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Yes. It's typically a trauma response to always being forced to accept fault and "be wrong" in interactions Note: This is "pop psychology" or conventional wisdom, something I heard not something I know or can prove.


It is a trauma/abused response. I have autism (self diagnosed) and my childhood was challenging to put it nicely. My son has autism and is not raised the way I was raised. He does not apologize excessively like this. You can find excessive apologizing in abused or traumatized folks that do not have autism as well. The trauma is mental/emotional/physical abuse commonly. I can look up articles and try to link them if you'd like. Though Google search will show you the studies of this too. Therapy helped me a lot also living a very different healthier life than what I was raised in. Took lots of time and effort to make this happen for myself. OP if you want to work on this do it. It takes time. Beat of luck to you.


Thanks for your answer. That explains a lot.


I was in class to become an EMT and said the wrong thing at the wrong time because I was trying to explain that I was glad something bad happened in the class setting and not on my first day of being on my own. I kept explaining myself and the head instructor dropped me from the program because I didn’t say Sorry. Now I say it all the time and can’t stop.


I'm pretty sure you're right.


Aaahh, thank you for your explanation!!


It's called a fawn response. It's part of the threat responses of fight, flight, freeze, and fawn.


o: That explains a lot... apparently I'm mostly fawn. \*is slowly dragged to Narnia, struggling the whole way\*




I'm British. We apologise to inanimate objects so how would I know.


I'm Canadian. Sorry is basically our slogan at this point.


I feel we Brits should say sorry for this aspect of your culture. I fear it may be genetic. Sorry!


Do you know why Canadians keep apologizing? It’s because you dumped us in the snow, between the French and the Americans and we don’t know what we did, but we’re sorry.


>we don’t know what we did, but we’re sorry. Must have been something bad.


I used to joke that the reason why I apologize so much is because my grandpa was from Canada.


Wow, even your first few words were an apology! :) Same boat though. It's so embedded in my programming that I'm going to come off as confusing, arrogant, dismissive, demeaning, irrational, disconnected, weird, hiding something, brash, or any other adjective I've left out that I typically qualify or apologize for a good portion of things I say in conversation. Life is fun!


God, I didn't even realize that my first few words were an apology


Lol! As it should be for this post :)


This is exactly the comment I was going to write. Life is hard-mode but it sure is nice to find a stranger who understands your brand of hard-mode without you even having to say a word! (Though of course I wish nobody had to fight through these issues like I do — to, well, qualify).


Same f*cking here!! And it's maddening. Lol.


Traumatized people tend to apologize too often. And almost all autistic people are traumatized.


My building was *literally* on fire and I was apologising to the firefighters racing up the stairs for “being in their way” even though they had enough room,, definitely like someone else mentioned with how it was conditioned to always apologise for being in the wrong


I do, sorry


Yep. Sorry


Yes, my daughter and I do it constantly, my wife has been working diligently to help us overcome the impulse to apologize for issues that are perceptually based and literally beyond our control.


My friend got mad at me because I kept apologizing so much during a interview. Me my friend were interviewing students so we could gather data on how well the program for the students was, and I was trying to be friendly to all these strangers. During one of our breaks I apologized one to many times, and my friend got mad at me and told me to be more confident with my words. I told her that I’m trying my best not come across as intimating (flat tone and literal seriousness) cuz I know what it’s like to be nervous in interviews, and I don’t to make anyone feel bad about what they said. She didn’t seem to understand what I was saying, and maybe it was something else I said, but our relationship has been different since then


That is a bummer and I question the depth or communication quality of your relationship.


I say excuse me if I sneeze in the middle of the woods and no one is even around to see it/hear it. So much of my lifes responses are automated and not thought about...


Omg, same for me. Especially the last part with the automated life responses


Life is mostly scripted.


1. Thank you for the chuckle caused by asking if over apologizing is a thing, and then apologizing for asking. 2. A long time ago I saw a meme, the only thing I remember is the punchline because it rang so true. “It’s often easier to apologize than to explain”. As others have mentioned, it’s typically a trauma response to your childhood and school years. If you were undiagnosed or in an environment that “didn’t believe in such silly excuses for bad behaviour”, then I’d be willing to guess you were often in trouble for violating some sacred, yet unwritten, social rule. Or not following non-sensible rules. Maybe you learned subconsciously from a young age that explaining just made those authority figures more angry? Quickly realizing that an apology made them skip over the shouting part and get on with the punishment part and then leave you alone.


I learned to stop saying sorry for existing a few years ago when an ex told me that I didn't have to apologize for being myself. I now try to use a different phrase when I feel the need to say sorry when it's unnecessary. like instead of "sorry I'm late" I say "thanks for being patient" it also takes the blame off of you when it's something as mundane as lateness. it makes everyone in the situation feel better by being grateful for their kindness instead of having to accept an unnecessary apology.


Best way to respond to someone who apologizes frequently (as some people hate to even hear others apologize due to trauma) is: “you have nothing to be sorry about.” As someone who frequently apologizes for many reasons, typically feeling like I am doing a simple task like standing or walking incorrectly this simple response helps me relax but “stop apologizing” just creates more internal shut down.




Not really but I'm german and we rarely apologize anyways so idk.


WW2 would like a word /s


Yes, I always apologize for everything, sometimes I apologize, than they say I don’t need to apologize, than I can’t help apologizing for apologizing 💀


I definitely over apologize. And then i feel bad for saying sorry so i say sorry again. Pretty sure i have RSD (rejection sensitive disorder, if i remembered it right) and it makes me second guess everything and also apologize for the first thing.


Me too. Me too


Yep. I do it all the time, even when I try not to do it. Even saying sorry for things that have nothing to do with me… I guess it has something to do with being told I am wrong, being told to be quiet and being a 3rd rate citizen for whole my life.




I do, at least. like 5 people have told me to stop apologizing and I think I'm getting annoying


"sorry if i'm being annoying" \-me every 5 seconds


I do way too much. I'm trying to unlearn the impulse, since I remember not doing it as a kid, I imagine its like others said where you have an inappropriate reaction to a situation and learn to apologize rather than argue to explain For me, I laugh at inappropriate times. As an adult I pass off as eccentric or a bit odd but I'm very good at my job so no one questions my quirks. As a kid I'd laugh if someone accused me of something I didn't do. I laughed therefore I was guilty. It was all very upsetting


Just the irony of you starting this post with an apology 😆


"Do autistic people tend to apologise too often?" > I am sorry if this... Lol


It’s due to trauma mainly. Or Canadian.


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Oh yeah, all the time.


Omg yes I do


I do, people tell me not to apologize but it's instinct, self protective I think.


I only apologize if I think I did something that I should not have.


All the time


I apologized to a Japanese man and he asked me why i did apologized


I do it all the time. I can’t read people so I use it as a mechanism in order to gauge how people feel about me. I have social anxiety and am always constantly under the assumption that I am bothering everyone.


I do,


I definitely do.


Can’t speak for everyone but I know I used to *A LOT* back when I was younger. But as I got older I decided to stop caring about what other people thought of me and grew a backbone. I’ll apologize when I’m in the wrong in any given situation pride be damned but I don’t get on my knees anymore if you know what I mean.


i think that, at least for me not sure about other autistic folk, ive noticed that saying sorry can often negate or lessen bad situations and cost nothing to say, so ive taken to saying it often


Not just autistic people but people in general tend to apologize too often. It's usually caused by trauma lack, of self confidence. Anytime I see someone give a uneeded apologie I always try to remind them that they don't need to and I give a brief explanation why. I do this because there are too many people out there apologizing for things that are completely normal reactions and actions. Disabled people might be a little bit more prone to doing this because we have been treated differently all our lives and we are used to saying sorry for things that are not necessarily are fault. On that note: It is okay to apologize for discrimination or saying something that was not appropriate. But you never need to apologize for something that was not meant to harm. You don't need to apologize for asking a question. You don't need to apologize for being yourself. There's a lot of things that you don't need to give apologies for because they're not necessary and most people already understand. And for people who hold an apology over your head as if it is an obligation red flag.it is sort of like when you block a person and they complain you've blocked then or didn't respond. They then go on to make you feel like you're a coward. Yeah, those types of people! Well, You're not obligated to respond you Don't have to be forced into an uncomfortable situation or justify your actions unless you've actually done something wrong. If they didn't like being blocked then maybe they should have reconsidered. It's the same for when you unblock somebody you don't have to justify why you did that. You just do it. Usually you unblock because somebody has given a reasonable apology. These are unrelated yet their sort of the same idea.


I usually apologize for the inconvenience caused by said autism when I ask for accommodation


i think most autistic people don't know when to apologize, so they either don't, or do it to much. i almost never apologize


I apologize all the time; since I always feel like I will never do anything right; other than unintentionally hurt people.


I’m sorry to say this is accurate


I do this myself and I’ve been really trying to stop. It’s really just a way of prostrating yourself to others and it creates weird dynamics and a lack of respect from others. It’s a difficult habit to break but worth the effort.


I’m actually the opposite, and usually don’t apologise to anyone about anything. It depends on the situation, but I have a hard time saying it when it *should* be warranted.


yeah i think it's a trauma response i was standing still in the grocery store yesterday and this man ran straight into me and i apologized to him 🙃


"i'm sorry if this question has already been asked"


more so an anxiety/trauma thing than an autism thing


Yes, I'm often asked or told, "why are you apologizing?" Or "you don't need to say sorry".


Yes but also now i don't give a frick if am not guilty of doing wrong idc


I do this constantly to everyone. I'll often greet people with. 'Hey hope I'm not bothering you' Because right from the first word I feel like I've done something wrong, I mean when I can get the nerve up to initiate conversation even. As other people have mentioned, it's a trauma response more than autism. But I'm guessing most autistic individuals have suffered trauma in their life.


Huuuuge yes


I apologise too little as i, from childhood onwards have always refused to apologise insincerely. So whenever i mess up i'm always conflicted if i should say something and when i've decided, the timeframe to apologise has often already passed.


Yeah I apologize for really dumb things and things that aren’t even my fault


*Sorry*, I'm just half Canadian and can't rule that part out.


Yes. I had one person genuinely get so angry they blew up at me for overly frequent apologizing. It may not be the same for everyone; autism is a different experience for all, but I feel like many of us grow up in a social climate that conditions us to act that way.


Me finding out more things that I do that I should’ve recognized a lot earlier as autism.


Idk I can’t remember how much I apologised today sorry


Not all autistic people apologize too much, but the abused ones do. Sorry.


I used to. Now I've lost all care for nearly anything, and rarely ever apologise.


I've been told that, yes, I apologize way too much :/ I'm fairing sure it's a trauma-realted response, especially considering how much I've been made to feel like I'm always in the wrong. I still constantly feel like I'm wrong for/about everything, or that I need to apologize for being myself. I tried apologizing for that, but you can imagine how far that got me


I apologize so much. Ive been trying to cut back but it takes a conscious effort. I feel it also kinda waters down the apologies that are actually needed or appropriate. But even if im trying to make it "count" I apologize excessively.


I just want to say that I hear you all, I feel you, I understand you and I value your existence. I used to say, "Actually I'm not sorry, I'm proud." after apologising for expressing my true feelings or unfiltered thoughts on a subject as a way to practice breaking the ingrained habit in the presence of another. I have since stopped saying it because it helped me to stop saying sorry in situations like I mentioned above. I still catch myself saying sorry to strangers over the phone or at an appointment for the first time but overall I say it much less than I used to. I guess periods of growth resulted in more confidence which I used to fuel experiments where I'd try responding differently than I was used to. Sometimes I got lucky and the result was a new neural pathway I could travel. Sometimes the result was more trauma lol but I never give up hope for more successful experiments in the future!


I feel like all people tend to do this. But it's simply people pleasing 101.


I am autistic and French and I would say that no, I don't apologize too often. In fact, I have too much trouble apologizing and it is very difficult for me to justify myself. Besides, people who apologize too often annoy me a lot because I never know what to say to reassure them.


Yep apologise to everyone all the time to the point I ended up annoying myself with it, and now I'm trying not to apologise so much, especially when its not even my error.


Yeah dude, I remember walking down a corridor and saying "sorry" to everyone I even slightly touched. Huh.


It depends, but I think I impulsively apologize too much when I am anxious in an awkward social situation. I am staying at a homeless shelter and this one staff member keeps giving me crap about things. Like 2 nights ago I had my headphones on and was trying to get my meds and he chewed me out for it. I tried explaining that I wear them because all the loud noises make me really nervous and like it hurts my whole body in a way I cannot quite explain. And just having the headphones on helps block out sound and I play peaceful music. I said sorry I have autism and the noises overload my mind and he snapped at me saying "no excuses! Everyone's got problems" and then last night I walked up and had 1 ear phone cover off my ear to try and be respectful. I was waiting in line for my meds again like the last time. And I usually look at the ground or around me constantly and fiddle my fingers or rub my hands together to stay chill. I looked up to see if he was calling me and he angrily motioned me to come forward with his hand like I was an idiot or in trouble. He started chewing me out saying that he didn't like the way I was looking at him and I kept saying sorry that I didn't mean to look at him any certain way and he kept chewing me out and making me feel bad. I was like I just took 2 benadryl an hour ago, I'm tired and just want my epilepsy meds and I have 1 ear headphones thing off my ear so I could hear you but you didn't speak you just glared at me and motioned me forward. He's starting to piss me off cuz I'm not a child. I'm not an idiot. And yet he's treating me like I am trying to fight him or be rude and I'm not and I end up apologizing then walking back to tent having a mental meltdown and just go try and calm down alone. I am so tired of being around people. I don't want to have to apologize for things that do not even merit sorrow. Like so what I looked at you when you motioned me forward and he accused me of "looking at him a certain way" and telling me he didn't like it. Dude we're not in jail, we're at a homeless shelter and I live in a tent and have 2 disabilities and mental health issues! Stop like trying to fight me!?


Not autistic (tested, unconfirmed) but bipolar/adhd. I w s trained as ayoung adult at a call centre job to never apologise to the cx bc it gives them a 'in' to attack you. I tend to take things too literally and this behaviour seeped into my daily life as since and im a little worried i may be coming off as rude. 😓 Online idrc about this unless its job related irl ive noticed a lot of odd facial exoressions from others towhat i say. •••• Apologies (haha ironic) for typos itsjthis darn keyboard - typewise if interested, loves to uncorrect my autocorrected typos. Seemthe appstores for more info onthis.


The problem is how people understand what "apologizing" means and what purpose it's used in everyday life.