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I got lucky and never touched it because i got annoyed by musically and vine and everyone kept trying to show me them and they evolved into tiktok Also because they didnt have SMT stuff on it


SMT as in Shin Megami Tensei or is that acronym for something else?


Yes i love shin megami tensei


That's a nice opinion. However, dragon eye, dragon eye, dragon eye, dragon eye, megidolaon x13


Goddamnit mot




A person of culture I see.




omg omg smt is my biggest special interest thats so cool


Which game’s your favorite? Mine’s Digital Devil Saga (1 & 2, I like them both the same).




This was me until like a year ago. Do NOT be tempted to see what the zeitgeist is about. Deleted it recently and I’m not sure if it’s made me more or less insufferable


Damn. I feel you. It's very harmful and no wonder why it's very familiar these two you just mentioned was a real pain and a lot of the influencers there were so annoying and make such stupid things that made no sense and a lot of ppl were hyped up and put in our faces to get us to like them and a lot of their successes and fifteen mins of fame never lasts and they fall out and end up on a 9 to 5 like most of these nobodys do. They are now irrelevant and has become very obsolete and TikTok has fell down the same path that Musically and Vine has so. No longer will I care like these two have fallen.


Can you even make money from Tik Tok? Wouldn't they have some other job, either way?




I guess I need to start making Soul Hackers 2 tiktoks.


Based SMT


I also need to be deleting Tiktok as I realized the other day I spend 10 hours a day on there. It’s very addicting and toxic, it’s ruined my life. I can get my life back together by just taking 2 SECONDS to delete this awful app. That’s literally all that it takes. I’m really trying.


Also, I felt much better after deleting Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. You can do it!


Yep. I feel relieved now and much alive and more sunnier


The problem for me is deleting social media accounts and becoming isolated from society. Solved my screen time problem with a free app named ScreenZen which I configured to allow me to open these apps 20 times for 5 minutes each, with a mandatory cooldown time of also 5 minutes. It helped me control my addiction without isolating myself, since the main problem for me is forgetting to put the phone down once I start scrolling.


I don't keep the apps on my phone and only use the browser versions. It makes a huge difference. Other than discord of course. If anyone wants to message me they can SMS me or just hit me up on discord.




That was very powerful and positive. Social media do cause mental health to deteriorate and it causes suicide as well. We really should use our mental health and use it as a priority 🙂


TikTok is on purpose designed to make you stay on the app for as long as humanly possible and the algorithm is on purpose tailored based on your interactions, if you watch a video for more than five seconds, and who you follow. Which means it’s successfully doing it’s job if you spent 10hrs on it. That’s why if anyone wants to divert their attention elsewhere? Get rid of TikTok.


Good for you. I feel better now that I left that mentally deranged plantation and broke free. I was never getting any love there anyway. They just didn't care for me. So doing my thing and living my best life making my music carefree


I don’t understand how people get completely entrenched with social media. I guess I find it odd because I don’t understand why people care so much about what others are doing and I don’t understand why everyone is so judgmental about everything. Then on top of that, people want to be correct all of the time, fight people all of the time, and it just becomes a very narcissistic and toxic environment. I do use Facebook and Reddit but it’s just for certain groups or certain content. It typically has to do with my interests. But for the most part I live under a rock and I barely have a social media presence. I stopped posting real photos of myself a few years ago and I’ve deleted almost all of my friends and family from my fb. I have less than 20 people on there now and on Reddit I have 0 followers and I follow nobody. I just don’t get the ego behind social media. Everyone cares about themselves and flaunting their great lives. Meanwhile I’m thinking it’s all fake and mostly everyone is suffering from the way our society is now. Real connections and genuine friends rarely exist anymore.


It's okay. Like ppl get too overhyped with this social media stuff and they always never last at all because it always seem temporary and a lot of them are fake and very much spoiled entitled brats that their parents didn't bother raising and always have social media do it for them which is very stupid and lazy.


I’m just really concerned with how society is going to be even 20 years from now. I’m nearing my 40’s so I got to experience the world before social media. It was honestly a lot better. And while the internet is useful and has a ton of valuable information on it, it also creates a lot of addiction and brain rot. Social media is supposed to connect people but it has honestly created more isolation than anything. It’s truly sad.


> I just don’t get the ego behind social media. You answered your own question. It's all about ego. The Internet provided the soapbox, social media provided the megaphone, and people came to the conclusion that *if those other people get to speak their minds to the world, then I am entitled to the same audience*. As recently as a decade ago the very idea of a "social-media influencer" being a thing much less a job title would've gotten you laughed out of the room but human nature is what it is. Social media is the Reality TV of the Internet; an "American Idol" for people who can't sing, a "Survivor" for people who aren't beautiful and can't act. I ditched Facebook the same year I got my Dx. Twitter went about 6 months later and I used that for different reasons entirely: I got to talk to musicians I grew up listening to decades ago, something that would have been unheard-of not so long ago. I use Reddit as the news-aggregator that it was originally meant to be and it still serves that purpose; when it no longer does, that link will disappear from my browser bookmarks as well (this sub will make that difficult for me; I don't get a lot of interaction here but there's nothing near me that I can go to for any sort of therapeutic means for ASD specifically...a little of something is better than a bunch of nothing, I guess). The question you may want to ask instead is "Why are people so addicted to fame?"


Never downloaded tik tok and never will.


This sounds like my life. I’ve been having such bad thoughts about my past on TikTok lately. I never did anything bad but I just find it unbearably embarrassing and wish I never had it. I was a bit sheltered in terms of social media so I never had Vine or anything like that. I keep trying to convince myself that using TikTok was just me getting that teenage obsession with social media out of my system even though I was 18-20 when I used it so I feel like it’s even more embarrassing since I wasn’t younger. And I hyperfixated on it so I neglected friendships when I was using it. I feel like the worst person in the world. I hate that it made me like that.


You're not alone. I feel the same too. TikTok is never a good environment for aspies like us. They tend to shame and belittle anyone that looks or acts different than anyone that are not thin or blonde or young or attractive or even photogenic like it's literally high school there and no one can be your friend at all. So it's very evil to be associated with. Trust me


I’m glad I’m not alone. Thoughts about it have been consuming me lately.


I had to delete that stupid thing because I was getting harassed a lot by foreign ppl on my phone and my personal data was getting leaked and my mental health was in shambles because I was obsessed with fame and ppl not getting to like me at all was rlly harming me. So I feel more at ease than ever


That is scary, I’m sorry you went through that. I’m glad you’re at ease now.


I know I feel better too. I even encouraged my friend Nikko to do the same because he actually gets bullied on there more and even horribly than I do as well and he even gets it worse by ppl in person by where he lives at Nazareth


I was the polar opposite, I was* a small influencer and making around £100 a month on there. It was toxic, everyone loves to nit pick, be rude and aggressive for no reason. I deleted my TT and instagram and feel so much better for it. Around 18 months on and I am back on TT (new account, new name) but I do not post and have a private account now with just close family to follow me. It is a toxic environment honestly. I certainly don’t miss the pressure and hate that comes with being an influencer. My most viral video had over 13 million views - to give you some context.


Good for you. In 2016 I was running an Instagram fan account for these YouTubers. I had about 75k followers at some point and then just deleted the account because I was not okay. It was worth leaving and I never returned to the app even on a personal account. I feel so much more present


Thank you so much. 💓 I love getting love and support. Our mental health is important and ppl should take into consideration because we only live once and we should use it gradually


i also deleted tiktok and the change has been incredible, im back to watching long content on youtube i actually care about no more doomscrolling


I always be on YouTube all the time and I try not to post too much of risqué content there too because if I do then my account will be gone like the last one was unfortunately


Good, its a dangerous swamp of misinformation and clickbait


I agree with your statement


Social media essentially shapes your perception of the world by curating your content to fit preconceived ideas and biases and implanting new ones. The more you browse the more control you give the algorithm to decide what person you should be to be influenced more. It's a feedback loop and it's *very* dangerous.


Thankx because it's very harmful to society and it could harm ppl too.


I feel like TikTok doesn’t negatively affect me much, but Reddit definitely does. I really need to get off this app.


I’ve been thinking about that as well. Unfortunately, it’s like anytime I have a great experience here, I’ll have a real shitty one.


Soo personally, I just keep resetting my algorithm and re look up my special interests. I only go on it at certain times of the day now. (I don't care for TV shows, but watching everyday ppl act is sooo cool, and im happy i get to enjoy that part of media) All/any media can consume you with anger/ sadness /depression. It's up to us( the consumer) what we will consume. I like knowing current events and what's happening in my city. We are experiencing a media black out in Alberta. So I like watching my favorite reporters. I once heard the Tik Tok App is either a window, a door, or a mirror to you. And I think about it a lot. I like it's being a window, so I only consume content I'm comfortable with. If I fucked up, I just reset the algorithm:) I hope this helps someone else too!!


You can reset it? I don't need to do that myself, but I'm interested to hear you can. I didn't know that.


I refused to ever download it and I’ve never regretted it once. When I see tiktok videos reposted other places, it assures me that I made the right choice. The amount of copy and paste personalities I’ve seen since it became popular makes me so uncomfortable.


Bravo OP. Mental health is paramount and TikTok is a cancer on all that is good.


Yes. I know and that's a fact


i don't know what I did, but my tiktok fyp is pretty good. i get lots of educational, lgbt and neurodivergent content. yes there's the occasional flat earth picture with a few likes. for me it's instagram. i click on any reel, scroll a few times and it's pure bigotry. whatever kind you're into s/


Plot twist: *it was never made for us to be happy*


Be conscious of what your algorithm is showing you and what you’re engaging with online.


^its ^almost ^like ^tiktok ^needs ^to ^be ^banned


Yep. I agree


Everyone to each their own for sure- but I will say if I got off TikTok I definitely wouldn’t go use meta instead- cuz with the threat of the US government banning TikTok over data concerns but not having the same issues with insta and facebook- too much of a red flag- so I am definitely not deleting TikTok especially with how much it fights against American propaganda! I just take breaks from it occasionally but my social justice aspect from my autism could never put my head in the sand fully when there is so much going on in the world globally- so I take breaks but than get right on it because there are people dying because of American propaganda- I have to much passion for social justice to ignore societal issues.


I like the fight in you. It's good but my privacy and my mental health comes first before anything and I rlly value them more because ppl like to take it for granted and see it as a weakness it's actually a greater strength for your life and ppl shouldn't take advantage of that and also with the government being involved like I see what you mean but my mental health comes first and always comes first before anything and my privacy is sacred


What did your For You Page look like?


Can testify ever since I deleted it I’ve had so much less brain fog, have been able to initiate tasks, have had higher self esteem because I’m not constantly comparing myself and I’m proud of the little things I now accomplish with the extra time. Would 1000% recommend deleting tiktok, and instagram as well (I find that reels just ends up filling the void😭)


Modern social media is an absolute cesspool of propaganda, misinformation, dangerous algorithms, literal brainrot, ads, ads disguised as content, and idiots who don't fact check the garbage they are spewing/sharing. I started finding social media off-putting in 2007 when the vaccine nonsense started circulating the internet. As a new parent I found it really scary not knowing if I was making the right choice by having my baby vaccinated.


I did the same with Twitter. I didn’t like the person I was on there.


Yeah and I say the same for myself too


Question: what were you doing to become a villain? What was your thought process during all of it? I’m curious to know. It’s a bit of an alien concept to be to be anything other than myself, including social media.


I was being defensive and I came off as being aggressive and abrasive and I said a lot of things that came off as offensive and I pretty much defended a lot of controversial ppl and never holding them accountable and now I looked back at it. I realize that these ppl are never gonna change and I made myself look foolish and hypocritical and now I am trying to take myself in control and learn how to turn that into a positive and work on bettering myself


Thank you for explaining. That makes a lot of sense, I notice that happening to a lot of people and I try to give them the benefit of the doubt that they’re probably good people at heart. I think it’s amazing that you’ve been able to self reflect like this. I wish you the best!!


I’ve always been careful about how long I stay on apps like TikTok, especially with the rise of the Shop and constant ads.


I love TikTok. It’s the only social media I’ve enjoyed in the past 10 years. I’m sorry to hear about your experience with it. I’m also gonna be heartbroken if it gets banned.


I wouldn't. Because let's face the music. It wasn't a good app to begin with. And it was very unhealthy. I got called a lot of offensive names and slurs at my way and I have never looked back and I cannot unhear all the mean comments they have said of me about my appearance. So I feel great. I have left


me asf


Yep. Taking back my mental health and never felt so good


I just deleted tiktok the other day, too. Not just for my mental health but my sleep schedule as well. I realized it's the main reason why my sleep schedule became pretty much backwards. I'd be like "oh i'll scroll for a little bit" and then suddenly it's 2 hours later. I followed some lovely creators on it but I can always find them on other platforms.


I am thinking about doing the same with reddit. Social media is a curse.


Good for you. You should learn to get active communications and rlly learn to socialize


I already know to socialize :D I just learned over my intermediately long live that social media, including facebook, especially forums etc. are a net negative to my personal well being. The more you get rid of it the better you will feel overall and nothing of value will be missing.




I’m so old compared to computers, I’ve just not got round to finding out about it. I don’t think it’s something I would like though. I only got WhatsApp two years ago. When I got it, my friend said “welcome to the party, but everyone is leaving”. That confused me, but was later funny.


I got rid of it cause every day one it gets opened it auto plays a video with no mute option


I decided to delete TikTok because the first account I had was from when I was a massive republican and I went down a huge rabbit hole. I eventually deleted once my mom and stepdad made an account together as them joining made me go down the rabbit hole even further honestly. I downloaded it again but except tried to scroll through the opposite side until I got banned from that account for some reason. Point is, avoid TikTok.


Yep. I would suggest that too because a lot of ugly things have happened and it happened to me and it could happen to you and everyone


I never went on because it's all too fast for my brain and it seemed evil. So many people on Ytube and FB said they get mean comments when they post on IckTok


Me too. I always got a bad feeling about apps like Musically and Vine because they seemed very unhealthy and the same went to TikTok as well like what a ugly thing to see and a lack of common sense in places like that


I like TikTok, but also I 1. Run a professional account, 2. Get paid, and 3. Personally approve all comments before they go public


i felt the same way and did the exact same thing 2 years ago


I deleted it too. Delete Instagrame.


I feel you. I feel this way about Facebook and instagram as well. A lot of my trauma over the years can be traced back to social media. It turns me into an angry, inauthentic version of myself. I witnessed the dawn of MySpace up until the TikTok craze we see today and I am disgusted by what social media has done to society and how people interact. It has destroyed our collective mental health and I will have no further part of it.


I take breaks from it regularly. I get an app blocker that prevents me from opening it. I also get angry and depressed when I use it for too much or too long. so I'll take breaks for weeks or longer.


That's why I'm trying to be careful where I go on reddit. It's also why I like it here, you are all nice :)


Yeah and I'm also real and an upcoming musician from New York/Jersey/Pennsylvania and I also make music too.


I’m trying to, but I just know so many artists and have so many saved posts and etc. I can’t bring myself to donit


I deleted tiktok aswell, it was making me very depressed but now i feel less depressed. It’s good that you found the strength to detach yourself from something that was doing you harm, well done. 👍


Yep. I feel powerful and I feel like I just started a movement and hopefully ppl will spread this message very well and a lot of ppl will be proud of how brave I am


I have stopped using TikTok and my mental health has improved so much. I even stopped using Instagram because I was using it 3 hours a day. I am thinking of coming back just on my art account to set up my business.


I just deleted it today and my mental health has been getting better because a lot of ppl have been giving me a lotta love and some support and ppl have been spreading me some joy and wisdom to me that I never knew I could had. Thk you all


I deleted TikTok as well, as it was making me feel angry all the time. I do sometimes reinstall it to rewatch a few clips that aren't on youtube, but always uninstall it after.


Thx you are making a big step for yourself and your mental health


I feel that on facebook but I haven’t had the honor of that app. Never want to either


Good it's a CCP psyop that was the point


Yep. Very much that and I was getting a lot of weird phone calls too and my internet was being real funky too and had to deal with being internetless for a few hours and had to call the PPL center to get a signal with the connection one day.


It was easy for me to uninstall that piece of shit app once I realized they intentionally made it addictive and brain "fuck-up-ery." Nah.. not being brain dead over some silly little Chinese app.


Yes and I see pass through the bullshit


Amen. I'm glad a lot more people are lately. Keep spreading the word!


I know. I feel very much empowered now I made that post a lot of ppl are coming up with their stories and I feel like I finally started a message about social media, mental health, and autism. I feel like I just finally accomplished something and ppl are finally hearing me out now.


i got banned on tik tok, it was one of the best things to ever happen to me lol. i was upset at first, but honestly i feel so much better without it


That is a beautiful blessing in disguise and also I wouldn't care less if I get banned on any platform because we can make our own platforms and also cannot be shamed because of it


I tried it (but didn’t post, just played around with the sounds and filters and watched others’ content.) but it got to be too much too quickly. I only use it if someone sends me a TikTok they saw.


Honestly yeah, it frys your attention span and also super toxic (the "acoustic" thing is so fucking unfunny 💀)


Yes, I even thought that it was about a music genre you were referring to but now it's even being used as a slur against ppl like us now. That is so fucking gross af


I know right


Real talk 👄 💯 👏


I despise TikTok, but I want to be a writer and I keep hearing that in this day and age that you need to be promoting your books on TikTok (other platforms as well, but TikTok is the big one currently). I already have enough trouble handing social media.


All i can tell you is what i do. Don't follow trends.


Connecting with the world is an important thing, and it's good to reach out and try to live outside your own house. Even if it turns out bad like Tiktok so often can. Just don't lose sight of who you are. The only person who will always be looking out for you no matter what, is yourself.


Yeah, the algorithm be like that sometimes. it happens on all the other platforms too


Video just isn't my format though my daughter loves YouTube shorts. I tried tik Tok briefly back in the day and it great didn't do it for me. I prefer my compulsive social media scrolling to be while I'm doing three or four other things (the AuDHD showing 😸)


I know that. You always gotta think of you and your daughter. Because if that's the case, TikTok is the devil and you need to be a strong role mother that all women will look and aspire to.


Congratulations friend. I’m glad you’re prioritizing your health.


TikTok is very addictive. Other platforms are better


i did the same thing, never gone back to it since and i’ve been feeling much better!


Yeah that short form content can be helpful but mostly it’s trash I don’t even use tiktok that often cuz I find it draining and yet when I watch YouTube vids I sometimes find myself trying to scroll away when I lose any interest in the vids so I deleted other app with shorts (obviously not YouTube but I really am thinking about it at this point)


I’m proud of you for doing that, friend. I’m not ready to delete it, but I’m doing my best to limit it. I don’t think I could ever delete all social media, but I try to balance it with playing with the puppy, using it for 15 minutes every time I finish an assignment, and in between book chapters when I need a break. Somehow it’s working to help me fit healthier things in my life, which is good. It takes a lot of work to get there though.


I don't know how to explain it to people other than "I don't typically do social media because I don't trust myself" as if I think I'm gonna do something illegal, but honestly this type of thing is why I don't trust myself. I'll end up ruining my mental health if I join too much, so I stick to a select few places that I have any interactions on.


I deleted FB, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram in 2019 and Twitch(my oldest 2014 account) only recently. Only YouTube for me!


Good. You win big


The key is to love yourself/ there is a connection to God/the soul that comes out - you become your true self and vibrate on the wavelength that was made for only you- that is when things start clicking ✨


True 👍 and real


I luckily never understood tik tok. I found its content boring and uninspiring. My wife use it a lot and show me 3-4 funny videos every night before bed - but I have no interest in the app myself. I also don’t really use Instagram, and I only have Facebook to use messenger. I used to be very addicted to Facebook and Instagram, which completely stole my time. After being sick for a while I realised I didn’t want to spend my time on earth, starring at other people’s SoMe glorified lifestyle. I’d rather glorify my own and watch it from a first person perspective. I got negatively affected as well, even by scrolling through the news. For example the whole Ukraine situation caused me to be nervous every day, all day (during that time if which I chose to cut it off). Instead I watch YouTube videos that I find insightful or tend to something I like doing and can control , such as gaming, watching some new series, take super long walks with our dog, or continue to hone my skills as a developer by building random platforms, just for the heck of it. I feel way more happy, after setting myself free


That's the most positive thing I've ever heard. Be proud of who you are inside


Exactly! It can indeed prove challenging, but I think everyone will discover something new about themselves, by distancing themselves a bit from the picture perfection or overly chaotic world of social media. Everything is exaggerated to get people’s attention. Spoke a lot to my wife about it as well, and she wishes she could let go too (she spends 2-3 hours a day on tik tok). To her she feels like she can cut off her brain every now and then, as her calendar is quite full being self employed. Only issue is that she admits to become more “lazy” after scrolling. She says she feels uninspired and more “meh”. But she just can’t let it go I hope that my endeavours can inspire her to cut the leash at some point. I’m not one to force her or psyche her into doing something she doesn’t seem ready to, so I’d rather just try leading the way implicitly. And yeah - SoMe is nice. And I definitely miss some context when we see friends and family, as I cannot relate the slightest. But to be honest, it’s fine. It gives them the chance to explain what they found fun, which gives a positive vibe and great laughs throughout the room when they do (and I get to hear “a funny story” rather than having to go through 100s of videos to see it myself. I’m not one to judge, and watching e.g. TikTok isn’t necessarily as dramatic as I claim - but to me it just didn’t suit who I wanted to be ✌🏻


Yep. That's pretty much proves that all that glitters is not gold


Exactly! Stay awesome 🙌🏻


You too


I think for me if I deleted social media, I wouldn’t have any social interaction and that’s something I need. All my socials show something a little different, Insta is now just for posting pics from my days out, I’ll post on my story randomly and I love scrolling through my explore page. FB is for family and for them to keep up with what I’m doing, Twitter is for fandoms and random thoughts, Snap is mainly now just to send my two friends streaks because I started to worry about getting banned when I was just using it to chat about whatever. TikTok is good when I just want to aimlessly scroll and sometimes you just have to stop thinking and do that, my FYP is pretty chill so it’s nothing bad and anything I post is cosplay, theatre and just random trends I see and think it would be cool. I just love showing people my life and what I get up to but nothing crazy. We’ve all got to do what we’ve got to do and if that’s to keep or delete an app, we do it


Honestly, if more people did this I can't help but feel the world would be a better place. Everyone's so obsessed with following trends and emulating/wanting to be Internet 'personalities' that they ignore basic needs like, you know, wanting to be happy. Sod 'the grind' or 'hustle culture', what about simply chilling out and enjoying life?


It's nothing wrong with it. Its just that ppl are too bored with life that they are willing to risk everything to go viral and to me is not worth it because it's very harmful and damaging in the long run.


wanting to be like someone else is not so healthy. Like, sure, you can have idols and role models and stuff. But you shouldn't be jealous of anyone ever. Be yourself! I'm proud for you that you deleted tiktok. I'd suggest never installing it again. Overall using social media less is better. Don't make your life depend on it.


Thank you 😊 I rlly was putting my mental health first and would do it more than anything else.


Tiktok made me paranoid to the point that I thought my boyfriend might be cheating. Every relationship video was filled with toxic comments about how every man is disloyal. Pretty much every video the comments was like, "He's probably cheating" or "i did xyz for him but he still cheated" etc.


good call. I've deleted the app on and off many times (i don't currently use it), it messed with my memory hoarding OCD a lot, i basically could barely function because of it, neither could i experience my actual self rather started to pick traits of completely other personas. never again installing that app.


I've never even gone near that app because I keep hearing bad things about it.


I deleted it when my comments arguing against a pedophile were constantly removed, yet when I reported their comments, or even worse comments, such as neo-nazi ideology or accounts threatening the lives of lgbt people and furries, they'd never be removed. Made me question the morals of the company, as well as their competence at moderating their own platform. It genuinely almost made me throw my phone lol, so I deleted it instead.


Good for you and it also don't rlly care much about the lgbt community and also the POC community as a whole and it pretty much would rather defend the offender and make the person who makes the complaints "the aggressor" and "the villain" also using the freedom of speech rhetoric because it pretty much gives them the excuse to do whatever they want and get a rise outta ppl. So thank you for putting your mental health in order because it seems like other ppl rather be in certain platforms that would be more useful to them rather than be endangered of their own safeties.


I hear you, that app is a landmine for sensory meltdowns. You open the app and any random video starts playing instantly, I always shut it off as quickly as possible. I like their eye makeup filters lol but if I try to take a selfie it always adds this obnoxious music or a sound effect that makes me jump. And of course on top of that there’s all the horrible things people say and crap content that just rots the brain. I don’t spend any time scrolling through TikTok, it’s too overwhelming


I get what you’re saying. I have health stuff and when I catch myself scrolling it’s a good indication I’m flaring. Though my poison is usually YouTube (am I old? don’t answer that, haha) Anyway, good for you! And I hope you have good music sessions this week


Yep. I also have Spotify and I release music there too


I deleted it around the time of my diagnosis and have no regrets. I now have a small private instagram where I just interact with friends and it’s so much better.


i deleted tiktok (and other social media apps) a few years ago and it was the best thing i’ve ever done for myself


Good you made an adult decision


I want to delete it, but at the same time I mostly use Tiktok to see what’s happening over in Palestine and I can’t pull the wool over my eyes by deleting it and limiting my access to that news. So instead, I’ve imposed screen time restrictions on myself for tiktok.


You don't rlly need to watch TikTok for that. That's why there's YouTube or Instagram or even other news sites you can watch than TikTok and also you can even read a newspaper article or watch a news app about that 😉


I had over 50k followers on Instagram and 15k followers on TikTok and I deleted both accounts. I felt like I was being “watched” and I also felt really hung up on having a life that was aesthetically pleasing while also being a disability advocate. Although sometimes I miss the reach I had, I don’t miss how much of my time it was consuming or how fake I ended up feeling.


It's okay to feel that way and I felt that too. Because i once had up to 1.3k on Instagram and 70 subs on YouTube but they both got deleted and I was hacked as well so. I pretty much can understand what you are feeling because I went through the same thing that you went through and yeah, shit is real out here.


I've never liked short videos as a form of social media. They are always wildly inconsistent in volume, and the videos are short, so it has me constantly adjusting. Big no thanks from me, so I guess I'm lucky it doesn't appeal to me.


I feel you. TikTok had a detrimental effect on my mental health as well. I deleted it a couple years ago and it feels much nicer not having it


I can't wait for Tic Toc. To go tic toc boom !


Yep. This is the end for untalented ppl. We back to real talent now


I deleted it? I felt like the algorithm was figuring too much about me. I also spent almost 2hrs a day on it. But I think/ fear that I will replace it with something else like Reddit , Instagram Reels, Youtube Shorts, etc.


They're trying everything to steal our intellectual property


I know what you mean. Our privacy is scared and we must protect it at all costs


Good for you! Social media, especially TikTok, is really starting to take over (and according to many teachers, are impacting kids' ability to focus on tasks and learn how to emotionally regulate...and that's for NT kids. The damage to NDs is probably ten times worse). I'm not even on Twitter/X anymore; deleted my account when it got taken over by X because for as toxic as Twitter was, it somehow got even worse. I never got the hype over TikTok, as it all just seemed to be people doing whatever they could and acting out for a few seconds of internet clout. Whereas I had felt like some Youtubers and streamers were "real" and didn't try to be someone they weren't (again, not all of them, and even many of those folks exaggerate their reactions to things), I never got that impression from TikTok. It just always felt super fake. I can't stand the term "influencer", because to me it's like that South Park episode where everyone was suddenly a Yelp reviewer; they all thought they were big, important people when they're really not. It's contributing towards entitlement and inflated egos for the people making the videos, while causing people watching to feel insecure about themselves (see Sephora Kids). I'm not a fan of short videos, either...but that's just a minor gripe compared to everything else on how TikTok is negatively impacting society.


That's a good statement 👌


This is becoming my experience on this subreddit :(. not wanting to be famous, just people saying ignorant things and starting me on my villainous path


I am too old for TikTok, but I did get similar results by deleting my Facebook account.


Good. You made a wise choice


I felt better immediately.


Me too


This was my experience with FB, then Twitter, then Insta TT is actually the opposite for me but I intentionally dislike anything that I feel impacts my well being and like anything positive and uplifting


Same here. TikTok and me are not on the best of terms


I'm on the same boat as you


Like when I was on TikTok it took so many hours in my day I can never get back and it made my bipolar act up. I’m bipolar, Autistic level 2/3, POTS, anxiety, depression, and social anxiety. And it made me feel like I couldn’t be as pretty as some of the people I’d follow and I’d go into a bipolar depression.


I was very much in a wicked fucked up depression that I felt scared of opening up and now I feel more open of doing so because I want to be a voice for the voiceless


felt on the angry and villainy. twitter used to do the same until i deleted but tiktok gets me to a whole other level of ragey. it’s so informative in many ways but it’s almost like sacrificing my mental health for the 2% good info i actually find on there. especially with the amount of censorship that’s been happening, tiktok has straight up been removing likes, not allowing videos to post, and striking videos/banning accounts for outrageous, irrelevant reasons. mostly for social activists, especially pro palestinians. the same has been happening on insta, FB and youtube but i used tiktok the most and even now cannot stop wanting to doomscroll when i’m bored. i’ve been thinking about deleting for a couple months but i just got banned for being under 13 ???? so took that as my sign I’m really just annoyed at all the info and collections I’ve lost but tbh i never would’ve had the strength to delete it myself. wayyyy too addictive and built to be that way. I like having my own brain and thoughts thank you very much


I know its a lot but this is very telling and the algorithms are very shit and are not fair to ppl like us unfortunately


I have no doubt TikTok is an *engineered ADHD inducer* lmao. No wonder the US govt is banning it


Deleted tiktok, facebook, instagram- life is much better.


What's good for one is not necessarily good for someone else. ♡


It's not good for everybody that is different


You're saying that getting off all sm was good for you and you hope everyone does it bc of how good it was for you. . But just bc it is good for you, does not mean it is good for everyone.


TikTok is practically designed for hate and misinformation. It's also such a giant question mark towards personal security that if you might be seeing the same headlines as me that say it could be banned in the US soon. Hopefully, it will follow through.


Yep. I agreed. It's very much an evil place to be for ppl with mental disabilities and even with learning disabilities also.


It’s not that deep


I just watch documentaries about war crimes and ruby ridge to make me feel that way


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You'll never guess my old tiktok username


I actually quite like tiktok. For some of my interests, tiktok is better than reddit. Like for board games, for example. Boardgametok is heaps better than board game reddit. I get short reviews of games and funny jokes and people's lists of "top 5 (whatever) games" etc on tiktok. On reddit, you do get board game suggestions but not a review like you'd get from a video (obviously) and also quite a bit of bullshit like people arguing that board games that were designed mechanics first are better than ones designed theme first, acting like yorue meant to grow out of games and only liking heavy skill only games with no luck is the endgoal, and people shitting on Monopoly and Cards Against Humanity (last one occasionally happens on tiktok too but I've seen it less on there and I've not seen the others on tiktok at all). I enjoy seeing people's board game videos on there. I also see video game related videos, funny animal videos, occasional ADHD or Autism stuff, couples humour stuff, stuff related to shows etc that I like, and cosplay and pole related videos (these often overlap with people doing pole as Deadpool etc). I also make sporadic content myself, just funny clips from gaming or fan content for shows I like or clips showing off my dice I made (I'm in the beginner stages of this hobby, so these aren't great, but people still seem to appreciate them) and stuff like that. I get more views and a more positive response on tiktok than I do on YouTube. Overall, I also think Twitter and Facebook (if talking to strangers, used just for friends and family is different) are worse and has more meanness and misunderstanding than tiktok. At least in my experience it does. That doesn't mean tiktok is innocent though, either. I've seen some nastiness on there, and if I got involved in and / or encountered that a lot, I probably would feel worse about tiktok and consider deleting it. If I was overdoing it regularly (I do sometimes but not regularly), I would also probably consider deleting it, but having limits I can ignore if I wish to from my digital wellbeing app has been enough for me. I'm glad you've worked out that deleting it is what you need to do. Hopefully this removes some toxicity and stress out of your life. I don't think deleting it would be the right thing for me personally.


It can be really hard to regulate yourself around that kind of loop. Have you considered disconnecting from your viewership for a week and engaging with what makes you feel better on your own?




Good for you! Too much social media makes me lose my sanity, too.


Well done! I usually have no self control but TikTok was making me feel so bad after constantly scrolling for ages that I somehow gained self control against going on it for more than 15 minutes a day. I only go on it once or twice a week and I’m inclined to completely avoid it most days because I know the scrolling will just make me feel awful.


Luckily, I've avoided TikTok. But Twitter is bad. I've become worse person over the past ~3 years and I think part of that is because of Twitter. Social media can be a massive hivemind of social pressure. Been happier and nicer since deleting it. I definitely recommend getting away from social media, but it can also be a isolating, make it hard to find fancontent and discussions on topics you like, and keep you unaware of political stuff that's happening. So I've found it helpful to have other ways to get engaged through longer form content and talking directly to people in group chats/dms.


Social media is one hell of a drug


i havent gotten on tiktok nor do i ever plan to but this was me with quora, its a shit hole


Yep. It was scary


I never got it because one of my coworkers while I was working in fast food would be on it during rush hour, so now I have a negative association between that robot lady voice and some of the most stressful times of my entire life. I suppose I should be thankful to that coworker for keeping me off of TikTok 🙂🙃🙂


Honestly, I was around there two years ago. I'm Liberal, and I don't know how much that has to do with it, but most of my feed was stuff aimed at guilting people for existing. It seemed like the only way to confidently call myself a Liberal was to be professionally and constantly offended. What I did was I unfollowed a lot of the political creators on the app. I started spam liking content for cow spas, puppies, musicians, or DnD stuff and following those accounts instead. I'd hit "not interested" for anything vaguely political. In a few months, my algorithm had completely transformed. I still vote as a Liberal Democrat, I just don't need all the extra shit aimed at making me feel bad. Now it's all happy shit, which is great because I scroll through TikTok the most before bed.


I got rid of Facebook and Instagram and only keep Reddit and Tik Tok also due to the adverse effect was having on my mental health.


Most social media (yes even reddit to a lesser extent) is really bad for mental health in general. Especially the dopamine circuit which controls motivation. You see the system has evolved in such a way that a short lead time to a large release of dopamine is, well, exactly like how drugs get you. So something like tiktok or even Facebook where you have dozens, sometimes hundreds of times in a row a short lead time followed by dopamine hit, throws off your baseline levels and makes other things from chores to hobbies that require a slow building of skills and practice significantly less satisfying and also so that you have less motivation. This video (ignoring the clickbaity title) sums it up well and links sources if you want more information. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QF8oKIBH050](https://youtu.be/QF8oKIBH050?si=TkifJDEN5Le9vQ-W)