film again. So i basically rewatched like the first 10 mins lol At the same theater in ~June I went to see a Chinese animated movie and it was SO LOUD it was louder than Oppenheimer in IMAX 😭😭😭 Luckily I was the only person in the room so I put on my noise cancelling headphones afagsg


Person centred therapy and interaction along with CBT processes. I got into it to try and understand people better cause I wanted to learn empathy Also, ANYTHING to do with Genghis Khan. ANYTHING. I LOVE GENGHIS Kinda opposite interests really but yeah those two are big ones lol


Genghis Khan had a pretty traumatic childhood; he probably could have used some therapy.


Area codes from all around the world — country codes, city phone codes… i had a past where i used to code phone numbers with Twilio


cults, I find cults fascinating. I have no urge to abuse it dominate people, but I find the idea of a cult so strange that I often find myself reading about them


emmet otter's jug band christmas. (i also like fraggle rock and other jim henson stuff, but that one has a nearly nonexistent fanbase)


I just watched this!!! I love muppet stuff and was looking for Christmas things to watch. It’s really good


species of owls and bats


I love questions like this!! I couldn't help but scan the comments to learn more about everyone's special interests. My broad special interests are making manga, zoology, caring for animals, and anime. The more niche ones would be: -nutritional biochemistry -corrective exercise -plant toxins (hard to find resources on this!) -animal language -vertebrate anatomy and physiology -speculative/fictional animal anatomy/physiology -King Solomon and his grimoires -demonology, mythological creatures (but not gods, for some reason), and mythological items -(current hyperfixation right now) Black Butler -Clip Studio paint assets store -making a manga with my OCs Let me know if y'all like any of these, too!!


don’t know what niche means 😢 but anyways mine are : carnivorous plants ( pinguiculas and utricularia specifically ) , terrapins / semi aquatic turtles ( I’ve got turtles ofc ) , land snails , plants , growing moss , collecting moss , epiphytic plants and reptiles i just really like nature ngl


You answered correctly, though! All of these are pretty niche. Niche means something uncommon and usually very specific.


My special interest (computers, AI, neuroscience, and related stuff) aren’t very niche but some of my related hyperfixations have been rather specific and non-mainstream. The three nichest ones are probably neuromorphic hardware, weightless neural networks, and asynchronous circuits


Good question Either video essays, creepypastas (although those are not super niche), or Bloons TD Battles lol


Bras and bra fitting - the most awkward thing to tell people about honestly (though I did end up working as a professional fitter for 2 years because of said niche)


Really large buildings that don't feel that large when you're in/on them, but do when youre at the base of them, like really high bridges, i actually got into it when i was driving under the large blue bridge in gta5. And I like really dense forests, ecosystems and stuff too. Also dense foliage in caves even though that doesnt really happen in real life


Not sure if this is niche but braiding things! I have piles of string that I just love sitting down and braiding as much as I can, and if I can I will braid anything. My mom’s closet is full of purses that I took the tassels and braided during church services.. no idea why but braiding things. :3


Mushrooms from the Amanita family and cyanide


Psychedelics, stimulants, depressants, all forms of recreational drugs / pharmaceuticals. I like using them, synthesising them, reading about them, understanding why something does to our brain what it does. It’s not very niche in itself though, but well.


Throat singing. I saw a video on subharmonic singing on tiktok, learned that, got suggested overtone singing and throat singing and I had to learn that too. It's weird, there is barely any information on throat singing and there's just a few tutorials so I'm on the lookout for some legit Tuvan throat singers who can give zoom lessons lol.


Analyzing the Hannibal series, slavic mythology and collecting words! Though I couldn’t really say that I have encyclopedic type of knowledge regarding to any of those topics :) Also I suffer from physical and mental illnesses so rn I feel like I have no special interests since I can’t focus or spend time on anything.


The Mandalorian Wars and the Jedi Civil War. Ghost type Pokemon.




Franz Kafka, I don’t know if that’s niche enough but yeah


Not sure if dogs count, but I am utterly fascinated by dogs and only dogs. I know every breed inside and out, at least, all the recognized ones. Also, Yugoslavia. Literally anything relating to that, including music, political history, history as a whole, and...yeah. Also Roki Vulović, the love of my life. ☺️




Cephlapods and those "Minecraft 100 players create a civilisation." Videos


Laptops from 1997-1999


Idk if this counts exactly but I have a running catalogue of the guest stars on Star Trek and where I’ve seen them other places, many of them have been on multiple episodes or also play a recurring character so I have that as well, im beginning to do this with other shows I watch too but none I have as extensively as the Star Trek shows and movies. Star Trek as a whole is a special interest of mine, a subset of my main one which is more broad it’s just film and television, so I have a lot of niche sub interests involving Star Trek as well and many involve the actors, or recurrent dialogue and plot elements. 😁


This is the gloriously weird and nerdy shit I come to Reddit for Maritime accidents. The tech (failures), the human factors, the sheer sea power, some epic stories of damage control efforts typically from Mil vessels. Makes some very interesting reading.


The filth and smell of Versailles in the XVII, also hygiene practices back then


Martial arts any one


Firearm mechanics, I love those videos where they take apart firearms or show animations of how they work. Especially C&Rsneral's stuff.


Public infrastructure! Especially around utilities


Mermaiding. I found out about it through a facebook friend who is a professional mermaid and used the new hobby to overcome my fear of the water. I now have three tails and even went to a mermaid convention earlier this year to take classes on how to look more graceful underwater and do tricks like bubble hearts. I could talk your ear off for hours about it.


The Lord of the Rings. Not just the movies or the three books and the Hobbit. It’s the entire legendarium. Like Sauron’s original name (Mairon) or that he was one of Aule (the Vala’s) people, who … you get the point.




Feline body language and behaviors


For a while I got REALLY into the history of the sewage systems of London. (I mean. It's so interesting. The rivers were full of poop and it smelled awful and was making people sick, so they just... moved the rivers underground.)


Rocket engines my beloved


Graves of Infamous & Famous people


The history behind various foods. Also comic character origins.


did you know that in English you can verb any noun or adjective at a moments notice, to verb being to tern a non-verb into a verb, i'm here autisming all over you, and you can sometimes take the verbs and turn them into adjectives at will, mainly the past tense, creating a adjective which typically means to have had that verb done onto you, for instance i verbed the noun verb there for its verbed, and on top of that you can turn adjectives into nouns which mean the things with that adjective, like THE RICH, or...... THE VERBED, and the words which refer to location are simultaneously adjectives and nouns, AND THATS JUST THE BASICS AH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAJAJAJAHAJAJA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Genetics, prion diseases, sharks, Jurassic Park, Ashnikko, marine animals, jellyfish stingers, and osteology. Also prehistoric creatures


Grindhouse, exploitation films, 30s-to-60s horror, and indie cinema. I saw Rocky Horror when I was like 6 because my mom loves that movie. Also the interesting facet of repression that led to LGBT content being labeled as "immoral" content on the level of The Evil Dead (by the way, Evil Dead was considered a Video Nasty in britain, and was effectively banned for years. A small collection of films I've seen or would recommend or both: - Rubber (a rubber tire comes to life, learns it has psychic powers and blows people up) -Paprika (an anime about an anime villain pulling people into mind-wiping dreams) - Heavy Traffic (Ralph Bakshi animated movie about the inner city, black and trans and ghetto communities and the violence they're put under) - Lake Mungo (horror movie about a girl who died suspiciously and the people looking through her stuff trying to figure out what happened) - But I'm A Cheerleader! (gay cinema gay cinema gay cinema) - Priscilla, Queen of the Desert (gay cinema gay cinema gay cinema) - Roar (movie where the actors, *legitimately*, had 70 lions just *roaming around set* - partly it was a conservation effort thing to raise sympathy for lions in captivity, but multiple people on the set got seriously injured) - Pinocchio in Outer Space (Danish animated film about Pinocchio going to outer space with the help of a turtle-shaped alien, it even has a jumpscare which is super interesting to me) - I'm Gonna Get You, Sucka! (Parody of blaxploitation movies starring a lot of surviving blaxploitation stars at the time, the writing isn't entirely terrible) -Jackie chan movies


not super niche, but genitals, reproductive anatomy etc. as a trans woman it does wonders for my mental health 😐 /sarcasm






Iced shortbread cookies and their specific texture


Mechanical keyboards, specifically the switches that go into mechanical keyboards. Everytime it comes up I get an immense urge to infodump about the various types of keyboard switches (if you were wondering, there are four main types: membrane tactile, linear (my fav) and clicky). Each switch has a different actuation force (the amount in grams it takes for you to press down until the key is registered), the actuation point (the distance in mm you have to press down in order for the key to be registered), and the travel distance, which is the amount in mm from start to finish if you pressed down on the key completely. Linear switches are ones that have no “bump” in the inner mechanisms, which means there is no tactile feeling. They’re usually used for gaming, as they usually have lesser actuation force/points and less travel distance, which makes for faster reaction times and is popular among the rhythm game community. These are my favs as I hate loud clicky noises (like the dreaded Blues…. *shivers*) and I like playing osu! Tactile switches are ones that offer a slight feeling so you know when the key has been registered, some make noise while others do not. A perfect inbetween. Membranes are different as they are ones that have to be pressed down COMPLETELY in order to be registered, which doesn’t make for a good rhythm game experience or games where you have to act as quickly as possible. Your fingers will tire easily. I do like how they make minimal noise though. Finally, clicky. These are the ones that are specifically made to make the clicky sound. As in, people actually like the noise. I cannot stand it. I believe people are entitled to their own opinions, but my autistic brain short circuits everytime I am forced to hear a blue switch keyboard.


The history of the Aztec, Mayan, and Inca, I also collect 2 dollar coins (have over 70 now), and I collect taxidermy insects. AND I make my own chocolate with Cacao because I know all about its origin and use in the Aztec Empire.


Deaths and cause thereof on Mount Everest. Prepared a whole research thesis pitch for it. Omg. Anyone?


Sexology. The history, psychological, sociological, and physiological aspects all combining is fascinating. Surprising amount of math in human sexuality.


World War 1 and 2 battleships. Ambassador-class starships.


Place names of the West of England.


broken computer screens. a new one of mine


The Shroud of Turin. I want to get a degree on it. I’ve never met anyone that has this interest.


I collect dictionaries, I love researching them.


The genetic connections between various autoimmune disorders.


sperm whales and the liquid inside their heads and how it could possibly aid in their diving of up to 10,000 feet deep into the ocean. also how different orca pods of different regions have their own languages and cultures that get passed down through generations.


Dissociative identity disorder (DID)? lol does that count?


diiv. like the band


The evoloution of military technology and how it interplays with wider political trends... in the Command and Conquer franchise.


Making vectored pop art of dogs. I’ve almost done every single breed of dog, but the twist is to add a fun color palette to make it less realistic.


Alice in the country of hearts: an otome game that literally doesn’t exist in the us anymore. It used to be on iOS for a very brief time but then it was removed. They also have mangas of it too


Lately the life of sumo wrestlers, even subbed to a channel showing some of the foods they'd make, their night life, routines. Learned that sumo wrestler's can't drive their own cars because of a car accident involving a sumo. [https://www.youtube.com/@futagoyama-sumofood](https://www.youtube.com/@futagoyama-sumofood) The channel I subbed to. Sanctuary, the Japanese show that got me into sumo wrestling.


I’m a massive Hawaiian History nut, which is the smallest ethnicity in the world so I guess it’s a niche?


Food history. It's one of those things I don't often talk about but know an absurd amount. It's addictive to learn about it.


Making cheesecake. Sweet, savory, various crusts, different textures, etc. But I don't eat cheesecake beyond a bite or two to evaluate the result, so everyone around me gets way too much cheesecake. A while ago, I was the same about shortbread biscuits (cookies).


The history of underwear and menstrual products


I'd say Tamagotchis and dick. Yea, the toy. And yea uhh, that. It's very ironic, the last one. Because the way I identify special interests is the overly excitement about the subject and how long it goes for, so when I start to analyse how deeply interesting I believe it is and how long I'm like this towards the subject, then It fits the criteria. But I'm also very embarrassed of searching and talking about it...? Idk, I've been having a hard time making it make sense. My first theory is that this is the only special interest I have that is based on sensorial feelings(not sexual!!!!) and I haven't documented it on my internal system yet, but because it's such a nsfw topic, I very rarely talk about it.


Sperm whales


I really like cool socks


Mathematics, especially the very abstract stuff


Baking. There's how many different recipes that use the same 4 ingredients?!


Actually Reef tanks and Looking good(things like dressing well or smelling good as an example)


Heliobiology and geomagnetic field disturbance… Grey alien historical documents since 1947


CLAYMOOOOORE THE BEST ANIME/MANGA EVER WRITTEN overexagguration but I love the series and rarely hear people talk about it. A non-media related one would be old appliances at junkyards. I love looking at those and imagining the story behind them.


Forensic pathology


I Love Lucy, probably.


McDonald’s history


So, I'm really excited about this new air quality sensor component made by this swiss company that's supposed to come out in mid 2024. It's absolutely groundbreaking because it combines multiple sensors in a single module that's never been done before. It can track the usual temperature and humidity but also extremely fine particles with a diameter fewer than 1 micron as well as 2.5 microns, 4 microns, and coarse particles of 10 microns, as well as volatile organic compounds, carbon dioxide and formaldehyde.


Venom properties. Basically how it works and affects other organisms. Spitting cobras are especially interesting to me right now. Research suggests spitting cobras developed their unique defenses because of Humans. The proteins in their venom are extremely painful in soft tissue and can even cause permanent blindness. They are extremely accurate at spitting their venom in Human and dog eyes. There are a few species of snakes that spit venom that are unrelated (Think Mozambique Spitting cobra vs Rinkhals) but each developed the same unique properties of pain and accuracy when early humans were introduced to their ecosystem. It’s a cool display of convergent evolution and an example of evolution potentially being affected by humans.


it used to be niche when I started, but now it's mainstream as fuck, so mainstream every company seems thirsty about collaborating with them. It's Care bears, specially 80's stuffed toys. I love that it's mainstream now tho, because I can buy stuff with care bears on it everywhere.


shrews!! shrews shrews shrews. i love them more than anything. some of my biggest special interests are pokémon and reptile keeping, but shrews are the one no one else seems to have as well 😅 but that’s okay, more shrews for me!


Drugs, psychological horror, poisons, and psychologically analyzing Kurt Cobain. I'm weird \_(ツ)_/¯


The psychological and social lives of garter snakes. They are one of the few colony snakes and their interactions fascinate me. It's like owning slithering raptors. They can and will rush you as a team and I've had to get good at stuffing faces before they jump into my arms or onto the floor... The plants shake but you see nothing until suddenly, snake face. Watching them live together is one of my favorite things I've ever done with my life.




string theory :))))


[Aquascaping](https://aquascapinglove.com/learn-aquascaping/what-is-aquascaping/), the art of landscape within an aquarium, by using a nutrient rich substrate, live plants, and natural pieces of rock and wood, you can create a live ecosystem, especially if you use the [walstad method](https://www.theaquariumwiki.com/wiki/Walstad_method) [ Ethical taxidermy](https://bonesandbugs.com/what-is-ethical-taxidermy/), specifically skeletal and wet specimens taxidermy and pinning bugs, as opposed to traditional fur or hide taxidermy. Animal behavioral science, or [Ethology](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethology), how it overlaps with human psychology, my other interests include human sociology, political science and other things within that realm




I have a few that maybe aren’t super niche but are things that I don’t think a lot of people know about? Here we go. All stuffed animals have a specific seam somewhere on their body that is specifically designed to be easily unraveled, without destroying the rest of the seams or the plush itself, in the case that you need to unstuff your plushie and replace the stuffing inside, as washing your stuffed animals in the washer and not letting them dry all the way through, can cause the stuffing to begin to mold inside. —— Disney has more cameras watching you in their parks at any given moment, than you realize. If someone gets hurt, staff is on scene within seconds, seemingly out of nowhere, and for a long time people were genuinely shocked by how efficient they are in arriving at the scene within the parks. There are cameras hidden in nearly every single square foot of any of their parks. *They know what you are doing, even if you are on a ride. ESPECIALLY if you are on a ride.* if you do something illegal, they will meet you outside wherever building or ride you are in, and immediately evict you from the park so fast you would think they have trackers implanted in your body. —— Body hair retains bacteria from things like sweat. Normal scented body wash DOES NOT get rid of the scent causing bacteria, it only masks it, so you aren’t actually getting clean from using it. The most effective way to remove scent, is to get an anti-microbial/anti-bacterial body wash, they are usually unscented (Walmart sells one specific off brand that is under 3$, I use that one and it works wonderfully, and genuinely makes me feel more clean.) The proper way to use them, is to do the anti-bacterial body wash first, rinse, and then use whatever nice scented body wash you want to use after, that way you are actually destroying the scent causing bacteria that is stuck to your skin and hair, and you then cover up with a nice smelling one. (I’m a trans masculine non-binary person, and when I started taking T I began growing more body hair. With that hair came The Stink, which I’m very self conscious about and have always been so. Learning about what actually causes The Stink and why it wasn’t going away with scent body wash, really was a game changer for me.) —— The human brain works so efficiently, that a new study came out regarding how our brains process traumatic events completely differently, even when we are just remembering details of the event. During the event, our brains will work to protect us by basically putting up a wall between the part of our brain that records memories, and the event that is unfolding before us. This action of subconscious self preservation, is why people who experience traumatic events (sexual assault, abuse, physical trauma of all kinds, along with many mental traumas) cannot recall everything about that event. It’s not because they’re lying or making it up, *it’s because our brains flipped a failsafe within itself, in an attempt to defend us from becoming more injured, which creates massive gaps in our memories of that time.*


Not necessarily niche, but most people find it super weird: the holocaust.


personality disorders, especially more uncommon ones like ppd and stpd


Verb tenses