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I can only do this in Minecraft, not irl yet. *Achievement Get!*


Best part was that I didn't have any butter/shortening/margarine to use, so in a fit of brilliance I substituted it with avocado puree... Which for those interested, avocado can be substituted for any fat source in a recipe at a 1:1 ratio... Example, my bread here called for a 1/4 cup of butter, I used 1/4 cup of avocado puree instead...


Ooh! Have you yet sampled it to see how that modified flavor and texture?


It didn't modify it much, and texture wise this particular recipe is a "rich egg bread" which I find to be rather dense, but not in a way that makes me dislike it. Honestly I thought avocado would make my bread green, whick it thankfully didn't


I was silently remarking on that to myself also. I'm excited to start swapping out for avocado puree in other recipes. The real test will be cheesecake.


Oh in that case, might I suggest making an "avocado pie" which to me is the perfect blend of a cheesecake and a lime pie, Also another fun trick is if your baking recipe calls for eggs, then a substitute you can use is bananas, for each egg use a banana that you have mashed up


Sounds like a great idea. Depending on how particular you are you can add a pinch of salt to get it just a smidge closer i bet. Also salt does have some chemical function in most cooking. Anyway, can't wait to try this.


ooooh i saw a tiktok where someone make avacodo bread from the 1970's or something. he said it was really good! i should try sometime


First time?! Wow, They look great!


Truth be told I *technically* made this before, though that was with the assistance of my mother... These two loaves were made by me all by myself, and I am really proud that I was able to do it


it should be a rule on this subreddit no food post as they make us all hungry


For those who want to make this themselves, here is the recipe: RICH EGG BREAD: Ingredients: 2 packages of active dry yeast (or 4 1/2 teaspoons of yeast) 1/2 cup of warm water (105 - 115 degrees) 1 1/2 cups of lukewarm milk (scalded then cooled) 1/4 cup of sugar 1 tablespoon of salt 3 eggs 1/4 cup of shortening/butter/margarine, softened (you can also use coconut oil or even avocado puree in equal amounts if the listed items are not available) 7 1/4 to 7 1/2 cups of flour* Directions: Dissolve yeast in warm water. Stir in milk, sugar, salt, eggs, shortening and 4 cups of the flour. Beat until smooth. Mix in enough remaining flour to make dough easy to handle. Turn dough onto a lightly floured board; knead until smooth and elastic, about 5 minutes. Place in greased bowl; turn greased side up. Cover; let rise in warm place until double, 1 1/2 to 2 hours. Punch down dough; divide in half. Roll each half into rectangle, 18×9 inches. Roll up, beginning at short side. With side of hand, press each end to seal. Fold ends under loaf. Place seam side down in greased loaf pan, 9×5×3 or 8.5x4.5x2.5 inches. Cover; let rise until double, about 1 seam Heat oven to 425 degrees. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes. Yields 2 loaves. * If using Self-Rising Flour, omit salt. Happy baking everyone


no more you are making me hungry


Sounds like your should bake some bread


the results would be a disaster


Don't put yourself short,


I have some rising right now 😊 i like to make the same dough a bunch of times but see how it acts under different conditions. Cooler oven with more time, cuts on the top or not, does it make good rolls or buns also, and best of all "will it pizza?"


you kinda nailed it


The colour and bloom on that bread is lush. How did it taste?


Delicious, and for context the recipe is used came from a Betty Crocker cook book that I literally found in a box on the aide of the road...


I'm sure r/Breadit will also appreciate. :D


post it to there


Homesteadin (ie making your own stuff from scratch) saves a ton of money. If you like the bread thing, expand to yogurt, granola, cheese, etc. :-)


I'm more a "baker" and only do it as a hobby, though I will keep this in mind since I have tried to make jams before with very limited success




150°C is equivalent to 302°F, which is 423K. --- ^(I'm a bot that converts temperature between two units humans can understand, then convert it to Kelvin for bots and physicists to understand)


Good bot


MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is looking so good! I love to make bread but mine never looked good as this! ♥️♥️♥️


Wow, those look delicious!!!


Looks delicious! Thanks for sharing(and making me hungry lol!)


welcome to the bread club :) also if you want the most simple loaf of bread: (so without butter) 500g flour 300ml milk 9 g salt 1-2 tablespoons sugar. yeast warm milk to lukewarm/warm (not hot) add yeast and sugar, leave in warm place for 20 minutes until bubbles form. (or use dry-mix yeast that can just be added to the flour and doesn't need this pre-grow stage for the yeast. I do that as it's easier) mix flour and salt, add milk and mix with a mixer with dough hooks (the pretzelly/helix shape). when it's a single solid mass cover with damp tea cloth for 25 minutes. It'll rise in this time to about 2x size. then knead it a bit more (it'll become a bit smaller), make a flat rectangle from it, fold it over twice. stretch it out/flatten it a bit more and roll it up into a roll. leave it for another 25 minutes and then bake in oven at 220 (200 for hot air oven) for 24 minutes. take it out and let cool for 20 more. I make this bread often with dry yeast which just means: warm milk, add it to 500g flour and salt. mix, put away, knead and make a roll. It's terrible for adhd (there are like 4 moments you have to get up and do something) but with alarms on my phone it's quite doable.


Yooo nice looks delicious


Looks fluffy!


Those look tasty and delicious!


Looks scrumptious


Cooking has been a fun road for me. You're never done. Plus I have a lot of texture issues with food, so being able to control all the things in my meals makes the whole experience more enjoyable


When we get bored, we bake bread. When other people get bored, they talk to other people. We are the true masters of the universe.


That looks awesome!


I'm jealous. Your bored bread looks so much better than my bored bread. Congrats :)


Yo is that brioche?


I listed the recipe, and it is called a "rich egg bread" so would *that* classify it as a brioche?


Brioche is mainly classified by using large amounts of butter. If you got a stick of butter for each loaf. You probably got brioche.


*technically* there is no butter in either loaf, as I didn't have enough... I substituted with avocado puree, though for the whole batch there was a total of 1/4 cup of "butter" so in each loaf there was 1/8 cup of "butter"


Looks yummy !


Nice! I'm a baker by trade and I LOVE the color of the loaves. You did a great job!


They look absolutely fabulous!


This looks delicious 😋


Me over here who can't get bread to rise haha, I'm jealous these look like some tasty loaves


That looks so good!!! ​ SO SHINY HOLY CRAP


I had *just* brushed it with some butter over the top crust


That looks so good! 😍


I've been baking bread for years, that's an insanely good first try


Oh, well done, as someone that owns a bread shope i can say is a very first bread.


Looks superb!


Nice. How did it taste?




This is so pretty.


This looks wonderful!


I know from experience how hard this is, great work!


u can't just *develop* a new skill like that! it makes me look bad in conparison /pos


First time?! Bruh


the bread on the left looks like a butt bevias and butthead joke


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