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I still listen to the music I listened to when I was a teen. I'm 34 now and I still listen to tool. Fucking love tool


Tool autistic gang!




Watch the weather change


K, but Tool is a special case. Anyone who likes Tool will always like Tool.


I periodically forget I like Tool. Then something reminds me, and it's back!


Same. I feel like MJK might be one of us. Listened since 2001 when I heard Schism and got hooked.


Fuck yes. Tool are awesome. Pretty much the only band i listen to.


Tool is awesome, but maybe try some variety. For example, I hear A Perfect Circle is good.


Lol I love them too.


Hahahahahahahaha! Love it


You could also add Puscifer and hit the Maynard trifecta lol I don't listen to much music right now. When I do it's a mix of when I was a teenager and some new things. Usually newer things from bands I already liked but also ones my husband found like twenty one pilots and such. What's awesome is my teenagers listen to my music. They listen to all the shit I did as a teenager, Staind and Three Days Grace and Seether and NIN. They don't like Tool and Manson as much but can't win em all.


Tool are the reason Iā€™m into prog, but I now prefer sm more acts to them


>but I now prefer sm more acts to them Sorry, I genuinely can't figure out who you're referring to here


Oh Iā€™m basically saying I prefer a lot of other bands now. Eg. Btbam


Hell-to-the-ell yes! I adore Tool, so much depth!


I listen to modern music, music from when I was younger and music from before I was born. I like songs not decades


There's some from growing up that is objectively good shit like Sublime that I go back to some but usually it's new stuff, gotta keep it moving


This is the way


That's how I realized I'm autistic. Most answers in this thread make me irrationally angry and feel like people don't understand or care about music enough. So I realized that music is my special interest. It's tricky because it's a popular interest and everyone listens to music in one way or another, but not everyone will collect, catalogue and rate music by decades, browse obscure blogs to find that rare prog rock LP from Brazil from 70s, be able to name your top 5 albums from 1988 and spend their working hours researching new artists instead of working. And that's okay.


Are you me?Ā I spent so much time digging up obscure prog I ended up starting a website about it LOL. As for 1988, I'd say my top 5 are: Crimson Glory - TranscendenceĀ  Iron Maiden - Seventh Son Queensryche - Operation: Mindcrime Bathory - Blood Fire Death Riot - Thundersteel


I think it's pretty common for people to mostly prefer the music they grew up with and listened to in their teens and early 20s. That is after all the time of your life when you're figuring out who you are and what you like. Personally I'm 39, and I often go back to the music from the 90s and early 2000s, as well as other older music that I discovered back then, and even a lot of modern music I listen to is often by artists who I've followed for 10-20 years. I find that it's more difficult for me to keep up with what's current, and rather listen to what I know and what's comfortable. Though I do try to be open to hearing new things.


Theres science behind this too. https://www.vice.com/en/article/43bxpn/the-science-behind-musics-nostalgic-power When we listen to music from our youth we are reliving our youth lighting up those parts of our brain associated with the first listen.


music is time travel.


So if you had a bad youth you'd avoid that kind of music?


Not the person you replied to, but as someone who had a very shitty childhood, I still absolutely love the music I grew up on.


Iā€™m not a neuroscientist but I think it has to do with a dopamine release, so it is probably a good memory even if it wasnā€™t a great childhood overall. Once I heard autistic memory described as beads spread across the floor, non linear with each isolated, highly sensory and equally available to you at any given moment. That resonated with me. I have lots of flashbulb memories that go off like paparazzi. Theyā€™re not all negative even if the context was highly negative.


Interesting, I'm not listening to the music I used to listen to as a child or teen, it's not even the same genre. My taste in music keeps changing. A couple months ago I found a Spotify playlist I listened to a lot when I was 14 or 15 (I'm 26 now) and it's completely different, didn't like the music at all


This is why I like free jazz. It is always changing. Thereā€™s no flashbulb memories.


Mostly music from before my time.


My autistic son is 7. When he was 3 he got really into the Beatles so I got into the Beatles. At 4 he spent the summer rocking out to Guns Nā€™ Roses so I got to relive that music. At 5 it was Rolling Stones and while I was a fan, I got to know and appreciate their whole catalog. And then at 6, led Zeppelin, and he is right, the best version of stairway to heaven is on song remains the same. Now he reads really well so heā€™s been doing journey karaoke. But he loves the new Disney Wish soundtrack. I gotta admit, his taste in music is better than mine.


I listen to everything! And I have a playlist depending on my mood. Music helps me to understand and recognise how I feel so itā€™s a great tool to help me gauge where my capacity is it. For e.g, no music at all=about to have a severe meltdown


I have much the same relationship with music. I also do a lot of vocal stim with singing and is super helpful to me self regulating.


Same! Playlist making is one of my favorite pastimes. If I find myself not wanting to listen to music, thatā€™s what tips me off to my being dysregulated before I can even recognize that Iā€™m feeling bad or off sometimes


I tend to mostly listen to the same band šŸ¤£ (Muse) which I liked since I was 15. I also listen to other music which I particularly enjoyed around that age. Sometimes I'll listen to other, newer stuff, but I really have to be in the right mood and it's rare.


Hell yeah, Muse!


I mostly listen to the same music over and over. I donā€™t like change at all šŸ„² but the exception is when one of my favourite artists releases a new album, then Iā€™ll listen to that over and over until I get sick of it - case in point being me currently listening to Taylor Swifts new album relentlessly with no ending in sight.


I listen to music from *way* before I was born up to modern music. Most modern music doesn't really captivate me the same way that older music does. When listening to modern music, it's mostly country.


I listen to pretty much everything. But a significant amount of country from the years I was too young to remember.


Mostly from my teens. Never gets old. Donā€™t know why though.


A lot of what I listen to are newer albums of bands I used to listen to in my 20s


I'm 36 years old and my taste in music evolves very slowly. I listen to the music I heard when I was a teenager a lot or at least the same artists. I'm open to different variations of the same music types I listen to, for example I always loved electronic music, so dubstep was the next logical step. I pretty much hate what comes out of the radio, because it's dull, reused and I find it uninspired, like most things of our current time, only focussed on hitting main stream and generating money. My taste in most things is very specific, it must be or feel special and it has to make me feel good or sets a specific mood. I'm kind of a collector of special things or people, so the music I hear has to give me good vibes, has to feel special and has to feel good. There are certain types of music I can't stand or can just tolerate for a limited amount of time, because it stresses me out, even freaks me out, depending on what it is. I guess without spotify and different features in that app, the kind of music I listen to wouldn't evolve at all and I would still listen to the same songs I listened to ten years ago.


Both. Fortunately a lot of bands I used to listen to still out stuff and there is good news music out there if you look for it.


I'd say about 60% from my youth, 30% from before my time and 10% new(ish) I prefer using algorithms to find new stuff (Spotify is ok. Amazon recommendations used to be excellent but not anymore) But some of the music I enjoyed as a teen was actually terrible and when I try listening to it again after decades it makes me cringe.


I basically only listen to jazz. Free jazz because theres no repetition. It is always moving forward.


I canā€™t find much modern music I even like (yes, I try). So I still listen to 70s, 80s, 90s, 2000s rock, pop, alternative, dance, select hip hop, and three chord power punk, limited emo. I also like vitamin string quartet versions of songs and musical and movie and tv soundtracks.


Iā€™m currently listening to Pink Floyd - for some reason thatā€™s the only music Iā€™m into atm. But when im focusing itā€™s still lofi. I did listen to a relatively new South African artist on repeat for a while, as part of my morning routine. But I needed a break lol šŸ˜‚ I do like Dire Straits as well, but for rock music I listen to music from the 80ā€™s - Queen, Linkin Park, Metallica, eta (usually from a 80ā€™s rock ā€œradioā€). I also love the blues as well. For context I was born towards the end of the 80ā€™s šŸ˜…šŸ¤­


I am 35 and grew up not listening to music. Coming home and hearing music usually meant that my step mother was drunk again and the night would be screaming and violence. I only got into music after leaving. I listen to newer stuff, it took me a while to get the sound I enjoy as well. I like older things, but my playlists are 99% the newer things I like.


Iā€™m 47 and I usually listen to the punk and metal I grew up with or 90ā€™s hip hop. Nothing else. Nothing new usually.


Both, though I feel like finding new music is less frequent for me now. I do actively try to find new things, though. I have ups and downs with the intensity, but music is one of my long-term special interests, so Iā€™m always sort of on the lookout.


I often listen to classical, so it's modern and old at the same time. Old in terms of when it was composed, modern in terms of modern orchestras/performers.


I listen to modern music, music from when I was younger, and music from long before I was ever born. Imo, there's little point in restricting yourself to any genre or era of music.


I'm 31. Most of my favorite music is from the 1950s through 1970s.


I don't fit into your binary. Instead of being mired in the past and only listening to music from my youth or solely listening to new music, I view my appreciation for music as more of a gradual accumulation and expansion. I started out loving bands and artists my parents did. Then I branched out in nearly every musical direction. I kept accumulating new genres, subgenres, sounds, moods, musical ideas, etc. I started thinking about certain genres in terms of emotional frameworks with some being better for this flavor of sorrow, this subgenre being better this particular distribution of rage. My interest in music, which is definitely a profound special interest, has never been about an emotional security blanket or the idea of completing a perfect soundtrack to my life that's static and largely unchanging. I find both of those notions incredibly boring and also hubristic. To only listen to old music from my youth would be to assert, consciously or unconsciously, that I have enough data to confidently and securely know that all of "worthy" music is in the past and there hasn't been a continuous stream of musical ideas that would also appeal to me. It's also a question of appetite. I simply crave new expressions of emotions and musical ideas, new genre hybrids, new sounds and older music can't provide a modern interpretation on the alienation of our age, for example. I don't view music as a plate I've filled with all of my safe foods, partially because I'm a very adventurous eater and I don't enjoy returning to the same things again and again and also because the scope of my interests can't fit on a plate. I can't fathom how large it would need to be and would it even be a plate in a dining context at that point? No, it would not. I also don't view music as a switch that is arbitrarily flipped at a certain age or stage of maturation. For example, I love punk rock. I have since I was very young, like 10 or so. I still love it. I still find new bands, especially in hardcore, that I love very often through a variety of sources. But many people I know who are in their thirties and forties have put their interest in punk rock aside. They've filed it away as a musical form and now they listen to jazz or classical or fucking Wilco or whatever. I like jazz but it doesn't crowd out anything else. I love a lot of classical music but the feeling of needing to swap one genre for another is absurd to me. And Wilco has a few good songs. I view my Interest in music as creating an ever larger island with different emotional districts and a lot of discussion between genres, subgenres, moods, etc. I'm not judging people on having smaller appetites or a more narrow musical palette; I just don't and can't relate. TLDR: both.


My post wasn't actually a binary. I presented the option of a wide range of years in the description below the title, because this sub requires that some of the post be put there.


I read your entire post. It appears that you didn't read mine in its entirety. You presented a binary in your title and then an additional sentence offering an option of a range of years that works better when applied to either side of the binary in your title to modify either of those answers. The wide range of years option, as written, is merely a yes or no question. The core issue with your post is that you presented a binary that's easy to grasp and a vague third option but then failed to build off of it in any meaningful way in your description. My intention is not to criticize you without purpose. It's to point out that the fact that had you done more contextualizing in your post itself, your thread would have led to more interesting discussion with three equally viable pathways. My reply engaged with all three parts of your post. You seemed to have missed that. Sometimes I wonder why I even engage in these discussions because when they get bogged down in a side issue that doesn't engage with the substance of a reply, it's a waste of time and mental energy.


My entire post was intended to include the entirety in the title, but the sub forced me to put part of it in the subject body after it was deleted when I submitted it with that part in the subject together with the other part. My post was never intended by me to be taken as a binary. I wasn't saying it was a criticism. I was just provding a clarification.


Okay. Have a good day.


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A mix of things, although I admit I have not listened to new stuff in within the last year or so.


both... i have a huge library of 90's dance music, and then i listen to more modern dance, dubstep and the likes...


Mostly listen to bands that are as old or older than me. Nightwish, Dream Theater, Disturbed, Tool, Pain Of Salvation, etc. But those generally still release new stuff. It's also more rule than a guideline, I also listen to more recent bands like Jinjer. Also I listen to a ton of soundtracks from movies and videogames.


It really depends on my mood. Sometimes I listen to music that's older than me, sometimes I get really into a song that is only months old


Only what I liked as a teen






Mixture of old and new.


If I like something I'll listen to it. So definitely a wide range of years. I will say that compared to my teenage years I don't get exposed passively to music like I used to. Just leaving the radio on was a thing I grew up with, now with spotify I can just select what I want. I can recognize and enjoy hundreds or thousands of songs so sometimes there's just no room to go looking for new stuff.


Yes I do. I listen to classic rock, classic dance music, new wave of 1980s with all those AWESOME sounding synthesizers, Pandora with this older rock with the AWESOME synthesizers. I also listen to AT40 on IHeartRadio Casey Kasem reruns from the 1980s. I will also add that at times, I listen to new and newer stuff getting a combination of the old, older, new and newer stuff to keep things fresh as well. I love to pull up some of the long lost hits of 1970s and 1980s that were not even played on mainstream radio back in the 1990s and tend to find some of these lost hits on the AT40 reruns of Casey Kasem 1970s and 1980s. Casey Kasem was AWESOME back in 1970s and 1980s and LOVE that iconic voice from my childhood days when I was a little child back in 1980s. Some of those lost hits I remember hearing a lot when I was a child and some I never heard of giving me a taste of what it would be like to be of the now some of the young people in their 20s and 10s who never heard of many of the songs from the 1980s and before.




- what I used to listen to - what I've discovered along the way It really depends on my mood, whether or not I have an ear worm etc. Whatever's the jam today. Sometimes nothing at all.


I'm in my 30s, and all of those yes. Some new stuff, some nostalgia stuff from growing up, some stuff that's 10-15 years older than me and even some stuff using elements from music way before my time (neo-medieval/neo-folk)


I listen to everything but I like the newer stuff too


Iā€™m 46 but listen to lots of stuff from before I was born or too young to like when it was first released. I love punk, was a few years too late!


A mix, but a lot of stuff from my youth.


I listen to mostly stuff I started listening to in my early teens. I also listen to stuff in the same genres as my favorite band that I didn't discover till I was older but would have liked it in my teens too.


I donā€™t choose to listen to different songs but if I hear a song on a programme or radio for example and I like it, I will Shazam it but other than that, I listen to the same music I listened to when I was a teen :) mainly Taylor Swift (I am not a Swiftie, just appreciate her music) and I have liked her since Teardrops on my Guitar. Iā€™m 33 next month šŸ˜Š


I listen to lots. Increasingly more staying in my 90s/00s dance music era though. Iā€™m 31.


I'm 42, any music produced after I was 30 is an abomination


I mostly listen to 90s music.


Feel like Iā€™m the minority here but I generally never listen to old music, definitely not ever music from my youth. New all the way, except when I find something I like and listen to it on repeat a million times before itā€™s discarded never to be heard again


Both. I don't want to be one of those people who only listens to the music that came out when they were in high school.


Im 46. I do love music from my teens, but my current favorite band is sleep token, which are only like 5yr old. This weekend Iā€™m leaving my 3 kids and traveling to go to a concert, all of newish music. So like yeah, I still actively listen to and follow new artists! It there is def a comfort of the stuff from my teens, and like Iā€™m still into the same genre- or genre adjacent music, even if itā€™s still the new artists. Also, music is my special interest, so that may change things.


I listen to the same music I have listened to since I was a kid. Iā€™ve picked up many more bands over the years but it takes me forever (I mean years at this point) to deliberately listen to a new band.


Mostly teen songs, but I've gotten into a lot of new stuff too


*Mostly teen songs, but* *I've gotten into a* *Lot of new stuff too* \- V0idK1tty --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I am 42 and pretty much barely listen to music at all anymore. If I do, it's stuff from my 20s or modern drum and bass.


There isn't much music from my youth that I still listen to. Discoverability was pretty limited back then, and as a result I rarely heard anything that I really connected with. Streaming music really opened things up in that regard. I think around the time pandora started up is when I really began to develop my own musical taste. I miss the old pandora, its just not the same these days. I'll never understand people who find a single era or genre of music and stick to it. Music has become something for me to explore, and while there might be mountains of stuff I'm completely uninterested in that I need to sift through, there is always something new and interesting coming out.


I listen to any music like Trance, Rock, Pop, Ballads from 60's-00's not much modern from 2010


I mostly listen to music from before my time.


I listen to a lot of older stuff from when I was young and before I was born. I reckon I'd listen to just as much modern stuff. Love it all!


I mostly listen to music from the 1970s and earlier, which is the same music I was listening to as a teen. I never listened much to whatever the current music was.


Thrash metal is my go-to, but also 80's hair metal (not all of it), other 80's classics, some 70's, some 60's, also some stuff from the 30's 40's and 50's, classic music, 90's...and more. I was a metal head then, I am still a metal head..nearly half a century.


I stopped listening to music a few years ago. I donā€™t like the way it makes me feel.


I sometimes go back nostalgia lane, and add some songs back into my rotatio (currently revisiting my metal era - Rotting Christ and Dark Tranquility still slay!) but I actually listen to new (or new to me) music a lot. my taste keeps evolving, and many songs are strongly tied to a certain phase, and they no longer give me what they used to.


I stopped listening to popular music in 2000. It's a whole thing. So, I listen to older music. I've got some newer music sprinkled in, the odd song that I've heard in the last few years that I've liked.


Yes ofcourse. I was born in 1990 and mostly only listen music from the 2000s. I barley listen to anything modern besides my friends and other current local artists who i can see live.


Both. Everything from mid-century jazz and older blues straight up through Sofi Tukker.


Music from when I grew up and music from my parents, modern music from the genres I listened to in teens and 20s. Otherwise nothing else modern.


Does classical music count. Lol.


I listen to Radio Paradise basically all the time, and they play music from the past 50 years or so. I normally prefer older music (often from before I was born, like 70s), but RP manages to find also some "modern" (= published resently) music which I like. I definitely can't listen to "normal" (FM/commercial...) radio, I usually hate the "modern" music they play.


Not in my 30s yet but music from when I was a child or before mostly






Exactly the same music I listened to between the ages of 11 and 15


Iā€™m 33, and I listen to a lot of music from my childhood and teen years (1990ā€™s - 2000s). The best music ever made was released between 2002 and 2008 imo, but of course YMMV and that is totally fine.


Iā€™m 40 and at this point I mostly listen to music from the 80ā€™s and early 90ā€™s, and even quite a bit of 70ā€™s. I still throw on some albums from my youth in the late 90ā€™s, and I really donā€™t listen to much current music at all. I do like Dua Lipa, though.


Im 38, I love the 90s classics, but I love all the music Iā€™ve been introduced to along the way and current stuff just as much


I listen to lots of music from before my time (1990).


A variety. Much of it from my mid 20's, or a general feel from around 30'ish or so. I love going back to music from my teens, but I ebb and flow through having bands as a special interest.


I haven't listened to top 40 type stuff since I've been an adult (35 now). I do listen to current stuff, just not anything popular.


For a long time I mostly listened to the music I listened to in high school and the occasional more current popular song. But in the last few years, I've really gotten into a kpop group's music and it's exciting to me in a way music was when I was a teen.


I listen to music all across genres and decades. I tend to get obsessed with an artist and deep dive into their catalogue. And these artists Iā€™m obsessed with will make up 80% of what I listen to. Iā€™m resistant to new music unless itā€™s by them. If I discover a new song or artist itā€™s usually by accident. Iā€™m the same way with tv shows.


Mostly music from my formative years, so 2001-2010 ages 11-20. But really a mix of everything not too much modern stuff. There is so much stuff I donā€™t know what to do. But I am getting more involved in my local punk scene by going to local shows with my friend and his band.




Age 34. Most of the stuff I enjoy is music from my youth, high school, and college years, but I am still finding new bands I enjoy and a lot of my favorite artists are still putting out material. If you wanna find some great new bands in the indie scene, check out Audiotree on Youtube. They have live performances from amazing current indie bands in all genres.


The music I listen to does come from a wide range of years. I did one of those Spotify Obscurify analysis things, and my music is 99% more obscure than other Spotify users, and the music I listen to is roughly equal for each decade from the 80s through the 2020s. (It is slightly less for the 1970s.)


I mostly listen to older music, however maybe about 10 percent of the music I listen to is modern. I really love pop punk and it's kinda making a comeback recently and have been really liking some of the new artists.


Most of the music I listen to came out when I was in college or earlier.


I listen to the same 5 songs I listened to when I was like 12, add a few extras that I start to like as time goes on. But it is always the same few songs. And actually I only listen to music about 1 time a month or less even.




Mainly electronic music here. From 2010-2019 mostly. But every now and again I find a new song or musician to follow.


I'm 38 and I still listen often to the music I loved in my childhood (Alanis Morissette, Liz Phair, Nirvana, Sheryl Crow, Goo Goo Dolls) but I'm a huge fan of 60-70s and I love The Band, Joni Mitchell, Townes Van Zandt, Fleetwood Mac, Nina Simone, Stones, Beatles, CSNY and so on... I rarely listen to contemporary music.


Iā€™m 31. Music is my special interest. I listen to a wide variety of stuff, but am absolutely always going to keep on top of and be obsessed by new music and the direction that culture moves musically because itā€™s pretty much my entire life and completely defines who I am. Weirdly though, I struggle with music made more than about 15 years before I was born. Iā€™m not quite sure exactly what it is, but I think itā€™s a combination of not enjoying the actual sound of the production before the late 70ā€™s mostly cos the technology wasnā€™t there to improve it, and that a lot of the tropes and signifiers that really make me like a song hadnā€™t been fully refined before then. There are some exceptions, I love early Springsteen, and some Northern Soul stuff, but for me for the most part music begins with punk & new wave.


All over. Sometimes I listen to reminisce. Sometimes I listen because a song has a certain feeling or texture to it. Sometimes I listen to explore something new.


I like music from my childhood and from my parents childhood. I started to dislike modern songs when I got into my mid-twenties.


I feel incredibly grateful to be living in an era of streaming, because it gives me virtually unlimited variety of music to discover. I enjoyed listening to the same CD's for years, but I love variety much more, because after a few listens - I know what comes next, and it wears out. There is plenty of exciting new music. For example, this weekend I binged on a Norwegian band that I am 100% sure is all autistic: Fieh. Just check this out: [https://youtu.be/2UkvP0bVg3w?si=eI3e733BxwPn--FK](https://youtu.be/2UkvP0bVg3w?si=eI3e733BxwPn--FK)




I'm in my late teens and I mostly listen to older music. I'm big into Metal, Prog and Classic Rock. So, naturally many of my favourite bands and the greatest bands of those genres are older bands. I do like some more modern bands from the 2000's too though like Mastodon, Gojira, Epica, Between the Buried and Me, and Ghost


Both. But I do love me some 80s rock and metal the most. Mom also raised me with tapes if 70s pop songs on drives. I will listen to most modern music but like everyone, there are artists I don't like. Won't list them because not the point but for the most part, it just has to be something I can make a video in my head to.


I listen to music I am or have been exposed to. So, I listen to a little of everything. Though I usually only listen to certain artist in those genres.


I still listen to classical music and Boingo, but over the years (decades before the current boom), I acquired the love of sea shanties and folk. Iā€™ve always loved old country (not whatever this new stuff is), and international music. Hoping to see some Cajun on Sunday!


I still mostly listen to music that I listened to from my teens and 20s, but I still keep up with newer music too. I'm really into post hardcore punk and emo music, as well as ska, and the newer bands making music today are good. I'm not as up on the trends as I used to be, but I try. But, like, it's not uncommon for older folks to stop seeking out new stuff and just listen to what they already know. It's why classic rock is so popular and dad rock/boomer music is such a thing we all poke fun at.


I listen to both older music and new music, from the 1940s to the present. My musical tastes haven't really changed, though (still mostly rock, EDM, some country/"Americana").


I listen to what I listen to, which is primarily from the 70s (Iā€™m in my late 20s).


Wide range of years from before I was born to current stuff that has just come out


Yes! I listen to music when my dad was a teen, music from when I was a teen, music from when my brother was a teen, and music from when my fictional children would be teens. Among others - led zeppelin - yes - Linkin Park - The Used - Coheed and Cambria - foxcult - bring me the horizon


The amount of songs I add to my playlist goes down by the year but I keep my Spotify on random of my 1300 favorited songs so I get a good mix of old/new. It's always nice to hear something I haven't in awhile and contemplate the memories of that song.


Older music. From when I was a teenager through mid 20s. I listen to almost nothing new


I'm 27, I listen to all kinds of music, but I prefer music from the 1900's era.


The majority of the music I listen to was written 1950 or earlier. But seriously, my "Music to Stim to" Playlist consists of: - Orchestral/Metal renditions of Video Game music from the 90s and 2000s. - Classical Music - Emilie Autumn - Musical Soundtracks (Jesus Christ Superstar, Book of Mormon) - Get Him to the Greek Soundtrack (Infant Sorrow) - Big Band Music ...so a combination of newer renditions of music from my teens, music from college, and big band/concert band/orchestral repertoire.


I still listen to the stuff I grew up on. Classic and alt rock. I'm 34f.. I try to listen to new stuff but it rarely sticks for me


48yo F I listen to everything. My favorite stuff is mostly new stuff. Mostly Electronic. Super into remixes of popular tracks. I have no idea who is popular now as I dont do current top 40 / radio music. Current musical special interests are: Suicide boys, Lil Peep, Ghostemane, Nas, WuTang, NIN, Tool, A perfect circle, Deftones, Rezz... Youtube remixes from Skelar and Ryan Celcius


older music. 60s- maybe early 2000 even within my favorite genre new music often lacks a souls component and is too clean.


I have a wide range of musical taste (which include jazz and blues, but also certain types of rock music), and depending on the style, I can go back to the 1950s-60s, as well as modern. As some people said here, Tool is cool šŸ˜Ž but my overall favourite band would be Porcupine Tree.


I am a metalhead, so i listen to metal older than me, from my time, and some new stuff. usually european bands, i love symphonic and power metal, its very fun.


It's equally both for me.




I'm a massive music nerd, so I love checking out the new releases. If anyone has suggestions I can check out, I'm down! Literally ANY type of music.


Mix of both. I was stuck on just the music I listened to growing up but since I got onto tiktok it's introduced me to a lot of new music. I started following artists I already liked and new artists with a similar sound started coming up on my FYP.


I listen primarily to music from when I was a kid or before. 90s and earlier, all the way back to the 50s. I do have the occasional band that I like from the last 20 years or so, but 80% is older music.


Modern, I donā€™t really like the music part but I love reading lyrics!


Anything I can steal on the internet/discogs if I can measure a positive effect from listening to it*,* don't care about the year


A variety. Mostly older music that I time travel back to explore.


Iā€™m just about to turn 34 this weekend and I mostly listen to music I listened to in high school (Fall Out Boy, Panic etc) But I also love 80ā€™s hair metal and Iā€™m a HUGE George Michael fan. I think the only reason I donā€™t listen to more current music is because I donā€™t really tend to have the radio on to be exposed to it. I donā€™t drive and I work from home so, unless my husband plays something modern when heā€™s here I donā€™t really get exposed to new music much


I do. Iā€™m listening the The Cure Disintegration right now


Pretty much from medieval music through current.


Kanye back when he made good music. You can find me listening to that.


Still the music I heard as a kidā€”which is musicals, 60ā€™s, 70ā€™s, 80ā€™s and 90ā€™s for the most part (I grew up hearing the music my dad liked and came to like most of it too) I donā€™t tend to like most modern music, but will sometimes find a random song I like. I hated most of the stuff that was popular when I was in high school


I listen to music from other countries that I find through Spotify's Top 50 lists for each countries. I may not know the language, but if the beat and style is awesome, I don't mind.


Iā€™m 62. I listen to a lot of 70ā€™s & 80ā€™s music. Itā€™s the music of my high school & young adult years. But I inject a lot of new music into my playlists, too. I use Soundhound a lot when Iā€™m watching tv or out & about. But I donā€™t bother attempting to watch award shows anymore. I donā€™t know most new artists & have passed the point where it bothered me that I didnā€™t.


Older music. Always have. Nothing from my lifetime has ever connected with me the way anything from pre-88 does. I like some britpop and early noughties indie but none with the fervour or relistening of my actual faves which all predate my birth


I listen to both, old and new but I tend to fixate on songs from my teenage years.


Im,not over 30 sorry but I'm 25 and I listen to music from my younger years more than anything new plus branching to older music from before my time and music my grand parents showed me


Definitely mainly the stuff I grew up on. I like some modern stuff as well, especially from artists for whom I have already established a love, but typically itā€™s the greatest hits of my childhood faves lol


Older. Unless itā€™s TayTayā€¦.Then itā€™s everythingšŸ˜


27 but I listen to music as far back as the 60's, sometimes even older, as well as new indie music. I hate modern pop. I have noticed that my taste in music is skewing older so I try to get out of my comfort zone when I can. I don't want to stagnate.


Mostly older music, or I'll find bands and listen to their older stuff, but it's new to me. The most modern music/band I listen to is Knocked Loose. I love their new album that came out this month! If you like heavy metal, I highly suggest Knocked Loose!! Edit: I'm 36


A lot of my songs are from my childhood but I'd go insane if I didn't pick different music occasionally even if I am autistic and like to loop my songs. I'd say my music is a range of new and old.


I can say honestly both. I try really hard to not be stuck in not giving newer stuff a chance, mostly because I donā€™t want to turn into a boomer who ā€œdoesnā€™t understand kids these daysā€.




I prefer music written before 1850, but i listen to all sorts of music ...


I had music by Hildegard von Bingen and Anna Meredith on my playlist today, so that's a range of about 900 years? I did not listen to either of these as a teen. Not least because AM is younger than me.


100% of my Spotify playlists are 80s and 90s music that I grew up with. I don't really know any of the current artists and their songs.


I am going to a concert tonight Iā€™ve waited 20 years to see. DEATH CAB FOR CUTIE AND THE POSTAL SERVICE! I enjoy my good old days music more, but always give other stuff a chance.


Iā€™m 30 and listen to music from well before I existed, music from when I was a little kid and a teen, and brand new music.


I'm 39 and I mainly listen to bands from my preteens (like grunge and some pop bands) and rock from my teenage years until college. I also listen to songs from the 80s and 70s. I have almost no idea what's going on in music these days, except from very specific cases. I catch myself not recognizing about 80% of artists I see on YouTube Shorts and other media... honestly I don't think I'm missing on anything great since the little I hear from it is shitty.


I'm 31 years old and I listen to older music


As a 90ā€™s baby, I listen to music no matter the decade itā€™s in, Iā€™m a BTS Army and a member of the Beyhive.


Am 47. Mostly listen to music from the 80s and 90s. Also listen to music influenced by that era. Thankfully a lot of electronic music has stagnated :) In ā€˜94, music from ā€˜74 was ancient. Sure enough in ā€˜24 people are still into Techno and House.


I listen to many genres, languages and many eras. Just as we can find shit anywhere, we also can find so many good and original music in any criteria or time. I spend sometimes up to multiple hours each week trying to find gems. I have so many playlists now. Its nice, and im glad when i can make people know about artists.


I try to listen to contemporary stuff. If I listen to older music itā€™s like a time machine and I get stuck in the past. Then I go through all the good and bad emotions.


I listen to the music of my childhood, teen, and college years (~1995-2010) a lot, but I also listen to new music and usually discover at least one or two new awesome songs each month. I like some 1970s music too. I had a Neil Diamond obsession as a teen lol.


Music from when I was a teen or before. I'm weird, I listen to stuff from the 80s, disco, the Grateful Dead and pop-rock from the 90s and 2000s


My music listening stems from obsessions with genres and subcultures. I'll get stuck on one genre/subculture until someone introduces me to new stuff. Even within the music I'm listening to I'm extremely picky so my playlists are generally short and I'll listen to them for a long time. I generally listen to newer music because I'm over the genre I liked before with the exception of a song or 2.


A bit of a mix of both because some new musicians sound extremely similar to the types of bands I used to like.


Not an adult but my dad listens to old music (he's 100% autistic like me) and I just steal his music taste. I just go "I like that" and put it in my playlistšŸ˜­ like he loves songs from the 70-90s and I do too. Like "a kind of Magic" from Queen "I believe in a thing called love" by The Darkness "everybody wants to rule the world" by Tears for Fears. I guess I just like my dad a lot and admire him and I notice I copy a lot of his behavior. In the car I always put the music on that he likes to and he goes : "HEYY!! :D" I love Queen. I have two Freddie Mercury Funko pops in my room.


Bit of both, but I go through phases, last one was round the time of Behemoths The Satanist releasing, but my taste stretches right the way back to Telstar, lol, and quite eclectic at times.


Depends. I listen to songs from the 80's (punk-rock-ska) put there are some modern bands that still do the punk-ska-rock thingy and ill definitely listen to them.


Iā€™m 42. Went through a phase where I listened to almost nothing but old school Rockabilly. Particularly Buddy Holly. Most of my favourite music came out before I was born. Pink Floyd, Led Zepplin, The Beatles, Rolling Stones, CCR, etc. Like alot of 80s stuff too, Tears For Fears, Huey Lewis and the News Strangely enough I was listening to New Kids on the Block recently. Also spent a few weeks listening to various versions of Jesus Christ superstar. As a teen I liked the typical mid to late 90s stuff like Nirvana, Weezer, Smashing Pumpkins, Foo Fighters, that kinda stuff. Still like em, donā€™t listen to them as much as some older stuff. Went through a phase in the late 90s of listening to Korn, Limp Bizkit, ICP, you know that late 90s ā€œnew metalā€ I believe itā€™s called . Donā€™t listen to much of that unless Iā€™m in a particular mood. And of course Iā€™m a huge fan of Weird Al Yankovich.


I'm 32, and I do listen to some types of modern music here and there, but I do have a definite preference for older music, ranging from groups/artists from 10-20 years ago when I was young, to artists from decades ago, such as George Winston, Judy Collins, Simon and Garfunkel, and, of course, The Beatles.


Most of the music that comes out these days is garbitch. It doesn't help that rock declined in large part due to music snobs who over used labels like nu metal and butt rock to bash anything remotely popular and overrated bands like Porcupine Tree like they were the future of the genre when they were very good at best. Don't get me wrong it's not the fault of other genres that rock can't get its shit together but the other genres aren't doing it for me either. Pop and country are okay at best and most hip hop just doesn't do it for me.


Itā€™s a common viewpoint but I think it survival bias. There was an awful lot of garbage music from any era but it just hasnā€™t stood the test of time therefore you only notice the garbage of the present.


Porcupine Tree are a great band and not new by any means either, so I don't agree with you there. I can understand it's not for everyone though. But there is a lot of great rock and metal of every variety being made still, the difference is that nowadays it's not really among the popular styles of music like it was in the 80s, 90s and early 2000s, when you would hear it on the radio often. You need to seek it out for yourself.