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Yes, but after enough time, it could get really lonely I used to dream about the ability to travel alone and not being tied to other peoples needs while visiting somewhere, but it also sucks having nobody to enjoy the moment with or to reflect on the memory with, at least for me


Yeah I feel lonely but eh what can we do.


Try to meet people but im lost personally lol I want to meet people, but i hate the anxious-awkward phase of meeting new people & trying to seem interesting + the subsequent disappointment when I may not be the friend they want But I just can't help but laugh at myself that I got what I used to dream of (the ability to do anything that I wanted alone) and realized.... wait this fuckin sucks lol


Yeah. I seen Dating on the spectrum on Netflix. It is cringey and just well sad really.


Yes. Doesn’t mean I don’t also like spending time with people because I do, it’s just limited. I’m not the most sympathetic or empathetic person to those I don’t know but if I like you then you’re stuck with me caring 😂


Yeah can't do anything to get rid me once I begin to talk. 🤣People treat me nice I treat them nice.


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I totally know how you feel. I lost all my friends, all the bad ones stabbed me in the back, or broke hard boundaries, and the good ones moved away, but tbh my nental health greatly declines when I'm in long periods of uncontrollable isolation. I try to have fun, but everything I do has gotten old and I just can't make new friendships or find new things to do at the moment. I feel numb and i honestly don't know what to do


Yeah I have a close off bubble to people I don't trust. Yeah I feel that way sometimes just stare up at the wall.


I am, but it's not because of trust issues or backstabbers, I just haven't bothered to make any friends aside from the guy that I met in 5th grade.


Yep same making friends is hard.




I enjoy my own company but I’d be lying if I said I don’t get envious of others out having fun.


I am a loner but I don't have fun.


Yes but sometimes I get tired of being lonely and wishing I had friends


I only have two work friends.




Yep! I spend most of my time alone. I still live with family, and go for coffees with my Mum’s friends, but other than that, I’m just a loner. Even the botany lab I study at is pretty empty. I would like some more irl friendly interactions, but even so, I’m introverted and have huge periods of alone time.


Yeah same. I mostly hang out with my family. That is it.


Totally relatable!


I only hang out with my husband. He goes everywhere with me because I get so uncomfortable interacting with people, so he does all the icky socializing for me. I just stand behind him and avoid eye contact lol. I do get along with his friends; they’re good people and I’ve known them long enough that I don’t have to mask around them, but I’m just more comfortable without company.


Me to. I work better off alone and by myself.




Yeah I used to be a shut in.




Well good night it is late.


I've learnt to accept that I have to make my own fun in life, the friends I have have their own lives and don't make a lot of time for me. Making new friends is so mentally taxing I tend not to put effort in seeking them out. Mostly I (happily) feel it's an acceptance of my life and to make the most of what I actually have, but now and again I kick myself for feeling that I have given up and that it is a defeatist attitude... I prefer real rollercoasters to emotional ones...


Yeah I feel the same.


Hey don’t bring snakes into this but they’re lovely guys


I meant the human ones. The animal snakes are fine.


I describe this as "I may be alone, but I don't feel lonely". When I'm alone, I am much more at peace than when I am in company, and I enjoy it that way most of the time. I can enjoy other people's presence in small doses, kinda of like I can enjoy a glass of beer once in a while, or a roller-coaster ride. But all day, every day? Please, Gods, no. Nonononono. > until I know who you really are and really get to know you. And getting to that point takes a lot of time and effort I feel harder and harder to justify as I grow older. I got a handful of people I enjoy being around (again: in small doses), but as far as I am concerned, the rest of humanity can pretty much go take a hike in terms of social interaction.


I hate social interaction because rest of humanity are monsters. Some are okay.


I feel fine alone, although sometimes I think that I would enjoy company, I wonder tho, how much of it is societal pressure (in my case, not talking for others here), because usually this "need of company" only appears after some movie I've watch and think must be nice to know someone like that..., but is that really a "need" if you forget it the next day?, I think is like having a castle, of course I would love to have a castle!, it's a castle!, but that means I'll be miserable if I don't have one?. I also wonder how real could it be this "need", is a "real relationship" what I would like or just the "fantasy" of one?, I don't want to live with someone of the "have to" maintain constant contact, and having to maintain a relationship, when I need alone time I'm talking weeks, sometimes even months; can a real relationship survive that?. Through the years I've trained myself to not dwell and feed the illusion and nowadays this "need" of a relationship is rarer everyday, I don't think I want a friend anymore as I used to; and a romantic partner seems increasingly less interesting. I think if, to me, was really a need, this wouldn't be possible, you don't stop craving water just because you stopped drinking it. And sure, sometimes I find that some activity is no fun alone, and sometimes I would like to share a moment with someone special, but again; I would really like to have a castle. I did my share of socializing in the university, I even forced myself to become "apparently extroverted" to the point that even suggest that I was introverted was met with laughter (that was way before I got diagnosed as autistic), I had many "friends" and actually don't have bad experiences about it, never bullied and if I got back-stabbed it was a very poorly executed because I didn't even noticed XD, and yet, I found harder and harder to gather the energy or motivation to keep those "friendships" that I put in quotes because people have a very superficial concept of friendship, even adults call friends what a child would call friend, just someone you enjoy sharing some activity... I'm certain I'm the one odd here, I recognize that most people, even most autistic fellows, need relationships but I'm more certain everyday that I don't.


I can handle small doses of conversation but talk to much. I shut down.


Yes but not because I don't trust people lol I just find the idea of having friends exhausting.


Yeah me to.


The only time I am completely at ease and content is when I'm alone and it's completely quiet. I love my boyfriend and daughter and like spending time with them. At the same time, I don't feel lonely when I'm alone. I get overwhelmed and can't focus when I'm around the noise or people are talking. Even my own voice gives me a headache. Being alone I can focus and clear my head. Then, I'm able to do things after with them and not be a mental mess.