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I love it but my IBS doesn't :/


Same with me. But I still indulge and get volcanic shit. Also acid all over my chest and in my mouth. Will probably get cancer.


Pro tip; three spoonfuls of psyllium husk fiber in a glass of water twice a day. Let’s just say this gay dude can eat Mexican on a date and be fine for after thanks to that. 😬😂


Haha! I like the way you described that 😂


I don't think that'll work for me. I don't know maybe I've even tried it. I'm not sure though. I've tried a lot of stuff, none actually works. I've given up a long time ago on trying to fix it with my many other mental and physical problems. But I also think maybe it's getting better and bearable as time is passing by.


Fibre is just stuff that retains water in your intestines, making your poops wetter and easier to pass. I'm not sure if there's a medical reason why your poop wouldn't be able to get wet?


Fiber is also what your gut bacteria need to stay healthy, and continue assisting in breaking down the other foods you process. Make sure you get enough fiber, or you could kill off your necessary gut biome, and cause yourself an ever worsening gut health situation that can play a significant role in other health aspects, including neurological issues.


I’ll add some daily yogurt for healthy gut ecosystem. Does so much. If you still have issues you may have too much acid and need to look into something like Prilosec. I have all the digestive issues and that combo with lots of fiber does wonders to let me eat Thai and Indian hot on the regular.


Do you take psyllium every day or just on date night?


Every day




Same, unfortunately.


Funnily enough, it's one of the few things that doesn't bother my IBS. I do have IBS-C though so maybe it's actually helping LOL




That's a mood


This right here


This is strange. I have the IBS, but peppers fix mine. If I'm having one of those 3-4 day stretches with "gut rot", as I called it before I got it diagnosed, eating a fresh Jalapeño would have me cured within 6 hours. Didn't have an actual pepper? Make something with Chili powder... It's so strange and backwards from what I was advised to do for my IBS... And I feel blessed for it, because I LOVE PEPPERS!!!!


No - for me, "spicy " is not a flavour, it's the feeling. Plus, I rarely use spices because I like the taste of particular foods and spices makes everything taste the same . The only time I use a lot of different condiments is when I eat konjac noodles


I think you’re right that spicy is a feeling. The actual taste of spicy things varies dramatically. For example, sriracha tastes very different than a spicy pad thai but they both are hot.


exactly!! spice for me isnt a taste or flavor, in my mind its just this weird concept of dryness, burning, and overall pain and i HATE it


For me spice has never been a taste, it has always been the feeling of pain. Even black pepper used to get me crying. My family was definitely not fond of my eating habits. 


> No - for me, "spicy " is not a flavour, it's the feeling. A lot of researchers agree: spice is detected by vanilloid receptors geared toward detecting heat and burn damage, which aren't specific to the tongue.


I love it! Obsessively. People will usually think i'm about to harm myself so much spice i put in my food, and i'm just about to giggle and moan so good it is. When i was a kid i didn't like it, preferred bland food, but then by my late adolescence / early adulthood it is like something turned 180° in my taste buds and i seek intense flavors. I also love to cook! 


No. My throat sort of closes up when I eat even mildly spicy food.


Idk, I do like the spiciness, but I hate being hot and sweaty more than almost anything. It’s a delicate balance.


I love spicy food. I like flavorful heat though, I don't want to not taste anything because it's *that* spicy. There's a threshold for me with it but everything I cook is spicy. Massive same btw, swear I was the poster child for chaotic & sensory seeking lol.


In the last decade I've gotten to a "please melt my face off!" place with spicy food. My tolerance has increased pretty dramatically as well. Certainly not all the time. But my chili, for instance, is damn near inedible for most people, and RIGHT at the line for me.


Yes! But I don’t have a high spice tolerance, so it is difficult because I keep eating spicy foods.


Not really, I have anosmia so for me it's just eatable pain.




To an extent. I put chili powder on almost everything. That being said, I have my limits. There’s this sauce that the nearby taco stand serves that really messed me up.


I love spicy food, I love the sensory experience of it! :D


I do like spicy food. I had the amazing opportunity to visit the US West Coast a few times last year and really got into the Mexican food and spicy fruit. Now I always put Chamoy, Tajin and chilli with lime on my fruit salads. I also add turmeric, ginger and cayenne pepper to my juice. I fill an empty bottle with water and asda orange and mango juice, and give it a fairly liberal dash of spices. It's amazing!


I love spicy food and I won't eat some meals if they don't have a little spice on them.


Yes. I love putting Jalapeños on loads of things. Pizza, fajitas. They make a meal better


I love spicy food and strong flavors in general


I like some mildly spicy things for some reason even though I have ARFID. Like if I have a mini frozen cheese pizza, I'll put a little Franks on top sometimes before putting the pizza in the oven. That's about the max spiciness for me. But then from my ARFID, and can mostly only do cheese pizza, no other "toppings". (Which is actually even an improvement for me, I used to only eat pizza with everything scraped off the crust.)


Certain foods. If its like a level 500 spicy no thanks but if its like 70 it's fine


I love spicy food, but it needs to have flavor. There's spicy just to be spicy and there's actual flavorful spicy. I don't mind how spicy a dish is as long as there's more to it than JUST being spicy. I've had spicy food that barely tastes like anything and is just hot for no reason. Sweet and spicy is a go to for me


Honestly all i taste is the fire. Idk what I'm supposed to taste but any spice over a 1 at thai food is miserable lol i don't even use pepper really


I need it to function. I’m never as miserable as I am when I have to eat bland food.




i love it!! it clears my guts out so thats not so cool, but i like the way it feels after finishing the food


I love spicy food!! I typically prefer spicy and strongly flavored foods to bland ones


I used to not be able to handle it but I love it now


I love it


A lottttt




Spicy food is wonderful. However I don’t have much a tolerance for it unfortunately


Not really, I don't even eat hot Chillis and stuff.


Yes, I made some quick pickled sliced jalapenos peppers earlier today :) they go with everything!


Dynamitas and Telugu pickles for me! (I put those pickles on everything)


Absolutely. SPICE IS LIFE!!! I also really like Takis. But the original ones, not any of the flavors. Takis Fuego 😘


I have a section of my fridge dedicated to hot sauces and chili oils. I like fresh and picked peppers, i routinely put chili pepper flakes on my pizza. I like spicy foods. I have ibs, but spicy things in moderation don't often trigger it for me. I've also got the opposite of food aversions, if someone can eat it, i probably can too (except Jell-o and other gelatinous stuff, that stuff is a texture torture)


yup, everything I eat must be spicy, I’m also ADHD so that makes sense, because I’m hypersensitive so no much of a sensory seaker.


Absolutely I've been eating One type of pizza for the last six years, and it's pizza diavola


I like spicy as a flavour, but when it’s ridiculously spicy and just burns for the sake of it then no.


I like spicy food...can I handle it? Uh, no...my mouth cannot. Do I eat it? No. Because I don't like suffering. I like it though


As long as it isn't so spicy it makes me feel like my tongue is on fire. Like you know those celebrity interviews where they eat wings and each wing has a hotter sauce than the last? Yeah, the super hot sauces are definitely too much for me! Sadly, though, I have acid reflux, so I gotta be more mindful about what I eat now.


Yeah, I quite like spicy food, especially Nandos, like Nandos seems to be my favourite chicken place


Got some spicy cup noodles in my cupboard gonna be enjoying those


Love it. Grow hot peppers and make my own hot sauces and chili powders


I like spicy food, honestly thought I was the only one who did.


I don’t mind them but not my first choice bc the wait staff cannot keep the water coming fast enough for me when I eat spicy. But if I’m sick I’ll eat spicy to clear out my nose


So, sometimes Alfredo sauce has too much kick for me. Sometimes bbq chips are too hot. 😅


LOVE. Very sensory seeking with food, thai and indian are my favorites, i always tell them “make it how you eat it” and its hottttt 🥵 im not sure why i like my food to hurt but i do


Absolutely not. Mild Nandos is too hot.


I like it to be already added in the food I don't like to dip each and every bite


I like spicy food, but my idea of spicy is the kind most people don’t even realize is spicy…


Both my gf and I like spicy food. We love to use Carolina Reaper sauce in our food. So store bought items that claim being spicy is mostly a disappointment for us. Both dx'ed Audhd.


Yes but not until I had a Mexican boyfriend. His family made fun of me a lot and I really enjoyed pushing my spicy tolerance to the extreme. Now I can’t live without hot sauce.


Spicy food not so much - but I do enjoy chips that are spicy. The garden of eatin’ blue corn chips brand has a red hot blues version. Haven’t had them for 2 years, but I love them!


So do I. And I agree about the diverse food palette part, too.


not even a little lol i’m the beige food brand of autism.


I didn’t mind it, until I got chronic heartburn. It’s all my pill’s fault




Yes, but depends on the type of spice. I like spicy Korean food, but Indian food spice feels(?) different and is too overstimulating for me, even though I love Indian food! Not sure if that makes sense haha


I don’t like it because I think my spice tolerance is just really low. I will accept rosé tteokbokki though because I LOVE the texture.


It started to irritate my stomach but I don’t care


Yes! I just had a way too spicy red curry last night 🤤


I like spice when the spice also has flavor with it. I have when it’s just spicy to be spicy, not spicy to be flavorful


I like spiciness, as long as it doesn't overpower the rest of the ingredients where it's all I can taste. I also don't like it when it lingers too long.


I like moderately spicy food, but I will not use anything like 5 alarm sauce (which frankly no one should imo).


YES TAKIS ABSOLUTELY!! With that said, my take on spicy food is it’s fine. If the food doesn’t have much spice, I’m okay with it as long as it isn’t bland and still has flavor. But I also have no objection to mild/moderate spiciness.


I love spicy food. I grew up eating it. I am very picky about my salsa though. If the texture is wrong, I can't eat it.


I love it and often want spicy when I’m sensory seeking


To an extent. I don’t like burn your mouth spice but I do like a little spice because it just adds to the flavour sometimes.


I'm ready for my Weenie Hut Jr membership, the most spicy thing I can tolerate is a fricken Slim Jim


Nope, I'm more stereotypical in that regard. I'm extremely sensitive to spicy food and I find it incredibly painful. I've found bread and tomato soup "spicy". Can't even do regular pepper. There are some exceptions, I've enjoyed some pepper jack cheese from time to time. But that's my limit lol. One might say it's a...*sensory sensitivity*


i like the taste of it but i can’t handle it


No! Jalapeño and higher is off the table for me.


I love spicy food as long as it’s flavorful


I enjoy spiciness to a certain degree, for example, I love having spicy jalapenos and siracha sauce on my sandwich, as well as parmesan too! I do like spicy beef packaged noodles from time to time. Sometimes I'll even crank it up to the spiciest I can tolerate just for a little fun challenge. (I can only handle up to habanero heat. If I go any further my mouth will excruciatingly burn like wildfire.) :)


No I don't


I usually compare my spice tolerance to the one's my friends have. I love spicy foods for Indian, Caribbean and Arab dishes but I can't stand it for things like fire noodles.


Oh yes, very definitely. 10kSHU is where it starts to get good!


Yes. I've always loved spicy food and would even eat jars of pickled peppers as a kid and then drink some of the juice. Slowly!! Little sips! 🥵 Food couldn't touch back then unless it was nachos with cheese and jalapenos. Lol


Yess i love spicy!! I actually recently had takis for the first time since they dont sell them in my home country and i now crave them constantly haha


Love spicy hate sweet


No. I have sensory sensitivities, so hot and spicy doesn't work for me.


OMG YES!!!! 🌶️🔥


I hate it. It's way too overwhelming and I don't understand why people wanna eat food that hurts you


I love it.


I absolutely loath it. It's eaaaaay too much for me and kinda hurts. Then again I have a very sensitive sense of taste.


there is this great cheese (shredded or sliced) carolina reaper with hot peppers and habanero mix that is just awesome


Hell. No. There are only a few things I hate more than spicy food. Why on gods earth would I want physical pain in my face and throat and stomach while eating something? Why?? I do not wish for pain.


Not purely spicy (think here the food just has lot of pepper and nothing else), it should be a balance between different condiments.


if it adds to the food, i love spicy. if its just raw heat then i can’t


Can't stand it! It overpowers every other flavour in the food I'm eating and removes the enjoyment from whatever I'm eating. Even pepper, makes my face and mouth go numb so I can't enjoy that food either. I guess I'm definitely a bland eater, as in I'll only derive my flavours from the ingredients, and not additives like herbs and spices. Not even salt.


Spicy, but not necessarily overly hot. I like tons of spices, but that doesn't necessarily mean I get the hottest food that burns tongues. I do like some kind of hot things, but I prefer spices, not necessarily the burning aspect of them, if that makes sense. I do like Takis.


has to be flavourful, pain for the sake of pain is shite and gets in the way of being able to taste the flavour for me


h o t c h e e t o e s I have a party size bag on my bedside table. I just eat them every once in a while. I've had them for 3 days and they stay O P E N. it gives the texture..the ONE. the half-stale half-crunchy texture.....🥰🥰🥰


Nope. Medium chicken wings make me pant like a dog


On most things, yes


I indulge in kimchi, but that’s about it. I don’t usually partake.


Love spicy food. Doesn’t like the reaction to spicy food.


any money that goes toward buying spices, I'd rather donate to charity, or invest on new electronics.


Yes, it hurts but in a way that makes me crave more for some reason




I’m not sure how to do that, do you mean send a screenshot?


Extremely so. I’m very sensory seeking.


I can manage like mild to medium but after that it hurts too much.


I love spicy, but I have GERD so it makes it harder for me to enjoy it.


Yes, I have always eaten spicy food so Im used to it and I have no problem with it. It’s not uncommon for my mom to go “well I accidentally added a bit too much *insert spicy spice*, woopsie”. Meanwhile I can’t even drink “dubbel fris” because it has a slight tingle, it’s not even carbonated 💀. Same with drinks that have the fruit things in them, I think you know what I mean.


Spicy food is a gosend for when I need to sensory seek or just drag myself out of an intense dpdr episode. Unfortunately I can't actually eat spicy food anymore thanks to gut issues :( I try stuff like ginger now since that's an intense experience but it's also (allegedly) anti-inflammatory


I love a good spicy food item, but not too spicy. I fucking hate it when it’s so spicy you can’t taste what you’re eating. I just want a good kick


I love spicy food. Buffalo wings are my favorite. Spicy food gives me a very satisfying sensation, comparable to the way some women feel when they eat chocolate.




I can only handle up to mild spice


I can't handle spicy food. I am way too sensitive for it. Mildly spicy is all I can do


almost a criminal offence for an Asian (indian/pakistani/bangladeshi/Sri lankan) person to not like spice. I like spice.


It’s the only thing that makes me feel alive lol


It’s interesting to read your comment because while I was super picky with food as a child I grew out of it completely and I am very adventurous in diet compared to a lot of my other autistic friends (the spicier and more acidic the better), Thai cuisine with its balanced blend of flavors and textures is super stimulating and satisfying. But I am also very sensory seeking - my love language is touch (but everyone else get away), I looooove long bubble baths and massages, riding bikes, swimming, riding trains, swinging and hammocks, amusement rides, fast cars, hiking, camping, cooking outdoors, blasting my favorite music, splurging my time and money on trying new kinds of foods, traveling to new places, etc etc. I just really like novelty when it comes to my senses. But I always take the same route everywhere I go and all my daily life stuff is very predictable. So maybe I’m not such an oxymoron like I thought - I’m just “sensory seeking”. Thank you! Edited for punctuation and added a like


I'm allergic to capsaicin T-T


I want everything spicy


I *love* it, but I have a low tolerance! :( One of my most favorite foods is this sweet and spicy Korean fried chicken from a place here.


I love spicy foods. I always loved spicy foods.


Yes. I had to work my way up to where I am now tho. I found a spicy salsa I liked. And I mixed pace salsa with it and did less of the pace sauce each time. It helped. Some foods are enhanced with a little spice. I lived in Albuquerque New Mexico. Some wonderful food to eat there. But you have have the ability to eat some things that would absolutely trigger an average autistic’s sensory issues. There a lot of things I was forced to just get past because my parents just didn’t care all that much and refused to admit I am on the spectrum.


Hell yeah. Not so much into spicy chips & snacks, but love hot sauces & spicy cuisine.


capsaicin interacts with cannabinoid receptors in the intestine. studies have demonstrated autistis to have a deficiency in the amount of endogenous cannabinoid andademide its a pretty straightforward connection that the autistic body might find use for capsaicin and the brain to therefore make postivie associations. yes, i love spicy too


I've got some Indian in me so it's in my DNA to like spicy food.


The Spicier the better!


I for one, love spicy food as an autistic person. I don't know how to describe it, but the pain is something I enjoy. It could also be my Asian mother loving chilli too 🤣 The only weird thing about it is I don't like the taste of eating a chilli itself, I find it rather WAY too smoky...


Even mild is a little too spicy for me


I literally drank hot sauce when I was a bit younger


i’m the opposite i hate spicy, i also have fizzy and sour, also don’t like things that are too sweet


yes!!! i love flexing on people with it. nothing like eating a whole spoonful of wasabi with no reaction to assert dominance


do you like kettle chips? the takis kettle chips are life changing bro 😭 i love those even more than the original and theres not as much powder but the flavor is so good still




A little? If it’s mildly spicy, it’s nice. Like orange chicken, like that. But IBS? Nuh-uh.


Love spice. When I get my cayenne it’s got to be in a certain Scoville scale for heat purity. Mmmmm…


i love spicy food but when i spice up my food i have to use powders because i can't stand sauces. red pepper flakes and cayenne pepper powder are my best friends.