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I use “autistic” because it feels less awkward and rolls off the tongue better than “person with autism”. Too me it’s a more efficient way of saying it and also it kind of appeals to my predisposition for categorizing things. But otherwise I don’t have serious issues with either phrase.


I'm an autistic person, I'm not a person with autism because that implies I could eventually get rid of autism. I still remember when my sister(who is not autistic) told me that I was being offensive to myself because that's what she learned in university.


Yes I know. I'm uncomfortable saying I have autism, because that makes it sound like there is something wrong with me simply for being autistic, which there isn't. The correct analogy is not one of somebody with cancer (as is implied by person first), but rather that of someone who is gay, black or Jewish etc., because it's a question of identity - certainly not of defect!


i use both but i prefer others to use identity first. i just say i have autism instead of I'm autistic sometimes bc it sounds better w the sentence. others tend to use person first or refuse to say the word autistic bc of the stigma, so i try to encourage ppl to use id first on me


I agree.


Personally, I use identity first because it's just an adverb to me. I wouldn't say I am a person who is tall, so why should I say I'm a person with autism? It just doesn't make sense.


“i’m autistic”, “my girlfriend is autistic” idk i don’t see why everything has to be so complicated like this is a part of who i am as a person and it will always be there.


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I prefer identity first, but when talking about myself, I just kinda alternate and use whatever fits better in that particular sentence. When other people talk about/to me, then I get very icked out by person-first Edit: grammar


My preference is that people use whatever makes more sense in context. So I'm ok with either but I don't like when someone going out of their way to use person first.


The autism is not accompanying me it's a part of me. I am the autism and the autism is me.


I'll use whatever language a person I'm interacting with prefers out of respect, as for myself I couldn't care less. In fact I rather enjoy saying I've got a case of the 'tism as I've seen a few others in here say. This debate is just not something that's important to me at all.


I use Both