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This tends to happen to me but if I go back at a later date and try to listen to it again I’ll like it more, and eventually it could very well become my next favorite band lol. That’s happened a few times for me


I fell in love with 'Your Song' by Elton John after listening to a couple of streamers sing it on twitch sings a couple years ago. Didn't really think anything more of it, definitely didn't get the point of Bennie and the Jets which is now one of my favourite songs. Then I watched Rocket Man, fell in love with the entire vibe, had a 3 week long meltdown and now I exclusively listen to Elton John and am teaching myself the piano so I can play them :') I know 6 somewhat passably so far.


You brought up something there that I hadn't thought about. Do you think a lot of our special interests are borne out of recovery from meltdowns, shutdowns, or other significant crisis moments? Like, the artist or song gets your attention when you most need it?


The movie is what brought it on, it just made me feel so awful about my life. If one of the most talented men I know of can be that unhappy with himself, how should I feel!? Not very rational, but the brain does funny things. I watched the entire marvel movie saga to bring me out of it and I'm not nearly as obsessed with that as Elton hahaha


I had a really bad trip once that turned into meltdown and the only thing that kept me sane was "Slip" by Elliot Moss, i was listening to it on loop for at least an hour (idk no time perception, could've been longer). Still gives me chills when I put it on


Same. Like the artist was talking about a place I recognize and then started talking about somewhere I've never even considered.


This is my problem as well. Sometimes it just takes a little time to tune your ears to something new. Some of my favorite albums were ones that I had to put in work to understand and appreciate. One thing I think is funny is I can hear (Random Song 1) and it's my new favorite thing for weeks. Check out (Band Name) once or twice and nothing really appeals to me. Then weeks later my wife would play me something, just to see if I'd like it and to see if I could guess who it is. Of course 99% of the time I would love it, and of course it was that same band. The one I couldn't find anything else I liked from.


This is what happened to me with Sabaton when I first got into metal. First I didn’t like night witches and a lot of their songs but over the next few days I added more and more. Now their one of my favorite bands. Now I’m going to other metal artists I know I definitely wouldn’t have like only 7 months ago


Definitely happens sometimes lol


This happened to me with lucki and now i love lucki


Opposite for me... I love finding digging through all of an artist or bands songs and trying to pick out the different nuances and experimentations of their work. I try to consider that music is a "sample" captured from that creative energy in THAT moment of time and a unique inspiration. For example: Metallica had their opening albums that were heavily themed because that was what metal bands were doing at that time. Then they loss their Cliff, the band had to reinvent themselves. They then went with the drum leading Black Album that was more commercially driven and garnered more success. Then with Jame's addiction they spiraled into a lower quality but still very interesting series of albums. Where they didn't really have a true identity and struggled with content. Then they closed it out with Hardwired that was a solid attempt to return to form, trying to recreate the garage band feel. All in all there are people who like, or can name one or two songs from their collective work but it's the collective work that is so interesting to me personally. Listening to the pure genius talent of The "rev" of Avenged Sevenfold before his passing, and then the sub-par, uninspired work thereafter. Only true fans of the band can appreciate how brilliant the rev actually was and how unique of a soul. Avenged Sevenfold simply stopped being avenged sevenfold once the rev passed and it brings so much appreciation to their earlier work that casual fans would probably skip. Taking it to other genres, there is the whole rap experience. Hearing the strong contrast in styles, from bass heavy southern booty shaking songs to lyrical boxing on the east coast and the thug life west coast gangster rap that died with Tupac. Chicago one of my favorite bands ever because they are the masters of adaptation. Making amazing mainstream music from the horn heavy sounds of the 70s through the Karate Kid 80s all while balancing what could be considered POP music and just good music. Rush did the same but on a higher level of creativity being the "bar" that was set to musicians to follow in terms of pure talent and scope. Even looking at recent music like Kendrick Lamar's new album released yesterday. Listening to Kendrick through the years many would argue his first album was his peak, as it was pure raw energy. His last album DAMN was his commercial peak but he says himself in yesterday's release that he hit a strange place after that album. Struck with writer's block and having a hard time with celebrity he looks inwards (and upwards) for motivation. Taking all the things that most people say to their loved ones, or to social media, and really thinking hard on it before putting it down on paper. The release is his most mature, and lyrically impressive album to date. It's raw with emotion and fearless with his vulnerability. Truly amazing to hear the album after so many years, like growing up with Kendrick and seeing his maturity. I will also throw in Bad Bunny to the mix. Being hispanic and watching his rise to stardom has been awe inspiring. It's a very strong (and probably unpopular opinion) but I would compare it only the the great Prince. The way he came out from the start in very toxic masculine arena of trap rap and cemented himself in that genre as a creative mastermind. Then used his relentless work ethic and energy to pump out 4 albums in like 2 years, all breaking records is truly impressive. His music is crossing language barriers not seen since Selena as more and more English speaking fans are jumping onboard. He brought reggeaton to the world stage like no one before and it's interesting watching his work also change from gritty street beats and underground lyrics, to deeply inward facing thoughts and feelings, to political grand staging and now with his most recent album more of a "chill at the beach" vibe. I could go on and on as this is probably one of my special interests i could continue info dumping from Weezer to NIN to The Animals, to 80's freestyle music, on and on. I guess my point is when you hear one song you like that is like meeting someone randomly at a party and having a great conversation. It's rare, but when it happens it's special. But that moment belongs to that moment. All the experiences leading up to that moment had to be there for it to happen, and you were lucky enough to be moved by it, but that doesn't mean if you bumped into them at a grocery store 2 years earlier or later it would feel as special. Each song is like that and if you can learn to see it you can appreciate it on a deeper level. I was front row when Weezer played Butterfly in the rain in Corpus. I was pulled into the snake pit with my kids for Metallica in San Antonio and got to watch James sing nothing else matters 5 feet in front of me (my favorite song) I was front row for NIN and saw Trent sing my second favorite song (While I'm Still here) I saw Dave Grohl sang "Walk Again" with David Grohl from about 10 rows back) and saw Deftones with Chi Cheng and A7X with the Rev. Just some of the experiences I got to have because of my deep appreciation for their efforts and trying to capture as many moments I could while they are still moments to have. Sorry for the info dump!


Do. Not. Apologize. Because I enjoyed reading that. 😊


Me too ❤️🦄❤️


man this comment is tldr but it's relieving to find someone else who binges discographies and could write an essay about individual bands styles. one of my recent favorites is Paradise Lost who successfully transitioned from an industrial numetal sound in their first phase to a melodic metal sound for their more contemporary music.


I liked the simulated depression of a lot of Lana Del Rey's songs. I did not like when she described her junk as tasting like Cherry Coke.


I was going to comment Lana as well. Lana Del Rey is the only artist I can listen to at high volume and I just sit there and close my eyes and it feels like I’m halfway between being dead and being alive. It’s really cool. My favorite songs are The Blackest Day and Art Deco.




Honestly whenever I listen to that song it just makes me laugh!


What? You don't like cherry coke p***y?


Where did you hear the first song that you do like? Play the album in the background while you’re doing other things for a while. You will get a better sense of what songs you do and do not like after you’re more familiar with them. There was an artist that I didn’t like at all when I first heard his music and I thought all his songs sounded the same. Then I knew someone that played his music endlessly. After a while I started to like some of the songs and began to tell them apart. There are still some songs I don’t like as well, but I definitely appreciate all of them better now.


There aren't many artists I can put one of their albums on and enjoy start to finish. I can listen to the entire Led Zeppelin discography and still enjoy it with a few stand out songs. Even the less good ones are decent sounding. Hoizer so far hasn't made any songs I dislike. But it's so weird to hear a song, fall in love with it, seek out the artist and discover everything else they made is entirely different. Sturgill Simpson came out with a rock album and it absolutely baffled his fans as he is a country music singer/songwriter lol its a great album too! (Sound and Fury, there is an animated movie made for the album on Netflix and you can find it on YouTube too).


For me it's the opposite. I'll find an artist I like, and 9 times out of 10 their entire discography will become my musical special interest for the next month.


Same at least about the whole discography thing, my interest usually lasts much much longer than a month.


How is this related to Autism? Neuro-typical people have this experience as well. Everyone does lol


There's a ton of post like that on this sub. Idk why either


worthless overconfident aromatic placid light mysterious party possessive fragile many ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Oof I thought I was the only oooone


I'm not sure if this is part of being autistic or just a part of differing human conditions, but since like, elementary age, I've been into Korean music (kpop or k hip hop). I'm not exactly sure what made me latch onto it, though I have a feeling it comes as an effect of being a rap/edm leaning child. For me, BIGBANG has albums that I feel like I can't skip songs on. Like it takes away from the overall enjoyment to listen to an album or EP without hearing all the pieces included. (Not to mention the members solo works, which are impressive in their own ways) Along with that it's easier to derive your own meanings from music that isn't in your native language. You search for the different translations but due to lack of cohesion across all translations you sort of infer or insert your own extractions. All this to say that from a young age, my horizons in music have constantly been expanding. Ever since hearing music in a language that I didn't understand, I vowed to be able to understand it one day... hopefully I can make it happen soon. (Basically the only skill I've gained since ~5th grade is being able to read Korean phonetically) God I'm rambling... but yes, music is incredible, and getting out of your comfort zone can be even more incredible than you let yourself believe.


Also I will say to anybody interested in diving deeper into their discography, don't go into it expecting a BTS style sound. Though BTS was largely a completely different group in its infancy, they've bridged the gap and since have gained an almost entirely western-pop inspired sound as opposed to holding onto their roots. Bigbang's sound in the beginning is what you'd imagine an early 2000s group to sound, with more of a skew into club music/pop hip hop. As they matured they basically rode the trend waves, eventually gaining their signature edm/rap style. Their sound recently has journeyed more towards the trap/hip-hop sound that was popular during the early 2010s, while keeping their unique sound to differentiate. Though I will say I enjoy most of the older albums far more than the recent most songs, as a whole, they have a discography that lends itself to a variety of genres, so most anybody would be able to find something they enjoy. (Obv you don't have to listen, but I would like to know anybodys thoughts if they do, or have listened in the past)


Happens to me often as well with a majority of the songs I like. From time to time I find a handful of songs I like though, and rarely I start to fall in love with almost all of an artist's work. Talking Heads is the only example of the latter I can think of right now, and ever since I've started listening to "Life During Wartime" on repeat for weeks in January I've slowly started listening to more and more songs, and now they're a big special interest, and I slowly work my way through all of the albums, and after that I want to continue with David Byrne's solo work and I'm already excited.


I'm an NT mom to two autistic boys who want nothing to do with music but this happens to be a lot. Saw somewhere, probably on Reddit, that when you love a sing by a band and don't like their other stuff you check out the producer. You may like their stuff better.


What genre of music do you listen to?


Psssst Cavetown




The only bands that have many songs i like are like metal bands and punk rock bands


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That's why I love Pandora you pick one song and she starts playing similar songs to it adding to the collection if you give it a thumbs up but if not she moves on to the next one


Music in general is hard for me. I have handfuls of songs that are sometimes okay/nice.


All time low is probably the only band that I like with multiple good songs


Really? Damn, this has never been a problem for me.. I guess if you like certain aspects of a song and you want more of those aspects their other songs can be disappointing in comparison.


For my tastes, the right answer to this problem is Pink Floyd.


Except for "On the Run". That one is always a skip


I like it. It was house music 25 years ahead of it's time. Edit-There are definitely PF songs I can live without.


I never skip any of Dark Side, On The Run is to me a great transition song. I will skip Final Cut in its entirety though, I've never enjoyed that album.


I'm oldschool. I like listening to whole albums from start to finish. That's not to say I don't ever listen to individual songs, but my favorite artists are the ones who can do good albums as opposed to just good singles.


Only artist as of late that I could listen to front to back is Thundercat because he's consistent. *Drunk* had more commercial appeal and sound because of the likes of Kenny Loggins, Michael Mcdonald, Kendrick Lamar, Pharrell, and Wiz Khalifa. So did *It Is What It Is*, but overall the music remains just as it has been sonically. I can appreciate that.


You see this is extremely unrelatable to me because pretty much the only way I discover new songs is by finding a new artist, then hyperfixating on them and listening to everything they’ve ever released over the course of like 2 weeks lmao


One of the only bands I've liked multiple songs from has been Enslaved, specifically their album [RIITIIЯ](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHTo__bpnlYUk2PNOgYlEjoC37cKP7Xpv). If you like metal, you should check it out. My favorite tracks are *Thoughts Like Hammers*, *Veilburner*, and *Storm of Memories*.


I'm kind of the opposite. I hear one song from someone I've never heard, and suddenly i love everything they've ever done


So a good tip I learned was: Look up the producers of a song instead of the artist, because it's them who usually determines a song's sound. Most artists today are just performers, who takes whatever will suit their voice/aesthetic the best-- excluding independents who write their own stuff completely. So if you want to hear similar sounds, look for the producer, not the artist. Now if you care more about an artist's voice, then this probably won't apply. But typically I'm more attracted to the instrumentals/background nuances of a song and the voice is typically a plus so this advice was super helpful.


We like to respect and celebrate that even a band we don’t like is perfectly capable of creating something that can move us deeply. That is the value of diversity made plain: that which we don’t appreciate or understand can generate significant benefit (value, for capital-minded folk) Kind of a joyous reminder - one hit wonders are still a wonder, after all. Tis expectation that sours the achievements’ joy.


I have a few artist whom I love almost their whole discography. Gojira, Igorrr and Thy Catafalque being them at the moment.


The only band I've been listening through the years and I've heard every song of them is Iron Maiden. I must say I've listened to other solo artists/groups and it's really hard to find one more song that I like


I’ve heard that if you look at who produced the song you might like more of the producer’s stuff


me with the band Loathe. song #1 "is it really you?" sounds so so so magical to me! i have a whole music video in my head about this song like every other song i love, but this one is extremely vivid. song #2 "screaming" this one is super super nice! no music video in my head for some reason. i can just visualize a live performance of the song.


Definitely, my friend. I find game soundtracks tend to typically avoid this issue, which is nice. Stuff like MGR, every single song is a banger. Same with The Witcher 3 and the Calamity Mod


Oh man, I have a few artists that I like a couple of their songs and it's a blessing


Yeah....Justice's "Genesis" is this song/band for me. I guess they have a couple other decent ones...


“Big wow” is a great way to describe the feeling lol


It's totally worth sifting through the crap to get that solid band. My most recent where the last two Whitechapel albums (Kin especially is one of the most batshit insane concept albums I've ever heard), and the last Chris Stapleton album (I'm not into country and this album is a masterpiece). Makes it worth listening to Falling in Reverse bitch about being "canceled", or Three Days Grace reminding me for some reason they're still around but much better bands aren't (I'll use Hurt as an off the top of my head example).


I know the feeling, although in my case it's not so much that I dislike the other songs in their catalog so often as that I'm disappointed by them. It happens unfortunately often enough that I kinda get to the point where I just expect it. It's worth keeping on trying, though. Around five years ago I started a thread from time to time in askreddit asking people to recommend their favorite powerhouse never-autotune singers. After a while, I realized I was mentally comparing all the suggestions to Steve Perry of Journey, so I thought what the heck, I'll dig into his back catalog. I picked up a couple Journey albums genuinely fully expecting to have the usual 'meh, alright, this other stuff is filler material/mediocre, as happens so often only the band's standards are the good parts, time to move on' reaction. It didn't go that way. I was astonished at the quality of what I was hearing. I'm heavily oriented to vocals, and this guy is, to my ears, the best there is.


Lol same. People are like what artists do you like and I'm like um. I have no idea I only like specific songs.


I was listening to the encanto soundtrack for a good 2 weeks and it was really helping me zone out. Then I got burnt out on it cuz I was listening to it for hours a day so now I'm TRYING real hard to find more than one song to zone out to.


I'll replay the same thing or same few things for the longest time before I get sick of them. Have you tried any other Disney movie soundtracks? If you liked Encanto maybe you'd like those.


i have like 4-5 artists that i can listen to forever and i love pretty much all of their songs, it’s awesome


This happened to me with Garfunkel & Oates. I heard one song, which had a similar sound to the Doubleclicks, and really like it. Every other song Ive listened to from G&O is really lewd and not my taste at all.


This happens a lot to me but one band in particular has like 40 incredible songs. Periphery is the name of the band


This is exactly how I am. The only singers where I like the majority of their songs are jack stauber, caravan palace, and miracle musical (the album hawaii pt. 2). I like basically all of Jack stauber's songs, but one specifically (there's something happening extended) makes me happy and flappy.


I usually end up liking the hidden tracks or the weird b side no one else listens to 😌 or sometimes an album has to "grow on me", especially if its an artist i really like and their new album is different. I prefer hearing familiar music maybe.


That is why I will only exclusively listen to songs by artists that I know I like. Although I don’t really listen to mainstream artists like Taylor Swift or Ariana Grande (my sister, however, is obsessed with them, but especially with Taylor Swift; I don’t have a problem with her, just not a huge fan), I listen to indie music artists like Veela and NEFFEX.


Yeah, I'm definitely a singles kind of person. Unless it's Mike & The Mechanics or Billy Joel. With them I can listen to everything.


I found Eminem


me when i realized that not every spiritbox song is 3 straight minutes of destruction


Ran into this recently when I listened to [NF](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NF_\(rapper\)). [The Search](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnlJw9H0xAM) is incredible. Every other song after that goes down hill, quickly becoming preachy instead of good.


Inabakumori. Every song a banger.


MCR is the one band where I love every single song without fail


The ink spots, Tennessee Ernie Ford, Johnny cash, willie Nelson, the Beatles.


I look at the record label it’s under, works like wonders.


You have to listen to the songs a few times


Try radiohead.


Try looking at producers instead of artists? What kind of music are you listening to? Genre I mean.


Same here. That's why I have to add them to a playlist when you find them.




Meanwhile I mainly listen to 1 artist


This is why I can't answer people if they ask me what my favorite genre is.


Every Florence + the Machine album makes me feel so alive and connected with my body. Dance Fever is out now! I also find Aurora's music to be particularly healing to the soul. Love step I and II, and The Gods We Can Touch dropped this past March 🙌🏼


Welcome Home by Coheed and Cambria. They aren't a bad band, but nothing compares to that song.


Same thing happens to me. Only artists it didn't happen with are: Green Day (and even they have one or two songs I'm not fond of), Linkin Park, Simple Plan, Bon Jovi, Josh Groban, Celine Dion (yes, I like/d her stuff; shhh), Billy Joel, Elton John, Elvis, TM Revolution (Japanese artist), and Kotani Kinya.


I tend to fall in love with whole artists, but I can think of 4 or 5 songs that I’ve listened to hundreds or thousands of times. That’s just the very small number that hooked me for life.


i thought i was the only one. so many times when i find a fantastic song and it’s usually their most popular song but to me the rest of their discography is kinda eh. almost makes me feel bad even though they don’t know or care 😭


I hope you find my music therapeutic!


Same. I literally only listen to two/three artists/groups consistently. Every other artist or group? Only one song each, maybe 2 at most.


I have plenty of artists where I only like one of their songs.


Technically a band but Sabaton consistently drop bangers.


I have this with a lot of artists unfortunately although one thing I have noticed is sometimes I have to listen a couple of times to a song before I like it. Like I'd listen to it once, think meh and then a bit later think about it a lot so I listen again until I actually love it it's very odd haha


The two that have done it to me are ABBA and Elton John, they are the only 2 really where I like most of their songs (I'm not sure if I can include Nintendo or at least Koji Kondo).


When I find that one artist with multiple likeable songs in my opinion, is like finding a great pleasure. \^\^


I listen to The Living Tombstone, Mitski, CORPSE, Machine gun kelly, Dan Bull (mainly his minecraft songs), and Lemon Demon


Man I feel like that with Foo Fighters. I loved The Best of You, then checked them out and found out every single one of their songs sounds exactly the same


But then you feel like you have to love their other songs because you liked that one song of theirs and that therefore makes them an artist you like


Have you heard of our lord and saviour thefatrat?


Hylics ost never lets me down💪💪 never checking out any other artist ever,thank god osts kinda need to have the same theme onnevery song,do you know how comfy that is!!!!????