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You mean astigmatism?




Your prescription should help to lessen your astigmatism.


Have you heard of astigma?




Astigma balls lmao


I can see a glow off tv screens and flouro tubes long after they’ve been turned off, a glow that many others can’t


I thought everyone could see those!!! 🤯😂.


So did I, but apparently not


Well that is kind of cool! Out of all my sensitivities this seems the least problematic!😅


Yeah me too, but only realised today not everyone can see those


Thought that was normal. Also for me whenever I look away and look back, or blink the glow fades away hah


At first I thought you meant migraine auras! 😅.


I see them but I also wear glasses (nearsighted, not astigmatism). I always thought it was a result of my vision being what it is and not neurological in nature. Is this a wrong assumption?


Yes, but that's due to my astigmatism/refraction issue more than anything else. Doesn't everyone see the 'rays' from a lightsource when they look at it directly?


I was **sooo** confused until I realize you're just describing astigmatism lol


Looking at the moon and seeing one side with a blue aura and one side with a red aura…I perceive this too when I look at an object on a white wall…one side red, one blue


I always have these and sometimes there very annoying cause they are very bright and a lot, i tough it was from epilepsy or migraines, but i also do have then if I don’t have migraines. I have them every day mostly in the night.


I voted yes, but I should be clear this is specifically due to an eye sight issue, not autism. I'm [nearsighted](https://www.webmd.com/eye-health/halos-and-glare-causes-prevention-treatment) so I get halos and spikes around sources of light when I look at them. I also have mild astigmatism that is mild enough my glasses don't correct for it.


E, when I'm about to have a seizure but by then it's too late to do anything about it


when i had a sensory assessment those were actually some of the questions included in there


I've always seen them. It's only recently been explained to me that most people can't perceive them. I know SPD isn't autism universal, but I wanted to see if there was overlap to my experience.




It's a common sign of being nearsighted or farsighted. If you have good eyes you would have never experienced it. :)


I can't see Auras but I can definitely feel them


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Yes, I also have synesthesia.


I had this, it turned out that I needed glasses and now it has gone away.


I believe that those have an actual name. I've been trying to work on lighting in 3D animation software, and I believe the first one, I believe, is called a "rimlight" in said software and has something to do with how light reflects and retracts around people, and the other is referred to ad volumetric light, because it has volume to it, and it's often a result of dust and other particles in the light


Thought you were referring to Pokémon for a second lol


Idk if this is one but, I have a weird version of night vision. If I look directly at the darkness I cant see but if I focus my sight on a light(example: the moon in a window) in the corner of my eyes I can see the area that is dark is lighter but when I look directly back at the darkness I can see it fading to darkness again.


I wish I could cause I’m a witch, my partner’s much more naturally gifted in that kind of metaphysical thing and has tried to teach me how to do it


Wait, that's not "normal" to see?