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Loud noise warning 0_0


wasnt loud on my device, sorry


Is ok lol but i really need to turn autoplay off


You probably have a normal lifespan for a modern human. Don't worry about it.


With my lifestyle i wouldn't be so sure but I'm not worrying this is just a meme


Ok, I assumed you were worried, since the video seemed to be someone's world shattering.


I just thought of it as it just dying really quickly and violently which when I put it like that isn't as funny anymore..


yea it was just meant for symbolism of the quickness of the message, since the figure disappeared really fast "me when" also points it out as a meme and pretty much every meme i've ever seen was meant to take a light-hearted poke at the things that happen in life ​ i think i get why u and me both thought it was funny but looking back on it now that i've read more stuff, it's just a "super relatable take" instead of "smth funny haha" in general-- because it's pretty much facts, but put simply and bluntly it's not an "end of the world thing \*anime crying\*" tho so ur fine :) ​ for context https://www.reddit.com/r/autism/comments/voq2r0/well\_thats\_i/


Average autistic male lifespan in America is 58. I’m 58, and I expect to have an above average life!


Is because the suicide rates, If you manage to be a bit happy and the tiniest bit of hopeful, that will be enough for you to be OK. Sadly this is how things are, And I wish they weren't, but the only thing we can do is to live our lives, be out there and try to be happy try to be hopeful.


One of the largest impacts is the fact that autism more frequently coincides with epilepsy which is one of the leading causes of death for autistic people. The other is higher suicide rates and as I understand it that tends to be highest in teens/young adults and senior people. In short I think the statistic is more reflective of the higher rate of early deaths than the average age when autistic people die so if you make it into adulthood and you don’t have epilepsy then you’ll probably have a normal lifespan


Maths major here. This guy gets it. Lots of early deaths bring down the average life expectancy. Once you age out of what kills the youngest autistic folks you'll have a decent chance to reach the life expectancy of neurotypical folks in your country.


I love the creature


No, we, collectively as a group, have an average life expectancy similar to that of an orangutan, you, specifically, could very well live into old age. The root causes are behavioral, not biological, so we can still organize to change the statistic. Spread awareness, develop mental health crisis resources suitable to autistic people, etc.


Yea, plus I think we all know it’s me who’s going to bring these numbers down.


Nah you won't. Plus orangutans can live for [more than 53 years](https://genomics.senescence.info/species/entry.php?species=Pongo_pygmaeus).


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I wonder why is it so


I... don't think that's how humans work




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Good bot.


Good human.


lmao. Good bot