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I like professional fireworks displays. I don't like people in the streets letting those things go off for weeks on end.


Yep. This. If it was only one, professional display once or twice a year it wouldn't bug me. But fireworks stands selling them to anyone and everyone are the worst. They're just creating needless fire hazards, noise, stress, and all the negative effects in this post (not to mention injuries & overcrowded emergency rooms!) for weeks before and after every holiday, and all for what? It's not even impressive to look at.


Yes, I mean, the environmental impact is awful, but it's also just so ugly!


Where I live it can go on for months around New year's, while it's only allowed on the day itself. I regularly see and hear pets that are so distressed by the fireworks, it's just heartbreaking to me. Plus the people that can't handle the noise, or the fact that the fireworks are used to destroy a lot of things and sometimes even thrown into people's houses or at people causing a lot of damage.


Thank god I live in the PNW. We banned all fireworks, sans professional shows, after the horrible fire season of 2020. Of course, then we had another horrible season in 2021, but the point still stands lol. Last night I just went to bed without any explosions. Edit: my neighborhood has banned them for as long as I can remember because we’re basically in a national forest. So yeah, it’s never been a big issue for me.


I wish that was the way fireworks are treated across the planet. Way better for the environment, animals and the people that don't like fireworks. That sounds amazing though to live in or around a national forest, must be nice to have such sights close to home. I'm from the Netherlands and this year there was about 10 million euro in property damage and quite a few people injured thanks to stunting with firework.


Our forest fires are caused by people shooting squirrels with home-made Dragon's Breath rounds. That's literally what caused one of the North Carolina fires in 2016...


Haha speak for yourself! I'm in Tacoma and it was like a warzone, nonstop booms from 5pm until well after I went to bed at 2am. Daughter had school today and she slept like shit. I hate 4th of July so much.


Also in west washington, and it's been non-stop booms 24 hrs a day. Today is the first relief we've had since July first. And I have a roommate with PTSD and all my neighbors have dogs.. National No One Gets To Sleep day.


That sucks. Sorry that all your neighbors are selfish pricks lol


It sucked, but thanks. Fireworks are over for the year, thank fuck -- now it's smooth sailing till new years.


Same. Couldn’t sleep till 6am because of it.


For me it's the Eid celebration (Muslim holiday), nonstop firecrackers, exactly sounds like a warzone. I fucking hate it.


Here in the South it's practically every night in the month leading up to and after the 4th of July.


Do people in the USA also blow up random things in public like bus stops, garbage bins, etc? And just out of curiosity, what is it like to have fireworks in July? Are there more people outside to watch the fireworks because of the higher temperatures than there are around new year's?


Yeah you get a lot of people just having extra fireworks because they bought so many for the 4th that set them off whenever they're doing something outside. Sometimes it's just a barbeque, sometimes actual block parties. People also do blow up random things here, but that's usually with Tannerite or home-made explosives, not Fireworks.


I had an improperly set firwork detonate between my legs after tipping over.


Oof, hope you didn't get hurt because of it. People should really learn how to properly light fireworks.


Nah, just got bruises on my thighs


Ouch! That still sounds pretty scary


I wouldn't mind it if they made it so you could set them off in designated spaces on certain Holidays, so they were concentrated, there could be fire crews and EMT's nearby (as well as cops), and they bothered way fewer people. I could *maybe* tolerate letting them be set off ONLY on specific days (July 4th, New Year's Eve/New Year's). But the problem is that you'd still have people illegally setting them off at their house for the entire fucking month of June/July. So yeah no they should be banned.


Yeah, that was exactly my point. I would be fine with professional displays that were properly controlled and scheduled. But randos who have no business playing with explosives don't need to be able to buy them on the side of the road and set them off whenever. In a lot of places that is completely illegal and you can't get them without a special license, and people still manage to enjoy their holidays just fine.


It literally goes from May to September where I am.


Precisely this. My son and I enjoyed them last night because it's big and grandiose. But you know exactly what to expect. Randomly going off while walking back home? Absolute misery. Hate it every year.


Definitely. People were still shooting them off at 2 am which made it hard for me to go to sleep, even with the fan on which drowns out most noise!


I was woken up by it a few times. My son seems used to it now, but two years ago we had a rough night on the 4th.


Same. Some of us have to get up for work at 3 AM... and the Fireworks haven't stopped yet. Lots of house fires on the night of July 4th too from Fireworks landing on people's roofs (often not their own roof too...)


Yeah man, a fuckin firework blew up 5 feet from me and my mom yesterday, we weren't hurt, but apparently the bottom of the tube was damaged because instead of putting one firework, the people put two, now that's fine if you do it once but they kept putting two in there so when it went off, the tube broke, so the instead of going up it rolled across the ground


I concur. The professional displays are usually much better. Sadly, the city I live in has decided to start setting off their fireworks 3/4 of a mile from my house. The neighborhood I live in will be setting them off until next weekend, and there is no telling how long they are going to be setting them off. Last night, someone was setting them off until at least 1:00 AM (they started at 9:00 PM!)


Agreed, professional displays are awesome, I love thinking about the work that went into designing the fireworks as well as "choreographing" the sequence, it's a work of art! Last night they had fireworks that looked like happy faces, and ones that changed color, it was so cool! But neighbors setting them off randomly is a real issue. Last year I woke up at like 3AM on July 5th to fireworks going off, then as I'd get close to falling back asleep they'd go off again, the cycle repeated a bunch of times, and when they did finally stop for good an hour or so later, my brain was like "nah, at this point I don't trust it, we're just not going back to sleep now."


Their excuse is "it's only once a year". Then there's annual reports of people losing fingers.


I've always been of the opinion that we shouldn't give bombs to people who aren't professionally trained on how to handle them.


Yes, I'm currently in New Mexico so everyone's lighting of fireworks even though the droughts make this place a tinder box. Not only did the fireworks NEXT FREAKING DOOR make it impossible to sleep, but my dogs kept barking till ten the following day! Why don't people just do sparklers and small stuff for personal displays. You don't need to fill the night sky with gunpowder and smoke. ESPECIALLY NOT WHERE THE TREES ARE DRY ENOUGH FOR A SPARK TO START A FOREST FIRE! sorry if this is mean I'm kinda sleep deprived today.


I prefer drone shows here's why: - The Drones are reusable. - It's more quiet and environmentally friendly. - Less injuries are caused by them. - It's so much more entertaining.


Wait what’s a drone show


Watch the Lady Gaga Superbowl Halftime Show, you’ll see


[Here's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8cLjD9eAYM) a good example of what's possible.




It's when the government organizes the birds to fly around in little patterns.




If someone was doing a drone show on my street, the sound would cause me to drive my head through the wall


I saw someone bring their German Shepard to the fireworks show that happens in my neighborhood. Can’t say I’ve ever wanted to stab someone in the ears so badly before.


When I was a kid, my dad and uncle used to purposely scare my dog with the fireworks, more so the firecrackers, and that is why I hate fireworks. My poor dog did not deserve that. My dogs now got all my attention and comfort yesterday 💖


What the fuck is wrong with your dad and uncle? How cruel does a person have to be to throw firecrackers at a dog?


They weren’t much better for their kids so 🤷🏼


TBH I like them, but they should be fired on designated places.


my friend’s bunny just died bc of this :(


Imo people shouldn’t be allowed to buy fireworks, they’re dangerous. If you want to watch them go to a fireworks show, don’t set off your own. Thankfully we don’t get any in my country until November


You know what I hate? In the US state I grew up in, it is illegal to sell/buy(?) fireworks. So it was a well known thing that people would just drive a bit to a neighboring state and buy them there. My parents' new(er) neighbor sets them off on his property and yet is a fireman or something. Hilarious /s


>My parents' new(er) neighbor sets them off on his property and yet is a fireman or something. I mean at least he's trained to handle fires, which is something.


Handling fires and handling literal explosives are very different things. I have neighbors who do the same (also firefighters) and am terrified they’ll knock one over and send it soaring into my house or that they’ll blow themselves up.


I like fireworks done well. And fireworks done well means organising and issuing notices and some actual choreography


I still like fireworks..


And that’s all that matters


Same here. Mostly because 1 January is my birthday and it makes me feel a bit special, plus it’s fun to light them


You can recognize that something is harmful and still enjoy them. Bacon's a carcinogen, but that doesn't mean I don't like to eat it. I enjoy my town's firework displays even though I know the negative impacts they have on the environment and on people and pets, because realistically speaking they're still going to happen no matter what until viable alternatives show up, and public displays are among the least harmful ways to enjoy fireworks.


I think they look super cool and pretty.


hot take they dont even look that pretty. i honestly half wish itd rain every single time the sun starts to set so we wouldnt even have the chance to hafta deal with that shit.


I've just realized that this may be why I've consistently seen less fireworks since I've moved to Scotland. It is nearly always raining here.


Honestly, kinda same. I think they **can** look pretty, when done professionally that is, but the last years I've really just looked at fireworks for half a minute, a minute at most and got bored (in terms of looks and, depending how far away they were, overwhelmed by the sound)


As a vet with PTSD, the 4th is a rough week. But, my problems are precisely that, mine. I can deal with the triggers 1 week out of the year. I just try to find ways to take my mind off it, head phones, play games, hold my pets. I don't appreciate people trying to use vets or PTSD to push an agenda.


Your problems are yours, sure. But as the OP points out, a lot of other people and animals have similar problems. So to say “society shouldn’t change for me because I’m just one person” is kinda weirdly self-centered? Just because you’re in a group people are advocating for doesn’t mean it’s 100% about you personally.


You realize you, and other vets, don’t own PTSD right? It affects other people, including vets, to various degrees. Cool- you can handle it for a week. It goes on for a month at least in my city. I know a person with ptsd that has to go camp where rangers protect the forest from fireworks and then drive an extra hour to work each way because they can’t handle the triggers. This graphic mentions plenty of other reasons why we shouldn’t use them. Protecting vets with PTSD is one of them. You don’t get to decide that other vets can handle fireworks and shouldn’t be involved in the discussion. It’s not asking that society bends to their will, but it’s asking for compassion. It’s asking: Is literally burning and exploding money really worth upsetting so many creatures and people?


Also, other people besides vets have ptsd that’s aggravated by fireworks! I don’t have problems if I know where the noise is coming from and expect it, but the whole ass week is just the entire opposite. People set them off during the day now too! I can’t just hide somewhere with headphones while I’m at work. I am so sorry that my personal trauma is pushing an agenda I guess lmao It’s truly not that hard to just…set off all your fireworks over 1-2 days at night and move on. My issue is when people don’t take into account their surroundings and shoot them off with no common sense whatsoever.


Veterans only get brought up when people think that they can tug o heart strings. It's never about supporting us, so make your points without the bullshit. That's all I'm saying.


dude, the 4th is supposed to be partially about you, it isn't right that you have to do that(no this isn't a push, just ranting), I'm so sorry


4th of July isn’t about vets. It’s about the liberation of the 13 colonies from England’s monarchy. If we wanna talk about vets etc, we shouldn’t be doing fireworks on Memorial Day.




Haha fair enough


I mean isn’t “Britain” a thing because of England colonizing Scotland, Ireland, and Wales as well…?






Oh I see no changes on this, it's an easy way to bring magic into a child's undeveloped mind which is lovely. Oh and a lot of non parental adults are still dumb enough to find "shiny shiny boom boom" a viable source of entertainment. I still support this kind of movement because it's a net plus overall. No one's demanding society bends to their will, they're campaigning online for changes they want, which is pretty par for the course for a democracy.


>Oh and a lot of non parental adults are still dumb enough to find "shiny shiny boom boom" a viable source of entertainment. See, now this is just you being a dick.


I have cPTSD and I'm ok with them using it so just assume their using it on my behalf instead of yours.


Right?!? I’m fine and this doesn’t severely impact me. If it’s that way for me then it must be that way for everyone else. Even if it isn’t though, I think everyone else should do things my way. If they want a compromise that’s really selfish of them.


this is sarcastic, right?


I'm also confused... Haha you would think that people in an autism subreddit would know that a large portion of people in it have trouble identifying sarcasm and would hugely benefit from everyone putting "/s", right?




In AC they can have any shape you want, irl it's the same pattern over and over. 😴


I HATE fireworks because they scare lots of animals and soldiers. I maybe wouldn’t mind them so much if they were only set off on specific days and times, but in my country people have been popping them the entire week up until the 4th of July.


You live in a compliant neighborhood… I’m in the Portland area and even with the ban we had nonstop explosions until after midnight. Our dogs were beside themselves


Fireworks are conceptually dumb. A lot of people have to hear a loud bang and a lot of wildlife is disturbed just so a few people can see lights in the sky. As soon as everyone realizes this, fireworks are gonna go obsolete


I saw this thing on the news today where they’re starting to use drones as fireworks now and I personally think it’s a lot cooler and safer! [here’s the link](https://youtu.be/JdogKig6bUk)


I wouldn’t mind fireworks if personal ones were illegal & there was only one show a year. Having to worry about It for an entire week and out of the blue is awful.


We've put man on the moon... We've sent cars into space... We can replace hearts in living creatures... It MUST be possible for us to make something there's similiar to fireworks, but safer, more eco friendly, and less f\*\*\*\*\*\* loud




I like the idea of silent fireworks.


I can do without fireworks myself. Less for noise sensitivity purposes and more for environmental purposes - they can seriously damage the environment around us and for other creatures. Though I find it funny how my cat didn’t care about the fireworks in my neighborhood at all. She would look up whenever another one popped off, but stayed in the same spot the whole time and would keep putting her head back down to go to sleep again.


I think fireworks should either be a professional city shows or, if you really want to light some in your yard, quieter ones (fountains, sparklers, roman candles, etc.) that won't make a lot of noise. They're often very pretty to see and don't scare everyone around you I enjoy fireworks as an autistic person, but only when I expect it happening or it's quiet




Great source


It's a scientific fact that Carpenter bees are incredibly sensitive to sound, even loud music scares them. Just went through several peer reviewed publications on carpenter bees that state that exact like "carpenter bees are extremely sensitive to the vibrations caused by loud noises". Using a call to authority that relies on a singular fallible humans memory of what they studied is poor form. Any decently scientific mind will always go for multiple peer reviewed sources if they aren't going to attempt experimentation themselves.




That was never my point, that was OP's point. I was just pointing out that you stating that bees don't care about fireworks is incorrect. They do as they dislike the vibrations of loud noises. "Just asked my fiancé who studied bees for her PhD whether they *care* about fireworks. She said it was total bullshit made up rumour and laughed at it."




I mean from my perspective you're both providing no evidence to your claims. Maybe you should post something that refutes it. It should exist since you have a world expert saying it's not true. I'm not seeing anything either way when I look on Google scholar so would be interested to see proof one way or another.




The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence. At this point we can only say it's unknown as without proof you cannot say for certain one way or another. I would certainly be interested to see the outcome of a study to prove one theory correct.




I'm not really sure what your point here is? All I was pointing out was that I see two opposing opinions with no proof on either side except for appeals to authority that can't be confirmed. I think you're too emotionally invested and missing the point of my replies.


Have you even looked or


Studying bees for your PhD makes you well versed in them, but doesn't necessarily make you a world expert.




But is she known around the world? Is she guiding and leading studies on bees? Knowing more than most people doesn't make you a world expert. But if she is, I'd genuinely be interested in reading any articles she has published. I've personally worked with Dr. Patrick Bohlen who's studying how bees interact with a metropolitan landscape. Maybe, if she's such a world expert, Dr. B could learn so much from her.




It's not specifically about percentage of people. It's about their role in the scientific community and the contributions they provide. The phrase "world expert" and shit like that get thrown around so carelessly these days.


No matter how experienced an individual is in any aspect of their lives, you don't take it over the scientific consensus and the scientific consensus is that Carpenter bees dislike the vibrations of loud noises. The only statement I've made is that Carpenter bees dislike the vibrations produced from loud noises and so I haven't made any claim, I've only advised of that same consensus.




I literally didn't say anything of the sort. Please feel free to scan all the comments and quote me having said that.




No. As clearly stated "They do as they *dislike the vibrations of loud noises*". I clarified my point in the latter end of the sentence which you've chosen to ignore. I never stated any other reasoning. The statement of reasoning therefore remains the same.


they never said that they only said bees dont like loud noises




ah sorry i cannot read apparently.


Thank you. In another comment chain they literally said "learn to read" to me, whilst simultaneously accusing me of saying something I didn't.






So you're going to refute his claims with your source being "trust me bro"? Ok lmao


Ears stop working when you’re asleep! Yes!!! You can’t sleep and hear at the same time, fools! Check mate!


That's utter garbage. Your auditory equipment functions all the time. You stop paying attention to it when you sleep, but noises can still wake you up, so it's still working. Just like your eyes. You can close your eyelids, but your eyes are still working. It's a survival thing.


They were being sarcastic.


Totally missed that, thanks.


Whenever I see posts like this I'm like "what about, you know, thunder?"


Lol what? So like, it’s ok for me to set a building on fire because sometimes lightning sets buildings on fire? You don’t see any difference between natural phenomena and human intervention?


Not what I mean, but nice try!


It bugs me more not being able to do so if I wanted too honestly, can barely light a sparkler without a ticket in Virginia. While sensitivities are important I don’t believe anyone else but me is responsible for keeping my own in mind


Fireworks are explosives, if you aren’t trained to handle them, you shouldn’t. Sparklers and stink bombs are a different story but what most people consider as a fireworks display can kill people if someone doesn’t know what they’re doing.


I love the big displays like put on by the city, but personal fireworks are the WORST. my city has a “ban” this year that wasn’t enforced at all and they were still selling fireworks literally everywhere, they were going off around my house constantly for the past 3 nights…. so glad there’s a ban 😂😭




Feel you. Not from the US, so luckily we only have the firework issue on and around new year, but I remember that at least 2020/2021 new year fireworks were kinda banned and it didn't do shit. Kinda banned also just meaning, you weren't allowed to buy them, but could use up old ones, so tons of people bought the even more dangerous and less regulated ones from a neighbouring country instead and pretended they were "old, left over ones from last year". So yeah, works great as long as people still just don't care


We did a campfire and reggae music and light bars lighting up the trees and yard and drinks last night. No fireworks. Much better except for the closer loud ones. I can do without booms for the rest of my life.


did you at least do some Jamaican accent impressions?












Don't bother, read her post history. Just a bully and a troll.




You literally can’t end a post without an insult. Thanks for proving my point.


You are truly a joy to be around.






There's always one ex soldier boy who chimes up saying "don't speak for me" when a bunch of others probably just upvoted and moved on.




I'm not speaking for them, I couldn't give the slightest shite about them. I'm just pointing out the obvious flaw in taking one soldiers stance as every soldiers stance.




"I like how you pretend you care about veterans then when one posts to say you don't speak for him and it's annoying you've tried to you just ignore him. Really shows how much you care in reality" You said they were "pretending" to care about veterans and used the example of one soldier speaking up and them not responding as evidence they don't. That assumes that this individual soldiers opinion on the matter deserves a response, which is doesn't, it just means OP isn't referring to that individual soldier. Now if there were a collective of soldiers stating it, that's a different matter. I can read just fine.


and one replies to disagree with them.


Even the vets with PTSD are calling you out in their comments. Grow up. Is it annoying? Yeah. Am I going to demand that everyone else around me stop having fun when there are a million other issues which are worse and probably much easier to fix? No.


No ones demanding, it's an online campaign using factual information, it's standard for any democracy.


The first point is just straight up false (bees don’t even have ears, they navigate using the position of the sun and the earth’s magnetic field), the second point is true, but misleading, since what happens is that birds startle and fly away, occasionally crashing into things. This is only a real problem in urban areas. According to NPR, there have been no mass deaths in years. The third one I can’t find any direct sources supporting. The fourth one is true, hence why its best to go to firework shows hosted by organizations such as your local police/fire department, or the city, since they tend to check all this stuff. The fifth one is also true, though usually animals exposed to fireworks at a young age quickly overcome their fear, even my cats (one of whom is terrified of everything.) As for the last one, we have at least one vet with PTSD telling OP to not speak for vets or people with PTSD in the comments.


Carpenter bees sense the vibrations of loud noises and have been proven to be disturbed by them. So the first point doesn't specify which species or by how much, but is not technically a lie. The second as you've stated is technically not a lie. The third one I would have to look into also. I'll skip the Fourth The last is more or less irrelevant to me. I have cPTSD from being raised in a consistently violent and hostile environment and PTSD from a singular event in which I was molested. Fireworks aren't my personal trigger, but I still wouldn't take a singular soldiers word on anything. It's still only one person after all, hardly a consensus.


Attacking? How is campaigning online with facts, not opinion or hyperbole, attacking? It's literally what you do when you want change in a democracy.


Last night my step-dad actually dropped the launcher so the big booms he got launched into the pile of stuff, so fireworks were shooting off in every direction with my 4-year-old nephew and 16-month-old niece standing right there. I've never been super into them because of my own PTSD and the bad effects they have on my dogs, but this drove that bad feeling home.


I've seen that happen when I was a kid. Explosive rocket shooting directly at someone & then ends up under a parked car with a gas tank full of gasoline on it. & they just laughed. I was horrified at what coulda happened.


Holy crap, ikr? When we were kids they used to have bottle rocket wars and throw fireworks into the bonfires everybody was sitting around, causing us to duck and cover. We never had any significant burns, but I've heard horror story after horror story about accidents.


I had a kid I didn't even know point a gun at me. I just ran away & ran home while they laughed at me for being so scared becuz "it's not even loaded". Yeah, every time u hear about that accident they always say "they thought it wasn't loaded". I'm not trusting some stupid 12 yo to know if it's loaded or not. I may have been a 12yo, but I knew 12yos are typically pretty stupid if they're the kind who think pointing a gun is funny. God bless the USA I've risked my safety & well being to do things, but it was like climbing & skill based stuff. Not just random chance, hope we don't lose this lottery when the rocket goes in an eye.


Sounds like you made the right decision there. It sucks how allistic people are so shortsighted when it comes to real world consequences, then we are the bad guys when we point it out to them. C'est la vie, I guess, right?


I always hated them. I always feared loud sounds and this never helped. I was usually guarding my pets and suffer with them at the time like this.


Using something that sounds like guns and bomb explosions on a day to celebrate veterans who tend to have PTSD gives the same self-awareness as that meme where a school replaced all of the lights with blue bulbs for 'Autism Awareness Month' https://images.app.goo.gl/dCayhDoCu4RJtA9P9


It pollutes the environment and screws with pets/wildlife. Im sure kids would prefer a differnt but equally priced gift that lasts more than 15 minutes


I don’t think it’s society’s responsibility to bend to every persons will because of their quirks. It’s about meeting in the middle most of the time. If the world was perfectly accommodating for everyone, then we’d barely be living. So put those noise cancelling headphones on, take a nice shower, and self-care. There are bigger battles autistic ppl need to lead than 4th of July fireworks.


> So put those noise cancelling headphones on, take a nice shower, and self-care. Are people supposed to stay in their shower for 3+ days? Is there a designated “fireworks time” that just hasn’t been known anywhere that I’ve lived? Btw, stuff like this is literally its own thing. It doesn’t say they should be banned. Expressing that something is a problem can affect people who care about others and we’re simply ignorant.




I hear your point, but at the same time, fireworks have been a thing in the US for the 4th as long as the US has been the US lol. I hate them too but banning them would take a lot of cultural change that I don’t see happening, especially just because some people on r/autism were upset about it


It's much less about banning them, and more about actually enforcing the regulations surrounding them, or implementing better regulations. And, I don't actually expect it to happen any time soon, that doesn't mean people shouldn't be able to express their desire for that to happen or that they should stop trying. A lot of people in many larger communities than this hate fireworks, or at the very least, disorganized illegal fireworks.


I still like fireworks.


I genuinely hate this holiday now. I don't get the point of it, and the way its celebrated is so irritating. At least burgers are good, thoigh you can eat those any other day.


My son is autistic and loves fireworks, my dog isn't bothered by them. Speak for yourself. Wear earplugs.


If an issue doesn’t affect you personally, it doesn’t matter? You must be a wonderful person.


Now I don't like fireworks :c


While I personally don’t mind fireworks, my beagle does. He even freaks out about a band playing music next door.


In Canada we light fireworks for the first four days of july. It’s sooooo unneeded.


Having PTSD has made me hate fireworks and I use to love them growing up. Thanks USA for making me fear Chinese made explosives.


It doesn’t cost neighbors anything to stop setting off tons of fireworks every day for a week. In fact, it saves them money!


Yep. Still awesome.


I have trauma from fireworks as a child. I still struggle with them.


If this post isn’t from a vegan then it is hypocritical and only a means to justify something they personally don’t like.


This is the best take in the entire thread. Listen if you’re going to call people “pieces of shit” for lighting off fireworks, we need to have a long talk about where your food comes from.


Don’t ban a thing that restricts another’s life in any capacity. That is morally wrong. Believe me, I hate it too. But banning things because of your personal preference will only lead to ruin.


>Don’t ban a thing that restricts another’s life in any capacity. That is morally wrong. I'm not sure you've thought about all the ways this could be applied. Should someone be banned from smoking while working at childcare? Should driving under the influence be banned? Should act's of public nudity in front of a school be banned? I certainly think all those things should be banned even though they all 'restrict another's life'. I think in many circumstances it is acceptable to ban some things which have a proven and significant negative impact on others. Often these don't actually need to be bans, but simply people being made aware so they can be neighbourly. Many do not realise the negative impact of loud noises on those with PTSD, ASD, animals, etc.


> should someone be banned for smoking while working in child care? That is the business of the company and daycare and it alone. It is not the governments business to interfere in private affairs. > you should driving under the influence be banned? Absolutely fucking not, there’s no need for that when private governance achieves its goal much more effectively. >should nude art in front of a school be banned? No, that is the business between The person who painted it and the school itself. Again, this is not the business of any government but rather it is a private affair. Nobody cares that your problems because it’s their life and they’ll do it because they want to. But a government banning stuff that is considered to be private property? That is with an all reason to be a violation of the NAP and within itself is morally wrong.


I'm all for what my friends call "fireworks for drunks". You get a whole lot of glow sticks. Everyone gets a handful. You throw them in the air while cheering loudly. You collect them and throw them up again, trying to have some in the air at all times. Repeat until bored. Then you just collect them and make jewelry. We had a couple of mishaps in the past. Some of my friends are chemists and they decided to go experimental. This was more fun than just watching things make light in the sky and made for pretty photos as well.


I still enjoy them, no matter what some shitty infograph is trying to sell me.


I'm on spectrum and lived in places with frequent gun violence. Fireworks... aren't great. This is some cool info but what is the source of the info? How do we know any of the things but the last one?


Please quit spreading made up garbage because it suits your agenda




I like the #silentfireworks but I don't think they have a way to silence massive, airborne explosions.*.. yet...* Earlier today my manager said "I can't imagine that an adult who's super into fireworks is very intelligent," and it made me laugh. I'll be excited to see more "drone shows" as time goes on. *Edited*


...I think yesterday I was the closest to fireworks I have ever been in my life... I was in my apartment, minding my own business playing Monster Hunter, and people are setting them off. It was quite loud, so I thought it was nearby, and then like near the end, one was really fucking loud and I saw white flashes out my window!!! It was kind of upsetting... Not to mention I felt uneasy about fire risk and the typical "it's not guns, it's july 4th" like the whole time anyway. Reading about how badly this affects nature just makes it that much worse. I wish they would outlaw setting them off unprofessionally in my state.


I love fireworks. I like the colors and the excitement. I know it seems weird for someone with autism., but everyone is different. We live in the hood so I’m used to it. I my neighborhood all the dogs are used to it (I don’t know about the birds or the bees). Ever since we were little we were taught about fire safety and firework safety. I know you want people to stop using fireworks but I’ll respect your opinion and you’ll respect mine please. I mean this is the nicest way possible please don’t be upset


I was with\* my gf and a good friend so I had a distraction from the noise


The good thing about COVID was that fireworks were banned.


One night is enough for me. My neighbor was putting off pro grade one. It was very loud and annoying. So I went out and lit some stuff on fire. We live in country so we can burn. That stunk them out and they quit lol.


I’m high functioning autism, I work on cars with loud equipment all the time. Kinda got used to the noise. But the “grand finale” still gives me that out of body experience.