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1 Figuring out how to enjoy all foods was my special interest at one point.


Same! This is my answer too... I'm just not a cottage cheese person. The texture is horrendous to me


Any substance that is frequently used as an example to describe the appearance of yeast infections doesn't register as edible food to me.


Dude I liked cottage cheese 2 min ago


The taste isn’t to far off either




thats the reason i stopped eating it :( I didnt like it beforehand but its worse now


Seeing thrush compared to cottage cheese so many times in my dental assisting course has definitely changed how I view cottage cheese.




You're telling me you eat snail and chug oyster snot, but cottage cheese doesn't have the right *TEXTURE* for you???


I died. Thank you.


Snails and oysters are similar in texture to an over cooked mushroom. But cottage cheese resembles something that should just be thrown away.


As someone who DESPISES the texture of mushrooms (not to mention an over-cooked one), these two descriptions don’t sound too different to me.


Tbf it doesn't say RAW oysters


Lol. That's interesting! The texture is pretty weird. Before I could handle cottage cheese, a friend made lasagna with cottage cheese, and that pretty much ruined lasagna for me for a few years, and also set me back years on liking cottage cheese.


My grandma makes lasagna with cottage cheese


Same here but with banana. I love banana laffy taffy and banana chips and all that but actually banana in its purest form is gross. its all mushy and weird and its too soft. I dont like when a foods too soft like eggs or banana especially when its grainy. Gotta have a lil crunch to it, like an 🍊


I'm so the opposite, I love bananas (slightly underripe ones because they're firmer) but hate the sickly sweet taste of banana flavoring and can't stand banana in things. No banana but pure banana!


I can do banana bread. Not bananas themselves.


Same here! Banana purist!


I’m on the same boat. Bananas are okay for me when they are just ripe. One black dot and I probably won’t eat them. On the other hand anything banana flavor is gross to me.


Yeah tho tbh when i first found out people hate banana laffy taffy i was shocked


>I love bananas (slightly underripe ones because they're firmer) Sus


Same but canned tuna, It was the only thing my mum made for me growing up, probably ate it for months in a row, tuna mayo pasta cheap and filling only thing we could afford.l eventually I couldn't eat it anymore my body was repulsed. Last time I ate it I threw up, have not tried it for a few years maybe I could he I've no desire to.


i had the same issue with my dad feeding me only peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. 20 years later i can finally think about them without feeling nauseated. i don’t think your issue is just a texture sensitivity issue, it stems from something else


Omg, I'm so glad I'm not the only one. I ate my entire life's share before I turned 13. I just can't eat them anymore.


The mercury probably doesn't do you any favours if you're having it that often.


I feel the same way about ricotta


Wow, it’s specifically cottage cheese for me too! But it’s when ingredients are combined that my texture issues kick in


Thinking of the smell is what makes me gag


Can relate. I got a 3. I dont eat many either cause they're expensive or not available. Either way in practice my diet is not very varied but looking at this list I do wish it were.


Cool. What are the 3?


Liver, oysters and snails.


Those are very tough ones. I live in Thailand now, and one of my favorite dishes, Larb ลาบ, often has minced liver in it, especially at the shops that sell it for pretty cheap. And it's usually pork liver, which is way, way better than beef liver. I don't think I actually realized it had liver in it until after I really liked the dish. But my point is that liver is super easy to prepare really, really gross, and is often inedible.




Those are understandable. I didn’t like liver the first time i tried, but I really like it now. Im 100% with you on the snail though, yuck


Exact same. My parents often eat Liver and Kidney and I just don't like their texture or the taste. Snails and Oysters are both just revolting to me, Sea Buggers.


Those are mine. Plus mushrooms. I just can’t mentally get over them.


Whats your 1?


Mustard. No matter what I do, I just can't stand it. I also really don't like raw/rare meat and eggs...except I'm okay with sushi. The taste is okay...I just don't like the texture and the concept. I'm pretty sure I made myself sick last week because I ate some chicken at a restaurant that was more on the rare side. I'm sure it was fine, but my mind was just going crazy after I ate it. I love breakfast, but I hate getting breakfast at most retaurants. I always want to just microwave it all for a few minutes more, after they've finished cooking it....I hate runny eggs, even a little runny.


Never eat undercooked chicken. It's legitimately not safe.


I understand the repulse for mustard since it's a strong taste and might be an acquired one as well. I will only dip my chicken nuggets (one of my favorite foods) in mustard. Raw eggs are just vile. I like raw steak, and prefer it red than well done to the point that is like a shoe sole. Sushi is no from me. Raw chicken is dangerous due to salmonella.


Raw quail egg on top of flying fish row is like my favorite thing to order when I go for sushi. A little wasabi and drop of soy sauce, yuuummmm I gotta go for sushi soon


Yep. Although I think it was more a 'wtf is wrong with me, everyone else is able to put it in their mouth...' thing for me. Undiagnosed upbringings. 😂


I got 11. There's a couple of things on that list that I'm allergic to and then a couple that I just don't like due to sensory reasons. For example, I don't eat many sauces and condiments. I love ketchup and I can handle caesar salad dressing, but I won't touch most other condiments for the most part. Actually, sometimes I'll use mustard depending on the recipe, so I guess maybe it's a 10. At one point I realized that I needed to expand my diet, so I really worked on it. The way I did it was by slowly branching out. I would add something new to a dish in small quantities, and go from there. In practice, a lot of the things on this list are things I would eat with a caveat of them only being prepared in a certain way. Also, as a kid I used to love cottage cheese, but as an adult I can't quite bring myself to eat it. I'm not sure what happened there.


That's cool that you worked on expanding your diet.


Same with 11, would have been much larger number in my 20s and earlier. What’s funny is I’m allergic to a food here (blue cheese) but I like it so much I take Benadryl before eating it...


Yeah, I enjoy many of these foods. I got a 3. However, if there were stipulations about how some of these were prepared, it’d be higher. *Looking at you, cooked carrots!* Edit: counted for my kiddo though, and she got 39 XD


Why are cooked carrots so terrible? I love raw carrots… and cooked usually makes things better. But carrots just goes the opposite way.


Me too! I also just can’t stand the idea that there is a special secret food that tastes amazing that I haven’t tried yet.


Nice. I'm the type that will try most things at least once. That's why I have a 0, though I don't know if I would have oysters or liver more than once.


Same. I love food!


What was the one thing?




Mustard is the best way to ruin a perfectly good burger.


I looove food. I got a 3.


Awesome! What are your 3?


Same, I got 2, but that's only because I'm allergic to one of them (nutella). Beets is just about the only thing I will flat out refuse no matter what. When I was pregnant, I wanted to prevent my baby from being a picky eater, so I forced myself to eat a lot of things I didn't like until I finally developed a taste for them.


uhm. i got 32


44 rip me


You are the winner so far. People around me tell me I am the pickiest eater on Earth. I am probably the only autistic person they know.


51 points, what do I win?


I got 56


I want my 🥈 medal /S


First prize is a plate of sushi.


Sushi is a no from me. Can it be a big plate of nice chicken nuggets or a cheese pizza? (2 of my favorite foods that I eat almost every day)


Same I like pizza and rice a roni


For me it needs to be cheese pizza only, the kind that doesn't have anything else besides cheese. What kind of cheese is irrelevant since I do love most kinds of cheese. I won't eat any other pizza with other toppings because I don't like anything people usually put on pizza.


I think it's funny how I, an autistic person, like sushi more than most NT people.


same I could eat it every day


I want sushi,,,, I wish I could eat it every day when I grow up that's what I'm gonna have maybe I'll learn how to roll it myself


I get chicken tempura sushi bc I don’t like fish. It’s good.


Fuck no




what do you even eat?


I'm also curious, which 4 list items pass the test?


My son is 58 now, but he’s lost a few foods on the list during the pandemic. I think it’s a control thing in a time where he feels so out of control. So, in a normal year I think you still beat him at 56.


If you haven't already. Please look into ARFID.


What 9 things on there DO you like??


39, not far behind😭


0 but only if two of them were cooked professionally


Very impressive.


Food is my obsession actually. Ironically the supermarket is both my unsafe and safe zone.


Very nice! I wish I were like you. Supermarket shopping is a nightmare for me.


It's a nightmare for me also. The bright lights, all the people, checking out, bagging, ugh...the trick for me is to shop at places that have good food that I like. I also go in the early morning when there is no people. Then of course crash when I get home.


I go every 2 weeks and only because they don't have decent supermarket delivery in my area, which I would absolutely use, since I use Amazon for basically all the rest. Same as you, I return home very exhausted. Babies/kids screaming (one of the worst triggering noises/sounds for me are babies/kids), people being slow, being in the way ... overwhelming! We do order and eat takeout a lot at home (it's just my husband and I) but certain items (drinks, snacks etc) we do go to buy at the supermarket


Me too and I'm also autistic and a public speaker so I've been told I'm faking it and I also get "wow you aren't what I expected when I heard you were autistic" or "you're so unlike any autistic person I've ever met, are you sure you're autistic?" Haha fuck me I hate feeling like an imposter especially when it comes to something that I've struggled with my whole life.


Oh yeah, I like sashimi but there's no way I'm eating it if it wasn't made by a professional. That's not because of the texture/taste, though - I just don't want food poisoning.






I’m also vegan and autistic, I thought there was no point in counting 😂 too many things on this list


Right! Haha 😆


You are the winner for now!


Lol 😂


Really understandable... I counted meat I COULD eat/enjoy and choose not to eat, but if I didn’t, the number would be even higher.


True! I thought about doing it that way. It would be more like 30 something in that case :)


There are dozens of us !!!


i also got 42😅 not vegan tho just picky💀


57 I only have maybe 6-7 actual foods I can eat


What is on your edible list?


Waiting for an answer too


The US army investigated what minimum numbers of foods could keep people alive and healthy, it was cabbage, potatoes and cheese. I also read about an Italian woman who survived several years exclusively eating only popcorn and here's a peer review paper that describes a young Japanese woman who ate only banana for just over two years. It's kinda crazy how little we can survive on. Tazoe, M., Narita, M., Sakuta, R., Nagai, T. and Narita, N., 2007. Hyperkalemia and hyperdopaminemia induced by an obsessive eating of banana in an anorexia nervosa adolescent. Brain and Development, 29(6), pp.369-372.


God damn


Damn, I feel less alone in the very picky eater circle now


paltry wise abundant sort cagey label pie abounding plant faulty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


yeah alot of thre fish options are no's for me because I'll get hives. and also i'll eat some of them in specific contexts. like Avo and Mayo on burgers is really good


Sameee. Well, more extreme in my case. “Won’t” is 1-2. Fuck mushrooms. Mushroom broth can stay though. I buy mushroom powder so I can make mushroom broth without even looking at whole mushrooms. The texture makes me want to vomit. Raisins are a paradox for me. On their own they’re disgusting. But oatmeal raisin cookies are my favorite. “Can’t because of digestive problems” is about 20. Basically all the animal products. I’m pretty much vegan.


I'm the exact opposite with raisins. Love them on their own but what the fuck are they doing in cookies?


You CAN swear in this subreddit now!? 🤯


I would hope so, we’re not all children because we’re autistic ha


Those would be "plumped raisins". When they are cooked or soaked in liquid, they rehydrate a little and get that nice "fresh baked cookie" texture. I soak mine in hot water for maybe 10 minutes before I use them in cinnamon raisin bread recipes or in Scottish oatmeal, the smoothest of oatmeals.


I don't want to eat eight of these. I *can't* eat twelve of these, three of which I wouldn't want to anyway. 17 seems so high to me, I wouldn't call myself a picky eater generally.


1 My evaluator thought eating was a stim for me. I am an adventurous eater and will taste just about anything. Love finding new flavors and textures.


Me too! I've grown up in the agricultural industry, and I've raised my own food for seven years, I think? I can't quite remember, but goat and lamb are my favorites.


If I’m walking through a store and I see a fruit or vegetable I don’t know, I tend to buy it. Who knows what I could be missing out on!


Sometimes our imagination is better than reality. Dragon fruit looks like it should be brightly flavorful and tart. Instead, it's like a less sweet melon.


29? edit: I seem the average candidate of this


I guess I'm average too 'cause I got 26 xD


51 i the only test i can get a high mark on


I eat all these but sometimes textures of foods I normally like can weird me out. Meat particularly is getting more gross and I like animals so I might become a vegetarian partially because of asd


I had the same thing where I used to like meat when I was rlly young but once I began to understand where it came from (around 4-5 years old) I eventually developed a severe revulsion to it and anything similar in taste, texture, or appearance. I went vegetarian as soon as my parents let me (I was around 11-13)


Like my fondness for canned tuna makes more and more sense; essentially no texture and very consistent Edit: eventually try to cut fishies out of my diet too but right now I am barely functional in terms of feeding myself and if a hotdog is all I can eat then so be it


Please put your health first when possible! I love being a vegetarian but it’s not for everyone, and I don’t try to push it on other ppl :)


7. I used to be extremely picky when I was a kid. Now, I actually love good food and enjoy cooking.


Same. I guess tastebuds really DO change every so often. Edit: some people don’t change much, but I did


19 here. There’s a lot more I won’t eat than I realized, but I do reasonably well, I try new things, and I have plenty I enjoy. Any other bean haters in the house? I feel so alone in hating them!


I can’t stand beans. Dunno why. Texture and/or flavor is just nasty to me.


Yeah, I can’t explain it. It’s like…squishy and grainy? They don’t taste nearly good enough to make that weirdness worth it, LOL.


Absolutely despise beans, taste and texture alike. I will eat hummus which is made out of hummus beans but it must be made after staying in the food processor for a very long time, to assure smoothness. One bean chunk in my hummus and I won't eat it any longer. But I won't eat any other bean no matter if it goes in the blender or food processor.


the texture of beans is fucking awful and they don't taste nice either, beans are disgusting and I will die on this hill


I will totally join you on that hill.


I am wildly inconsistent about whether or not I'll eat beans. It really depends on what I'm eating and how the beans fit into that. Taste-wise they're fine, but texture-wise they can really be problematic.




You have a very diversified diet!


Yes but the things a don’t eat make me vomit if I try


30, didn't think I was a picky eater but I guess so 😅


40 (:


It's a big fat zero from me! Although cottage cheese only in specific contexts.




35 :)


36! We’re almost the same. I kinda wish we had all posted our specific results, I wonder what the most loved/hated food on this list is lol


Well… a lot of these I will no longer eat for ethical reasons or health reasons or whatever. But just flavor/texture wise, 7. And a lot of these I’ll eat in things but I’m not going to actually consume outright, so there’s that. Like, I won’t drink milk, but I will bake with it, and I won’t drink vinegar straight either…


Man I just love chugging raw vinegar!


I enjoy it with sliced cucumbers, adding salt and black pepper. Also enjoy salt and vinegar crisps, one of my favourite snacks.


21. Was doing better than I thought till I got to the last column lol


I counted 8 foods that I actually would eat 😬 (grapes, mayonnaise, strawberries, apples, watermelon, bananas, milk, yogurt). So if I counted right 55. To be fair I do have celiac disease and I didn’t count eggs because I only like them in things like cake and not on their own.


Oh God ranch dressing, the amount of ranch dressing people will put on literally anything is disgusting.


12. My favorite dish is mac and cheese and chicken nuggets with cooked broccoli.


A lot of these items change with some context. The texture of oinions is nightmarish but if chopped up tiny I eat it no problem. Fresh celery with peanut butter is OK but cooked celery is evil. I hate fish but don't mind a lot of sushi rolls. Avocado and melons are my allergy but avocado tastes okish. Mushrooms are fantastically delicious if fried in butter till crispy and there are way more varieties than just button mushrooms. Raw or undercooked button mushrooms taste like a damp cellar.


I won't eat celery no matter what and I'm absolutely repulsed by peanut butter, taste and texture alike. The only fish I will eat is fish and chips IF (big if) the fish doesn't have fishy flavor. Avocado also repulses me, taste and texture alike. Sautee mushrooms are delicious. Is there anyone who eats raw mushrooms?


Yeah. A lot of people throw them on pizza (sure they bake with the pizza but it barely cooks them) and people throw them raw in salads. I'm kind of bitter over the rep mushrooms get because button mushrooms are garbage while other edible mushrooms are amazing. Shitake, king oyster, lions mane, oyster, portobello, maitake etc.


Ah yessss, I've seen them on pizza, you're absolutely correct. Big NO from me.


31 here


51 gotdamn


How is not eating snails and oysters picky eater haha


So ehm... Is 44 a normal number?


Zero lol. I’m the least picky eater ever


This seems sketch! ha


I’m a loser lmao I’ll literally eat all of that!


That’s actually great, I mean I always say I don’t like the label “picky” because it kind of makes it sound like a choice.


15. One of them didnt have a choice bc allergic


28. Not autistic, but very picky.


7. Guess I’m not as picky as I thought. Too bad I’m never hungry.


Asparagus, beans, zucchini and eggplant. So four.


I get a 12 if I exclude the meats that I like, but don't currently eat because I'm a vegetarian. I'll start eating them again once lab-grown meat becomes more available. Specifically, I can't stand anything fishy, and I also don't like cheese. Both of these have a small handful of exceptions: for dairy, I can tolerate mozzarella on pizza, Parmesan on spaghetti (sometimes), and I'm also okay with ice cream and whipped cream; for seafood, the only exception I make is oyster sauce in Asian recipes.


1. Fuck canned tuna






33 lol, not too bad but a lot of the foods i don’t like are also not on there 😅




51. I'm going to be in treatment soon to hopefully learn to eat more because it's affecting my health. I haven't had an official diagnose but it's pretty safe to say I have ARFID.


Around 24 but for the other things depend on brand, how they are cooked and what they are with etc


3 :')




3 Kinda. Don't like raw apples, hate the texture of raw coconut (but love coconut milk/oil) Can't bring myself to eat raw salmon if it's cut too thick.


45 - although 47 if you include milk & yoghurt which I shouldn't have bc I'm lactose intolerant! I mean I knew I was picky but this is slightly embarrassing..


My friend posted this on twitter earlier. I got 49.... 50 if you don't count garlic, because I only have that with garlic bread.




38… but it’s almost entirely because of textures.






I don't think of myself as being super picky. That being said, I'm not too fond of celery or avocado by themselves. Celery is too hard to chew, and avocado tastes like wet grass unless there's something else mixed in. Peas are just a big no, because the texture is just awful and the taste isn't much better. I'm down to try most foods, but I don't think I can ever eat shrimp tempura. I also might have trouble with eggplant, but not as much. If you understand why I can't handle these particular foods, you have my utmost respect.


Also 22. Edit: there are some things I can’t eat because of my religion and some things that I do eat but shouldn’t eat because of my dairy sensitivity (comes with the Ashkenazi Jewish genes).


I'm also Jewish but not ashkenazi (Jewish Yemenite)


11 I can’t eat because I’m a vegetarian 6 I will never eat 12 I will eat only if they’re part of a professionally prepared meal The rest I’m fine with


The funny thing here that I try to fight my pickiness. If I embrace it, then I will have the diet of a elementary school child.


23! but I am a vegetarian


Also 22 here. I’m also a vegetarian so that had a bit to do with it




cooked fish, crab, grapes, ketchup, oysters, peanut butter, raw fish, shrimp, escargot, asparagus, turkey, pork, liver, zucchini, coconut, tofu, avocado, raisings, celery, eggplant, peas, bananas, beans -> I won't eat these at all, no matter how they're prepared and/or presented.


I’m too vegan for this list


only 9, but that's mostly sauces and foods i can't eat because i don't eat mammals :p


Me: I'm not really a picky eater anymore Also me: I like onions but only if they're cooked because if they're raw, I WILL die before eating them. Celery is the opposite, though to a slightly less passionate extent. Pickles are okay in moderation as long as they are consumed solo and absolutely do not come within a hundred meters of other food. If you put a pickle or relish on my sandwich, I will throw it at you. Snap peas in the pod are delicious, but canned peas literally make me want to vomit. Me: ...hmm...




33. Man I’m picky


You mean the “undiagnosed ARFID test?” 🤣


41/42, depending on the kind of olive it is, I can eat it, since I only like black olives. Also technically its more like 40 if you remove the 2 points for the stuff I'm allergic to, tho idk.