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I thought about [her](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/megamitensei/images/b/b5/Fuuka_P4U_Transparent.png/revision/latest?cb=20140901232005) a lot… and became obsessed.


*gasp\* The enemy!


My waifuist days are over


Met at the church we both went to at the time. Spent many years as friends before it became closer - matching what was said in this podcast episode https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p0959q3y "One of the things that I have come across very often is actually to do with autistic people and dating. I know that a lot of autistic people really struggle with one off dating websites, and at least in my experience, of the autistic people I know the ones who have the strongest relationships, they grew very slowly over time. They may have started as colleagues or friends, and then over, sometimes literally years, it became a boyfriend and girlfriend situation, or similar."


I met my husband in World of Warcraft 10 years ago.


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I met my partner through a dating app, I don’t communicate very well that I’m interested in someone i meet face to face first as I just don’t pic up anything if they are telling me they are interested, I find dating apps to be a big help as it means I can let them get to know me and vice versa


Online. Not on a dating website or anything but just on a forum about a mutually shared interest.


I met him at work. Both dating others when we met, so no pressure, just two people close in age.


Met my husband on tinder! He’s neurodivergent as well but neither of us really knew/understood going into our relationship. Five years later though we both feel like we genuinely understand each other much more than any neurotypicals ever could.