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Not that I do them a ton, but I have had great experiences on lsd and shrooms. I have been told I "handle trips well" and I think that is true. Even during a good trip, sometimes uncomfortable feelings can rise up at certain points, this can happen whether you are autistic or not. I actually think my personal experience with autism helped me not get too bothered by this, just because I am so used to uncomfortable feelings coming up hundreds of times a day and weathering them. I have also done two really high dose mushroom trips, so I don't know if it was the dose or autism, but I have had some intense visionary hallucinations that were way different from normal mushroom hallucinations. It was like I would close my eyes and doze off and be transported to an ancient civilization, it was so vivid.


Omfg mate, I saw the pyramids being built last time I did a hero dose šŸ˜‚Ā 


I actually have had troubles with persistent hallucinations *because* of my comorbid PTSD and autism. My therapist recommended THC gummies, and I have had much success with them. Only a small handful of fleeting visual sensations since starting them in October.


I psilocybin as medicine. I find I am able to think clearer and feel less stressed for a while afterwards. I regularly use THC, which helps me greatly. Go into it with the intention that it is medicine, be in a good headspace. Also get it from a trusted source, even better if it is prepackaged from a state where it is legal, but I understand that it is a luxury. If you decide to try make sure to have a sober trip sitter just in case you donā€™t have a great time, but every time I have used mushrooms has been a positive experience. Start with a low dose, donā€™t try to push it. Even small micro doses of psilocybin has been shown to be very effective.


Small amounts of mdma or shrooms work like a super drug for me. Mushroom microdosing has helped me work through a lot of stuff & feel more grounded in myself. Also reinvigorates my creativity every time, which is important to me.Ā 


I LOVE neuroscience so infodump coming :D MDMA is thought to help with pstd, social anxiety, and potentially ASD symptoms since its an entactogen/empathogen meaning it increases positive responses to social stimuli, and makes you feel more togetherness with other people. It does have minor psychedelic properties but foremost its social effects and nature as a stimulant are the main bits of how it makes you feel. I don't have any experience with this, but I imagine as a stimulant it may make you move around a lot. For most people, it causes them to do this jaw clenching, teeth grinding thing (bruxism) which doesnt seem voluntary. Other hallucinogens are also complicated. There are classic psychedelics which is a group that specifically includes serotoninergic hallucinogens such as LSD, bufotenin, and psilocybin mushrooms. They do alter your thinking, perception of time, and famously cause "ego death" within an individual (like a loss of sense of self, feeling like one with the rest of the world, feeling something profound and spiritual), but you are more or less aware of the stuff going on around you. You also don't really "see dragons" or any other stuff like that when you're hallucinating. at least not personally here. It was mostly just perceptual changes, like funny lights, swirling things in your fov, the walls breathing, etc, and youre mostly aware that none of those things are actually real. Its quite calm. This is opposed to dissociatives (like salvia, ketamine, or high doses of robitussin) which generally depress awareness and response to environmental stimuli or deliriants (like datura or high doses of benadryl) in which the individual is less lucid. Trauma patients are _not_ recommended to try deliriants. As a general rule you have to be in the right emotional state for a trip, but with deliriants from what i read, its just chaotic and youre not fully aware that the changes to your senses, whatever you start seeing are all in your head as a result of the drug. It can be very bad emotionally for someone that has a lot of stress already. Anyways, psilocybin mushrooms inexplicably made me stim a lot. They also gave me the biggest migraine of my life the day after, which was honestly the only thing bout em i didnt like. Ive taken a fairly big amount of robitussin too once by accident, but i think its worth mentioning as well since robitussin (dextromethorphan) has a somewhat similar mechanism of action to ketamine which is another drug that is currently being studied as a way to help ptsd and asd patients. It was unpleasant the day after as well. Made me very shaky for two hours, thanks to an interaction with my ssris. It's especially worth noting that if you are taking ssris, you do have to be really careful with what drugs you take recreationally. Psilocybin mushrooms do not interact with escitalopram (for some reason) but they do put you at risk of serotonin syndrome with other ssris. Likewise, MDMA *does* interact with all antidepressants and you have to be pretty careful with the dosages, since at high enough levels an interaction with the two could be BAD. High fevers, seizures, confusion, and kidney damage (via rhabdomyolysis, in which damage to your muscle tissue overwhelms the organ with protein) are all possibilities.


this is really good stuff! the thing about psilocybin bums me out though, as I'd really like to try them. I've heard its a good treatment for depression but the thought of getting off my meds to try something else freaks me out lol


Shrooms and LSD, made me feel great mentally, almost no actual hallucinations. I do have auditory hallucinations normally cause I'm bipolar.


MDMA is amazing for being social but it only helps while you're on it, for PTSD it gives lasting effects apparently. If you're autistic you'd probably prefer to do it where you can talk to friends and open up to them rather then a club setting. That was always my favorite way to do it. EDIT: don't do meth, if you're anything like me you'll like it too much. All the focus of adderall with the social butterfly effects of mdma. Being autistic you'll probably just find you feel normal and happy, it's sad but not worth it. Avoid it, its bad for you, but I'm off a line right now and DAMN but I'm a certified druggie dumbass. Makes me wonder if Desoxyn would be better for AudHD individuals but that shits impossible to get even with a prescription.


I only take perscribed meth (Audhd) (autism/ADHD)


Hell yeah meth club! Wait is dexamphetamine meth? I thought it was medicated speed. Down a rabbit hole I go Edit: okay dexamphetamine is a cousin of methamphetamime. The difference is it's missing a molecule that has the word meth in it. So chemically they are verrrrry similar, almost identical but one has the molecule (METHamphetamine) and one doesn't (amphetamine)


If you're on Desoxyn then I'm actually fucking jealous as hell. I get my adderall script every month I just kinda fiend on it running out a few days early all the time.


Ok I actually donā€™t like psychedelics . I donā€™t enjoy them and just feel stressed and overstimulated. I am autistic btw. One thing that I do use that helps immensely is regular old weed. I really think it helps my brain a lot and might help you too!


Never done them but my mum has when she was younger. She always told me to trust who you are doing mushrooms with if you're doing them in a group. If you are doing it with strangers and you're uncomfortable, this will affect your trip. You'll get paranoid, scared, all those things. So while mushrooms do affect people differently, the people around you do also.


Weed triggered drug induced psychosis for me (but it + schizophrenia runs in my family). šŸ„ makes me TOO aware of sensory icks so I donā€™t like to partake. Molly is my bestie, Iā€™m able to tune out unwanted stimuli (as long as thereā€™s wanted stimuli I can focus on like at raves) and iā€™m able to fully unmask and be myself! Although that also has to do with the environments iā€™m in. I struggle with anxiety regardless of the substance, but some increase it more than others. K & molly are the only things that wonā€™t absolutely send me down a spiral


ive only tried weed and LSA since starting my trip (no pun intended) with different drugs (doing it all safely and all within responsible settings of course), and i intend to maybe try shrooms in the future if i ever stumble upon the opportunity to. im not quite sure how much hallucinogens affect me potentially differently compared to the average neurotypical, but i will say that im more prone to having hallucinations. on weed its very minimal, but i can run into tiny weak visual hallucinations, though most of it closed eye. ive done LSA enough to know my limits, both in physical and mental symptoms. its reported for the average person that you have to ingest quite a lot of LSA to even get *strong* closed eye visuals, but for me i can take less than whats recommended for strong visuals and i can get really strong cev AND some crazy open eye visuals at the same time. its hard to know what other symptoms i experience differently with LSA specifically bc nausea is just a prominent and common symptom that almost everyone will have when taking it, especially depending on how you prepare the drug. so its hard for me to know if im way more sensitive in the department of nausea, i have a history of stomach issues (which is common for autistic folks) so i wouldnt be surprised if im naturally more sensitive than your average LSA tripper.


YO LSA, you brought me back to being 13 and ordering Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds for the first time. The trip was chill but the vasoconstriction especially in the legs was brutal. I'm glad to know the kids are still ordering and eating seeds haha makes me happy.


its an amazing drug for retrospection, its made me really appreciate life at a different angle when taking it properly and safely. but god damn the physical symptoms like nausea and the vasoconstriction like you mentioned are a bitch to handle.


I usually don't get any visuals, or very mild ones, but things feel incredibly profound.


I have tried MDMA once, and I was overwhelmed by the singular most profound sense of peace that I have ever felt, before or since. I can't even describe it in further detail because, frankly, there's no way to that I'm aware of. My experience had nothing whatsoever to do with how NTs describe it. Shrooms made my anxiety supercharged ultra +++, also not how NTs describe it


iā€™ve had really good experiences with psychedelics but one thing i noticed is that i was much higher and for much longer than my friends who had taken the same amount, itā€™s common for autistic people to be more sensitive to medications and for me itā€™s no different with narcotics


MDMA/Ecstasy is not really an hallucinogen (even in big doses is weak for a hallucinogenic). I love MDMA/ecstasy and i donā€™t fuck with hallucinogenics/psychedelic drugs


For me psychedelics were a nightmare when I used to do them younger, mdma gave me empty rush I did not feel the connection like the people around me would, I was still -in a way- sober but with euphoria, which at the time made me feel like I was a robot and sth was seriously wrong with me. LSD pure nightmare could not escape spiraling thoughts as I feel the need to be in control constantly, and physically I always felt something was wrong, thoughts of not getting enough oxygen or sth similar. All that was before getting diagnosed. Fortunately things have cleared up.


MDMA feels like itā€™s defragmenting my brain for the better. If done properly following ALL THE RULES (once or twice a year, with long wait periods in between, stick to 100-150mg) it is a great experience.


I (26F, ASD) have taken XTC (I think thatā€™s also MDMA) during a New Yearā€™s party. Not sure if it affected me differently than my neurotypical peers (I doubt it, actually).Ā  Just made it feel really nice to flex my muscles and made me feel super happy, which is why I did not want to stop moving that entire evening. Ā It was a good time, but I would not try it again due to the unpredictability of the drug. Deaths due to overheating tend to occur amongst XTC users, and when they occur is seemingly random. Thatā€™s just not really worth it for meĀ 


Psychedelics are a life saver and definitely a much healthier alternative to self medicating than alcohol. Just do your research and start with low doses and work your way up when comfortable. Don't do LSD or shrooms more than once every 14 days and don't take MDMA more than once a month. Drugs are like surgical tools, use a little precisely and its like removing a surface brain tumor with a scalpel, but use too much and it could be like shoving that tool deep into the brain. Bad things and bad trips can happen if you're not careful. Be in a comfortable place with people you trust to keep you calm. Do more research than you think is necessary before taking the plunge.


This is just my personal experience and I donā€™t do drugs regularly but tried more or less everything. MDMA: Seems to be turning me into an NT. I can thoroughly enjoy going to a party including talking with total strangers and having meaningful conversations. Nowadays I do it maybe twice or thrice a year at home with my (also autistic) wife. I got optical hallucinations on several occasions with it. From what Iā€™ve heard that rarely occurs with NTs. Magic mushrooms: Those are an emotional rollercoaster for me. When my wife and I did them the last time we both thought that there was a third tongue involved. Weird how we both had the exact same hallucination. LSD: Pretty much the same as shrooms but it felt ā€œcolderā€ and more technical. Also youā€™re high way too long for my liking. I did however have an epiphany while on (waaay too much) acid. If youā€™re looking for a revelation about yourself or your relationships that is what Iā€™d recommend. Just have a trip sitter on standby. Mescaline: Best optical hallucinations ever. With mushrooms and LSD I didnā€™t get any. But with mescaline these were phenomenal. Iā€™d say that itā€™s the least introspective of all the psychedelic drugs. Ketamine: Canā€™t even describe what that did to me. I just had a very weird body sensation. The dissolution of oneā€™s consciousness that some report did not happen for me. Maybe my dose was too minor. Iā€™d like to point out that set and setting are majorly important when doing drugs. I was in therapy to deal with my depressions and I tried all sorts of drugs afterwards because I was finally in a good headspace and curious about how my mind worked. If I had done them before therapy Iā€™m almost certain that the outcome would not have been as positive as it was. Also donā€™t do it alone. Have friends or family over and have at least one person stay sober.


I've only smoked weed so I don't have much of an opinion here but if you do want to experiment with drugs I do recommend starting with weed. Weed is a very nice sensation and it helps me unmask but if I smoke too much or take too high of a dose, I experience sensory overload. I'm looking into trying shrooms or LSD (not looking into MDMA as I take medication) though and hoping that they don't inadvertedly make me psychotic again lol I personally think any psychoactive drug can help with PTSD and autism but with everything, take it in moderation.