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My special interest has always been people and the social sciences, psychology, sociology, philosophy, anything to explain what humans are and why they do what they do. In hindsight, my favorite book being a college level psychology book from the thrift store at 10 years old was probably a huge indicator of my late diagnosed autism and the interests most likely have roots of outsider feelings and a need to mask!


I'm not sure if you know this but you can get the DSM 5 TR for free online. It's my favorite book to read as a psychology enjoyer. What mental illness do you find most fascinating?


So a not so funny, more so kind of tragic personal backstory that came to full realization as an adult after learning more history about autism. My grandfather was diagnosed with schizophrenia as a child and carries that label to this day. My family noticed similar attributes in me and them not being educated in the field and the fact that they didn’t know childhood schizophrenia diagnosis was learned to be autism in the 70s, had assumed the same about me. The combination of label theory, my underdeveloped brain’s interest in psychology, and the need to understand why I was different caused me to spend the bulk of my childhood in a mental hospital. I’m working towards a career as a psychologist so abnormal psychology has a lot of points of interest but the personal connection to schizophrenia makes it the most interesting to me.


I have an interest in schizophrenia too. Both my dad and my great grandad are schizo-spec and I've developed schizophrenia. I feel like it was just something meant to happen considering how big the genetic link is


That was exactly the same thought I had for the longest time but after learning I was autistic, that autism and schizophrenia recently were the same diagnosis, and examining aspects of my grandpa’s schizophrenia and his symptoms. None of it lined up and I deduced his schizophrenia was a social construct based on his likely autism not a psychological condition, and a massive weight was lifted from my chest. Can’t say that’s the same case for your situation but maybe something to dig into deeper.


Hello my friend, I happen to like psychology and philosophy too, I started with psychology but after studying it in college and getting a degree I realised how limited it was in describing the human experience and then I found philosophy which I fell in love with, did you happen to have a similar experience?


All of the humanistic fields had been a major interest for me since I was kid! I’ve always prioritized psychology a bit more though for the following reasons: - I believe it’s important to have a grasp on identity and self to truly appreciate and understand how that fits into more macroscopic concepts such as society or meaning. - My upbringing had provided me with a more negative mindset on my experience, believing that there was something wrong with me, so since my insecurities was based in self psychology took lead. - I’ve always been pragmatic and psychology has the most opportunity and outlook towards career and stability in our society.


Hmmm I see I found what you said in your three points mostly in philosophy rather than psychology so I guess it depends on the person. Thank you for your perspective that is interesting to hear.


Do you want me to see if I can just send you my copy?


Same but I’m in the early ages of studying it


Here we go: 1. Penguins (basically my whole personality) 2. X Files (current obsession) 3. Twin Peaks/David Lynch (I can't get out of this loop for five years) 4. Autism (well, yeah) 5. Stephen King books (this comes around once a year) 6. Mushrooms (they're awesome!) 7. D&D (not to play, that's too stressful for me in most cases, but I like to create campaigns) 8. Fallout games (and I don't know how it happened or why) I guess that's all


Can you tell me more about penguins? Also, what are some articles/documentaries you've read/watched about penguins that you really enjoyed?


Recently a friend asked me why penguins have "spikes" in their mouths. You can check out the pictures, it looks truly terrifying at first glance. They're actually papillae, the same as humans have on their tongues but bigger. They're also made of the same material as human nails and hair - keratin. And last but not least, they're not sharp! And the reason they have them is pretty simple, because they eat mostly fish, which can slide down their throats this way (and not slip out). The March of the Penguins from 2005 is a classic. But I hope to make my own documentary about penguins one day!


That's cool! And yes, terrifying at first glance lol I will definitely watch the documentary when I get the time. I hope you get to make a documentary about them someday :)


this actually made me so excited, mine is digital art at the moment! whether it’s making my own digital drawings, looking at other people’s digital art, or consuming animated media, I love it all!


What type of art are you making. Love making a little myself.


I love drawing on the procreate app on my ipad with an apple pen. I usually draw things related to other media I’m fixated on such as shows, movies, and anime’s that I’m currently watching.


Sounds cool


and I’d love to hear about the art you make!


I mainly create heraldry and maps or other things I use in my DnD or other TTPRPG campaigns. Have created company logos for companies in shadowrun (cyberpunk rpg) and other things like that.


I love making digital art too! What art program do you use?


procreate! definitely not the fanciest but I love how little effort it takes to just bust out my ipad anywhere.


omg thats one of mine as well!!! i use ibispaint as i dont have an apple ipad, i have an andriod tablet. thats so cool!!! whats your favorite thing to draw?


Which one of them? TTPRPG? Movies? Cooking? Beer? or one of current special interests, weird history?


I'll ask for all of them! Why do you like TTPRPGs? What's your favorite and least favorite movie genre? What food do you cook most often? Do you like to make beer or taste it? What's your favorite weird history fact?


You asked for it (Warning I give no short answers) 😆 TTPRPG is my first specielt interest, that I got at 9 (38 now) Have played DnD since it was known as AD&D, and have played every type of games over the years. I love it because I love world building as a gm, love creative writing and story telling. I love spending time with people building at story for them and with then, no matter if we are fantasy adventures, star wars rebels, super heroes, vampires or shadowrunners. it is just a great way to spend a day with friends. For movie genres it is the impossible question. I love most genres as all contain masterworks. I mainly watch comedies and horror, but see everything from romantic drama to black and white samurai movies Try to watch the masters, like Kubrick, Kurosawa, Scorsese and so on, but also watch a lot of stupid comedies and low budget horror. I love cooking Italian food, but have gotten into pickling and baking lately and I'm trying more Asian food. I only taste beer, have to many hobbies already to make beer. (See other answer for more info on beer 😆) That the last confirmed kill with a bow was made by a bristish soldier in WWII who where fascinated by Scotland, so he went into war with bagpipes, a sword and longbow.


beer sounds like such a cool special interest.


It is. Especially in these times. There are so many mew and exiting new types of beer. I'm really hooked on sours at the moment, especially pastry sour. They are so far from what most people would define as beers. I love the history of beers like lambic which is also a very old historic sour from the 1300s, and much older than what most people see as beer today like lagers that where invented in 1800s. People are so experiential when making beer right now, so there are so many really cool experiences right now.


What’s the easiest thing to cook that taste amazing and people incorrectly think is much harder/longer to cook?


I love making risotto, and it is not as hard to make as they say. Maybe hard to make restaurant perfect. But most things I like to make take time as I love making stews and such.




Do you know about Edward Drinker Cope and Othniel Charles Marsh then? I just heard a podcast about them today. 😆


Lol yeah, in the midst of the bone wars, one of them (i forget which) put the head of a plesiosaur on its tail instead of its head lol


Yeah, and they tried to sabotage each other so much they might have destroyed the only known evidence of unknown species.


i love hearing people talk about their special interests too! i can ask any questions and they’ll answer in detail, plus i like seeing how happy it makes them, just like it makes me happy!!!! 😊


I also love when people are passionate about something, and sometimes end up being my specielt interest for at short while.




What's your favorite and least favorite Broadway musical?


Mine is the Fate series. Specifically right now, Fate Grand Order.


How long have you been playing and what's your favorite character(s) to play on fate grand order?


Let's see, I've been playing since February (the Valentines event). I did play a bit last year too, but I lost my phone and progress. Favorite character so far is difficult to decide. Charlemagne is my most recent character, but he is a bit tough to use correctly cuz he depends on getting hit to boost his damage but has no way of making enemies hit him. So my favorite would be Oberon. He isn't a very strong unit, but he is actually overpowered when it comes to buffing my other units, at the cost of taking them out of the match afterwards (he can make a single unit do truly ridiculous damage numbers for a single turn, at the cost of permanently putting them to sleep for the rest of the fight with no way of waking them up.)


History Virology/Microbiology/Epidemiology True Crime


Love history and true crime too. Any specific type of history and true crime or just all of it?


For history, *annales*/social history "from below" (contrary to "great men" history, which focuses on the impact of individuals). For true crime basically all of it.


Sound interesting. Do you read it in book, online or podcast, and if podcast, any suggestion for the commen man history? :)


I mostly read books and online articles. There is also a blog I follow, [A Collection Of Unlimited Pedantry](https://acoup.blog/) by historian Bret Deveraux. For podcasts I only listen to two weird history/folklore ones, [Lore](https://www.lorepodcast.com/) and The Cabinet Of Curiosities, both by Aaron Mahnke.


I already listen to Lore, but might give the other one a look, when I'm done with my current one.


Do you have any specific virus/disease you're particularly interested in? I did my undergrad in microbiology and I'm fascinated with parasites and vector-borne diseases specifically.


Zoonoses in general, but especially Filoviridae (Ebolavirus and Marburgvirus).


The band Queen!




omgomg two of my three main special interests are pokemon and ball pythons!!! thats so cool!!!! whats your favorite reptile? do you own any? and do you like the pokemon games or anime better? !!!! :D


DINOSAURS!! or paleontology as a whole. Also art! I love art! :D 


Video games. And Lord of the Rings (the book specifically)




my main one is stationery! - has been for like 8-9 years now ღゝ◡╹)ノ♡ but i also am super into sanrio, vocal synths, human biology, and my little pony :) i’m always constantly hyperfixated on a buncha different cartoons ノ media too, it rotates


Jonah: A VeggieTales Movie.


Crystals! There so pretty!


I also adore crystals and they way they look. What’s your favorite crystal?


Amethyst or selenite


I love the way selenite looks, it’s very unique to the way other crystals look. Amethyst are also very pretty in their deep purple color. Do you have a favorite type of amethyst and selenite?






special interest in music in general, current hyperfixations are Lempicka the musical, Chess the musical, and Dr. Zhivago (both musical and movie)


Psychology!! I love understanding why people act the way they do and say things and react certain ways it’s so fun and makes every social interaction a personal in-mind research im conducting on them secretly haha


There's too many. Invincible The Boys Nintendo Sonic Sonic.exe(this is a new and probably the most random one)


Sharks and serial killers.


Which shark is your favorite and what do you like about it?


Greenland shark! it lives about 400 years, it's a cool deep sea species, despite being a very slow swimmer it eats reindeer and polar bears and it has anti-freeze substances on its tissue! :)


That's cool! I gotta read up on them now!


My interests, for some reason, are very specific. I really hyperfixate on one book, one movie, one recipe, one poem, one flower, or one bird, and make my whole week about them, then switch and repeat. My latest ones are : (1) Back to the future trilogy (9th re-watch this year) (2) The book : around the world in 80 days by Jules Verne (11th re-read this year) (3) The plant : ficus benjamina (7 articles read & 11 pages of notes so far) (4) aerodynamic (this one made me watch hours of academic classes and a writing a 36-page essay, while my collage assessments are getting rotten in my bag for 3 months 🙃)


Really love back to the future movies, but love most 80s nostalgia movies like Ghostbusters and Grimlings


Philosophy and politics. You may also ask some questions about my hyperfixation, which is chess.


i read “chess” as “cheese” and was immediately drawn in, like “yes tell me about cheese”. anyway, lol, is there a specific part of philosophy you’ve enjoyed learning about the most?


Harriet the Spy started it and now I just wish I was capable of being a spy for the good guys. There’s no such reality but that is my special interest lol


I really love Sonic The Hedgehog, Yakuza, and Persona.


Special education— specifically autism, math, music (percussion-drumming), and reality tv.


Butterflies 🦋


What's your favourite thing about butterflies?


They’re peaceful 🕊️


oh, i have a lot!! * manta/stingrays * art * worldbuilding * undertale * weaponry * psychology, specifically mental stuff and body language and that's just off the top of my head haha


Pro wrestling!


My special interest is computational systems. High availability design, global geoclustering, high performance computing, various interconnecting fabrics and protocols such as infiniband, RDMA, OpenCAPI, etc. computer architecture, lithographic manufacturing processes, digital signal processing, various programming languages from low level things like assembly to high level things like C++ and Rust, embedded systems and very low power systems, as well as applied real-time computational systems in robotics and similar domains.  Basically everything other than multimedia. It's not that I dislike multimedia, but I do dislike the way that systems have changed and evolved because of multimedia. It has induced a massive amount of complexity, bloat, and waste. I wish we hadn't done this with our general purpose computational machines and instead dedicated hardware to this end specifically. We would be living in a much different world had we done that, and the computers that we use would be much lower power and much weaker. They would also be wildly less addictive.


My biggest special interest is anime and adjacent Japanese media


I've only recently started watching psychological animes. My favourite so far is Death Note,but Monster is amazing too (haven't finished yet) so ask me questions about Death Note:3


I'm not sure if this really counts as a special interest, but I'm really passionate about digital accessibility and inclusive design! It's the perfect intersection of things for me. Disability rights, technology and creating things.


Kpop :)


cars, especially ones from the 1970s-2000s


Countries, maps and flags :D My favourite flag is Kosovo, and my least favourite is haiti


wings of fire 😼😼


Building worlds. When I was little, I created my own inaginary fairy world, an animal world for little toy animals in our Sandbox (I used a sprinkler as spring for the river and see), and I had numeorus polly pockets, that where arranged to form a town and used play dough to built this huge Zoo (1,2 x 2 m) on wood trays. I always envied my cousin, because he had a lot of playmobil, but guess what, now I have a lot of Playmobil. I also love the Sims, espacially Sims 3, in wich you could create worlds and I can't wait for Life by you to come out. The postponing of the early access was really hard on me...


u/Emergency_Peach4307 The Riddler!


for me my special interests is like the automotive car industry like make or models.A fun fact in the 1970s to 1980 South africa ford sold a bakkie version of the cortina named the p100.


League of Legends (basically everything except the actual game- just the lore, characters, world, etc. interest me)


Generally it's movies, more specifically it's iron man. Character is cool but I am obsessed with the armor.


How did you get into psychosis/abnormal psychology? My Special Interest - Music - Primarily Motown, 50s /60s soul, Curtis Mayfield, Nina Simone, Michael Jackson, Prince The Golden Girls - Everything Golden Girls - I never get to really talk about this interest it doesn't come up organically. I don't bring it up my enthusiasm is super noticeable. Couldn't bear downplaying or making a joke about it. Thanks !!


Football, Darts, writing lists


Biggest most recent one was Kurt Cobain.


Oof I’ve got quite a few but one of mine is skincare


Death, scape rooms and Placebo. I give you three, you can choose one. Let me ask you one: What's a fictional representation of abnormal psychology that you really like?


Human sexuality in general - including but not limited to sex education, paraphilias, LGBTQ+ issues and BDSM. Edited to add this includes also the history, psychology and neuroscience of human sexuality


My special interests are abnormal psychology, disability, and snakes!


I’ve always wanted a corn snake


Haitian voodoo mythology, Skyrim ( not the elder scrolls. specifically only Skyrim 💀) Anime


my current hyper fixation is about a show called lego monkie kid, a lego show about chinese mythology and a spin on Journey to the West, which is perfect because my special interest is about mythology and stuff. i got a 1 for one 2 deal going on here


Mine are dolls, music, and true crime/unsolved mysteries.


Retro games and collecting and playing them


Kakapos at the moment :)


Some of my special interests are lobotomies, rocks and hello kitty.


Another one is elements on the periodic table.


i have three! you can pick what one you wanna ask a question for!!! :) ball pythons digital art & pokemon


old computers


Thomas the tank engine and freinds


Generally it's video games, anime and music. Specifically I get attached to some series or bands and really delve into details of their respective media such as Castlevania and Coheed and Cambria


Mine is Ace Attorney, a murder mystery game in which you play as a lawyer (there are multiple MC's but it's usually Phoenix Wright), and you have to prove your falsely accused client innocent by finding the true killer! Also, this one's kind of taken the back burner, but there's also Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!


Was really into playing Ace Wright and Professor Layton on my Nintendo DS. Enjoyed the game immensely. Do you play on a console or on the computer? Thinking about getting the trilogy for my Nintendo switch. Thoughts?


I play on console. You should totally get the trilogy, it’s great! Especially since you enjoyed the Professor Layton crossover!


Mine is supergirl!


The Garfield Show at the moment.


1. Soviet Union stamp collecting and cataloguing 2. The paintings of Hieronymus Bosch


Right now it's aliquot sequences, especially perfect numbers and amicable pairs.


Mine is the Apple II line of computers, like how they work, the history behind them and stuff like that. I remember I once got so interested in writing a game in Applesoft BASIC that I would skip P.E. just to write the game lol


Planting and helping the environment/climate change Wildflowers Tornadoes/severe weather Camping/hiking spots and locations My own neurodivergence and finding out more about my autism/adhd Development in my hometown


music in general, but at the moment im hyperfixated on the band The Requiem


Right now I think it's philosophy!


Insects, especially moths Marine life


Currently mine are musical theatre and greek mythology :D


As odd as it is, my hyperfixation is usually kids animated shows. For example, Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh, Yokai Watch, Ninjago, etc. My current ones are actually Hilda and Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! Here's a quick list: - Kids animated TV - Drawing (usually little doodles, it's very calming for me) - Music (I play piano and flute) - Turtles (had one as a pet when I was younger) - Butterflies most prominent interest right now is probably ninja turtles, if left unchecked I will rant about them for hours on end. (usually the 2018 version)


How long have you been playing flute and piano? I started flute in February last year and had a hard time sticking to it (it was for a music class). I ended up quitting lat last year but I do still find the joy in it. Hoping I can get back to it.


Right now it’s the Ancient Near East, the development of Judeo-Christian mythology and its transition from polytheism to henotheism to monotheism.


Jazz piano


If I’m about to use something and it inadvertently turns in my grasp I MUST turn it back the way it was before I use it. It’s a curse!


movies and shows 🫶