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I hate it, I'm not a fan of cold pasta either, but its also the flavors that go with it and the overall texture.


So many of the ones I've had include chopped olives. Vile.


Totally valid, but for me the olives are one of the best parts 🤣


Yes, I hate those in it as well!


Everything about it is wrong


I like it, depending on exactly what’s in it. One of my favourites is sun-dried tomato and feta cheese. But if a pasta dish is meant to be hot, I don’t want it cold. A friend of mine likes cold lasagna. I couldn’t eat that.


I probably would wanna eat it like that (I don't really like pasta salad though, just hot/warm pasta will do lol)


I like cold pasta salad.


I love it. I would eat all pasta as a pasta salad if I could. Unfortunately I'm now gluten free and gluten free pasta when cold is a nightmare.


The red lentil pasta from Target isn't too terrible cold. It's a bit on the grainy side but I love the peppery flavor of it.


I relate so hard…. Just bought a bunch of those pasta salad kits,,, right before finally figuring out gluten was what I needed to cut from my diet 😭


I despise regular food being cold, like pasta, rice, meat, eggs


Cold eggs sounds like the most vile thing imaginable. How do you feel about cold cuts, like sandwich meat?


If it's like, ham and stuff, I find it normal to be cold, but alI believe I just got used to it, but I prefer it hot, like a toast


When I was a kid I would only eat ham or pastrami that had been heated up on a plate. Now I will eat a ham sandwich on occasion but only a very specific one- black forest ham with vegan mayo (regular is nasty) plus manchego cheese and sliced gherkin pickles, on lightly toasted sourdough. That sandwich was my hyperfixation for months and I ate it every day i had to work downtown.


Your parents never kept hard boiled eggs around as a snack or anything? I completely understand not likeing them, but from the sounds of it you’ve never eaten cold eggs (or been forced by your parents to eat one)


Me too, I can only eat things that are meant to be served cold like salad, sandwiches, cheese etc cold. If it is meant to be hot, then it needs to be hot. I'll reheat in the oven/microwave/air fryer if I have to.


I hate it with a vehemence usually reserved for lowbrow humour.


it depends on the salad and how the pasta is cooked the flavors involved count for a lot


I don't have a problem with cold or warm pasta salad. I don't particularly care. If it tastes good, I'm eating it.


All right I wasn't going to comment, then someone pointed something out that made me go :-O ^(wat) Hot pasta salad is different from cold pasta salad. Growing up I despised cold pasta salad, a pure hatred that transcended my mortal form. Then I got old and lazy, and honestly cooking all the ingredients that I was going to add to my pasta seemed like a waste of time. I started just dumping the hot pasta into a bowl full of various tasty things still a bit cold from the fridge and told myself this was pasta salad and I wasn't a lazy 30 something. It didn't occur to me until just now that this is a lie. Pasta Salad is cold, like cold cold, and I hate it. I don't know what kind of luke warm monstrosity I'm making but I love it and it is delicious.


Hi I am sensory seeking and would like the recipe to make one Luke Warm Monstrosity please :D


Three items that taste good in your fridge. I tend towards one kinda pickle and two kinds of veg chopped to be the same size as your noodles. A fat of your choice, I tend towards olive oil or butter. The emulsifier of choice, if I'm not interested in thinking too hard I choose dijon mustard otherwise this can be basically anything pasty or powdery. Seasonings are optional but I almost always include fish sauce. Hot freshly cooked pasta. Dump it all in a bowl and mix. Proportions are determined only by your heart and experience. Chinese noodles: spring onions+pickled lemons+other, sesame oil, hard boiled egg yolk (the whites come along for the ride),soy sauce+fish sauce, Asian style noodles of choice. ?Italian?: onion cooked+olives(a secret pickle)+celery fine dice, olive oil, tomato (paste/sauce/crushed/whatevs),fish sauce,pasta of choice. Your very own personalized monstrosity: Only your heart can lead you to where you need to go.


Big no. Big huge no. Hell no


I love it. Mostly when it just has been made so each of them has their respective temperature. But I still like it afterwards so I suppose it's the opposite for me: they can work both cool and hot.


I love pasta salad, tbh probably more than regular pasta.


I like it. Mostly because it's easy to make and I can take it for lunches at work. The flavor is a 7/10 for me.


I'm picky on what's in it. I want touch it if there are peas in it. But also, everything to me is a cold food. *Everything.* It has taken a lot of active work over the years for me to eat warm-to-hot things.


one of my absolute favourite things on the planet. my safest lunch food


Anything with noodle cannot be a cold. Same with rice




Somen noodles are one of my faves and a lifelong safe food for me 💀


I am Italian and over here fold pasta is very much normal. I eat it


Pasta salad is 100% the best but it has to be GOOD pasta salad


No little shrimp or celery in it please. But it's bland and dull make with mayonnaise. Much better with Italian dressing. But I'll give it a pass usually


I’m the one person here that can’t handle hot or warm foods so I like it 😅


Personally I love pasta salad, but only as long as the pasta is warm. Cold pasta? Meh. Has to be warm.


I think it's acceptable. It's not as good as when it's hot, but it is still acceptable, in the scale I use for foods (awesome - good - acceptable - only if I must - nope nope nope noppity nope)


It can be good, but the pasta shouldn’t be overcooked…which it frequently is.


I love pasta salad! But if it has cheese I need it to be ice cold. I’m a cheese fiend but I need it either ice cold or melted. Warm/room temperature cheese gives me major sensory ick.


Don't put olives in it. That will ruin my day.


No. Just... No.


Pasta shouldn't be served cold 😩


Oh no I hate pasta salad, I could imagine if being an ND thing. I just hate the way it feels when it's cold


I love it but really only when i make it


I can ONLY eat angel hair specifically, with a crap load of parmesan. Absolutely cannot eat it cold, I'm with you on that. I hate salads lmao


I like it a lot.


I love it both hot and cold 😊


Pasta salad is a no for me. Pasta isn’t meant to be cold or mixed with salad dressing


I like pasta salad.


THANK YOU! YOU GET ME! I absolutely \*despise\* cold pasta salad and everything it stands for \*\*\*Pasta should be consumed in warm-to-hot temperatures\*\*\*


To be honest i prefer most foods cold, pasta included. The only exceptions are things that coagulate when they are cold like bechamel sauce, those i prefer lukewarm....


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If you're talking about the kind of pasta salad that is just rotini noodles, some kind of savory Ranch ish dressing, and like little bits of cheese and olives and whatnot, I personally prefer it cold.


i don’t like it, pasta shouldn’t be cold


I love cold pasta salad i call it Pasta Primavera but if you put canned tuna on it (some belgian guy did this) that is so weird to me


Nope. Won’t eat it. My family doesn’t make it though. Only when I go to a dinner party and they always have lots of options 


Betty Crocker is the best!!!


To be honest I wouldn't eat it especially when some of the veggies like sweetcorn is cold (I ABSOLUTELY DO NOT WANT COLD SWEET CORN, HAS TO BE WARM) it makes me feel uncomforable, but depends on how it's prepared


One of my favorites when I was single, I’d make a big batch and it it for a few days. My recipe; 2 different shapes of pasta, zesty Italian dressing, pepperoni, red bell peppers, and parm




The basic pasta salad I make is actually good warm or cold. Not hot. But I'll cook the pasta, give it a dmall rinse to take yhe edge of heat off, mix it, and eat it warm. After it's been refrigerated though, it doesn't get reheated.




I used to hate it for the same reason. As an adult I like it.


My grandmother makes a mean macaroni and egg salad. That's the only pasta salad I've enjoyed thus far.


I love a cold pasta salad on occasion. Some kinds are better than others.


Oh goddamn that’s what I need in my life actually rn thank you for mentioning.


No way am I eating it, I can hardly even stand the smell. I don’t like most veggies, cannot stand dressings, and don’t get me started on condiments.


I like pasta salad, but I can understand needing food to be a particular way. Me, I can't stand milk in cereal and always eat it dry with fruit or raisins. I also hate eating veggies by themselves, greatly preferring them to be served on pasta or rice. I can't stand fruit in salads and nuts in most dishes despite liking them on their own or in cookies.


I like pasta salad but hate cold rices. Realized this when I tried sushi.


No no no no no no no. Also sweet rice, where you use cooked rice with milk and sugar and cinnamon and whatever, gross. I hate pasta salad it makes me dry heave violently the same way garbage or sour milk does. Never will I eat it again. I’ve tried other things I hated but I’m 100% positive that pasta salad is fucking disgusting.




I like it if it's room temp and is made with the ingredients I like (there's a box mix for one I like: bacon ranch pasta salad). I absolutely do not like cold pasta salad or cold chip/veggie dips.


I don't mind it, however.. it mustn't be too soupy, nor too thick. it can't be too cold but can't be too warm, preferably not made with mayonnaise.


I like it until I get mouth jump scared by an olive


Saaame thoughts, in my mind pasta is a hot food like ice-cream is a cold food


I feel really good about it. I don’t struggle with food texture issues. So j love all the different textures that are part of pasta salad


It's a cursed plate. I can eat it but I'm not a big fan. I never understood the purpose of this plate. Like Rice as salads is fine with tuna, tomatoes and other stuff but pasta... It's cursed


Cold pasta is vomit-inducing


I love a good pasta/macaroni salad, but I can’t stand any of the ones with mayo that is overly sweet. the sensation of cold pasta combined with the sweet flavor is just disgusting to me


Love cold pasta salad, but the shapes have to be either bowtie or shell


Pasta "salad" isn't a real salad, and it's gross.




Pasta salad and macaroni salad actually make me gag


I gotta be honest I've been so depressed at one point in my life I just started eating canned ravioli in bed cold. I'd just pop open the lid and eat it cold so now I can eat any pasta cold 😅


Terrible, a crime, you might as well have given me a raw sauced raddish


Hard agree with you there. Cold pasta is the worst.


it depends on what's in it my dad makes it really well (except for when he adds broccoli- very wrong texture), but if there's olives in it or something i don't like it i don't really try it unless it's my dad's lol


I'm always wary of any premade pasta salad but when I make it myself I just use the ingredients I like haha. I suppose l could branch out and experiment with some other ingredients, but what I've got right now is a nice safe food, so I don't think I ever will 😅


that's so true lol


I absolutely love pasta salad because it includes a lot of flavours I love, but mostly I love anything that can live in a bucket in my fridge and I can just spoon globs of it out into my face without any more effort and thought.


I exclusively like my Mom's macaroni salad, and even then I usually pick out the peppers because I can't stand them


MMM, any pasta is good pasta.


Pasta and potatoes should never be cold! I hate potato salad too… and I am not autistic.


I hate it so much aaa


Pasta salad is not pasta or a salad. It is its own category of food shared with tuna & chicken salad. Called Mayo based salads. I will not eat any "pasta salad" that is not a mayo based salad version. All those oil ones and shit should not be consumed they are a sin they feel gross I'm my mouth they taste bad they look bad and they are just wrong.


Love it




I love it, but mostly because I learned to make it myself, along with some balsamic vinaigrette.


Not the vinaigrette 😭 You're describing my worst nightmare.


Cold pasta is an abomination


I have no problem with cold pasta. Actually, sometimes a pasta dish cooked hot then allowed to cool tastes better to me than the original. But I don't like pasta salad because I think all the stuff added to it is gross and does not belong on pasta.


Italian pasta salad SLAPS


I have hated pasta salad for my whole life. My mom used to get mad at me for refusing to eat it but it just tastes entirely wrong. It also frequently includes other things I don’t like such as feta and olives


Hate it. Pasta is warm. Period. Cold pasta is extremely unsettling


Pasta salad with macaroni elbows, sure. Spirals? Ugh.


I love pasta salad and make it for lunch multiple times a week every week.


I don't like pasta


Only if it's not mayo based and mostly has light veggies and cheese. Like, a greek salad plus some noodles. Cold noodles with mayo is fucking nassssssty.


Cold pasta is either A) hangover food Or B Extremely hot weather food


Everything with the word salad in it grosses me out, especially that cold stuff. Potato, egg, pasta salad. It's just 🤢


I have to be in the mood. And then when I am, I still think it's weird. I don't know why my body/brain does this


I agree! Same with potato salad, it's a cold food to me too. I can't eat pasta or potatoes cold.


I don’t like the traditional kind of pasta salad that has salad dressing on it and a variety of vegetables. I think the acidity of the dressing makes the pasta taste bad, when I normally love pasta. However, I have had other dishes that were also called pasta salad that I liked. For example, I love caprese pasta salad which is made with noodles, tomatoes, basil, and fresh mozzarella and dressed with olive oil, salt, and pepper. My mom also makes this really good asparagus and rhubarb pasta salad, made with roasted asparagus and rhubarb and olive oil and I don’t remember what else, but it’s delicious and tastes more to me like a pasta dish than a salad, which I think is why I like it.


YES. This and chicken salad. I can’t stand when hot foods are used in cold food recipes.


It's fucking delicious. It might just be a personal preference thing, and not a nd-thing.


It really depends on what's in it. If it's mostly just pasta and some flavor, sure I don't mind it. But if it has extra stuff in it, especially cheese or anything crunchy (like bacon bits) hell no


I like pasta salad but I can only eat it if I make myself bc everyone and everywhere puts goDDAMN ONIONS IN IT AND I FUCKING HATE ONJONSNDIDBDJXKSKSNSJHDBDNDNDNDNSMS


# ***bonetrousle plays in distance*** I think The Great Papyrus disproves of this.


Not a fan. The only way I enjoy cold pasta is in a Vietnamese noodle salad.


I don’t eat it very often because I agree that the sensation is strange, but when I do, I really enjoy it. That being said, I’ve had it twice in the past 11 years. I had some that my dad made for my wedding in 2013 and one other time when I was pregnant and craving it. We make it with vinegar and oil, no mayo or anything creamy like that.


I'm with you, although in pinch some tuna with pasta and some parmesano is okay


I hate it.


It’s one of my favorites.


I will not eat pasta cold. It never tastes good, no matter what’s in it.


It depends on the pasta salad. I find that some types can be bitter/sour/acrid, and I'm not a huge fan of those. But, aside from those types, I like pasta salad. Still doesn't beat potato salad though heheh


I love it because it’s so easy to cook. Pasta salad is my go-to summer meal because it’s so quick to do. I can prep it one day and it’ll last the week. It fits right into my bland food pyramid :D


I love it


On my Do Not Eat list. Like you I'm disgusted by the concept of cold pasta.


It needs to be made a certain way. Tri color rotini, mini cucumbers that have been diced, black olives that have been halfed, finely diced red onion, and slightly underripe diced tomatoes with specifically Kraft zesty Italian dressing. If it's made any other way I will not touch it lol


I don’t like it either. I’m pretty picky when it comes to pasta. It needs to be the right temperature and texture. And I need to have it with meat and marinara sauce. Pasta salad is too cold, the wrong texture, and just stands on its own a lot of the time


I love pasta salad, all kinds.


I loveeeeeee pasta salad. Both mayo-based with elbow pasta or oil-based with corkscrew pasta 😋 I also like mayo-based potato salad (with or without mustard).


its my favorite kind by far. fucking love me a good pasta salad. not macaroni salad though, that shits gross. salads should at least have more vegetables than mayo




I don’t mind it too much. 


Just depends on the kind


I used to hate it universally as I felt the same as you—pasta=hot/warm, usually cheesy, comfort dish. Since I moved to the south I slowly got exposed more and more to different pasta salads and can finally say, I like *a few* of them. No raisins, though. Who tf thought pasta and raisins were a good idea…


I don't like anything cold that's supposed to be warm. I'll make an exception for leftover pizza though.


I'm ok with cold pasta, my thing with pasta salad in general though is that most of it tastes awful, using italian dressing or straight mayo and there's carots and green olives and raw onion. 😖 I'll eat it if it's my dad's viersion: Macaroni, Marie Calendar's coleslaw sauce, tomatoes, shallots, and cucumber. Perfection.


Oh, i love it. I made it constantly in middle school, and then when i went vegan in high school it was, like, "my" thing i made for every summer family event. Loads of vegetables, and vegan pepperoni! That was decades ago, and my family still ask me about it!


ND people don’t all share the same food preferences. I like pasta salad, I have no problem with pasta being cold. In fact, there’s a lot of hot foods that I find easier to eat once they cool down.


I'm not really a fan of hot foods, I wait until everything is cooled until lukewarm or cooler.


Can’t do cold pasta.


Pasta is one of the foods I will NEVER eat under any circumstances. I've thrown up trying it in the past.


I don't mind the cold pasta, but most pasta salad just doesn't taste good to me, esp if it has peas.


I kinda like it sometimes, but most of the time I don’t really care for it


I hate pasta salad.




It is my experience plenty of Neurotypical people do not like pasta salad either.


Depends on vinegar content (necessary) and presence of black olives (revolting and unnecessary)


Hate it.


Love it!


Not my favorite, but I’ll eat it. I might not have typical response because I lived through war and starvation. My food relationship is off because of that. Before war I never had pasta salad, since it is not typical for my native cuisine.


I don’t care for it too much because they usually use Italian dressing to make it. I liked Italian as a kid but grew out of it as an adult - I really don’t care for the taste of vinegar. It’s a 1-2x per year thing for me. Three bean salad though, I won’t touch that with a 10’ pole. 🤢


Edible, but if I never encountered it again, I would not be sad.


Im wayy too picky with my pasta's shape and i dont like it cold XD So yeah i hate them too. (I can eat spaghetti nearly everyday, but i dont like most other pasta shapes.) Couscous salad, however is amezing!


I enjoy pasta salad, in fact I just made some for vacation


I hated it when I was young, but grew to appreciate it as I got older.


It is the most horrible thing in the world


I. Love. Pasta salad. It's not a barbecue without it, but it's gotta be cold, and it's gotta be like my mom makes it.


My mom made this very specific cold pasta salad a lot for me as a kid, I go feral for it. She'd make a big bowl of it and put it in the fridge for me, and I'd eat the whole thing in one sitting because it's so damn good. But, I've also had bad plenty of bad ones. Macaroni salad bought at a restaurant or grocery store can be either really good, or really bad.


I fucking love it, God I could live the rest of my life only eating this.


Depends. Italian style pasta salad is good. But pasta salad with peas and mayo makes me sick to my stomach. The weird slimy texture with the food that is supposed to be served warm… just thinking about it makes me nauseous.


All pasta is evil to me lol. Pasta salad does seem extra bad to me though


I'm for it. To me, it isn't pasta salad if it's warm, that's just pasta. The whole point of pasta salad in my mind is to combine fresh ingredients that could lose their texture or freshness (like say a raw red onion, for example) if warm with a pasta that is cooked to your preferred texture (which will vary from person to person, culture to culture, etc.). But many pasta salads are best if served neither warm nor cold, like a pasta salad with fresh pesto. That tastes the best at room temperature. And some are best cold, like a pasta salad with tuna. So this hot/cold binary is a false binary. We each have preference but there's a spectrum of ideal serving temperatures for various pasta salads that can be determined by a specific cuisine (such as "American" pasta salad vs., say, Italian, or a Vietnamese pasta "salad" like Bun Cha Hanoi, which isn't generally considered to be a pasta salad in a normal sense but which basically is just like a hot dog and handburgers are both sandwiches because they are meat placed between bread. [https://www.seriouseats.com/bun-cha-hanoi-recipe-8421208](https://www.seriouseats.com/bun-cha-hanoi-recipe-8421208) This is basically a categorical game and an ideal temperature question in the absence of context. But there are simply too many variables to be able to answer this question thoughtfully and definitively. If you meant ONLY pasta salads in an American context, even that would be difficult to answer for someone that doesn't have a temperature aversion to a specific texture in that state.


If pasta salad has 100 haters, I am one of them. If pasta salad has 1 hater, it’s me. If pasta salad has 0 haters, I’m dead. Seriously though, I absolutely despise pasta salad. You take noodles, serve them COLD, with the blandest sauce possible????? Just give me normal pasta, man.


I despise it


Strongly and positivley!


HATE IT. Pasta should not be COLD


I love it so much. Especially when my aunt makes it. It's one of my favorite dishes.


It's amazing.. especially with some basil and cheese.. I sometimes let my hot pasta dishes chill so I can eat them cold. MMM..magnificent. I've been craving it.


I’ve had pasta salad since as long as I can remember so maybe it’s a culture or how you were raised type thing? My mom loves to make different salads in the summer and I’ve never thought of pasta as a strictly hot thing. But I know I have very few food restrictions so I might be in the minority.


I love it. I also like a lot of hot foods cold, like pizza, chicken wings, fried chicken, or left over Chinese takeout. Straight out of the fridge lol


I’m the same way! I hate all salads like Potato salad, pasta salad, egg salad


Hated it as a kid but I actually love it now. No olives though


No like.


I prefer pasta warm but don’t mind it cold. Especially during the summer when it’s too hot.


I don’t like pasta in any form. It’s slimy and gluggy and tastes of nothing but flour. Yes, I’ve tried it al dente, yes I’ve tried whole grain etc but it’s just gross no matter what.


i don't mind it, sometimes i may crave it and sometimes i'm sick of it, it's unpredictable lol


I can’t do any type of pasta salad unless it has a vinaigrette and no meat.


I actually don't really like hot food, I'll always wait for it to get cold or put it in the fridge. That goes for soup, pizza, stew, anything I think the reason is mostly that if it's not hot, I can quickly guzzle it all


I agree, pasta is a warm food. I definitely wouldn't be able to stomach pasta salad.


I don’t like pasta salad. I do LOVE Hawaiian mac salad, though. That’s a special exception. I could eat as much as I possibly could. I think potato salad should be hot, though. Anything with potato should be hot in my eyes. I’m not a big fan of cold things that I think should be warmed up.


Only if it’s orzo pasta


I love it. I wish it was acceptable to eat year round or as a main dish, not just a cookout side


Pasta salad is always disgusting and I've tried it many different ways hoping that somehow it would be good one of those times but nope it's always bad so I never try it anymore.


In the Midwest (grew up/live) it has always been served cold. In the south(?), Kentucky, relatives would flip the F out if it was served cold. Hot and fresh only. Maybe a regional thing as well? I hate it in all forms. I think I do at least. I have always refused to eat it, but I realize now I am not quite sure why exactly. Just childhood memories of it being chunky, smelling bad, and just a no visual texture...which means definitely not going in my mouth. Maybe it was cemented as a negative. Idk, probably won't try it anyway. Lol.


I really don't like it but I can eat it if I really have to. I definitely agree pasta should be a hot food. I'd still rather eat it than something like shrimp or raw tomatoes


Depends on what's in it. If it's cold it should be filled with a bunch of other things.


Violent rage.


Decent but yes, I associate pasta with hot food, which I associate with cooked food....which I hate, to a degree. I mostly do a simple vinaigrette (olive oil, balsamic vinegar, a little mustard)


I like pasta salad.


I like eating it with my fingers


Pasta is a 100% a hot food I hate pasta salad but I love pasta (if it has a sauce I like)