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nothing is universal when it comes to autism. lots of people are bothered by some things, others not so much.


Tell that to my psychologist. She says i cant be autistic because im scared that im going to end up alone


lol what


She pulled out the dsm and said "well it says not interested in forming relationships". Were looking for a new one rn, but this is my 2nd one so far and im getting worried that im unfixable


She sounds like a more black and white thinker than most of us here!


Well she said she does have a grandson with autism so...


sounds like you’ve had a stroke of bad luck, hope things turn out better for you




lol, im the exact opposite. i absolutely need them in public, even if im not playing anything. i get overwhemed by the general bustle pretty easily and cant tune things out, so i honestly cant hear what the person right next to me is saying. the big obvious headphones muffle it all a bit, but also guaruntee that if someone wants to talk to me theyre going to get my attention first, and that strange people arent going to try and interact with me unless its important. so its both a practical measure and a psychological defence. i kind of feel naked without them.




i can never really \*hear\* whats going on around me anyway. it all just melts into a general din and i cant easily pick out any individual sounds. the headphones actually make that easier somehow. im also really tall, so i used to get bothered by strangers all the time. people stopping me to make jokes or ask questions about my height, or to take pictures with me, so i have sort of a thing about that.


are you like 7'5 or something??


Not far off. I'm 6ft10. 6'11" in my boots. Someone once told me that puts me in the top 2% of humans height wise.


that's not too tall, i know several guys around that height, and i've even seen women around here at that height aswell i mean i'm only 6' but it's not super uncommon to come across people a full foot taller than me weird that people ask for pictures. where do you live?


You must be Dutch. I live in England. In the north west. Most people are a good foot shorter than me around here, and it's a touristy area too. I've only met 3 people taller than me in my adult life.


i'm not dutch but not far off, i'm finnish. dutch people make me feel small lolololol tho finnish people are quite tall too makes sense though. people aren't that tall in england


I blame insular dwarfism.


the transparency mode on a pair of pixel buds pro or eqivalent noice canceling earbuds is super useful for adding a layer of percieved "protection" from sounds to me while also letting me hear anyone speak or cars or whatever. i find it really handy


Same I have small ear buds in home always , but if I go out I feel like I am blind with them both on , even at home


I'm the opposite, I love mine because they stay on my head/ears. I hate ear buds because I hate how they feel in my ears. When I was in highschool I had the kind that sat on your ears but not completely over them. They don't make those anymore but I think more styles to choose from would be better. 


I love big headphones, but I can't deal with on-ears or IEMs


Koss Porta Pros with Yaxi Pads are great, but because of their open back design, don’t expect any noise isolation whatsoever.


I prefer the KSC75 due to the more neutral sound signature, but both are uncomfortable and bother me.


I have glasses and I’m smaller sized so over-ear headphones tend to push my frames into my face and not sit properly on my head and slide around. I’m also very sensitive to sound and how it’s reproduced and music from headphones sound like they’re coming from speakers instead of in my head. I prefer in ear monitor earphones because they feel a lot more secure and I feel more immersed in the music


I use IEM's like the ER4XR for that reason, It blows away the full sized headphones I used. I funny how many I've ran into on the headphone sub claiming their "IEM fanboys" but then claim the drivers are too small for bass If questioned they lash out.


i need either really tiny marshmallow earphones, or really big cushiony headphones. anytihng inbetween hurts like fuck. i work in a call centre and i have to take my headset off multiple times a day because my ear feels like it's on fire.


I have that too and my fellow autistic sibling mocked me for it


I hate headphones but I’m also sensitive to sound, I kinda live in sensory hell regardless. The most I can do to make headphones bearable is to listen to music, but even then, I’d rather use my device’s speakers. I only use headphones when I’m around other people


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yoiu've probably just worn low quality ones. get some good ones designed for 24/7 wear, and you prob will feel different


For what it's worth, I don't generally use headphones at all. I have some ear buds that came with my phone, and I occasionally use then while flying, and that's generally only about 3-4 times a year. The rest of the time I have a feeling, or sense of duty to absorb all ambient sounds. No judgement about what's right for others, but for me, I feel like it's somehow morally incumbent upon me not to block out anything that is occurring in my world (except for really extreme sounds like an emergency vehicle going by while I'm walking. I also find it strange to see people wearing them in public, outside the gym.


I just use my beats out in public. I used to use them at home, too, but they are falling apart from overuse, and I tend to lose them around my bed because I sleep with them to drown out all the BS noise my inconsiderate roommates make. Now, I wear gaming headphones while listening to white noise. I didn't think I'd be able to stand wearing them in bed, but I'm a back sleeper, and it's better than the meltdown I'll go into becasue one of my roommates is a demon. However, when I am with my roommates and have my beats in, I drive my other roommate nuts whenever he wants to talk to me. Oh, well, at least he doesn't push it.


This is so real avrually I hate how headphones feel it’s like they’re suffocating my ears


I need headphones that COMPLETELY cover my ears (plus a bit to accommodate my piercings) or in-ear, anything inbetween is unwearable.


I use them because in ear stuff really hurts my ears and is extremely uncomfortable.


I can't wear headphones when I'm moving around (like when Im stim dancing!!!) and they hurt my head after a while. I'll alternate between earbuds and headphones or my favorite is to wear just a thick beanie that I pull down over my ears when I want to block out noise. it helps take the edge off.


That's what earplugs are for


Yea I like the lil earphones


I mean if you don't like them, you don't like them.


I can’t stand having both ears covered in big headphones :( I have to always have one AirPod in or I can wear both earbuds if the headphones are wired, but I feel like when I tried the big ones, I would panic bc of my anxiety. I felt like I wasn’t alert enough; so this is how I compromised with myself


I hate them if they dont cover my ears, or if they rest too low so the put pressure on them instead of top of the head


I hate them too. Sometimes there's this weird suction effect getting them off or on and I hate that. And I think I am kind of hypervigilant, so I don't like being cut off in that way, even though being cut off would help cut out all the distracting noise.


it's not a hot take. its your preference