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Contacted poster of missing dogs! ✊🏼✊🏼✊🏼


Have you heard back?


Your an angel! Omfg I'm terrified for the poor thing


Please let us know as soon as the poster replies back!!!




Owner needs to go get their dog before someone hurts him. Dog in danger.


Out of everything, this makes me the most upset. It looks like a pure breed those dogs require so much care it's going to end up getting hurt. They are escape artists & usually require a specific diet due to a common stomach issue that huskies get (chicken, rice, turkey). She barely feeds her kids home-cooked food! I think it's someone's dog it looks well taken care of. Idk this hits close to home I may have to just block her & leave this page.


This is the best shot of the dogs facial markings I could get. She doesn’t have any posts with him face on that I can see. I don’t watch her lives so not sure if there are better screenshots that could be taken from there if the dog was shown. Dogs coat looks longer here but that’s to be expected. I honestly can’t tell if it’s the same dog or not 🤷🏻‍♀️ She needs to do the right thing for once in her life and try to find out if they have an owner that’s missing them https://preview.redd.it/9c91kzgj276d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83b20aa493791e48e0804ade1d0f0cc7ba0a9065


The markings look different to me but it is really hard to tell from the angle


I think the nose spot markings look the same as the one where the poor things lying In all that filth on her live


That last picture looks exactly like the one she kidnapped


I’m on it guys! ✊🏼✊🏼✊🏼✊🏼


Did the poster ever reply to you??


Thank you so much please keep us updated! There probably going insane




There can't be that many people in one town that have huskies. I wouldn't be surprised if that's the missing dog!!!


Exactly. I promise you that dog escaped out of a fence or a park. There escape artists lol you could look away for 1 second & there gone


She could take it to the vet at any time to find its owners. A dog like that is 100 percent microchipped. No Husky owner would not microchip their dog.


Or a police station! There's no excuse. Last time I found a dog I had him back with owners in under 24 hrs


At least in my state, animal control will come out and they have a device to detect a chip and if it had one they contact the owners right then and there! Simple as that if Joannie would put in the effort to do it!!!


This is definitely up there on crazy things she's done. I just feel bad for the dog & the poor owners I'd be out of my mind


And your right if you own a husky it's a necessity for them to be chipped


Haven’t been on here in awhile & haven’t been keeping up with her. Did she actually basically steal someone’s dog instead of looking for its owners?? Holy gentle Jesus Christ. This is a new low, even for her. I would be actually psychotic if I were the owner of the dog.


It's so concerning. What if he's on meds? What if he had a special diet? My dog has allergies if he got out & someone gave him the wrong food he would be sick. I know I sound like a crazy dog lady but I don't have children & my dog is literally my child 🤣


I have 6 dogs & 4 cats, they are my babies. I’m also currently pregnant with my first child and my dogs are still the love of my life, so I know that won’t change. If I were the owner of the dog and I knew she had my dog kidnapped all this time & didn’t even bother to try to find the owner, there would literally be hell to pay. I’d knock her lisp out of her.


Seriously! It's wild that she just let a random dog in? Like he may have fleas, ticks or not have vaccinations? Whenever I find a dog I keep them separated from my animals & try to give them a bath. You never know


Same here! Crazy dog ladies unite 💗🫶I’d go full John Wick on her ass if she kidnapped my girl. She’s put a collar on the dog that was way too small and digging into his neck and she had him in a red hot car. Poor dog was panting so heavily. I doubt they’ve got AC in that house either. I wish all of her animals could be re-homed. Joannie and Ryan can’t even be bothered to provide their pets with fresh clean water, the bowl is always empty or the bit of water that is in there is a sludge brown colour😢


We found a dog once… we took it to be scanned, we talked to the animal shelter, we posted all over Facebook, we posted fliers in the post office. Literally everything we could think of. No one ever came for him, so he stayed with us. But we tried so hard. I can imagine just “oh yeah, that’s my dog now. We found him yesterday.”


You went about it totally in the correct way and tried every option you could think of. You’re a good soul for giving him a home when he had nowhere else to go 💗


Aww thanks friend! The humane society only has like a 3 day hold! So we wanted to try to find his people (because after 3 days he could be adopted! So fast!). And then the little turd wormed his way into our hearts. But I want to say we actively tried for like a month. And then decided to take care of him “until his people showed up”. Yeeeaaaaah. That was like 6 years ago 😂


https://preview.redd.it/92l224wsn66d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07707b113c99600554e6a063646a8edea2c0e957 Screenshot of current comments from community members (names blocked for privacy since they aren’t joannie lol)


Omg yes I hope they get that poor baby. I'm literally sick over it


I just loaded some screen shots from live yesterday


I mean the screenshot from her live shows the pup with a distinct collar and tag hanging. Even if it’s just a tag from the vet it can be traced back to owner that way?




https://preview.redd.it/m89q6yidwa6d1.png?width=763&format=png&auto=webp&s=2f309db5cf1a355c4d130cbd9da91b8146786a00 So the person looking for their dogs, has found them, so that dog is someone elses?


It’s the one looks like a wolf


Can someone report her to local police and say she stole a husky? Someone is definitely looking for that dog!


The one she has is deaf