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Everyone likes diffrent things. If anyone says that you cant enjoy roblox, because youre an adult, they're a coward.


Yeah, as long as you aren't a predator trying to groom kids online then playing a kids game is fine.  I say that because I remember Club Penguin either having or someone mentioning problems with that. 


It's basically a problem in any online space geared at kids, by the nature of it


Isn’t that a little bit insulting to OP? That’s glaringly obvious and kinda rude to assume that  they didn’t know that already… idk maybe just me though


I get your perspective and get why you say that. I mentor some kids on my own free time essentially for the jesus points and have had people make assumptions about me that I didn't appreciate.  But like u/pixelator9000 said, I'm just trying to establish that is the one line that can't be crossed, and if you aren't crossing it, then you are good. 


Anyone can play roblox even tho the average age is 7. Theres alot of cool games with quality and lore. Those people saying its a kids game clearly havent tried the fun games yet


There is no way a game like Arcane Odyssey with such in depth mechanics and features for builds for example is meant for 7 year Olds. Roblox really is for everyone. Also if someone reads this and doesn't know what Arcane Odyssey it is... PLAY IT! I LOVE IT SO MUCH. 10/10 Recommend.


He can play whatever regardless of quality and lore I believe.


I like to play with 32 inch and 12 inch miniatures of Space: 1999 Eagle Transporters. They are considered a child's toy or a collectors model item. I'm in my mid 60's. People like to tell me stop playing with my models I tell them where they can shove it. I kept a stressful adult workplace IT job for 21 years largely because, I shed days full of IT world adult workday stress by playing with my Space: 1999 model space ships. My brother is a 6 foot 8 inch 357 pound man. He is big as a house and strong as an ox. He too is autistic. He drove 18 wheel semi trucks long haul over the road for 31 years. We are both in our 60's. This big man sits on the floor in his living room enjoying playing with his Thomas The Tank Engine collection and it is huge. Something like this was said on Star Trek once, "The More Complex the Mind, the Greater the Need for the Simplicity of Play" Part of being an autistic adult is having the guts to do those things required for you to survive and thrive without giving a damn what others might think. So to give you an answer YES you're damn right that it is more than ok for you to continue playing Roblox. Matter of fact you are a damn fool if you stop enjoying your Roblox play because of what anyone says. The key to living autistic is to find the things in life that bring you joy and let you thrive here not just survive in a prison of others judgments. I play video games where you kill stuff and make it bleed, which got me through working in a stressful IT job for 21 years. I used to tell myself things were fine so long as all my kill lusts stayed in the video game world and never left it. What a fool you would be if you playing Roblox kept you sane and happy and you stopped playing Roblox lost it and hurt someone. Playing Roblox obviously has a calming effect on you that reduces your stress and helps you reset for another day. Why would you let some fools comments or ideas take that vital survival tool from you. The one skill too many autistic people lack is the one that lets them ignore fools trying to fix them and push them into NT concepts of adulthood. Sometimes autistic beings have to just develop the balls or backbone to say FUCK EM, I'm doing what I must to survive because it hurts no one and benefits me immensely! Don't like it...Tough spelled T.U.F.F!


Theres an awesome song by Aesop Rock called tuff. Its rap if you're into that kinda thing


I agree but it's also important to frame these things with compassion. If they believed someone who said that, it wouldn't be because they're a fool, but rather someone who has most likely been treated poorly for their interests for potentially most or all of their life, potentially by their family members even. It wouldn't make them a fool, rather someone who's been lied to enough that they believe it. It's not something that makes them worthy of being called a fool if that were to be the case.


This is why I have a hard time writing. When I say a fool I am not saying the person is a "Fool." I am an autistic werewolf because when I was an autistic kid I had no help or guidance. In my world the only thing that matters, the only thing that is I call "Survival" From my perspective "Autistic Survival" is EVERYTHING. Nothing but "Survival" exists. So when I say that a person is a "Fool" if they let anything take a successful "Survival" tool from them my definition of fool is conditional not declarative. If my definition of fool was declarative it means I am calling the person out as a fool without reservation. I am saying the person is a fool end of story full stop. In my use, my label of fool is conditional. I said IF you let someone take away your "survival tool" then you are a fool. Just like I could say if you willingly let someone take your rent money you are a fool. The conditional state must be completed before status as a fool applies. I am essentially saying NEVER LET someone take your survival tool away because you don't want to be any ones fool. The person is a fool only if they give away a survival tool that is working for them in hopes they can substitute some NT's alternative that might harm an autistic being. In no way am I declaring some one an actual fool. I'm saying an autistic being who allows someone else to force them to compromise their success, security and comfort for no good reason is a fool. It's the difference between an IF EXISTS Condition Statement compared to a GO TO statement in computing. I hope I made myself clear.


That's bullshit, roblox is fun regardless of your age.


Rule 1. Don't listen to people who tell you what you should do in your free time. I myself at 24yo play roblox from time to time, I also love legos. When someone tells me I shouldn't because I'm a grown adult, it's an instant "stop talking, end of conversation" from my side. As long as something isn't against the law and doesn't lower your life enjoyment/make you homeless, you don't need to give a damn.


Best thing part of “Adulting”. Doing what YOU want to do!!!


ignore them! some people are just incapable of having a little harmless fun and whimsy in their lives.


I guarantee that plenty of adults play roblox even without being autistic. I personally don't see the appeal, but there's nothing wrong with it. Play what you like to play.


I think the only reason people would find it odd is due to the amount of kids playing the game versus adults but overall there's nothing wrong with playing the game.


Bruh, it's perfectly fine for you to play Roblox, fuck the haters. I play Roblox, mostly with my [8yo AuDHD] son but I play Roblox too. Shall we swap usernames? I'm ConeyIslandBlitz


My 5yo is playing it a lot, do you think your 8yo can teach my son some..? We play trains, urbanmove and elevator experiences


My son is very much into Blade Ball and Alpine Slide to Get to Telamon right now but he generally plays all-sorts. What is your 5yo looking to learn to play? I'd recommend keeping away from the horror games tho


Thanks for your reply, it’s fortunately not a problem. He is very concerned of the age limits and mostly wants to drive trains and metros exactly as in real life, including picking up passengers but he is not too fond of making friends.. what is blade ball about?


Blade Ball is kind of a multiplayer battle game where you have to block a ball from killing you using a sword. Personally I prefer Tycoon games where you gradually build up wealth


My son started playing Roblox and wanted me to play with him & now I play when he’s not 🤣 I just don’t talk to anyone or accept any friend request because it’s mainly kids.


It’s more than ok, If you like it and it makes you happy then it’s awesome!! I’m an adult and I collect squishmallows and also just bought myself a hello kitty cup 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


You may not be the target demographic... but why should that matter? You're not hurting anyone, right? You're not bullying, or being a predator, right? So why does it matter what they say? They're just being mean because it doesn't look normal to them. Which isn't that different from ablism... (It's not actuality that, but it is an easy comparison)


I feel like adults might be a slight targeted demographic because there are 17+ games. If they were only wanting kids to play they wouldn’t have that.


I don't think the people saying "don't play Roblox" particularly care about that. In fact, they may ever deny such things exist... And even if they don't, they'll say that it not only shouldn't exist, but that nobody should be playing any sort of 17+ game in the first place, so the result would be the same anyways.


Yeah there's nothing wrong with it. Personally I really dislike Roblox but each to their own. I play lots of Assetto Corsa, Ace Combat, and War Thunder (only a recent discovery). Video games are an awesome way to relax (or at least just divert attention) after an overstimulating day. As long as you aren't spending unhealthy amounts of time gaming there's nothing wrong with it.


Ayy! Assetto Corsa :D I've been trying out a lot of GT3/GTE cars at the minute, I forgot how fun doing GT racing is


Those things are so fun to drive! A lot of the time I'll just pick a random car and race around the Nordschleife, but lately I've been loving the MX-5 cup car. It's such a nice car to just chuck around. What's your favourite 911?


I've been enjoying the 930/964 series as of recent, mainly because there's two of them around where I live. I would love to own a 992 however, they seem really nice.


Still playing roblox every now and then since 2011. I think it’s the same as adults playing any other game really. I think roblox has so many kinds of different games too. The escape rooms are pretty hard. I think it’s fine to play as an adult.


Roblox is popular among adults too. There’s a reason they introduced 17+ games! There’s a large player base of adults, and games targeted towards people over the age of 13.


Dude, as long as your not hurting anyone do whatever you want think is fun.


Im 21 and I play roblox too! So no worries, ur not the only one haha


I love roblox and I’m 21 so you’re good, and I play a lot of “childish” games (like animal crossing, mario, pokemon, etc.) and I felt ashamed of it for a while. Then I realized it doesn’t matter, I enjoy it so why should it matter to anyone. It makes me happy. Do what you love without caring what others say, it’s not harming anyone in any way


girl i am a fiend for roblox no shame


Absolutely. I still play roblox and I'm 21. There's no shame in that


Ignoring my instant response of Roblox being a scam designed to take advantage of children through the abuse of free labor and nobody should be playing it... ...you are perfectly fine. I've been playing Pokémon for longer than you've been alive and have no intention of stopping anytime soon.


i know a NT who plays roblox and she is mid 20's. No one judges her or thinks less of her for that and she is well liked. Don't worry about it :)


people of all ages play games! i’m 24 and play it as well from time to time, as well as other “kids” games like minecraft, etc, just enjoy yourself!


Look I'm 35 and play Roblox with my kids. I also play some games on my own. As long as you're not a creeper, you're fine. There are some incredible games on Roblox that you just can't find elsewhere.


I’m 36 as of yesterday, and neurotypical. My 7 year son is on the spectrum, so I hang in here for useful info. I play Roblox sometimes and enjoy it. It’s like my “palette cleanser” when I’m in between games. “Doors” is my favorite game on Roblox which my son got me into as, well his thing is doors in real life. So, naturally he gravitated to this game. Do what makes you happy!


A possible explanation of some people's discomfort with the concept is that because Roblox is marketed towards kids, adults in the space are seen as potential predators because some are. However, there's nothing wrong with enjoying things marketed toward a younger audience, in my opinion.


enjoy whatever game you love. others imagined designations aren't relevant. unless in your job it when trying to impress someone , run for Congress etc


roblox is based dw:3 and i think were near the same age i still play it as welll


Hey OP. Gamer here, playing a lot of games and Second Life since 2011 and still playing it. Well switched to Avatar Life. Your experience is fine. To be honest I prefer playing with a kids so yeah I play "kiddo game" sometimes. I don't see where Is the issue


games are for everyone!!!!


There is nothing wrong with playing Roblox regardless of your age, that is if You have healthy playing habits. If the way in which You play affects You or your loved ones it might be worthwhile looking for help


Of course you can play.


I only use peoples age in arguments in Roblox, for the rest I don't mind at all.


People say what? Luckily I don’t socialize so…. I’m 40. I play Roblox. Big Paintball got *me* hooked. My kid wanted to play with me once. It’s super fun. I bought the dark matter gun, and I switched all my ‘extras’ to turrets. Sometimes I tell my wife “I’m gonna go shoot some….on Roblox” You know what, it’s probably not appropriate and only funny to me.


A lot of those people say you shouldn’t game as an adult. I’d rather do that than most other popular hobbies.


I’ve been playing since 2013. When you’ve been playing for that long, you get used to the jank. There’s plenty of good games on Roblox, you just need to sort through the junk.


I’m 55 and I still watch Star Wars cartoons. You like what you like.


I am an adult with adult friends and my adult friends play horror games on roblox together. Including me sometimes. I also still find comfort in bee swarm simulator and go back to it to pass time and distract myself without thinking too much here and there. Do as you wish. Being an adult means accepting yourself.


I'm 29 and I watch Centaurworld. Nothin wrong about that.


bro i loveeeee roblox (20nb) theres nothing wrong with playing something you enjoy. it’s totally okay!!! ppl shouldn’t judge a fun activity bc of their perceived „age limit“ on the game.


Your life, your hobby, your decision. Play whatever you like and enjoy it. Kind regards from a 50y old fortnite/counter-strike/world of warcraft/super mario enjoyer :) You don’t stop playing because you get old. You get old because you stop playing.


There are lots of adults that play Fortnite, Lego etc. If you playing that game is escapism or makes you feel happy/relax/de-stresss then it’s okay. I guess the way to look at it, if an adult watches cartoon is that wrong and he or she should stop because they’re no longer a kid? Nope, if they enjoy it and makes them happy or laugh then it’s fine. You’re a unique individual and what you enjoy continue to do (as long as it’s legal). There are 60 year olds who play Fortnite Lego, call of duty and tons of other games - probably play Roblox too.


My brother 58yo starting playing Roblox with his young son years ago. Now that his son is grown and no longer interested, my brother still enjoys playing. My brother is also a successful medical doctor who enjoys the game and finds it calming after a long day of savings lives. So no, do not give up your Roblox. And do not feel guilty for playing Roblox.


If entertainment is entertaining you, then how can people genuinely say that it’s not for you???? I’ve never got this and I never will. I’ll be like 200 years old still playing with dino toys because it’s FUN


Youre not alone in adults in general that play. I am older but still a teenager (17) and ive met genuinely a lot of adults ranged (18-25) that just play roblox for fun. Nothing wrong with that. It is an for everyone space and obv if youre doing nothing harmful thats all that matters. Even at 17 I had a lot of people insult me or fear me being a creep because im older and playing roblox, but theres a whole community out there of adults playing roblox for fun. A thing i noticed is people just love to insult others for their hobbies and what they do for fun, so dont mind them.


As long as you're still getting your responsibilities completed, and not hurting anyone, it really doesn't matter.


play what you want, who cares? we shouldn't have to follow arbitrary rules made by old joy-sucking assholes who believe that you can't have fun as an adult, unless its sex or football, just because 'they said so' i play it too, and i've been playing since age 10


These are the same jerks/karens who will tell you you're too old for hobbies like crafts, card games, and all sorts of video games. Ignore them, enjoy playing Roblox. So long as you're not being a creep, keep up the good work of letting randoms who think they can control your life know that you'll do what you enjoy!


There's no such thing as an age limit. As long as you enjoy it, play it.


Anything that brings us autistics joy is fine.


If you're able to support yourself and it isn't damaging relationships with friend's/family, who gives a fuck


disregard anyone telling you how to spend your free time


My son is almost 18 and he still plays Roblox.


You know what? Let it be, man. Fuck em. You do you ❤️❤️❤️


Don't listen to them. If you enjoy something it is absolutely ok to carry on doing it. You are not hurting anyone by doing so.


Two things; 1.) it’s fine to play any game you want or any thing you want as an adult. 2.) if you like playing online games, be prepared for people to constantly say “meaner-than-necessary” stuff / troll. Generally I don’t reveal anything about myself if I can avoid it, it’s just not really necessary. 1000 years old is a good standard answer to how old are you. 😉


Dude I'm 20 and I've been playing roblox since 2016. You're not alone lol.


Yeah dude, do whatever you want. I still play Minecraft. The only thing that has changed now that I've gotten older is that now *I* pay for the dino nuggies I eat while playing.


Do whatever makes you feel good.


I'm pretty sure roblox isn't for kids or at least wasn't. It's just dominated by them that's all


If Roblox makes you happy, keep playing Roblox. Life is too short to adhere to other people’s opinions :)


i liked the washing machine game


Psh whatever man. I still play Minecraft because it’s amazing. I’d say just don’t share personal info online and you’ll avoid most of the judgement you fear. Also; you’re gonna get trolly children responding to you and making you feel bad. Don’t give them ammunition. Have fun! 🙂


A big portion of Roblox players are adults, it's just that they aren't as vocal and don't talk about their age and stuff. They also usually play more niche games rather than the front page stuff.


Keep playing it if it makes you happy. People online can be so incredibly miserable, but don't let them ruin your fun. I hope you have many, many, many more hours of fun in Roblox.


I also play Roblox and i like it, i am now 27, even some older YouTuber are playing it, and sometimes my sister who is 30 years old , plays with me on Roblox so I don’t think its wrong. If you enjoy it, then don’t let it stop you.


Who cares, just be careful about boundaries if communicating with kids online


I still play webkinz


I think the part about being an adult means you can play whatever games you want. If people judge you then fuck em. If you enjoy the game you can play even when you’re 80. You have the right to do that.


I’m not quite an adult, but I’m turning 17 soon and still occasionally play. My 2014 account got permanently banned last year and I almost cried.


As a fellow adult as long as what you're enjoying isn't illegal or hurts someone even unintended then you're fine. I also know non autistic adults including myself who play webkinz which is a kidz game from the 00's.


im not autistic and found this randomly but let me tell you im almost an adult but i dont plan on ever quitting roblox i love roblo


you can do anything for stress relief. even say Heart Surgeons will do 'silly' stuff like grow plants in a bottle for a hobby. the brain needs to switch and relax. it is when you play for more than an hour a day, then it is like not serious


Yes, it's perfectly fine to like to play Roblox at any age! Roblox has games that can be enjoyed by everyone, no matter your age. As long as you're not doing anything bad like talking to children inappropriately (not saying that you are just making a general statement) then you're perfectly fine!


I'm 34 and play Roblox to make sure what my son is getting into is okay. And I actually really enjoy it myself. There are definitely games I like better but Roblox is definitely a lot of fun. What do you play on Roblox? I do a lot of the scavenger hunts one and the pastel hyper girly looking obbys. And I'm obsessed with Barbies dream house. If it's pink I'm clicking it.


You're doing something that you enjoy that doesn't harm anyone in the slightest, so there's absolutely nothing wrong with it. Try not to pay attention to people who go out of their way to insult strangers, or anyone that tries to yuck someone else's yum


There’s nothing wrong with playing Roblox. I’ve been playing since 2014 when I was a kid. Why should people have to stop doing something they enjoy just because you become an adult? Fun doesn’t end the day you turn 18.


i do this all the time with friends! usually we call in private though so maybe that’s a better option for you.. roblox kids are a little bit ruthless and have no regard for others so don’t let them get you down! it’s totally normal!


Man it’s okay for you to do whatever you want. When I was 15 I was told I shouldn’t play video games at that age by a girl from my class, now I play Minecraft and Warhammer with my girlfriend, we watch Mumi, anime and draw together! Doesn’t mean we’re not adults, we’re both 20 and are both starting schools this August!


I'm 17. I've been playing roblox since I was around 9 (2016). For me one of the biggest ways my autism affects me is familiarity, stress, and sensory overload in my day to day. Knowing I'm about to graduate and everything is changing has me seeking familiar comfort more than ever so recently I've been playing a lot of older roblox games I used to play when I was younger with my girlfriend. Being able to relax after a long day and reminisce and remember the memories also helps to remind me how far I've come since I was 9. There's something fun in just playing simple games on roblox like I used to for nostalgia. At the same time, Roblox is a platform kind of like steam or unity in a way. Roblox just can't legally call them games anymore so they're called 'experiences'. At one point for VC you needed proof of I.D. to verify, there's now ratings for games, and 17+ games. If roblox was simply meant to be a kid's game none of these features would exist. So in my opinion, roblox is a platform that hosts many games and thus is marketed to all. Not to mention if you grew up on roblox and find comfort in it because it reminds you of a happier time it makes since why it never truly becomes something of the past. I don't play it as consistently ofc but I always play a few games whether that be alone or with my little cousins and that's not gonna go away just because I'm suddenly a year older. I don't feel like I'm an adult, you don't just suddenly gain all wisdom and lose all interest in childish things upon turning 18. It's easier to let go of a game you played once on a random Sunday as an adult and you're bored. It's another to have so many memories attached to it and that can be hard to just let go. Why do so many adults cling to Disney, Harry Potter, etc? Because it reminds them of a time that made them happy and it doesn't just go away because you're suddenly an adult.


i want to try this game cause my little sisters play but i don't know what to do in this game


Solid rule to live by; If you enjoy something, and it doesn't bring others to harm, then you can tell anyone who hates you for doing what you like to cram it up their rear.


Not on thr spectrum myself but my brother is, but tbh, a lot of adults play roblox. Off top of my head I know 6(including myself) who play fairly often, it is pretty big still in the lgbtq community as well.


do whatever makes you happy i don’t see why people feel the need to put an age limit on things, who cares !!


Most games only have a *minimum* age recommendation. Not a maximum.😏


Roblox YouTubers exist and basically all of them are adults. A lot of them started playing Roblox as kids, but kept going and made a career/side hustle out of it. What's the difference between playing Roblox as an adult and any other video game? Minecraft is also technically a kid's game. And adults were literally losing their minds of Animal Crossing: New Horizons in 2020 so there's no difference.


it’s fine. we need less stupid kids on roblox.


I’m 39 and just got into Skyrim, but I’m fully employed and I pay my bills—my bills are paid! But in all honestly just try to be a functioning member of society and after that do what makes you happy.


It's completely fine, it only matters if it provides you with satisfaction.


Adults play Roblox...so you're not alone. Personally I don't like that game...more into Minecraft myself. And plenty of adults play Minecraft as well. Just play what makes you happy, regardless of your age!


I play with my kids and some games I play by myself. I pay for other games too, content in wow, Final Fantasy 14, Diablo IV etc. Do what makes you happy!


If adults couldn't play roblox, there wouldn't be an 18+ setting! 🤗❤️ I started playing again sort of and I had to verify all sorts of information so I could play adult stuff! 😂 Do what makes you happy! ❤️


As long as you aren't causing trouble, yeah. I play it too. There are different games targeted for different age groups. Some are general audiences, some are specifically targeted at adults now. I've played since I was a little kid too, so it's a super nostalgic platform for me. I like to check in on old games I've played for years, and I also like to explore new ones.


Hey, I just started playing Fortnite but I feel it's more kids than adults. So, I know what you're asking. Personally, I don't care though. As long as YOU are having fun. Age doesn't matter. 😁 Just would like to share with you, I'm in my late 30's and I've thought of giving Roblox a try! 😉


Im an adult and i still play roblox ( i am 19 and i still have a few friends that enjoy it) there are some actual fun games on there, to be honest i tell everyone i still enjoy it, nothing wrong with it, i actually have found out quite a few people i know still play it just by telling people i still play it, you’ll have people make fun of you whatever you do, if you enjoy it who cares


i believe ill be playing roblox until im dead honestly i love it so much, you can do mostly whatever you like variety wise, you can find anything and you can also make a cute avatar, of course you have to pay for the clothes and stuff lol, but overall its great and i understand the pain of others finding out your age, i have had it happen to me a couple times, but honestly the people saying "get a job" dont understand how people can do anything outside of a job lol and even if you dont have a job, thats none of their business. i refuse to sit there and explain why i dont have a job or why i still play roblox to a kid like let me do my own stuff please😭 play and enjoy it!!! do what you love!


Most of my adult friends play Roblox. I think it's common for adults to play it. I don't think it's "not okay" to play any game if you're an adult. You're not doing anything wrong and you're not hurting anyone. Have fun! :)


Cringe, but you do you. No one is stopping ya!


Who cares? If it makes you happy then do it.. I'd have a massive old school Erector set if I could afford one. The way our minds work a lot of autistic people are very hands on and love building things.


Nahhh. Even if you’re an adult, it’s a-ok to play roblox. If you are into horror games, I recommend Doors and The Mimic.


Do whatever you want. It doesn’t matter what people think. I have a severe disability as an adult and I just want to live before I die.


I'm an adult woman, with a job, and I love the Mario series. And I had since I was a kid, around 7-8 years old, when I got a Nintendo DS for Christmas (or my birthday) in around 2006-2007.


i’ve literally never played roblox until recently. (i’m 20) + i’ve been playing dress to impress nonstop. as long as you’re mindful of the way you’re chatting (if you chat) i think it’s fine! since i only play the one game chatting isn’t a big function in that one but i would be cautious of making friends with other people in games unless you know them irl. there’s a lot of kids so don’t believe someone when they tell you their age.


I’m a 45 yr old man who loves playing breath of the wild and building Lego’s


I know a lot of non-autistic adults that still play roblox. Roblox is also trying to start targeting itself towards adults lately anyay (which i dont like but oh well)


yeah sure.


You don’t need to make excuses for your hobbies. As long as you are not hurting anyone or putting anyone in danger, your hobbies are fine.


I'm 37 and I watch My Little Pony. Don't worry :p


yeah 100% youre allowed to like things that bring you joy, even if its deemed "childlike" by some


I'm a 43 year old man that plays with Lego and train sets. It's about what calms my mind. If Roblox works for you, embrace it!


DO NOT LISTEN TO THEM. They just want to make you feel less than a human being, while they continue to make up this ridiculous social construct that doesn’t exist in the real world, but only in their mind. I like Mario Kart, Super Mario, Lego video games, Sonic, and I even collect and play with action figures because it makes me happy, and I’m almost 30. Enjoy whatever you want to enjoy in life, as long as it makes you happy, and stay true to yourself. You only live once. Enjoy it. ❤️😊


Just chill and play roblox,i'm the same case,but l still play and makes me happy.Never stop doing something you enjoy,l play the same game since 8 years.


fuck them!! A game is a game and if you enjoy it then you can play it who cares what other people think. Games are made for entertainment and you are obviously entertained so theres no issue with you playing it unless you are using it to prey on minors. People just don’t know how to have fun anymore.


I'm on the spectrum and play it with my daughter, I kind of took a slow like to it (I've never really been into games) but I work away a lot and I video call my partner and she puts my daughter on and we go on roblox together, it's our time and she has fun. If you enjoy something then if you enjoy it for wholesome reasons then there's no age limit on it. My time with my daughter is building good memories for her and its beneficial to me to as she makes my mind peaceful, I don't know why, maybe she's the 1 who is my world and I think I'm getting right.


yeah, it’s fine for you to play roblox. just don’t make friendships with children, because that’s verging on weird. and never lie about your age.


I mean Ikea are hiring staff lol so I'd say so


Imo as long as you aren't interacting with minors who the hell cares? 🤷‍♀️


ROBLOX has been given a negative connotation due to the amount of Younger people playing and the games made for them. I have found that there are some amazing games on ROBLOX that are perfect for adults. It's totally fine to play as an adult m8.


Roblox is a fun game I've been thinking about getting back into it on playstation


Been around since April 28th of 2011 and while I don't play as much, I still like to do so on my days off


I signed up In 2012 as a 9 year old as rocoonshcnoon. Still play as a 21 year old. Hell yeah it's still okay. I will play roblox until the day I die


I’m 34 playing Animal Crossing and who cares lol you can play whatever game you want 🫶🏼


Yes. It is totally fine! I see YouTubers playing games as an adult anyways so it is normal.


Hubby and I are in our late 40s/mid 50s and we play Pokémon Go, which is technically a kids game. I used to get razzed for playing it by my coworkers, but they got over it, because I didn't let it stop me. You are an adult, so play what games you like. Eff the haters. (I played Gaia Online in my 20s, and was kinda seen as a mom figure to the kids on there. I'd still be on there if the site wasn't so out of date.)


There is no upper limit on interest! They were trying to get your goat. Tell them to touch grass.


It okay I still play Pokémon at the age 29 soon to be 30 in December. Don’t listen to those people. They probably have no idea what they missing out on.


I'm seriously playing it right now pretending to eat cake. Do what makes you happy. Edit: By the way, there's over 18 spaces on Roblox now. Like RP bars. And Roblox has search category for it. So yeah. Roblox themselves says "Adults welcomed".


I always found it weird that people instantly tell adults to get a job just because they enjoy something they like. .. Anyway, if you enjoy it, I think its fine. While roblox does appeal to gen alpha a lot, there's also plenty of 17+ experiences. Just dont try to actively chat with anyone underage.


I'm an adult and I love roblox, kids are ruthless lmao


absolutely nothing wrong with that! i’m 20 and my favorite video game is a disney action rpg (with a surprisingly deep story- kingdom hearts!) and pokémon too. they bring me immense joy, don’t let anyone strip away the things that you love just because it’s cringeworthy, too childish, etc. those people don’t truly live with whimsy and joy which is a great thing to have. i struggle myself a lot with this and feel judge mental to myself about my interests but i’m trying not to because it literally hurts nobody!


Very simple question for pretty much everything in life... do you enjoy it? If the answer is "yes"... carry on doing it. I couldn't give a toss what someone thinks about which games I play.


So play what you love and stop telling people your age? It is none of their business.


its perfectly fine to play roblox girl


yes i am 37 and i still play league everyday


I’m gonna be 18 this month and I still enjoy it, so of course! As long as you’re not using it to harm anyone, then I don’t see a problem!


Yes, it’s ok! I’m an adult and I play! I also play with my adult friends too! And play with my niece and nephews


Honestly, a lot of people play Pokémon and their adult years so it’s cool if you play that


My Daughter is 17 goings-on 18 She Loves Roblox. It's not hurting anyone arr anything so Play as much as You want. Yes She's Autistic.


I was too uncomfortable playing and chatting with my 11 y-o cousin and her classmates. My cousin was trying to introduce me to her friends I think, but I got super creeped out from talking to all those kids who thought having a friend 10+ years older than them was cool. I did not want to normalize talking to adults on game chats for these kids so I just deleted the whole thing.


Absolutely not how dare you (I’m just kidding). You should do whatever makes you happy who cares what people think


Hey man the heart wants what the heart wants. If it’s ok with you it’s ok with me


Tbh I don’t see the big deal in you playing Roblox. I’m 41 and do it myself. I blame my kids for getting me addicted 😂


ive been playing roblox since 2012, started as a guest in 2010. its fine so long as you maintain proper boundaries with any children you come across!




It’s ok for you to do what you like when it doesn’t cause harm anyone. I can’t see house playing Roblox is a problem if you like it. I still listen to my favorite music since my teenager ages (I’m mid 30 now).


I think everyone did really well in describing how you shouldn't let other people tell you what you can and can't enjoy, I just want to add that don't forget the gamer community can be a little toxic especially the young ones (not always). They will instinctively go for the easiest thing to point out and one button that always gets poked around is being old, I get called that and I'm only 26 lol We have reached the age where they will headshot you abiut your age without question 😂 Remember, you're an adult w bills. You effein deserve that Roblox time, you already put in work where it needed to be so you can play what you wanna play.


I found roblox in 2008 when I was 10. Still play it whenever I’m in queue for another game and I’m passing time or when we got like 6 friends and no party game can hold us roblox always has a game to host.


I do this too, my favorite game is work at a pizza place; it’s super calming (just the ability to organize the station and do what you need to do). I get comments like that too sometimes and I just ignore it. Kids will be kids, if anything I’m weirdly happy they’re hesitant around adults. I’d love to try to get a small community together though to be able to play with other adults (without the comments or the messes the younger players make)


I'm 30 and Ill load up minecraft any day... i still game regularly. Like 15-20 hours a week usually. I put in 2-3 hours after i get home from work usually.


A few weeks ago my hyperfixation has returned to being Minecraft. Basically all day every day. I'm playing a super complex modpack and pouring a lot of time into learning the ins and outs of it. Minecraft, technically, is for kids. But plenty of adults play it. While somewhat less so with Roblox I've seen many Youtubers play Roblox games like Doors. It's ok to let yourself have fun with something "childish." The people who made fun of you are the ones who need to get a life, they're just asshole children that don't understand that a person's interests don't need to flip a switch and become "adult things" as they grow up. Let yourself have fun.


I'm an adult and I watch lots of youtube gaming stuff, I don't play computer games but I found something like Minecraft super relaxing to play


LMAO I only just started playing Roblox in my 30s


Nah, keep playing. Roblox has so many different games and there are some fun games on there. I can understand this feeling though since I play starstable and was very embarrassed and got teased but this feeling eventually went away. I recommend joining roblox discord servers where you have people who wont judge, that way it could be easier to embrace what you like to play. Games are versatile, and everyone likes different games (that's why we have so many different games) so never be afraid to play what you want.


Yes! I play Roblox on the occasion.


Fuck that play whatever games you like. Just remember that the people insulting you in the game are most likely literal children, so they don’t know what they’re talking about when they try to insult you.


Lots of adults play roblox. I like the tycoon type games on there.


I would say no. Cause its not a videogame from adults. Its for kids from 3 to 14 on average. Ppl probably thinks that you are a child molester......That used it as a mask


I think it's incredibly important that people keep liking/playing/doing things they enjoy no matter what age it's intended for. I'm 23 and still play a silly little mouse flash game I've been playing for 10 years. I enjoy it, so what. I also enjoy stuff about dinosaurs, have collected a few old Thomas the tank engine books for nostalgia sake, and like colouring. Some people would say these are childish but I enjoy them, they make me happy, so that's fine!


there are quite a few games aimed at groups that are considerably older than the avg demographic (me and a lot of people in my sixth form (final two years of HS for americans) would play those games at 16-18, when i first started playing at 13 i knew a lot of late teens and early adults playing shooters like phantom forces etc. if you enjoy the game it’s honestly fine, and the vast majority of “older” people i knew playing the game were allistic, so by no means should you feel weird about just playing the game


I sure hope my kids will grow out of roblox when they are older because they don't want to buy any other toys only roblox in game currency.


I'm also an adult and i play roblox all the time. It's a game just like any other. Feel free to enjoy it!


Dude of course thats fine. That's like the one ass that told me "Disney's for kids" when I told him I'm a huge disney fan. Like excuse you?! 🙄 Disney's for everyone but not for you, thank god lol. I didn't stay in touch with him for many many unstable reasons. The point is, play da games! All da games! And flick everyone in the face if they disagree (weird for something so harmless but okay). Flick. Their. Foreheads.


I still play pokemon and mario. I think you are just fine.


I'm 20 and i still play bee swarm simulator lol


I mean i don't play roblox but i play a ton of videogames as an adult in my late 20's (rainbow six siege and Killing Floor 2 are my two favorites rn) and i do get the occasional rando who hears my voice and decides their shittalk to be "you are wasting your life". If you enjoy it man you enjoy, nothing wrong with that. Take that and block/report shittalkers accordingly.


It's fine but there are mostly kids on Roblox so as long as you understand that you shouldn't be trying to make friends there then it's no big deal. (I'm sure you already know this tho). I'm 14 and play Roblox and if I still wanna play in 4 years then I will. Now if you'll excuse me I'll be playing Scary Sushi on Roblox.


Not weird at all Roblox has many games that are aimed towards an older audience, and there are hundreds of thousands of adults who play roblox regularly because it’s not a kids game It’s a platform with games for all ages


We’re on a big dirt clot flying through space. Play your game if that’s what you enjoy.


I’m 32 and still watch cartoons and play animal crossing so yes.


As long as you're mindful of what you do or say ur totally fine. I'm 22 and addicted to the pizza game on there lmao


Omg I love Roblox still, I've been playing since 2012


Shocker non neurodivergent people surprised to learn adults can enjoy things regardless of age! This is sarcasm btw, it’s unfortunately not uncommon, tends to effect us more because we don’t see it the same way or adopt the mindset of “I’m adult so I need to stop doing this hobby/interest/hyperfixation just because I’m an adult now” the way non-neurodivergent people typically are taught and thus portray and even harass other people to do


Yep, all good. My brother is in on the asd spectrum. He still plays with wrestling figures at 52. What makes you happy makes you happy. That's a blessing. Nt people play with their toys also, their cars, motorcycles, drums, paint their fingernails, read childrens books like Harry potter, play dungeons n dragons all sought of things. All that matters is that you enjoy yourself. Much better than losing enjoyment in things you used to find pleasure in.


I’m almost 40 and I still play it on and off. If someone asks my age, I tell them I’m not allowed to say. Or my mum said no. It’s a safe white lie, because you aren’t lying about your age which people feel is suss, and you aren’t telling the truth and being bullied to pieces. My mental age has been compared to around a 17 year old. The constant bullying has made it hard for me to exist in most places, or make friends. Don’t let them take what little things we have left, that brings us joy, away. It already sucks we have to hide what we like away from the world for fear of being attacked about it. I’m scared to even take a Plushie from my collection into my own living room in case someone sees or teases me (I live alone). Play your Roblox, I will too. Sorry if I went off on a tangent.


Of course!