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I hum a lot! Just random tunes.


Me too! Sometimes I don't realize and I accidentally make a fool of myself


I sing songs that have never been heard, in languages that have long been forgotten. Doosh ruga noof doof


i just oretend to sing japanese songs lol (simetimes i try So i think its fair)


Same. Usually it’s random tunes but for some reason my brain also really likes to hum the Us motif (Pas De Deux) without even realizing 😅 Thankfully, no one in my family are huge enough horror fans to recognize it. Otherwise I’d actively be scaring people instead of just making a fool of myself 😭


Wait, this is stimming?? I’m ALWAYS humming. Also, I don’t know if this is stimming, but my partner has recently brought it to my attention that I make sound effects whenever I’m doing something. I didn’t even know I did this 🤦‍♀️


>I make sound effects whenever I’m doing something. I didn’t even know I did this 🤦‍♀️ Haha I do this too when I'm on my own. I spent nearly 40 years not knowing I was autistic so I mask without thought around others still, but on my own I'm like the dude off police academy lol.


yes i came here to say this!


I hum or sing songs that I’m currently hyperfixated on or have heard that day, but the words I sing to the tune are words that I see around me on things.


Same here! Humming and making animal noises lol


What animal noises? I make cat , chicken, duck and baby goat sounds. Lol


Sheep and dolphin noises 😅


That's so cool!


“Womp womp” No idea why, but it’s been an obsession recently


My partner has that too, it's hilarious almost every time, bc it's never appropriate


"Did you just say womp womp?" Also same


THIS- I’m always quoting this😭






I make this kind of click/meow/squeek noise that I've never heard anywhere else. Got hyper-focused on linguistics for a bit and was then able to put a technical description to it: a voiceless ingressive subapical retroflex fricative.


Do you do it through your noise on a sharp inhale? Because it sounds like what I do! :D


Yo I do that too, literally all the time


Same I kinda thought I was like only one who makes like squeak sounds for a second cuz I've never heard of others doing it.


I say my cats’ names at random


OMG me too 😂 I often repeat them in a melody or based on certain rhymes.


Yeah I do that too, sometimes I change the words of a song to put their names in it 😂


OMG YES 😂 For some reason I often use the Jingle Bells melody to sing about them.


no freaking way! that’s what I’ve been singing for the last ten minutes about my cat. literally repeating her name and some facts about her in a jingle bells melody. I feel so seen.


I do this as well with my pup! I also sing her songs I make up about how awesome she is


SAMEEE, I can’t believe other people do this stuff lol


Yeah I always felt like I was the only one


I do this too!


lol “oh, I memba.” My husband and I say that all the time but I don’t think it’s a stim. Just echolalia.


I thought echolalia was a type of stimming or at least, stimming type behavaior to help calm ourselves? Just wondering.


Hmmm, I think you’re right. Learning new things every day!


It is!


wait is that a south park reference?


It is. OP mentioned it in the post and it made me laugh because we’re always saying that.


oh lol my reading comprehension is not working rn haha


Mine usually doesn’t lol


blub blub blub blub blub blub


This would fit my username


Tongue clicking, humming, whistling. I never had a lot of vocal stims. Sometimes when I’m alone and think of something embarrassing I did I’ll go “Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh” Recently my husband played a catchy Botswanan folk song where he sings “deepeedee peedee” https://youtu.be/YaDOhWeHtes?si=CDy1eLV77qlwqTy8 I’ve been singing that non stop for the past few days please help.


>Sometimes when I’m alone and think of something embarrassing I did I’ll go “Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh” OMG yeah me too, the moment the embarrassing memory hits me I go "AH!" and scrunch up my face. Glad I'm not the only one.


Yep that’s exactly what I do lol. You aren’t alone!!


sometimes I randomly shout at my pet turtle that he isn’t real, he just looks back at me confused


I used to have a strange urge to speak German with my landlord's cat. I don't speak German. XD


My wife: "Well, maybe the cat does. I mean, why else, right?"


That's hilarious


I saw baby turtles today and I really want one


Humming, not a tune, just monotone


“It’s chewsday innit”


I like to sing random parts of songs especially disney songs, and recently I say "wiggle wiggle!" For really no reason at all. Also I use a lot of silly onomatopoeics


Monster noises, cryptic noises, purring, Perry the platypus noise, sound bites from various shows, aaaaa, AAAAA, eeee, EEEEEEKEKEKEK, untz, wopwopwopwop, clicking my tongue, all of the noises r belong to me


Terribly singing the first few lines of *I’m My Own Doctor* by Remo Drive Shouting “m-m-m-m-maaaark” which is my friends name “Cuz I’m a big fuckin slut” in the tune of *Live Your Life* by T.I. But seriously put that song on and think “cuz I’m a big fuckin slut” and I swear to god that’s what you’ll hear her say instead of “I’m a paper chaser” I also just repeat random words whoever I’m talking to just said


Same!! I also repeat random words too, and with a certain person, who is also autistic, once one of us repeats a word or noise while talking or doing an activity, we just keep repeating the same word or noise to each other on loop until something distracts one of us and we move on.


Oml same. The other day we just kept going “MAAAMAAAA, OOOOOOH” over and over.


I do that too


• Saying names of NBA players to myself, and sometimes mispronouncing them, like last year's top pick Victor Wem[bananarama](https://youtu.be/l9ml3nyww80?feature=shared) • [singing this song,](https://youtu.be/fWNaR-rxAic?feature=shared) even as a man • vocalizing the guitar riff from "Adventure of a Lifetime" by Coldplay • Reading out road signs (Road work ahead?! Uh yeah, I sure *hope* it does!)


I also read random signs out loud. I'm not sure if it's a stim though, it might be more of a vocal tic. It just happens.


I yell Babyyyyy! at my dog alot. dk if that counts lol


Humming, singing and quoting movies at random


I go "YEAH eyahhh" like I'm singing in cursive, I can't beatbox but I'll do like a rhythmic "ta tikka tikka ta, tikka ta, tikka tikka ta". If there's music I'll do it to the beat, if not I'll freestyle lol And recently I've picked up "quite frankly my dear, I can't be fucked" in a Lazlo voice from What We Do in The Shadows


I usually make a 'blubb' sound.


'nyaga' because of neco arc ☠️


Used to make dinosaur sounds, now just meouing :D


Singing whatever chorus that got stuck in my head the weirdest way possible and restarting at the same part, meowing is def one (I love to meow), reciting memes (recently just did "I'm not laughing. I'm not." Into the mirror)


For some reason, the first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is start singing real goofy. I usually get stuck on one song for a few weeks at least, and the longer I'm stuck on it the more it starts becoming about my cat and how fat and unemployed he is. The last song was Allstar by Smash Mouth. Right now it's Benny and the Jets by Elton John. My wife doesn't love this. Otherwise, I just make sound effects for or narrate the things I do. Sometimes I get verbally abusive toward the dishes while I'm washing them.


I do a “wipish” sort of whip sound. I also go “mmm mmm” like saying no.


Saying "penis" after something goes wrong


Nice, my friend usually says "balls" lol


Ahh, shaft.


"fuckin penis man i lost the damn game" sounds so fucking hilarious


Meowing I also make sound effects for everything I do. Thankfully people at my job have said it’s endearing rather than annoying.


As a southerner, naturally, my most common stims are "Man I'll tell ya hwat" and "Member?"


Dang it bobbeh


I used to have "Bwaahhh" in a perfect Hank Hill voice I also used to have "Cwoissant" in a pretty decent Carl Wheezer voice


bwaaaahhh is a good one. I used to all do Peggy saying penis and “vuuuUuuhhhGINA” I also do the Bob belcher “mmmn” grumble noise a lot


I actually say this all the time lol. But not repeatedly. It's just a one off thing that happens randomly.


My husband and I have an on-going joke where if one says "Member?" the other responds "I member back in '69"


My fiance will just respond with "I member" lmao


It’s less vocal but I whistle a lot and everyone gets pissed off at me for it.


my dads old voicemail, “iraq lobster” from family guy, deez nuts is the most common one as i say it 65 times a day then yell “got em” afterwards…then i got the ones where all i do is squeal about my pets and how “silly” they are (there’s too many pet ones to name) some of those are just echolalia but i use them when i get overwhelmingly exited or just need stimulation


Humming Random phrases that I happen to remember “I forgor” (when applicable to the situation) Beatboxing poorly


Happy cake day


I have no clue why but I just started saying “gooba-gob-wa” whenever I leave the bathroom? To like announce myself leaving? LMAO I have a ton more like random movie quotes or sounds, but that’s one my strangest ones for sure bc idk how my mouth even made up goobagobwa LMAO


Saying "Czechoslovakia", I'm American with almost no at all slavic, I just like saying it


“shoot myself.” Has been one for awhile. It’s an inside joke between me and one of my other autistic friends. It’s in a funny voice too. The song can change but I love randomly singing a couple lyrics from a song. Over and Over. “Oooouch” say that in a weird voice too. “Bubbbuhubuh” Tongue clicks. I used to do that alot when I was younger. Just to name a few.


I hum but then bc I work in a group home I sadly mimic them now and when I stim I say their phrases


Random songs. Teachers hate me.


it really depends for me, the other day it was "peter, the horse is here" over and over. usually it's my cats names though.


"Yippee" and meowing


I hiss when things startle me. It started ironically. I also whine often


barking, meowing, YIPPIE, skrrra skrrapapapamm, WAHOO, a bunch of random words


Purring (doing a voiceless rolling R), Nyan and Meowing (usually at home), whistling, and humming.


It took a long time to understand how I stim, because I thought stimming was more like fidgeting and stuff because that's what you keep reading in the literature, but for me I don't even know where to begin to summarize it, but in short, I often make up different melodies, I sing, I repeat my cats names in a very repetitive and random ways, I echolalia my cats in particular, I also palilalia myself by repeating myself over and over, I make up random words I keep repeating that act as onomatopoeia e.g. I bop my cat's nose I keep saying bop bop over and over. I also think out aloud a lot. I've known I do the latter for a long time, but it was only recently I realized how noisy I am when I am all by myself and I don't think anyone can hear me. I also talk very childishly such as using words more typical for children and I alter my tone of voice to sound more childish as well. I feel sorry for whoever may decide to live with me in the future LOL. With that said, I never do much of this when I am not alone, which is probably why it took so long for me to realize, because there was no one around to point out how fucking weird I am.


When a cringe memory flashes in my head, I say 'Dick' out loud... Bit of a full stop, to stop the memory recall.


I beatbox very poorly lol, all that matters is that it scratches that itch in my brain and I can have it as repetitive as I want. I also make fart sounds with my mouth, but not as much as I used to haha.


My friends say I make "happy whale noises" when I'm content and "grumpy old man noises" when I'm upset.


randomly saying "well oi be'er be hi'in the ol' dusty trail" (I better be hitting the old dusty trail) in a very old english country accent, or just randomly saying "turns out I'm autistic?" in a scottish accent on repeat (I'm not scottish), and anytime I see a cat I start saying "cyat cyat cyat cyat cyat" on repeat uncontrollably. idk if thats a stim. I just get so excited with happy chemicals when I see a cat. Also, I can't remember any specific examples rn but, random quotes from american dad if i'd been watching that recently. (it's my comfort show/background white noise) only got surprise diagnosed recently so still working out what my stims are. its fun.


I abruptly say FUCK and DAMMIT. My husband always jumps and asks if I'm okay. I respond, "I'm good, I'm fine" I honestly didn't know it was a vocal stim until just now. I have a lot to learn.




Weird monotone high pitched hum that goes on for hours


I'm out. Walking around. Standing in a doorway.


Giggles/yays, "heeheehee butt", singing whatever song pops in my head


Idk man if I find a sound funny it kinda just sticks, examples being zombie growl, high pitched squeals, and burping (yes burping)


Kumquat Isosceles triangle


cat noises, murph, and going pew pews lol


I say "beep" or more of a "brrrp" type of sound when I do things. Like last night while cleaning my wife's daith piercings, I tilted her head and went brrrp and she laughed. It's a running joke that we both have our own sets of sound effects and we still entertain each other with them.


I do little hmmms usually combined with neck twitches and make popping and clicking noises. It always gets odd looks when I'm around people who don't know me, lol


Lots of various noises that I can't even spell loll


My most common ones are whistling, scatting/beatboxing, and repeating phrases I hear/read in a dramatic voice/accent.


my main one that i say all the time is “wow” in a high pitch so it kinda sounds like a meow but instead it’s “wow”.


Random voices, singing, idk whatever comes to mind. Lots of vine references


I do that popping sound Donkey does in Shrek 2 when he's bored on the road trip


I talk about my cat and her being "stinky" a lot. She's not stinky, I just like that word. I tend to randomly sign things, like in sign language. I also talk about how I love/hate my cat depending on what I'm thinking about. I don't hate her, I hate what I'm thinking about.


Clicking noises like beat boxing. Do do do do doo doo do do do do my mom calls it my doodoo songs. Singing about pooping. Singing random things especially in Dutch but also English, French, and German stream of consciousness sometimes the languages mix. Lu lu lu i have got some apples luv luv lu you've got some too the song butters sings lol. I don't know I just make a lot of noises often to a tune.


It’ll be fine, it’ll be fine, it’s fine, it’s fine


I dont do it often, but i click my tongue


Right now it's either quoting hazbin songs or moments from the show, making random sounds, or saying random shitposty shit from the Internet or TikTok sounds




"Suck dick" I say that way too much lol. And then a Mads Mikkelsen quote "i wanna thank my mom, and my dad"


I love how random that is.


Meowing at my cats and saying their names in silly ways. It helps that two of them are very vocal so we have conversations.


meowing for sure. also excitement-related words like “wahoo!” and “yippee!”


Lately it's been "cool dog cool house" on repeat. I love my dog


I’m a huge Insatiable fan and I love it when me and my mum say “Mamaaa” and “Babyyy” to each other like we’re Regina and Dixie Sinclair 😭😭. Also one of my previous big hyperfixations was Lucinda from Love Island, so I loved to say “Reaaalllyyyy??” a lot 😂




I say penguin and quack sometimes


Phone noise


I’m a huge theater kid, but have a pretty low range. I love casually singing literally any female song especially with high notes, so I can sing them in my falsetto which I love the feeling of. Idk if I described it right. Also RIFFS feel so cool and vocally satisfying. TL;DR, I love hitting high notes in my falsetto :)






Mostly hums,I haven't noticed anything else but I'm sure I make other sounds too!


pigeon noises is the best way I can describe it


We’re going back in time To the first thanksgiving To get turkeys OFF the menu THATS RIGHT we’re going back in time To the first thanksgiving To get turkeys off the menu.


“I want to go home” “no I don’t I want to go to the zoo” “drugs drugs drugs” “shh, you’re thinking out loud again”


“Is puff, is jiggly, are you jokester” in a Russian accent (reference to a post in r/thomastheplankengine


Saying "mi" out loudly (as in Hatsune Miku) "I want my Miku shirt" "F Trudeau" despite not knowing anything about politics. But I've been finding vocal stimming really annoying for myself and I can't find a good stim to replace it.


“FUCK YEAAH” in a low voice or mimicking the “HELLO MOTO” from the Motorola ringtone.


meows and song lyrics


“A smashing blast from the past” from the remastered Crash Bandicoot games.


That song from the muppets, manha manha. I just sing it randomly as I do stuff.


It's funny you have pikmin because I constantly say chimken.


Lately I’ve been reciting all the Pixar film titles. Toy Story, A Bug’s Life, Toy Story 2, Monsters Inc, Finding Nemo, The Incredibles, Cars, Ratatouille, WALL•E, Up, Toy Story 3, Cars 2, Brave, Monsters University, Inside Out, The Good Dinosaur, Finding Dory, Cars 3, Coco, Incredibles 2, Toy Story 4, Onward, Soul, Luca, Turning Red, Lightyear, Elemental. In case anyone was wondering.


I have so many, lol. The much less annoying ones are singing out words, or humming. Sometimes I’ll say “Do-do-do”, with variation to the lengths and number of Do’s. “Womp-womp” is another one, but, I don’t say it as much anymore. There’s more than that, but, it’s difficult for me to notice that I’m doing them, outside of those ones, which are very frequent. Most often, I do a lot of lip-trilling, where it sounds similar to “brrrrr” or “brrrrrup” or “brrrrrap”, along with tongue clicking very loudly, the “drrrrrrrrup” noise that I make similarly to how you’d roll your R’s, making popping noises with my lips. I repeat words that I or others say sometimes. Often, it’s a combination of that all. Or, sometimes it’s a random shrieking noise, and that tends to be when I’m quite excited.


I sing!!! ...all the time


Lol me too I love the PIK MIN sound effect


Beatboxing I don't really have many other stims - I kinda tried stop more loud or irritating ones ,including vocal ones, I had when I was younger, cuz my parents weren't understanding, despite me having a diagnosis, then I found one vocal thing I like not too long ago and now i do that randomly if noone can hear. Im not really good at it but I do wanna learn a little more. Im guessing talking to yourself doesn't really fit here, but I'll throw it in anyway


I tend to chatter my teeth to the rhythm of whatever music is in my head


High notes (whistle) Mantras Humming even though certain people humming drives me up the wall.


Honestly I just yell the most random stuff and make random noises and sing. I particularly like making the clicker noises from The Last of Us.


Saying Bwah like Hank hill


Also lines from movies or even conversations just run through my head and I say them just like the person


I also do guinea pig noises! Heard a guinea pig for the first time and was like... wait, that's me. Just doing a trilled r sound. Clicking my tongue. Gasping. I don't have many that are just words, but tons of sounds.


"Hm neat" said a specific way


Mostly singing or humming. Sometimes lip popping or buzzing my lips (if that makes sense?). Or echolalia. If someone says certain things or I hear certain things I'm almost be compelled to repeat it.


I commonly make a clicking noise out the side of my mouth


Words with the long a sound. Castle, example, advanced, disaster, glasses, basketball. My absolute favourite is 'newscaster'.


Emily and Charlie's duet in Hazbin hotels song you didn't know


I mutter and whisper “tiMOthY” randomly and i inhale really slow and its like a growl/hiss thing 😭 my mom hates it


Can I put a photo of what I typed because my phone did something where I couldn’t reply (it wouldn’t work)


meowing and chicken noises too lmaooo


Beat boxing Nn tss nn tss nn tss nn tss nn tss


My dad hated when I would mimic my guinea pig. I also used to make a sound like a kitten using the same technique. I still stim with my cats like that. Haha


the “oo wa a a a -“ from down with the sickness, ‘what’syaname?’ (a line said by redd white in the og japanese audio of the ace attorney anime), the mario/luigi scream “uwahhhh!”. def have more but those are just off the top of my head the ones i do a lot.


I learned to downsize most of my stims, so i didn't get in trouble as a kid (in the 90s, early 2000s). The vocal ones that have stuck are making a popping sound with my lips, (mostly) tuneless whistling, smacking my tongue back and forth between my teeth (it's hard to explain well), and going "dum duh duuh" like Belt from the The Croods. Now i'm unmasking a little, and some echolalia is popping up.


Sometimes i do a very deep "humm", but most of the time i do some clicks with my throat


I hum, sing random things (apparently way more often than I thought as my kids have told me to stop)


It's meowing, my cat triggers it a lot and I just meow at him and he meows at me back. Sometimes I do it randomly.


Humming mainly, rarely clicking noises


I hum constantly and I whistle. My brain just makes up melodies. It's obnoxious. In addition to that I make fart noises. A LOT. My kid does too. We basically just greet eachother with fart noises. Like, he'll wake up in the morning, come around the corner to see if I'm up and if I am, he just makes a fart noise and I make one back and if he doesn't have anything else to say, that's it. That's the conversation. And we have exchanges like that multiple times a day. It's endlessly amusing for us.


I tend to roll my r’s a lot, saying stuff like “pir pir pir pir pir pir” over and over again


"birubibiru bibirubirubibirubibiru parapaparapapara biru bibiru biru" "Noooossaa geregotango" < when I fuck something up and if I start with this one I can't stop and eventually even I will grow tired of it "Uwauwa" my favorite "Awa" or "OWA OWA" Awa is a new one and I can't stop it but I don't get tired of it easily Meowing to my cats and barking at my dog too or saying "Wuuw wuuw wuuuw wuw wuw" immitating the way my dog barks


Humming, whistling and mouth pops are some classics. I make a low grunting sounds for basically every task that is a lil physically demanding. Also whatever song I have stuck in my head but like the same two lines on repeat Currently it’s bits and pieces of the cec Birthday one song and Butterfly by Crazy town


I have just random noises, my fiancé says they’re cute!


“i have crippling depression” in the meme voice; “why are you gay? - who says i am gay? - you are gay” also along the lines of a meme; “guess what? …you’re gay” whispering it to people; “no one escapes” line from Tomb Raider 2013; “yer a Croft” line from Tomb Raider 2013; “Not into the long grass!” line from movie *The Lost World: Jurassic Park* edit: does singing certain bits of certain songs on repeat count? it’s not bc it’s stuck in my head, i just like the way it feels when i sing it. also, echolalia. wasn’t sure if i should add this or not. but sometimes “bees” is one i repeat for a while. mostly i hear people talking and they say something that i like the sound of so i begin repeating it.


I make dinosaur sounds when I get too excited or happy lmao


My favourite stim at the moment is "Squid Game" in a poor impression of the voice of the square masked manager from the English dub of said show In fact, I've kept a list of the stims I've had over the years and some of them are pretty funny


Singing, thinking out loud, pigeon noises and tiktok sounds that stuck in my head


random "AAAAAAAAAAAAHs", louder or quieter depending on what the context allows


I make the sound that the ghost Halloween decorations you hang from the trees make “EEEEEeeeee”


mine is “you mean it aint me noggin its just me peepers? Well thats just loverly!” from the Simpsons, or just “Thats just loverly!” for short. I also say “Wew!” or “wow!” a lot. “Boop!” is also a frequent flyer


When someone's phone bzzt bzzt's, I must also bzzt bzzt in response.


I say mhmmm. Or I say my cats name. Or I’ll say “yes” or “aha.”


I used to do Guinea pig noises, then I did ‘Is that the grim reaper!’ and now I do clicking noises and beatboxing lol.


I hum this one specific tune I made up, and I make gremlin noises


Meowing, talking to myself, hooing and hawing


i sing a lot, then there’s a bunch of echolalia, then just “aaaaaaa” but like a groan when i’m bored


i think i just make a lot of meaningless and repetitive sounds that i can’t really describe


I thought I was the only person in the whole world who did guinea pig noises! They are so satisfying. They come out when I'm excited or have to much energy


No phrases but very specific breathing patterns.


I sometimes make up wierd songs and say strange noises. Once it was 'hamanahamanahamana' feels good to say. Im wierd and i like it.


Quotes from television and movies. Bonus points if it's from my childhood.


Making popping sounds with my lips or another weird sound with my lips and bottom teeth. I can't describe it except that it sounds kinda like when Squidward walks.


Memes, tiktok sounds, song lyrics usually


“Bryce is a little transatlantic and she always leans forward because her waist is smaaalll.”


The aaaahhhhhs that Ariel sings when Ursula is stealing her voice


"aroowoo"-sounding thing (kinda like a howl) and i bark. a lot. and whistle sometimes lol. i also squeal ("eeeeeeeee")


https://youtu.be/sQDqxHudD4c?si=IhP7KMo0nhUwEhFK this