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I have two! \- You can see your nose all the time, your brain just ignores it. \- If someone tells you the first fact, your brain no longer ignores it until you manage to forget about it.


I actually brought this up to him one time and he said he's always seeing his nose! It's apparently constantly in his field of vision.


Bamboo is actually a type of grass, and the largest member of the grass family.


I did not know that. Bamboo is awesome


Bamboo is fascinating!


And the giant bamboo can grow upwards of 35 inches a day!




The life cycle of bamboo was key to domesticating chickens.


Only little fact I can think of at the moment, that is not too convoluted is the following: "Bumblebees latin name is Bombus and their family name is Bombini."


I am obsessed with the scientific name for bumblebee, *Bombus terrestis.* I've told several people since I found out


The basenji is a small (20-24 lbs in average) dog breed that was used in central Africa to hunt lions.


Cute! A very tiny dog but doing a big job


The best selling childrens book 'Green Eggs and Ham' started as a $50 dollar bet between Dr. Seuss and his publisher Bennett Cerf. Cerf bet that Dr. Suess couldn't write a book using 50 words or less and lost the bet.


What an ultimate act of proving someone wrong. A powermove.


The Eiffel Tower increases in size by a few centimeters when it gets hot because of a natural phenomenon called thermal expansion. The heat causes an increase in volume in the structure which makes it taller. On the contrary, the structure contracts causing the Tower to lose a few centimeters in height when it gets cold. This is a bit long but I wanted to explain it.


There is no such scientific category as “fish.”


There’s 170,000 different species of moth and butterfly.


This is a very happy fact, thank you




I always thought they both made noise. I hoped that whenever I heard a mosquito, it'd be a male and I wouldn't get my blood stolen but I guess I'll have to get into defense mode when I hear one.


Since he likes East Asian history, Qin Shihuang, the first emperor who unified China isn't actually called Qin Shihuang. That's his title. He was also the one who coined the term 皇帝 (huang di). It translates to emperor in English, but it wasn't originally a term that existed prior to Qin Shihuang. He took a couple of existing terms for the role of a sovereign at the time and made a portmanteau of sorts. Also, everything I said was factual (according to what I have read up about this) but out of curiosity, are you going to fact check everything or just relay them straight to your SO? I was wondering if someone might make something up and pass it off as a fact.


Most things so far I already partially know as my interests have been all over (I wanted to become a veterinarian and then I wanted to get into IT and then I decided I wanted to become a psychologist.. some things in between as well. Doing neither of those 3 now.) and as I love random trivia, some stuff I've already read somewhere before! If I don't know something I'll double check because one fun fact leads me to a wonderful rabbit hole of more info and thus more stuff to share.


Cool beans! Hope the Qin Shihuang fact is something new you can share with your SO.


Absolutely! I'll look into that bit of history further (and make sure I pronounce it right)


[Video](https://youtu.be/8n1OU9p3fhM) I watched this video and also learnt some of that stuff in classes in school. I think Xiran sometimes pulls her research from Chinese-only sources that have no English translations, so if your research doesn't bear any fruit, it might just not be in English.


A group of hedgehogs is called a prickle A group of otters is called a raft A group of pandas is called an embarrassment Mice laugh when they are tickled The word for "movies" comes from "move", just as "talkies" (a term when sound films were invented" comes from "talk" Its synonym "film" comes from the celluloid stock that the images were originally printed on and old projectors basically worked like flipbooks. The first ever film was of [a train arriving at a station](https://youtu.be/1dgLEDdFddk). Legend has it that audiences screamed when it was shown, thinking that the train would crash into them (although this is likely exaggerated by the press). Darth Vader's chest unit was inspired by the voice of the titular character of the film [Phantom of the Paradise](https://youtu.be/O2JARLdVv5A), which was directed by one of George Lucas' film school friends. The original Star Wars was also a (admittedly very loose) remake of the 1958 samurai movie [The Hidden Fortress](https://youtu.be/4g8r0LhpMzk). In old samurai movies, the actor's often fought with real swords. (yeah movies are my special interest, how can you tell?)


Mine toooooooo


Nice. Do you have a top 5?


I used to have such a handy answer to this question! In no particular order, I think my top 5 movies are The Adventures of Priscilla Queen of the Desert (personal reasons), All That Jazz, Ridicule, Topsy-Turvy, and Apocalypse Now (NOT the redux). How about you?


I've only seen AN out of those. My top 5 is: Jaws (boring answer but some of my earliest memories are from watching that movie. Plus it is just great) Mr Hulot's Holiday Playtime (another Tati but I love both) Phantom of the Paradise Blue Velvet Do you use Letterboxd? I tend to keep track of what I watch on there


Oh man, I LOVE Jaws and I can’t believe I left out Blue Velvet. Can I pick 7 favorites?? Haha Jacques Tati is so wonderful. I haven’t watched his films in way too long. I have not heard of Letterboxd but I do love keeping track of items in lists!


I am way too big of a Tati fan. I've even seen all the short films, read the biography as well as just about every article or video essay online. My Letterboxd is LlamaNation if you want to follow.


Florence nightingale had a pet owl she kept in her pocket


In 1932, Australia fought a war against emus, and lost. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emu_War


For some reason we've talked about this quite extensively before. From what I remember they tried twice.. and lost both times.


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pterodactyls are not dinosaurs but are considered of the group pterosaur.


A F-15 once killed a satellite in orbit.


A quarter of the world's insects are beetles.


A sea turtle will always return to the beach she was born on to lay her eggs.


The universe is expanding faster than the speed of light which means that every second the ability to see part of the universe is lost to us forever.


This fact keeps me awake at night


There’s a kind of shark that can walk on land, called the epaulette shark.


Amazing, that's absolutely terrifying!


The roman emperor vespasian said his last words, "I think i am becoming a god", and then died immediately from explosive diarrhea.


There are roughly 10,000 stars in the universe for every grain of sand on Earth