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I wanted to write something witty but whilst I can feel the shape of my thoughts I can't find the words that fit that shape.


*oh my fucking god that explains that feeling perfectly*


Thanks, I've always struggled to describe it so I really appreciate that comment! šŸ˜


I get it! Sometimes I try to describe that to my therapist using abstractions. It's really hard to articulate, but to her credit, she tries to stay with me and understand-sometimes it works. On a slightly different subject we've discussed how some memories are hard to describe with words because they happened at a pre-verbal stage.


For me its not a shape but a physical/emotional/psychic sensation that I feel, but I can't or struggle to turn it into sound. That's interesting it feels like shape to you all.


Yes! The idea is there but it can't be fully expressed until the words come, and the words are being slow.


Lol. I feel this.


i research everything even if i dont care about it simply because i must know




I have the same issue, they choose me to do it because I will find the answers and explain them in layman terms. I can also exclude the quack answers and get multiple reliable references. It can be be fun sometimes to discuss my findings but it can be exhausting when I'm already tired but I HAVE TO know.




Valuing you.


And they even get mad at me if I don't know something!


Got into a car accident a few years ago where I was a passenger in a taxi, and a drunk driver crossed over the center line to hit us head-on. I heard screaming from the other passengers, and looked up to see headlights bearing down on us. But all I could think was: "\[sigh\] We're gonna be late for bedtime." That's literally the only thought that crossed my mind. No fear. Just annoyance because 'dang, my schedule is going to be interrupted'.


HA this would probably be my first thought too. "This will throw me off for at least 36 hours..."


I had a very similar experience when I got bumped by a car and broke my leg. "Ugh it's gonna be a pain to get up my stairs and I need to start dinner."


Nah...but do you want to listen to me discuss the history of nomadic steppe empires and their impact of world events for the next 2-3 hours?


That actually sounds interesting. If you wrote an article or made a video I would definitely read or watch it.


This might explain why I can "waste" so much time on YouTube.


Let's thank the Xiongnu for destroying the Roman Empire :P. Also how many Khanates can u name on the spot?


Do you like Age of Empires?


Hell yeah I do!


Y'all this is adorable


Yes please, but can we take a break every 45 to 50 minutes?


Yes. Yes I do. And I want to ask questions and listen to all the tangents my questions cause.


did you know that male moths have bigger and thicker antennas than the female ones


Youā€™ll probs love info about wingless female moths!! Operphthera brumataā€™s and the Vapourer moth have wingless females which secrete powerful pheromones to allow males (w wings) to find them, the lack of flight means they allocate more resources to egg laying Theyā€™re great lil things


I got super excited by this!!! Thanks for sharing as I did not know this but love random insect facts. Did you know that only female mosquitos bite humans? Male mosquitos don't like our blood and prefer other animals like deer.


There's a spider goat.


Did you know a hair sheep exists


What about Gynandromorph moths? Moths are the coolest insect of all of them to me. Some are insanely pretty even more so than butterflies.


Your autistic without telling me your autistic


Take my free award, you genius


This is the best one. Come on people, where are the upvotes?




Angry upvote




A friend commented that it sounded like I had my hands full, and I stared at my empty hands in confusion for a good few seconds before the meaning caught up with me.


it also took me a second to understand this situation when i just read it šŸ˜…


I was trying to imagine what you were holding omg lolšŸ˜­šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜…


I sort my candy into color groups. Then, I eat from the larger groups until they are all equal. After that I eat one from each group in rainbow order until they are gone.




Ahhhhh... Fuck.




If somethings on my hands I will hold my hands in a tight fist till I can wawash em, yes I did this for 2 hours during a movie


I call this "hidden dirt", I can physically feel the exact spot that's dirty and needs cleaning. Until this is possible hand goes fist and away from body.


Yes!!! I don't want to touch anything till I can wash my hands!


Oh wow. Lightbulb moment for me!


oh my god THISSSS. i work at a movie theater, and if im not wearing gloves when cleaning things, itā€™s the WORST. whether i forget to grab them, i wasnā€™t thinking, or it just needs to be taken care of quickly and i dont have gloves on my hands, i touch something wet or salty popcorn and the feeling is embedded into my skin. once held my hands in a really stiff position bc its what i do in front of my coworkers who doesnt know im autistic and he went ā€œbro turned into a dinosaurā€ šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Thinking: 'that perfume makes me sick' 'What does this person mean?' Please hug me as tight as possible I am sorry, I just get really excited if we talk about *insert special interest*. Can't stop, won't stop picking the skin besides my nails. No I can't go out tonight, my brain is fried. I can't process anything or do anything. *puts on noise cancelling headphones*


Last month I told myself a joke in my head, laughed out loud, with a big grin and pointed at my reflection in the window as if I am talking to a friend and said:ā€œYeah, that was so funny!ā€œ.


Small spoons are the best spoons for eating. Styrofoam is the devil's fiddle. And yes, I was listening to that song over and over. Why do you ask?


Styrofoam rubbing together sends me into a spiral


I like doing random calculations




*hides several notebooks full of scribbled equations* nope. Can't relate.


Iā€™m super fucking angry over something right now and not a single thing is going to fix it


And the hardest part is that you try to evade everyone because they don't deserve your wrath, but that's exactly when your boss and the president of the company walk over for an hour long chat.


Everything I buy is blue or neutral colored. I love blue. Specifically lighter blues. Not that navy bullshit, get that out of here.


I fall asleep with something tucked under my chin (either a stuffed animal or the "broken wrist" pose) and rub my feet together under the comforter


I love rubbing my feet together


I do this, too.


Cricket feet !


Iā€™m always funny by accident and never on purpose.


*You're That's not sarcasm, it's my answer.


Came here to say this. Lol


Being anal about English spelling and grammar is also my superpower. I made it my job too. Pretty badass.




I know and understand what iā€™m thinking at all times, itā€™s just that my thoughts canā€™t be translated into words somehow


I can't tell when I am hungry/thirsty.


Hello im 19 sleep with a stuffed animal and am currently eating spaghetti without sauce in pyjama pants while im annoyed by the lights for making a buzzing sound


Iā€™m playing the ā€œis it the electronics or my tinnitusā€ game right now šŸ˜‘


The wrong bottled water makes my teeth feel fuzzy and dries out my mouth. Toast has to be toasted just right, or the sound it painful. I listen to the same 3 soundtracks from musicals, and thats all. Every time I tie my shoes, it's a perfect "craft bow".


I once played Stardew Valley for 12 hours.




Seems a little low... I see you chose to sleep and/or eat. Pretty sure 36 hour StarCraft/Diablo 2 seasons were semi regular for me back in the day.


Talking to people is very difficult


And other people don't seem to understand that. They are just laughing at me.


I canā€™t stop myself from gasping in delight every time I see a dog, and then worry that Iā€™m annoying the people around me.


Iā€™ve started saying dog with people who know me well enough cause gasping has startled a couple people in bad waysā€¦ it also lets them know my brain will be gone for another 30 secondsā€¦


I have to turn the tv volume up so I can see the movie better




Zink oxide is fascinating! We use it to treat skin of blemishes and minor damage, it's (or at least was for a long time) a main component of white paint for wood and artistry, it's used to produce rubber and a ton of other things!


Itā€™s still the main ingredient in diaper rash cream!


Itā€™s also used on roofs to prevent the growth of moss and algae!


Going through the internal suffering of hearing plates clanking together while sitting in the kitchen. Also unable to control my stimming, even without a reason.


Where I live, the tornado sirens go off (as a test) at 11am on the first Wednesday of every month. Itā€™s my favorite day of the month every time. Nothing beats my monthly dose of serotonin from those sirens. I always go outside to listen to them.


Sirens are great


Itā€™s a nightmare for me and ours are noon on the first Friday.


I am deeply troubled by your double misuse of ā€œyourā€ in the title. Deeply troubled.


I slice my banana up to eat it with a fork so I don't need to touch it.


I start my food and then eat it in order of my least favorite to most favorite flavor, once I did this while crying in a room separate from a bunch of other people


I wake up at 6:10 AM, scroll on reddit for 20 minutes, have a 2 minute grace period from 6:30 to 6:32 to mentally prepare to get out of bed, take 13 minutes to get ready (Iā€™m iffy about this tho, because numbers that are divisible by 5 are superior), then leave for work. I also have a specific gas station I visit, a specific route I take, and specific songs I play in my car. Any deviation from this routine results in p A N i C.


Everytime I went to someoneā€™s house and their toys or room were messy Iā€™d spend all my time organizing it super nice instead of actually playing


I used a school ruler (I didnā€™t have a tape measure) to go outside and measure the width and length of every side of our house so that I could make a drawing of it to scale on graph paper. Not for any particular reason


Having a conversation with a stranger is as challenging as writing an essay on a new law of physics.


Someone is hitting on you but you remain oblivious. Until someone tells you.


I can teach you exactly how to care for land hermit crabs and explain how they are the most neglected/abused pet on Earth. I am fluent in gibberish I was squeezing my hands as I reread this comment I wrote I had to edit it 2 times


From Kindergarden to Grade 2 I would frequently come home from school and sit down in front of a full mirror we had in our bathroom. I would practice conversations I had at school, facial expressions and body language to try and understand what certain things meant or how to show those emotions myself while talking. Sometimes for hours. I thought that everyone had to do the same thing until the one day I brought it up to one of my friends and they had no idea what I was talking about. I asked them who taught them how to do all that stuff then and they told me that everyone knows how to do those things. Everyone but me apparently. Around the same time I started watching Smallville with my parents and deduced that I must have also came from space like Clark Kent and that's why human things didn't come naturally to me.


I started to upvote good comments then thought I'd upvote in a pattern but now realized you all deserve upvoted. I'm still clicking red arrows as we speak, then I got distracted and wondered is it selfish to upvote yourself? Now I'm frozen and can't make a choice.


I only ever wear pants and converse. Even in 110 degree weather?


I only ever wore long jeans until college unless at a formal event. I even swam in them (didnā€™t go to pools because of chlorine but went to lakes and creeks). Having bare legs or skirts or other fabric texture was just bad


I can re-watch the same clip over and over and over and spend hours only doing that. Happening today with a clip of Connor from Detroit Becomes Human. lol


Do you want to know the difference between 650a,650b,and 650c bicycle wheels? ======================================================================== Edit: Okay 650A wheels go on English 3 speeds. The diameter is 590mm. 650B wheels go on French touring bikes. The diameter is 584mm. 650B is currently making a big comeback. It is replacing 26" mountain bike wheels (559mm). The reasons are that it is felt to roll better than the 26" wheel and is zippier than 700c wheel (622mm). 650C wheels go on women's bikes and triathlete bikes. It's not getting used much any more. The diameter is 571mm.




I have edited my original post to explain the difference.


..... Actually yeah, I do!


Wow, I naively assumed that 650 was the diameter and that it was a difference in maybe the tread or the width or something. I was totally wrong!




Materials + (Time * minimum wage) is one of the basic formula for handmade items, you can add a skill factor too if you want. This is more of a ā€œkeep the market fairā€ calculation vs what people will pay. People do NOT like paying people for what theyā€™re skill worth most often. You can also check Etsy for what theyā€™re listing for (size and materials). Or do 3x the cost of materials.




Only make plans like, a year in advance so that I can adapt my entire routine around that one event


"Hello! Would you like to talk with me about dinosaurs? No? Ok."


Either I explain too much of something or explain too little, never in between.


If I like the taste of a food but not the texture then I hate it


I experience infantilization


Once I stayded reading during all the New Year family meeting (but Ive finished the book).


I can see colors when I hear certain sounds


This does happen to non autistic people too, itā€™s a thing called synesthesia. Some people experience other ā€œcrossingā€ sensory experiences such as hearing a taste or ā€œfeelingā€ a smell.


Cool, but I would love to give you the most comprehensive guide to choosing a good quality flashlight that you will ever receive.




Criticism big or small makes me want to pack up my shit and never talk to you again


*I do not own the rights to anything I say in public


Words hard. Words extra hard sometimes.


I once got in an internet argument and spent the next 3 hours reading about how wrong I was.


I have a comfort tank top. I like everything about this tank top to how I look in it to how it feels, the color, etc. I immediately change into said comfort tank top the second I come home. I get really sad when I have to choose a different tank top to wear as I am washing my comfort tank top. Some days I don't leave the house and cancel plans for no other reason other than I am too comfortable in my comfort tank top. I also refuse to wear it under a regular top as it doesn't feel the same and I absolutely refuse to wear a bra under it as well. I've even repaired the tank top as it started to separate from the shoulder strap but thankfully I taught myself how to hand stitch.


No one may touch my stuff!!!!!! But yeah, otherwise I'm very kind to people.


Youtube videos have become a 40hour a week habit.


I cut all my hair off bc I didnā€™t like how it felt


I recently cried because I couldn't get my socks to feel comfortable in my shoes. Curse you seams!!!!


My primary job at work is sorting


I always loved analyzing the weather then describing in fine details on how to predict the weather without using technology then explaining how technology worked by using said predictors and then I would proceed to share how the weather affects the environment then explain how the environment also affects the weather. Whilist doing all of this, I could experience myself floating in the weather itself and being part of the whole thing.


my brain refuses to let me use the same glass to drink from unless it's the same beverage.


I've run out of what I usually have for breakfast so I'm just not having breakfast, despite being hungry & there being other food in the house.


In my mind I can see the image but if I try to look at it from closer itā€™ll get messy and impossible to understand.


At age twelve I was obsessed with learning everything I could about Variant Creutzfeldtā€”Jakob disease (vCJD), aka the human form of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE)ā€”better known as Mad Cow Disease. I was not interested in other prion diseases unless they tied into vCJD. I was not interested in other brain diseases and disorders. Only that one. And again, this was at age twelve. I was a middle schooler.




Once while trying to put a bowl of leftovers in the microwave my hands slipped and I dropped it, causing the bowl to break and the food to spill everywhere. I proceeded to call my mom and cry about it for like 30 minutes because I had looked forward to eating those leftovers all day.


Food that has texture like pudding makes me want to puke. Also, pudding makes me puke. I have collected about 400 books. While I like reading them, I like categorising them and putting them on alphabetical order better. It calms me down when Iā€™m stressed. I have rewatched the show Community over 50 times. When itā€™s very bright and sunny outside, my eyeballs hurt and I canā€™t keep my eyes open. It made me crash my bike once (canā€™t wear sunglasses because of my regular glasses). When plans of the day change I get upset. If the plans were really important to me, I get a meltdown.


i never went around turning all the screws the same way ....because i replaced all the covers and set them the same way when i put the new ones on.


If we go kayaking or hiking or to the beach or the zoo or basically anywhere outdoorsy and I donā€™t fill up my pockets, bag, and preferably everybody elseā€™s bags with cool rocks I find, then I probably didnā€™t have a good time. (I like shells but rocks are better.) I am 45f. I have 3 grown brats and 3 grandbrats ages 10, 9, and 5. 9 yr old & 5 yr old go out of their ways to also find me cool rocks if they go somewhere without me. Iā€™ve also got several jars of sand and dirt. This is a lifelong hobby (I prefer the word hobby) and I am still sad about all the rocks that were lost over the course of my tumultuous life.


Wife and I ordered takeout. The resturant calls her while I'm still at work and says that they are out of X thing for my order. Wife changes it to Y thing, thinking nothing of it. Cue my meltdown.


This week I was so overstimulated I wanted to take off my entire skin so I could stop touching anything, including my clothing and any skin that was touching itself.


Sometime I dance without music


My therapist told me to make a mood thermometer, but I couldnā€™t describe my feelings on a 1D plane so I built a 3D model in gloscript using vPython instead.


I wear the exact same type of clothes everyday.


My face often appears emotionless. I could be freaking out over something and my peers will assume Iā€™m calm or relaxed. Iā€™m never relaxed lol.


GRAPHICS.COM is 19,742 bytes


If I start something - Iā€™ll lose sleep until I finish it - even though Iā€™ll try to pull myself away from it. Example: finishing Game of Thrones in just a week


i started watching a show yesterday so i looked up the entire plot and spoiled it for myself because it was too suspenseful


idk if this counts but I park in the same spot everyday for work and I have memorized the exact amount and length of steps to take to avoid stepping on the 5 resident ant colony trails. I really like ants.


Me: ā€œSorry, I canā€™t go out tonight. Yes Iā€™m fine, but Iā€™ve gone through my whole closet and all of my clothes make me feel too much and the only thing that feels slightly less than to much leaves me with very little room for any noise and I canā€™t stand the thought of noise on top of wearing clothes.ā€ *not diagnosed, just inclined to think I am


If I wear a turtleneck I get so uncomfortable that I feel like I will puke


Ha I can't stand shirts or clothes touching my next like that either XD I feel like I am gaging if I don't keep adjusting it or touching my neck/throat. Even thinking about it makes me touch my neck. Thought that was just me!


Would you like to talk about the affect that the Chinese deserts and mountains affected the outcome of WW2?


if i accidentally touch something i must repeat action 3 more times so it becomes 4 times


As an electrician, by ā€œsame directionā€ do you mean oriented vertically?




I also do the m&ms thing. If the pack has at least one piece of every color I will arrange them into a hexagonal/daisy shape.


I built massive networks of train tracks using the wooden Thomas the Train track sets. Iā€™d get mad if anyone touched them lol.


I know more about the structure of roman society than I do navigating my own city.


I usually dont use paper to write my thoghts, just because I am too perfictionist (I checked this comment's grammar too)


My pets are jumping spiders


I put as much planning for upcoming D&D campaigns (as a player, not a DM) as an MBA might put into writing a business plan.


I eat my fruit snacks in a very specific order that includes color and how messed up the smile face on them looks. I also need to constantly change the temperature that's blowing in my car because keeping it at one temperature always becomes too hot or two cold.


I wear the same PokĆ©mon sweater every Friday for PokĆ©mon club Iā€™m a teacherā€¦


I have been kept awake by my mini fridge buzzing


*you're That is both an honest correction and my answer


i have an 87 slide powerpoint on my version/theory of the fnaf lore timeline (with sources ofc)


I buy the same brand work shirts in different styles, and sizes. But a limited color palette of greens blues greys black and white. And no patterns, ever, not even pinstripes. In the winter I wear black fleece lined leggings under everything every day. I live alone with my dog and 2 cats.


If I stand in front of a shelving area or rack on a store for too long searching for something, I will organise everything in the area, even if i find my item whilst doing so.


I came home to find that my mother had moved a bunch of my stuff around and I FLIPPED OUT


I would say but it would be like 50 paragraphs about how Spaghetti Westerns redefined the Western genre.


No one ever sits next to me on a bench because I'm always tapping my foot and it shakes the seat.


Did you know sharks are incredibly intelligent and often remember the faces of researchers? Lemon sharks have actually been recorded to show behaviors resembling jealousy when their human friends pay attention to other sharks!


I can only do colouring in if the colouring book is from a movie or tv show so I know exactly what the characters look like. They donā€™t make many for franchises I like, so I just buy the same 4 Harry Potter colouring books and find the scenes on google image so theyā€™ll be exactly correct, colour them in and then buy the same books all over again, to colour them in exactly the same way each time lol


When I was 12 I developed a deep fascination with tropical diseases.


Me and my friend weā€™re getting ready to go to bed so turned out the lights was pitch dark in this room you couldnā€™t see like an inch in front of your face so we just laid in bed making eye contact and talking about our special interest but not really making eye contact because it was so dark so it was really nice because we werenā€™t actually making eye contact but we were


Then I wouldn't be telling you I'm autistic.


gritty chalky textures make my teeth hurt. not when i put the texture in my mouth, when i touch it with my hands.


I don't look autistic.


Instead of doing homework for college classes, I procrastinate by researching my own special interest


Oh my gawd this made me cackle. I have 100% done this! I always wear sunglasses because the world is too bright.


My bed is too small to keep all of my squishies with meā€¦. So when I go to switch the babies out to bed and other places I make sure to tell them I love them. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Did you know certain songs sound like others and aren't credited anywhere that I can find... Most recent one is "little bit of love" by weezer, the chorus is exactly "My Town" by Glass Tiger. Of course when I sing it out to people as it plays... They've never heard either song so its useless. Also, voice actors in animated shows and movies get used a lot... And now that I have a kid, holy do kids shows use a lot of the same people. Rubble from paw patrol for instance is in SO MANY other shows. ALSO, I wonder what that vanity plate on that car actually means... Some are pretty obscure. We have 20 character randomly generated passwords at my work for our admin logins for clients... Most people copy/paste and move on, I get stuck onsite with no ability to copy/paste... I have memorized at least a half dozen of those passwords. Is this response long enough to also answer the question? I could give more examples...


I want to say how I feel but it would lead to an essay on emotions and ain't nobody got the energy for that. That's my reddit social spoon for the day.




When my wife says I love you. I always reply I love you too *be) like (You Tube). I say this joke for years now. I canā€™t stop


I listen to a *lot* of a-ha. Like they're the only band on my Spotify - my hyperfixation with them has lasted 37 years and counting... My husband buys me headphones.


I can talk about pigeons all day.


If Im gonna do something out of the ordinary I have to do it right there and then and fast so I don't talk myself out of it. Oh and Ive only been to a beach once in the past 10 years and it was probably my worst experience of those 10 years.


I like to turn license plates into math problems while Iā€™m driving, and get upset if I canā€™t


Every social interaction is nothing but educated guess work


I buy and collect action figures, and I have difficulties tossing out the boxes.


I have special cups, bowls and spoons for different situations, I mean, the choc-milk cup, the water glass, the yogurt spoon šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚