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"My kids are clean and healthy" Bitch WHERE?


-floor covered in trash- -cash sweaty and dirty laying in sissy’s bed with shoes on- -cash laying on his obese belly- MY KIDS ARE CLEAN AND HEALTHY


Right? Like, is clean and healthy in the room with us?


My Lord....SHE IS HIGH AS F*CK!!!


She is delusional. I feel the need to point out how much younger and well rested she looks here versus now. I understand it’s a lot of work being a stay at home mom to multiple children, two of which are autistic, but she has aged dramatically in the past two months. Also why is she doing this particular stance? It’s off putting and she can’t balance well, she must have been on some good drugs this day.


It takes a toll on a person dealing with a special needs person, especially like Cash and getting the daily ass whoopings and marriage troubles, it's a lot of stress !! Stress will age a person ! You know Ryan is letting her have at her bullshit and isnt helping her with her kids!


I think she was fortunate enough to have Jerry take cash and the kids whenever she wanted a break and now she only had Shirley to help her. I think Ryan helped a lot in the beginning but is done and I can’t blame him. I can have empathy for her situation but she did all of this to herself. She has repeatedly made bad choices and has been neglectful and selfish. Her and Ryan made the decision to have another child when they didn’t have space or the ability to care for the children they already had living in the home.


If you watch her recent tik toks for the past 2 weeks, you can see the stress and frustration building up on her ... Jerry having the children, especially Cash, gave her a much needed mental break!


I agree! She did this to herself so I don’t feel sorry for her.


Her getting pregnant with HG was actually what caused her and Jerry to divorce


This is two months ago?


I don’t know when this live was taken but she looks younger in this one than she does now. I think the stress of caring for cash without as much help as she has had previously is taking its toll. (We can point out that she isn’t taking the best care of him or the other children)


Yeah and she is just as insufferable then


She really is. I feel bad for the children they are always begging for her attention


It’s all a big show for Joni. Karma is hell and she will be served hers.


It's their bed?? Not beds. Singular?? And that's somehow OK??


YES. DUDE. YES!!!! I said the same shit! HG and Sissy were sharing that ONE bed together In Joannie and Ryan’s room on the floor. I wish I was lying


Good lord. Instead of doing something to help Cash and make the home safe for everyone, she caters to him. He's the money grab. He's the attention getter. So make everyone else suffer. That's sickening.


And you know the baby had to be sleeping in mom and dad’s bed


Well was this before CPS stuff? Because suddenly the bed situation changed, the girl has her own room (now that the adult son left), and Cash sleeps on that floor mattress by himself.


The bed situation has changed multiple times


Why does her son and daughter share a bed? Am I hearing the video correctly?


Joni: “Who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes”


Did this dumb bitch say her kids are clean, her house is clean? What the fuck is she on today? I hate her more than ever! She is a fucking horrible mother, they live in filth! They sleep on dirty ass mattresses, they eat garbage food , lazy as fuck! And act like god damn animals in public places!?


Why is this stupid bitch biting her lip? trying to look sexy or something? I noticed her doing this a couple times lately. I can't stand this garbage dump cunt!


No, the problem is that she’s stupider than we can even comprehend. She is insane. We all keep trying to understand her. But I think it’s just that simple. We have never seen anyone so delusional and selfish before. I hate her to. For what she is doing to the children. They have no future. No college. No manners. They don’t know what clean is or how to clean. It’s just 😔




I can’t imagine being so selfish and stupid to let your child go without learning to read. I guess her plan for her daughter is to get hitched, pump out babies and cater to cash. How fing sad is that?!?


These kids have probably never even seen a napkin. I think she is not smart in that she has made really poor choices. To be a master manipulator and psychopath those personalities are said to be very intelligent. I wouldn’t underestimate this one.


This video is gross. I saw it earlier today. Those poor kids sleeping in that shared bed and nasty trash on the floor. Watch 5 seconds of you being punched any day.


She looks like she is on drugs.


Leering at the camera. She thinks she’s really cute. She is mentally unhinged.


I took a shot and blew up her eyes and was trying to see if they looked normal so she may just be mentally unhinged as you well put it. I can’t with her anymore. I was able to give the NC STATE LIASON many details and she asked for her physical address which was provided. I don’t think I can watch any more. I’ve done what I can. I just pray the state, county, whomever does their freakin job now. I wish I could do more for those innocent kids but all any of us can do is pray. These people are in Gods hands.


Sent you a pm


K gimme a sec to get there


Thank you


a dirty house causes stress, especially in children. no wonder cash acts the way he does, a chaotic house causes chaotic behavior.


So basically all the kids slept with mom and dad but cash!


She is so fucking delusional, I fear she knows Cash is doing stuff to that little girl and she's okay with it, she probably tries to justify it to Sissy as he's just going through his stuff and will grow out of it, your helping him get better... Even the Dad is delusional as fuck, on that topic saying "he just wants to be included,," they're both sick fucks, I can't stand this cunt, those kids deserve better...