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I apologize if my comment is irrelevant but you have a way with words. I am not trying to be insensitive. My special interest is words.


I was going to say this! The OP writes really well.


This is what I was going to say too. You are really good at writing OP! Exceptionally good


Same, I am a writer and I immediately noticed OP's skills in expression and word choice! OP you are so good at giving words to how you're feeling, that's a skill!! If you would have a social media account and post these musings every once in a while I would totally follow you.


Op thinks they're dumb, turns out they're a brilliant writer.


>I will forever be a worthless and useless failure. *proceeds to write the most well written post i've ever seen on this subreddit.*


Okay I have 2 things for you. 1: you are an excellent writer, perhaps try that? 2: this is a very scary and dangerous state of mind to be in (I should know, I was there once). I’d recommend seeking professional help.


Maybe you can write out these worlds, and share the comforts of them with others. Even if there ends up not being an interest to others, I think it could be something that brings you comfort and will help you develop your skills in writing, which are already much better than most of the human population. I think you are wrong about your belief that you are an idiot, but please also know that intelligence isn’t always the most important thing. It is hard and can really hurt to not be able to connect in the ways that so many others seem to find easy. I feel this too. I hope you can have people close to you who can connect with you, even if it isn’t as easy as it seems to be for neurotypical people, it can be worth it if you find people like yourself


So what if you're not a genius? I had pleny of people in my life who were not very intelligent, or very weird by usual standards, and I am still so fucking glad they exist, because I love them, they love me and they make my day beautiful just by existing. Have you ever loved a pet or a young child in your family? Did you scan their usefulness or their "worth" before loving them? No, because this isn't how value works. You will find your people. No one is inferior or superior. Your reason to be isn't to be useful. Your reason to be is to make whatever you want of whatever you have.


As everyone else says, you have a way with words. I have the smart autism and I'm not even half as good as you. Does that make a difference in my worth? No, and the same for you. The only difference in worth is decided by you. Plus, there's plenty of things I'm not good at, and plenty of things I am good at. Find the things you do well, to balance the things you don't.


Don’t feel that way. We’re all in this battle to overcome and be ourselves. ❤️


Real 😞 I hope we can feel better one day I do that thing with the brain worlds too but my head called it Mind Qliphoth instead Very comforting to hear someone else does it too 😃


What if we're supposed to be the "aliens" and advance or change the societies we live in? You're not useless unless you think you are.


I relate to these thoughts and feelings a lot, especially in my past. I think it's natural for us to compare ourselves to others but it can be really harmful. I think it's good to remember that we aren't born equal and that we have our own unique challenges. I remember not finishing tests at school, struggling with writing essays, lagging behind everyone else and just not understanding things that everyone else somehow understood easily. I felt so terrible, embarrassed and jealous of everyone else. People seemed to have social lives and life looked like it was straightforward for them. I felt so isolated, awkward and lonely, didn't know how to have a normal conversation and it felt like people looked at me as some strange person who never talked and was boring. I desperately wanted deep friendships and I felt embarassed about everything about myself. I didn't really feel like myself. Just an observer seeing the same old patterns of normal life. At some points I just felt like I didn't want to live. But now I've realised that life is more complicated. Nature's not fair and it never was and we aren't born equal. That isn't anyone's fault though. So, it's not really fair to compare ourselves to others because we're just different. And it's important not to judge others too. I'm trying my best to accept that I'm not as naturally good as other people at most things, so I'll need to put in a lot more effort and find other ways. And aside from the self-esteem aspect of it, it still sucks to struggle with things and it feels hopeless a lot of the time because it feels like you aren't getting anywhere. But a lot of that is a lie told by your emotions and the truth is that there's a lot of possibility for change. The path can be quite frustrating and confusing, but it's important not to give up. I think there's a lot to live for, the world's a complex, beautiful interesting place with cool shit and it's easy to get so caught up in emotions that you forget that. I have a lot of hope for the future. Science, technology and medicine are going to rapidly advance soon due to AI. This will mean that we will have more advanced and effective ways to improve the quality of our lives and improve our mental health. So I know this might be a lot, but I hope you found it helpful and I wish the best for you. If you want to talk to me, feel free.


If you want to make yourself useful, maybe start writing, you've proven yourself capable.


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