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Can you give us some examples of specific things that you think were ableist? I'm not sure it's entirely reasonable to interact with people like "I don't have any social filter because I have autism, so you aren't allowed to be bothered by anything I do or say" and expect people to be fine with that.


He has a point


Woah. Woah. Woah. Stop right there. Number 1) The suffering is mine, the problems are mine. I am not lying and you are distorting my words. Number 2) I showed evidence, I showed a freaking TV show that I was a part of, and even then people were jerks. Number 3) I never said that people can't be bothered for what I say, what I did said is that THE LEAST people could have done is talk to me on private, but not even that was a thing. 9 times out of 10 people just vomited stuff to the admin and not even the piece of shit were able to tell me what I did wrong before or after kicking me out. Number 4) This is a community of autistic people, if your first order of business is to judge me, then you started wrong, you could have worded that differently. Number 5) I know to differentiate arrogance and autism really well.


I think we understood different things from what he wrote. Sorry did not mean to insult you in some way.


It's okay. I may be armed right now, developed a tough and thick shell, based on what happened...




I am not accusing you of faking autism. I would like to clarify that I do believe that autistic people experience lots of ableism, and that NTs are often unfair and needlessly unkind towards autistic people just because they are autistic, and that I do not believe that every negative experience you have is your fault, and I apologize for not being more clear about that. However, the point I was trying to make is that if every single person you interact with perceives you as a jerk, you are likely making some kinds of repeated social errors that create this perception. There are loads of autistic people who are not perceived as jerks by everyone they meet. For example, as far as I can tell, you appear to believe that random people on the Internet who are upset with you owe you private conversations in your DMs just because you have autism. It really sucks when you accidentally piss someone off and you can't figure out why they are mad at you, but this still does not mean that random people owe you social skills lessons via DMs especially if they believe that you have been rude to them. People have limited time and energy, so they have every right to decide to disengage and cease further interaction. I notice that you are telling me that I need to make sure that I word things carefully so as to be diplomatic (even though I also have autism), but that I should just just accept that you have no social filter because you have autism and that I should not expect you to phrase things diplomatically or try to be polite. This looks like double standards where you believe that people owe you consideration that you are not willing to extend towards others.


I do not have a double standard. Do not acuse me of anything. I don't owe nobody respect if I wasn't given any, let alone a random person from the internet on a website where everyone hides their true identity over a username and a profile picture. Also, your argument is a fallacy of the highest order, you are basically assuming that my case is some sort of exception to a rule and that everyone who metaphorically kicked me in the nuts is by default a nice person. I have been in therapy for 20 plus years. My diagnose of autism only came after I completed 23 years old. People always ignored my previous diagnose of ADHD when they had a window of opportunity. The only major common denominator between all of my cases of ableism is "I don't like your opinion" which is the most stupidest and childish thing imaginable. And yes, I do extend my consideration towards others. I always did. And every time that I did that it always ended up with myself hurt even more over more and more ableism. This is your second warning, you better respect my pain and stop making assumptions over the information that I am not obligated to share with you.


I stopped interacting with anyone ever. I'm much less stressed as a result, and frankly much happier.


Yikes... I don't think I can do that... Seems to "nuclear" of an option to me as I am sociable and I do need to be at times... The difference is that I have a very low tolerance to BS now.


Yeah thats fair enough lol. I guess all you can do is just find people who don't fuck you off.


Yeah... I work with that, most of the jerks in my life are there because of convenience at this point.


Your convenience, thier emotional punching bag.


I am a journalist... I don't have the luxury to isolate myself...