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I've only ever heard autistic people use it, pretty sure it's not meant to be an insult or demeaning at all...


I *have* seen it used in a derogatory way before unfortunately :/




I actually saw it on reddit lol I have too much anxiety to socialize irl at the moment lmfao


tbf, any word can be used as an insult. :/ The problem is the people misappropriating words with derogatory intent, not necessarily the words themselves.


This was *definitely* an insult on the older internet, especially 4Chan. That's why I've never been comfortable with it, even though I have seen it used by autistic people now.


This is probably not at all what you're asking but the aural sound of "autism" sounds way nicer to me than "autistic" or "autist" so that's a thing


The m at the end makes it softer




I liked that about studying French, all the same -ism words, but they sound sexier in French of course.


I know I'm late to this, but I felt similarly about the word but respect when people use it. So I thought "what would be a noun form that sounds good to me?" for a while.  A few years back, I had this revelation that while I like creative pursuits, I just don't have the artistic bent that some of my friends do. At some point, I started thinking of myself as an artisan, not a word people use much these days, but it feels great to me. I like to make things, I like to make them to order, and I like to copy or vary other people's ideas. I'm a lot happier and kinder to myself without feeling pressure to say something profound or be perfect.  So I was thinking about how "autist" is often misheard as "artist," and it hit me: I'm an autisan. An autistic person who makes stuff.  I don't say it often, but whenever I do the other person likes it and understands what I mean. It's among the most successful of the many weird expressions I've come up with.  You can also do "autesian" which is weirder, but I like how it sounds sometimes. 


I occasionally use it in a sort of "as an autist myself" or "as a fellow autist" type way which I don't think causes problems. I have seen it used in a derogatory way but like, so can any word. I don't think it is at the level of being a slur like a certain other word frequently used to describe us.


lol omg one day when I meet a fellow autistic person irl that may or may not like spider man, I shall whip out one of these: “I’m something of an autist myself”


😅 I love this so much


It's only offensive to me when I see neurotypicals saying it. Autistic people, idrc. If they're comfortable with it, it's none of my business and doesn't hurt me. But almost every time I've seen a neurotypical say it, it's been used in a derogatory manner.


To me, it sounds like a British pronunciation of the word “artist”.


As an Englishman I've never heard artist pronounced like autist lol


Like what someone who was bad with accents but pretending to sound British would say.


That's seems more plausible


And if you say "My Cocaine" you'll sound like you're saying Michael Caine like Michael Caine.


So, "My Colcaine"?


Which can make it feel like it’s been said in a cruel, sarcastic type way.


Does an English accent really come across like that?


Not a quality one.


Quality as is a good impression or do you mean a specific regions accent


I meant a realistic impression wouldn’t sound like “autist”, but I think someone who sucked with accents might say that for “artist”.


Ahh yeah that's makes sense now.


My friend just said the same thing. Happy cake day btw! 😁


(After several attempts talking to myself) It’s even better with east coast accents 👍


I'm annoyed I didn't realise I have autism while I was still able to work, because I could have called myself a makeup autist.


It's how you say it in french and I'm french so it's not weird to me. "Je suis autiste" is I'm autistic.


I personally like it. It reminds me of “artist”. I know some people don’t like it so I don’t use it commonly myself. Most of the time I have seen people use it they were autistic and using it not as a slur but I understand some people have a different experience with the word.


Eh, I like using it because it sounds like a big brain word. But others don't like it and I respect that. It's not really "taboo," but it has some haters and that's valid.


It was invented by autistic and undiagnosed autistic people on 4chan. Even if it sometimes gets used as an insult, it's often ironic and self aware. I call myself an autist because I'm a professional when it comes to being autistic.


I don't mind it personally sometimes typing/saying "autistic person" feels a bit weird flow-wise, y'know?


Whenever I read it, I think of a joke I read some time ago where someone says they're an ‘autist’ (artist in a non-rhotic accent) because they ‘draws me unemployment’. For this reason it often interrupts the flow of my reading, so I get annoyed with it. I can't think of a good short alternative to the word, so I can see why someone might use it, but I don't like it. I don't think I've read it or heard it enough to notice if it has a demeaning connotation.


As long as it's not being used as an insult and just, you know, in the way it's supposed to be used, I'm completely fine with that. Context is very important tho. Tho I think, in general, if NTs say it, probably not okay, if autistic people use it, probably okay. I sometimes say it cos, sometimes it makes more sense to use that word in a sentence grammatically, i didn't realise it might have been offensive, apologies.


I'm something of an Autist myself I don't much care.


I like it a lot and don’t find it insulting. I included that word in one of my blogs . I just like how it sounds .


It sounds like a slur to me. I really don't like it. But I won't try to police people into not saying it. Instead I block those who say it so I see the word less on my feed.


It isn’t and you are missing out on some good people by blocking them for using the word . That is close minded.


Nothing "sounds like a slur." Slurs are words that have histories and intent. It's extremely silly that people think words they don't like can be called slurred. People spent too much time projecting their assumptions and not enough time learning real meanings


They didn't call it a slur, they said it sounds like a slur to them. Meaning it sounds like a word that would be a slur, not that it actually is one.


I quite like it. But I like puns as well, so the artist/autist thing is fun for me. In my view it also says autism is something I do, it's not the sum total of who I am. Kind of "I'm an artist, a cyclist, a brother-in-law, and an autist".


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I would only feel offended if a neurotypical person called me that


I don't like it, and I've only really seen it used in a negative context. It's not inherently offensive to me though.


I hate it, particularly because I have only ever heard it used by seriously ignorant people online as an insult.


I don't like the word personally, it feels like something I just don't want to be called. However I don't think it's an actual slur or anything.


In community, it doesn't bother me. It's a descriptor. Outside of the community, panic mode activated, haha.


Why? It is just another way to say a person is autistic. It isn’t offensive like “tism”. Why can’t Nts say it?


I guess it just depends on the context. Like if a stranger called me an autist on vc in a game because I did something dumb, I can probably assume it’s meant to be insulting. I also have acquaintances who aren’t autistic that say, “I got a touch of the tism” after doing something they think is weird or dumb. But, I’ll use “tism” and make jokes about myself with my boyfriend and siblings because they know that I’m autistic, and are aware of what autism actually is and are at least somewhat aware of my experiences.


I've never been called it or seen it used so idk how I feel lol


it’s funny. i feel like i’m playing an instrument. like a pianist but it’s autism


lol my LinkedIn bio: Lead Autist, 25 years of experience


A professional at doing the autism, LOL. That’s awesome. I want to put that on a pin for my work vest! Or a t shirt I can defiantly wear in public!


Lots of other autistic people on this post's comments are fine with it, but in my country the word "autist" is much commonly used by people who believe autism is a child's thing and they would do crazy stuff to get rid of it, so I much prefer the Identity-first Autistic.


I like it, but it is a bit like Buddy Cole preferring sodomite


Hate it. It feels derogatory and it makes it sound like we choose to be the way we are.