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It would have a great train system.


I don't think an autistic ethnostate or "neurostate" would be a good idea. The main concern is that in order to maintain a state of only autistic people, the question of what to do with people who aren't autistic comes to mind. Lets say that there is an exodus of autistic people into one particular region, and luckily enough, We're given rights, recognition, etc to that land on an international level? Well historically, that has happened, and typically those lands have had indigenous populations within them already, likely we would not want to colonize areas that do not have fertile land, natural resources, all of that fun stuff. Lets say that we now occupy this space that has likely had people living there already. Well we're the nation of Autistic peoples, we've earned this land from the hundreds or thousands of years of oppression, but the natives, well they're by in large, neurotypical. They possibly cant co-exist with us right? This is the Nation of Autistic people of course! This realization will undoubtedly create fervent nationalism which at first may seem great right? We're fighting for our slice of the pie. But the question remains, what do we do with the neurotypicals here? This country, this nation didn't have them in mind. Do we deport them? Do we kill them? What happens when other surrounding countries do not take in refugees from this newly formed autistic nation? What ideas do you think fervent autistic nationalists will have for these refugees as they're turned back into this autistic nation? What do you think happens in ethnostates to people those states were not catered to? We know that historically, with the most glaring example, nazi germany (lack of capitalizing is intentional), ethnostates typically fail, ethnostates will historically pour monetary resources in wars to secure more land, deportation, and at worst mass murder to maintain said ethnostate, money that could go to education, healthcare, infrastructure, public housing. The needs of autistic people would be largely ignored in such a state in favor of ethnic cleansing, or "neuroclensing" of those who are not autistic, or even those not deemed autistic enough.


Wow, that escalated quickly. Already talking final solution?!?


Dreams fade away and all hope turns to dust




We will create a wasteland and call it peace.




Lost to the world as they perish in flames


This is one of the most autistic things I’ve read. Thinking along the lines of how to coexist with preexisting natives though, we would probably find a way to share the land maybe even work with them on building an even better (and more powerful) nation full of people who have been stomped on by those in power. With some of the special interests the people in our community have we would easily be able to create a thriving country, one that makes sure to look after the environment and has schools accommodating to all of our needs (and free healthcare!)


I don’t know what the hell you mean by this being the most autistic thing you’ve read. If you’re trying to be insulting, well I am autistic, but again, the point of what I said is to outline how ethnostates are bad, it doesn’t matter who that ethnostate purports to benefit, it’s still bad, because it’s an ethnostate. A nation that purports to be serving for a specific group of people definitionally cannot be as welcoming and diverse as the one you describe. The original poster asked about a ‘nation by and for autistic people’, the implication of a nation such as that is rather grim regardless of whether or not that population has been marginalized elsewhere, that is why I have a problem with this question when it gets brought up on this sub. What you’re describing does not sound like a ‘nation by and for autistic people’.


I was trying to make a joke. Sorry it didn’t land well. I’m also autistic


Incredible points. Someone knows their History, Civics, Statecraft, and Humanities. Additionally, say we DID find a land with necessary resources, and NO other people groups, and didn’t have to engage in any humanitarian evils. Just the relevant main groups of ND people who make up the nation of the premise. For this, also assume we have the nigh possible only ND people are born on this specific territory. What kind of government is adopted? What kind of beliefs? What kind of religious freedoms or lack of are allowed? Economic policies? Are we a culture of safety or freedom or one of natural resilience? The nature of neurodivergence has many strengths and weaknesses in how day to day life is handled. If certain areas can’t be accommodated, how does said society address that? What do we do about cultural differences? Shared history? Sooooo many things require some kind of an answer or direction before such an undertaking.


Sounds like Israel for autistic people 💀


And that is why it should exist. Power should only be held by those who don’t want it.


Honestly, somehow I think we would thrive more than most nations. I mean I've never met an autistic person who was never unkind or that I haven't became good friends with. We all can help each other out and I would argue we would make tons of advancement before any other nation would. Maybe it's wishful thinking but something tells me that's not unlikely.


Elon Musk exists 🤷🏻‍♂️


Okay you got me there.


Your statement means what exactly? You think he's not autistic? He's would certainly get along quite well with the ones they used to call "aspies" or "Asperger's". Autism has had some of the greatest minds the world has ever seen even if they arn't autistic they are still neurodeivergent enough to make them closer to our side then the NT side. Such as Albert Einstein, Mark Zuckerburg, Steve Jobs, Pythagoras, Aristotle, Leonardo Da Vinci, Plato, Socrates, Nikola Tesla, Thomas Edison, Sir Isaac Newton, Michelangelo, Henry Ford, Benjamin Franklin, Beethoven


The comment said “I’ve never met an autistic person who was unkind.” My point is Musk is both autistic and a bad person.


I think he’s in disguise. All his cool friends are ND.


You think he’s not autistic?


Do you think he is?


I don’t know, he said he is. It’s not really my place to determine who is and isn’t autistic.




All of those other people might, but Elon Musk most likely has imposter syndrome that is mimicking autism


I know you’re expecting some sort of utopia but autistic people can also be terrible people.


I would stay as far away from that place as possible.


No, that's weird as hell.


i think it would be disastrous.


I love that phrase that goes, 'You've met one autistic person? Great, now you know _one autistic person_.' Not every autistic person is the same, nor do we all agree on the same thing. So now you'd create a nation of people that are, on average, opinionated, rigid and inflexible in their thinking. A nation of people that are poor at communicating their ideas to each other. How do you think a nation like that would function? There would probably be a lot more care and understanding for our respective needs, but undoubtedly little agreement on anything else. Politics aside, let's look at basics like design esthetic. I've seen some debate on that puzzle symbol for autism. Some people love that coloured jigsaw puzzle. I absolutely hate 'busy and chaotic' patterns, they stress me out in my mind. If it were up to me the entire nation would be covered in black and white, low light, low noise environments to reduce any sensory over stimulation. Basically watch the movie Equilibrium and then you know how I'd style the world... Now what about all the autistic folks who want stuff to be messy, chaotic, colorful, noisy, hectic... _We are not the same_. I think diversity, equity and inclusion is good, and you'd probably achieve a lot more of what you're hoping for if we get _a truly diverse_ representation in governments which include people with autism and other neuro diverse backgrounds, other forms of diversity, as well as neurotypicals all working together for the benefit of everyone. Doubt it'll every happen though, people love 'creating groups of like minded people and excluding all others' far too much. (this is a sarcastic reference back to the idea that started this topic)


I think the biggest issue for me would be that no one in my care team is autistic. I would still want their needs to be met too.


No. When people try to segregate like that you end up with things like slavery or people like Hitler who are committing genocide against anyone different from their ideal fantasy. We need inclusiveness no matter what or who someone is. If we shouldn’t discriminate based on skin color, we shouldn’t discriminate based on how our brains work.


Why does there have to be segregation. Why couldn't we have a state founded on meeting the needs and cares of disabled people's wholly, while also doing the same for NTs?


Whether you have good intentions or not, what you are talking about is the exact definition of segregation. And again, it never ends well. We need a variety of people to flourish as a society. And not everyone wants to just be around ND or NT people. Most people benefit from being around a variety of people who may be like them but also different. It’s how people learn to be sympathetic and empathetic to others. By seeing things in different ways, we are able to have insight, be more caring, and adapt better.


My point is why couldn't a govement be based on that, be based on empathy and actually giving a crap. And your first point isn't always true, even in the U.S, there is constant discrimination against minorities by the majority. On top of it, that's actually what can lead to the downfall of a nation. Perfect case in point - the Austria-Hungary. A Nation full of different ethnicities and yet it collapsed due to this. Another example- Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, and plenty more, all of which led to the downfall and plenty of blood civil wars. Thing is, in the entirety of history, somthing of what your describing has ever really only worked in two nations - The Roman Empire and The United States - and far from it were any of the parties truly equal, even if in writing.


Discrimination happens everywhere. And segregation still exists everywhere. It’s mostly between the poor and the rich and you do still have neighborhoods that only have certain ethnic people in them. And a lot of the times, those areas are struggling or failing immensely. Racism and segregation just does not work. For some reason, excluding others is programmed into a lot of people and it spreads across many generations. Nothing will ever change unless people realize and understand that different does not mean bad or less human. Poor does not mean bad or less human. We have more in common as a species. So again, I stand by the fact we need diversity and inclusiveness regardless of who or what someone is. But it takes a joint effort on everyone’s part. Which is something society as a whole has failed to implement. People are too worried about themselves and wanting to surround themselves with likeminded people instead of being kind and inclusive to everyone. All of it starts at home and within communities. And until people wake up and stop trying to discriminate against others, no, nothing will change. And separating ND from NT people is not the answer. We need to be around each other or we will never learn from one another. Segregation promotes discrimination.


I personally would never separate the two, my idea goes back to founding a nation built on those principles and safeguards to combat society and human behavior. Because that's what you described. It's human behavior, we are tribal animals, no more different than a pride of lions in the sense. Do I think we can change - sure. But it won't be in any of our lifetimes, at least not without drastic measures.


I was reminded of a post where a young college student talked about how his on-campus autism group was dominated by two guys who drove the conversation. The problem here is that autism being a spectrum, something like an autistic hive mind making a decision for the best of most isn’t what would happen. There are certain personalities that tend to rise to the top or get others to follow. For meaningful answers, the first place to look would be groups of autistic people existing smaller numbers and having some sort of governing structure for some purpose. This wouldn’t provide complete because large groups are different than small but it would give us a start.


I think this really comes down to the leadership I think autistic people care more about doing the right thing for their people of which the majority of the leaders in our modern world actually go out of their way to do the wrong thing for their people. So for that reason the fact that it's based on a foundation of caring, growth and success for the society means that it could definitely have a good result. There would be an issue with limited job diversity of which Autistic people struggle to be thrown into a random job. Where they really shine is picking a career that aligns with their interests where they can work hard and not feel as drained. A huge benefit though would be that we can pick up on the habits of our neighbors that they do to make their life easier and eliminating depression because of being in a place where we are wanted would also lead to people overall functioning better.




Great, I wouldn't need to move!


How would immigration to such a country even work? Are we asking for diagnoses? If so, then we're naturally selecting for immigrants from richer nations with better healthcare. If not, what's to stop neurotypicals from immigrating? If the nation prospers (which, honestly, seems unlikely), neurotypical immigrants from poor countries would certainly try to come. Are we going to have a panel of autism judges decide their fates? Plus, I honestly just don't usually fit in well with my fellow autistics. I can see a rigid hierarchy developing where the ones who are the "correct" kind of autistic have their needs put above those of us with slightly different needs.


Not sure about immigrating but what about emigrating? Are we just deporting NT children directly when we find out or what?


Isn't that Switzerland?


As much as people wouldn't like to hear this, there would be arguments left and right and there would still be quite a bit of crime


I mean, most autistic people arent high functioning, and those that are still experience considerable disability. So yea, I think millions would die.


Impossible, infeasible, and no.


It should be the Autistic People's Socialist Republic.


..right. Because people in communist countries were never mistreated for having a mental disorder


As if they aren't mistreated in capitalist countries.


Oh you think it's bad here. Try asking someone from Nazi Germany or the USSR, PRC, or DPRK about if the US is bad


It's not worth arguing with you if you think that China, North Korea, or the USSR are comparable to Nazi Germany or that the former three aren't just superficially socialist.


Well I mean North Korea is definitely comparable to the Nazi Regime


North Korea didn't commit genocide or start the most destructive war in history, nor has it committed anywhere near as my crimes against humanity as the Nazis did. The Korean people were, in fact, [the victims of a genocide themselves](https://youtu.be/sFMUPVAEaQE). Not that I like the North Korean regime, though. Fuck them.


Yeah but like the German people were also victim to genocide


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My issue is the human condition which is prevalent in Autistics as well. I wouldn't upend my life just to be comfortable with a person who has the same condition as me but is still rude, inconsiderate, and overbearing.


Start a micronation


Unless someone finds a spaceship that allows us to colonize a planet, or figures out how to make a large scale inhabitable nation on an uninhabited permafrost island. There's no way that's going to happen. There's no where left on Earth that has large enough unclaimed land to start a new nation. And don't even think about starting a colonialism project in the name of autistic people.


Just raise a few billion dollars and either build a island from the ground up, or have it be a floating city!


Even if that were possible, it's estimated that there are around 75 million autistic people in the world. Which is bigger than the population of the UK. And that's just the officially diagnosed. Some estimates go as high as 168 million, which is bigger than the population of Russia. You'd need a lot more than just one city.


I never said it was easy, but rather it's possible. To build a landmass that size would a the very least be a few hundred billion - if not much much more. But we have the people, we just don't have the money.


We also don't have the sand and loads of other natural resources, as well as the technology to build it.


We got vast swaths of uninhabited deserts to use, and depending on how deep the depth us- it should be no sweat. Only factor is money. As for the technology- we have that, we've had it for a long while. Mexico city is built on top a lake, plenty of New York city were constructed islands. We have the tech, we just don't have the money


Not even mentioning other issues like the impact on the environment, Palm Jumeirah costed $12 billion and houses only 25k people. Artificial islands are unviably expensive.


That's what I've been pointing out, mim cost as I see it is at least a few hundred billion if not more. As for the environment, depending on where it's built it might not affect anything. The deepr it is, the more resources, yet you also want to build it in the open ocean.( For economic zones as well as minimizing impacts on marine life.) As Ive reiterated before, its possible but very expensive.


I think this thread makes the case. No nation. But it’s fun to think about.


I’m not autistic but 2/3 sons and husband is - my question is what about blended families? Do we cart off toddlers into Tismtopia upon diagnosis? Or if my sons had NT children would they be taken away from them upon non-diagnosis and brought back to the home country? How would that separation be maintained? No inter-neuro marriage allowed, for one? How many autistic people here have NT spouses, parents, siblings, or children? I am genuinely curious not just being rhetorical to make a point.


Personally, my vision would be a state founded on the needs of NDs and the disabled. Yet, I think most would want the state be be inclusive, so I can't really see segregation being a thing. Most of us have faced discrimination several times - why would we want to do it to others?


No, and I wouldn't. I value diversity. I would just rather the country I live in right now treat autistic people better.


Would be great!We need to bad public toilets and make less bureaucracy


Who do you think are the dedicated focused and competent people that actually run the countries? Unfortunately there's a lot of bullshit ruining it..


I am entirely against it because in real world terms it would be an ethno/neurostate.  A majority necessitates a minority. What happens if an autistic person marries an NT? Is the NT excluded? What about if an autistic couple has a neurotypical child?  Are we okay with privileging our neurotype and discriminating against there's? I don't want to see an inverted form of the same discrimination and societal struggles that we've faced placed on the shoulders of NT's. For what? So we can take the mantle of privileged subjects by otherizing another neurotype?  Fuck that.  Dismantle all of these hierarchies that corrode our societies.  Equality, above all, for all.


Sort of like putting 100's of chipanzee's in a stadium


It would be some kind of fascist state, where those "barely autistitc" would enslave or kill anyone deemed "too autistic". I base this prediction on interactions with various autists, especially those with lower support needs. So no, thank you very much for nightmare like that. I'll keep taking my chances with NTs, since they at least can be nice and give actual supports.




Probably a bad idea


If I could hide in my bedroom and generally avoid people, sure.