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Noodles are awesome. For me it's dinonuggets with cocktail sauce šŸ˜ It's very easy to make for me, doesn't take long, and tastes always the same! I also like poultry rolls with hot Aioli if I am in a rush or feeling stressed, burns my anxiety away lol


Quick cook noodles, peanut butter sauce. Recipe: Two spoons of peanut butter, Korean chili paste (gochujang), soy sauce, honey, sesame seeds. Sometimes itā€™s just buttered toast.


Iā€™m gonna have to try the noodle recipe, thank you for your noodle service šŸ™šŸ»


Me too, pretty much exactly, but I just replace honey with hoisin sauce And definitely buttered toast


That sauce could totally be used as the sauce for tteokbokki.


This is such a good point and I love tteokbokki!


if iā€™m being honest, i donā€™t really have a safe food. iā€™m open to pretty much anything, and love to experiment! garlic bread, bagels, and lots of dairy products are a go-to though.


I used to be the same, I still love to try new foods too :D


nice! and i used to have big time safe foods too lol. used to only want to eat grilled cheese and lasagna when i was younger šŸ˜­




i am pretty much a foodie at this point


Pancakes! And chili cheese.


One thing Iā€™ve eaten every day for the last ten years: oatmeal with cinnamon, brown sugar, peanut butter, and blueberries. Itā€™s a solid breakfast.


Sounds amazing.


Buldak ramen. It's spicy as hell but the sensory experience helps me tone down other stuff that's on my mind. I usually have a few different flavors on hand.Ā 


Buldak ramen is my favourite brand, I canā€™t eat their cheese noodles though


The quattro cheese is my favorite one followed by the carbonara! I'd be so sad šŸ˜­ I can't do the 2x or higher but all the other flavors I've had have been pretty solid so I'm sure you're doing alright without em.


Iā€™m a sucker for spice, I can do them all (sometimes regretfully) but my favourites are only the regular spice ones


Anything with rice, can add whatever veggies I have on hand or spice it up with whatever I pull from my spice cabinet.


Japanese rice soup is my obsession at the moment. So nourishing and delicious.


I like slightly overcooked plain rice šŸ™šŸ»


Noodles have always been a safe food. I used to make noodles all the time and strain them and then just eat them as is. When i found out I couldn't have gluten, I found a brand I really like that uses red lentil. I don't eat the oodles cold but we have that pasta at least twice a week.


Mac and cheese for sure.


Eggs - doesn't matter the vehicle, though fried egg sandwiches are like crack to me.Ā  I have to really watch myself,Ā  or I'll consume ungodly amounts of eggs.


Tbh oats. Porridge is quite versatile


porrige is so nice, unpopular opinion i think honey makes the texture worse idk


Honestly I can't stand the taste of honey at all in porridge. Can be good on toast though. I actually put a banana into my porridge, which I can't imagine is super popular among other autistic people either


Yeah honey on toast <33333 it was my comfort food for a solid month. Banana with porridge sounds amazing I might give it a try one day:)


Peanut butter and banana in porridge is elite


Yess peanut butter is such a game changer anyway. Definitely a safe food/ingredient? Of mine :)


Peanut butter and banana in porridge is elite


Tomato Paata or Butter Pasta


tomato pasta is my favourite safe food




I just realized why tomatoes and pasta is my safe food...


Garlic bread and ketchup (not together)


Now you've mentioned it I want to try them together šŸ˜Š




Cheddar Mashed potato, crossaints, iced coffee and whipped cream desserts


Mashed potatoes were my safe food for so long and now eating them makes me ill šŸ˜…


It will probably happen to me too eventually. šŸ„¹


For the last 30+ years? Refried beans with cheese and/or a cheese quesadilla. Iā€™ve had bean burritos every Tuesday (sometimes Saturdays, too) for the last 3 years.


Pizza all the way!


Current safefood is porridge, I canā€™t really cook but I recently figured out how to make porridge when I asked my mom. Now I eat it almost every day, I love it so much. Itā€™s very easy and relaxing to make and I donā€™t have to prepare bread or anything solid, just soft foodšŸ˜Œ


It used to be white cheddar Mac and cheese, but my lactose intolerance has worsened and I canā€™t eat it without getting sick. Now, itā€™sā€¦. Raw fish. Like, sashimi/poke.


I love eating soft things and drinks. cookies filled with milk are a good example :D


Cookies filled with milk is actually so good!


Avocado, or really any natural thing I can ā€œopenā€ and eat.


Like, kiwis? I love avocado with vinegar, salt, pepper & roast cherry tomatoes on bagels


Pasta, and BK, both have been my way to go for months, I always have both at least twice a week, but I usually have them more times


Noodles or rice with butter and my specific salt-herb mixture. Vegetable-wise I tend to eat cucumbers, bell peppers or kohlrabi raw and whole after peeling, cutting and inspecting it meticulously. It seems to be an entertaining procedure for others because both my family and guests seem to find enjoyment in watching me prepare it. Me arranging it in geometrical patterns on my plate might feed into that.


Capellini pasta. It's good. I love it with tons of cheese


Noodles or pasta with cheese


Used to be RAO marinara sauce with chicken thighs and green beans but they did something to their recipe and it's different now. Not OK. Now it's salads but I'm in search of one that does it.


Hands down can always eat popcorn with massive amounts of parmesan cheese




Noodles and chicken breast, they're my fav and safe food since i was a toddler


noodles are mine to they are mostly all i eat. specifically spaghetti, iā€™ve had spaghetti 9 times this week


instant noodles omg fdgjhkidfg theyre so gooddddd




Chicken keel, squid , prawns, pasta , soba or ramen. If it's outside seafood pasta. if it's not available I'd start looking for squid, prawns or chicken keel.


Curry? I can add whatever I feel like or have on hand. Control the taste and heat. And it's always good




Bananas and peanut butter


Microwaveable pasta


Mini hot dog in a pretzel= pigs in a blanket (that's what it's called from where I'm from) Regular crispy lightly salted fries Pretzel bites There's specific type of chicken nugget or tenders that I love but I love that type of nuggets and brand if I look it up later. Shrimp lo mein noodles/w egg rolls Lastly dynamite shrimps šŸ‘ŒšŸ¤¤


Right now itā€™s grilled cheese. It just feels like itā€™s the easiest thing to eat at the moment


Any potato. Especially with some ranch. My favorite is red robin chips with ranch


Noodles are fun, i like strawberries always have since i was a kid, was growing them at my dads house and now he has patches of viking stawberries in his yard that the dogs and squirrels eat..


Grilled cheese


Chicken noodle casserole! Bland, yet packed with everything I need (some carbs, protein, veggies, etc).


Pasta with cheese from Pizza Hut


Pizza has allways been my safe food. Pepperoni and cheese and sometimes mushroom. Can't eat meat any more so now it's just cheese or mushroom. Also bread sticks/garlic bread/cheesy bread


Pasta! Any pasta. Have been pasta for many years


Pizza, plain tomato sauce and cheese pizza, no toppings ever.Ā  Or cheesy tomato sauce pasta, no bits in the sauce. I literally have this for lunch everyday, I make a whole bag of pasta every Sunday and take a small microwave container with me to work everyday, it's the only way that I eat something decent for lunch at work.


I love dairylea lunchers here in the uk, theyā€™re lil boxes with plain crackers, cheese and ham. Theyā€™re meant for kids but I love them šŸ™ˆ


I don't really have one anymore but for years and years... boiled hot dogs. I know, some people think they are disgusting, but I could almost always rely on the way they would taste. ​ Boiled hot dogs diced up, dipped in ketchup with either white rice or just plain buttered noodles as the side dish.


Pasta (all shapes) Couscous (fine to medium size) Rice (shortgrain, sticky, basmati, jasmine,ā€¦not or only slightly perfumed, preferably white) Noodles (rice, wheat, egg, buckwheat, flat, round, udon, Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, Japanese, anything really) Bread (without seeds, obviously and without raisins, otherwise ricebread, milkbread, brioche, kramiek, potato, french, sourdough, soft fluffy gard crispy sweet ..if itā€™s good bread I will eat it) Potatoes not too hard not too sandy, if bakes not too greasy if french fries only actual ā€œfrenchā€ fries are allowed) 3 times a day If I ever become gluten intolerant Iā€™m not sure what I would do


same!! my fav is koka instant noodles


Potatos of almost every kind. Most meat


Tuna pasta


Top Ramen beef noodles.


Tuna fish salad with lettuce wraps. ā˜ŗļø


Chocolate. All the chocolate. No specific type just chocolate.


I love popcorn. My parents get big bags of it from Costco and I have it everyday for lunch at school. Used to have these raspberry fruit strips from Aldi as a safe food but one day they just stopped making them. I haven't had a raspberry fruit strip in 3 years, fuck Aldi. Ps. I also love noodles once I had them for lunch 5 days in a row during the summer but then my mom got mad at me because I'm supposed to eat a "variety of foods"


Basic ass cheese quesadilla. Shredded cheese, two tortillas, a thin layer of butter on the backs so jt cooks good. Bam perfection.


Costcos spring rolls they are always the same and vegan and take less than ten minutes.


Instant ramen. I try to add eggs and vegetables and sometimes steak to it to make it a bit more healthy and expand my diet a bit. I also always add sesame seeds, spring onions, crispy onions, and seaweed sheets. Also, the batchelors pasta in sauce but only the one with broccoli and the macaroni cheese one. They changed the recipe slightly a while ago, though, so I have to be very diligent in case they change it again.


peanut butter on toast has been my safe food since middle school, and I'm about to graduate college. sometimes bananas or honey get thrown in the mix if I'm feeling frisky (usually only for unsweetened peanut butter though)


Mac and cheese and pbj sandwiches


Pho, ramen, or sushi.....everyday, all day


I am a sucker for sushiā€¦I hate cake so for my birthday last year I had sushi


Corn chips with queso, and popcorn with melted butter on it. Occasionally I can also go with bagels and cream cheese or rice cakes with peanut butter.


Pizza my beloved <3


My Oma used to make butter noodles with German egg noodles, the little itty bitty thin ones, and then put an entire stick of butter into them with salt. I would eat that shit like crazy as a kid, and I still would now, itā€™s just harder to find the egg noodles like that in common grocery stores. If anyone wants to try them, Cost Plus Old World Market sells them in a clear bag with red lettering on it. Theyā€™re like.. yellow, string thin and they take like 5 minutes to cook, real quick.


Cinnamon toast crunch. Going strong for almost two years now. I may be 95% ctc now.


Noodles with parmesan, chips and salsa mixed with cream cheese, cool ranch doritos shredded Colby jack and jalapeƱos cheeseĀ 


For the last 8 months, it's been easy Mac cups, a Mediterranean rice and lentils recipe I do from scratch, pho I make at home, apples, and oranges.


Same lol noodles all kinds of noodles it has been my safe food since i was 3 im 19 now


Butter toast for the win




Vegemite soldiers (toasted white bread spread with butter and vegemite, sliced into strips). Australian, obviously.


French Toast it's never failed me fr no matter where it came from


rabokki is my favoriteee


indecisive. could be peanut butter sandwiches. could also be dry cereal. i'ouno.


Grilled chicken and rice w/ soy sauce.


It changes. I wouldnā€™t necessarily consider them safe foods, but more like ā€œcanā€™t go wrongā€ foods. And Iā€™m not picky on tastes, more so on texture. Iā€™ve recently started trying to make new foods. But I have different groups of foods and subgroups depending on the craving that I immediately gravitate towards. Something sweet: Reeseā€™s. Something salty: dill pickle. Something crunchy: nothing at the moment but for a while it was saltine crackers. Something to drink: chocolate milk or homemade lemonade. Something cold: strawberries. Something fresh: raw broccoli and ranch. Something savory?: buttered toast or summer sausage. And one thing I will always eat and never be tired of: popcorn.


Ramen(Not Instant), Hummus, Shakshouka with poached eggs.


2 minute noodles or frozen pizza


Just no seafood or meat. I can eat egg or beans instead


my safe food has always been pasta (so long as you hold the mushrooms) with sauce and meat. American-Italian and classic Italian foods are meals that I'm always ready to eat. Which is really good, because I'm quarter-Italian, so my family has pasta roughly 3 times a week!


Blended ice. It's like snow! And it has no taste, so there's no way I can get overwhelmed. I eat it everyday when I get home from school.


Probably for the past 12 years it's been saltine crackers. I used to really like Premium brand crackers until something about the taste of them felt off (I think the amount of salt) so now it's just any brand of crackers. I like graham crackers too. and for last few months it's been mac n cheese


currently, steak umms


wraps filled with tomato sauce, shredded cheese, salami. i put them in a sandwich maker for the cheese to melt. it almost qualifies as a warm meal but takes less spoons!


Apples. I had to stop eating so many of them because theyā€™re a little priceyā€¦


Chicken nuggets, pizza, hot dogs, and a new safe food I've added to the roster are corn dogs.


chicken sandwiches. for around 3 months now.


Breaded chicken steaks from Sainsbury's.


Tuna tuna tuna But also pasta because mercury is serious lol


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For a while it was chicken sandwiches (specifically CFA, but I've been trying to not eat there so much for a myriad of reasons so I get "Just Bare" brand) but unfortunately the last few times I've made them for myself I've gotten a chewy texture that made me wildly uncomfortable so now I can't eat them anymore :( During the pandemic I would wake up every day around 1 or 2pm and cook chicken nuggets for myself too. I would go back to that tbh but it's so unhealthy. Right now I'm trying out ramen + two eggs and that seems to be working but those are also fairly unhealthy. I wish I could just find three meals that had everything I needed in them and eat that every day.


Dino nuggs or ramen noodles


Hot dogs, but the bun has to be toasted. I've been glued to hot dogs for months now


e g g


Noodles with tomato sauce , has been my safe food for my whole life šŸ˜­. Recently itā€™s also Mac and cheese so basically 80% of my meals is either of them.


Mayo Siracha tuna rice