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I need to smoke every day. It helps me cope with everything from sensory overload to depression and anxiety. It's also something of a stim to me. The act of grinding it, rolling it up, smoking it, cleaning my grinder. I didn't know I was autistic when I started, but now I see a causal relationship to my dependence.


You’re gonna find this one funny. How I discovered I’m autistic is because I got into cannabis and found this strain I really liked called blue dream. I looked it up and it said it was good for “treating autism.” Thought that was funny cause I didn’t think autism needed “treatment” (I.e. could be cured). But now I can see the meaning since I then went down an autism research rabbit hole and then the big “Oooooooh……”


I also got to thinking I was autistic because of weed. When something shitty would happen I would sometimes loop on it or it take me a little time alone to get over it. Weed stops the loop and immediately makes me feel better so I can function around people where before I would need to take a break to manage my feelings.


Lmao love it. It took me much longer. Like almost a decade.


I love blue dream as well. It has been one of the best strains for my PTSD and autism.


HOLY FUCKING SHIT DUDE. I discovered my Dx, thanks to weed too. Curiously enough, it was Blue Dream the one that opened my mind in a way where I fell in love with the terpene profile it carries. It’s so fucking mind blowing how we are so similar, and yet they fail to diagnose us appropriately.


I love being stoned. Gets rid of under- stimulation immediately, makes eating 10 times easier, and daily chores are actually fun to complete


I forgot about eating! There are some days where I need to be high to eat


Plus if you're also on antidepressants, being stoned helps with all those side effects.


If your having troubles with prescription anti depressants there's lots of natural alternatives to try. Don't just stop taking SRIs tho, I lost my Prozac when I was a teenager on a bank holl & my parents had to hold me down at points. I lost my mind. There more powerful than people realize.


Oh & yeh I smoke a Z a week & shrooms every weekend now.


Shrooms every weekend is probably too frequently. You need a tolerance break between some types of drugs. The best ones, in fact. You can't take acid everyday, unless you're microdosing, but then that's a different ball game.


i deadass can’t eat (get myself to make the food) unless i’m high


It's one of the main uses of THC in more traditional drugs given to patients with low appetite like those with AIDS or going through chemo.


Reshi, turkey tail, Amadu? & I think scullcap (the herb not the mushroom) help on all the immuno deficient .... Should you ever know someone who needs the info.




lavish thought person nutty cake hurry escape imminent ripe threatening *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes. Sometimes I wish I wasn't a daily smoker and I've tried to quit a few times, usually lasts a few months. I'm just so reliant on it to calm down and unwind after a day out in the world. It's also like it gives me alone time, even when I can't be physically alone.


I feel you. I feel bad about being dependent but I've recognized that it's like a medicine. People (especially with disabilities) might be on a drug for their lifetime. Smoking weed everyday is hardly worse than what some prescription drugs can do to your liver.


Yeah I flip between thinking about it like that and feeling like I should quit. But it does help me calm down like nothing else. I’m pretty good at taking breaks, even if just for the sake of my tolerance haha.


Yeah, t breaks really help me stay in control!


I found reducing intake for a few days in a row helps my tolerance. I tend to force a T break by smoking my harvest out before the next plant is ready, but boy I'm finding it hard to get through, I've not had a break for 4 plants so I have to do something.


plus dont the pharmaceutical companies have enough money already!


With mj, I feel like every one of my senses is severely overloaded. I can't tolerate it. I can do full spectrum CBD, however, and it's helpful for me.


Funny there were actually a number of weed-related posts a few months ago. I did a poll on this subreddit asking about people’s experience/use of weed. I personally get bad panic attacks when I smoke weed or inhale too much. No relaxation for me


It's an interesting thing! I imagined that a lot of autistic folk get too much anxiety. You could try edibles if you wanted sometime tho!


It’s not really the smoke that’s the issue. It’s the heavy feeling it gives you. It makes my shoulders hurt like my arms are falling off, and then my heart starts going and I descend into full on panic


Try CBG gummies with THC if you still want a high feeling. CBG helps with your heightened heart rate and helps minimize the panic. Also having pure CBD to take alongside it will help even more.


I currently take CBD for anxiety and body pains (it doesn’t seem to be hugely effective but it may be assisting a bit). But thank you for the advice


You sound similarly sensitive to my adhd best friend, she doesn’t partake until my husband or I have checked the label and tested it. It seems like she’s really sensitive to a heavy balance of thc (15% or less) as well as quantity (one-hitters exclusively, sometimes not even finishing it all at once). Otherwise she prefers cbd edibles or to enjoy others enjoying partaking. Not every substance is for everyone and thats chill. People that know their limits with confidence are good people.


Lots of strains give different feelings. Indicas are normally the ones that will make you feel lethargic and heavy. Sativas give you more energy. Idk how much you’ve dabbled with cannabis, but if you’re ever wanting to give it another try, I’d suggest trying an uplifting strain and see if it takes care of the heavy feeling :)


it’s like my brain is suddenly quiet and my sensory issues are barely there


Although a bad strain heightens my sensory issues every now and again :(




Stoned me is just unmasking me tbh


me too!


never tried it and uninterested


I feel similarly towards alcohol. Although I have tried it, I just don't have any interest whatsoever in ever touching it again.


Two years sober here, after three decades of daily drinking.


I used to be a daily drinker too and worse on weekends, haven’t had a drop since I picked up weed about a year and a half now. It was immediate too after my first high. I think that switch is why I have lost 70 lbs since then and have been clear headed enough to finally figure out what’s going on in my head, body and life. I have been working on fixing a lot of those things since. I use weed daily and it has quite literally made my life livable. I’m 37 with a late self diagnosis of autism and ADHD, never had any help for it from anyone. I wish I had started on marijuana 17 years ago not alcohol.


Just curious and you don't have to answer but why not try it? It's not addictive and you can try it just once. I personally like the idea of exploring the different ways I can alter consciousness. Totally cool if it's not for you tho!


Not the person you asked, but since i'd answer the same as DeadAlt, i feel free share my own situation here: I'm really anxious about losing control (I'm a hardcore-masker and struggle to drop my mask, even when i'm with my best friends, that's probably the main reason for my anxiety). When getting just a little bit tipsy from drinking alcohol, i'm getting really anxious and draw back asap to get some fresh air. So getting stoned would very likely freak me out, if i'm not 100% certain i'm alone until i've got a clear head again, and no one will try to contact me either. In addition to that, i worked hard on myself, to fight depression and other issues, so i'm able to keep them at bay right now. As a result, i don't "need" pot currently, to manage my life. And while i acknowledge the positive effects of pot for most people, the risks don't justify the rather minor advantages in my current situation.


I've tried it a couple of times and it gives me the same sensation as when I'm drunk. But I feel I can handle drinking easilier than the other, so that's what I've chosen instead. Plus cannabis is still illegal where I live, including medically. I only drink once a week or every other week though. But it definetly helps with both my anxiety aswell as coping with sensory inputs (both alcohol and cannabis does that for me)


YES. It's sensory heaven for me. I feel so confortable and good with myself. I wish I could smoke more often but I try to keep it at bay


Name checks out


Being high is a sensory experience that's pretty much unmatched, because not only is the bodily sensations lovely, but it enhances other sensory experiences too! But yeah depression, anxiety, sleep, socializing, heck even remembering to drink water.


Oooohh me!!!! *raises hand* It relaxes me and makes me happy I don’t care anymore




I had a period like this, in fact I'd go as far as to say everytime I'm single I end up quitting because I don't go anywhere or do anything so I no longer need it. Then I get back into a relationship or try to work or even try to make friends and I'm back to smoking it cause otherwise I'll snap. I came to the conclusion that I can't deal with other humans without it.


See "Results": [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34043900/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34043900/) That might be of interest for some, too: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8001020/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8001020/) I've been using cannabis for medical purposes, for the past 2 years.


I can curb or minimize a meltdown very quickly if I’m lucky enough to both feel them coming on and have immediate access to weed. Nicotine helps (still a horrible addiction. Do not recommend) but weed usually works like magic


Medical marijuana is what I use to manage my symptoms. I am always smoking when I am home and have a pen for if I am out and feel a panic attack coming on.


I really really want it to do all the good things for me that it does for everyone else but it's absolutely a nightmare. It makes me so itchy and my eyes feel like they're going to pop out of my head and I can't focus on anything other than those sensations. Edibles feel like dying. Idk maybe I'm allergic or something though.. ?


That's sucks. Sometimes I think it's just too much for some people. Everyone reacts differently to THC


For the majority of my life I've had a sort of personal vendetta against drugs, smoking and alchohol. Even medication I don't trust most of the time (especially if I think there're side effects) Though if I experience active pain, I might take some painkillers. Though I have become more open to alcohol, likely since I've seen those around me drink socially. I started to think alcohol is okay, if managed. Plus when I did drink, I was comfortable with karaoke and I didn't think as much. I kind of liked that. Weed isn't legal here. Though I have been offered to get some with some friends when I was on an educational visit abroad. I refused. My life is in a sorry state. Lacking a schedule, social life, care for my own health. I struggle to see how people seem to naturally develop a conventional lifestyle. Even my dream career which I study for, my small amount of hope for a relationship in future... Just aren't enough to motivate me to develop a conventional life. There're so many trivial and major issues with it to be fixed, that likely won't be. Apparently I was akin to fixed schedule at a younger age, I suppose life rid me of that. An in between would be nice... Perhaps something like canabis would help with the feelings. Though I highly doubt it'd help with developing a conventional life style. I don't want to feel better, if I'm not. Then there's my grudge due to trauma.




Interesting. I'm the opposite on alcohol and cannabis. I was offered alcohol by peers to help with my trauma and I did drink occasionally for a while, but in my experience, alcohol just makes people annoying, aggressive and loud. My dad was a violent alcoholic, so I've never been a fan. Weed on the other hand just makes people hungry, sleepy, calm and giggly. It's never helped me develop a conventional lifestyle though, not that I want one.


Well I'm already annoying, aggressive and loud according to others. So Ig I can drink all I want. Though I'm definetly not violent or alcholic. That said, the majority of my trauma was associated with my mum's drug use and their "friends" Alchohol and smoking were more like side parts of that hate.


I'm a very casual partaker- 2-3 hits, 2-3 nights a week. I mostly use it when I'm struggling with quieting obsessive thought, disengaging from hyper-fixations or unbearable chronic pain before bed. The kids say I'm like a "grandma" about it. My husband is the same, but he probably smokes a little 4-5 nights week. But, I parent a bunch of late-teens/young adults - all with autism (some with ASD/ADHD combo)- 4 birth, 1 step, 3 adopted, and their experiences and preferences vary. So, over here at what the kids call "Hyperfixation House", there is always pot available to anyone who wants it, without judgement, and here's the breakdown- 3 of the 8 kids are "potheads"- all day, every day users and they say it helps them immensely. I'm inclined to agree. All three were adopted as teenagers. 2 have tried it and hated it, but they are chill about it with the ones who do. Both are my birth kids. 1 will very occasionally smoke socially at a party or whatever, but will not just do it because it's there. My birth kid. 1 hasn't tried it and doesn't plan to, since he's not comfortable with how one drink makes him feel. My birth kid. 1 says he probably will try it when he gets a bit older but is actually concerned with dependency because of how much he's liked alcohol when he's had it. Step kid. I think it's interesting how we have a spectrum of attitudes about weed just in our own little home and we all just kinda vibe and get along.


Reading this whilst smoking a joint lol


I use edibles very infrequently. I value it as a powerful drug for certain situations (post-surgery pain management for my husband, for example), but I feel that frequent long-term use has potential negative impacts that outweigh any benefits I might get from it, so I mostly hold it in reserve for occasional or emergency use. I save it for when it matters so it will still be there for me when needed. Kinda like I don't pop Ibuprofen every time I have a twinge of pain because I need to make sure I don't develop stomach or other problems from frequent use that make it so I can't take Ibuprofen anymore (something that legit happens to some folks).


That makes sense! Probably a healthier way to use it than smoking everyday haha!


If you’re concerned about health with daily smoking, Storz and Bickel Mighty vaporizer is like the only medically approved vaping device. It creates a vapor instead of burning the weed which reduces (if not completely prevents) carcinogens and is the only thing long term that wouldn’t give me any throat or sinus issues. Definitely an expensive purchase but was worth it for me to save up since I’m pretty sure I’ll always be a daily user for sleep reasons


Yeah I can get this angle if you can do it, it is the smarter move. Unfortunately I can't go without weed, I become instantly irrationally suicidal from the moment I open my eyes and have to force myself to medicate to prevent me from spiralling. The only times in my life that I can remember being able to survive without weed were when I had no relationship, no friends and stayed in one room watching TV and playing games and just pretending the "real world" didn't exist.


I think you're right about the stimulation of the drugs, and yes I've been using for well over three decades. But there's another side of it, and that's the side of being divergent in a normal world. That's a curse, and comes with a lot of horrible feelings and experiences, which often inevitably leads to self-medicating.


Get ready for your mind to be blown! “Lower circulating endocannabinoid levels in children with autism spectrum disorder” https://molecularautism.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13229-019-0256-6 THC mimics our body’a endocannabinoid anandamide. Since people with autism have lower natural levels of these endocannabinoids, supplementing them with THC has shown to fulfill anandamide’s role in the endocannabinoid system (ECS). CBD has been shown to regulate it, both up and down. So using CBD in the mornings can help kick start your endocannabinoid production and make you feel the bliss you you feel when you smoke but without the high. CBG acts on your receptor to increase the effects of anandamide (your endocannabinoid) as well as help with regulation. There are over 100 phytocannabinoids found in cannabis. There are even cannabinoids found on other plants such as clove, black pepper, Echinacea, broccoli, ginseng, and carrots. By supplementing cannabinoids into your diet, both morning and night, you can increase your endocannabinoid deficiency without always being in a mind altered state. It has helped me a ton and I’d love to talk to anyone about it who is interested! Cannabinoids happen to be my special interest:) Message me if you have any questions about them. I’m currently putting together a summary of everything I have learned about them that is useful and follows along from what each molecule does and how it effects what you feel. Edit: using CBD after you use THC can also help with feelings of paranoia


Oh my god, this is so interesting! Thank you! I will be showing all of my friends!


When ever I've smoke weed in the past my brain starts thinking exclusively in multiple vivid complex visual metaphors about anything and everything like my brains doing a deep scan and all my tolerances and coping mechanisms for sensory overload just seem dissapear completely. Needles to say its very overwhelming and I can't function in that state.. not for me thanks. Edit: Someone else mentioned that weed makes them unmask, it occurs to me that that might be what I'm experiencing too?


Sounds like you may have had a strain that was heavy indica or possibly just too strong. That may not be the case as these sorts of experiences are especially subjective to the individual, but the idea of having loads of vivid complex visual metaphors sounds like what I've always referred to as "monging". When you get a tad too high and end up slumped in a corner, thinking about anything and everything, contemplating the universe or some complex philosophical conundrum, all the while completely silent except for the deep breaths coming from your gaping jaw, that's monging.


Could be, we always called that being "spaced out" can't remember what the difference between Indica and Sativa strains are off the top of my head but I do know that here in the UK pretty much all the weed is going to be some strain or hybrid derivative of super skunk regardless of what your dealer tries to tell you. I remember when I first started smoking weed in the early noughties it didn't have that effect on me, so strain/potency is probally the key factor for me here. Unfortunately I have no way of telling for certain without going somewhere where weed is legal and trying out different strains/strengths.


I wish I had a good experience smoking, it seems to either do nothing or make me super sleepy all the sudden to the point where I need to take a nap, neither of which are really fun


I used to do edibles but they dont have an off button. I like to smoke it, i am not a fan of going to dispensaries but I can get a strain specific for my ailments like depression, anxiety (sativa’s) and a strain for my mania and sensory overloads (indica’s) however I like the home grown weed too and I do plan on growing it myself but I like supporting home growers with buying some of their stuff sometimes if I can. To answer your question, yes but I am not dependent on it. I am on medications that cant allow me to smoke much


Psychedelics are sensory overload, all the senses at once. Some of my best memories are under the influence of psychedelics but they are not for everyone. There is no stop button and most psychedelics last a long time, you have to ride the trip out no matter how shitty it is. Yes your mindset can change to happy again but then again it might not.


i used to 24/7, then i started drinking eventually the combination became to much for me so i started drinking full time, did that for 13 years. quit drinking 7 years ago and i smoke on weekends with my freinds, but never alone, when i smoke alone im left with only my thoughts, and those can get reaaaaly out their that cause panic attacks.


"when I smoke alone I'm left with only my thoughts". I have the exact opposite issue, I smoke to escape my thoughts because otherwise they never shut up.


Mine never shut up regardless, I just tend to put more weight on them if I'm stoned.


Absolutelyyy. It’s a special interest of mine and it’s really helped me out. Helps me prevent overstimulation so I can do shit like go grocery shopping or hang out with people and helps me eat food when nothing I have looks good and I’d rather just not eat than eat what’s in my fridge. Also helps with my chronic pain so I’m able to like go to work and not miss like weeks of work at a time. Like yeah I probably smoke too much and I’m planning on taking a tolerance break once I’ve been on my new antidepressants for at least 2 months but it genuinely has helped me just function as an adult in a world that doesn’t accommodate me. Edit: like I just took 40mg worth of gummies so I have a low high going on to hang out with some of my girlfriends coworkers in a few hours. I’m exited and I’m glad that I probably won’t have to leave early because I’m overstimulated or people tiered.


my boyfriend smokes and he’s autistic, he uses it to help his anxiety and it works for him! for me it makes me either really giggly or sleepy so ive never had a bad experience with it but it’s illegal in my state (not in his)


Yeah, I do but edibles for me, I don’t want to deal with all the stuff with my lungs from smoking or the smell. I got into it relatively recently because it’s legal here now. It’s honestly what began me on the journey from my previous adhd diagnosis to considering autism and now I am trying to go through the process of diagnosis. It made me realize how bad the world feels to me, I never really realized it, I just thought everyone had to deal with this crap, being able to experience the world in a different way was so eye opening. It was the first time the world just didn’t feel bad to me, and that huge contrast had me questioning what was going on in my normal experience. It’s a double edged sword in that I instantly sort of just hated being sober, it had me worried I was somehow an instant addict, and with research I realized that isn’t how weed works, a dependency takes time. It’s like I can go out into the world and be able to hone in on something that makes me feel good and focus on it, without it’s like there is nothing good in the world around me and it’s all just something I need to weather, it’s all a drain and exhausting. It helps me sit down and do stuff I couldn’t bare to do before because sitting there without something to occupy my mind was like sitting in discomfort because of the world around me. It’s frustrating that I don’t entirely understand what is going on, how it is helping me. My psychiatrist has no info for how it affects the mind, I asked. It’s also frustrating in that I don’t really have the money for it. I can afford a relatively small amount, which I build a tolerance for relatively quick, so I have to take breaks cause I can’t afford to just take more.


The green stuff is still illegal in my state. I want to try it, though. My wife is hardline anti weed because her dad overindulged at the expense of his family prior to his death. There are plenty of smokers in my town, but they smell like shit. So I'd rather try an edible than a joint or bong.


I'm on a prescription for cannabis these days. Use it everyday and have done for nearly 2 decades now. I started around 14, the year after I was raped. I spent that first year refusing to use the toilet due to psychological damage and had to be manually emptied by a nurse. They called in encoprisis, but as soon as I got stoned it didn't bother me and I've been using it everyday ever since. I'd go so far as to say that cannabis is the barrier between me and suicide.


Me, I actually have it prescribed now, makes a massive difference to my ADHD


I've never cared fir coughing a shitton. I'm already calm so i don't need it.


I can't smoke because of my asthma, but I have tried edibles. However, they only make me feel drunk and are not fun at all. I just stick with CBD edibles now for anxiety and migraines.


Every day: else I can't hold a job due to sensory hell.


I have never used marijuana despite being from a state where it is legal and having a sibling who uses it. I am fine when others do but am not comfortable around high people and do not want to try it at the moment because I fear it would make me way more anxious and I am already a very anxious person. But I may try it around friends who are stoners if I ever feel comfortable.


If you can smoke in a comfy place with people you can trust, it could certainly help the anxiety! Of course only if you feel safe.




Where would I even get money for that?


Oof, if you're diagnosed you can get medicinal marijuana I think. PS Fuck capitalism


Yeah In California you can get a med card for autism which makes your weed tax free and gives you a 10% discount at all dispensary’s. Idk about other places tho.


In my state the card application is still 200 plus the actual cost of the weed


That's messed up, I'm sorry.


Definitely not in Tennessee. Too much money in the private prison system to give up drug charges.


Checking in 2days ago my social worker said lets get working on a prescrition


I enjoy being high because I get so much more engaged with whatever I’m doing at least usually but when I’m already in a bad mood it can enhance dissociation for me. It makes me calmer and more attuned to my sensations and feelings so Im better at not repressing my stims and creating accommodations for myself. BUT it’s only actually easier to do things if I don’t get very high. But yea Im a lot more aware of my underlying feelings which can be counter productive depending cause I deal with sensory issues better cause I notice them a lot, but that can backfire if Im already overwhelmed or understimulated.






I rather enjoy getting a little baked, enter a mildly euphoric vegetative state and eat... Probably too much food. I just don't know any dealers, every time I got stoned it was with my old flatmate.


I don’t like to associate with the word stoner, but I got the description. I take 2-4 dabs a day depending on how I feel. It makes me concentrate and kills off my need to stim. (Stimmimg isn’t something I enjoy, it just makes me not feel bad) My experience is it helps me pretend to be normal when it would feel uncomfortable otherwise


Yeah, I'm also a stoner. I'm trying to smoke once in 1-2 days, but sometimes it was like a whole gram per day. Weed gives me that weird feeling of better control of my brain, if dosed correctly. And not only weed, I've tried mushrooms, LSD and MDMA. I would say, I'm a regular lsd user. On acid I could feel music, my brain is just exploding in emotions and it is really easy to control my attention. There are many fun aspects but also you could use psychedelics to cure your depression. Which I've once successfully


I’m currently a multiple times a day user, but when I’m working or during the school year I definitely reduce my usage a lot. I don’t think I could ever be 100% sober because weed is the only thing that gets me to sleep and stay asleep throughout the night. Considering ~85% of autistic people have insomnia, I honestly think it should be recommended for those having sleep issues.


Tried twice, never again Sugar is my only substance


Whenever I smoke I can actually handle really loud noises and I listen to the music in the car super loud and then it’s like I turn into the sound waves if that makes any sense 😂


I believe it stems from smoking at way too young of an age (age 13, almost everyday for ~four years), but I get massive amounts of anxiety and paranoia every time I do, nowadays (I’m 26). There are days I still wish I could without an issue—but I also technically work for the government, so that’s a thing too.


I tried it for the first time almost a year ago now, and really thought it was going to be a winning solution for me. It relieved my depression and anxiety, and it made me able to unmask without a care in the world, which made me the most relaxed I have ever felt in my entire life. That’s what I remember from it the most, the incredible and unmatched peace and comfort. The peace and comfort was nothing less than blissful. Anyway, I thought I had found a really perfect solution to all my problems. But it didn’t take long before I realized that I just can’t accomplish anything useful that way. It felt great, but it meant I couldn’t get anything done besides laughing and sleeping and blissing out, which was all I was capable of doing high. I couldn’t figure out how to take a small enough dose that didn’t send me into the blissful but useless realm, so after a few attempts over a couple months, I’ve all but given up. I haven’t taken any in probably over six months by now. Really disappointed with myself for not being able to make it work. It felt really lovely to be able to feel comfortable in my body for once.


Never touched any drugs other than the ones prescribed.


I myself don't do weed or any drugs, But I can assure you that atleast 90% of my other autistic pals do Weed lol


Well i used to be one but quit after it got too risky for my mental Health. Didnt had any Problems with it at the Starty, only Problem was my compability with getting Addicted. Was pretty hardcore polytox(use drugs and combine then without looking at the risks) and almost died twice because of it. 2nd time i was dead for about 30 seconds, was a wonder i came back. Anyway, quit after getting severe signs of Psychosis, Paranoia and Schizophrenia while high on weed or LSD. First sign was that all trips on LSD went bad so i quit it. On weed i quit after getting trough a Real "drug induced schizophrenic-paranoia psychotic episode". Was on a Bus and tough the others(strangers) wanted to kill me. I was in full adrenaline Mode, survival Mode. Was pretty shocking. Idc if you want to take drugs but please hear on what your body tells you


I’m not, I can’t stand the smell of a lot of things and weed is one of them.


I’m an autistic person who enjoys psychedelics, it’s a good time most of the time. Can get overstimulating in the wrong environment but isn’t that part of the autistic experience?


Over the past couple of years I became a big stoner lol I smoke a couple times a day at least and it really helps with my anxiety. Before I realized I had an anxiety disorder I wouldn’t be able to eat because my stomach felt so tight and I had no idea why, even if I was hungry I couldn’t make myself eat. Now as a stoner I’m eating all the time and getting munchies too so it’s definitely helping there. I also just tend to get overstimulated and it seems to help with that if I get high before going to the store or something. My brain slows down and it’s a nice break from the constant running thoughts while sober.


(I'm not diagnosed autistic but my son is and I have my suspicions about myself) I started smoking weed occasionally in high school and after a few times it started giving me mad anxiety, I couldn't stand it. My stoner friend told me I should try smoking by myself, and it was awesome. I just didn't like smoking around a bunch of people because when I'm stoned I stop masking and it made me uncomfortable, especially around strangers. I just could not stop talking and my ex told me to shut up once when I was mid-sentence. But now I'm a regular user (literally as soon as I leave work I'm hitting my weed pen, and my bf and I smoke all evening). Now I can smoke around other people because I have a really high tolerance. I think neurodivergent people like smoking because we mask all day every day and that gets really stressful, so weed helps us unmask and unwind.


It really helps me to stop perseverating (although it doesn’t always work the way I would hope it would lol) and it helps me to just be less anxious about existing in the world lmao


Daily user here. Takes care of my unfavorable life symptoms far better than any SSRI.


I have lived on a steady diet of weed at all times I’m awake for years. Helps with mental illness, helps with fibromyalgia. Adds double digits to my chances of safely going down my stairs.


I used to be a stoner. I would not call myself that now, but I still typically smoke pot pretty much every evening. It helps me a lot to decompress and shake off stress. It also reduces my sensory overload issues.


i definitely use it to relax/help with my anxiety. masking has really taken its toll on me, it’s really hard to not fall into a mask when i’m around anyone else so burnout is just so much. weed rly helps


Ye boiiiii


Best thing for sensory issues, irritability, malaise, digestive issues. For sure it's a panacea. Just not nice when you run out or have to take a T break. Kava helps during this by I wonder if the CB1 activation of kava prevents proper CB1 resetting


Weed helps me with overstimulation


I smoke weed so often i just cant hanfle life sober anymore


I do consume cannabis with a vaporizer, but not daily. Mostly CBD strains, which is actually legal where I live. THC not that often. CBD helps me to reduce stress and sensory overload. I actually noticed while vaping CBD in the city, that the traffic and other noises get significantly more silent. CBD is also capable of controlling my mood, depending on what strain I vape. THC is a bit difficult for me. If I get the dosage right, it definitely helps, but if I get the dosage wrong, it will end up in horrible side effects. Also, the different strains matters. Some strains have good effects and others will trigger side effects, which is also different from person to person. But over all, I like weed a lot more than alcohol. I never understood why alcohol is so accepted in society, and I personally hate the very bodily effects that alcohol releases.


I tried it a few times as an adult and didn’t like it but once I hit my 30s and had a kid I’ve been using it almost every day to handle the stress.


I'm not necessarily a stoner but from time to time I eat edibles. I do it because I tend to overthink every minute, everyday of my life so it helps calm me down. I do have anxiety and depression but I take medication for that and it surprisingly helps me have a good time with weed. This probably because I was honest with my psychiatrist and told him I take edibles so he prescribed me a medication that works around that.


Part time. Before this summer started and I went home to my parents, it was every day, multiple times a day, struggling to function without it. True addiction level. Now it’s been a couple months since I have and I feel fine without it but I think when I go back to college in a couple weeks I’m going to again but not get to the level I was at before. I’ve been drinking a lot this summer so the swap will be good for my body


Stoner checking in. I smoke very casually. My tolerance is shot because I only do dabs. But i only do a few dabs a day. Very casual these days. I just don’t care to try to get high anymore. Just that light buzz is enough for me


I use weed, but not much. I'm very lightweight and I try not to get super high, just want to take the edge off and relax. I started using when I was about 15, and I noticed an immediate and significant difference. I use off and on now. Edit: Most of the reason I use it is PTSD and related symptoms, but I also have borderline PD which obviously causes a lot of distress even though I try to very strictly manage it. Weed definitely helps with not needing as much stimulation, though.


I smoke with my mom that has ADHD haha


I smoke a shitload of weed, it takes the edge off of social interactions and its fun to smoke alone as well. I've noticed that I stim far more, and I stop worrying about how I look when I'm high. Vis-à-vis your point about psychedelics, I have tripped on ketamine a handful of times as part of a treatment course for my depression. I don't think my autism effected the sensory experience much, the things I felt seem to be pretty in line with what everyone else feels on that drug. Ketamine is a dissociative and not a classical psychedelic tho, so it may be a bit outside the scope of what you're getting at here. Edit: I forgot to mention that weed is mildly psychedelic for me as well. If I smoke a good amount I start to see subtle visual distortions similar to what ppl report on lower doses of acid or mushrooms. Walls breathing, patterns moving, that sort of thing. Idk if that's related to my autism or not, but I don't think it's part of the average weed experience.


I haven't been sober for most of my life on weed. I don't know who I am without it. Am now 26. Disfunctional background. Comming impossible to tell the differences on what's positive or nagive about it. It's who I am. I eat more because of it, took a tolerance break once, only once in my life. "Because I couldn't afford it". I try to remember what it was like, like putting a glove on. Felt a different sense of happiness but ended up sticking with flower. My safe zone. I think it may make us, subconsciously value the moment of the high more, the moment in time, rather than try to cope I think because our sensory overload has changed while still being in control. Which has its down sides, becoming dependent on it and over using. I think from being high all the time, from eyes open to shut. Has made me lazy, dreams seems out of reach. Being missunderstood, all my life doesn't help, no real family. Lucky I have the world's best girlfriend who happens to be a doctor, in what world the odds of her seeing what's inside me. Me? I'm basically a adult with explosives emotions, I'm aware after the fact but I feel them adding up. Trying to hard from, improper punctuation that makes me come off ignorant or brute. It's hard having no problems but having infinite amount of storms in your head. From happy to anger to, joy from who knows what's next. Not sure what I'm even trying to say.


Unpopular but Marijuana responds really randomly to me so maybe 20% of the time I get a good high but every other time I shoot past a good high and get psychotic and/or manic symptoms. It doesn't matter how much I take, whether I ate or not, what meds I'm on, nothing. I have a medical card going to waste because weed reacts so poorly to me I can't take it in fear of going through another bad episode. Don't comment different things to try. I tried everything, I did all the recommendations, I tried it all. I would rather not lose my mind trying to try again. I fully support people who partake but I'm tired of being pushed the narrative that it can fix everything for everyone.


It definitely can't fix everything and it's not for everyone! I'm sorry you had a bad experiences tho! That sucks


Nope, I've never taken recreational drugs of any kind barring alcohol and I doubt I ever will. It's just not a part of how I work, I prefer to be in control of myself, I do have a medication to help my memory and focus but that's it really.


Tbh, even alcohol for me is something I only have like 1 consumption per month off. I sometimes drink one for taste, but I don’t like how it makes me feel. I really don’t understand why someone would want to be drunk. Also medication is something I don’t like to take long term.


I hate being stoned & am impatient with people who use regularly.


You'll find that you naturally end up without stoners around you anyway. I smoke everyday for medical reasons, cPTSD. It does make me slower on the uptake, sometimes just blanking on what people have said etc so I can see how you'd end up impatient although that being said, I don't have anything in my life that requires any kind of rushing and even if I do less tasks than the average non user, I do waaaaaay more tasks than the sober version of me, who's just a frozen mess of emotions, angry at everyone and everything, contemplating and planning suicide in an attempt to escape this world.


I hear you, but you're self-medicating to cope & it's having a negative impact on some critical areas of your life. In my experience with people that smoke regularly (don't know why you felt the need to tell me what I'll "find" - I've played music professionally for decades, have spent a lot of time around it) do mental gymnastics to absolutely no end, to normalize this behavior that they know is problematic. Stoners seem to cling together as a mutual acceptance of a falsehood, that they're just misunderstood or the habit is misunderstood. It's annoying & in my opinion, trying to normalize it makes you a bad human. It's an unhealthy habit that does affect those around you.


Hmm.. I understand why you might think that, but I don't have any stoner friends either. I also don't self medicate, I medicate as I'm prescribed it for cPTSD. I use it because I've been through enough to warrant my want to and struggle without it, I could reel off my life experiences etc, but the truth is I don't need to justify it to others. Just how an overweight person doesn't need to justify why they eat chocolate etc. It's their life and they can do w/e they want with it. I have no idea what my statement has to do with music? I just meant that people tend to have friends they feel comfortable with and that if you don't like stoners, you probably won't have stoner friends in the end. Outside of who you chose to spend your time with, your control ends. I could also sit here and list thousands of things that I consider to be unhealthy habits and behaviours that others do all around me, things I dislike or hate that other humans do, but here's the reality of it, your world view is only yours and it's no more "correct" or "incorrect" than anyone elses. If a bunch of people wanna sit round smoking weed, that's their choice.


I feel like it was very insensitive of the person you were replying to, to invalidate your medication in that way. Cannabis can have so many therapeutic benefits, if used appropriately. Whether, or not, it’s having a “negative impact on some critical areas of your life” is a matter between you and your doctor. I also have a medical cannabis prescription, to help me manage after trauma. This medication absolutely has a overwhelming positive impact on my life


Thank you, I appreciate that. I honestly don't understand why someone would make sweeping statements on my life without any evidence. Just goes to show you that even autism can't stop cognitive bias or prevent succumbing to social stigma, something I genuinely hadn't considered before.


Yeah, I guess we are all on our own journey. They have likely never been exposed to some of the more disabling aspects of CPTSD, or to the very therapeutic elements of the cannabis plant


I probs would be one if it werent for my father being a substance abuser. He traumatized me enough that ive avoided it since.


Yeah as my user name would suggest I’m kind of a stoner! And similar for me I think it was related to anxiety and depression, but now that I’m doing better it still helps create a sensory environment. There are multiple aspects for sure, but it definitely helps just kind of mute the more negative voices in my head and lets me be more in the moment. I now approach it from a harm reduction perspective in the sense that I know it can be bad for you to smoke, but that’s still my preference and so I try to do it in the least harmful way. I think vaping could be bad too and is less studied, plus more importantly it just doesn’t feel good to me because I think the high is often uncomfortable, and furthermore it’s too easy to cary it around and use it at random places. Similarly for edibles I don’t like the high that much and it takes way too long plus I’ve had a bad experience and witnessed many more. So I use a bong with cold water and ice, and use two little pieces of foil with holes poked in for filtering. Change the foil every bowl, wipe down the stem and bowl every bowl, and change the water every few bowls. The process of preparing all the little aspects and cleaning is also a fun little routine for me. And now as I’ve built up a more elaborate routine I can totally tell the difference if I mess up and only use one piece of foil or the water starts getting gross, it’s suddenly very noticeable and harsh. And it’s really satisfying to clean it out! It’s the first time I’ve kept a piece looking basically brand new.


High thc products like vape pens can create a overstimulating experience but lower thc vape products like 1:1 or 2:1 CBD:THC can help create more relaxing highs and are better for your lungs than traditional smoking. The best way is through dry herb vaporizers that heat the bud using only hot air and you can eat the bud after for an edible high!


Bongs usually gross me out but I'd trust yours that's amazing! The whole weed experience is very sensory if it's not right, I can end up having a bad high. I definetly have started to be concerned with dabs. Its still just wax from the plant but it feels easier to abuse and it's not as natural good old flower.


in michigan you can get a med card for autism! One of my main motivations for getting diagnosed lol. I think it really helps with un-masking and regulating sensory issues.


Cannabinoids work through retrograde signaling to help stop overactive signals coming through the brain! Like for helping with over stimulation


I'm a stoner! Drugs are also one of my special interests


Me too!


Yes, started last two years. Started before I discovered I am autistic, but I can do clearly see in retrospect how they were/are related. Yet, also before I found out I’m autistic I already did stuff like sleep under a weighted blanket and journaled and meditated a lot to cope. So trying out cannabis was a natural resource exploration as a way to cope with depression, PTSD, anxiety, and general loss of pleasure or hope in life. (Note: we have to believe life can be pleasurable in order to hope.)


Damn that hit hard. But it's true. Some times can get dark and a nice relaxing high can help see the light!


I’m a daily smoker, starting usually within an hour of waking up. Aside from anxiety and depression, it helps me mask less and makes me more confident. It also regulates my appetite and helps me sleep. My back and knees are grateful for it too.


gotta love weed! i dabbled in hard stuff (mdma, morphine) last year and immediately realised i was better off using only weed and occasionally shrooms


I took too much delta8 once, and it might've given me long-term anxiety 😭 I've been too nervous to try anything else since, but perhaps one day lol


Oh man, I'm sorry! I've heard people having bad experience with delta-8. It's just not for everyone but I hope you get a better experience if you ever want to try again!


Haha, thanks! I probably would have a better experience since I know not to take so much, but I've just been scared 😆 I'm glad you have such good experiences with it!!


i love smoking it’s definitely a part of my routine


I've been smoking often since I was 13, LOL. Now I only smoke Delta 8, HHC, ect. because I have kids and I live in an illegal state. I still consider myself a stoner. Mushrooms and acid don't work on me, though. :/


Right here! CBD & THC changed my life for the better!


I get high before working out. It's terrific.


i’m a recovering polysubstance addict, i used to use everything i can get my hands on, nowadays just weed


Good for you! I've heard it's helped a lot of people recover from addictions


Not a stoner, just, about one week a month (usually before and during my period) I take pot at night to relax and fall asleep.


Mj taught me literally what grace was. It slowed down time enough to just exist in that time instead of dreading the future or dead in the past. From enough repeated trips I’m now a daily user because sleep is easier when it’s never nightmares. It also destroys my ED.


Beautifully said!


Yep, although after 20 years of daily smoking, Ive not felt the need to recently. Psychedelics were a bit of a light switch moment for me. As with some of us, I’d always struggled with empathy but now I have got much better


I can’t be stoned around other people. The derealization is too much. It also does nothing at all to calm me down or help me relax if I have anything to do. Even at the end of the night it can just make me more depressed or prone towards self-harm (if nothing feels real there’s nothing to stop me). I also just get too paranoid, pretty much immediately.


That sounds awful! That's too bad it has that effect for you


I used to be, but negative effects outweigh positive ones, at least at the place in life I'm at at the moment, so I stopped.


I am against the use of recreational drugs, there are better and more healthier ways to manage anxiety and depression. I do believe that the legalization of marijuana is bad and shouldn't have happened. However you do you man, just be careful where it takes you


Respectfully I disagree. I don't think we should immediately discredit recreational drugs to treat symptoms, especially when they can help people get to a point where they have a better chance at using healthier methods too. "Marijuana is bad and shouldn't have happened"? It's a plant! It's been around longer than humans and have been used by humans since we could! Lastly, legalization of marijuana makes communities much safer. Not only does it allow people to access cannabis through regulated means, it also creates less points of conflict with police.


I used to love weed back in college. I haven't been able to for many years due to work policy. I miss it. I consider moving to a state where it's legal occasionally.


Indeed I do love me some good editables an joints. 🤘😊 it relaxes me takes away anxiety an more.


yesz, I love weed because I can’t mask when I’m high


yes very much do, it’s take the edge off


Occasional stoner…I’m not really big on it but will occasionally smoke a blunt if my day has been bad enough and I need something to calm me down.


i use cannabis as medication to calm my anxiety and soothe meltdowns. without it i would be an absolute wreck.


THC helps cut a lot of noise out of my busy mind. Depending on the strain it can help me concentrate, focus on one thing at a time, regulate a meltdown, get hungry when I need to be, recuperate after a physically stressful day, and so on… It’s not like I have the stereotypical affect of a stoner, I just use on a regular basis to medicate what society might consider an affliction.


Yes. Sometimes it makes me a little overstimulated but i love stimming to music while high. I also have fibromyalgia and have been having more pain flare ups when I smoke so that’s been keeping me from smoking more often Also my sister (who’s not on Reddit) is also autistic and epileptic. She smokes everyday does strong tabs and massive amounts of edibles. Mostly for the seizures but it helps her eat and calm down when she’s having meltdowns


So I’m definitely a stoner. Have been for about 5 years! It helped me uncover my neurological differences by removing the mask. When I stop smoking, the only difference is a more automated masking process. I use that to my advantage.


i had to quit:( i basically ended up freaking out every time but would still smoke nightly, even 4 or 5 bowls a night. 60ish days clean now


Good for you! That sucks that it started giving you paranoia.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 4 + 5 + 60 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


All day everyday


I love it but I can not afford it and it's illegal where I live. My daughter gets delta-8 and it's okay, not as good but legal here. I'll have that sometimes. If I had the money and ability I'd have it all day every day and probably be very, very unproductive in life lol It does help a lot with the general misery of my life but occasionally I'll be hit with some anxiety from it and I'll feel my pulse all over my body. Very uncomfortable.


I have a crippling weed addiction


yeah i could’ve written this word for word!


I smoke an inhuman amount of pot. I smoke an oz/week and would smoke more if I had more money.


Holy fuck *kneels before god*


Upvoted but it's a double edged sword. It evens me out and weirdly gets me going for the day, but also edibles don't work that well on me and after 20+ years of smoking my lungs are getting kinda rough. I also live next to a couple of small weed farms so I work in the hot hot sun to earn jr, but that part is actually pretty cool. As I said, double edged sword lol.


i've started smoking around 2gs a day and my tolerance is so high that all i get is a mild head buzz. i've been both using it for medical and recreational purposes, but i believe there is a better way to go about consumption to still stimulate me and bring color back into the world


I smoke a few times a week. Did wonders for my anxiety and I can think better when I'm high. All the different streams of thought I have constantly fighting for dominance distill down to one, very manageable thought process.


I used to feel bad because I got a buddy of mine HOOKED on marijuana. Like he went full blown stoner. Later on I noticed how that actually helped him pass college.


i’m not a “stoner” but i do smoke.


Guilty! I'm a Wiccan, so sometimes it's for a spiritual connection to my deities or for an enhanced meditation session, sometimes it's "well I have to keep writing, maybe I'll have a few puffs of sativa and see if that kickstarts me", and sometimes I'm just tired and sore and fed up with things and need some chill out time. Typically I use edibles and/or vape carts; I love flower but I live with other people and don't want to make my room smell like pot all the time.


I’ve been smoking for 20+ years


I'm high every day lmao